hey there everybody and welcome to this tarot guide we are going to go through all 78 cards and we are going to go in order so I'm going to start with the major Arcana and we are in this video are going to cover some of the symbolism that most people Miss on all of these cards so that's what this video is going to be about if you all like this then I might do another video where we actually cover the actual meaning of every single card but wanted to point out some of the things that
people Miss on each card in this video uh this is just going to be you know this is not everything about every single card so there's a million ways to interpret every single card and you should probably know that also probably what you see is best right so I'm a big believer with the tarot we're going to start with the fool here in just a second that whatever jumps at it to you first is going to be the most important thing when I started reading tarot probably the biggest lesson I learned and I'll never forget
this lesson right is I was reading for a lady and I kept thinking about just the hair on the cards right and this lady was asking about making more money and so the whole entire time I was looking at the hair on the cards but I thought oh was stupid because I just was like thinking about the hair and um you know so I gave her a reading and after she was like oh you know this is great because I've been thinking about becoming a hairdresser and in that reading I was literally thinking hairdresser the
entire time because I kept focusing on the hair so again I think the biggest lesson I learned when I started reading is that you really have to pay attention to whatever you are paying attention to whatever jumps out at you with the card so as you all know I'm big on imagery and that would be like my biggest piece of advice is even on the fool if you're paying attention ention to something if the color if the if the red like what you know on his sleeves like what does it make you think about and
that's always what I default to with my readings as you know I most of the time and a lot of the times I don't necessarily use the meaning of the card the actual traditional meaning I am giving the meaning that I feel so that's what we're going to cover in this video I do have a full tarot course if you want to support the channel or if you just want to learn tarot more in depth there's more information on that down below but let's get into this I want to do this as quickly as I
possibly can so we have the fool and with the fool the first card of the major Arcana uh I follow the Fool's Journey with the Fool's Journey we go from the fool to the world and we start all over again uh one thing that always stands out to me in some of the most important imagery on the card is his tattered sleeves which not a lot of people pay attention to and so the tattered sleeves kind of represent the fact that the fool has been on this journey before he has gone from you know a
beginner to the world and accomplishing something before and so he is really able to start this journey successfully even though he's at the beginning and he just needs to know that he also has this tiny little sack on his back so he's about to go through this whole entire Journey with just a tiny little sack and it says that again he is ready for the journey he he is more capable than he realizes so while to the outside world what he's about to do might seem foolish he actually has a lot of knowledge he even
has this feather in his cap right here and the feather in the cap kind of says that he has a feather in his cap right like it's a saying that we have for someone who knows a lot about a certain subject or who knows what they're about to do so everything about him like he should have more confidence than he does he also has these ice cap mountains in the background and sometimes I feel with a fool and again you might feel this in a reading maybe you focus on those mountains and it could say
that he's hesitating on his journey he isn't getting started on the journey that he needs to go on because he is Frozen like at the top of a nice cap Mountain but he really needs to get started because he knows more than enough and so I look at those are some of the things that really stand out to me of course there's more and we will cover it in the future uh with the magician the most important thing to the magician to me is the snake wrapped around his waste the magician is all about reinvention
everything about the card itself says that he might need to take a different approach on his journey again following the Fool's Journey the next step is the magician and the snake is the oroboros which represents reinvention he has the four ace versions of all the suits in front of him and he might need to reinvent a tool that he has used on his journey you of course the magician is As Above So Below he's manifesting something and pointing to the Earth right here and he even has this Garden in front of him and the garden
also always stands out to me on the magician because the garden is him focusing on joy happiness things that make him feel good so that he can U manifest to a high degree uh next we have the high priestess and of course High Priestess is intuition you know kind of a couple things really stand out to me her crown right here here kind of represents the fact that she sees the beginning middle and end of every situation before she enters into it and those are three stages of the moon but she might not be intuitively
seeing the beginning middle and end she might be kind of doing this more visualizing so I kind of look at them her as a card of also uh having the ability to manifest through visualization so that's something uh she also has no roof over her head and this has a very specific meaning which is potential uh truthfully The High Priestess is a card of potential we you know read her as intuition and all these other things but she kind of represents the unlimited potential if she shuts herself out there's a theory that she is shutting
herself out from the world that the world is to her back and the reason for that is so that she can focus on her intuition and also like learning the secrets of what she's about to do uh as part of her journey and so she's shutting the world out so she can figure out you know the ins and outs of something and really go deep into a subject so it's a great card for even learning and I've seen the high priestess come up in readings that I've done where someone is learning something and this really
says you know learn the secrets go a little bit deeper uh next we have the uh Empress uh a lot of people forget about the waterfall back here and so the waterfall represents chaotic force and if you know if you were at the bottom of a waterfall you would be getting tossed around all over the place so the whole point of the the waterfall is that she you know she understands that there will always be chaos in her life but but she is choosing to focus on the abundance that she's been able to create in
front of her uh sometimes I also feel that she kind of represents being thinking more simply or thinking that things don't always have to be so hard she has that scepter that she's holding in her hand right here and she can just wave that scepter in front of her and the wheat in front of her will grow so I always look at her as like working but not necessarily working hard she is more about working smarter you know of course she represents plenty of things like said cuz I'm sure people are going to bring it
up there are millions of different things you can look at with every single card we're just covering you know what I see as the most important or the most interesting thing about each card but of course she's a card of self-care uh even her clothing is another interesting thing is that her clothing is meant to look heavy uh because it is quality clothing and so she is putting herself in a quality you know she surrounds herself with quality right the minor Arcana version of the empress is the nine of Pentacles which is gratitude and luxuries
so it's all about creating an environment of success yes uh we have the emperor uh the emperor actually has water uh right here uh that is Flowing down to the empress so the water behind him uh flows down to the empress he gives her energy or gives her life right and so it kind of the emperor and the empress can represent the the balance between the masculine and The Feminine some people when they read they say you know if you get only the emperor in the reading maybe your feminine is out of balance if you
only get the uh Empress in your reading maybe your masculine is out of balance right that's one way to do it uh because of the energy that's flowing behind them he's also holding this ank in his hand which is a symbol of rebirth uh the thing that really always stands out to me is his armor is on underneath his cloak it says that he is ready to go at a moment's notice so whenever the emperor comes up in a reading it can say that the person that you're reading for is about to be presented an
opportunity that they need to kind of jump on or take advantage of very quickly so I always look at him as you know kind of being ready for action uh next we have the hierophant there are a couple things that stand out to me about the hierophant well there's a lot the hierophant is actually a deep image card but he has these three stages to his crown right here he's got these three stages to his staff right here the three stages represent initiation apprenticeship and Mastery so he is teaching these two initiates in front of
him or initiating them into something and so of course the hant can be a card of education but it's almost like he's teaching these two people in front of him the ways of whatever his belief system is uh but I usually look at this card as the person I'm reading for is being again prepared for the next step or they might be at one of those stages they might be starting something initiating something maybe they already have started something and they're in that in between Zone and so if you're reading for a person and they're
kind of like in that in between Zone they might actually be in a little bit of a dip in their life because sometimes when you're very close to success you kind of go down first before you go up right and so I look at the Emperor as sometimes a motivational card right sometimes you might be reading for a person they might be thinking about moving on from a project a business an idea or whatever it is but really they shouldn't quit too soon because they're about to gain Mastery over what they are learning or whatever
