How To Write 6-Figure Facebook Ad Scripts | FREE Step-By-Step Course

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over the past 6 months I've written over 200 ad scripts for six different online businesses Those ads generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales and me as the copywriter I took a percentage of that and I put it straight in my pockets and in this video I'm going to walk you through exactly how I go about writing these ad scripts from the research process all the way to my best performing templates so I say to not waste any time and let's do it all right all right let's get into it so first thing that
I want to say I don't care if you are a beginner writer you already write ads for your clients or you have a business and you need to write ads for your business this video will help you get better and do that write ads that actually make money and not just because you're guessing they're going to make money no because you're following a proven to work psychological process okay so that said this video might be quite long I don't know I'm recording it right now I don't know how long it's going to be over 1
hour probably but I don't want you to commit to finish the entire video I know it can sound scary it's too long right so do this for me commit to watch 5 minutes of this video starting now and I promise you you're going to see the value and it's going to make it worth it for you to watch the rest of the video so please commit to watch 5 to 10 minutes of this video and I'm going to prove you that it's worth your time so let's not waste any time and let's get started with
step number one on how to write six figure ad scripts okay step number one is research yes research is the base of anything you write as a copywriter but when it comes to ads it's even more when it comes to ads literally it's not about who's the better writer you don't need to be a great writer to write ads the opposite you need to use very basic language but you need to use the right words because those are the words that are going to trigger your target audience so you see how it doesn't come down
to the level of words that you use but more about words that trigger and persuade the right type of people so that's why you need research to understand understand who these people are what uh desires do they have what pain points what problems and all that kind of stuff so let's get into it there's four main things that I look at when I do research for my ads first thing first the ideal client profile also known as ICP is basically who is your ideal client ideal customer that you want to reach with your campaign so
the main questions that I ask myself when I want to understand who my ICP is are how old is he what does he look like what does his they look like what are his desires what is he struggling with right now so pain points basically does he have any predisposition for a product like mine and all that kind of stuff you want to ask yourself all those questions and write them down on a document because they're going to be very useful the moment you start writing you should never write a word on your page before
knowing exactly who you're talking to because if you're selling to a 50-year-old divorced mom you're not going to write the same way and the same word you write to an 18-year-old girl out of college that wants to make money like you need to know exactly who you're targeting to find the words that can persuade them the best an 18-year-old doesn't use the same language of a 50-year-old a 18-year-old doesn't get triggered by the same thing of a 50-year-old so it's very important that you have it written down who your ICP is I know it's boring
but it's the first step on writing six figure ads and if you get this wrong chances are you're ads are not going to perform I'm going to show you examples of how I do that in a second now let's get into the two most important parts of writing ad scripts these are a bit Advanced most people don't even know about these most people run ads so if you can just understand these two things you're going to be better than literally and I don't want to exaggerate 90% of marketers you're going to be better than 90%
of marketers copywriters business owners out there if you can understand what awareness and sophis if ation are so let's get into them awareness that simply means how aware is your Market of your offer or solution based on how aware your Market is the angle of the ad completely changes let me do a couple of examples before we get into the different stages of awareness so if I'm dealing with a market that already knows about my offer has already checked it out wants to buy it and know why they should buy it and that it would
help their life and it would really improve their life but they're still on the fence of buying they just didn't get around buying yet then at that point there could be no point in me running an ad campaign explaining how good the product is the benefits they'll see they already know that they already want to buy the product they are convinced now all it comes down to is getting them put the card in so all you're going to do is give them a little push which could be a limited time promotion a flesh offer add
some scarcity hey there's only 20 spots left so urgency I'm going to increase the price tomorrow and overall you need to create some foro that is all you need to do in your ads so in this case you would just you would just run a flashh promotion and these people who are so aware they literally want to buy it they will buy that is all you need to get these people to buy and have a successful add campaign now in the same way if I'm dealing with the market that doesn't even know about my offer
its benefits or why they even need it and at about a 20% discount won't tell them anything it won't literally give them any information that could get them closer to the sale so there's no point in me offering like running a 20% offer to people who don't even know about my offer or why they need it so in that case what I would have to do is hook them with their problem introduce my solution and then put some proof behind it that it works a overall it's a classic problem solution ad so you understand how
based on the different typ type of awareness you're going to run completely different type of ads and you're going to write completely different type of scripts now if that's clear let's get a little bit more specific and look at the different stages of awareness in fact there's five stages of awareness and to identify the right one for your target audience after having a clear idea of who your avatar is you need to ask yourself how does my avatar feel about my solution right now so ask the question and then you're going to find the stage
