[Applause] I too am clapping that it's the last session so this is the important part of the story communism 3.0 uh corporate communism is the title here um how did corporate how did Communism Go corporate is really the question that this um this day and and and hour needs but it's also the question that this Workshop was organized specifically to answer so what we're going to do for this session is go to CL Schwab School of Witchcraft and Wizardry also known as Schwab warts or Z schwarts I should say but the way that this works
the way corporate Communism works and that's a name that I want to use a lot of we could give others I'll give you a list in a minute uh the the way that I want to talk I want people to start talking about corporate communism like it's a thing because it is a thing and without being able to name the thing it's hard to fight the thing and I think we have to name it as communism because it's very communist uh but it's very obviously that people are saying it can't be communist because it's using
the corporations have what seems to be a very effective argument to derail you if you try to point out that what's happening is communist so we have to be able to articulate that we're dealing with a new manifestation of Communism it has evolved that was the point of this Workshop is to explain how it evolved to this point and the way that it works to co-opt and make use of corporate power not just state power um which is a completely different phenomenon so the co-optation of the corporations has really unlocked uh the riddle of History
so to speak so we're really going to talk about that a lot but I want you to just start by imagining let's say that we had you know it's very famous that dung shell ping after ma left power said that he was going to generate socialism with Chinese characteristics and a lot of times this gets inappropriately I've done it many times myself inappropriately uh given to Ma's credit and say that Mao developed Marxism with Chinese characteristics which is not exactly true or Marxism leninism with Chinese characteristics Mao made one kind of off-handed remark apparently at
some point it's sort of like that but not he never actually said it dun sha ping said socialism with Chinese character characteristics so imagine we had an had communism with American characteristics coming off of that linguistic construction to to understand what we're talking about a fully developed communism with American characteristics what would it look like well obviously it would take advantage of the identity politics relevant to the American history and context so we would see the woke stuff um but Calvin kulage approximately speaking of misattributed or imperfect quotes Calvin kulage president kulage very famously said
something that has been summarized as the business of America is business so if we really did have a fully developed fully fledged communism with American characteristics it had better come through the businesses because that's how America Works America Works through businesses so we would expect in American communism to use American identity Politics as the kind of agit prop base and we would expect it to come through corporations because those are the kind of backbone of the American economy or in other words productive Enterprises so a maybe paradoxically a fully developed American communism would be in
fact corporate communism so I want us to start trying to get comfortable calling what we're dealing with corporate communism now like in the other lectures I want to give you a bunch of possible other names I've called it neoliberal communism they might if they were so bold call it sustainable and inclusive communism if they really wanted to get to the point of how they want to organize the economy and their new planned economy they would call it well-being communism you should actually look and see you'll see how much stuff not just in this kind of
corporate literature talks about well-being well-being well-being but you'll actually see if you look up the well-being economy that there's this well-developed theory of replacing GDP with a measurement of well wellbeing how good our lives are in some you know sense that I'm sure is going to be defined by Communists we could call it global citizenship communism or just Global communism because that's really what's happening I got in trouble on Twitter yesterday because I said what's happening right now is a semi Global Communist Revolution and somebody shot back at me what do you mean semi it's
all Global like no they already did one in China we could call it fasio communism cuz that uses the fascist corporatist model we could call it public private communism I'm just giving you like different names but we don't hear these named the enemy if you will names these things in different ways but they don't call them communism they call them forms of capitalism remember Lenin's word trick that I brought up where you now give something you're familiar with but probably couldn't quite Define two versions well now what we have are modified versions of capitalism so
we have stakeholder capitalism to replace shareholder capitalism I'm going to I hope convince you that the right name for stakeholder capitalism would be stakeholder sovietism we hear sustainable capitalism inclusive capitalism or putting it together sustainable and inclusive capitalism and this runs in parallel to some imaginary unicorn of the Socialist world that we might hear or imagine being called productive socialism which is of course an oxymoron so the big idea of what corporate communism uh represents is that it is a dialectical Fusion of state and corporate power and that that combination of state and corporate power
is actually necessary to transform man in society so if we go back to the actual goal of Communism which is not to implement the Soviet Union the goal of Communism is to transform man in society in this theosophical communist religious cult then it's not that hard to say well why wouldn't it let itself use corporations if that's where a huge power base is a lot of you are are knowledge you know who V ramaswami is and he has a very famous way of putting this that what they cannot accomplish through the front door of government
they accomplish through the back door of Corporations so you have these two huge power reservoirs that actually both threaten individual liberty and imagine if rather than having two knives you could use them like scissors and that's kind of what you have with this sort of fusion of state and corporate power and of course when you at when you fuse State and corporate power you are dealing with fascist elements it's just what you're dealing with so you have this weird dialectical combination if you will of Communism with some fascism mixed in to make it work or
a communist model with a little bit of National Socialist production standards brought in because if the Germans could do one thing well you think I'm going to say make the trains run on time I'm not they could build stuff the the the German war economy during World War II could crank out machinery and so they could produce and they could produce big and fast but they had a totalitarian system what do they covet in the Communist World a totalitarian system with the correct values that can actually produce and so so why not borrow from what
is worked and cut away the bad elements that they don't like of course they would the way this is going to be uh brought into being is through what I've already kind of hinted and warmed you up a top down bottom Up Inside Out transformation of society to a new meta system that is sustainable and inclusive in its value structure to organize for a single global citizenship now global citizenship is a scam there is no Global citizen you are not a global citizen do not get sucked into the propaganda how do I know you're not
a global citizen yes I know you live on the globe I understand that you are a person of Earth I don't think there are any martians Elon Musk hasn't succeeded quite yet I understand that but a citizenship relationship is a relationship between a government and the people it governs and we do not have a global government so you are not a global citizen but if you read the global citizenship literature which is copious the United Nations is extraordinarily strongly behind this you would be led to believe that we're all Global Citizens it's very Cosmopolitan you
can travel it'll be like a Global EU which is fantastic right or a United States of Earth is a way that Robert Mueller sometimes calls it um and we can all just travel and be and we're all basically in the same big thing and what they can do then is justify this sense of you know worldliness within you under this name Global citizen to say well let's make good on it and talk about the rights and responsibilities so the global government has to come in be into being to secure your rights and to Define your
responsibilities and duties and they tell you literally in their literature the global citizenship literature that it's not actually all that interested in the rights of citizens it is interested in their responsibilities which means it's totalitarian or at least totalist um it's going to operate through a Soviet I already gave you the punchline on that the stakeholder Soviet so remember our Democratic workers councils in the Soviet Union were made up of workers and only workers right but you weren't a real worker unless you were an enlightened awakened socialist worker so you had to be a member
of the elect so now what we're going to do is we're going to say well you know we can't look in such a narrow way at corporate activity we're just we can't follow Milton Friedman's advice viice and pay attention to shareholder value and shareholder return corporations actually have a lot more responsibility than that there are a lot of people in society and if the corporation makes more money by polluting an environment the people in that environment have a stake in what that Corporation does the government does the entire nation or in fact everybody in the
world in some sense has a stake in what the corporation does because it's producing it's it's creating you know whether it's pollution or other other externalities or damages um it's it's collecting resources that are there are scarce and therefore other people can't have them everybody has a stake the people who are the consumers have a stake in the quality of the products and other things so everybody has a stake was just like the workers are in the masses are everybody in the Soviet but this everybody doesn't get to show up at the Democratic Council only
the enlightened qualified workers the members of the Soviet get to show up so the stakeholders you're a stakeholder in what Microsoft does what Boeing does and what it doesn't matter what the company I'm just pulling some out of the air that I happen to have popped to mind you're a stakeholder in that but you're not going to have a say in what they do because we have to use experts instead so they're going to be expert councils that are run democratically but the only people that are allowed to be in the expert councils are the
experts and they're not necessarily just experts in say aircraft manufacturer for Boeing they have to be experts in all of the transdisciplinary impacts that it'll have in in every aspect of the economy and life in other words you have the same Gnostic elect of self-appointed democratic Representatives that are going to form the stakeholder councils so which is why I don't want to call it stakeholder capitalism I want to call it stakeholder sovietism and that they are setting up a stakeholder Soviet that will represent you without you ever having elected a single person that's involved in
it they're all self-appointed where in the world James did you get this crazy idea a plus the top down bottom Up Inside Out transformation of society you made that up right well first of all I got the verbiage top down bottom up inside out let me give credit where Curtis do first I got that verbiage from Mike in the back corner here um specifically but actually the first time I heard it said by somebody who wasn't telling me about it but who was promoting it was from Van Jones when he was working in the Obama
Administration and he said exactly that that our his Obama's fundamental transformation of America was going to be top down bottom up and inside out which means it's going to hit from every possible possible Dimension all at once in everything everywhere all at once which suggests that they're going to need a massive amount of coordination to pull it off but let's read from since we're at Schwab warts I'm really tickled with the joke I thought of while we were getting ready to start here let's read from CLA Schwab from the great narrative for a better future
which which is his most recent wonderful book okay top down actually these are a little bit long quotes I didn't want to make really long quotes from this but um it turns out he's not as bad as some of the others but it's difficult to pick out exactly he talks about these things a lot though but uh so top down corporations and government are going to work in Partnership a public private partnership and they're going to do that in coordination with the steering councils essentially that are located in MA major nonprofit organizations that have right
values and also have huge reservoirs of money to make things happen and can avoid taxes and other things in order to be able to do that um so for top down he says nowadays Business Leaders no longer consider the Improvement of stakeholder value as an option for all the reasons expanded in other parts of this book they know that there is no alternative Way Forward that is the reason why in the coming years measuring ESG performance will be the gold standard of business adherence to stakeholder value so it's not what you actually do the state
the Soviet the the stakeholder Soviet is going to be based off of measuring ESG performance he just tells you how it works right there many businesses do not have an interest in making the world better and some will be tempted to engaging green or woke washing but they'll be forced to commit to ESG and ultimately all the commitments will be put to the test by government action and societal pressure the difference between good governments and bad governments will be measured in how fast they implement the transition to Net Zero while providing con competently a welfare
policy that makes societies fairer and more prosperous so why' you call it sustainable and inclusion there you go nothing prevents the greater role of government accompanying the progress of humanity the state doesn't have to be an impediment it can be a facilitator so there you go top down bottom up that's going to be popular movements in education I'm going to tell you most of those are uh the popular movements are mostly AstroTurf these big organizations pay for what was called uh in the analysis of how Mao ran his country Mao did not call it this
planned spontaneity which means that they did a theater production to make it look like some spontaneous protest came up or whatever so there's going to be popular movements there's also going to be the rampant miseducation of Youth into new value in order to get them to support the exact same program so the ESG is coming from top down but they're going to create a bottom-up demand especially in the youth through popular movements and theater and broken education this is unfortunately even more to read from clouse young people he says have a deep desire for radical
change because they see the broken path ahead so how will this generation respond by proposing radical Solutions and often radical action so with radicalism to prevent issues like social inequalities from worsening or the next disaster like climate change from striking so sustainability and inclusion the Young Generation see both as two facets of the same coin intergenerational inequality it will most likely demand a radical alternative to the present course because its members are frustrated and dogged by a nagging belief that the current system has failed them and is fractured Beyond repair as a result youth activism
is increasing worldwide being Revolution ized by social media that Fosters mobilization to an extent that would have been impossible before so there's a lot of plan spontaneity on there we just learned for example that the Democratic party's paying influence there's an awful lot to pretend that they like kamla Harris they also pay influence there's an awful lot to support all kinds of their initiatives there are a lot of young people all over Tik Tok and Instagram on the payroll of big government pretending that they're Rebels against the existing Society and they know that they can
do this they know that they can capture the influencers and the youth to do this and they know that it influences especially young people more than anybody else to see their peers doing you know nurse dances and other Tik Tock dances for the politician or whatever else K Claus Goan he says it takes many different forms ranging from nonin institutionalized political participation well there you go right what I just said to demonstrations and protests somebody's paying for those by the way I tell you what as much as I love a bunch of 19-year-olds or whatever