they're doing he's also blessing these two people in front of him so I sometimes feel that the Emperor or sorry the uh hofen can represent receiving blessings or uh getting blessings in their in your life uh next sorry I have to cover this card up I forgot to color these in but we have the lovers again look it up on Google if you if you can't imagine what this looks like but there's two people right here and they are being blessed or they're kind of this right here is their higher self Angel and I look
at the lovers as number one love you know traditionally this card was called the choice and was about making a choice in love I think nowadays and you know with modern tarot and also just you know from my own experience that the lovers can come up when we have a choice to make in life in general I always say that the new choice or the New Path is the correct answer with the lover so I think sometimes this comes up when someone knows that they're going to move in a New Direction and they just need
to they're actually being divinely guided but they just can't and sorry I don't want to reveal too much uh they just can't see it because there's clouds that are um kind of blocking these people from seeing their higher self Angel so sometimes the lovers can also uh kind of represent needing to tap into the higher self or needing to tap into your higher self Angel uh next of course we have the Chariot and the the thing that always stands out to me to me is the city behind him you know the Chariot is a card
of Victory which is how most people read it but really it's a card of setting yourself apart on your journey he is in perfect alignment with what he wants he has these stars in his canopy these moons on his shoulders and he has these two sphinxes but the sphinxes are not attached to the Chariot there are no reins attaching them to the Chariot so because he has the Stars up here and the moons right here it kind of says that he knows that he is an alignment the sphinxes represent the mysteries of the universe and
they know and he knows because he is in alignment with what he wants that the universe is going to bring him to where he needs to be but it's probably away from where he has come from so a lot of the times I feel that the Chariot is talking about needing to do something uh to become more unique or needing to follow your own path you know your success isn't going to be like anyone else's and I think that's probably the most important thing with the Chariot or one of uh next we have the strength
card uh of course the strength card just The Lion and the lady the lion really represents her Inner Voice or her inner critic her inner demons and the Lion's Tail is between its legs so I think what's important with the the strength card and something people don't talk about is that she has to do this every single day she is you know you don't just uh kind of like conquer your inner voice right there's always that little voice in the back of your head that's talking to you and telling you you can't do something or
you can't overcome something and so she is controlling what that voice is saying to her and she's doing this every single day so it's really a card of developing Inner Strength I also think it's a card of showing off because who in the right mind would stick their hands in a lion's mouth and the answer is nobody of course so she is getting that lion to submit to her and she is getting her inner voice to uh she's the one that's in control of it so I think that this is really a card of developing
strength by controlling your inner voice and accomplishing great things uh you have the hermit next and the hermit he is an older gentleman looks like a wizard standing at the top of a mountain he's been through a Dark Night of the Soul everything all the imagery about the hermit represents wisdom he has a great cloak wisdom he's got the Gray beard wisdom and he even has his inner light right here the story of The Hermit is that he's actually Frozen at the top of the mountain uh but he could easily put that uh that uh
Lantern down by his feet and he could set himself free a lot of the times when people go into hermit mode they don't want to come down from the mountain sometimes we go through something difficult like he has we want to retreat to safety like he has at the top of the mountain and then we don't want to come back to society because we feel like we're protecting ourselves or maybe we find maybe we find peace and quiet at the top of that mountain but really the trick with the hermit when you're reading for a
person is that he needs to come down from the mountain and he needs to share everything that he has learned he needs to shine his inner light that is the thing that will set him free he needs to be the change uh that he wants to see in the world literally to be cliche right and so I feel like that's what is most important about the hermit uh next one one of my favorite cards The Wheel of Fortune The Wheel of Fortune has a lot going on uh we want to be at the center of
the wheel uh right in the middle there because the wheel is always spinning there's actually three separate Wheels on The Wheel of Fortune and they're they could all be spinning in different directions most people live their wife life in the washing machine life as I call it where they're just getting tossed around all over the place and when you're reading for a person The Wheel of Fortune can represent a change in fortunes but again I believe it's something that the person that you're reading or has to do so they have to double down on the
good stuff and they have to get rid of the challenges or take care of challenges right away I always think of with the Wheel of Fortune you know most people they get a bill they ignore it right it becomes a bigger bill so the wheel is always spinning so if you ignore things things get worse and worse and worse right instead of if you take care of things then when wheel comes around you've taken care of it and you don't have to deal with it again but when you do double down on the good stuff
you know again you're just doubling down you're constantly creating this like flywheel effect in your life so that's why I always say that uh we have this snake over here the snake can represent your vibrations it's kind of like a squiggly line but snakes are also Guardians of the portals and so snakes represent our fears and with the Wheel of Fortune to take control of our destiny we have to uh kind of like face our fears it's like everything we want in life is probably on the other side of some sort of fear it's like
if you want love you're probably afraid of love if you want money there might be certain money blocks about money and so we have to face our fears uh with the Wheel of Fortune as well uh we have the Justice card Justice is pretty simple you know it's cause and effect he has these two gray pillars uh two gray pillars represent a neutral approach so Justice is really about being neutral and kind of taking a neutral perspective Justice is also in the middle of the card so in a neutral position and so Justice is literally
about Justice uh justice is sitting on this Marble Slab right here this bench right and the marble slab kind of says you know marble in the tarot kind of just represents being somewhere for a long time so this person has a lot of experience you know being neutral and kind of looking at things from both sides and so that is Justice uh next we have the hangman the hangman is hanging from the tree of knowledge and wisdom so this tree back here is a tree of knowledge and wisdom and he's sacrificed movement to gain knowledge
and wisdom so sometimes in life again we have to sacrifice movement to gain knowledge and wisdom which he has done the whole point of the the hangman is that his head is glowing and he has gained the enlightenment necessary to move forward so now it's time for him to get off the Pole right get off that tree and it's time for him to get out into the world and to go experience new things so you know again he he doesn't have to be hanging here any longer he can set himself free and move forward uh
the next step is the death card of course the death card is the death to everything you have known we have the King right here is dead underneath the death rider and the King being dead says that even kings die so in life even things that we think are going to last forever sometimes they don't or sometimes we change our beliefs that we thought we were going to believe forever when I was 12 years old I thought I'd be playing Pokemon for my whole entire life right I stopped playing Pokemon when I was like 13
never played it again it died it went through the death process for me uh also important imagery here the sun coming up between the two pillars on the moon card and sometimes not always but sometimes I think that the sun coming up between those two pillars can represent um kind of stepping into a sun period where you're stepping into a period of clarity technically the moon comes up after the death card so you could argue that the Sun is setting on the death card and you're about to go into the underworld uh with the death
card but what I would say is he has this white rose on his Banner on the death card and the white rose on the banner uh represents the fact that you know kind of represents the light at the end of the tunnel it can say you're getting to the end of a transformation uh we can make Death happen faster as well meaning the transformation uh this lady this this Pope looking guy they are like begging for their life they are not wanting to look at the transformation the child is holding up some flowers to the
death rider so the child is the only one that's excited for the transformation is the only one that's excited for a new beginning or a change and so sometimes the death card that child can represent needing to like embrace your inner child or needing to embrace the childlike energy of asking what's next or you know children ask lots of questions like why or what or where are we going or Are We There Yet right they they have unlimited curiosity and so sometimes we can uh create the transformation Faster by instead of holding on to something