so first stage AG of awareness which is the least aware basically he doesn't your your prospect doesn't realize he has a problem so he doesn't even think he needs your solution in this case the type of ad that you want to write is something like this call out a pain Point introduce the problem as the cause of that pain introduce your product as the solution and then show social proof that that solution works okay here you basically have to take them by hand and guide them first of all saying hey you have this pain okay
that means you have this problem and then you say I also had this problem but there is a solution my product and then you say this product has already worked with me and 100 200,000 people so it works and this is how you guide them from being unaware completely to now being aware that they have a problem that there is a solution and that solution works this is the type of ad that you would run with someone with that market that is in stage number one of awareness they're not aware of anything now we go
to stage number two the prospect knows he has a product a problem or a desire but it doesn't realize that there is a solution for it okay so they know they have this back pain but they're hopeless they don't even know there is a solution for it they think they're the only one who has that and there's no solution for it or they know they they have this desire to make money but there is no solution there's no way they can make the money so they're completely unaware of your solution so at this point what
you want to do in your ad is you point out the problem or the desire because they understand that they know they either have back pain or they know they want the money they understand that so if you point it out in the hook of your ad they will realize that they are going to be hooked and then you tell a relatable story because at this point they think they're mainly the only they generally think they're the only people who have something like that so in this case works very well is you call out the
problem and then you explain now you had the same problem and the way you solved it is with this solution and and after you say that you also put some social proof behind it saying and this didn't just work with me but it worked with also another 100,000 people so that's how you show some social proof so you see how we basically here we did the same thing as we did in stage one but we just cut out the first part because they're already aware of their paino and the problem that they have have okay
now hope this is clear if it's not I suggest you stop take some notes because this is extremely important I'm going to show as you see down here an example of a script and we're going to reverse engineer the awareness now let's go into Stage number three so how does my avatar feel about my solution right now in this case at this stage he knows he has a problem or a desire and he wants a solution for it so he knows there is a solution for it but he doesn't know that your product is the
solution that will solve his problem or fulfill his desire clear now how do you deal with someone that is in this situation the first thing you do is you point out the problem or the desire that they have that is always going to hook people their problem or their desire then you say hey if you have this problem this will solve it this is the solution okay you don't need to convince them you don't need to give them a relatable story because they already understand that there is a solution they just need to know what
the solution is so see how from stage one to stage three we go just always more direct straight to the point simple we start here it's longer more elaborate now the higher the awareness is the more direct you can be with your target with your audience okay so here we just point out the problem we say hey if you have this problem this is the solution and it has already worked with 50,000 people so click down here and check it out simple straight to the point there's no need for anything else because they already know
they they have a problem they already know why they need it they already know there is a solution we just need to give it to them simple so this is stage number three now stage number four is where most people are at most markets you're going to deal is going to be in stage number four and it is when the prospect knows he has a problem or desire he knows that a product like yours could solve it or even could solve it or fulfill it so solve the problem or fulfill the desire and he even
basically checked out already your product he already knows about your offer he's just not convinced that your offer is going that your solution sorry is the best solution out there for the money that's what it is so they know you have a copyrighting program they just don't know if your copyrighting program is the best for the money simple and that is probably where most businesses are at right now they know you have a service and they know about the service they know why they need it they know how it can help their life but they
don't know if they should Pi yours or the one of the competitor why should they pick yours they're not convinced okay so what you need to do here is simply show social proof guarantees bonus benefits kill objections predispositions everything that can help them can convince them that yours is the best one and has the best uh value per money that's all you got to do okay so notice how we don't have to go back to their problem back to the introducing the solution no they already know you have the solution they already know about your
solution you just need to tell them hey 50,000 people last month bought my copyrighting course and they made $65,000 and not just that but they also did B bum so you just build on top of your solution you don't have to go all the way back to the problem to the desire they already know they want it and why they need it that said we go and move into Stage number five the most aware which is also in my opinion the easiest one to deal with what you do here is basically here if you ask
yourself the question how does my avatar feel about my solution right now you're going to see that he knows he has a problem or a desire and he knows your solution will solve it or fulfill it he already knows that my coating program will get him to ,000 a month in 90 days he knows that it's guaranteed he already knows that he's just waiting to see he's just waiting basically for the right opportunity to buy see if the a discount because that's most of the time what the main objection is when they're very aware it's
basically always the price or not enough formal not enough not enough reasons to buy right now so what you have to do here what I would have to do is simply run a flashh offer and build foro as we did as we said in the example up here they're just on the fence of buying all I have to do is saying hey you want to buy the course right okay 20% off if you buy within the next two hours otherwise price goes up boom boom they're going to buy because they already know they need it
