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foreign are going to get started with what should be a really Pleasant inshallah and enlightening three sessions so I started off by looking at the story of Abdullah and my initial thought was that I would do a short about him at the end of this you know season but then I started digging digging and digging and I thought he deserves his own class tonight and then I thought that it would be nice for us to spend the next three weeks actually looking at this genre of sahaba that all happened to be from the onsat and
all happened to have a similar entry point into the life of the Prophet saws and these are the three Poets of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and usually when I say the poet of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam who's the first person that comes to the mind of most Muslims is the most notable poet of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and we're going to talk about him Insha'Allah but that The Poets of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam were three people Abdullah these are the three Poets of the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam Hassan may Allah be
pleased with them all of course is the companion whose story is most famous for his Toba for his repentance and we'll talk about him either next week or the week after inshallah but the next three weeks we're going to spend on these three men these three Poets of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam now Abdullah is extremely important in this regard not just because he connects to the story that we just finished but because out of the three his virtues are actually the most well established so he actually has more virtues established on the tongue of
the Prophet saws then both Hassan and uh may Allah be pleased with them all and he combines multiple virtues not just his poetry and it's very interesting because all three of these men have vastly different personalities and aside from their poetry there isn't much that underlies all three of their stories but when it comes to Abdullah I chose the title The Warrior poet for a reason because the perception is that those that were into poetry had nothing to do with battle and he's kind of the uh you know he's the odd man out in this
regard he's a warrior and he's a poet which was weird at the time and on top of that his poetry is actually you know uh very much so a window into the Sila that he's describing so because he has War poetry and by the way you know it's it's like a uh I gotta put this disclaimer out from the very beginning his poetry is pretty aggressive because it's War poetry you don't sing nice poetry in battle and when you're getting your own troops riled up and you're fighting against people that have oppressed you for two
decades your poetry is not going to be very lenient or gentle it's not sweet poetry about the of the Prophet sawing the description of the Prophet saws it's like hardcore poetry getting the morale up of the Believers as they're In the Heat of the battlefield and he is in fact in the front line so he's not even a guy that's like sitting in the back somewhere or singing this poetry on the sidelines he's in the battlefield in the front line of the battlefield chanting out poetry very loudly and riling up the Believers and keeping them
going throughout these you know these very difficult moments of their lives so his name introduces him the Amir the leader the the person of Eternal Bliss the Martyr al-ansari this this person who we talk about he's one of those who witnessed Badr he's from the tribe of khazraj and he is the poet of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam the first poet of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam so the first to become Muslim and the one who has the most virtues narrated about him so tonight's going to be a little bit different and interesting and the
next three in fact are going to be a lot of poetry and it's almost impossible to translate any of this poetry at least to carry some of the Beauty from it but at least introducing the Men Behind The Poetry of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is from the tribe of hazrat his father passed away before Islam and his mother is a Woman by the name of it and his sister is a Woman by the name of amrah and the reason why they're both important is because they both converted to Islam so both his mother and
his sister accepted Islam alongside him and this is the only sibling that we know for him is his sister amra and his mother kepcha accepted Islam and she married after the death of the father of Abdullah so she has uh when she when she married then they also have the famous IBN Bashir who's a very famous companion of the Prophet saws you'll often see the name so this is now the relative of uh of this I'm sorry I messed up his sister amra married bashira bin his sister amra married bashira bin therefore is his maternal
nephew okay so sister amra married his mother captcha married Grace and then had so if you're taking notes just remember this for the future famous companion is therefore his brother through his mother his maternal brother shares the same mother kepcha is the mother of both and Abdullah through different fathers is his maternal nephew through his sister amra both men become very instrumental in the seat of the Prophet saws and in Hadith literature and preserve much of the Legacy that we have Abdullah much of his poetry is narrated through them and his best friend of course
