Domine o Inglês com Estas Frases Comuns e Traduções

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Aprenda Inglês com Kendry
Olá, pessoal! 👋 Se você quer **dominar o inglês** de forma rápida e eficiente, este vídeo é para v...
Video Transcript:
dad are you hungry are you hungry or something are you hungry are you hungry hungry are you hungry are you hungry are you hungry come for me can I get you something something can I get get you something to drink can I get you something to drink be screwed up Claire what are you talking can I get you something to drink can I get you something to drink uh can I get you something to drink can I get you something to drink can I call you later can I call you later can I call you
later sure can I call you later can I call you later can I call you later can I call you later can I give you a call later can I give you a call later date of birth date of birth date of birth date of birth date of birth date of birth date of birth date of birth do you make money do you have a job do you have a job no dad do you have a job do you have a job Dad do you have a job do you make money do you have a
job do you have a job do you have a job H darling your drink I said you fancy a drink fancy drink fancy a drink fancy drink Hello darling FY a drink fancy a drink fancy a drink how about a drink how about a drink how about a drink how about how about drink how about a drink how about a drink how about a drink how about a drink I'll be around I'll be around I'll be around I'll be around I'll be around I'll be around I'll be around I'll be around I'll be free I'll
be free I'll be free I'll be free I'll be free I'll be free I'll be free I'm searching I'm searching I'm searching I'm searching I'm searching searching I'm searching I'm searching I'll be back in a bit I'll be back in a bit so I'll be back in a bit be back in a bit I'll be back in a bit I'll be back in a bit I'll be back in a bit I'll be back in a bit volto and bra I'll be back shortly Captain you and I'll be back shortly I'll be back shortly yeah I'll
be back shortly I'll be back shortly I'll be back shortly I'll be back shortly I'll be back shortly volto I'll open it I'll open it all right I'll open it I'll open it I'll open it all right I'll open it I'll open it I'll be open it I'll be open itto I'm all by myself all up by I'm all by myself I'm all by myself I'm all by myself I'm all by myself I'm all by myself here by myself I'm here by myself I'm here by myself I'm here by myself here by myself I'm here
by myself I'm here by myself I'm the only only I'm the only one only only I'm the only one I'm the only one un is it difficult is what difficult it is difficult seems like is it difficult impossible it is difficult is it difficult impossible is it difficult is what difficult is it difficult is it difficult it's challenging it's a challenge um it's a challenge it's a challenge challenging it's challenging it's challenging it's challenging not working not working not working not working not working not working not working now today is a special day today a
special day today is a special day today is a special day today is a special day today is a special day today is a special day today is a special day what are you into what are you into you into what are you into what are you into what are you into what are you into what are you into what do you do for work what do you do for work what do you do for work what do you do for work wait but what do you do for work so what do you do for
work what do you do for work what do you do for work okay's your job what was your job well what's your job what's your job what's your job the thing what's your job um what's your job what's your job birthday oh what's your birthday what's your birthday Scotty what's your birthday and what's your birthday what's your birthday what's your birthday when is your anniversario so when you were born 14 wait you can't be that old when were you born when you were born when you were born born when were you born when were you
born you birthday oh what's your birthday what's your birthday Scotty what's your birthday and what's your birthday when's your birthday when's your birthday your would you like something to eat would you like something to eat would you like something to eat would you like something to eat you look like you're starving would you like something to eat would you like something to eat would you like something to eat would you like something to eat could take it easy you should take it easy you should take it easy you should take it easy you know you
should take it easy you take it easy you should take it easy you should take it easy you want anything anything to drink you want anything to drink you want anything to drink you want anything you want anything to drink you want anything to drink thanks for checking in thanks for checking in thanks for checking in thank you for checking in thanks for checking in thanks for checking in thanks for checking in thanks for checking in much that's very considerate it's very considerate that is very considerate thank you thank you that's very considerate it's very