they did not organize a big giant protest and all show up on Saturday morning they didn't do it they didn't somebody's paying them they didn't also show up with identical signs that were very clearly printed in professional facilities which if you look at this look at their protest and look how many of the signs are not only identical but professionally produced have you ever looked at when kids show up like teenagers and young young ad El show up with Pro with posters they're on poster boards they bought for 35 cents at Walgreens and colored with
glitter they are not professional printed objects in the dozens or hundreds that are identical so they're going to make these are the things that they're manufacturing right so it could be non-institutionalized political participation to demonstrations and protests and addresses inequality in a multifaceted manner seeing issues as diverse as income inequalities climate change so climate change is is an inequality guys economic reforms gender equality and lgbtq rights as part of a more General inequality problem there's your intersectionality or as I said before there is your American maoism the Young Generation is firmly at the Vanguard of
social change there is little doubt that it will be the Catalyst for change so one of the Implement uh one of the things that if we' spent more time on Mao I would have covered was that he I said that he stoked youth rebellions in particular but what I didn't indicate clearly enough to you um is that the youth became the Vanguard of changing the culture and we hear that now today we're always supposed to listen to the children believe the children apparently apparently children are never wrong about anything somehow now um because of course
they haven't been poisoned by growing up in our Twisted awful society yet so they're more pure and innocent in a very uh rouso fashion but there's your bottom up and it's manufactured bottom up it's not organic bottom up it's not emergent bottom up they are breaking our children to turn them into activists and paying their peers to put on a show to get them to do it it's completely fake bottom up so it's actually bottom up coming from the top down inside out CL Schwab says no fewer than a dozen but maybe depending on how
you count them as many as 20 times in this book that we need a new social contract Rising concerns about inequality and the profound sentiment of dissatisfaction if not anger that it provokes will promp many societies around the world to redefine the terms of their social contract while reflecting on the Contours we think a future social contract might follow we ignore at our Peril the opinion of the younger generation who will be asked to live with it their adherence is decisive and thus to better understand what they want we must not forget to listen listen
to the kids listen to the kids listen to the kids that were brainwashing at school and through their entertainment listen to the kids this is all the more significant because the younger generation is likely to be more radical in its demands in the refashioning of our current social contract so there's your inside out change what is an inside out change it's a change in the values that we have in society it's a change in the expectations and Norms that we have how we treat one another what we expect out of one another and what we
agree to in terms of whether it's civility or uh interaction or whatever else it's this kind of diffuse glue that holds the society together allegedly that's how he defines it at least somewhere else in the book is the glue that holds Society together and so we're going to have new glue holding Society together in new ways that's going to be defined according to these aspects and of course what was the second chapter of essay on Liberation from Herbert maruza a new sensibility which is another way of saying the exact same thing and what was Herbert
Marcus's point that sustainability and inclusion are actually some of the pieces that are missing so this new sensibility as I put a podcast out about maybe two or three years ago actually is sustainability and inclusion that's the new value set sustainability and inclusion not as generic terms that anybody can access and understand for themselves but as defined by the stakeholder Soviet and therefore that can change what's an example of them changing right so remember Elon Musk made Tesla and that's like electric car so he had a really good ESG score and then he bought Twitter
and then that was really bad because Free Speech would come back in so they dropped his SC score and accused him of having a racist company and his ESG score went through the floor well remember that uh before the conflict in between Russia and Ukraine broke out companies like Dick Cheney halberton were uh you know weapons of war that's not good social policy so they didn't have great ESG scores but then all of a sudden we need bombs to blow up ukrainians or Russians or some of both or whoever and therefore um halton's ESG score
went through the roof because the the both environmental and social concerns brought up by the war meant that that's good now so they can change the rules of what's SG compliant as they go it's arbitrary power um Co was an environmental contagion so you have to make lots and lots and lots of masks because masks contain allegedly it turns out they don't contain the environmental contagion so that's good ESC scoring for your company until something awful like 300 billion of them ended up in the ocean so that's what's actually going on top down bottom Up
Inside Out change through all facets of society to install a stakeholder Soviet to run corporate communism for a transformation of the West to match what's happening in China in our own Western way and the question is how did we get here how did this happen well let's start here with something that we heard from heard before from marks the end of his famous paragraph about communism being the positive Transcendence of private property as human self-estrangement the last sentence of that paragraph was communism is the riddle of History solved and it knows itself to be the
solution and so here they think they've solved the riddle of History if we can get the states and the corporations not to fight with one another but rather to work together to create a values system change for the entire population then we can bring us into a new sustainable and inclusive future so solving the so-called riddle of history is the task of bringing all of the threads we've discussed so far together into one thing and the man who said the vision for that is Herbert maruza so even though he was a critical theorist and we're
going to go back to the 1960s to see what he had to say in one-dimensional man in essay on Liberation about these issues so from his introduction to that book onedimensional man being his kind of magnumopus sold 300,000 copies in or thereabouts in 1964 if I read that correctly uh extremely influential is the point to that um the fact that the vast majority of the population accepts and is made to accept this Society does not render it less irrational and less reprehensible remember he was in Santa Monica and hated everything look how nice it is
ah I'm mad the distinction between true and false consciousness real and immediate interest is still meaningful but this distinction itself must be validated men must come to see it and to find their way from false to True Consciousness from their immediate to their real interests they can do so only if they live in the need of changing their way of life of deny denying the positive of refusing it is precisely this need which the established Society manages to repress to the degree to which it is capable of delivering the goods on an increasingly large scale
and using the scientific conquest of nature for the scientific conquest of man so what he's saying is to the degree that Society can make stuff work be prosperous deliver the goods is the degree to which it represses their ability to see what can be unburdened by what has been one-dimensional man is ultimately an analysis of the need to consider technology as a value Laden thing so we need a Marxist theory of Technology now coming out in the 1960s he says the classical marxian Theory envisages the transition from capitalism to socialism as a political revolution the
proletariat destroys the political apparatus of capitalism but retains the technological apparatus subjecting it to socialization in common English we call that robbery we call that theft we call that stealing but we've built up all this stuff in our capitalist societies and socialism works because they're going to steal all the stuff capitalism built and run it to do socialism they're literally saying that that was the Marxist theory and Mark Cruzer goes on to say there is continuity in the revolution technological rationality so the technology itself has a way of thinking and a way of teaching and
telling people technological rational freed from irrational restrictions and destruction sustains and consummates itself in the new Society so what he's telling us here is that the old socialist plan was we're going to seize we're going to take the means of production but the means of production themselves are contaminated with capitalism so we don't actually get away and that's why the Soviet Union happened we're still doing the oppressive repressive system that capitalism built up by stealing its technology so we actually have to think of technology itself is value Laden into a Marxist theory of it which
means Marxism can't successfully obtain its goal until we start to think of Technology itself as something that can deliver socialism which means we need technology geared toward socialist circumstances not capitalist circumstances to do that now of course the real problem that marus is looking at here is not what he just said about technological rationality I don't think he's right the real problem is that Marxism is a parasite that steals stuff and doesn't know how to use it and ruins it but we'll stick with maruza for the moment in advanced capitalism technical rationality is embodied in
spite of its irrational use in the productive apparatus neither nationalization nor socialization alter by themselves this physical embodiment of technological rationality so it doesn't matter if you make it a collective it's still people see it as property and they still have the property thing Spectre Weighing on their minds and they're still ultimately thinking like capitalists says on the contrary the latter remains a precondition for the Socialist development of all productive forces to be sure Marx held the organization and direction of the productive apparatus by the immediate producers would introduce a qualitative change and that's a
very key term qualitative change in the technical community namely production toward the satisfaction of freely developing individual needs however to the degree to which the established Tech teal apparatus engulfs the public and private existence in all spheres of society that is becomes the medium of control and cohesion in a political Universe which incorporates the labor in classes to that degree would uh to that degree would the qualitative change involve a change in the technological structure itself so again we need socialist technology and so what's the issue that he's really driving at with all his technological
baloney that I probably didn't need to read that last part the overpowering productivity of this society's Supreme promises an Ever more comfortable life for an Ever growing number of people who in a strict sense cannot imagine a qualitatively different Universe of discourse and action ever more forever more people unsustainable those whose life is Hell of the affluent society are kept in line by a brutality which revives medieval and early modern practices for the other less underprivileged people Society takes care of the need for Liberation by satisfying the needs which makes servitude palatable and perhaps even
unnoticeable and it accomplishes this fact in the process of production itself the first part though said for the people that capitalism doesn't fully work for it's a living hell because capitalism is not actually inclusive so we lack inclusivity in capitalism and we lack sustainability the problem with capitalism to Herbert marcuz is is not that it cannot produce it's that it overproduces and it doesn't distribute fairly it is not sustainable and it is not inclusive this is in the 1960s he's just not using those exact words he then gives a very long discussion about how capitalism
and communism are in a dialectical relationship with one another as two forms of industrial and technological societal systems he says indeed Society must first create the material prerequisites of freedom for all its members before it can be a free Society so you have to have enough production in order to be able to actually achieve socialism it must first create the wealth before being able to distribute it according to the freely developing needs of the individual so roll back in time to when Lenin decides to take over a bumpkin peasant Society in Russia that doesn't have
the material prerequisites for freedom for all of its members whoops he did it too early you can't rush into a socialist society out of a feudal society because you didn't make enough stuff for the Communist to steal yet it's the same criticism that Marx leveled against bab from the first lecture that we shared where you can't even be a socialist who understands the better stuff because you don't even have anything yet to know what you're missing so you all you end up with is a gross crude communism it's an exact echo of the same thing
but the thing is is what he's actually saying is socialism everywhere it's been tried has failed to produce the needs of the people so you have capitalism produces but is unsustainable and exclusive but on the other hand socialism has the right ideology but it cannot produce so now you have a problem imagine if you could mix them imagine if you could have a socialist capitalism or capitalist socialism that might actually work you know a capitalist socialism like we have in China or an increasingly socialist capitalism like we're building in the west or any other fascist
model actually so there's a rub here for for for maru's vision the technological form of production in capitalism comes with IND socialism they bring the technological mentality of capitalism into socialism if you go from capitalism directly into socialism so you can't take Marx's program of you know the four five sorry the six stages of History where number four capitalism jumps into number five socialism because you drag capitalism along with you into socialism and contaminate it but on the other hand socialism has to be able to produce and it can't figure out how to do it
so what are you going to do like I said you've got to have some mix a capitalist socialism and a socialist capitalism or some version of that or both that are now mixing together across the world he says on these grounds there arises a universe of administration in which depressions are controlled and conflict stabilized by The Beneficial effects of growing productivity and threatening nuclear war is this stabiliz ation temporary in the sense that it does not affect the roots of the conflicts which marks found in the capitalist mode of production which is the contradiction between
private ownership and the means of production and social productivity or is it a transformation of the antagonistic social structure itself which resolves the contradictions by making them tolerable and if the second alternative is true and this is the sentence this whole paragraph is here for how does it change the relationship between capitalism and socialism which made the latter appear the historical neg of the former so remember before socialism was supposed to thing be the thing that comes after capitalism so it's the historical negation of capitalism but somehow that has not worked because it dragged the
capitalist technical rationality along with and you still had oppression so I give you a diagram you all have a copy of this you don't have to squint or try to come up you all should have a copy of this and if you don't you can get one very easily at the top I show you Marx's six-stage historicism primitive communism goes to slavery slavery goes to feudalism feudalism goes to capitalism which then ruptures into socialism which then Withers away to Global communism those are the six stages of history and then here's what we've just discussed maru's
update and honestly the last two years of my life have been extraordinarily frustrating I drew this picture on the bottom on an airplane napkin flying home from an event over two years ago and have been frustratedly trying to explain it to people and then for this Workshop I said why don't I just draw it why don't I just show people the picture which reminds me actually uh of my friend Steven cogin who said that he was writing um increasingly complicated things trying to explain how political Warfare works and then he finally realized one day that
he was trying to explain a picture so he just drew the picture and cut out thousands of words of explanation and so in this new update that we've just read you have two paths to industrialization number one primitive communism does still allegedly historically move forward to slavery which is then negated into fud feudalism but then you have two options to industrialize capitalist and socialist and those two are actually the four the fifth stage of history is not now going to be capitalism or or socialism it's one or the other of capitalism or socialism in relationship