his brother for life was who we talked about them last week grew up together they were childhood friends they were best friends they were closer than blood brothers and he narrates from the prophet saws as we said various Hadith as well as from and we'll talk about some of those that narrated from him right off the bat he didn't have any children who never had any children that we know of so what's his story prior to Islam he's one of the few people from the Ansah who was highly literate well read very eloquent and his
poetry was so famous that the prophet saws was already aware of his poetry even though he never met him so Abdullah authored much poetry in the days of ignorance it's known as The Poetry of the days of ignorance and his poetry was being quoted around the prophet saws all the time and one of the proofs that the ulama used that the scholars used to say that Islamic that poetry or art that isn't Islamic but doesn't undermine Islam is permissible is that the prophet saws used to love the Poetry of okay the fact that his poetry
from the days of ignorance was still quoted by the prophet saws after Islam so long as there was nothing obscene about it is the main proof that the scholars used to say that poetry or art that is not necessarily undermining of anything Islamic is permissible and especially if it has a good meaning and of course the prophet saws only like that which has a profound and good meaning he was famous for his poetry in the days of ignorance and he would become famous for his poetry in Islam now when he heard about the prophet saws
he's known to be a quick man so his description is that he immediately grasped something and then he could tell you all about it he could he could give you all of the estimations of uh a currency if you put it in front of him one of the things that he used to do in jaheliyah you know and this was a way that you tested your your wits was you you put in front of him a handful of something and he tells you how much it weighs without carrying it so he's able to estimate things
in the marketplace he's able to look at someone and tell you where they're from because he's so intelligent and he knows the the lineage of people he knows the traits of people which country you're probably from uh he could tell you who your siblings were if he looks at you so he's one of those people who has these these strong wits that people used to praise all the time and the prophet saws heard about him so what's beautiful is that when he sees the prophet's license for the first time there is a curiosity a curiosity
about what he's going to say about the prophet saws right you know this is not a guy that gets taken advantage of and he's not a man who's easily impressed and we wonder what he's going to say when he sees the prophet saws and he is the person who when he sees the prophet saws he says it's his first beautiful poem about the prophet saws had there not been clear signs that he has meaning the divine revelation the Quran the Miracles that Allah had given to him you looked at him and his Essence the way
he carried himself his appearance his the way he answered questions right away bedihatu is a very hard word to translate by the way right but his quickness his appearance his Essence would tell you that he is indeed a recipient of divine revelation so I looked at him I knew he's a prophet right similar to Abdullah Muslim and realize this is how Allah makes the prophet saws message so clear to these people that if you are Abdullah Muslim the chief Rabbi of Madina who'd been waiting for him and reading the descriptions from the Torah and you
saw him you said that's him and if you were Hassan right that's him we'll we'll talk about that and if you were Abdullah who looks at people and who you know makes judgments about people in terms of whether they're truthful or not who can kind of immediately read you and get your Vibe looks at him and just from a place of pure intelligence says that's him all these people are seeing the prophet saws for the first time and going that's him so Abdullah accepted Islam right away right away and in fact went to Mecca and
was one of the 73 ansar that small group of 73 ansat that actually took the Baya with the prophet saws that took the pledge with the prophet saws in Makkah before he even came to Al Madina so he is one of the representatives of the ansar who took that oath of Allegiance before the Hijra even happened to Medina and then one of those who came back to Medina and when he came back to Medina immediately began giving dawa before the prophet saws even arrived and again we said the first person that he starts with is
his best friend says I'm happy for you but I'm enjoying my uh I'm enjoying my idol you do you and I'll do me until comes home and finds crushed his Idol to pieces and his Idol couldn't defend himself and you remember the story Abdullah sitting with the prophet saws he's coming to become Muslim so this is and he had a strong personality No Nonsense No Nonsense whatsoever right uh very straightforward No Nonsense and he's the first person so there are many firsts here he's the first person to challenge the teeth of the hypocrites name has