considerate that's very considerate that's very considerate is said turn around turn around turn around turn around turn around turn around turn around turn around turn around V un unusual unusual unusual unusual unusual unusual unusual Inc what's going on what's going on with you what's going on with you what's going on with you what's going on with you what's going on with you what's going on with you what's going on with you nice you're really nice you're really nice you're really nice you're really nice you're really nice you're really nice you're really nice oh Todd you're
so thoughtful you're so thoughtful you're so thoughtful you're so thoughtful you're so thoughtful you're so thoughtful you're so thoughtful you're so thoughtful you're very sweet you're very sweet you're very sweet you're very sweet you're very sweet you're very sweet you're very sweet you're very sweet you're very sweet you're kind you're kind you're kind you're kind you're kind you're kind it is complicated it's complicated it's complicated it is complicated isn't it complicated it is complicated is it complicated is it complicated comp It's Tricky Tom It's Tricky It's Tricky Tricky It's Tricky Tom It's [Music] Tricky is
it tricky is it tricky it's tough it's tough it's tough it's tough it's tough it's tough it's tough it's tough I've lost my appetite I've lost my appetite I've lost my appetite I've lost my appetite I've lost my appetite I've lost my appetite I've lost my appetite I've lost my appetite good cuz I was concerned I was concerned I thought I was concerned I was concerned I was concerned I thought good cuz I was concerned I was concerned I was concerned I was nervous I was nervous I was nervous I was nervous I was nervous
I was nervous I was nervous I was nervous I was nervous I'm confused I'm confused I'm confused I'm conf I'm confused I'm confused I'm confused I'm confused have doing fine I'm doing fine doing fine I'm doing fine I'm doing fine I'm doing fine I'm doing fine I'm doing fine I'm doing fine it's still B how you feeling TI how are you feeling we going how are you feeling how are you feeling how you feeling how are you feeling feeling how you feeling how are you feeling how are you feeling how's everything how's everything how's everything
how's everything how's everything how's everything how's everything how's everything how's everything I don't know where I am I I don't know where I am I don't know where I am I don't know where I am I don't I I I don't know where I am I don't know where I am I don't know where I am that I look forward to that I look forward to that I look forward to that I look forward to that I look forward to that I look forward to that I look forward to that are you unwell are you
unwell are you unwell are you unwell can something right now are you unwell are you unwell disorienting disorienting disoriented disoriented disorienting disorienting disoriented disoriented disi I I'm doing okay I'm doing okay I'm great I'm doing I'm doing okay okay I'm doing okay I'm doing okay I'm doing okay okay you still being I've been expecting you I've been expecting you I've been expecting you I've been expecting you I've been expecting I've been expecting you I've been expecting you I've been expecting you I've been waiting for you I've been waiting for you I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you I've been waiting for you been waiting for you I've been waiting for you I've been waiting for you I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what thank you for your concern thank you for your concern thank you for your concern thank you for your concern thank you for your concern thank you for your concern thank you for your concern thank you for your concern all the best hold
hold all the best all the best all the best all the best all the best awesome job guys awesome job Mary awesome job ohome awesome aesome awesome job guys awesome job awesome job [Music] best of luck best of luck best of luck best of luck best of luck best of luck best of luck excellent work excellent work excellent work excellent work not at all excellent work excellent work excellent work excellent work excellent fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed they've been monitoring glad to be
of service glad to be of service glad to be of service my lady glad to be of service glad to be of service glad to be of service glad to be of service I could use some help I could use some help I could use some help well I could use some help I could use some help I could use some help I could use some help I could use some help didn't see that coming I didn't see that coming coming he was I didn't see that coming didn't see that coming I didn't see that
coming I didn't see that coming I didn't see that coming you right I I don't I don't believe so I don't believe so I don't believe I don't believe so don't believe so I don't believe I don't believe so I don't believe so you now acco I doubt it I doubt itbe come on Al I doubt it I doubt it come on Al I doubt it I doubt it I doubt it you doo I haven't seen you in ages Frank I haven't seen you in ages I haven't seen you in ages I haven't seen you
in ages haven't seen you out in ages haven't seen you in ages I haven't seen you in ages I haven't seen you in ages you I must go I must go I must go my cousin will be most an must go I must go I must go I must go PR mind I'm delighted but with all the I'm delighted I'm delightful delighted oh I'm delighted I'm delighted I'm delighted I'm delighted I'm happy to help I'm happy to help happy to help no I'm happy to help I'm happy to help no I'm happy to help help