I don't have to convince them right if now at stage five I was to run an like if I was to now Target people at stage five with an ad that says hey if you have this big problem look I was there like bro they're just going to scroll they already know that you don't have to go the problem the thing with awareness is always this you don't want to tell them information that they've already heard that they are already convinced on you want your ad to be at the same same level of the awareness
of your avatar because if you run an ad for a stage one when the guy is in stage five he will scroll he will find it boring at the same time if you run an ad about stage five so you run a flash promotion for someone who doesn't even know why they need it it's not going to work so it's important that your ad and your angle is tailored to the awareness of your target audience your avatar your ICP call him whatever you want you understand this okay I think this was extremely clear I hope
it was and now it's going to be even more clear because we're going to look at an example but now you understand why the angle changes based on the awareness the awareness changes the angle changes simple and I also showed you how to change the angle okay now no you need to realize as a marketer or as a copywriter as a business owner that if you can just do this right like most businesses and Mark copywriters don't even know about this they're just guessing that's what's going to work if you do some good research and
you come up with this a good awareness you're already ahead of the curve literally and now let's look at an example where we're going to try to understand what awareness are in right now okay so ad script this ad script is 40 seconds long so let's read it we guarantee we build you a six figure Amazon brand in under 90 days or you don't pay a penny and we send you $3,000 it's all in our client contracts no cash or confusing terms and I know you must be thinking how can you offer such a result
based offer like this and the reason is that we specialize in a new branch of Amazon called Amazon mrr meaning we don't sell onetime products like everyone else but we sell first need items that can be sold on a monthly recurring basis making the product slow effort predictable and a true asset that you can sell to investors for multiple six or even seven figures over the next sorry 5 years no one else is offering this to their clients by the way and best part is we've already helped over 700 clients build an additional stream of
income without them spending more than two hours a week on this so you can either keep looking into those old outdated unprofitable business models or you can book a code with us and see how this new branch of Amazon Works before it gets overs saturated click the link below and I'll see you there now you know already about the oldest stages of awareness let me go back to them for a second so you see them we have stage number one it doesn't realize it like you know stage number one stage number two stage number three
stage number four stage number five I want you to try to guess what stage was that in okay I would say Obviously was not stage one obviously was not stage two I say it's stage three to four so three is he knows he has a problem or a desire and he wants a solution for it but he doesn't know there is a product that can solve or fulfill it or stage number four is he knows he has a product a problem or desire he knows a product like your could solve it but it's not convinced
yours is the best solution out there how aware are these people they were targeting with this script I'm going to tell you we're in stage number four because our Avatar knows he has a problem or a desire which is money he knows a product like yours could solve it or fulfill it an Amazon FBA program but he's not convinced that's the best solution money can buy and how do how do I know that because in this thing we see social proof guarantees benefits and we kill objections and predispositions we have a guarantee up here we
guarantee you B bum that already tells me it's stage four because when it's stage three you never do a guarantee they're not ready for a guarantee yet okay so we do the guarantee we have the social proof here and we help over 700 clients with addal of income B bum doing only two hours a week and then we start killing predispositions we're going to see the predispositions of these specific target audience later but you see how if you simply read these you know you would know that this is awareness stage number four also because in
Awareness stage number three uh here we introduce our product as the solution but if you read the sample we just read we didn't even introduce it we gave it as granted that they already knew what the product was what Amazon FBA is what an Amazon brand is okay so this is obviously awareness stage number four four hope you got that right if you didn't try to analyze it a little bit and understand why again maybe rewind a few seconds and listen to me explaining it again now that you understand the awareness it's time for a
sophistication because sophistic if awareness is important sophistication is literally as important if not more so I hope you got a clear idea of what awareness is right now because you're going to need that for the sophistication let's look into it sophistication is basically how how many times has your Market heard of similar offers or claims how many times has your Market heard of similar offers and claims the more sophisticated they are so the more times they've heard these claims the harder it is to hook and retain their attention because humans we always want new stuff
we don't want to listen to stuff we've already heard so to similar stuff we always want new things so the more sophisticated they are the hard harder it's going to be to make it look new now let's look at the different stages let's start with the least sophisticated so they have not really heard of similar offer and claims in fact we are the first in the market now if you are in the first in the market so nobody has heard about your solution you need to be simple direct and say bold claims for example I'll
show you how to make $1,000 with copyrighting and they're going to be like oh my gosh what is copyrighting $1,000 boom boom boom boom boom they going to be already hooked because they've never heard of something like this even better if I do uh $1,000 writing emails for businesses even more intriguing okay they've never heard of something like that they're all going to click on the ad because they don't know what it is we're the first one they're not sophisticated it's something completely new for them so we need to be simple direct and say bold