like these people are not wanting to change they're wanting to hold on to the status quo we can ask questions and figure out what's next uh next we have the temperance card uh Temperance is about alchemy turning one thing into another so a lot one thing people Miss usually is this path with this Crown in the background uh this is the path to glory and this Crown is like a crown that you go get right now so that we think of temperance we think of patience and being temperent right and not rushing into things but
he's he could easily step on to that pathway there and he could easily start his journey right now towards his crown there's really nothing more for him to change so is it is it um traditional tarot to say this no but I'm not traditional right and uh what I would say here is sometimes I feel that really what Temperance is saying is saying you've been patient enough you've been trying to uh turn a situ ation around but maybe now it's time to start the journey or just start working towards something uh next we have another
card that I'm going to have to try to cover up here we have the devil and of course the devil can represent toxic energy or toxic Vibes uh this right here is the black box of Saturn so uh there's plenty of conspiracy theories about it you can Google blackbox of Saturn I'll see you next year right because there's a lot to learn about it but what I would also say is that you know the the devil just represents Saturn energy we have these two people and they have I'm going to paint the picture for you
CU I can't I can't show chesticles on YouTube but they have this uh chain that is meant to look very loose around their neck you know their chain hangs down to here so the whole point of the devil is that they could easily change their habits and set themselves free uh we also have the devil has these bat wings and so it kind of represents like an energy vampire and it can represent energy vampire energy I also think the most interesting thing is the animal horns on these people's heads the animal horns kind of represents
their base or instincts or their root chakra um energy and so sometimes I think the Devil Is Creative Energy trying to be released they need to take that root chakra energy bring it up to their heads and express it into the world so sometimes I look at the Devil as um you know kind of being stuck to societal expectations or being afraid to release your Wildside or whatever the case may be and sometimes the solution not always but sometimes is to be creative uh next is the big one the tower everybody's afraid of the tower
uh really the tower is not a bad card it can represent a sudden change or a sudden upheaval but these people are falling out of the Tower and they are being brought back down to reality so the whole point of the tower is they've built that those walls up around them too high and now they are coming crashing down to reality and seeing it for what how it actually is they've been trying to ignore reality and usually when the tower comes up in a person's reading they need to face some sort of reality in their
life they kind of have a choice um this guy here he's jumping head first out right he has seen that the tower is on fire and he's like okay this isn't working anymore I know need to make a change and then this other person is like surprised they're like oh my God I can't believe that this Tower that's on fire is falling so you know a lot of the times um you know it can represent a choice between you know having the tower moment and having it be uncomfortable or realizing that you haven't seen reality
and you just need to change your reality or you just need to come down to reality uh we also have this lightning bolt here which can represent like a flash of inspiration so again the tower is not always a bad thing sometimes we can have a sudden Insight or sudden um you know a sudden Epiphany in life we can realize that we've been doing things wrong all along and we can just be going back to the drawing board we can just be starting something over starting something fresh and so again the tower is not always
bad sometimes the tower can just represent a move as well uh we have the star card here of course and the star card there's this lady she's pouring water this right here is the P pool of universal consciousness oops right there that was a little nip slip for you YouTube but we have this um pool of universal Consciousness and so the she is sending these ripples out into the pool of universal Consciousness she's telling the universe like what she wants uh the the star comes up after the tower and it can represent that we are
like healing from a tower moment or we are going through healing after a tower moment uh something that really stands out to me is the water she's pouring onto the land the water she's pouring onto the land is going out to the world and so she is kind of it basically says what's possible for one person is possible for everyone there's also this bird here and that bird is an Ibis and it represents uh the bird of knowledge and the bird can represent getting a bird's eyye view of whatever you're dealing with and putting things
into perspective so that you can accomplish them uh next we have the moon uh the moon has a lot of imagery uh the Moon is part of the Fool's Journey uh nowhere on the moon does it say stop right I always sometimes I feel people um and not picking on anyone here I think people should read however the hell they want to read right it's like you can get a message from pretty much anything right but I sometimes I just feel that people read it as if it's saying stop but the moon has these mountains
in the background and the moon represents complete you know kind of accomplishing something the mountains can represent an obstacle but mountains in the tarot really represent achieve you know they can represent the mountains can represent achieving something I always say where do you get the best views at the top of a mountain so like yes you're going to be huffing and puffing and sweating on this Journey but when you reach the top you are going to uh be very successful you're going to feel a sense of achievement uh the Moon is about pushing through those
times where we feel fear anxiety we feel like we're in an illusion we're not sure what to do next everything about the Moon is a warning to the fool to not get off his path he has these two pillars in the background the two pillars are again a warning to the fool that he might be buying into an illusion he might see something over here he might see something over here when he's he has a goal he just needs to stick to the goal and not create another goal right like how many times have you've
been working towards something and then you decide to do something else and then you decide to do something else right this says stick to the original plan the Moon is temporary moon comes up then goes down and the sun comes up and so it says stick to the plan we have this dog and the wolf dog and the coyote whichever you prefer they it kind of represents your wild side and your domestic side and again just like kind of like the devil we need to sometimes mix the two things together sometimes maybe we're being too
domestic or sometimes being too wild and we need to balance the energies out we also have this Lobster or crayfish whichever you prefer right here the lobster represents our emotional armor and the lobster if you've ever seen a lobster on land they really can't do much so the lobster says sometimes we have to release our emotional armor so that we can move on land so that we can move away from whatever we're in and we can find success uh next of course we have the sun uh the sun represents the sun shining a light on
you so the sun can say that uh you know it's a card of joy happiness Bliss I think the most important things on that people Miss on the sun card are the banner that the baby is carrying here uh this Banner is meant to represent something that is very heavy and he is carrying it very easily so he's it's not very much of a struggle for him to carry that banner and the whole point is is that the sun can represent ease you know something that is coming easily to you or something that you're able
to do we also have the White Horse and the white horse in Tarot can represent uh assistance so any of the white horses can represent receiving assistance in the tarot we also have this wall which people ask about a lot and the wall represents the wall that we all put up against our inner child so the the wall can sometimes say we need to embrace our inner traveler we need to be playful or more playful I always look at the energy and the astrology as well and we are definitely in a time where that is
way too serious so sometimes the sun will come up and it will say you need to be more playful you need to be more light-hearted you need to have more fun in your life uh the different Rays by the way around the Sun represent a combination of the Sun and the Moon energy so the sun can bring light to the illusions of the Moon if you've ever been outside on a full moon then you know that it casts Shadows right and then when the sun comes up the Shadows pretty much go away and I feel
um sometimes with the Sun that it can kind of represent seeing through the illusion uh next we have the Judgment card and the most important thing here is these people in these coffins you know the judge judgment card originally was really meant to represent uh old life new life these people the coffins represent their old life outside the coffin uh represents their new life and they are being called into a new life you know we think judgment we think purpose you know we think that uh we are being called to something greater which is all
true uh but usually we have to leave everything from the past behind and we have to move forward into the future and of course finally rounding out the major Arcana we have the world card uh the world card sorry I have to cover it up again use Google use your imagination uh but the world card kind of represents the final card in the major Arcana when we get to the world if we follow the Fool's Journey we just start all over again as a fool um but the world card is an accomplishment or can represent
