4 things women want you to do but will never tell you.

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Jessica Os
If you're sitting around waiting for a woman to tell you to do these things, you'll probably wait ar...
Video Transcript:
Now women can be really complicated beings and I admit. Yes, sometimes women don't even understand ourselves, as with pretty much every other human  being. We're constantly evolving and our needs and wants change over time.
In this video i'm  gonna be sharing with you four things women want, but will never tell you. And  so you actually need to be sensitive, paying attention to what's going on,  and pick up on subtle cues to be able to give her exactly what she needs that inadvertently will  make you happy as well, stay tuned. Welcome back, Jessica here.
I'm glad to say  that today's video is sponsored by Africa's emerging luxury watch brand, Caveman  watches. If you'd like to tell the time, all the time and in style,  get yourself a Caveman watch. [Music] [Music] [Music] Great so I'll also put the promo code in  the description below, so go on there, use that promo code when you order your Caveman watch and  you get a 4% discount on the purchase.
Right, so let's jump right in. Four things women  want but will never tell you. First on the list is this, don't expect a woman to say approach me  now.
Now even if she really wants you to approach, trust me she's never gonna utter those words  from her lips, and so the onus is on you to actually be paying attention to subtle cues  that will give you that go-ahead to approach that woman that you actually were already  checking out. Now big question is does she want to be approached by everyone, the answer  is no. If you're going to approach her, then she should kind of feel a little comfortable  around you at least, or at least have some kind of attraction for you, and trust me, as long as  you're chill, that's you, she's looking for you, and guess what?
Even if she's not attracted to  you in the same way that you're attracted to her, at least she'll be flattered that you approached.  So how exactly can you approach to make sure that it lands the right way up? That's a question on  your mind, I got you.
Let me just fill you in. Go with an attitude of I'm just going  over to say hello. Now if it doesn't go down well.
Look at it this way. Maybe she's having a  bad night, maybe she's not as nice as she looks or maybe you just read the wrong cues and did not  approach her at the right time. Look at it this way, of all the things that i just listed none of  them actually says that she rejected your approach because you are unattractive because  that's never really the point.
Number two,  don't expect a woman to tell you how to approach.  Now look at it this way, there are a couple of things that you need to take note of before you  approach a woman, when you approach a woman, and while the whole initiation is going on. A few pointers here; now before you walk out of your house remember why you are attractive.
Feel good about yourself by reflecting on all the times where things went your way and women  just were pretty much falling at your feet. If you don't have an example like that, just think  about all the time someone has made a positive comment about something on your being to do with  your personality, etc. Also, dress well, look good, smell good.
I can't over-emphasize that. To approach a woman with ease, make sure you warm-up. Now by warming up I'm saying if there are  other people in this venue, at this function, make sure you engage a few people before you actually  approach this woman.
That way you're warmed up, you've already got into the flow of things  and things may not get so awkward so fast. As you approach make sure you are open,  be open and curious to see how things unfold, and indeed keep an open mind because this  conversation, this initiation could go either way. Now whatever comes your way at the end  of the night, make sure you take it like the man you are and just keep it moving and finally always  remember to say something relevant.
Don't just approach this woman and start talking about things  that she most likely will not be interested in. Keep it simple, keep it general and don't dive  into deep heavy stuff too quickly. Number three, never expect a woman to tell you that I like you being here or I want you to leave.
Listen, a lot of men are guilty of this they  do not know where to draw the line, they're not reading subtle cues that show that it's either  time to sort of truncate the conversation, and move on to other things, because maybe it's  not going your way, or it's time to sort of advance the conversation and ask for say a phone  number, etc. It's really important that you read a woman's body language or you will  always find yourself fumbling. You'll always find yourself on the downside of things where she does  not want to engage with you at all, before the end of the night, and you'll just walk  away looking like a big loser.
Pick up on cues, is she looking on her phone more than she's  listening to you speak to her, is she speaking to other people in between your conversation with  her, is she downright looking bored or did she just tell you that I'm not interested in starting  a conversation? If that's the case, pick up your ego off the floor, and walk away. Walk away with your head held high and your dignity intact.
Now if at any point in the conversation you know,  she begins to respond in a certain way that's not forthcoming, you need to respond accordingly  by truncating the conversation and walking away. That's all I'm saying. On the other hand, if  she seems to be really open, laughing a lot, asking you leading questions and so much more,  then maybe it is also an invitation for you to keep the conversation going and strike up a  really meaningful friendship from the get-go, but whatever you do pay attention to the subtle  cues of whether you should go or whether you should continue on the tangent you began. 
And finally, don't expect a girl or a woman to say take my number. Now let's say you met this amazing  woman, out at a party, out at a bar, out at a club, an event, etc. and you really liked her, you  approached her, you guys struck a conversation and everything literally went the way you wanted it to.
Now you need to really know at this point what the next move should be. Do you ask for  her number or do you give her your number? If you ask me to avoid embarrassment and  especially if you're not sure whether she really was feeling the conversation or just  pretending, I think you should give her your number.
She's never going to say take my number,  so it's two things you're either going to be bold and ask for the number, or be even bolder and  give her yours, because if she's interested, guess who she's going to be calling, guess  who she's going to be calling, you my friend, you. So go out there and just do you  because you rock. My name is Jessica, I hope these tips were helpful.
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