claims easy because we are the first in the market but it's very tough that you're going to be the first in the Market at whatever you are pitching or whatever you are um offering okay so let's look at stage number two basically you are second in the market and this also means second third fourth fifth you're just competing now in the market you're not the first so you are competing now if the claim that here you said at first is still working it means we are in stage number two but there is more competition so
what do you have to do here outbid your competition enlarge the claim to its extreme for example I guarantee you'll make $1,000 with copyrighting in under 20 days or I'll give you all your money back and $3,000 out of my own Pockets we're enlarging the claim we're literally guaranteeing it okay here again it would be probably more um more um intriguing $1,000 writing emails for businesses I would find that more intriguing Okay so you see this is basically this claim enlarged to its extreme it can be even more extreme obviously but you see the idea
now what do you do when this doesn't work anymore what are you doing when this doesn't work anymore we go into Stage number three your prospect have heard all the claims and all the extremes now they even bought one or two of your competitive products now you're finding a sophistication number three so everyone basically has already looked into it and they you know they've tried they failed so they are much more sophisticated than they were before if you now if you tell them hey I'll get you there in 30 days they're going to be like
yeah scam okay they're going to just say that because they've already heard all these incredible claims and they failed to deliver so you know they are much more sophisticated now so if I tell them I'll guarantee you make $1,000 writing emails for businesses they're going to be like hell like I already know it's not going to work you can't do that anymore so what you need to do here is introducing a new mechanism a new mechanism for example there's a faster way to make $1,000 a month copyrighting without having to send samples up front Loom
videos or any of that stuff but instead it leverages a tested psychology driven Outreach template we call it psychological Outreach so here obviously you're talking with people who already know what copyrighting is that inside there is you know they've already bought one or two of the comp iors programs they already know how it works inside they already know how copyrighting Works how you find clients they already know all of that they know you have to do Outreach so what we do here is we introduce a new mechanism on how to find prospects easy so they're
going to be attracted to this because they've tried something different that didn't work and now this looks like completely new and makes copyrighting look like a good solution again after they failed with the comp itors and they tried those Pro those courses and they failed now there is a new solution a new mechanism that makes all those old claims true again okay you understand that I hope that's clear but basically the new mechanism here is the Outreach me so basically here the new mechanism is the Outreach strategy there's a faster there's a faster way to
make $1,000 copyrighting without having to send samples up front Loom videos or any of that stuff now obviously sending samples up front and Loom videos is what our competitors had them do so now we tell them hey there's something new different from what you did that is making copyrighting work great again okay and it's called P psychological Outreach now it's something new and I all of a sudden when our prospects hear this they're like so there's still hope in copyrighting so I can still make $1,000 writing emails so this still works as need to try
this new mechanism and this is why when we find ourself in stage number three when all of the claims have been used and they even bought some courses and failed you need to hit them with a new mechanism okay now that we understand this what do we do when this new mechanism is not new anymore in fact it takes a few months until the new mechanism is not new anymore so what you do here is you enlarge the mechanism here we enlarged the claim while here we enlarg the mechanism so we make it look easier
better faster safer Sher all that kind of stuff so let me give you an example psychological Outreach takes long and has low reply rate so we're basically talking on the old new mechanism okay so we crafted an improved template that makes the original one look like absolute trash you can copy and paste it for every Prospect and when we gave it to 200 of our students one week later they had send a total of 400 outreaches each working just one hour a day resulting in a 30% positive reply rate on average that's three times better
than your original psychological Outreach and in a fraction of the time so we're basically making the psycholog we're making the psychological Outreach look outdated and now we updated it and we improved it so much better we enlarged it we worked on the mechanism and now it's faster it's better it's easier it's safer this is what you want to do at stage four okay and then we then we get into stage five when your Market no longer believes in copyrighting your Market no longer believes there's a way to make a ,000 a month with cooperating they
no longer believe in our claims so here what we need to do is make them identify as people who need and use your solution okay we need to go back to the roots and for example I was in your exact same situation one year ago and now I'm here making $10,000 a month working just 30 minutes a day from the beach if that's something you want click the link and I'll show you exactly how I did it notice I didn't even say the word copyrighting I didn't even talk about writing emails because I already know
that people are so sophisticated that the moment they hear the word copyrighting the word writing emails they're going to just scroll so we need to keep them intrigued and then get them in the second step of the funnel which is not something I'm going to get into now but it's generally going to be a free training or a vssl or maybe they send you a message something like that okay but you see how this works and the thing is sophistic ation can work in a cycle okay because it takes maybe decades to go from a
stage four to a stage five okay so for example here once we get to the psychological Outreach we get to its Max we get to its extreme it's faster it's easier now at one point after a few months people are going to realize it's not enough it's not new enough for them so what do you need here again at stage four a new mechanism so from stage four you go back to Stage F to stage three with the new mechanism so these can go on for quite some time these can go on for quite some
