How the Top 1% ACTUALLY Make Their Money

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Alex Hormozi
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how do the top 0. 1% in the world actually make more money than everyone else there's three layers let's start with layer one Global so if you zoom all the way out the top 1% of countries in the world do things differently than the rest of them and we can measure the productivity of a country by something called GDP which is gross domestic product per capita now the per capita part just means how much total production the economy does so just think Revenue think sales and then per capita is per person and so this allows us to Norm ize different countries that are big countries versus small countries and see how much the individual is making now the reason this is so important and why we start at layer one Global is because if you even out everything you will be able to see the strongest levers on wealth creation because they're just done in Aggregate and to be clear within each country of course there are some people that get way more of that slice of the pie than others but even at the global level there are some countries that get more of the slice of the pie than other countries and so for example the United States has the largest GDP in the world and tuvalu has the smallest now per capita it shifts around Luxembourg is actually the country in the world that has the highest GDP per person so 151,000 now I'll give you an example of number two which is Singapore they have the second highest GDP per capita and is also the home of uh Michael who's our media director uh and the reason they were able to do that is because they invest these countries in two major categories number one is education and number two is technology and so if you look at GDP P per capita for a country the increases can almost directly be tied by reinvestments in education and Technology Singapore has $148,000 in gross domestic product per capita now how do they have that well the entire culture in Singapore is flipped compared to say the United States teachers believe it or not there are actually seen as one of the most prestigious positions that you can hold and they are paid very well because the country understands that attracting good teachers is one of the ways to make the country more competitive long term and so if we think about this at a global level which I think is important is what are the inputs that every country has that's even the inputs are time and bodies and so at the very basic level someone anybody at all these countries at level zero can do menial labor which is basically things that have required no skill to do so if I had a conveyor belt of switchboards and I had to plug two things in another one comes in I plug two things in it's typically something that you can train someone to do in about five minutes and then you're just basically having them trade their time and doing this very simple task repetitively now that is typically not valued nearly as highly as other skills which is why countries will invest in technology and education the education so that they have more skills take technology to do three things technology does number one it allows you to do more of what you currently do so that switchboard person if there wasn't a conveyor Bel in front of them wouldn't be able to do nearly as many of those things as someone who did the second thing is that technology allows you to do what you can already do even better and so think of both of those in terms of units of time because remember this is one of the key inputs that everybody has that's even whether you're in the richest country in the world or the poorest country in the world every single person has the same 24 hours and yet some countries massively outcompete other ones just like some individuals in every individual economy massively outcome people within them which will peel back in Layer Two let's think about it like this if you have a brain and two hands then what allows you to do more with that brain in two hands well technology lowers the skill requirement to do anything right like if you had to figure out how to build a house but you couldn't use tools you'd have to have a tremendous amount of skills but all of a sudden if you have a saw and you have uh you know some Nails then you wouldn't have to figure out how to like break trees and interlock them and do all sorts of craziness right that's at a very basic level but on top of that it allows you to do more of what you're already doing so that means you're doing more per unit of time remember everything's going to be traced back to time or you do higher quality which also is traced back to time because maybe you it would take you a longer period of time to make something that good or would just simply be impossible right which is why it's such an advantage that in the early days of smartphones and I don't even know if they still do this anymore but you're not allowed to use a Smartphone when you take tests because it's such an advantage that it shifts the whole curve which I think by the way they should allow you to do that because that's how the real world is and I think the point of school is to prepare you for it and so imagine you have two different sets of people you've got 100 people on one side and 100 people on the other and the 100 people on one side have electricity Wi-Fi internet computers versus the others don't well which one's going to produce more economic value obviously the one on the left not because these people are inherently better than the others they just have technology on their side right and so we have to think about ourselves from the country all the way down using the same tools so at the first layer the wealthiest people in the world the 0. 1% invest in gaining skills buying technology or learning skills to use that technology now if you're hearing this you might think like I would well cool that's great for them but what about me so that enters into Layer Two so let's zoom in on that what are the skills that actually create the production at the individual level so instead of global now let's talk about that per capita that person just like you just like me now how do the 0.
