believe life is a test I think the whole core region of us being here is just to experience things it's just to evolve in every single way possible the only time I personally have ever evolved in life was when I went either through heartbreak even through abuse through trauma that's the only way I evolved if I did not have a childhood growing up with a abuse um if I do did not go through hardship in my life I would not even be doing what I'm doing today I would not beat the wizard list because honestly
if my life was always had been good I wouldn't really care to do this because I don't even understand like other people's feelings I don't understand why they need help I don't get them but it's because I went through depression it's because I went through abuse it's because I went through hardships that I can relate to people that I know how hard it is to be in that situation and that I know what it takes to get out of there so that's why sometimes when I'm so firm in my videos or maybe I can come
off as rude or arrogant it's really to wake people up because for me I needed people someone to talk to me the way I talk to you guys I really needed that because for me like butterflies and rainbows wouldn't cut it hi guys my name is Liz and welcome back to my channel okay so in this video I will be talking about how we can turn failure and heartbreak into our superpower if you have been going through a heartbreak and a relationship ended with someone I want you to do something this is going to contradict
completely what I have been uh preaching before but this is very important I want you to go ahead and ask the person that you have been in a relationship with um why this happened I want you to ask them why and what happened and talk about this with this person and I'm gonna tell you why see in order for us to heal and start a healing journey and to move on we need to be able to focus on healing you know if you're constantly thinking about oh why did this happen uh what could I have
done better um maybe they felt this this way or maybe I didn't do this enough and all these assumptions will clog your head you know so if you have uh the chance to get a clear reason as to why this happened or why you guys broke up then it would be easier for you to move on because you know what happens and you you won't create stories anymore even if they really hurt you like cheated on you whatever if if you really need an answer for what happened go ahead and ask them this is a
person um you you probably attached yourself to in a healthier unhealthy way it's not really easy to let go of that you know and I would go as far as to say um if this does not cross the person's boundaries keep communicating with them until you're fully ready to be like okay I can move on now as well if you ask the person why did this happen and they do not respond to you uh honey that's a response They Don't Really Care to give you that knowledge They Don't Really Care to help you in the
healing process they don't really care about you if they're not responding then leave it that's a response the disrespect is a response um me personally if uh if abuse was in a play are cheating I honestly don't need to know why it happened I don't need response I'm gone I am out I am gone because my boundaries were crossed um disrespect you know I'm not dealing with that what I need you to do is right now when we're in a state of healing I need you to feel every single emotion deeply whether it's sadness whether
it's anger whether it's frustration whether it does not matter whatever emotion because these emotions are not bad you know what's bad suppressing these emotions and having to deal with them later on because if you have suppressed anger that will turn into bitterness you will use that anger to literally pour it onto other people who had nothing to do with the situation and they don't deserve that it's all because you are not willing to deal with what happens you're going to make other people suffer no you know realize that this is normal you are gonna feel
sad right now it's very normal you you went through a heartbreak uh you lost probably a relationship that you thought was gonna last forever you maybe you didn't even lose like a relationship but only but also your best friend um this is very very hard to deal with and uh if you started something a business or whatever and you failed you maybe had really high hopes and then your hopes were just being torn and it's normal that you're gonna feel sad right now I literally want you to cry your eyes out if you want to
cry cry as much as you need if you're gonna wake up every day with puffy eyes because of how much you cried then do that then do that because crying is also releasing emotions out of your body if you need to go somewhere to the woods or your pillow and you need to yell inside of the pillow because that's how you get your anger out then do that the only thing you have to make sure is that the emotions get out get out and does not matter if you stay like this for one week for
two weeks for three weeks maximum a month baby because over a month is already you deciding that you don't want to change we have to pick ourselves up as well but in the moment it's fine it's fine fine to feel those emotions it's very normal you are not the only one going through this you know there's lots of people going through the same same thing as you this is very normal you're not weird or weak or whatever for feeling this way but feel them and make sure you don't wallow in them you know don't make
them your comfort zone we still have to pick ourselves up and get out of it but that we can do later right now baby we're gonna cry we're gonna cry okay so write a letter to the person that like broke your heart a relationship that and uh write a letter to yourself if you are going through failure you started something didn't work out really write down all your emotions what you're feeling what you would like to say to this person or to yourself but you haven't really said it or you don't feel comfortable writing them
this or you just don't want to reach out write it all down and just burn the paper literally but make sure your feelings are all just written down the emotions got out then I want you to go ahead and do some Shadow work on yourself uh you can look up online Shadow work questions whatever um I have some questions you can ask yourself so first of all you can ask yourself how did I evolve during this situation what needs of mine were failed to be met what could I have done better in this situation what
would the best possible outcome have been for myself ask yourself if I could do this again with the knowledge that I have now how would I approach the situation and lastly what would a person that really loved themselves do right now how would they handle the situation how would they treat themselves right now what I want you to do as well is right now focus on what we can learn from this situation was this really the right person or did you make him out to be because we as humans we like to fantasize things when