come up a few times now he of course wasn't was set to become the leader of Medina and when the prophet saws came it basically foil his plans so the first Gathering the prophet saws remembered with him was this time that the prophet saws was riding towards a gathering of Abdullah and some of the people in Medina they were a mix of Muslims Hypocrites uh some of the Jews of Medina it was a mixture of people and when the prophet saws came close remember he insulted the prophet saws and said to the prophet saws that
you you know your donkey bothers me like just stay back and we're not interested in what you have to say to us Abdullah was the person who stood up and who said to the prophet saws actually we're very interested in hearing what you have to say why don't you come and address us and tell us what you have to say and it was after that that a scuffle broke out between the people that were sitting around Abdullah and Salud and that's when the prophet saws what's what's the issue with this man why does it means
hate me so much and he explains to the prophet saws that look this guy's robe his his crown was already being made he was ready to ascend the throne and then you came with Islam and it undercut all of his plans so he hates you because you took his power right but it was noted then as the first person to stand up to Abdullah and basically tell him to get lost and this was the Gathering in which that happened and the prophet saws saw that in him because he was so trustworthy he's also one of
the first Trustees of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam would send him to the various tribes in inside of Al Madina right as is representative now of course you know the prophet saws himself was governing al-madin and holding together this very fragile situation but when he needed to send a messenger to someone on the inside especially one of the Jewish tribes he would send Abdullah as his trustee as his right hand man and because of his intelligence it's narrated authentically that on the day of the conquest of khabar the Prophet saws would send Abdullah to estimate
the palm trees to estimate what part would belong to the Muslims on what part would remain for the people in and this is narrated authentically that the prophet saws sent him the day that was opened and Abdullah has said to them so he said that I basically confirmed to you that Allah has made it so that the fruits the themar are divided between you and us would go and he would look at the palm trees and he could immediately estimate just by looking at it what share belonged to the Muslims and what Sarah belong to
the people of al-qaiba the tribe of and was very fair with them in the process as well so he was the trustee of the Prophet saws and the prophet saws put his wits to good use right of being able to estimate things and being able to uh you know to to represent the prophet saws accurately in some of these gatherings he's also the one who announced the victory of better to the people of Madina so the prophet saws sent him ahead from Bader he witnessed Bader the prophet saws sent him ahead to Al Madina to
make the announcement of the victory of the Muslims and he did so in his beautiful and poetic way now let's talk about his poetry for a bit inshallah so the prophet saws used to quote his poetry to the extent that the scholars say we don't know of anyone else who the prophet saws the prophet saws used to frequently quote like them we don't actually have narrations of the Prophet saws I'm quoting The Poetry of other people but when it comes to Abdullah the sahaba asked is we know the prophet saws said that poetry is okay
so long as there's nothing that's under it uh or I'm sorry that undermines Islam that comes through it but did the prophet saws himself used to enjoy anyone's poetry did he used to quote anyone's poetry she said he would frequently quote Abdullah he loved the words the poetry that he would frequently say sallallahu alaihi wasallam that news comes to you from places that you least expect okay means people that you did not necessarily provide for you didn't carve the way or pave the way for it but news often comes to you from people and places
that you least expect so the prophet salaam used to like his poetry and he used to quote him around the house in these different settings now a beautiful narration in this regard is about his genre of poetry all right says there's a distinction between the poetry of Hassan of cab and of Abdullah all right so all three of them are Defenders of the Prophet saws but he said there's a distinction he says that Hassan and karab their Brilliance was that they would basically respond to the king with the same style of poetry that they would
use against the prophet saws so they talk about their tribes and Hassan and kaab would talk down their tribes and talk up the prophet saws they talk about their days of Victory and their Glory Days and Hassan and kab would put down their days of glory and victory and then Elevate the prophet saws and the days of the Muslims like Bader and so on so forth right the day of the Hijra on the day of Badr so karab and Hassan would listen to them and then take their words and use it against them and that