1% actually create that gross domestic product that gross production that Revenue that then gets categorized for the entire country well there are three skills that I'll call BSL and then they're multiplied by something that I'll use as R and you're like what do these all stand for well the first thing category of skills is around building you you make stuff you either build Bridges you build software sometimes building is putting together things so that you can do services but you build stuff the second is you sell stuff the third is you lead people and these also chunk up if you want the fancier terms here to Mechanical verbal and social skills so these are the three overarching categories that skill development as it relates to GDP can get bubbled up to now to be clear each of these skills are not binary it's not oh you know how to build oh you know how to sell oh you know how to lead but it's how well can you build how well can you sell and how well can you lead and so with each of these they create leverage they get you more for what you put in specifically time because if I build something then I can have many people use it over and over again if I learn how to sell I can sell many people at once if I learn how to lead I can get many people inside my company to do many things on my behalf and in each of these situations that one person starts to accumulate the aggregate production of everyone else that touches either the thing they built how they got people to exchange money for it or the people that they were able to lead to deliver and the outcome of all of these things is the big thing that everyone cares about which is money now the longer that this lever gets meaning if I get better and better at building then more money happens on this side if I get better and better at selling more money happens on this side if I get better and better at leading I can pull this lever with more leverage and get more money now what are the richest people in the world world have in common well not only do they have one of these skills developed out a lot many of them have all of these skills super maxed out and the difficulty with this drawing is that it's very hard to show that maybe the average person's lever looks like this compared to what the richest people the 0. 1% actually make so let's zoom in on some of the biggest financial success stories of our time so if you look at Zuckerberg for example who's the founder of Facebook when he started he probably mostly just had build skills but those build skills were enough that eventually he learned a little bit more about promotion he built some promotion into the product which allowed him to get more more people on then over time he developed leadership skills so that he could lead the company and it's very common that building and selling happened in the beginning and then leading develops over time because in the beginning who are you going to be leading besides yourself right not many people and this skill naturally will develop in time but it gives you more leverage on the other two so let's get tactical on build so in this book $100 million offers I talk about uh the concept of trimming and stacking so it starts with looking at all the different problems that a customer presents with and then thinking okay how many different ways can I solve them and so I use something called the delivery Cube to say okay if we have this one problem how can I solve this by thinking about what level of personal attention I want to provide what level of effort would be expected from them if doing something like what kind of environment or medium do I want to solve this problem in do I want how do I want these people to consume my solution how quickly do I want them to get response or get their problem solved using my services or product and then if I were to create a product that was 10 times as expensive what would that look like and if I had to create a product that was on10th as expensive but still had to produce the same outcome how would I build that instead and so this is a wonderful framework that I like to think through and also wondering is there a way that we can psychologically solve a problem rather than simply logically solve a problem and Rory Sutherland talks about this when uh he he explains that some people used to complain about having slow elevators you could either replace the entire elevator system put a bigger motor in and try and get people there faster or you can just put mirrors in the elevators and then people stare at themselves and don't notice the time pass and so that would be a psychological rather than logical solution because customers are by and large illogical and so we want to make sure that the solution that we have solves the problem and sometimes it's not even in the way that You' logically expect now the way that this problem solution cycle actually works which I talk about in the leads book is that you're going to have one problem they present with and then you're going to solve it and then what happens is that creates yet another problem because let's say that you uh solve someone's uh hunger problem with a salty pretzel well what problem comes up naturally well now they're thirsty so then you solve that with a glass of water or a soda and so this this cycle continues and continues and continues now once you've solved those two problems what's the next problem well now their dessert stomach is empty so we have to present them with a cookie right and so there's always if you properly solve a problem for a customer there's almost always another problem that gets presented as a result of the solution and the main reason for that is because people are never satisfied and so over the span of many years a good Builder will develop an ecosystem of products that solves many customer issues at once so if you look at Apple one of the most valuable companies in the world if not the most valuable is it's not just that they have one product they've built an end to-end ecosystem that's closed so that someone can use just their products and solve most of their digital needs they've got a browser they've got computers they've got a phone they have music where you can buy the stuff everything is interconnected but if you're like oh I'm going to build that well that also took them you know 50 years or however long it's been so this stuff happens over time so that covers build but what about sell well selling is about the perception of the prospect