time before we get into stage five I'm talking about years maybe in some cases even decades more than 10 years look at how long e-commerce has been around or Drop Shipping has been around and we're not in stage five yet people are keeping on putting out new mechanisms new mechanisms new mechanisms because these is how uh you keep a Old Market still in the game by making it look new make it sound make it sound new okay and people are attracted to new stuff new fleshy things because they still have the old same problems and
desires so they'll never get tired of e-commerce Drop Shipping as long as there is a new mechanism so that's why it can take years to go from a stage four decades to to go from a stage four to stage five it's much more reasonable that you go from a stage four when now people understand these psychological Outreach doesn't work anymore and you go back to a stage three and you come out with the anti psychological Outreach or you come out with the high value Outreach you come out with a new type of mechanism that is
going to make all the claims again true I hope this is clear if it's not read like rewind a little bit rewatch it but now we're going to also go through a couple more things that are going to help you understand everything I just said in fact your question probably right now is how to understand how sophistic the market is it's not as easy as understanding it with awareness right how to understand how sophisticated the people I'm targeting with my ads are how do I know that there's three things that I generally do so first
of all I look at the ads that people in my space are running because those are a good indicator especially if there are some old ads like a couple months old and they're running them there keeps on running they're active what does that mean means there's someone that every single day puts money into those ads and they're getting out more money than they put in so Those ads are profitable if they've been running for a few months Those ads are profitable so chances are there is something right about those ads maybe the awareness sophistication so
try to understand that try to look at the best performing ads in your space that have been around for few months and are active and chances are those ads are performing and the sophistication is on point so look at that now the second thing I do when I look at those ads is that when these ads when I see them and they're all about crazy guarantees I already know we're in stage number two or more I already know we're in s number two or more okay so for example you already know the SMA space where
they book you appointments you probably already seen some ads like that and it works like this we'll book you 30 guarantees we'll book you 30 appointments in 40 days or you don't pay a penny and I send you $3,000 guaranteed those you hear them all the time and it's because we're in stage number two or more in fact the moment we go there's 30 appointments in 40 days guaranteed because we have this new way then you know there's also a new mechanism so you know not only it's stage number two but we're actually in stage
number three so for example I found a new way of doing these that doesn't have anything to do with this old thing okay so don't be deceived by sometimes there is a hook with the G guante and then we get into the new mechanism obviously the new mechanism is more advanced in the stages of sophistication than the guarantees so obviously the sophistication is level three I'm going to show you now in the script I have down here you're going to get this perfectly don't worry uh and then you know these are simply good indicators that
I like to keep in mind when looking at the ads another thing that you can do to understand the sophistication of your audience is going where your audience your target audience hangs out maybe Facebook Reddit Twitter Instagram whatever look at what they look at the best performing short form videos in those platforms chances are there is something right about them maybe the sophistication maybe the awareness but check all of those out and at by the way if you work with a client you will most likely know sort of how sophisticated and skeptical people are about
that offer how long has those has an offer like they have been around how many people know about it so if you ask them in simple terms your clients will be able to tell you how sophisticated the market is somewhat so you're going to have an idea am I with a level one level five closer to level five closer to level one you're going to know but now let's look at the script right same script as earlier the same one before we looked at the awareness now let's try to understand also the sophistication so let's
read it again we guarantee we build you a six figure Amazon brand in under 90 days or you don't pay a penny and we send you $3,000 this to me screams stage of sophistication number two it's it's all in our client contracts no catches or confusing terms and I know you must be thinking how can you offer such a result-based offer like this and the reason is that we specialized in a new branch of Amazon called Amazon Mr this to me screams new mechanism meaning we don't sell onetime products like everyone else but we sell
first need items that can be sold on a monthly recurring basis making the product low effort predictable and a true asset that you can sell to investors for multiple six or even seven figures over the next 5 years no way one else is offering this to their clients by the way and the best part is we've helped over 700 clients build an additional Su of income without them spending more than two hours a week on this so you can either keep looking into those old outdated unprofitable business models or you can book a call and
see how this new branch of Amazon Works before it gets oversaturated click the link below and I'll see you there so we saw we already talked earlier about the awareness it's obviously stage four okay because um our Avatar knows that he has this problem he knows that a product like ours could Sol it but it's not convinced Amazon FBA is the best way to go so that's why we added social proof guarantees benefits B now sophistication stage level three our prospects have heard of the claims and all the extremes they even bought one or two
competitive products and that's why we introduced a new mechanism which is uh which is Amazon mrr now notice how if I didn't introduce a new mechanism if I didn't introduce this and I cut out all this part if I cut out all that part it would have been stage number two because I still introduced the extremes which are the guarantee a crazy guarantee when there is a guarantee like that you know it's sophistication number two now the moment we also add the new mechanism the new mechanism in the scale of sophistication is higher than the