was their brilliance okay he says as foreign with their disbelief and put them down for their disbelief like he didn't go through the whole tribes and that kind of stuff for the most part he would talk about the superiority of Iman the superiority of belief to disbelief so his genre of poetry when he talked to them was to elevate the worship of Allah and to put down the worship of their idols okay to talk about the honor and dignity of Islam and to talk about the humiliation of jahiliyah and that's the way that he used
to be Allah I know when he would respond to them now it's not like these three men would go and they would just go after them for no reason right obviously they would respond on behalf of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and that shows you there's room for that the first time that the prophet saws basically was curious about how he would respond on his behalf so he said I passed by the prophet saws [Music] sat in front of him and the prophet saws told me how do you author poetry when you feel like authoring
poetry like what's your process Prophet saws asking him what's your process so he says he said I don't really have a process I look at something and then I speak so he's like I don't prepare any poetry and then come with lines has studied something and then he attacks it okay so the prophet saws says in that case respond to those haters show me what you've got Allah says this is like nerve-wracking for him he's like I had nothing prepared the prophet saws put me on the spot so you're this poet who just looks at
something and gets it done so go ahead respond to these people show me what you've got says that I looked at them I looked at them and I said which basically means that you know I said to them tell me the price of of of of of a garment when you were in Alto or when you dominated the tribe of mother what that means is the only thing you people know in the days of ignorance is the price of a thope the price of abide you people know nothing you're ignorant human beings the only thing
that you could quote to me from your knowledge is the price of something because all you people are into is in the trade of these different things so he said so I looked at the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam foreign didn't like that very much right because I turned his column if I said you people then I turned his people into a people that were so ignorant that the only thing they used to be able to quote you was the price of something so he said so I tried again [Music] so he said after that this
is really really hard to translate but he said to you which is the tribe of the Prophet saws he said Allah has honored you over all others I can see the height in you I can see the good in you and I Know It And if anyone asks them about you then they will not be able to sing your Praises enough or be of great support to you but may Allah support you firmly so he looked at the prophet saws may Allah support you as firmly as he supported Musa and give you Victory as he
gave to Musa and his followers so he basically turned it into Praise of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam so he said so I looked at the prophet saws and I saw that his face was mustafiran I saw that the prophet saws was happy and he said he said in you as well may Allah give you firmness may Allah Aid you so he's like I got my poetry right the second time first time I went a little too far and I ended up attacking the prophet's license and his people in a way that maybe was too
much of an association of ignorance and that time I was able to praise them just to the extent that I was able to praise the prophet saws properly uh in that situation his most famous Nasheed I say Nasheed for a reason because it gets turned into naseeb is a poem that the prophet saws actually started to sing with the companions in the hundak in the in the trench now of course when you're in the trench you're starving and you're fighting off a massacre right and this kind of connects the story of Salman as well a
new strategy which was to build this conduct around Medina to build this trench around Medina and you know there's there's the time Factor are we going to be able to get this built in time are we going to be able to dig this up in time and there is the failure Factor if one part of this trench gets penetrated we're done because the Army on the other side is that large to where if we let them through one one hole we're in trouble so the prophet saws sees how you know how stressed out everybody is
and the prophet saws himself is of course starving and he's giving the Bushra the Glide Tidings as Salman narrates the story of the light that comes out of there that he authors and the prophet saws starts to repeat his poetry and raise his voice with it and when you see the prophet saws saying it then everybody starts to sing it with him so like imagine the scene in the trance in basically the prophet saws says and this is the poem of even Allah he quotes were it not for you we would never have been guided
nor would we have given charity nor would we have prayed so bestow upon us calmness and uh it goes on to say that verily our enemies have transgressed against us and if they seek al-fitnev they seek Affliction then we will not flee then we'll hold our ground so the prophet saws say these lines have you any of you ever heard this Nasheed before by the way never gonna see a few of you all right so the prophet saws say this and the prophet saws and Barack who narrates the Hadith he says the prophet saws said