accomplishing something great uh it's also completion she has these two wands here and I look at the two wands as like one wand is like The Magician's wand she has learned how to create worlds with her words and the other one is more action she also takes action on her words so she mix is the two things together uh she isn't just manifesting just thinking about something right she's thinking about it and taking action at the same time so uh that is the world card of course she has Aquarius Scorpio Taurus and Leo uh all
around her card there are these uh four signs that you see here but um again I look at her as just a card of accomplishment so that is the major Arcana uh we are going to move on to just the uh C the cards now and we're going to do start with the wands cards uh we have the king of Wands and the king of Wands is a card of foresight uh the most important thing about the king of Wands is this little lizard right here uh he has these salamanders on his cloak as well
salamanders in the tarot represent protection from fire so all the wands Court cards except for the queen have the salamanders on their cloak or on their card and it just represents the fact that they are kind of like protected from risk uh but he is like the true entrepreneur the true Visionary in the tarot and he is even looking forward into the future so that's how I look at the king of Wands uh the Queen of Wands again she has no she has no protection from fire she's my card of learning as you go she
is trusting the Sun and she's following the sun she has this sunflower right here and so I look at her as following the sun probably the most interesting thing is the Black Cat uh during the times of tarot black cats were considered unlucky and the whole point of the card is that she doesn't care what people think so Queen of Wands usually a really good card for just not paying attention not not worrying about what people think about you or what you're doing in your life uh next we have the king Knight of Wands and
the Knight of Wands has these three pyramids down here which represent Mysteries the whole point of the Knight of Wands is that he's very spontaneous and whenever I see those three pyramids you know there's a million theories about how pyramids were built right but the Knight of Wands I look at him as a true builder in the tarot and to me he kind of is willing to embrace the mystery if he doesn't know how to do something he learns about it takes action on it again the wands cards are about the actions that we take
in life I forgot to say that but they're all about the actions and the desires we have and he takes action by by being spontaneous by be being willing to be spontaneous and find a way to do things uh we have the page of Wands next and the page of Wands is about following your enthusiasm he's just very excited for a new beginning and you know you can see he has this little feather in his cap but it's like a tiny little feather it's not like a big feather like we see on the fool the
fo fo's feather is super long so he is at the beginning of his journey and all he has is his excitement his Joy his you know his inner feelings and that's what he follows to guide him on his journey uh with the 10 of Wands you know the T of Wands of course can represent burdens those wands are covering up his face right so he cannot see through those wands and that's why sometimes I say with the 10 of Wands that you need to get rid of other people's burdens or other people's responsibilities because you
you can't see the forest through the trees right he needs to kind of clear some energy out uh the true story of the T of Wands is that he's about to reach his home which is probably the most important thing on the T of Wands and his home represents the fact that he is about to have a harvest so he planted these 10 wands and now he is about to put those W those burdens down and have a harvest so I think the T of Wands can sometimes say you're very close to achieving a goal
uh we have the nine of Wands here everybody knows him as the Wounded Warrior and he has completed something like eight times or he's been through something a number of times and now he's leaning onto this one last wand and he is wounded but he's not giving up so of course it's card of perseverance I look at the nine of Wands again something interesting that I think of with the nine of Wands is throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks so sometimes I feel that he can be about uh needing to try different
ways of doing things so that you can be successful uh next we have the eight of Wands which is the arrow you know traditionally this card was a card of the arrows of love you're kind of shooting your arrows in a direction and telling the universe what you want and sometimes you know some of those arrows might get to where they're going sooner than others but uh to me the eight of Wands is really a card of focus it says when you focus your your energy in One Direction you can accomplish something very quickly and
the eight of Wands is all about speed and accomplishing something quickly uh we have the seven of Wands seven of Wands is super interesting uh he has a boot and a shoe on or you know two different shoes whichever you prefer and the story of the Seven of Wands is that he had to rush out of his house and try to get something done or accomplish something very quickly and he didn't have enough time to accomplish it or he didn't have enough time to prepare so sometimes I feel the seven of Wands in a reading
is coming up when a person like wants to do something or has to do something but they might not really feel prepared or ready to go on their Journey or they might not feel uh prepared for what they're about to do uh but they have to do it anyway so it kind of says is one of those cards that says you're you're as ready as you're going to be at this time uh next we have the six of Wands and of course the six of Wands is a card of a victory or success again he's
sitting on this White Horse so he has received Assistance or he has been assisted on his journey I think of the SE six of Wands as kind of coming back from war or he is coming back from a difficult period of time where he's been through some challenges but now he's being celebrated after those challenges uh something that that always stands out to me is this person right here if I can get my finger in the right position here this person is meant to look jealous and so sometimes the six of Wands can also represent
like ignoring jealous people or you know any anyone trying to cause problems uh you have the five of Wands and the five of Wands can represent conflict or competition really these people are using sticks to fight they're not using swords so I look at the five of Wands as a card that really says that these people are training or they are learning how to deal with competition sometimes I think this is a good card you know in a reading if you're doing a reading for a person where they should look at what they are not
doing in their life and it's kind of it it says don't compare yourself to the competition but just you know use the competition as an example and experiment with what the competition is doing that you're not doing in your own life and again if you're reading for a person sometimes I think you know that's a great thing to think about with the five of Wands uh next we have the four of Wands of course marriage uh but I look at the four wands as a card of completion and it is a card of completion the
four wands can come up frequently when we either are about to or we have completed some sort of project these people are celebrating on the other side of these four wands here and so it kind of is a portal card it says that we have to cross through a portal a threshold we have to complete something before we can have the celebration so it can absolutely represent a commitment obviously if you're reading for a person about love and they get the four wands then no doubt about it could absolutely be marriage but if you're reading
for a person about like business or work or something else this could be them committing to something new like a new project or a new direction that they're thinking about going in and that new Direction could lead to a celebration as well uh next we have the Three of Wands uh Three of Wands is basically your ship's coming in but I kind of look at the Three of Wands as a card of what are you waiting for the most important thing to me with the Three of Wands is that the true story of the Three
of Wands is that he's looking out at that water but the water is golden in color and you know it kind of maybe looks like the desert to him at first so he thinks he's looking at something where nothing can grow but when he looks closer he sees those ships and he realizes that he is looking at the water and he realizes there's actually this huge opportunity in front of him so I have seen again in the many years that I've been reading now the Three of Wands comes up when someone is looking at an
opportunity but they don't really actually see the full potential or how expansive the opportunity could be a great example I can give you is that one time I was reading for a person and they had a job offer but they didn't really want the job but they were looking for you know something else and everything like that but when I get the Three of Wands I told that person you know maybe this job offer isn't the best but what is it going to lead to after you get this job right so sometimes the Three of
Wands and the threes in general you know can kind of represent stepping stones or the Three of Wands itself can be kind of like a stepping stone situation where a person's going on a journey maybe they're getting a different job or you know maybe they're getting out and dating it's like obviously they're not going to marry every single person that they're going on a date with but eventually on the journey on the adventure is is the opportunity so the opportunity with the Three of Wands is going on the adventure uh also you have The Two
of Wands and the Two of Wands is kind of similar you know the story of the Two of Wands is that he rushed to a Finish Line he's standing at the top of his castle but he has the whole world in his hands and he needs to get out into the world he thinks he knows everything but really there's so much more for him to experience so the Two of Wands can be a card of taking the lead and again we are going to do another video where I cover each card the actual meaning of