I'm happy to help I'm happy to help I'm not so sure about that I'm not sure about that yeah not sure about that I'm not sure about that I'm not so sure about that not sure about that I'm not sure about that I'm not sure about that oh I am so surprised I'm so surprised so surprised I'm so surprised dude and I'm so surprised I'm so Sur surpris I'm so surprised I'm so surprised it's been a while it's been a while it's been a while it's been a while do it's been a while it's been
a while it's been too long it's been too long it's been too long it's been too long it's been too long it's been too long it's been too long it's been too long it's my pleasure it is my pleasure it's my pleasure pleasure it's my pleasure and it's my pleasure it's my pleasure it's my pleasure need a hand need a hand need a hand need a hand need a head need a hand need a hand need a hand need a hand we last met FL since last we met since we last met since we last
met we last met since we last met since we last met since we last met nice work nice work nice work nice work nice work nice work nice work suggestions suggestions s suggestions suggestions suggestion suggestion that doesn't seem right doesn't seem right doesn't seem right that doesn't seem right and that it doesn't seem right that doesn't seem right that doesn't seem right that doesn't seem right that's a surprise that's a surprise that's a surprise okay that's a surprise that's a surprise that's a surprise that's a surprise that's a surprise ISO a that's smart that's smart
Ah that's smart that's smart that's smart that's smart that's smart pleasure is mine the pleasure is mine the pleasure is mine the pleasure is mine the pleasure is mine the pleasure is mine the pleasure is mine the pleasure is mine what a shock what a shock oh what a shock what a shock really what a shock oh what a shock what a shock what a shock qu where's your home where is your home where's your home where is your home let where's your home where's your home Ona any questions any questions any questions any questions
any questions any questions any questions any questions can I ask you something can I ask you something can I ask you something can I ask you something can I ask you something can I ask you something something can I ask you something can I ask you something cool shirt who cool shirt cool shirt cool shirt cool shirt cool shirt cool shirt have a good sleep man have a good sleep hey you too have a good sleep have a good sleep have a good sleep have a good sleep have a good sleep how was yours how
was your big date with this how was yours how was yours how was yours how was yours how was yours how was yours I believe so I believe so I believe so I believe so I believe so I believe so I believe so I believe so it's I enjoyed it I enjoyed it I enjoy it I en enjoyed it I enjoyed it I enjoyed it I enjoyed it I enjoyed it goe I guess so I guess so I guess so I guess so I guess so I guess so I guess so I guess so I
love it I love it I love it I love I love it I love it I love it I love I love it I love it adore come look for me oh my God I love your shirt hey I love your shirt I love your shirt I love your shirt come look for me I love your shirt I love your shirt I need to ask you something I need to ask you something I need to ask you something I need to ask you something I need to ask you something k i I need to ask
you something I need to ask something I need to ask something PR suppose so I suppose so I suppose so I suppose I suppose I suppose so I suppose so I suppose so I'm into it I'm into it I'm into it I'm into it I'm into it I'm into it I'm into it I'm into it I'm into it Charlotte I I've got a question I've got a question I've got a question I've got a question I got a question I got a question I've got a question I've got a question it is done it is
done is it done is it done it's done is it done it's done it is [Music] done is it done is it done yeah is it over is over is it over it is over well it is over is it over it is over is it over is it over aabo is it ready is it ready is it ready is is it ready is it ready is it ready is it ready is it ready it's great it's great it's great it's great yummy it's great it's great it's great it's great that doesn't seem right doesn't
seem right that doesn't seem right and that doesn't seem right that doesn't seem right doesn't seem right that doesn't seem right that doesn't seem right now that seems right seems right yeah it seems right seems right that seems right yeah it seems right that seems right that seems right that's a nice shirt Mr art that's a nice shirt that's a nice shirt hey that's a nice shirt nice shirt that's a nice shirt that's a nice shirt that's a nice shirt Bonita what is this place what is this place what is this place what is this
place what is this place what is this place what is this place what is this place what is this place qua what's the address what's the address what's the address what's the address what's the address oh what's the address what's the address what's the address what's the address where are we where are where are we where are we where are we honey where are we we where we are where are we where are we where is this where where is this where is this is this where is this where is this where is this Ono