it and then some people started to say it with him and then the prophet saws raised his voice and more people started to say it until all of them were saying it as they were digging the trench it's a beautiful sight when you think about us subhanallah the the prophet saws knew that they needed that energy and that reinforcement and it's a durat right it's not just a poem it's a Dua and it's an affirmation like we're going to hold our ground and they're also seeking Allah's help and they're seeking Allah's Victory and they're saying
oh Allah if it was not for you we would have never been guided we would have never prayed we would have never given charity but it was because of your guidance that we found this meaning and the prophet saws said so if our enemies find us then they will find us firm and we will not flee bid in the nahitan and of course the Muslims Masha Allah held their ground in in the trench and they were able to fight off the enemy now of course that's one side of War poetry the other side of War
poetry is the the stuff to them to the to the enemies and this is something that happens uh it's actually narrated in bukhari I'm sorry that says that when the prophet saws entered Mecca during is the makeup umrah from the Treaty of her debiya remember in her debia they said you can't do umran now you can come back next time okay you can't do umra now you can come back next time and they thought that they were humiliating the Muslims by delaying their umra so basically when they get in Abdullah is just shooting them with
poetry and just putting them down one by one looking at Abu safian making eye contact with him and just talking them down and threatening them as well as they're doing umrah now they're not with weapons but he comes in the sahaba are doing talbia and he's coming in and he's saying he [Music] basically the short translation is I'm going to separate your bodies and then I'm going to separate you from your loved ones and we're not afraid of you okay so he's just going at them with poetry and poetry and poetry and there's room for
that here this isn't like he's going like talking to women and children like innocent people these are the people that ran them out and they're trying to find some joy in subjecting the Muslims to a delayed umrah that's one of the hikam the wisdoms of what exposing the right shoulder and showing some strength in the entrance of and when he does that out of all people Allah he says you know calm down you're saying in the Haram of Allah in the message of the prophet in the message of Allah and in the presence of the
Prophet saws in this situation and it was the prophet saws because his words are harsher upon them than the arrows of The Archers like they need this they can be humbled a bit this by the way is pure prophetic wisdom talking about finding a role for everyone in the community and not cutting them down there are so many incidents like this where the Prophet saws he basically didn't take away the I'm going to use the word he didn't take away the swag that some of these companions had if you don't know what that word means
please don't go find it I don't know what it says on Urban Dictionary whatever it is but they had everyone had their own their own way right their own personality like Abu dujana when we talk about him in the battlefield he would do all these like War dances before the battle would start basically showing off with a spear and like some of the companions thought that wasn't humble and the prophet saws told them to keep on going do your thing right this is not a time to chop him down or to tell him not to
do it so when Abdullah comes in with this type of poetry it fits the occasion that we're not afraid of you and that even though we're not shooting arrows at you we do not fear you in this situation you might think that you've humiliated us but you have not humiliated the Muslims now what makes him so impressive it is it's actually a wonder when you read about him is that he's the only poet who never had a slip with the prophet saws like he never slipped his piety his taqwa his god-consciousness his his uh his
ability in war the way that he observes pure worship is absolutely remarkable the prophet saws puts him in charge of Madina in some narrations the prophet saws has him by his side in every single battle rasulullah put him in charge of over 30 battalions 30 Expeditions was the main Commander leading them and chanting his poetry while he was leading them that in and of itself as the scholars say puts him in a different League he's a warrior and a poet and he doesn't have a slip the one slip he has which is not even a
real slip is narrates he says that one time the prophet saws sent out Abdullah and a battalion on a Friday and he sent off his Battalion before him so that he could pray with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and when he finished Fajr with the prophet saws the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he asked him he said you know where why are you here didn't I send you out and he said to him I wanted to pray with you on messenger of Allah then I would follow them and the prophet saws the prophet saws said that