especially when we're in love we think oh this is the last man on Earth this person is amazing this person and me will be together forever you know and we like to exaggerate and fantasize and make something so big but let's look at really the person itself like why did it end if this was really the dream amazing person that you made him out to be then why did it what needs of yours were not meant what boundaries were crossed because honey something happened something happened and I want you to even though especially in your
sadness we we we Amplified the positive in the relationships and we focus on the positive but there must have been negatives because otherwise you guys would still be together right now you know so I want you to really look at the situation rationally maybe get even outside of your body look at look at your relationship from an outside perspective and look at it and think like oh is this a healthy and good relationship if it really was down why did it end remind yourself of what needs they failed to meet that you really wanted maybe
you had certain boundaries maybe you had uh certain things that you were looking for in a partner and and they were not willing to give it to you or maybe you know sometimes situations happen and and you guys go on to different paths you feel stagnant in a relationship you want to evolve a different way lots of things can happen but remind yourself like no this is what I wanted and it was not what I was getting so who are you gonna honor are you gonna honor the other person or are you gonna honor your
own needs your own boundaries your own wants the best revenge is creating a better life for yourself what do I mean by this okay I've seen lots of people that come out of relationships when they get hurt they want to take revenge out on the person they do something back to hurt them I honestly will tell you from my experience uh I experienced like um really extreme bullying in my late teen years from like girls I honestly truly didn't didn't even know who they were like I did not know who these people were um they
just disliked me they bullied me would fill me outside would call me a like really really bad and I would they put me in such a bad depression as well you know and then I came to a point where like my friends would send me like screenshots of these these girls doing like things that were maybe inappropriate or like having dirt on them having tea on them and they were like oh let's leak this get your revenge get your revenge um but I always said no I won't you know and uh when I used to
pray I would always pray to God that he gives them happiness so they leave me alone that's what I would always pray for I did not seek revenge and I remember like uh for two years uh when I was in my real depressive State I had like a lock lock screen uh with a quote and that said um God will put you right back together in front of the people that broke you and I really believe that I believe that when we when we let things go and we don't seek revenge and we give some
people to God God really blesses you and God did bless me Beyond measures like I literally am so grateful for myself that I didn't go like um I didn't stoop to their level you know um and even people would tell me like no this they were they will think you're weak if you don't do something back and I said I think it's weak to get to their level and to become like them that's weak it takes strength to be like no even though I'm hurting right now and it's really painful I'm not gonna be like
them because I am not done I am not them and today I think I've I have been rewarded for my strength so I'm telling you if you have been hurt if if anything happened to you believe me I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart God will bless you he never fails he never fails he will bless you let it go let it go it's better to let it go and just focus on creating the best life for yourself that was my main focus okay Liz how do we evolve you how do you get
better combat your limiting beliefs um I know that when we're in a situation of heartbreak and failure we we tend to think that we will never find love again all men are jerks um we don't deserve to have a good life oh only bad things happen to us I want you to fight those beliefs because you will find love again lots of men are really really really good really precious Souls lots of women are really really really good anything that you desire will come your way but when you're in a state of so much emotion
so much hurt you can't see it that way because you only see that you're getting hurt and you're getting painful and why me but isn't that so beautiful about life that not everything goes like this not everything goes like this but we go like this you know I don't want a life that's like straight perfect I don't want it because that would not make me me I am me with my flaws I am me with my heartbreak I'm me with my hurt I think hurt is a beautiful emotion to be honest the most biggest movements
happen because of hurt you know my people are hurt when people are angry that's when people stand up because they feel like they need to stand up for themselves they feel like they need to speak up for themselves this happens when people are hurt imagine that everything was always good you know we wouldn't have we wouldn't have revolutionaries we wouldn't have icons those limiting beliefs will hold you back you you you cannot see further for yourself but I believe that God always has a bigger plan for you you might not see it oh my God
like when I if you told me two years ago I would be sitting here right now dream career dream partner dream lifestyle everything I would have never believed you truly I would have never believed you I saw things for myself that were this small and I was upset when those things were not manifesting but God was not giving them to me because I was meant for something bigger I will pass and this won't be as big of a deal anymore you know I know when you're in the situation you think oh this is the end
of the world I will never find love again I will never be happy again but honey that's not the truth that is not the truth realize that you're in an emotional state you're thinking emotionally you're not thinking rationally you know I promise you the time that I went through heartbreak it took me one month and after one month exactly it was I was over like the sadness whatever I mean you still remember it kind of but it doesn't overpower you there's not like this feeling of of uh extreme sadness of almost depression you know it