wrap it up wrap it up it up wrap it up wrap it up wrap it up wrap it up wrap it up U I can't wait any longer I can't wait any longer I can't wait any longer well I can't wait any longer can't wait any longer I can't wait any longer I can't wait any longer I can't wait any longer now I challenge you I challenge you I challenge you I challenge you I challenge you I challenge you I challenge you I challenge challenge you I didn't mean anything by it I didn't mean anything
by it I didn't mean anything by it yeah I know that's why you had I didn't mean anything I didn't mean anything by it I didn't mean anything by it I didn't mean anything by it I didn't mean anything it know I don't blame them I don't blame them I really don't blame them I don't blame them I don't blame them I don't blame them I don't blame them I don't blame them you now I don't know who you are I don't know who you are I don't know who you are I don't know who
you are I don't know who who you are I don't know who you are I don't know who you are I don't know who you are you say I knew you'd say I knew you'd say that I knew you'd say that I knew you going to say that I knew you'd say that I knew you'd say that I knew you'd say that Yia good evening ladies and gentlemen good evening ladies and gentlemen we hope you good evening ladies and gentlemen good evening ladies and gentlemen good evening ladies and gentlemen good evening ladies and gentlemen good
evening ladies and gentlemen good evening ladies and gentlemen SES happy wife happy happy wife happy happy life happy wife happy life happy wife happy life happy wife happy life happy wife happy happy wife happy life happy wife happy life yeah have fun with that have fun with that have fun with that have fun with that have fun with that have fun with that have fun with that have fun with that hey I let you down babe have I ever let you down have I ever let you down have I ever let you down I ever
let you down before hey I ever let you down have I ever let you down have I ever let you down you decep how could you do this this to me how could you do this to me how could you do this to how could you do this to me how could you do this to me how could you do this to me how could you do this to me how could you do this to me how do I get out of here how do I get out of here how do I get out of
here how do I get out of here get out of here how do I get out of here how do I get out of here how do I get out of here don't be afraid Don't Be Afraid Don't Be Afraid Don't Be Afraid Don't Be Afraid Don't Be Afraid Don't Be Afraid Don't Be Afraid now don't come any closer don't come any closer don't come any closer come any closer come any closer don't come any closer don't come any closer now say approximate so don't mess this up and don't mess this up so don't mess
this up don't mess this up don't mess this up don't mess this up don't mess this up don't mess this up now I say safe drive safe drive safe drive safe drive safe fair is fair fair is fair fair is fair fair is fair fair is fair fair is fair fair is fair fair is fair don't be mod don't be modest be modest don't be modest don't be modest don't be modest don't be modest don't be modest don't be so sensitive L don't be so sensitive oh don't be so sensitive don't be so sensitive don't
be so sensitive don't be so sensitive don't be so sensitive don't be so sensitive now don't be stupid don't be stupid don't be stupid you're talking crazy now don't be stupid don't be stupid don't be stupid don't be stupid now say sto don't be so surprised don't be surprised well don't be surprised don't be surprised don't be surprised don't be so surprised don't be surprised don't be surprised now brace yourself brace yourself brace yourself brace yourself brace yourself brace yourself brace yourself brace yourself what about I say can I talk to you for a second
talk to you for a second talk to you for a second can I talk to you for a second can talk to you for a second H talk to you for a second can I talk to you for a second can I talk to you for a second doesn't ring a bell sorry doesn't ring a bell doesn't ring a bell doesn't ring a bell doesn't ring a bell doesn't ring a bell doesn't ring a bell doesn't ring a bell now get some rest get some rest get some rest get some rest get some rest get
some rest get some rest get some rest I can't breathe I can't breathe I can't breathe breathe I can't breath I can't breathe I can't breathe promise anything I can't promise anything I I can't promise anything I can't promise anything I can't promise anything I can't promise anything I can't promise promise anything now that I like your style I like your style I like your style I like your style I like your style I like your style I like your style I really hope so I really hope so you know I really hope so I
really hope so I really hope so I really really hope so I really hope so I really hope so I want a divorce I want a divorce I want a divorce I want a divorce I want a divorce I want a divorce I want a divorce do you have a girlfriend do you have a girlfriend do you have a girlfriend do you have a girlfriend do you have a girlfriend do you have a girlfriend do you have a girlfriend do you have a girlfriend do you have feelings for me what do you have feelings for