if you spent the entire world in Gold you would not achieve the reward of what they achieved those people that went out early so go with them you know don't send them out and then stay back and pray your reward was with Allah to go out and to pray that's the only time the prophet saws ever admonishes him and it's not even a real slip it's not a sin that he slips into it's that he thought that it was better to stay back and pray with the prophet Saws and get the edger get the good
deed of praying with the prophet saws and then I'll catch up with my Battalion later and the prophet saws said your greater reward was leading your Battalion and going out with them earlier some of the beautiful narrations about him and you can see the you can see the Abu dhardnis I'm making up all sorts of words in him all right uh because Salman and were distinguished for their worship right silence and worship silence and worship silence and worship this man's a poet so silence as far as like being silent with the things happening around him
that's not it but the most famous of his the most famous act of worship of his says [Music] if he found one of the companions of the Prophet saws he would go to them and he would say let's go worship a lot together for an hour let's go believe in Allah for an hour what does he mean by that let's go walk let's go talk about Allah together you know remember Allah together let's go worship for an hour let's go believe for an hour this became his famous his famous quote you may have heard it
by the way before let's go believe for an hour you know subhanallah if you tell a friend let's take a walk let's go to the Masjid together let's let's go believe for an hour let's go increase our faith for an hour maybe next week you can bring them to the halachanchal I can say let's go believe for an hour and just blindfold them put them in the car and bring them here don't blindfold anyone but you can bring them to the Muslim and say let's go believe for an hour right let's go worship Allah for
an hour so one time he said that to a man and it shows you how sometimes what you mean can be misinterpreted the man blasted him he got mad at him he said you want to worship Allah for an hour you want to believe for an hour so he goes to the prophet salallahu he says he said oh messenger of Allah do you see your companion of the only time he wants to believe in Allah is an hour out of the whole day he understood as saying let's believe for an hour and then disbelief for
23 hours or let's not remember Allah for the rest of the day so the prophet saws he smiled and he responded and he said may Allah he loves the Gatherings about which the Angels boast he loves the Gatherings about which the Angels boast may Allah make this one of those Gatherings he loves the halakat he loves to be in these gatherings of knowledge he loves to be in these gatherings where Allah is remembered and he'll form them that's what he meant May Allah have mercy on him he loves to be in a place where the
angels are boasting about the people that are in that place may Allah make us amongst those people about whom the Angels boast I mean another time where you see his his obedience to Allah in the messenger another famous incident that happened is that one time the prophet saws was giving and the prophet saws was on the minbar and even was walking to the Masjid and he heard the prophet saws sit down so even sat down outside in the heat and he waited for the prophet saws to finish he waited there until the prophet saws and
by the way wrong action right I mean it's not literal sit in the shade it's okay come forward sit in the shade you know but the meaning but the prophet saws in correcting that action praised him again prophetic methodology like in in that desire to always be in Obedience of Allah in the messenger like that's a beautiful quality that you have you could sit in the shade come closer sit in the shade you don't have to sit in the Sun but that idea that he had Allah so ingrained in him obey Allah and obey the
messenger that when he heard the prophet saws say sit down from the men but outside he sat down and you find that that that general you know this fear of Allah that he had one time he became sick it's narrated that he became sick and he lost Consciousness the prophet saws came to him foreign and he immediately said subhanallah he said to his sister who was caring for him he said that when you were praising me an angel came to me and said to me and together are you what they say you are are you
as she says you are and that's what the prophet saws said that when someone passes away and the people come and they start to embellish in their praises and they say you know what a great person what a great person the Angels ask where you were you what they say you were so he was he was saying to her don't do that you know don't over praise because she was sitting next to his bed and she was saying all these poetic words about how great he was and he was he was literally that close to
death that he saw what the prophet saws said happens to a person after death of the Angels testing you and saying are you what they say you were so subhanallah this was an incident that happened with him as well we also see another narration from out of all people he says he said that I remember there were days where we were with the prophet saws and his companions and it was so hot he said it was so hot that a person would start covering themselves putting their hands on their face from how hot it was