with one another fighting it out in a dialectical Warfare and then I put a little swirly magic spell in between the two showing that they're mixing and that swirl that dialectical synthesis of capitalism and socialism others what I called capitalist Socialism or socialist capitalism is the thing that can wither away actually into Global communism and that is what they are doing and Herbert maruza laid out the entire theory of it for us in the 1960s and a lot of people today like we'll talk about kohito here in a little bit the Japanese degrowth communist um
think that they're doing original work when they're really just ripping this dude off so we have to understand that this is a different relationship where marks thought that capitalism builds up until it's intolerable then you lead into socialism and what Marcus is saying no capitalism and socialism are two ways to build the industrial base and they're in conflict with one another ideologically but if you see them as two parts of a single Dynamic where they're competing with one another to see who can better provide production and the values necessary to be sustainable and production over
the long Hall then you can actually realize that they have to share elements and blend together to get to a actual communism his point is the thing that most of us refer to is communism when they say James it can't be communist because some 20th century nonsense argument that I don't care about what they're actually talking about is that they're talking about the attempt to force socialist methods of production as an industrial model and what's actually happening is that they said in order to make this work we have to incorporate fascist elements of production into
a communist model they're both still totalitarian but we have to have the production model that works in order to drive socialism forward the thing is is that capitalism and its negation socialism are actually a dialectical pair in communism going forward from the 60s for people who knew what was going on people who understood what they were going to do to get to the quality qualitative change that qualitative change he said didn't come out of socialism because they inherited the technological rationality but I would say it's just because it doesn't work and it's a it's a
robbing thieving mode but since you didn't get to the qualitative change by going socialist and you can't get to the qualitative change because of the repression of capitalist uh ideology built around a capitalist culture built around capitalism you must have to get there some other way and that other way is Corporate communism that's where you're going to find the the the qualitative change and what he talks about all the time is that there's an alternative but neither the socialist countries nor the capitalist countries can see it because both are caught in their own distorted modes
of acting he says the Fateful interdependence of the two Sovereign social systems in the Contemporary World capitalism and socialism is expressive of the fact that the conflict between progress and politics between man and his Masters has become total when capitalism meets the challenge of Communism it meets its own capabilities spectacular development of all productive forces did I get this right yeah okay spectacular development of all productive forces after the subordination of the private interest and profitability which arrest such development when communism meets the challenge of capitalism it too meets its own capabilities spectacular Comforts Liberties
and alleviation of the burden of life we call that in the cop popular parli today crazy Rich Asians but both systems have these capabilities distorted beyond recognition and in both cases the reason in the last analysis is the same the struggle against a form of life which would dissolve the basis for Domination remember when Mark said in his opium of the masses thing his critique of hegel's philosophy of right that you that the criticism of religion would be the criticism of the reasons for suffering and that would lead people to actually look for a real
solution to their suffering same mentality brought back to life here there is an actual communism or an actual path to Communism which comes into this swirly thing in my picture which is the struggle against a formal life that would dissolve the basis for Domination and both capitalism and socialism miss it so rather than a six-stage history you have a five-stage history with two paths at stage five and what you have to do is see that they both have pieces that are right and both have pieces that are wrong and mix them into a new model
that's what I'm calling corporate communism this by the way is an is a very original contribution to the research literature on this subject James what have you ever done in the world well this and okay groomer so what would a liberated communism look like or a socialist capitalism look like he says it would look like distribution of the necessities of life regardless of work performance isn't that what they all want isn't then I tell you the whole motivation was that Marx didn't want to get a job distribution of the necessities of life regardless of work
performance I read this to my wife and she spit her drink laughing reduction of working time to a minimum Universal all-sided education toward exchangeability of functions these are the preconditions but not the contents of self-determination well the first Ubi experiment which ran for three years just ended and it showed that none of this works you can't PE you can't pay people a th000 bucks a month to do nothing it turns out I I think it was every extra percent that you paid them they lost like 1.2% of total income or something they actually came out
even though they were being given money for free and could do whatever they wanted with their time they made less money including the money they were being given for free they would take more time off they would find more excuses to not work they would take longer disability leave they would every reason not to well I don't really have to which is basically our whole postco world a lot of the struggles you've probably experienced at an airport are due to the fact that they can't hire ground crew and keep them working there we can blame
Dei all we want but the fact of the matter is a lot of people went home from covid told they were non-essential workers and they didn't feel like going back to work they made a qualitative change in their life circumstances so that they didn't have to and the whole goal though is everybody gets paid regardless of if it's produces value and we're going to work less and everybody gets free education that's it says in fact toward exchangeability of functions so that people can be whatever they want to be which is fine like let's say that
you wanted to be an engineer this week but you've never studied calculus or any engineering that's okay because you're going to get distribution of the necessities of life of life regardless of work performance but what in the world would it be that you would be educated in that you can just go wherever and be a productive person or you'd have to be a consultant I'm making a little bit of a joke here but they call it transdisciplinarity so it's this idea that the that the actually technical people have a very low-level understanding of how stuff
works what you actually need are these kind of enlightened Masters who understand what Plato would have called the epist of the of the situation uh rather than just the stupid techne and dioa that allow you to understand I don't ever say dioa I don't ever say it right uh you it's the same split it's what Hegel called fph which is un uh which is reason above for stand which is understanding it's the exact same model you have to have these people who are basically artists and social sciences going around and telling the engineers what to
do so it'll be more sustainable and inclusive those are the only people who can flit around and go from place to place and pull down a seven figure salary for their status as an ESG officer or a Dei officer these people would these government jobs to go around and tell other people how to do their job even though it doesn't work that's what's actually what you're supposed to be educated for and is that not what we educate for we live in Herbert maru's world I've said it again and again since 2019 and I will continue
to say it again and again forever he built the architecture of the world that we live in in the program that they're running including the repressive tolerance two- tier cure system that we live in so this is analysis in one dimensional man and again in the essay on Liberation says 1964 and 1969 are the two years on those put capitalism and socialism on similar footing as the dialectical pair that require synthesis into a qualitatively different new system which I'm calling corporate communism or communism 3.0 both are paths to industrialization of a feudal State my notes
say mention graphic obviously I already jumped the gun on that the point is that capitalism can produce but is wasteful and not sustainable and it's also exclusive therefore not inclusive here's how he phrased it in essay on Liberation the question of what Liberation looks like concretely that's my summary of a big waffling paragraph the question of what Liberation looks like concretely cannot be brushed aside by saying that what matters today is the destruction of the old of the powers that be making way for the emergence of the new such an answer neglects the essential fact
that the old is not simply bad that it delivers the goods and that people have a real stake in it there's that stakeholding thing and socialism is allegedly not wasteful and sustainable and it's also inclusive but it's very poor at producing he says the goal implies rejection of those policies of reconstruction no matter how revolutionary which are bound to perpetuate or introduce the pattern of the unfree societies and their needs such false policy is perhaps best summed up in the formula to catch up with and overtake the productivity level of the advanced capital countries in
other words he's criticizing he doesn't necessar tell you what he's criticizing you have to figure it out he's criticizing industrial communism and their drive to increase productivity and he's saying that was the wrong way guys he says what is wrong with this formula is not the emphasis on the rapid Improvement in the material conditions but on the model guiding their Improvement the model denies the alternative which is the qualitative difference the qualitative difference guys is the Awakening to True socialist Consciousness that uh positive Transcendence of private property is human self-estrangement that brings people back to
their true social or human nature as Mark put it in other words you're not religious enough and that's why it hasn't worked the the commies in Soviet Union and China were not religious enough about it so it didn't work so you have to have an internal personal conversion to sustainability and inclusion to make it go and also production apparently this is where we get corporate communism this is how you get it the corporations are actually successful at producing communism has the right values somehow you have to mash them together and of course that this is
going to happen uh through not the working class remember maruza said that we don't need the working class anymore we need a new working class he actually literally used that phrase a new working class we need a new working class because the actual working class which we no longer as Communists have to care about if we're Communists we don't have to care about the workers anymore because they're stabilized in fact they're conservative in many cases and even counterrevolutionary they like their lives they like what they can build so instead of relying on the stupid workers
and the stupid peasants we're going to use the young middle class intelligencia and we're going to use the ghetto populations and identity politics to drive it and only then are we going to have a withering away so the first step of a withering away for socialism of the state is going to be a withering away of giving a about the worker because baby there's a lot of power in those corporations and we could sure use it I said mention graphic and discuss it again you guys are going to be so happy to have these notes
so capitalism this is very repetitive but capitalism is unsustainable and and exclusive so we need sustainable and inclusive capitalism and I want you to focus on those last two words inclusive capitalism let's Mantra inclusive capitalism so just remember that socialism support production intends to be bureaucratic so what we need is productive and even liberated socialism that's the qualitative change these are two names inclusive or sustainable and inclusive capitalism and productive socialism are two names for the same thing and I said I want you to remember the words inclusive capitalism because the Vatican in conjunction with
Lynn Forester to Rothschild which seems to be a weird character to lump in with the Pope have founded a thing called the council for inclusive capitalism you should look this thing up it's really horrifying they also have about 600 CEOs of the top 10,000 companies in the world fully on board in case you wonder what you have here you don't now just have a public private partnership you have a public private Faith partnership pushing the same values change which they are calling inclusive capitalism remember we we put an adjective in front of the thing and
then the bad the old thing is bad and the new thing is good and then we drop the adjective eventually and we just say that's what capitalism always really was so how in the world is this dialectic in the diagram to be constructed engaged incompleted in other words how are we to trigger the O the series of lowercase Omega points in tar de chardin language to get to the Omega point of Communism in the end which is the swirly going into the arrow to number six in your graphic well capitalism through the criticisms of Western
Marxism particularly has to be made sustainable and inclusive so Western Marxism has to restrain and limit the freedom of markets in the west somehow and meaning meanwhile actually existing Socialism or AKA Eastern Marxism as we called it has to be made productive somehow or another so some capitalism has to be let into the Communist East and it turns out that China was in a pretty desperate situation to make a deal after Mao died and was the perfect candidate in the late 1970s kind of a decade or so after this Theory had been able to come
to fruition uh in a handful of operators and thinkers who might want to put it into action um the USSR being locked in its cold war struggle with the US made it inadequate for the purpose in fact it was the driver saying that we needed the qualitative change so the USSR was being used by history and then discarded um kind of like the feminists have been used by history and then discarded like Hegel said everybody is used by history and then discarded so we're going to talk about the Western half of this first and then
we'll go to the eastern half we have to put a bridal on capitalism somehow in the west how are we going to do that and like I said maruza provides the vision and his vision is that capitalist production is wasteful and unsustainable that creates false needs those false needs get mistaken for True needs and then they produce more false needs that they're get mistaken for new true needs and you have this Cascade of more more more more more until the whole thing collapses uh that makes people believe that they need to work harder and harder
and harder to earn more and more and more so they can obtain their false needs things that you don't really need to get along with which means in in a nutshell we need a lower standard of living here there's a name for that degrowth degrowth communism is actually the full name of it which is not to open a can of worms that I'm not going to deal with but this is a Neo malthusian graft onto Marxist theory Thomas malus believed that we were going to over strip our um the resource base of the planet and
that there would be a gigantic ecological collapse mark happened to call this metabolic Rift he had the same idea but he hated Thomas malus um so he appropriated the idea probably to his own purposes Marx was anti- malthusian but now this is pro malthusian so it's another reason people say oh it's not Marxism because blah blah blah blah blah whatever basically this thing was cooked up in the 70s 60s really behind the scenes but it came out in the uh' 70s it was called the club of Rome you can guess where they organized and met
Venice just kidding it was in Rome but actually it turns out I recently learned I did a podcast on this I know we have a a Canadian here um that Pierre Trudeau um Justin Trudeau's father uh actually is the reason that the club of Rome got off the ground the guys who organized the club of Rome um pachy uh for example went and they had this idea but they needed some countries to back it they had money they had had people willing to give them money but they didn't have any political backing Pier Trudeau thought
it would be a great idea after he got elected in 1968 Pierre Trudeau Mania they called it Trudeau Mania took over the country and he created all these environmental councils for Canada that didn't exist before and a bunch of the members of his cabinet ended up as members of the club of Rome the founding members how about that and it turns out so Canada hosers got the club of Rome off the ground you hosers but so this is where we get this degrowth idea though that we have to prevent the proliferation of false needs becoming