which is that fundamentally you might have the best product in the world but if they don't perceive it to be the best product or even know that it exists then there's no way that they're ever going to use it and so we want to make sure that we can communicate that value to prospects ideally at scale so the simplest lowest leverage so think about this thing shortening the lowest leverage version of selling is selling 101 you sell somebody in person you sell them via chat you're just selling and you're closing One customer at a time over time you increase the leverage of sales by either you selling more people at once or getting through leadership which I'm getting ahead of myself getting other people to sell in your your behalf but in either situation you gain more leverage on the amount of people that find out about your stuff and ideally shift their perception of it so that they want to buy it again and again and again and when I talk about sell I actually talk about everything that takes someone from completely unaware to giving you money all right so that's all of acquisition so that's advertising Marketing sales branding promotion and conversion as in getting the person to buy and so the easiest way or the most important part of this is what I would call the call out which is people noticing your ad and when I say Ad I mean what if you reach out to somebody that's an advertisement you let people know about your stuff is the most important part and so I love this quote by David Ogie he says after you've written your headline you've spent 80 cents of your advertising dollar which just goes to show that that first impression is the part that one I test the most and the one that will shift their perception the most which is also part of something called Framing and so how you position again how people perceive the reason the intro of a video is so important the reason the intro of an ad is so important the reason the moment you introduce yourself how you introduce yourself is so important is because it frames everything else that happens afterwards and so let's imagine that you're at a cocktail party in a big Ballroom lots of people talking groups loud music playing in the background in all that noise a single sound pierces through it all and you turn around you want to know the sound your name you hear it and instantly look for the source and so a call out is whatever you do to get the attention of your audience call outs go from hypers specific to get one person's attention to not at all specific to get everyone 's attention so let me explain so if someone drops a tray of dishes in that Ballroom everyone looks if a child yells mom then all the moms look if someone says your name then only you look but again they all get attention and so we want to make our call outs specific enough to get the right people and Broad enough to get as many of them as we can and so with each of these skills you will typically start narrow and go broader Facebook when it started as a product was very narrow and then it just started with college students and then it expanded to high school students and then it started going to adults right when you sell in the beginning you're you're just going to advertise to a very small niche as clo you know as Tiny as you can mostly because you can't compete in the ocean you're you're not a big enough fish yet but you can win in the tiny pond right or maybe even a puddle but then over time as you get better and bigger you can expand the breath of the people that you choose to Target and so you will always convert a higher percentage not absolute but percentage of an audience by being more specific and so the easiest way to figure out what your customers want to hear when you're advertising and selling to them is to Simply ask them and if you want to be a super Advanced student go look at user reviews of all your competitors and figure out the things they complain about and then talk about those pain points and the things that you want to attract them with now the 0. 1% know how to build things then how to let people know about it and get them to give them money for it the second core skill here which then leads us to the third skill because once you're building and selling and building and selling you're probably going to need help and that enters into leading so these are the social dynamics theas reason I think leading is arguably the most important skill besides learning is that it is a meta skill it gains you access to everyone else's skills and so at its most basic form if you were the best leader in the entire world you would be able to get the best builder and the best seller to come work with you and align with your overall objective I consider building selling and leading to be the tripod of business you must have all three they are the tripod of business you must have all three now you can be uh imbalanced and have a stool that looks a little bit weird but if you don't have one of these legs this thing's going to fall over and so you must have all three now the extent to which you have all three will dictate how much money you're able to make so if you can only sell and you can't build and you can lead then you'd have a bunch of people who are really good at selling something terrible so this would be like The Wolf of Wall Street's business so what he went to jail for and so that is basically lying at scale not good if you just build and no one finds out about it and you're good at leading for example then you'll just have this thing that's sitting in your garage that you promise is amazing but no one knows about it and so if no one knows about it no one can buy it and on the third extreme and this is why this one's a little bit more interesting is that if you could lead and somehow you found a bunch of people that no one in the organization knew how to sell or build this is why this is a meta skill then well really nothing would happen because you'd have nothing to build and no one would find out about it and you just have a lot of people that were somehow organized around doing nothing and so these are the core things that actually generate the activity the leadership aligns those activities in One Direction so fundamentally every single time you're considering bringing someone into an organization and this is what we're thinking about like either you are the person getting brought into the organization or you the person that owns the organization but we're talking about the 0.