guarantee so it wins so instead of being a stage number two because there was the guarantee it's stage number three because there also a new mechanism so this is very simple very intuitive I I know you got it it's just to get you to understand now these script specifically is at awareness stage number four and sophistication stage number three so if you were to find an ad like this on the internet and it's in your space a competitor what you want to do is trans uh what you want to do is take that ad write
down the script of the ad and then you go and analyze it okay is it okay what does this ad have okay social proof guarantees bonus benefits it kills the objections and predispositions okay the awareness here is number four okay and okay what does the oh introduce a new mechanism okay so this is stage number three okay so now if I want to compete in this market what do I need to do okay I need to introduce a new mechanism and I always need to have social proof some good guarantees Bon you already know what
type of AD you're going to write because you know the sophistication and awareness of your competitors okay if you don't know this you're it's like your ads are like it's like shooting a shot in dark you don't know if it's going to go well or bad because you don't know how aware or sophisticated your target audience is but now you who are watching this course and are still here watching you know it so let's get into the next step shall we which is competitors okay in fact you want to always make a list of competitors
that are running ads in your space and that's where you're going to analyze and break down the ads this will give you an idea of what information is your ICP being exposed to right now because chances are they're targeting the same people you are targeting and at the same time if you see as I told you earlier an ad that has been running a couple for a couple months you know that ad is performing that means that sophistication and awareness or the angle of the ad is good so you can take inspiration from that now
what I want to do is going back to the ad script but in this case we're going to look at all the market research that I did here so it's the same script as earlier I'm not going to read it but who was the ICP here who was my ideal client profile it was a age 35 55 year old man with a college degree making over $100,000 a year and has at least $10,000 to invest in Services he's employed in a well-paying job or owns a business this is the person I was targeting with this
ad what are his desires to buy back their time spending doing what they love to have an additional SM income that operates on its own or passively to own a serious long-term online business that can be sold to investors in the future those are their desires what are their pain points right now lack of time for family and personal interest lack of technical knowledge or past experience in the online business space so for example then let's look at the predispositions the more sophisticated they are the more predispositions they have here we were at a sophistication
level three so they definitely have some predispositions and awareness as we said earlier stage four so what are their predispositions starting a profitable Amazon store is complex and requires both time and skills if you are so good at this why don't you do it yourself all these agencies are scammers it sounds too good to be true okay so it sounds too good to be to it sounds too good to be true and if you're so good at this why not to do it yourself we kill this predisposition here how can you offer such a result
based offer like this basically takes the two and puts them together now here down here we say they want a business a serious business profitable and sort of passive and we say here they can sell it to investors for multiple six or even seven figures over the next 5 Years also they don't have much time that is one of their predispositions here we say without spending more than two hours a week on this so I wanted to just quickly break down and now you see how my research my research turns into this script cool so
now that you know all that stuff let me show you how to actually write it first step actually step number two is to find some ideas okay you did a the research you know what kind of AD will work you know based on the sophistication and awareness you already know sort of I'm I going to run a flashh offer am I going to run a type of AD a problem solution ad you already know sort of what ad you're going to write so the next step is going to be going on YouTube Tik Tok Instagram
Reddit any anywhere where your target audience is and find idea for your script and the way you do that is look at especially at the short form videos that went viral or the recent long form videos that went viral ask yourself why did it go viral it's if it's because of a specific hook you can take that hook and then use it in your ad because it's already the market has already test it's already proven that it works and the content that you watch for any content that you watch about your space your Niche right
now that you're targeting in your ads write down as many things you know and you find in this content about your Niche and always look at the content from the eyes of your ICP don't look at the content from your eyes look at the content from your eyes of your ICP If your ICP is a 50-year old M you already know everything you already know their desires you know their problems so say so think okay I have these problems and I want this thing and now I watch this video what does my head think now
you are in the mind of your ICP and you can take better decisions and understand why something worked and why your ICP didn't scroll but actually liked the video okay and obviously you need to ask yourself why all the ideas all the hooks all the sentences that you find that are interesting write them down on a Google doc they're going to come now very in handly once you write the ad let's go into step number three the actual writing finally okay by now you should already have an idea of what type of script you're going
to write you know if it's a flash offer you know if it's going to be a problem solution ad you know exactly what it is so all you have to do now is get into the actual writing for the hook the hook is the most important part of the ad that's where you should invest up to 80% of your efforts because in the first those first five to seven seconds and obviously as everything the hook changes a lot based on the awareness and sophistication of the market this is my rule of thumb when I go