each card I'm just pointing out again if you're jumping in here late I'm pointing out the most important parts or the most important imagery of each card and I would say two things here probably the wand right here the wand says his past is his past he's you know completed one stage of his journey and now he's reaching forward to this new wand and he needs to take action again wands cards are action so he needs to take action on something new or he needs to move in a New Direction this is also a comfort
zone card he has his little village down here below and that Village is where he is from but he's in his comfort zone so he needs to take the lead and leave a comfort zone to get something great uh finally I'm I I realize now that I went backwards so I'm actually going to flip the deck over so we can go the right direction but I probably should have gone from Ace to to the uh King but you have the Ace of Wands here and the Ace of Wands is out with the old in with
the new the only thing I think people Miss is this Castle the castle in the background is meant to look like it's crumbling and it kind of represents out with the old and with the new so the you know the Ace of Wands pretty much comes up when we're about to have a new beginning or when we need to have some sort of new beginning and I feel like the Ace of Wands just out with the old and with the new I also look at the Ace of Wands is just a spark you know a
spark of hope spark of inspiration we have to build the fire with the Ace of Wands and we have to keep that fire going or growing so that we can uh kind of keep the passion going with something so the Ace of Wands is like just the very Beginnings o of starting something or needing to get started on something you desire to do but you have to kind of like keep that fire going with the Ace of Wands next we're going to do the Pentacles and we have the Ace of Pentacles Pentacles of of course
are wealth money resourcefulness things like that and the Ace of Pentacles is just an opportunity so to me the Ace of Pentacles the most important thing is this Garden uh that's right here uh with the Ace of Pentacles usually we are presented with an opportunity that we need to nurture we need to water it fertilize it feed it and sorry have the hiccups and all that other stuff with the because there's this Garden at the front of the card so I always pay attention to that we also have some mountains in the background here underneath
that Archway and the mountains kind of say again just like on the moon card sometimes no matter what we have to go through something difficult to accomplish something great it's not that it's going to be painful or you know super challenging or anything but sometimes when we start our journey we do have to again pay attention uh to the challenges and push through those things because something we're going to do it's going to be successful but not necessarily easy uh next we have The Two of Pentacles uh Two of Pentacles is a card of juggling
and spinning plates I think something people think about a lot is the boats uh to me the boats just talk about exactly what it looks like there the boats the waves go from really tiny to much bigger As you move across the card and the whole point is kind of like the waves of the ocean right like things go up and down you're kind of juggling things like he is there with the Two of Pentacles sometimes I think that it would be better for him to focus on one thing and accomplish that one thing instead
of like juggling and trying to do too much at once so it can be a card of trying to do too much at once although one thing I will say is that in readings I have noticed that it's like sometimes the Two of Pentacles might come up when a person has no choice but other than to juggle right and so he has this on and it can say that in those moments where you cannot juggle it's like put on one hat at a time you know accomplish one thing and then do the next and then
do the next and so you know that's what I think of with the Two of Pentacles and next we have the three of Pentacles which of course is a card of teamwork uh there are a bunch of things that always stand out to me with the three of Pentacles this is a fire triangle this right here is a water triangle and the water triangle on the three of Pentacles kind of says that he put a little bit extra into the project he went a a little bit above and beyond and put his imagination into what
he was working on so if you're reading for a person who's like working on a project or trying to get a raise or promotion or something like that uh the three of Pentacles can say that well can say a lot of things really but it can say that maybe they need to put like a little extra flare into whatever they're doing or a little bit more of their imagination same thing with the business as well it says that instead of being too cookie cutter and only doing you know what is required a little bit extra
can go a long way we also have this lady who has Polkka Dot on her cloak and the polka dots in the tarot can represent taking things too seriously so sometimes I feel with the three of Pentacles it can come up when we're taking things too seriously uh you have next the four of Pentacles the four of Pentacles of course he is holding on too tightly to the past and he needs to open up it's kind of like I don't know if you've ever seen that Meme where uh there's like a little girl who's holding
on to a teddy bear and there a God is standing in front of her and he's got like a gigantic teddy bear behind her back and I don't remember what the meme says but it basically says that um you know sometimes we hold on to things when what God wants for us is more right and I that's what I always and I'm paraphrasing I don't remember actually what it says but that's what I think of with the four of Pentacles it's like sometimes we're holding on to something that we think we really want but there
might be something better if we open up and release what we are holding on to so I think the four of Pentacles is always about releasing one thing I always say as well is that he has this Pentacle here and this Pentacle here and uh one my favorite person of all time Greg Braden says when you're your head and your heart become one you can move mountains so sometimes the four of Pentacles it will come up in a reading and I think that the person I'm reading for uh needs to get into alignment or they
need to align their head and their heart at the you know with with the same thing and if they do that they can actually move any obstacle that's in their way uh next we have the five of Pentacles again these two people are left out in the cold and the five of Pentacles is very specific I always say the fives have very easy solutions and the solution to the five of Pentacles is two uh we they can either go inside the church right here uh the church represents a place of sanctuary and so they can
go inside that church and they can find Sanctuary or they can stop calling attention to their situation this guy here he has this Bell around his neck and back in the day lepers used to have to wear Bells around their necks so people knew when they were coming down the street and so the whole point of it is to not call attention to your weaknesses and to double down on your strengths uh next we have the Six of Pentacles one of my favorite cards I look at the Six of Pentacles as planting seeds and you
can see here some of the imagery this right here this guy has like something in his back pocket and in the US at least we have a saying like someone has something in their back pocket meaning they're looking for a handout or they're asking for something but they have ulterior motives so sometimes I feel um that the Six of Pentacles can come up in a reading where um a person is dealing with another person who has other motives like they they mean one thing but they're really asking for another right and so that can be
the Six of Pentacles the Six of Pentacles he he is also choosing who to give to so he has a good understanding of people who have who have ulterior motives and he understands giving to the right things but uh he's also holding this balance here and the balance represents equal give and take so he only invests in things uh where he gets something back where there's at least a return of energy uh next we have the seven of Pentacles of course might is the juice worth the squeeze card he's looking at those seven Pentacles that
he has grown in front of him and he's saying saying to himself was it worth it or is it worth it or is there something better that I could be doing so he's asking the question because he's already grown those Pentacles he's already learned um what he can from that situation and he's thinking he might want to maybe pick up this one Pentacle and go grow something else so he understands that he's gained the knowledge but now he needs to take action and potentially uh grow something differently in his life uh this is also a
great card for analysis so another thing I think people forget is that he's analyzing what he's grown and he's looking at what he's grown and he's saying like Okay this worked but this didn't like he's kind of uh sorting through things and he's making sure the next time that he grows his Pentacles he's going to get rid of the things again that didn't work and he's going to make sure to do the things that he has analyzed uh that definitely do work and he's going to focus on that uh next we have the eight of
Pentacles uh eight of Pentacles is a card of Mastery or mastering a craft he is almost done and he only has one more Pentacle to create uh kind of what stands out to me usually the most important thing I think about with the eight of Pentacles is that he is just like head down nose to the grindstone he's put he's just putting in the work into those eight Pentacles but maybe he needs to pause and like look up at what he has accomplished so I personally look at the eight of Pentacles as a card of
perspective sometimes like sometimes I think we have to gain perspective on what we have accomplished and then uh when we put things into perspective it immediately makes anything else that we're about to work on look much much easier because sometimes I think we think oh I want to go start this other project or do this other thing and but we think oh you know I'm not going to be able to do it but if you really look at everything that you have accomplished in your life then it immediately becomes easier because you'll say to yourself