1 wealthiest percent of people and this is how they think which is that every new person needs to support either selling more people or making them worth more through making the product better because the sad truth of it is that every new hire is a guaranteed cost but is not a guaranteed return and so unless they are building or selling they must support the activity of building or selling or they are waste and to give you a a a classic example that's been touted a lot is Steve Jobs the late great Steve Jobs um was a very good leader now a lot of people say that he was tough but say that they did the best work of their lives when they worked with him and so it's commonly stated that Steve Jobs didn't build the iPhone he built the team that built the iPhone and this is why it's such a high leverage skill and this is why it's a skill that the 0. 1% if you look at the top of the Forbes list all have this that's fundamentally why it's the third bucket of the the biggest skills that generate the most money but if you're like huh is there any other variable that dictates how much the 0. 1% make well I'm going to give you the advanced one which is all of this is multiplied by risk which is the risk that you're willing to take on and so whether you're an employee of a company or you're an owner of a company there is a risk that you take on for the building selling and leading activities that you do that generate the economic activity that gives you the percentage of the production out there if you're willing to take on more risk this is a multiplier on all of these skills so if Steve Jobs and I'll give you Steve Jobs a perfect example when Steve Jobs had the company when it originally went public he owned 15% of the business he ended up leaving for a period of time starting Pixar and then he came back like 10 years later when he came back he was gifted a much smaller percentage of the company now here's where it's crazy when he originally ipoed apple he had 15% if he had not sold those shares that 15% today would be worth 465 billion making him by far the richest man in the world had he lived to this point and kept his shares and so the reason that he was never the richest man in the world is because when he sold his shares he gave up a lot of his risk he gave up a lot of his upside Bill Gates to the same degree when he ipoed had about 49% of Microsoft now if Bill Gates had continued to double down on that risk rather than selling and diversifying which is what he did today Bill Gates would be worth 1 and A5 trillion milon dollar he would be more than a trillionaire but because he chose to diversify he decreased his risk and so he got less on the asset that he owned which was built through building selling and leading if this video is helping make things click for you which is okay I I want to make the most money humanly possible I want to model the 0.
1% and I understand that I have to build I have to sell I have to lead and I multiply all of that by the amount of risk that I'm willing to take on if you know somebody else in your organization or you want to share this with your employees uh it would mean the world to me because I'm trying to make the world a better place through economic activity and uh I believe that fundamentally every economy in the world could be super developed if everyone had enough education and skills so building and selling that feels relatively straightforward you learn how to code you learn how to make a service or you learn how to advertise you learn how to sell but how do you learn how to lead well I think an important part of this is learning how to orient behavior in a specific direction that yields the highest returns and when I say Orient Behavior I mean the behavior of the people who work for you or work alongside you and the strongest way that I have been able to get better as a leader is by eliminating wasted communication and so what that means is both internally amongst themselves but also for me to them and so that means that I think the vast majority of people are very in effective communicators is that they say many words and most of the times they don't even know what they're saying I'll give you an example so I had a director a couple days ago who came up to me and they wanted to reconcile uh this director was over you know a department and they said hey uh you know one of the people in my team has basically complained that somebody uh who's a director report of mine is doing this issue and so I said and and I'll tell you the words that um that they said they said I'm here because I want to bridge the gap between this department and this department and I want to support the growth and the overall initiatives of the business and all of those sound like wonderful corporate words but I I looked at the the person and I said what do you want to have happen and they kind of looked at me differently I said what Behavior are we currently doing that you would like us to stop doing or something that we're currently not doing that you would like us to start doing and so what's interesting is that when that question was posed to the individual they actually didn't have the answer and so this is very common is that someone will know that there is a problem but they will not come with an intended change in behavior and so you have to take that extra next step and say okay there's a problem what potential changes in behavior on my team or someone else's would need to occur in order for us to decrease the likelihood that this problem happens again in the future and so when you frame things from what would I like to occur what would I like to have happen as a consequence of this conversation you'll find that many conversations don't need to be had to begin with because most people don't even Define that and so they basically just make SP noise at at each other for 30 minutes and call it a meeting but no one actually changes what they do and so if you don't change what you do as a result of communication it was wasted it literally took effort from both people time from both people and then no change occurred and believe it or not this is the vast majority of people in the vast majority of companies which is why the biggest threat to Big organizations is waste and so if you want to lead you need to learn how to how to communicate clearly what