true needs that people think that they can't live without like I guess you don't really I was going to grab my cell phone you don't really need that thing right like you could live with a lot less couldn't you I'm sure those Creature Comforts that you have your custom mug that says something cute on it you don't need that you could just have a plain one you don't need anything nice right you don't need you know paper cups and everything convenient that to throw away and just make waste you could you can figure out how
to carry a water bottle around with you everywhere you go all the time and make sure it's made out of metal or something that doesn't pollute the environment and the whole thing man I'm telling you but this degrowth communism is probably articulated most thoroughly by a Japanese Marxist named keso um he claims that he has discovered the true understanding of Marx's latest Works in his life the third volume of capital which was never even completely finished um and so Marx had an environmental turn he claims at the end of his life going against engle's ideas
of environmentalism which we already heard what lenon Mau and Stalin did with that with the conquest of Nature and that the whole point is to avoid the metabolic Rift with our inorganic body of nature by making sure we don't overc consume he was very concerned marks allegedly near the in the third volume of capital is very very concerned with the fact that we grow plants in a farm and we cart off the food that we grow to the city so that the organic material that came out of the ground into the plant goes off somewhere
else and doesn't make it back into the soil for example now write that out to the biggest possible scale and basically nature is going to rupture on us and we're going to find ourselves in a world of hurt and so K coito believes that he's figured out what Marx really meant as like every Marxist ever has um and he builds his vision of a degrowth economy to be more sustainable like that more inclusive of course but primarily if you read the book and you look for a phrase over and over and over again around a
reduction of the working day they just don't want jobs man they just don't want jobs also that will be balanced off we're going to work less but that's okay because we're going to also have a massively reduced standard of living now having a lower standard of living He argues with a dead straight face would increase the well-being of society hence the transition to a well-being economy and the well-being economy is meant to produce or to re to replace GDP gross domestic product so they'll cook up some scam measurement of of how well off the people
are look at how Canada is doing with that if they're not well enough I guess made will call and um you know the net well-being will go up because they get rid of the people who have low well-being Works death panels but we're going to have an abundance of well-being because we don't work as much is literally the program we'll just have to have a slightly more austere life he says without this is cooh Sao without the market competition and endless pressure for capital accumulation freely Associated labor and Cooperative production could possibly reduce the Working
Day to just 3 to 6 hours only then will people have sufficient time for non-c consumerist activities such as Leisure exercise study and love you guys don't have time for love because you're too busy working sorry honey I can't love today I'm working in other words it is possible to reduce the realm of necessity not by increasing the productive forces but by rehabilitating communal luxury which means adjusting what you think is good enough which allows people to live more stably without the pressure of being subjugated to the wage labor system so you know we're going
to replace working with uh non-c consumerist activities such as Leisure exercise study and love now it turns out that kohito thinks he's a freaking genius and he's on the big book tour for not just this book which was called marks and the anthropos scene but his two kind of more pop versions which are called slow down um but maruza beat him to that sentiment by five decades so you just heard kohito say it here's exactly what maruza said five decades ago under these circumstances Liberation from the affluent society does not mean return to healthy and
robust poverty moral cleanliness and simplicity on the contrary the elimination of profitable waste would increase the social wealth available for distribution and at the end of permanent mobilization sorry and the end of permanent mobilization would reduce the social need for the denial of satisfactions that are the individual's own denials which Now find their compensation in the Cult of Fitness strength and regularity I think coito just plagiarized maruza I can't accuse him of that because I don't have proof but those are very similar sentiments it's not original maruza laid the degrowth program down and retooled in
fact evolved Marxist theory completely in this direction that we're dealing with that I'm calling corporate Marxism and it's completely caught up on this idea of Dewing our current economy in line with maru's thoughts which coitos claims to have rediscovered for himself in Marx's latest writings that nobody was able to discern so degrowth communism what is degrowth by the way let's just put it in words on on film degrowth communism is a death cult it's what it is it's the worship of less it means freezing to D to death while you starve in the winter that's
what it means in the dark actually it means energy scarcity it means food scarcity it means all the problems that caused the majority of the deaths the majority of the deaths in the Soviet IET and Chinese context were not murders they were deaths of lack they were exposure they were starvation and they were disease so we're going to greatly backwards ourselves into this degrowth communism is a death cult and it is all the rage and it is what's actually at the heart of the ESG movement that's actually controlling all of this and what we'll get
out of that is Commonwealth lots more of it like when we all live in our tight little 15minute cities there'll be lots more nature out there to enjoy that's Commonwealth to everybody you can't go there but it's out there and you can you can see pictures of it from the drones or something there'll be lots of unspoiled nature there'll be all the leisure time you want I guess for love I don't know maruza says exercise bad CTO says exercise good I don't know which one you know times change I suppose as to what the qualitative
change includes but these are going to be the primary forms of abundant wealth that we have under de degrowth communism not having to work and having more nature and less social injustice in other words you will own nothing and you will be happy and there's not going to be any half measures on this by the way guys I know that's a Hitler phrase not a uh communist phrase but there's not going many half measures you guys have heard of the green New Deal or green capitalism sometimes it's called or sometimes it's called green growth that's
not allowed coito shatters this dream he whales on this in fact if you've read and you haven't most of you haven't Marx's critique of the goto program uh what happened was in in the goto region in Germany they came up with a socialist program that Marx decid it was a half measure so he writes this critique of the go to program to say why it's not actually undergoing the qualitative change and it's still dragging in aspects of of capitalist society and it's not doing it right well that's the green New Deal degrowth is the real
thing it's the real communism the green New Deal is a half measure pretending what does that mean in reality it's a sales pit it's how we get started and then they say oh my gosh it's not working because it's not enough we need more and so green growth is a lie sold to the public to justify degrowth another example is that Net Zero which we already just heard from CL Schwab is going to be forced right is a lie to sell something called absolute zero and absolute zero means absolutely no emissions absolutely zero emissions allegedly
by 2050 uh there's a document put out by the UK fires organization which is a bunch of major universities plus the British government in the UK that came out in 2019 called absolute zero you're more than welcome to look it up I did a podcast reading a bunch of it out loud or at least the the executive summary part of it they include that there by 2050 there will be no flights none no air travel whatsoever no container shipping at all very few cars cars will be limited to uh being extremely lightweight electric low or
no emission there'll be no new cement produced anywhere in the world there will be no new steel produced anywhere in the world it will all have to be recycled there will be all shipping will have to be done not by heavy rail but by Light Rail somehow there's going to be a lot more travel by rail with no new steel like put that together in your head I look I asked a metallurgist about this a steel guy about this at one point and I I'm not an expert in steel I don't know that much about
it and I said you know well if they recycle all the steel what do you get and he said the best recycled steel and this again qualify I don't know if this is true but I'm telling you what he told me the best recycled steel that we can produce right now is roughly the quality of the best steel they could produce in 1870 so imagine what you can build with this excellent lowquality steel that's always diminishing in quantity because every time you melt and and try to forge steel you get something called scale on the
outside you get some loss all of the oxidation gets burned off it all gets lost so you have a diminishing supply of lower and lower lower grade steel this sounds like what they made by accident in the Great Leap Forward trying to increase steel production without knowing how but that we're going to do it on purpose instead in a great leap backwards and I really want to drive home the point that this is the Great Leap backwards my favorite depiction of the degrowth Communist plan comes from the Socialist magazine called the monthly standard you are
more than encouraged to look this up degrowth monthly standard you'll see it it depicts degrowth in the current econ uh of our current economy with a spir green spiraling line with little arrows on it showing the direction of the Spiral they love the spirals right this isn't an upward spiral this is a downward spiral to a little red circle in the middle that has little arrows showing the steady state economy in the middle right so it's literally a picture of your economy going down the drain I mean I looked at it and I was like
that's a picture of a drain what the heck and that's the picture for degrowth um so what it suggests is that degrowth Communists or sustainable capitalists they they lie to us and call them believe they can shrink the economy to the right size and then manage it in perpetuity at that size with few or no new inputs in terms of energy or materials or any of that and of course producing absolutely zero emissions emissions is the enemy class by the way emissions is the bad word it's the thing we all have to fight against it's
the enemy doesn't matter if it makes sense or not like most of the air pollution people deal with they talk about the air in cities cuz the cars it's not actually due to the emissions it's due to the brake dust but they don't really point out the real facts that it turns out electric cars because they're heavier produce more breake dust and microscopic sizes in the air in cities than do gas powerered cars by a factor of a lot so um yeah it's all fake of course they'll discover that problem down the line after everybody
only has electric cars and say you can't have an electric car either and then nobody has a car this is how this works maruza actually explains this model we don't have to rely on syto or the monthly standard he says a new standard of living adapted to the pacification of existence also presupposes a reduction in the future population that's in one-dimensional man in chapter nine right there in black and white and he rails upon why it's an ethical thing to do for a couple Pages after that when he wrote that in 1964 published it in
1964 the world population was about 3.5 billion people a little less than half of what it is now of course he said it would require presuppose a reduction of the future population but don't worry you guys there aren't that many of us in the west we're going to have to reduce the population of the backwards people here's what he said this is actually maruza also in one-dimensional man such indigenous progress would demand he's talking about in the the third world such indigenous progress would demand a planned policy which instead of superimposing Technology on the traditional
modes of life and labor would extend and improve them on their own grounds eliminating the oppressive and exploitive exploitative forces material and religious which make them incapable of assuring the development of a human existence social Revolution agrarian reform and reduction of overpopulation would be prerequisites but not industrialization after the pattern of the advanced societies so that's the vision that they have for the third world which they're using as as a lever Communists always hold up things as a lever that they're actually going to destroy which is reduction of their population lots of Reform of what
they're already doing more using of indigenous methods but not industrialization no future for you so you're going to keep the backwards countries backwards until communism arrives to rescue them the international monetary fund and CCP more than happy to come build their socialist secured infrastructure for them and turn them into economic debt slaves how about that and that's exactly what's happening exactly what's happening imagine like if you shut down the cruise industry for several years so that all those ships that go and sustain the Caribbean economy don't go there anymore you know those strategically placed Islands
right off the coast of both North and South America right so you shut down their entire cruise tourism economy for four or five years for three or four years sorry we're talking you know a Super Bowl worth of people coming in every day that's their economy you shut that down oh my God they're destitute they're absolutely broke they're completely backwards well we can't industrialize we can't keep the cruise ships going because that's the pattern of industrial production in the advanced societies we have to do something different tell you what we'll cut you a deal with
either the CCP or the IMF and if it's a CCP of course they can build bases there and that's exactly what's happened throughout the Caribbean you should see how many of them are on Chinese or IMF deals and plans now after Co collapsed their economies in that extraordinarily geostrategic location right off the coast of the United States uh-oh it's almost like they drew it up apparent degrowth promises increasing immaterial abundance so that you can let go of your commodity abundance and the people in the West can learn to be able to see what can be
unburdened by their standards of living that have been so the question of course now is that's the how right that's the what and the not really the how but that's the what they're doing is why would anybody do this and the answer to why actually gets us to how well Communists including today's Communists operate through central control and coercion they actually operate through creative destruction like I just described in the Caribbean they called of course the model that runs it Democratic centralism as lenon andau called it let's remember what Claus Schwab said actually said many
businesses do not have an interest in making the world better and some will be int be tempted to engage in greenwashing or woke washing but they'll be forced to commit to ESG and ultimately all the commitments will be put to the test by government action and societal pressure oh why would anybody do this because they're forced to that's it so it isn't why would anybody do this it's because Communists using a democratic Central model that they're calling stakeholder Soviet I mean stakeholder capitalism are forcing them to do it and that tells you the how we
know it has he said it was the ESG right there that's what we're going to force them to do so the United Nations is at the heart of this whole program in the west the United Nations agenda 2030 codifies the first stages of all of this I'm not going to give the whole history there was an agenda 21 they're supposed to be happening by 2021 they didn't have what they needed to do it so they kicked it out to 2030 there was originally some Millennium development goals eight of them that they proposed around the Millennium
assembly around 2000 and that wasn't enough so they expanded it in 2015 to the 17 sustainable development goals isn't it funny that there are 17 sustainable development goals and 17 books in the Corpus hermeticum and 17 contradictions of capitalism identified by marks in 17 generative themes required by Paulo frd to conscientise somebody in the process of raising their critical Consciousness it's almost like they care a lot about that magical hermetic number because it's a magical hermetic religion well basically all through the United Nations major governmental and international uh incentives exist to participate all 193 member