goes after a month I promise you give it time yeah time you have to heal you know and you heal with time um you will think every single day more rationally more rationally every single day like the feelings will calm down calm down calm down until you're like okay I can accept this now I can move on now you will come to this point I promise you I promise you and something else is do not make decisions based on your emotions you know I think we make the biggest mistakes in life when we react out
of our emotions uh think in a state of anger some people even unalive other people because they're in a state of anger and they're like oh my God oh my God what did I do you know but they did it because it takes a split second you know to make a mistake or to do something um but that's why we shouldn't be controlled by our emotions same way as as you are in an emotional state you might do something and regret it later on so give yourself time to let the these emotions pass to let
your feet to to let yourself feel these emotions come to terms with them and then you can look back at the situation rationally and then you can make decisions but right now honey it's not the time to make decisions it's not the time to make decision trust yourself know that this is not the first time you've got hurt it's not the first time that you've been through something difficult you have been through so much before and you came out of it you picked yourself up and you came out of it you are strong you are
strong you can do amazing things you can do so much and you're capable of doing so much more and you know you can't so many people are afraid that you will get to know your power so many people want to keep you under and want to keep you like little in your little cocoon so you cannot flourish but you have to realize what your power is you have to realize who you are you have to realize who you are people are afraid of you seeing your potential that's how amazing you are try to talk to
friends that won't judge you um I have been guilty of this when somebody close to me has come to me with their uh heartbreak of relationship uh and this was a very abusive toxic relationship or um when they would come to me I would have a certain judgment because uh and I would be like why are you upset over this I reacted really poorly but I know better now uh when I when I grew up I learned about this but the thing is when when it's your family when it's it's your close friends they they
don't like to see you hurt they don't like to see someone else hurting you so if you're talking to them about oh I miss this guy and for example this guy abused you they will get angry at you because they will be like why don't you see your words you know they'll get angry but you don't need that you need compassion in the situation and honestly probably someone really close to you won't be able to give that to you so try to talk to uh friends that that can listen to you without judgment try to
talk to strangers about it because they don't have judgments they don't have that emotional connection with you if you don't have friends sign up to classes where you can meet new friends um like talk as well to if you guys have like a whole group of friends and you don't know other people try to get to know the other people try to socialize a little bit just go out and park talk to people you might find interesting or nice maybe they're reading a book that you like comment on the book whatever you know it's it's
very easy to connect to people and I think especially in this day and age people want connection people want to talk to others okay baby heartbreak and failure is the time to mentally evolve okay so basically what do I mean by this okay so I every single time I went through heartbreak or failure or whatever I'm the kind of person I love to learn I love to learn I love to open a book I love to watch YouTube videos I love to literally read or listen to anything that will make me understand what happened that
will make me understand what I'm going through you know I'm the kind of person I need to understand what is going on with my body with with everything for example you're going through heartbreak you can look up videos about heartbreak um how to heal during heartbreak uh there is this woman uh Louise Hay I just uh I listened to her on uh YouTube like some of her seminars she's a very spiritual person I love her I absolutely love her uh she talks about self-love a lot then uh who else is there really I absolutely love
Brittany Lee she has uh lots of advices on uh self-love um self-worth heartbreak all these things who else helped me uh Asia Christina also really really love this girl um check her out as well she's also really good for heartbreak all these things uh oh and someone that's quite controversial but I think she's so funny uh she raps seven I used to listen to her so much when I was going through a heartbreak because she would make me laugh and I think laughter is also something so good um and I think some things she said
are actually really valid and some women need to hear that and need to realize that she says it in a very controversial way but I think her main message is women should ask for more because they deserve more as well you can learn from other people ask other people how they dealt with heartbreak uh what they're going through what they are feeling and you will resonate with them you know maybe if you're trying to make new friends just go up to someone you would like to be friends with and ask hey have you ever dealt
with heartbreak and how did you deal with it that's so beautiful you guys can talk about it exchange tips tricks whatever and I think connecting through that together will really really help you so I'll spend time doing things you love um if you love to dance if you love to draw if you love um to paint you love to cook whatever do the things you love more now you know uh what you need right now is love so whatever that is for you if you love to be around family maybe like be around like a
person that you love spend time with them do whatever it takes for you to feel the most amount of love you know spend time in nature I love nature I really love to spend time in nature it grounds me uh as well do the exercise with the tree please like go to a tree put your back onto the tree and visualize the tree taking away all your sadness all your negative energy I uh three are trees are here to give us oxygen trees are here for healing you know so you have to really visualize taking
it out of you and the tree taking all of this energy into his roots yeah spend time in nature go for walks also take care of your physical appearance um maybe if you want to eat a little healthier you will feel better because I know the first days you do like I when I went through heartbreak I would binge eat a lot and believe me that made me feel really bad because I would wake up like feeling heavy like I can barely walk because I'm so bloated you know so truly self-care is literally also eating