oh I've actually done things that are a lot harder uh next we have the nine of Pentacles the nine of Pentacles has a lot of great imagery as well she has this snail right here and snails wear their homes on their backs so I always look at the nine of Pentacles as creating an environment of success if you get this card in a reading for a person who has like a business for example or who wants to grow in their career they could simplify things or make things easier like I used to have to turn
everything on in my office to get everything going in my old setup I used to just have to hit one button and everything would turn on now I have a much more simple setup which does everything the last setup did right and I still only have to turn one button on but even I created a better environment of success by simplifying I only have two things now in the computer that basically run everything in my office so it's much much simpler and that's what I think of with the nine of Pentacles she also has this
Falcon right here and the falcon can represent your focus she is training her Focus so that she focuses on the right things she also has these grapes behind her uh grapes in the tarot are meant to represent something that is difficult or challenging to grow but she can do it well so if you're reading for a person this could say that they have a skill that could create a lot of wealth for them if they use a skill but it could be like a difficult skill or it could be something sometimes again you'll be reading
for a person and they might not know um that they are good at doing something because it comes naturally to them so sometimes I feel the nine of Pentacles is the card of the natural like as in the person is naturally good at something and if something comes easily to you you really don't feel like it's that special but really she needs to realize how special her skills are she also has three Pentacles here and six over here so she's willing to give three Pentacles to any situation in her life but she always keeps enough
to herself so I look at this as a percentage it's not like an amount right she always gives just enough energy to help you know people in her life or whatever she wants to do but she always makes sure to kind of live in luxury and kind of give to herself first so that she has enough to give uh you have the 10 of Pentacles the T of Pentacles of course is Ultimate wealth uh you know it can represent gr uh it can represent luxury abundance it can represent inheritance it can represent Builder or leaving
a legacy all those things uh there is a little no meaning of the 10 of Pentacles that this guy right here is actually a beggar and he's coming to this family and he's giving them a gift so he can represent a person who has nothing to give who is giving something uh you know to this family and so on a personal level or when you're doing reading for a person if you get like a lot of secret cards for example or if the person is asking about information the 10 of Pentacles is a card of
research it says that the person needs to look for the answers that they're looking for through research but it might come from an unlikely source so the 10 of Pentacles could be like for example like I've watched movies before for example where I get an answer to something that I've been thinking about right or to a problem or to a business idea or whatever so the T of Pentacles can say that the answers that they are looking for exist but they have to be open to those answers all over the place and that's where they
will get their wealth and wealth does not have to be money it could be anything it is a pentacle card which would be money but still uh next we have the page of Pentacles uh page of Pentacles is learning something new and so he is the card of studiousness and I just look at him as learning something new uh something I think that people forget about the page of Pentacles as well is that he can be a messenger I think we think of you know the knights as Messengers for the most part but uh sometimes
the page of Pentacles can represent like receiving a letter same thing with the Ace of Pentacles as well uh I have seen how the Ace of Pentacles can be like approval uh a letter of approval or receiving communication or something like that same thing with the page of Pentacles he can also represent receiving communication uh next we have the Knight of Pentacles the Knight of Pentacles the most interesting thing about him is he's the only Knight in the tarot that isn't moving and so he can represent playing it too safe or being too cautious or
not making moves and he has these empty Fields behind him he also has these oak leaves on his helmet here and the oak leaves uh represent knowledge and wisdom so the whole entire card and the horse also has oak leaves on it as well and so the whole entire card says that he has everything he needs he has all the knowledge and wisdom necessary to get started on something planting seeds in this field uh all he has to do is go and do it and if he does it he will be successful so um you
know he he kind of represents needing to get started again trust your intuition on this we are going to have some videos up about uh TR building your intuition and all that but what I would say is sometimes I feel like he is making progress so the Knight of Pentacles can represent progress and again you're going to have to trust your intuition on that one we'll probably talk about this in a future video as well when I read I take the whole entire reading into account so I look at every single card that is in
front of me so if we had like the Knight of Pentacles with like the emperor the Ace of Wands and something else like the eight of Wands I would be like okay he clearly the person I'm reading for is making progress because all the cards around it would represent progress uh next we have the Queen of Pentacles uh she is a card of resourcefulness and being resourceful so I feel for a lot of you or for here I'm in reading mode now uh but you know really when when you're reading for a person this can
represent them needing to focus on their resources she's focused on the Pinnacle she's not focusing on the rabbit and the rabbit can represent fears and anxiety so instead of focusing on fear and anxiety she's focusing on what she does have and what she can do she would also be resourceful so she does things without necessarily needing the money or without necessarily needing the resources again she uses whatever she has at her disposal uh next we have the king of Pentacles again with the grapes he has a skill that increases his wealth and I always think
of the king of Pentacles as the card of wealth and Building Wealth so he is great at uh you know kind of building or creating wealth in his life and he does it with his skills uh next we're going to move on to the swords cards and the swords cards represent like our intellect our thoughts the things that we're thinking about our mindset things like that and we have the Ace of Swords the Ace of Swords probably the most important thing here is well there's actually a couple uh there's a palm frond right here and
there's an olive branch over here uh the palm frond and the Olive Branch represent pal frond is a sacrifice the Olive Branch can be an offer of peace but it can also represent abundance as well so the sword Cuts both ways it's sharp on both sides and the Ace of Swords can represent you know cutting one thing out so you can have something else we also have the six golden yards here and the six golden yards just represent the balance of the sword it is in perfect balance so we have to cut one thing out
so we can make space for something else balance right it's also above the mountains here and the sword above the mountains kind of represents the fact that we will always have obstacles in life but the Ace of Swords when it comes up it encourages the person you're reading for to always overcome the obstacles that they are facing and of course there's more that goes into this again if you're just jumping in here we're going to have a separate video where we cover each card exactly what it means uh next we have the two of Swords
um the two of Swords is my card of third place Solutions and everybody thinks of her as a card of kind of uh trying to find a middle ground or negotiating her situation sometimes I feel the two of Swords is a card of mediation like two uh sides coming together and coming to an agreement so I've seen that happen in readings before but really she has this new island behind her and she is not trusting her Intuition or looking at that new island so that new island could represent something new that she's never experienced before
and sometimes I think with the two swords we have to let our guard down and open up to new possibilities and take the blindfold off so we can see it you know the story of the two of Swords is that she's an initiate she's being initiated into like a secret society or something like that but again I really look at it as a card of her needing to get to this new island even the rocks in the water can say that she is fearing getting hurt by the Rocks but if she takes her blindfold off
she would see that the water is at low tide and she can easily walk across it and that she won't get hurt again so again even the water can represent her emotion she might be fearing entering into something emotionally U but if she takes her blindfold off again and she opens up she will see the things that she didn't see the first time she'll be able to avoid them and she'll get to the other side so sometimes like you know this card can come up when someone's asking about a relationship it's like they want to
open up but they don't but they should and if they do open up and as long as they're paying attention to what they experienced in the past and avoiding the mistakes then they will get to something new that's completely different uh next we have the Three of Swords probably one of the most misunderstood cards in the tarot I would argue um a lot of people look at this as heartbreak or a breakup and it can totally come up after one of those things happens in your life but the Three of Swords is really a card
of forgiveness again those swords swords are your own thoughts your own intellect your own truth the things that belong to you and so we have to remove those swords from our own heart so that we can heal and the Three of Swords is really a card of healing or going through a healing uh next we have the four Swords again a lot of people miss the stained glass window uh he is hoping or praying for blessings there's a person blessing another person in that stained glass window and to me that's the most uh interesting thing