states of the United Nations are in encouraged by it's not exactly a forceful organization really encouraged by the United Nations to adopt these standards and then they pressure each other in order to participate it's a little uglier in the corporate world but this is how you get the governments on board this is why when I talk to somebody in Kenya they're doing the exact same educational initiatives that we see in the United States it's because it's coming down from the United Nations and their sustainable development goals people think that that's a conspiracy theory I saw
its poster in Chicago O'Hare Airport I've seen it poster painted as a mural on the side of a building in Houston they have entire websites dedicated to not only the goals but how they're all going to be achieved how they're going to be implemented in everything the little placards on all the stuff the people wear the little lapel pin that is the eye of sain that actually not only is it the little lapel anybody who's wearing the the wheel of the 17 little colors in the circle that on their their lapel wants you to die
they are the bad guys who are the they doing this the people wearing the lapel pin they're signaling to you who they are and they coordinate that through the world economic Forum now granted I've talked to some folks who've actually been to Davos and checked it out and they're like no no no no it's a big ski party well it's a wheeling and dealing and good it probably is a big ski party with you know prostitutes and cocaine and drinking and backro Deals and making very powerful friends and allies and everybody's having a good time
and it is a party and you want to get to go back to the party next year and of course there's no pressure to do anything you're just making deals with all the people you're rubbing elbows with which happen to be heads of state and heads of the biggest corporations and the wealthiest people and the heads of the nonprofits all get to come have their big party where they all get together and bond and cook up things and it all works according to chadam house rules so you can say what happened but you can't say
who said it all the time and they all want to go back to their ski party every year and if they want to go back to their big ski party every year they can't make the people who invite you to the ski party mad so you don't criticize the agendas you don't criticize the people putting the agendas into place or you don't get to go next year in other words one of the things they're leveraging to to ruin the world and transform the world is fomo fear of missing out on the Davos party and there
they make big public private partnership deals governments suggest hey we could we could do regulation stuff this way or whatever and you guys could bring a product to Market that's going to fit right in this make a ton of money and you can get all the kind of crony public private partner deals that start to happen between government officials corporate Executives and non-governmental organizations NGS coordinating but I haven't answered the question of why would anybody do this or I guess how it's to be done except to say that it's going to be forced and the
UN isn't really for strong enough to force it they just kind of coers and guide and direct and recommend how do you do it ESG the ESG requirements are actually the tool that they're using to do it it is the force that's exactly what CL Schwab said they're going to use they're going to force corporations to do ESG the sustainable development goals of agenda 2030 are all supported by the ESG initiative and the ESG initiative can be contoured to support them ESG stands for environmental social and governance scoring for forcing corporate Behavior Larry fin said
that corporations need to be forced that's what they he said that's what we're doing said markets like totalitarian systems we are forcing behaviors Larry Fink the CEO of Black Rock and an executive partner of the world economic Forum said we are forcing behaviors on purpose because markets like totalitarian governments is what he said where did ESG come from it was invented in the UN in 2003 as a matter of fact by an intern named James gford who is trying to figure out how to leverage pension money all of those long-term passive Investments at the time
it was about $6 trillion it's over I think 10 or 11 trillion do now how do you leverage all that passive money to do what's called impact investing activist investing to make a change in the world James gford was motivated if I've read right about him primarily in Forest preservation which is the E they quickly looped in the idea of the corporate social responsibility fed the that the Consultants were pushing which is s and then they networked in with the big management consulting firms like McKenzie Delo Boston Consulting boo Allen Hamilton and the others to
come up with a governance what are the good practices of governance or corporate governance which they reinvent every few years and go sell to the corporations and you get the gcore the the pretext or the rationale maybe it was a legit rationale for this was these are long-term Investments of large amounts of money so we want to know what's going to work over the long term not boom and bust Cycles in the short term uh in the volatility of the market so how can we predict long-term performance 30-year performance of a stock instead of you
know short-term performance which is about all we have a good window on and they said well companies that are bad at the environment bad at social responsibility will get punished and corporations have bad management policies will also not succeed in the long term so if they have good e good s and good G they're probably more likely to be winners in the long term that justified their existence that's the rationale for their existence I don't know if they actually ever meant it um 2003 was a long time ago uh the S didn't even go woke
really until 2008 to 2012 and none of this really got off the ground Cod and becoming a real problem until 2015 when Obama changed the investment laws to allow it to be a problem um but that was the rationale it turns out though anything you can measure you can game so if they say well we're going to see how good your Environmental Policy is your social policy and your governance policy and then we're going to determine a score of how good your company is for listing it in our different you know indices or whatever stock
indices well then all of a sudden the companies can start pretending to try to like meet those scores and whatever and they can condition what the scores are based on how they want to force the behavior of the corporation so I used to say how do you control the bull on Wall Street as you put a ring through its nose and so here's the ring oh my God the corporations will chase these numbers if the metrics mean something to their bottom line and so they put a ring through and it's not a little girl fiercely
standing in defiance of a bull which is just a perfect statue of like feminist over belief in their own capabilities delusion actually um in fact it's actually that there's a ring through the Bull's nose being pulled along because they realize that these Corporate Finance guys will chase these metrics in order to raise the score and so then oh my God we have a means they'll chase the metrics what if we controlled what the metrics measure what if we change what the ncore looks like like I already told you about so ESG works by controlling the
detached capital of most corporations this is trillions and trillions of dollars which is an immense amount of power why would anybody do this because there are trillions of dollars involved something like 40% of the entire S&P 500 is proxy owned by the top two or three or four of these Asset Management firms that push ESG that's a lot of power blacku guard or Black Rock Vanguard State Street are Vanguard Vanguard Black Rock Vanguard State Street are the top three and I think it's just those three don't quote me exactly on this control something like 40%
of not any given company of the S&P 500 and all of that's backed by two things we don't talk nearly enough about in all of our rage against those ENT entities which are ISS and glass Lewis so I'm not going to get into that but I'm glad I said it so that gives them lots of very powerful levers of control and that allows them to jerk around and control the corporations and who's going to decide what ESG looks like the stakeholders and where did we get this word stakeholder all over business from this invention in
the late 1960s and early 1970s of stakehold older capitalism which was allegedly coined by klus Schwab and his first book is titled stakeholder capitalism allegedly he borrowed that idea to say it politely from Henry Kissinger who was his mentor at Harvard so here's how you set up the Soviet the stakeholder Soviets control what ESG scoring looks like and they can pull the corporations around to do their bidding and if they really want to go to their ski party or they really want to be included in the deals and the the direction of the future economy
then they have to join things like a council for inclusive capitalism that's lining it all out in other words they've reinvented the Vanguard but in corporate power the corporate Vanguard is now paired with the youth Vanguard to put the squeeze on society top down bottom up inside out and they democratically amongst themselves not involving you as a stakeholder decide how corporations are run using ESG to support the SGS or any other arbitrary power that decision that they decide later on to be because they are now the real corporate Vanguard class who has the real stake
in production and we will own nothing and be happy um I like how one of them at the at the world economic Forum associate not at the world economic for not at Dallas one of the guys they were interviewing who's one of these big players I forget he's a CEO of one of these companies in Europe uh he actually said that you know why would we sell you the product if all you want is the benefit of the product so we'll sell you the benefit of the product and we'll retain ownership of the product in
other words everything will become a lease model or a subscription model or a streaming model and you won't own anything that's the how how you will own nothing and be happy model is supposed to work but it's all going to be decided in terms of how it works by the stakeholder councils or stakeholder Soviet just like the workers councils and Soviet Union so we're actually dealing with kind of leninism 2.0 which a great moment in the video when we put this out will be that there's a picture of Cl Schwab sitting in his office with
a bust of Lenin on his bookcase behind him as though maybe that's an inspiring thing to have in your office so the degr and much of the sustainable development agendas are primarily contained in the E part of ESG environmental the G and ESG is an enforced corporate politur that makes sure that corporations are run by compliant leaders that is commissars with compliant policies and they reward themselves for hiring more of those people in implementing the programs and they punish themselves if they don't which is self-criticism on the corporate level the SN ESG is another leninist
stalinist that is Soviet project called Dei you've probably never heard that described as a leninist project Dei where did Dei come from this is embarrassing for me May Cula I gave a very long Workshop in Miami a couple years called the Marxist roots of Dei and I never mentioned that it actually came straight from Lenin because I didn't know yet well Dei is obviously the Practical manifestation of the woke in instit tional spaces it hides behind veneers of nice things like civil rights particularly behind affirmative action which is an equity program um but what is
it really so diversity I already told you it's diverse to the to the prevailing hegemony so it's diverse to the prevailing values diverse to the existing environment that is as the counter hegemonic values what does diversity do in practice it politicizes any environment that takes it up as a value inclusion inclusion means to accommodate the ideology of the counter hegemony so include views that are outside of the prevailing corporate institutional or even societal value system it forces ideological accommodationism therefore and thus transformation this place isn't a place where women feel comfortable because I'm a mad
feminist and that means you don't value women so you have to change all the policies to make not women feel comfortable but to make an erasable feminist feel comfortable so you have to now accommodate ideology this is what happens when you blend ideology and in in identity into a single thing which is what all the woke identity politics do they can become irreconcilable uh or IR erasable people you can't satisfy them and then they say well this is a place that's unsafe it causes harm for women and minorities and we all know that I made
a stupid white girl voice for that because it's often done by proxy by some uh nice little little codra as opposed to somebody who's actually a token class right as in our language it blends politics with identity in order to accomplish its goals that's how I how inclusion works and it justifies censorships in purges the liberating tolerance model or the maest anti- campaigns should come to mind Equity definition an administered system in which Shares are adjusted to make participants equal an administered system in which Shares are adjusted to make participants equal that's the definition of
socialism but it's also the definition of equity isn't that funny like I said this has all kind of come in hiding behind civil rights law and it does so if you want something actionable to go after through the Communist doctrine of civil rights law called disperate impact if there is a disperate impact in group averages then there might be discrimination happening even if nobody can find it that was codified into civil rights law practice by a Supreme Court case in 1971 called Griggs versus Duke power I assure you if the Supreme Court ends up hearing
a case and overrules Griggs versus Duke power you're going to watch the left fall on its knees and scream like Trump got elected every day for the next thousand years but like I told you the other night there's no such thing as an equitable protection Clause of the 14th Amendment so this is a bogus communist legal Doctrine it is an equal protection clause which should be blind to the identities that it protects leftists got here how did they do that they became civil rights attorneys and conservatives didn't that's it basically the whole thing you get
critical legal studies feminist legal studies and critical race Theory right out of the fact that they were absolutely dedicated to figuring out how to give themselves legal advantages in basically every institutional setting but this is actually a project I told you that came from Lenin and Stalin from the early 1920s in the USSR so Stalin although you can find it in Lenin as well writing in 1923 and what it's called the national factors and party and state affairs wrote or so maybe it was a speech I don't know I read it so for me he
wrote the 10th Congress of our party already pointed out that the abolition of actual National inequality so actual equality is the concept that's being ushered in there and that's what I want you to pay attention to because we call that Equity today the abolition of actual National inequality is a lengthy process involving a stubborn and persistent struggle against all survivals of national oppression and Colonial slavery sounds like CRT in postcolonial theory but to overcome it it is absolutely necessary and it can be overcome only by the Russian proletariat rendering the backwards peoples the ghetto populations
of the Union real and prolonged assistance in their economic and cultural advancement so they're going to give them affirmative action programs and they're going to give them cultural assistance to bring them into being socialists through their ethnic identities otherwise there can be no grounds for expecting the establishment of a proper and durable cooperation of the peoples within the framework of a single Union state hence the second immediate task of our party lies in the struggle to abolish the actual inequality of the nationalities the struggle to raise the cultural and economic level of the backwards peoples
so that was Stalin on this and I have a friend Steven Willer who actually laid this out and explained it because he can read Russian and I can't and studies these people and has much longer than I have and um what we call Equity they called actual equality I am going to attempt and butcher some Russian in front of you and I apologize for how that goes maybe we'll cover that up in the video with a Google translate or something so diversity if you were to go on Google translate right now and type in diversity
and translate it to Russian is a word here we go rasia I think I did that right Unity of socialist content through diversity of folkish identity form is what it meant for marxists if I didn't say it right don't correct me just let it be let it fly this is this is white boy from Tennessee Russian so diversity was actually by exactly the same word diversity a program and it was to create Unity of socialist content through looking at the different folkish folk identities of Russia and bringing socialism to them to unify them under one