beautiful eating beautiful things so you can feel beautiful and you can feel more energetic like make sure you get your daily walks and make sure you work out a little bit you don't have to make sure you just walk you know take it easy on yourself and just do whatever it takes for you to feel a little bit of love for yourself uh listen to meditations about healing uh look up on on YouTube heartbreak healing meditation or healing meditation self-love meditation I will make sure I also make one about self-love and confidence and all these
things um but make sure you listen to uh once on YouTube repeat powerful affirmations in the mirror put the mirror in front of you say you are worthy you are lovable you will find love uh love loves you and you love love like you know in order for us to receive love we have to give out love we have to become what we want so if we give kindness and love to other people you will get it same way if you give um if you give anger and hate to other people you will get it
as well you know what we give out is what we receive back practice practice practice okay listen things don't happen like this things don't happen like this okay we all go through UPS Downs up down up down like that you know but that's life you know what makes a person successful is the fact that they don't quit what makes a person unsuccessful is by the first failure or the first heartbreak they're like okay I'm done I will never find love again I will when they have failure I will never try again well then that's what
you will get you won't get anything you know so in order for you to get what you desire you need to always keep doing and keep going and keep going you know how many times I failed uh more times than I have succeeded like honestly I have failed many times I have made lots of mistakes in my life oh lots of them but I learned from them and I can take these mistakes now and I can give you guys advice about it because I have been there you know and and I have done things wrong
even if you look at like every single day I'm involving and I'm just taking you guys on a healing Journey with me I don't know at all I will never know at all one thing about me is I will not quit and I will just keep going I don't care if I fail because I don't know failure okay it happens and I can do it again like I did it once I'll do it again you know um I had this uh a friend of mine and he basically uh said to me he uh so he
became a millionaire at a very young age right and then he lost all his money um and when he lost all his money his dad basically said like move back home like you know we will take care of you it doesn't matter whatever um but what are you gonna do now and then he basically told his dad like who made himself become a millionaire it was me right he was like yes he said well I will do it again and he did it again and he's even like uh richer now than that he was before
you know and I do not mean by this that you have to become a millionaire no I just mean that look at the drive you know it doesn't quit doesn't quit even though he lost all his money and stood up said I'll do it again and lastly I want you to realize that you will be okay and wiser despite what happened you did not waste those years honey you did not waste those years you learned more in those years than that some people will in their whole lifetime and not only that you literally decided to
not only get out of it but get better in spite of what happened that takes a lot of Courage not only did you say Hey listen this is not for me I deserve better and I'm going to get better but you also did the work and you're trying to get there you're not just talking you're trying every single day you're trying and that is extremely courageous no matter how deep you have fallen you still picked yourself up and maybe we still aren't there yet but at least now we have the knowledge and we know what
we're capable of in order to move forward you know what you can achieve deep down you know what you deserve and what you can do to get there there's a reason why your mind fights you so hard when you settle for something is because you know deep down what you deserve and you know that you can get better than what you're settling for and I know sometimes you see that glimpse of yourself of the person you think that you're meant to become of the person that is the best version of yourself of the person that
truly loves themselves truly fully and every time you see that Glimpse you know why you see that because that is you that is inside of you the reason you see that is because it's already there you only need to take the steps to become that person but it's already inside of you don't worry about oh why did I not change sooner why did I not realize this sooner do you realized and you decided to change now some people go through their whole life never changing and never seeing the problem not in other people not in
themselves at least you did realize at least you're trying to change now you should be extremely proud of that the fact that you can see that there's something wrong that you don't want to be like this anymore or you don't want to be treated like this anymore and the fact that you can act on it and set your boundaries straight and be like I won't let anyone cross it anymore I want what I want even if that means that I have to be alone for a while even if that means that I have to go
through sadness for a while I will trust the process and I will trust that there's something bigger and better out there for me because of that I'm telling you truly with that fate with that courage with that strength and with that ability to to go for whatever you want you will get there you will get there thank you guys so much for watching uh I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I just want to say that I am so blessed to have you guys I am so grateful for all of you I love you
guys so so so much like the daily messages I receive uh people that come up to me and tell me how how they became more confident oh it literally makes my heart so warm and it makes me so happy to know that like other people that are are not afraid anymore to speak up other people um yeah can love themselves in a way that that I want them to love themselves um and and they realize now what they deserve and that they deserve better I I just honestly I am so blessed to have this opportunity
I am so blessed to have this platform I am so blessed to be able to share my thoughts and feelings with you guys I am so blessed to have you guys listening to what I have to say I am so blessed for you guys I am so blessed and I thank God every single night for you guys and I pray for you guys and yeah I hope anyone that sees this I I send you healing I send you love I send you money I send you happiness I I send you health I send you anything
you desire you deserve everything I love you guys bye