you want someone to do what you want them to stop doing or you want them to do instead and by defining it in those terms it cuts away a lot of the ambiguity I had a meeting not that long ago with a a different person in in in the company and I said I don't understand what you do please explain it to me now most people you could imagine would be terrified by this question but I said I'm not intending to intimidate you the the point is that I actually don't understand and I'm seeking seeking Clarity and so one of the first things the individual brought up is I I do a lot of This research so that I can better understand X Y and Z and I said what does that change about what we do and the honest answer was it hadn't changed anything about what we do and I said so then if all of this time that you spend researching doesn't change our Behavior you don't need to do it it is a waste of time and so just like I could measure the temperature in the rooms when I record them and I could measure the temperature of every room that I walk in throughout the day just because I can measure it doesn't mean it's going to change anything and so many people spend a lot of time trying to quote understand but the only way you will get a return on that understanding is by changing what you do and so finally after several kind of peeling back the layers I was able to say you do this this is what you do you click these buttons you do this stuff okay and then all of a sudden the scope of what this person's uh role was went from this to this and I was like these are the only things that drive economic activity so how do we get you to do more of these things do them faster or do them better that is the question that we need to answer together and by doing this it just it just melts away a lot of the pre t a lot of the corporate jargon and so if you get into a conversation with someone and you don't know what they're saying don't assume that you're dumb assume that no one knows what's going on and I think that if you seek Clarity and you seek truth then you will ultimately find the best outcomes rather than seeking agreement and so we started with education at technology now we zoomed in at the second layer of the individuals what the actual 0. 1% wealthiest people did they zoom in on their skills of building products that people love being able to communicate the value of that products and sell them on buying it and using it and then leading the team of people that could help do that at scale over and over and over again and if you're like well which one of these should I start with well everyone starts on a different BSL path now I personally started with selling because it's a chicken and egg issue at the very beginning you must have something to sell as soon as you have a basic amount of something to sell then you must sell it once you you do this well then you will have to recruit people to help you out so then you will learn leadership and so this tricep will continue to expand as you get better and better and better at all three of the tripod skills so if you're starting from scratch you first have to figure out what to sell once you figure out what to sell you need to learn how to sell it no economic activity can occur without both of these things you can't sell nothing and you can't build and not sell a dollar must exchange for goods and services so they have to know about it and you have to have something to exchange and so obsessing over your logo and your branding and your website is neither of these things unless you're selling the websites right and so you want to just start on how do I get people's attention so that they can give me their contact information so that I can communicate with them and explain the value of the thing I have and then what is required for me to deliver that thing I have the first business I ever started I just gave people my email and my phone number and then I emailed them personalized nutrition plans and work out plans so I had no CRM I had no website I just did those two things if you are a business owner at some point your business will get limited by either the quality of your product or the product offerings you have your ability to sell them meaning you don't have enough people coming in the door or you have both of these okay but you can't seem to scale it because you need more people and so being able to properly identify which of these things is the constraint will tell you where you need to reinvest your time to get more out of yourself and then when you do that you expand the lever and then more money shoots out so how does build sell lead relate to education technology well the Ed educational component is fairly straightforward you develop the skills around each of these three but what about technology well if you can use technology in order to build more things faster then you will make more money if the thing that you build is technological and allows more people to use it then you will make more money if somebody builds a table they will make less money than a developer who knows how to make an app that a million people can use because they're able to provide value at scale just with their own skill set but it's the skill of using technology so these things are very much interwoven with sales sure you can sell one-on-one but the leveraged way of doing it is using technology if you can develop a personal brand and have trust with a larger audience then you can sell one to many if you run advertisements one to many you're using the technology of the platform and media so that you can get more people's ATT ition and then ultimately convert it from a leadership perspective if you can track what your employees are doing if you run a project management systems you can increase the output per employee by using Technologies around leadership in each of these core pillars of value creation you're going to have the education to use the technology to maximize your output per unit of time and ultimately the money that you make which is what the 0. 1% do and so with the Advent of things like co-pilot for coders coders can actually write code 10 times faster than they could before and so with that as our as our as our our working model anybody who is not using technology is always going to be at a disadvantage and so if you want to be in the top 0.