about the four of Swords there you go uh next we have the Five of Swords the Five of Swords can represent winning at all cost it can represent conflict or um kind of like a battle or going through a breakup even as well uh I look at the Five of Swords as uh there is a theory that this is the same guy all three versions right there it's all the same person even though they have different colored hair right and so the theory is is that this represents the fact that he has learned how to
win a battle he has learned how to walk away uh in the first stage here he is crying cuz he lost in the second stage he's kind of like learned how to walk away kind of in the last stage he is taking these swords with him and again the swords can represent lessons or things that he's learned on his journey or through his battle so he is walking away from the battle and even if he has lost he is still bringing forward the lesson so he is kind of taking with him what he has learned
and you know a lot of times I feel with the Five of Swords that it can represent it can actually represent learning how to lose like learning how to walk away from something that isn't working in your life and you're not really losing you are just um you know kind of taking the lessons forward with you uh same thing with the Six of Swords on the Six of Swords we have this woman and the child the Six of Swords represents completely moving on they are completely starting over they're leaving everything in the past behind them
and they have nothing with them but the clothing on their back and they are also bringing the swords and the swords again represent the lessons the experiences the things that they learned in the past and now they're moving forward uh to hopefully calmer Shores but they are still sitting in these choppy Waters the Six of Swords another important thing about this card is the guide in the back of the boat the Fairman he goes back and forth between the choppy Waters and he just represents the fact that sometimes when you're reading for a person that
you you can tell them you know that they're being guided across these Waters they are being protected or they are kind of uh being shown the way on whatever Journey they're making uh next we have the seven of Swords another very misunderstood card most people read it as lying cheating stealing uh but traditionally the golden cards in the tarot are meant to be positive no matter what so most people read this as a negative card even though it's meant to be a positive card and we'll talk about that but you know really what's important here
is that he is stealing these swords from this Army in the backgr ground so that they can't be used against them in battle the seven of Swords always says to me that there's a better way to do whatever you're doing in your life so if you're reading for a person and they're trying to do anything there in this card comes up and it's not a love reading then I would say it's there there's probably something or a different way or a different approach to whatever challenge they're facing uh that would be better that would be
more successful he also has these polka dots on his cloak and the polka dots again can come up when a person is taking things too serious iously in their life and it represents not need needing to not take things too seriously he's carrying those Swords by their tips and again it kind of represents the fact that he's doing something where he has to be delicate because he can't obviously run carrying those Swords by their tips so it can represent sometimes like I've seen the seven of Swords come up when a person is maybe starting a
project or starting something new in their life and they have to they're kind of working on all those little fine details or maybe they need to make sure they they don't get in a trap like if they're starting a business for example maybe they need to make sure they have their like a license if they need a license or maybe they need to make sure to um have the appropriate legal documents on their website or something like that so a lot goes in to the seven of Swords again put your thinking cap on and again
it's going to depend on what you're reading about but I you know I always think of that with the seven of swords that you know if if a person's asking me about their business and this card comes up I might say you know hey maybe you need to make sure that you have a license for doing whatever you're doing or you need to make sure to do things the right way and he kind of needs to make sure to do things the right way uh next we have the eight of Swords this lady is surrounded
by swords but she doesn't have any swords behind her or in front of her she could easily set herself free uh the most important thing here she's standing in this water or I don't know if it's the most important but the thing that always stands out to me is she's standing in that shallow pool of water and it kind of says that she might be making a bigger deal out of her situation than it actually is the shallow pool of water represents shallow emotions and and so she is kind of again making something out to
be more than it actually is uh the other thing is the eight of Swords kind of represents the fact that a person might be only seeing one way of doing things like she is trapped and so she thinks she's stuck but if she actually looks and takes her blindfold off she will see that there are many ways that she can do anything that she wants to do uh next we have the nine of Swords nine of Swords is a never-ending nightmare uh most important here is this blanket the blanket kind of represents a comfort blanket
so you could read it a couple ways number one he is too comfortable so sometimes we get stuck in pain and we don't leave the painful situation because it's familiar to us so again he needs to leave a comfort zone of pain even though he's in pain it might not be painful enough for him to make a change we also have this carving here in this carving there is a person hitting another person with a sword so I always look at this card as you can be the bug or the windshield you can be the
immovable Force or you can be the one that's getting hit by the immovable Force nine of Swords is kind of a choice we can stay stuck or we can do something to set ourselves free uh next we have the T of Swords I think what people miss about this card is this symbol right here he's making the symbol with his hands that represents a blessing and so these and it's the same symbol the hierophant is making on his card and so I look at the T of Swords sometimes as a blessing and disguise yes it
can represent death or victimhood or hitting rock bottom but sometimes something dying or being removed from our life can free us up to do other things and the tenos swords really is about that freedom that we gain when something dies uh next we have the page of Swords uh I look at the page of swords as a card of curiosity and being curious about the future so that's pretty much all that stands out to me about the page of Swords I look at him as needing to be curious uh next we have the Knight of
Swords uh again I think what people miss about the Knight of Swords is that this horse it looks very stressed out and so he is is forcing that horse to do something and I look at this card as a card of being too hasty and moving too quickly and not thinking things through and and trying to force something to work instead of allowing something to work so that's what stands out to me there uh next we have the Queen of Swords uh what stands out to me about the Queen of Swords is the fact that
her back whenever you have her on the table right down on the table her back is always to the past and so she is letting go of the past or she is only focused on the Future these clouds are halfway up body so she is kind of like uh seeing things clearly or seeing the future clearly for the first time so I look at her as a card of great clarity she also has her sword up and her hand out and she it kind of says that she's willing to receive something into her life but
she will chop anything's head off that comes her way that doesn't come correct right so she needs to uh she only accepts things into her life that are coming correct uh next we have the King of Swords uh I just look at him as the card of knowledge and wisdom and also the card of maturity one other thing that I get from him again not accurate tarot but just more me I would say is I look at him as the king that's been through the most battles so he understands um difficulty and Challenge and that's
where he gains his knowledge and wisdom I also look at him as needing to practice knowledge you can learn something all day long but when you get the knowledge of what you are learning that means you actually put into practice the things you learned that's when you really uh become successful it's like I always use the example you you can learn Spanish all day long right but if you go to a Spanish-speaking country they're going to have certain like cultural idioms they're going to have certain slaying words they're going to have certain things that they
say that are different even from country to Country right and that you won't learn unless you take what you learned and then you go you go to a Spanish speaking country and Implement what you learned right so he kind of represents taking the knowledge putting it into practice uh finally here we're on to the a the uh cups cards the cups cards represent of course love or our emotional state or our emotions so we start with the ace of cups the ace of cups is about your emotions overflowing and you can see this hand reaching
out and the cup is overflowing there's this Dove that is dropping the Eucharist into the cup uh sometimes I think with the ace of cups that this right here represents some sort of action we have to take an action to cause that cup to overflow and to basically drop the Eucharist into the cup so sometimes this can represent needing to accept needing to accept an emotional offer in your life so that you can have it uh the W on the card is believed to represent West and even the dove is shaped like a w as