new Banner ma did the exact same thing with the 55 minority races Equity is what they called actual equality oh my God fesco rent V we'll just pretend that I did that right so that is act this is this is my friend stepen giving us what this is actual racial economic uh and cultural equality achieved through inequality of the oppressor so economic equality being achieved through the Soviet pressure wasn't enough you've also got to get cultur equality that makes actual equality when you have both um economic and cultural equality but that's Equity that's what we're
doing we've extended the idea of socialism from the economic realm also into the cultural realm but that was a program of the Soviet Union as early as the early 1920s that was taken as the second most important prog uh program of their party and then inclusion uh corit something I did that way wrong taking root or indigenization is how that literally translates but what it is of course is a communist inversion they were going to indigenize the uh people the backwards peoples into communism so it's he defined it as the eradication of otherness and that's
in quotes the inclusion of minorities women Etc in party literacy government positions jobs and education and socialist constructions of the ethnic group our Dei program came straight from lennin and Stalin in the early 1920s and was considered the second highest priority of the Soviet Union's party apparatus where did it come from Soviet Russia so that's Western corporate Marxism that's what's going on on our side and why it's going on on our side they're forcing it through this truly top down falsely bottom up and sort of inside out that's also fabricated transformation of our society but
that's why our Marxism is corporately run into sustainable and inclusive capitalism it is run by a corporate cartel that is headed up by oligarchs who call themselves stakeholder representatives in form a stakeholder Soviet that they lie to us and call stakeholder capitalism why capitalism because the oligarchs get to make lots of money but they do so in public private partnership that is fascism with the government in the coordinating nonprofits and so how in the world were they able to penetrate all those cabinets and all of the incorporate boards and so on good thing in inok
good thing our fabians have been infiltrating everything for so long but then Claus Schwab directly said we're going to penetrate Z cabinets and then he has especially he was talking about Canada I think but there's the other half of this dialectic now to talk about which is a productive Eastern corporate communism to match our Western corporate communism and there was a perfect place to do this experiment the CCP after Mao Mao was a bad dude China was in absolute destruction and disarray after he died in 1976 they were desperate for a change and the change
that they had was brought to them by some characters we already had but I just want to make one point Point real quick before I get into the details of the Eastern side is that we here in the west are not getting put through a maist cultural revolution which we are being put through undoubtedly what's happening is a maest cultural revolution to our culture with corporate Hunger Games run by ESG and I mean that literally is the way the corporate games operates the ones who play ball the best get to survive and become the oligarchs
and everybody else is going to get consumed that's they're going to get literally bought up and bought up or driven out of business and giant multinational Partnerships we're not being put through a maist revolution in order to get a maist regime people ask who's the Mau what's it look like we're not doing that we're being put through a Mau cultural revolution to get what China got after Mao left or died really we're going through ma to get to dung and that's a kind of a cognate pun here in English I'm trying to train myself to
say his name what closer to correct verus dung shaing not Den shaing but Deng shaing dong shaing is actually the relevant character that transformed China in the East ma broke it and then build back better I believe that was the question the other night so that's dun sha pang's role is build back better so I wrote in my notes because I'm funny in 1976 Mal made his greatest contribution to humanity he died but things were so bad and so tumultuous that it took him two years to figure out who was going to lead China in
his place and there was huge rival factions between his various leaders as to who was going to take over Lu shiai was already on the outs but his other big big leaders were kind of still on the end but it turns out that dun sha ping who had been with him from very early on in CCP days way before the Chinese Revolution in 1949 uh took the took the place in 1978 he became the the chairman of CCP his long time Ma's longtime comrade uh and he inherited a complete disaster um he got exactly the
kind of China maong would leave behind total economic disarray utter economic collapse rampant abject poverty starvation the worst of economic conditions basically anywhere in the world um you know you could say they said that you know the capitalist countries were the first world and the socialist countries were the second world and then you had the undeveloped countries that were the third world well China basically went to the fourth world and in by the destruction of Mao in some sense I think that's a real term I was just making a joke nobody laughed so it wasn't
funny we'll go back to Schwab Schwab warts everybody thought Schwab warts was good but Deng shaing was a pragmatist he was more pragmatic than most marxists his most famous utterance perhaps is I don't care if a cat is black or white as long as it catches mice what he was talking about was not cats it turns out he was making a metaphor he was talking about the economy of China how are we going to get China back on its feet and he decided we can allow a corporate hybrid model to come in we can start
to allow people to produce he called it one country two systems so to' be one country China the PRC actually People's Republic of China that would have two systems both socialist and capitalist operating at the same time he also said that the reason he would do this was because of an old uh Chinese saying that he was twisting to his own purposes which is seek truth from Facts in other words be pragmatic and try to be realistic about your situation in other words we're going to be a lot less ideological in our pursuit of Communism
and the belief was that Ma was right on seven fingers but he was too ideological on three so we're going to wheel back a little bit on how ideologically strict we're going to be for the glory of Communism but he said this was actually all going to be done explicitly for the glory of socialism not just in China but throughout the world so the religion wasn't being abandoned it was just being updated and we call this dengism or dengism I suppose or dung sha ping Theory or the the names for it um he didn't bury
ma the way that KF buried Stalin like I said he said right on seven fingers wrong on three uh but he set out to make a socialism with Chinese characteristics that was actually going to be the model for the New World Order and in fact not just the model that's beta test to see if it would actually work and so it was going to be an experiment in the productive socialism that marusa had recognized a need for and basically they imported some elements of National Socialist production into the Chinese CCP economy so so what's Den
Shao ping Theory the government owns the land and it owns the raw materials but private interests own the companies that do things with them therefore they're not really bis because nobody owns any land which would be land holding that's bis right but you you don't have any of the raw materials but you get to make whatever you want as long as the government owns all the raw materials in the in the property that you build it with so you end up with what they called and here's the oxymoron for you a socialist market economy which
would be productive Socialism or a socialist capitalism or a capitalist socialism whatever you want it he claims although I think it's only three dun shaing claimed to uphold the four principles of Chinese communism but he only upheld three the third one or the last one is just an honorific um there's no evidence whatsoever that it's true one the basic Spirit of Communism is to be upheld so the religious aspiration and mode of of belief are still there two the dictatorship of the proletariat in the People's Republic of China is to be there so the PRC
is still a dictatorship over the country the leadership of the Communist party as such as the third and the fourth which is not actually adhered to is Marxism leninism and maong thought will be preserved and they are not actually there's no evidence whatsoever they just say that so that they aren't dissing ma because that would be really really insulting but all of it is an extension of Marx uh the Marxist leninist theory of what they called theory of productive forces that we have to make product we just what maruza said you have to produce in
order to have stuff in order to run your country and if you don't develop the productive forces enough you can't actually attain socialism because you won't have enough to give to everybody and you're going to have a problem and so produ achieving communism still is the goal but you avoid the ideological dogmatism allegedly in dun sha ping Theory by being willing to adapt and run two systems in one country his kind of motto he ran around and said everywhere dun chop hang went around the country and said was open up open up open up open
your mind open up let new things happen right just not to the students in tenan square in 1989 don't open up that far so how did ding choping come up with this let's let the corporations in model and how in the world did the corporations decide hey let's go into the Chinese um broken poverty there's no Market there nobody has any money how in the world did they decide to do this how did the corporations get involved in this what did the Chinese have where they had nothing cheap labor AKA slaves lots of it and
so we have a couple of intrepid uh Americans Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller who visited first with ma before he died but later with dung when he took over and suggested that China could become the production basis for the world they could be the factory that builds all the things the world needs they've already proved that they can mobilize people to make things of course that also proved that they tend to force people to make things under conditions that lead to vastly inferior Goods but that's okay there's also collaboration with the world economic Forum CLA
Schwab brags in this weird little book he wrote called the world economic Forum the first 40 years that he published in 2011 that within the first year of dung shaing taking power he was already trying to get dun shaing to come speak in Davos and that they he refused so instead they would send a Chinese delegation and um they would set up a second meeting in the summer of the world economic Forum would meet in China somewhere uh instead so there was already working with the at the time it was called the European management Forum
directly so CL Schwab was in direct Cahoots with the CCP in the late 1970s and into the 80s already like I said they were looking around for model that had that could work to increase their productive forces and they quite literally landed on the Nazi model the National Socialist model seem to work and they established what we might call a communo fascist State one country two systems which is a dialectical synthesis of Communism and economic fascism they certainly are not like the religious fascists uh where melini was talking about why was China chosen as the
beta model well there's already a communist government installed that could mobilize people through a command economy there is the absolute desperation of the Chinese system there is the pragmatism shown by dun sha ping which is also Savvy long-term planning against the rest of the world especially the West imagine if you were going to become the manufacturing base for the whole world and nobody else is manufacturing everything and they're just consumer economies we call that having them bu the balls there's a major profit motive on the other side American corporations could build the biggest consumer Market
in the world and have cheap manufacturing at the same time so the offshoring to China would be the cheapest in the world and we would end up creating wealth there that would create the giant 1.5 billion person consumer Market that Now controls the behavior of everybody who wants to participate in selling airplanes or basketball tickets I mean I didn't say LeBron James's name or anything here um in the Chinese market and they again like I said this is called being by the balls but for Kissinger I mean Rockefeller has his own motivations at least but
for Kissinger this is a massive power move for the state department and for the council for foreign relations and their buddies at the Asia society and the chadam house and the CCP so there's your th by the way that I was asked about in the question and answer before but what's in it for China a functioning economy again prestige on the world stage a strategic advantage of being the world's manufactur facturing base and largest consumer economy after a couple decades that gives a massive leverage over the world's corporations and leaders a platform from which they
can bring socialism with Chinese characteristics to other parts of the world where at least demand adherence if you want to get past the great Chinese business firewall and participate in their Market that would allow them to advance communism in its basic Spirit throughout the world which has always been their goal they were promised a forthcoming as iian Century of global economic dominance in this deal so there was the British Century in the 19th and then there was the American Century in the 20th and now it's time for Asia to have its Century you will be
the global hegemon you will be the wealthiest country but that creates a problem that creates a problem that is called the Trap of thusi trap you see if we build China or China help as China is allowed to grow like this and we help China grow like this it becomes a rising and rival power if we're going to have an Asian Century it must become a rising rival power that will actually overthrow Global hegemony at some point well how in the world's that going to happen well thusi trap is a reference back to the pelian
war where you had Athens and Sparta and Athens is the existing power and Sparta's rising and the claim is that when you have a rising power it will eventually get strong enough to challenge the existing power for regional or in this case global Global dominance so as China grows we have a rising rival that's going to eventually has been promised the possibility of taking control having an Asian Century so you're going to have War the Americans in the west aren't just going to give up their standing in the world but the Chinese are going to
want it the only solution is war and both countries have nuclear weapons so that's a bad deal now we're in the Trap of THD trap we're going to build up China because we're greedy and it's a power move but uh-oh now we have this war looming what are we going to do how do you avoid it well imagine if you degrow the West so that it's too weak and too small and too poor to fight adequately When The War shows up well that would avoid the war the West would just say oh my gosh we
can't fight this war we'll lose we'll see millions and millions of our people die and for nothing and we'll destroy our economy here just take the torch and run with it and this little plan was largely orchestrated by Henry Kissinger and our state Department with their buddies at the Asia Society the council for foreign relations likely the chadam house was involved these are the they who are they not duus these are the they okay so how's this new model supposed to work like in practice not this big picture stuff like the forcing the ESG thing
so we got these two PE these two I was going to say two people but it turns out there's two people that wrote one book and then there's another book so there's these two ideas one is George soros's method and then there's Cass sunstein and Richard tlor wrote a book about nudge theory in uh a little over a decade and a half ago and these are the most responsible characters for the method of implementation for this the excuse for implementation is primarily climate change which is now morphed at the world economic for to the poly
crisis so it's a crisis not just climate crisis it's a poly crisis it's a crisis in every direction so give us Global power and these are the mechanism of action of course we've got the stupid marcusian radical left here undermining everything and somehow weirdly aligning with banks and corporations at the same time because they're so power hungry um and the infiltration of not just the Democratic party almost completely but also much of the Republican party and that kind of Fabian uh that Fabian dialectical become your your opposition way and then there's also going to be
the model of opt in tyranny like I said so let's talk about nudge Theory real briefly I'm going to not call it nudge Theory I want to call it nudge totalitarian ISM because that's what they're going to use it for sunstein and Thor wrote this idea it's supposed to be behavioral economics or economic psychology where what we're going to do now is we're not going to force people to do stuff we're just going to give them prompts or nudges that lead them to make the right choices all the time right this why it's opt in