into the hooks so the least aware this and sophisticated my ICP is the more General the hook can be this is the best way to make money online in 2024 okay the least aware and sophisticated they are the more General the hook can be while the more aware and sophisticated the XP is the more direct the hook should be are you looking to get into e-commerce okay they're already sophisticated and aware about e-commerce so you just tell them hey are you looking to get into it you call them out because they already know about it
well if they don't know what e-commerce is you can't these will never hook someone with doesn't know what e-commerce is you probably know this you probably understood this already from the sophistication and awareness part but just saying this is sort of my rule of thumb obviously pay great attention to the hooks that went viral in the short form content because those are already perfor because those are already proven to work so pay very good attention to them adapt to sophistication and awareness and you got it now once you have the hook down your body will
is going to basically take care of itself you already know what type of AD you're going to write the body is very simple here are three things that I always keep in mind when I write the body of my ads first thing when the the more sophisticated the market is the shorter I want my ad to be and that's for one reason with a non So Sophisticated audience you can talk for two minutes spitting out bold claims on how your solution will fulfill their desires and they will listen basically because it's something new to them
while when they are sophisticated they've already heard so many things similar to that that as soon as they hear something too similar two seconds they're going to scroll so you can't really speak too much in your ads otherwise they're going to scroll they're too sophisticated for that so in that case what works best in my experience is short ads between 15 and 30 seconds and very intriguing this works well especially when you send people to a vssl a free training just keep the ad very intriguing 15 to 30 seconds and send them to a free
training simple this is when this the market is very sophisticated okay now the least aware your Market is about your solution the more you should explain about it about the solution and about the mechanism of the solution and we talked about that already earlier back to what I said earlier right if I'm running ads from a copyrighting program and you don't know what copyrighting is I have to tell you briefly what copyrighting is if you already know what copyrighting is what my program is and why I should and why you should buy if I start
explaining you what copyrighting is you're going to be like oh my go and you're just going to scroll so it's important that based on the awareness you change the way you write the body simple and last thing the more aware and sophisticated so both together your Market is the more objection and predispositions they're going to have okay so unaware prospects unaware Prospect Knows Your solution and know know that he wants it but at the same time he has heard so many claims and tried so many different solutions that is sophisticated and skeptical to give yours
a shot so in this case the best thing to do in your body is explaining why your solution is better than the competition and showing that your solution is safe and that it works simple social proof so this is what you would do the more sophistic when both sophistication and awareness are very high think about what objections and predispositions your target audience has right now and kill those in the body of your ad and this really proves to you that research is much more important than how you write the ads there's not really a structure
W body offer go from this no it all changes based on how aware and sophisticated your Market is it literally all changes based on those two factors but if you nail the awareness and sophistication you might not be an exceptional right but your ads will perform and that is all that matters at the end of the day now last part of every ad is the call to action it's very simple the structure that I always use is action to take Plus benefits or reward of taking the action for example click the link below to watch
the free training this is the action and redeem your 60,000 AMX points today this is the reward of watching that free training simple and a way they like to transition I thought you might want to know this a way did they like to transition I from the body to the codee to action with something like this so right now you have two options do nothing and accept the consequences and stay with your pain or click the link below and get all these benefits and rewards your choice click the link below and see you there something
like that okay uh this is something that I like to use just want to let you know in case you're writing some ads this is something that works now let's do what we did with the script up there with two more scripts okay let's do that so script number one this is 30 seconds long maybe even 25 I'm on a $2,000 business class flight from to New York from London but I paid only 24 and that's just because I know how to use these you'll understand what these are now in a second nowadays you don't
need to be rich or famous to fly business class and stay at five star hotels all you have to do is learn a couple of credit taxs and you can immediately start saving tens of thousands of pounds a year in flights and hotels else so to help you out to recorded a video we're explain two simple credit hacks that you can use today and it saved me over £60,000 already it's completely free just click the button down here to check it out and enjoy okay so these are credit cards like American Express cards so here
we said I'm a $2,000 business flight from to New York from London but they only paid 2424 thanks to these and we show the credit cards in the ad now let's analyze this add real quick ICP the ICP here is very broad because the service is very broad you know credit cards everybody has credit cards right so the service is very broad so we have a very broad ICP basically we have three different types of ICP they're all 20 to 50 years old and they are family men business owners and young couples so it's very
wide audience and these you know we basically have three different icps but that doesn't really matter all you need to know is that you want to use language that can work with all of them so what are the desires of these people travel in the world stay at five star hotels and Sh to their friends on Instagram fly business class and show it to their friends on Instagram spend less for his business trips this is especially for the businessman go on vacation with his family especially for the family man and travel more often applies to