1% it means you're competing with everyone and so you want to use as many advantages as you can and on a personal note I would say that I have been someone who's been more hesitant to use technology and I think that it has been a limiter to my success and so it's something that I'm spending more and more time on of okay how can I incorporate more technology into the products and services that we build how can I incorporate more technology into how we advertise and sell how can I incorporate more technology into how we lead recruit manage people even on the recruiting side it's like if we can have Predictive Analytics to figure out which candidates have higher likelihood of of matching with the organization and being good long-term productive employees then that decreased so much waste for us and again it increases our output per unit of time and the coolest thing about education specifically not necessarily technology is that when you have these skills they cannot be taken away they can't be confiscated they can't be stolen and this is near and dear to my heart because uh you know my family uh was or that we are Iranian um but during the revolution we left the country and uh all of our assets were seized and so in the United States this seems like a very crazy thing that you could lose everything overnight but in other countries this happens all the time the government just says oh all that money is ours now all that land is ours now your house is actually our house now but the thing is is that the the family members that I had who had skills and then were able to scatter all over the world which my family is uh they were able to start all over again and rebuild what they had lost the ones who didn't have skills and only had the few assets they had struggled a lot and still du to this day so the first layer was Global and we figured out education technology underneath of Education technology it's like where we investing that education technology technology around building education around Building Technology around selling education around selling technology around leadership education around leadership and so in each of those settings if we invest in them the lever expands and more money shoots out the other side and so the final layer is environmental so BSL creates the money and then that money is either wasted so it goes off the map it's stored meaning it basically stays the same or what the top 0. 1% do is it's multiplied and the way that they multiply it is they either buy stuff or they lend so you can only do two things with money you can give it to people and then they give you a little bit more of it back in the form of debt or you buy stuff with it that either goes up in value sometimes it can go down but the hope is that it goes up in value and it produces an output so an example of the storage would be I buy a brick of gold a brick of gold does nothing and it's speculative in that we hope that somebody else in the future will pay us more for that brick of gold and no matter what currency I have I can trade gold for euros I can trade gold for for for Bitcoin I can trade gold for US Dollars it doesn't matter it's a store of value and as far as we've had in human history people still value gold now you could take all of the gold in the world and this is a waren Buffett example you could take all the gold in the world and put it in the middle of a baseball field and it would be about as tall as the stadium and be a big round Globe it doesn't matter what you do to that big ball of gold a 100 years from now it'll still be a big ball of gold but if you took that same amount of economic value and then you put it you would be and you invested it through buying you could buy all the Farmland in the United States and about 13 Exon mobils and so the amount of money that those farms and Exxon Mobile would spit out every single year over that 100 years would be at least greater than zero and so in that way this is how this Loop of wealth gets spun and so when you are buying or lending you're either lending to people who are doing BSL and the risk that you incur is that they don't actually succeed and you never get your money back you're compensated for the risk based on the interest that you charge for them so you basically sell them money for more money later with buying the assets what you're doing is you're buying a percentage or the entirety of their build sell lead now if you recall earlier I said this is all multiplied by risk this is where that money goes you take on that risk and and so as a result you get to have an outsized percentage of what other people are doing to build sell and lead and then this gives you even more money over time and so in understanding this this is why I built acquisition. comom the way I did which is we have these companies that generate money and then that money either goes back into the company to make it a bigger company or it goes into buying another company that generates money but then this process repeats itself over and over and over again and it compounds unto itself so no matter how big you get you can keep reinvesting all of that money and then it's a percentage-based growth so whether it's a million dollars growing by 10% or a billion dollars growing by 10% you're still growing 10% but the absolute amount of what that 10% is is $100,000 versus is $100 million and so if you're the individual you can take this money and you can invest it in people who are going to do build sell lead in your company where you take on more risk which means that you get outsize Returns on the investment in the people that's within an organization you can buy a slice of an organization of all of those people and not have to necessarily do anything that's what the public markets are more or less all about or investment funds do or at the most micro level you could just take that money and invest it in yourself by buying skills and what does buying skills even mean it means you pay someone to give you feedback on an activity such that you can replicate the outcome that they can already do fundamentally that's what buying skills is and so you find someone who has the skill that you want and then you offer them money so that you can continue to do the activity in front of them until eventually you replicate the outcome that they have because they have taught you the variables that they use to recreate that skill and once you can do it without them and get the same outcome than you have learned and so if we're thinking about this in terms of levels you can have a piece of a company you can have people that you hire in a company or you can put that money into yourself but all three of these are going to relate to BSL build sell lead and to what degree is the risk that you take on so buying a piece of a company would be probably higher risk a little bit less risk would be bringing somebody in and paying them the lowest risk is going to be investing in yourself but here's where it gets kind of interesting is that when you invest in yourself this can also give you all of the skills that you need to do all of these things better which is why and I will continue to hit this until the day I die you will always be the best investment and so you want to max out this bucket to the greatest degree possible and the limitation that you will have when you do reinvest in yourself is the time it takes to learn the skills and how many skills you can learn but at any given time you should always be spending as much money as you can to buy the most valuable skill that is constraining your growth and so if you look at build you look at sell you look at lead you figure out the one that's limiting you the most and you put as much cash into that thing as you can you pay every expert you possibly know or don't know or need to know in order to get what you need to move forward if I could isolate one decision that has changed my life forever was the willingness to invest my money in the potential to learn a skill from someone who is further ahead than me and I I will probably do that till the day I die because I have gotten better Returns on that money than anything else in the world and if you enjoyed this video on what the 0.
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