we're going to put the thing in front of you you don't have to pick the thing it's just in front of you it's the most obvious choice just take it we're going to nudge you to do the right thing in other words as this becomes increasingly totalitarian we're going to make it less and less comfortable to do the wrong thing and more and more comfortable to do the right thing thing but I'll get back to that so he says this is this is they say sunstein and and theor say a nudge as we will use
the term is any aspect of the choice architecture that alters people's behavior in a predictable way without for forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives to count as uh to count as a mere nudge the intervention must be easy and cheap to avoid nudges are not mandates putting fruit at eye level counts as a nudge Banning junk food does not so that's the thing we're dealing with but they have this really horrifying part that they talk about which is called algorithmic nudging now I'm not going to quote from them about algorithmic nudging which
is what we experience on social media and in Google every day the algorithm is going to constantly nudge us imagine as it gets better and better and better at that but here's a Harvard Business Review had to say about algorithmic nudging companies are increasingly using algorithms to manage and control individuals not by force but rather by nudging them into desirable desirable behavior in other words learning from their personalized data and altering their choices in some subtle way so why do they have to gather your data we talked in the Q&A last night uh about why
it is with my phone that I can take a picture and I own the data but if I um if I type my my metadata if I go to the websites they can record everywhere that I've gone and all the different things I've bought and all that and they get to keep that data why isn't that my data because they need to learn from the personalized data in order to create the algorithm that can nudge me to do the beh behaviors that they want me to do which is what uh Ben Williamson actually a leftist
Critic of all this calls a psychocyan so when this is going to be controlled by say ESG or it's controlled by access to the People's Republic of China Market it might look like it's organic just people making decisions but it's actually very much not it's very much contoured so this is what the model of the future looks like just imagine a perfectly smart algorithm two or three generations down that can predict exactly what advertisement has to show you to get you to buy whatever or they can predict exactly which messaging needs to show up in
your social media feed so that you deradicalize and go vote for the political party that they want you to vote for that's the idea of algorithmic nudging and in fact it's beyond that it's the point of uh maru's pre-censorship to where the algorithm actually won't even show you information that it does want you to have luckily they're implementing it with such low sophistication right now that we're actually able to see it but with higher sophistication it may very easily become invisible and then we don't even know what's happening and our entire en uh environment information
environment is nudging us to do whatever they want okay what's Soros what's his re relevance reflexivity is the new dialectical method it's the evolution of the dialectic into the Practical that we have now I'm not going to get into a lot of history with him uh but he actually brought this method to um China in the 1980s when he was still friendly with China and showed them and the Chinese the CCP loved it so much that they adopted reflexivity as the way to transcend Marxism leninism and move forward into a new version of the dialectic
to transform Society uh and then later he and he and China had a big falling out because Soros believes in this uh Wackadoo hippie dippy utopian concept called an open society that can't quite exist and China is definitely not an open society and then he realized that they can use his method better than he can and he freaked out and he started going after them and they declared him on Twitter actually last a couple years ago in word for word a demon and an international terrorist so he's not friendly with China anymore that's a little
complicated for them so reflexivity he describes his method he describes as uh operating in the space between what is actually true and what people perceive to be true notice the usefulness of social reification from lukat if you can make people believe something not quite true that's okay they'll act on it kind of the uh quintessential example is a bank run you believe the bank is going to fail so you go take out all your money and a bunch of people do that so then the bank fails so the bank wasn't going to fail until a
bunch of people believed it was and then they went took out all their money and then it made the bank fail so it's kind of this this uh principle of becoming based on misunderstanding reality and actually Soros is extremely clear that it's about the misunderstanding of reality that moves history um and he says in fact it's the place where all historical change takes place and he call calls the magic formula the magic sauce fertile fallacies um which is a kind of funny word so they're errors that are productive in the world and so this is
th soros's theory of change and here's how he describes it the historical process as I see it is open-ended so that's why it disagrees with China its main driving force is the participants bias to be sure it is not the only Force at work but it is a force that is unique to the historical process and sets it apart from the processes studied by natural science biolog iCal evolution is attributed to genetic mutation I contend that historical processes are shaped by the misconceptions of their participants I would go I would even go so far as
to say that the ideas that make history consist of fertile fallacies a fertile fallacy is originally conceived as an Insight only when it is translated into reality do its shortcomings become apparent then beets another fertile fallacy that is antithetical to it and so it goes each fallacy provides a new experience and to the extent that people learn from experience the process can be described as progress fallacy is of course too strong a word but it is helpful in directing attention in the right direction to the participants bias okay so let me just cut a cut
where did he where did Soros did he come up with this is Soros some kind of mad Super Genius well it turns out he's actually a very smart man or he was he's very old I don't think he's doing as well as he was but very brilliant man but no he didn't come up with this this is Hegel this is pure Hegel you just just heard what he said right you have an idea it's actually a misconception but you put it into practice then you see why it doesn't work and then you adjust and do
it again and it's negative it's it's antithesis shows up from from trying it out right okay so hegel's philosophy not to go deep into this is that there's the absolute idea that is God men approximate that in the theoretical idea I actually mentioned this the other night and that the theoretical idea is a guess as to what the correct absolute idea is but it's not so then they put the theoretical idea into practice that's called the practical idea and then they see the error the distance between the theoretical idea and the absolute idea and the
fact that the Practical idea doesn't manifest what they think it's going to make so it doesn't actually work which causes people to realize there's a mistake and they start to work it out in conflict and then you have a revolution in the theoretical idea that's supposed to better approximate uh the absolute idea and the dialectic turns another round around the spiral it's literally the same thing in planer language written in 1992 that people can actually read instead of written in something like 1807 and Hegel speak which nobody can read but Soros knows that it's this
is Hegel by the way Soros knows what he's saying here's what else he says when a situation has thinking participants yeah this is the part okay sorry when situation has thinking participants the sequence of events does not lead directly from one set of facts to the next rather it connects facts to perceptions a perception the facts in a shoelace pattern thus the concept of reflexivity yields a shoelace theory of History it must be recognized that the shoelace theory is a kind of dialectic it can be integrated as a synthesis of hegel's dialectic of ideas and
Marx's dialectical materialism he knows what he's doing he's not ignorant of the theories that he's actually putting into play here he says instead of either thoughts or material conditions evolving in dialectic Fashion on their own it is the interplay between the two that produces a dialectic process the only reason I do not use the word more prominently is that I do not want to be burdened by the excess luggage that comes with it I find Hegel obscure and Marx propounded a deterministic theory of history that is diametrically opposed to my own view which is this
one so he says history is open-ended Mark says that it follows this line but hegel's obscure but he doesn't want to be burdened by the baggage that comes with it in other words he doesn't really he's going to ad that he's doing it but doesn't really want people to realize that reflexivity is just the dialectic repackaged in a more modern and practical form and specifically applied to financial markets specifically so here's how it actually works people are nudged to believe certain things about the world that turn out to not quite be right either through their
own guesses about reality which are as best they could do but wrong or through maybe images that are given to them about how a Savvy operator would want them to believe the world is is in other words that they're given misinformation to misbelieve how things work this causes a chaotic environment as things start to break down in a chaotic environment there's a feedback loop of people desperately searching for answers and in that desperately searching for answers you can lay down Sor says guide posts that they will follow in their desperation in order to make that
come about so agit prop basically is how it actually works if you're going to use it as a weapon right it's just a little bit more sub and that's why you say hello inok yet again right the fabians guess where Soros was educated the London School of Economics so it's a 21st century dialectical tool not an old Marxist L leninist dialectic dialectical tool but it's the same beliefs the same transformative faith and the same uh program religious program is just a new slightly modified method that mixes Marx and Hegel in new way so let's give
some kind of concrete examples of how it works let's consider so one of the things that that um Sor says he likes to do he actually says he takes a malicious pleasure it in in the Alchemy Finance is to to short sell an Institutional favorite so how would you in how would you short sell a favorite something that's a clear winner in the stock market let's talk about Boe so let's say that you have a company and let's say that it's a big institutional favorite and then there's some issues that come up so you start
with a plausible story people believe about a real issue and then what you do is you start a campaign of overt telling every single minor problem story that you can find so you have a door blowoff real problem that comes up and then you're like cracked windshield somebody had diarrhea and flooded the toilet so the plane had to land a tire popped or routine maintenance but it delayed people 6 hours and you tell every story now you can't Soros isn't publishing the stories but he can pay Jal istic outlets and suggest to them that maybe
they should tell lots and lots and lots of stories about how Boeing is having all these troubles find any story you can about Boeing Boeing's hot and you don't have to be weird about it Boeing's hot right now it's going to get clicks let's go and you can weaponize the click economy to tell every minor story to create a pervasive misperception that Boeing is doing has some real problems but it's doing way worse than it actually is doing and then you wait for some other actual real event to come and PR precipitate um a belief
that This calamity is at a crisis Point all of a sudden there's doubt all over the place a chaotic environment the doubt in the company becomes rified and so now you have a company that's performing at whatever whatever level that used to have a belief level and you've dropped people's belief level in it tremendously and now what do you have an overvalued Institutional favorite so that's when you plug in the short cell and then you wait for something bad to happen and when the bad thing happens boom all of a sudden the real value matches
the new perceived value and you crash them you do this in Cycles over and over and over and over again until you create enough doubt in the thing so that it's actually overvalued compared to the people who are interested in possibly owning shares of it in the economic market now let's repeat this with a different institutional favorite western civilization in the United States of America maybe you would use your vast resources to fund certain things like schools and media that so doubt in the value of our past and American values they were all slavers they
were all this it was so much oppression maybe you would use that in schools particularly to turn kids against their Nation their faith and to just kind of rot out belief in the USA and Western Civilization oh it was colonial oh it was oppressive it was not that good it's not worth saving maybe you would fill the nation with immigrants to dilute and confuse national identity while adding heaps and heaps of stress to the environment that creates a conflict between the immigrants and the native population maybe you would Pro push provocative and divisive identity politics
to fracture national identity even further and make people think in terms of their folkish identity characteristics while again adding stress maybe you would fund prosecutors to get put in place to increase and allow crime because that turns American cities into holes where people are like this place sucks America used to be great Chicago used to be great now it's dangerous and it sucks maybe you would do work to in defund the police and install weak policing two-tier policing again the Soros Das that are funded to be there to dismiss to actually to to apply repressive
tolerance or liberating tolerance um literally and not Prosecuting leftist crime and Prosecuting conservatives for so much of showing up and saying it's no good until people lose faith in their communities and their country especially in the youth so what are some of soros's biggest funding actions through his Society foundation and other organizations that are subsidiary to oh all of those things so maybe you could bottom out through reflexive activity people's belief in their own country and now you have an overvalued Institutional favorite that you could short sell and wait for something bad to happen to
come up and suddenly collapse the whole thing why would Soros want to collapse the United States though besides his malicious pleasure and short selling uh institutional favorites well he wants to transform the world into an open Society he doesn't have this hard CC P communist ambition he wants a different open-ended Marxist ambition he wouldn't call it Marxist but it is um to have an open Society well if the US is strong and Rich it can be exclusive it can say no you can't actually come in no we're not going to put up with that it
can be an exclusive economy it can use its power in the reserve currency of the world and the dollar to say yes you can do this or no you can do that you could have Donald Trump initiate trade Wars that actually achieve things without any shots having to be fired well that would be no good that's not an open Society that's one country having too much stuff and saying it can close its doors to other people whenever it wants so you would fund exactly the opposite of that the problem for Soros and his method in
fact turns out to be that um China is using it at least as if not more effectively than his organizations can and with vastly more resources and he does not want that model so he's kind of in this like weird end of life stage watching his own program bear exactly the opposite fruit that he wanted it to and I don't really feel bad for him on that I said that we were reading the book The the great narrative for the better future from Claus Schwab earlier and I said that they're going to use climate change
as kind of the big lever of course I mentioned previously it sets up a north south dialectic that drives the immigration those are Kam Harris's root cause climate change causes immigration so we have to fix climate change instead of closing the Border blah blah blah but they've upgraded this in the poly crisis and then the great narrative for a better future what is the great narrative that we're going to have for a better future what are we going tell our kids our great narrative for a better future right it's that we have all these crises