all of them these are their desires now what are their pay points don't have the money to travel travel often for businesses and it cost costs a lot predispositions I need to have a high credit score to do this I need to spend a lot of money up front to get my ax points it's hard to get approved by the credit card companies flying business class costs too much five star hotels are too expensive okay these are all the predispositions all stuff now that you know all of this I want to stop this for a
second and try to guess what awareness and sophistication are for this target audience right now I'm going to give you two seconds to do that okay hope you did and turns out awareness is stage number three the prospect knows he has a problem or a desire and he wants a solution for it he just doesn't know there is a product or credit hacking program that can solve it for him or fulfill it so what you do here at stage number three and what we did in this ad is point out the problem or the desire
flying business class for £24 introduce your product as the solution and only was able to do that thanks to these that's the solution and then we show we show social proof we didn't really do that as much here in other ads we do that more but it's clearly an awareness stage number three now when we talk about sophistication we're in stage number two we're second in the market it's not saturated yet they're not so sophisticated we're not first but not it's not sophisticated yet so what we do is simply enlarge the claim to this extreme
we enlarge the claim of you can fly for cheap with business class and we enlarge it by saying a $2,000 flight now it's 24 I can show you today how to get 60,000 pounds of points okay this is basically enlarged and we can still enlarge this even more adding guarantees so you see how we're in a beginning stage of sophistication number two hope you got that right if you didn't you have one more chance because we're going to have to analyze one more ad here here we go 30 seconds let's read the ad I went
from being an underpaid waiter to making over $220,000 a month just a year later without starting a business or an agency creating content selling courses or doing any of that stuff all I did was learn how to do one very simple thing writing emails for businesses it took me seven days to learn the skill and another 10 days to land my first client and in my first month of writing emails I made I made $656 and because right now the demand for this kill is through the roof I'm looking for Five Guys who can train
and help make $5,000 by the end of next month you can work from anywhere you want all you need is a laptop and a few hours a day so if that's something you'd like to do click the button below and save your spot before they run out let's look at the ICP 18 to 25 years old at least $1,000 to invest and they have a full-time job of and at least to $3,000 saved up okay this is basically we are Target marketing desires making $10,000 a month proving all those who didn't believe in them wrong
make money from wherever they want not working an office for the rest of their life make more than their friends these are the desires of these people pain points stuck in a 9 to5 or in college don't have the money to start a business already tried businesses in the past and failed don't have money don't have more than two to three hours a day to invest in this predispositions finding clients is hard why would clients want to work with me I don't think I'm good enough I need to be an exceptional writer I don't know
how to write I'm not native English speaker it's too saturated this is what people think so I'm going to give now that you know all of this I'm going to give you two seconds again to try to understand stop the video and try to analyze what the sophistication and what's the awareness here let's do it all right and we have an awareness stage level three he knows he a problem or desires he knows sorry he knows he has a problem or desire and he wants a solution for it but he just doesn't know there is
a our product that can solve it and fulfill it for them so in this case what we did simple point out a problem or desire we just point out their desire making $20,000 in one year then we introduced our our product as a solution writing emails for businesses and we showed the social proof um our social proof here basically was our story that's already social proof saying that in one month made we made $ 6,567 simple so you see how this is clearly awareness stage number three now what was the sophistication we are second in
the market so we enlarg the claim to its extreme we went like the the extreme here is making $20,000 a month just a year later okay it takes us 7 days to learn it 10 days to lend a client first month $6,500 okay we we're basically bringing it to its extreme the offer $5,000 by End by the end of next month all we need here is a guarantee and we're basically done it's already stage number two the max now obviously if we were to go into Stage number three there there would be a new mechanism
but there's no new mechanism here so it's stage number two and the only thing that I noted here is that the name copywriting might be more sophisticated than two some people might be more sophisticated if they hear the word copywriting so that's why it's better to explain the business model without mentioning the name too much that's a note I put myself before writing this ad and that's why I didn't say doing one simple thing copywriting no because it doesn't sound new at all I put writing emails for businesses and that is what it is very
very simple Okay so that said that basically is the end for this video I really hope you learned something I think we went through a lot of stuff and I think it's worth for you if you found it valuable but you still have some doubts to rewatch it another time especially awareness and sophistication part that's the main part that you want to have clear but once you have that I know you're going to write better ads you're going to perform better for your clients your business if you write your own ads they're going to do
better if you want someone to write your ads and you think I know my stuff a a little bit you can contact me down here uh if you are a copywriter and you want to know more about this especially how to find clients for this stuff how did people pay me to write ads following this simple framework like this you can check out my program down here in the description also and that's pretty much it I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please like subscribe leave a comment share anything you do really really
helps me and yes stay tuned I'll see you in the next video bye
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