me do you have any feelings for me do you have any feelings for me do you have feelings for me what do you have any feelings for me do you have any feelings for me you have any questions for me do you uh do you have any questions for me or do you have any questions for me do you have any questions for me do you have any questions for me do you have any questions for me do you have any questions for me do you have any questions for me do you take credit cards
visa do you take credit cards visa do you take credit cards do you take credit cards do you take credit cards V don't be sad don't be sad don't be sad don't be sad if oh don't be sad don't be sad don't be sad don't be sad now don't beat yourself up I finally got bro to don't beat yourself up don't beat yourself up don't beat yourself up don't beat yourself don't beat yourself up don't beat yourself up now say be for me don't sass me and I want to this don't sass me boy don't
sass me don't sass me don't you sass me don't sass me don't sass me don't sass me don't sass me come easy go easy come easy go easy come easy go easy come easy go easy come easy go h easy come easy go easy come easy go easy come easy go okay fil fil everybody hates me everybody hates me everybody hates me everybody hates me everybody hates me everybody hates me everybody hates me everybody hates me first come first serve first come first serve first come first serve first come first serve first come first serve
first come first served first come first served give it to me straight give it to me straight give it to me deal give it to me straight give it to me straight Professor give it to me straight give it to me straight give me another chance give me another chance give me another chance give me another chance give me another chance give me another chance give me another chance give me another chance had an accident accident had an accident had an accident had an accident had an accident had an accident had an accident s but
he couldn't do it and he couldn't do it the twin thing he couldn't do it he couldn't do that and he couldn't do it he couldn't do it he couldn't do it is it extremely dangerous extremely dangerous yeah he's armed he's extremely D did it extremely dangerous yeah he's armed he's extremely D he's extremely dangerous he's extremely dangerous La ex he's going to be fine he's going to be fine he's going to be fine he's going to be fine he's going to be fine he's going to be fine he's going to be fine he's going
to be fine how long does this [Music] last how long does this last how long does this last how long does this [Music] last h long does this last how long does this last how much is that going to cost how much is that going to cost how much is that going to cost how much is that going to cost how much is that going to cost how much cost is this going to cost me how much cost is this going to cost me big fan I'm big fan I am a big fan I'm not
you rock I am a big fan no but I am a big fan I am a big fan I'm not you rock I am a big fan I'm a big fan I am a big fan you I'm so bored I'm so bored I am so bored I am so bored I'm so bored I am so bored I am so bored I'm so bored the king you I am the king I am the king I am the king I am the king I am the king I am the king Yu I can appreciate that I can
appreciate that I can appreciate that well I can appreciate that I can appreciate that I can appreciate that I can appreciate that I can appreciate that I can do whatever I want I can do whatever I want I can do whatever I want I can do whatever I want if you I can do whatever I want I can do whatever I want I can do whatever I want I can do whatever I want quer I can't believe I'm saying this but I can't believe I'm saying this I can't believe I'm saying this I can't believe
I'm saying this I can't believe I'm saying this but I can't believe I'm saying this I can't believe I'm saying this I can't believe I'm saying this you now ISO can't believe you're saying this in the courtroom I can't believe you're saying this don't look so sh I I can't believe you're saying it's I can't believe you're saying I can't believe you're saying this I can't believe you're saying this I can't believe you're saying thisly clever idea I did it to protect you you did it to protect you second I did it to protect you
I did it to protect you I did it to protect you I did it to protect you I did it to protect you didn't mean to offend didn't mean to offend you I didn't mean to offend you didn't mean to offend I didn't mean to offend you I didn't mean to offend you I didn't mean to offend you I didn't mean to offend you you now qu they offend that's all right I I don't mind waiting Mr carile I don't mind waai I don't mind waiting I don't mind waiting I don't mind waiting I don't
mind waiting I don't mind waiting you I don't think it matters now I don't think it matters what I really don't think it matters I don't think it matters honestly lilan I don't think it really matters I don't think it matters I don't think it matters you know I don't think that's going to happen I don't think that's going to happen I don't think that's going to happen I don't think that's going to happen I don't think that's going to happen I don't think that's going to happen I don't think that's going to happen I
don't think that's going to happen uh [Music]
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