waiting to happen synthetic biology pandemics climate change all these terrible things AI acceleration drone Warfare all this stuff oh no everything's very scary velocity whatever velocity means he mentions velocity a lot things are getting newer faster than we can understand basically oh no so what's the great narrative we can globally Cooper operate and hand power to the global stakeholders in order to run a global government to manage that for the future in other words if we just have all these problems coming that maybe you know cyber attacks and every other bad thing then we can
hand off power to a global governance entity for a better future it's just obviously a power grab to establish the stakeholder Soviet so the tyranny of our future is opt in I've said that a lot of times I want to break that down for you the game is for opt-in tyranny is not that they're Force you from without like industrial communism they're just going to make life harder and harder and harder for you until you play along it's a kind of kind of topd down soft totalitarianism um with that conditioned social pressure of come on
get with the program you know do your part We're All in This Together wear your mask it requires a lot of things though like a heavy surveillance State like big brother it requires psychological operations to produce the appearance of demand for these things that's going to happen through the nudge Theory requires brainwashing to change the values of the population especially the youth but the deal is that you're going to actually end up brainwashing yourself with opt-in tyranny because you're going to go you don't have to go along with the program it's cheap and easy to
avoid going along with the program life just life just gets harder and harder and more uncomfortable until you do think about vaccine passports you don't have to get one you just can't eat inside a restaurant you have to take your food and go it's minor inconvenience oh maybe we can't even have you come in the restaurant you can only get delivery oh well maybe you can't even get delivery because what if the driver gets that well you'll have to get delivery by drone well you don't have drone delivery in your area well you'll have to
wait for that so it just gets harder and harder and harder to have a good life right the vaccine passport was a great example where they tried to do this to us and then Omron came along like a miracle and made it so that seemed absolutely ridiculous and we don't have that anymore um imagine if they were to do like they've done in the UK and set up fines if you have an outdated vehicle or inadequate housing right so yeah you can drive whatever car you want you don't have to drive a electric car it
doesn't have to be a self-driving car that drives you around that has a kill switch or anything else you don't have to have any of that you can have you can have your American muscle car it doesn't matter it's just that every time you drive past this camera that sit upside outside your neighborhood you get fine $75 every single time every single time you don't have to buy a compliant vehicle or you don't have to install a a smart meter on your house your property taxes just go up by 10% per year till you do
you see what I'm saying about making it you have to choose you have to say yes I want to participate in your evil system you have to start your own self-criticism and self transformation in order to do it now imagine this with social credit scores which is the penultimate brainwashing program you don't get a better brainwashing program than a social credit score except through chips in your brain basically the social credit score turns life into a video game where the rules of the video game are set by somebody else and your job is to run
around and punch the boxes that give you the coins that give you the points you're going to do what you're you're supposed to do and get merits and you're going to not do what you're not supposed to do and get Dem merits and you're play the video game of life and if your score is high enough you can buy groceries and if your score is even higher you can buy better groceries and if your score is too low well you know here's a little bit of government cheese so you don't starve and that's basically all
you can have so you'll rapidly brainwash yourself in order to stay in line with staying above the minimum standard it's like your credit score already works now that you can't get a loan if you have a bad credit score or it has a high interest rate but now it's applied to everything you do in life actually I read the document published in 2014 by the CCP about why they implemented a social credit score and they just talk on page after page after page after page about how it's necessary for the implementation of a modern socialism
that's what it's for that's what the social credit score is all about getting everybody to behave but also to train themselves to behave the right way I uh pointed out the smartmed housing but um just imagine that those limits shrink and shrink and Shrink until you live in your little sector of your 15minute city and costs you a fine every time you leave plus they surveil every time you leave and maybe you have to start answering for why you leave and that's tied to your social credit system that all sets up kind of a double
two-tiered system the red black categories of maoism there are the opt-ins the compliant people those are the good citizens good Global Citizens and they're the people who resist that opt out well they can participate in society but they're black class so they maybe can't buy groceries except on a black market and if they get caught it's going to be really bad right but there's a second tier which with then the compliant people there are the people who are good social credit and bad social credit and they are also at like an intrinsic competition to raise
social credit scores then you tie this into an a a universal basic income so that we don't really actually have to work and they can just tell you you know what fine forfeit your money you don't have to take 1,200 or $500,000 or whatever dollars a month when the Ubi thing failed by the way they said the reason it probably failed where people wouldn't work cuz they had money coming in was because they didn't give them enough money I'm not kidding that's the explanation that they've come up with for this you don't have to take
the Ubi you don't have to be compliant in your social credit score or whatever to get Ubi fine do whatever you want but it turns out that's the only money that you can get because there are like kind of no jobs right so it's opt into your own control and tyranny um you don't have to brainwash your kids they just don't have a place in the future economy you can homeschool your kids you don't have to send them to the schools to get programmed in their competencies and social emotional learning but they won't be able
to get a job because they don't have the 21st century skills necessary for the workforce imagine this with Central Bank digital currency which is kind of the ultimate tool they can turn your money on and off and control what you can and can't buy with it and they can Attie it to a thing that would basically be sustainability credits that work like a carbon credit economy when you're a good boy you can have more credits and when you don't you're not a good boy you don't have it this is very very strong inck feels to
it this is Shaw's kindly English socialism mixed with that dangest uh economic model kindly Justify Your Existence and you will have your Ubi you can just imagine it and of course it's all just more recycled Soviet communism I want to read to you a piece though to give you a feel for how this what this is actually about from de's Ma's Great Famine he says in the People's Republic access to Foods goods and services was largely determined by a household registration system the rough equivalent of the internal passport instituted in December 1932 under Stalin in
the Soviet Union introduced to the cities in 1951 it was extended to the countrys side in 1955 and became law in 1958 just when farmers were being pitchforked into the communes it divided people into two separate worlds by classifying them either as City dwellers or peasants the household registration system was a Lynch pin of the planned economy as the state was in charge of distribution of goods it had to have a rough idea of the needs of different sectors of the economy if large flows of people moved about the country in complete Freedom it would
upset the production quotas and distri and distribution charts so meticulously mapped out by the central planners okay so imagine the the capacity of controlling you with 15minute cities and cbdc and all that but listen to what the real point was they had a planned let's say circular steady state economy that seems like it would be impossible to manage and they couldn't run the planned economy unless people stayed put and they knew exactly where everybody was so they could make reasonable guesses about exactly how much each area and each person might need so their calculations depended
on removing all of your freedom of movement this is no different it's the same program and notice that it was a Soviet household registration program in the first place actually it wasn't called the household registration program except in China so where did this theosophical religion go that we started with let's talk about the theosophy of the UN and we'll end up here so this probably corporate communism might be the end of Communism as communism it's some new thing that's fine I still want to call it communism corporate communism is a good placeholder for our time
but it's going to get real weird with this un Vision if that's what's really where it's going we would I recorded two very long podcasts about how weird uh the un uh theosophy is I encourage you to look up United Nations on my website in and listen to those um I just want to offer you a taste of how crazy their ideas are though I'm not going to go into a huge amount of it but I want to remind you that theosophy and Marxism are actually concerned with spiritual Evolution through a kind of artificial selection
of the people who are more compliant that is a spiritual Eugenics program so how in the world would a spiritual Eugenics program work we know how a literal Eugenics program work you have the traits we like you don't your noses are too big your noses are too small skin color is right your skin color is wrong we know how that would would work too tall Too Short right exoteric how would a spiritual esoteric one work did you comply or did you fail to comply are you re-educate totalitarian model determining who has value and who doesn't
when they say that they want to guide the uh evolution of mankind positive agreement with the cult religion which they call affirmation is actually how they determine who succeeds and who fails or who lives and who dies in such a program so back to Robert Muer we started with Robert meller last night or yesterday afternoon actually we finished with Robert meller today Humanity has achieved so much progress has solved so many problems avoided so many dangers and yet now we Face the most colossal problem in the entire human history and evolution namely that industry technology
Commerce transport overpopulation and overc consumption might destroy the very essence and future of the earth including our own namely its nature we need innumerable Great and Small ideas and efforts to countervail that so there's our great narrative for a better future and the poly crisis laid out right for you it's yes it's in this whole models at the United Nations this was written in the 90s before the Millennium assembly for adoption going into this Century how about the Socialist capitalist dialectic is that in the UN like the capitalists and the Communists did at the end
of the last century we should think hard and conceive how we can make the next Century a paradise since both communism and capitalism have failed and since we live in planetary conditions very different from those at the end of the last century that means at the end of the 19th century we must think aresh all of our current beliefs doings and Institutions and formulate an entirely new ideology or dreamology for an unprecedented future in all human history heads of government of Corporations and all human institutions should be excited by this new wonderful challenge again this
was written in the 9s after communism and capitalism frugalismus more frugal and simple lives lower standard of living in order not to destroy life-giving nature a new economic system must be born which will not produce colossal waste unnecessary products built-in rapid obsolescence and colossal duplications between 185 Nations frugalismus Generations the UN General Assembly 2000 at the heads of state level must absolutely measure up to its historical tasks and be remembered for its audacity and long-term views of the future it should above all decide to embark on the writing of a constitution for proper Earth government
there's your global citizenship if it does not future historians will not forgive its members at this stage of our Evolution the concepts of competition and survival of the fittest must be abandoned in favor of the concept of cooperation there's your theosophical evolutionary thing the whole future evolution of Earth and of humanity depends on it only cooperation will save the Earth and Humanity from now on cooperation must be the supreme law of Earth and human survival we must aim at a United Earth and nature so that's corporate communism let me give you a summary of our
Workshop communism is the suite of a set of denominations it's a suite of denominations of a broader theosophical transformative religion we see it from the United Nations we see it in the Communists we see it in the Corpus hermeticum long before any of this the same beliefs we started talking about crude communism from bab and we mentioned the utopian socialist but didn't talk about them then we see Karl Marx brings the religious element in with Transcendent communism which is the first fully religious communism that brings all this theosophy into the picture that doesn't go anywhere
so we end up with Eastern communism which is a Lenin Stalin Mao industrial state communism model to force this to happen Ma's it was called The People's communism sort of Communism there worked as a state Church it went from authoritarian disp discipline to totalitarianism to a self- criticizing self- brainwashing totalizing philosophy of Communism but Society will ultimately in this model be transformed by the party it has the right idea but history proved that it cannot produce meanwhile in Western communism cultural critical postmodern woke we have a negative communism that became a negative utopian communism where
we would criticize everything wrong with the world to achieve the qualitative change NE necessary to get true Liberation it attacks the nature of capitalism at its fundamental Roots it can produce but it has the wrong idea that is capitalism does sorry so we have to criticize that and we have to overcome truth itself in order to be able to implement it hence the postmodern part that we had to rely on through critical pedagogy and Liberation theology it became a communist Revival religion throughout the West that was a very personal communism a personal relationship with the
oppressed or the concept of Oppression actually in the abstract because you don't really care about those dirty people you don't want to be anywhere near them because you're a upper middle class uh wealthy person as this all mixed and matched it became an American Mau ISM that was utterly personalized to the smallest levels to create cells of transformation that could infiltrate every institution and transform them from within with an intersectional new Sensibility and this gave us corporate communism which is a dialectical synthesis of this productive socialism that they built in the East and a sustainable
capitalism they are forcing on us with a corporate cartel in the west and what will happen through all of this opt-in tyranny that it brings into the nudge Theory and whatever else and the algorithmic nudging in particular is in the end the ability for you even to think for yourself and then even if if you've been synthetically produced as such you'll be the new man and it will work this time and this is exactly what we see culminating with the Nearly Naked expressions of esoteric Faith uh of Communism as they're appearing in the United Nations
as they rushed into the Millennium assembly 25 years ago whether they're technically communist or not doesn't really matter because it's the exact same overarching religion it's just a difference in slightly difference in views and methods it's still collectivist it's still transformative so the first quote that I read in this Workshop was from Robert Mueller's 2,000 ideas I just read a bunch more but I'm going to end with one more to prove my point he said the United Nations should not be called an organization but a metab biological organism the United Nations should be considered an
organism a metab biological organism it constantly adapts and transforms itself to reflect truthfully the overall evolution of the planet and of humanity highlighting our errors and damages to our home collecting our evolutionary course sorry correcting our evolutionary course and giving us new vistas of a great new future to which I say abolish the United Nations communism is this religion it is not coming it is here we have to stop it thank you for coming here