well so just a little fun fact for you uh next we have the two of Cups the thing that stands out to me as always with the two of cups is that these two people look very different so they can represent two people who come from two totally different worlds we also have the staff of Hermes right here and the staff of Hermes is mercury which represents communication so these two usually have great communication uh there is one warning with this card which is The Lion and the lion can represent a person who has an
ego of course if this comes up in a positive reading where all the cards together are positive then it would say that these two have a balanced ego and they maybe their egos balance each other out so it can actually represent a great connection in the negative it can represent one person having too big of an ego and that could be what's causing problems so again you're going to have to take it you know the person you're reading for is going to have to take it how it resonates or you're going to have to look
at the reading and if a person's asking you about a relationship and this card comes up maybe there are ego problems if there are problems in the connection uh next we have the three of Cups these three ladies are celebrating the Harvest that is growing around them here and so they are having uh celebration and they are just you know partying I look at the three of cups as a card of community as well so sometimes it can represent uh working together with people in your life or or kind of getting the help of your
community uh next we have the four cups the four cups is a card of contemplation and apathy you'll hear some people say it's a card of gr thinking the grass is greener on the other side which is definitely could be true because he's accepted these offers and now he's getting another offer uh coming out of this Cloud he's getting like another emotional offer uh but maybe because he always thinks the grass is greener he's always looking for something more and he isn't being satisfied with what he has received uh I intuitively feel that the four
cups is meant to represent mixing all these cups together so again this is me not accurate your tarot take it you take it or leave it but you know I feel that he is trying to manifest something that will make him feel fulfilled in his life and he thinks he doesn't have what he needs but really he has all the ingredients necessary uh to make something very successful in his life he just needs to mix those ingredients together so that he can have something great uh next we have the Five of Cups uh the story
of the five of cups is that he's grieving the loss of spill wine in front of him he's doesn't enjoy the taste of wine any longer longer and he's disappointed because he feels like he's never going to find enjoyment again but really if he turns around he sees these two cups and he'll also get this bridge in this Castle over here so the five of cups again fives have very easy solutions the solution to this card is to be grateful for what you do have and to uh when you do that then then you get
more and sorry my dog's barking at someone but um so again that's what this card can represent uh next we have the six of Cups the six of cups can represent uh innocence and Nostalgia you can see these two children are being guarded by this guard over here inside this Courtyard in a castle so this card can represent protecting your inner child or needing to embrace your inner child or needing to uh use your inner child more or needing to even tap in to your inner child and uh so I always look at the six
of Cups like yeah sure it can represent thinking about the past but it really represents tapping to that tapping into that inner childlike energy and being more playful and having more fun again another meaning that I give this card and this is coming from me not from accurate tarot is that the six of Cups can be a gift from the universe and I have known and seen that the six of cups will come up when a person is either about to kind of have a breakthrough or they're about to experience a turnaround in their life
again this is just my meaning it's you know take it or leave it but there you go uh next we have the seven of Cups the seven of cups is about being spoiled for Choice the thing that stands out to me with this card is that there are good things and bad things in these cups but he needs to he is kind of just imagining something that he needs to bring down to earth it you know before we do anything great people always do this they think about all the bad things that could happen uh
before they do it but really the seven of Cups says well you know actually the thing that you're thinking about you don't really know what the outcome is going to be until you do it right so I always look at the seven of cups as needing to bring that dream down to earth uh next we have the Eight of Cups uh the Eight of Cups is the only card that has an eclipse on it right here uh some people say that the Moon is a full moon eclipse uh I don't think so but whatever if
that's what it means to you that's what it means to you uh the Eight of Cups is about walking away from these eight cups and he's walking away because those cups do do not fulfill him he does not have true fulfillment here so instead of settling on his situation he is choosing to Eclipse it out of his life and walk in a New Direction uh next we have the nine of Cups uh the most interesting thing to me about the nine of cups is that he has these nine cups behind him and there is another
theory that he is actually a barkeep and he is the one who is deciding who to give his emotions out to so most people think of this as a card of wish fulfillment or just fulfillment in general uh which can definitely be true but it could also say that he is being fulfilled because he is choosing who he gives his energy to the way that I like to read this card is that he is meant to look chubby because he's about to have a feast and he's so it kind of says that he is Chubby
because he's had a feast before and he's about to have another one so it basically says that he he is in alignment with exactly what he wants and that's why he is getting his wish because he has had something before so to have something great we have to have it before before we can have it people always say to me how the hell is that possible right so if you want love you have to be in love with something yourself before you can have love if you want money you have to love money you have
to uh be in abundance before you can have abundance I my advice when I'm reading for people is always that the nine of cups is a card of habits and so you should adopt a habit or the person you're reading for might need to adopt a habit of having something or doing something um you or adopt the habits of success is what I'm trying to say here so that's the nine of Cups uh next we have the 10 of Cups uh 10 of cups is Fortune after difficulty or everything you want and desire in your
life uh these people are celebrating and the most interesting part to me about the T of cups is that they are standing in the real world so they still have to deal with the real world problems and issues and things that are going on in their life but um you know they are choosing to be happy they are choosing to focus on the things that make them happy no matter what is going on in the world so they are bringing light to the world and that's what I always think of with the 10 of Cups
you know of course it means happy home happy family again let me know down below we will do probably if people want it another video of the actual meaning of all the cards I'm just pointing out the things that really stand out to me in each one of these cards uh next we have the page of cups of course the admirer the uh you know lover the person with imagination the thing that stands out to me always is the fish he has that fish in that cup but that fish might not exist it might be
part of his imagination and he needs to grab on to that fish and bring it down to earth so you know even uh if you're reading for a person and they're not asking about love uh this could say that they have a dream that they need to bring down to earth and they need to make sure that that dream doesn't escape into the water and that's what stands out to me uh next we have the net of Cups net of cups of course night and shining armor but he's standing in front of this water in
the desert and if he plants seeds in front of that water they will grow so sometimes I feel the Knight of Cups can represent a person who has a dream but they maybe feel like they don't have the resources or the time or the effort or you know whatever the case may be but if they put the work in they will actually be able to manifest what they desire but they have to uh plant seeds no matter what is going on around them or no matter what resources um you know they can see in front
of them uh next we have the queen of Cups she has this big cup it almost looks like a trophy and that's what stands out to me about her the cup kind of represents her heart and she is a card of really following your heart and listening to your heart so that's the queen of Cups and uh finally we made it to the end here we have the king of Cups and the king of Cups he has this boat over here and the boat repres present a time where our ancestors would get on boats and
they wouldn't know where they were going so the boat can actually say that the king of cups is a little bit of an adventurer or he is needing or is going on an adventure and exploring the unknown and he has explored his emotions to a very deep level he's sitting in the middle of the ocean but he is perfectly fine so he is very in control of his emotions and that's the whole point of the king of Cups he even has this this is meant to be a whale it looks like a fish but the
whale kind of says also that he has explored his emotions to a very deep level and now he needs to kind of operate from that emotional space where he's explored his emotions he's sitting on like this concrete slab in the middle of the ocean as well so again it's talking about his emotional stability or the fact that he is a very emotionally stable person so uh that's that we did all 78 cards so thank you for being here again if you're interested we have a course down below that goes more in depth into tarot also
please feel free to leave feedback if you want the the actual meanings of all the cards uh maybe we can set that up together and uh yeah we'll see where this goes