trying to protect themselves from the Sun doing whatever they can because it was so hot and he says and the only two people that would be fasting would be the prophet saws so that's the level that he exerted himself to ibadah to worship that even Abu dhar is saying I remember those days no one else would be fasting except the prophet saws and you find the fear of Allah and it's healthy subhanallah to read about different personalities and how they interacted with the verses of Allah in this regard when his wife said that one day
he was crying uh he was crying and his wife started to cry as well and he said Maliki why are you crying she said I'm crying because you're crying so he says that I just learned today that I'm going to be touched by the fire and she you know she said what are you talking about he said I heard the verse that all of you will touch the fire and of course Allah comforted the Believers right that Allah would save the Believers from that punishment from that difficulty but he thought it might be him and
particularly when he heard the verse where Allah says and the poets right The Poets are followed by they're followed by those who are astray and he started to cry and he said Allah knows I'm one of those poets that leads people astray and Allah revealed what is except for those who believe and do righteous Deeds but you're not one of those poets that are blameworthy it's a powerful lesson when you're reading the Quran and like someone says oh that's not me that's not me that's not me that's my well clearly Allah is talking about the
Quran clearly Allah is talking about these Poets of evil he immediately thought you know what if that's me and he reflected and he recited and Allah comforted him in the process of that as for his death subhanallah he passes away in one of the most difficult battles upon the Muslims in the time of the Prophet saws which was the Battle of mutta so he's out of the three the one who dies in the time of the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam the prophet saws sent three thousand men after the rasani's uh murdered the ambassador of the
Prophet saws to them so this is a Roman front and when they murdered the ambassador of the Prophet saws the prophet saws sent his Battalion of 3 000 people the Romans assembled an army the byzantines assembled an army of 200 000 people to meet three thousand so you talk about being outnumbered this became one of the most difficult battles in the time of the Prophet saws the martyrs of mutta on Thrones of gold in Jannah Thrones of the in Paradise because of what they went through and you might remember when we spoke about this battle
uh in in some of the previous um companions lives so the first person that the prophet saws put in charge of this group of people does anyone remember in charge of this Army was killed the next in line was who foreign the beloved Son of the Prophet saws martyred and then who the prophet saws loved so much right his cousin who he loved so much also was martyr the third in line was Abdullah so the order that the prophet saws gave was Zaid and then jaffar and then which shows you a status in and of
itself right the fourth person so it was Zaid jaffar Abdullah and then and when Zaid was killed and a large group of Muslims were killed the Allah and who went forward in Jafar of the Allah was killed in a large group of Muslims and Abdullah was chanting poetry telling them to advance and keep going and keep going and keep going and when he was told that it was his turn to assume the leadership he felt a hesitation and subhanallah he chanted these words he says do I see you resisting Jannah do I see you resisting
Paradise [Music] he said that I swear by Allah that you will enter into it either voluntarily or you'll be pulled into it meaning I'm not letting you ruin the swarming okay so the 10-0 you will enter into it uh or you will go into it uh forcefully in the sense that I will I will force you uh to go forward in this regard and so he took the flag and he Advanced all the Allah and he too was martyred so he was martyred in the battle of the Allah says that first they took the banner
and Zaid was killed and then Jaffa took the banner and jaffar was killed and then Abdullah took the banner and he was killed and when the prophet saws heard the news he said the prophet saws was weeping he was sitting in the Masjid when he heard the news that Zaid and then jaffar and then Abdullah were killed and he was weeping sallallahu alaihi wasallam At The Mention Of every one of their names it was so painful for him to hear that those three men all at once so close to him so beloved himself were taken
from him and he ascended the menbar while he was weeping the prophet saws stood on the member to make the announcement while he was weeping from the dutts of those three took it and was blessed with Victory and by the way actually took it without being appointed meaning he took it after Abdullah which suggests that Khalid was not even appointed as the fourth person that it was soon leadership in the absence of of no one that could do so and Allah gave gave the Muslims Victory on that day of the battle of mukta and you
could actually see I'm not sure if you have the uh the picture of his his grave but also in Jordan in the Battle of inshallah as they are looking for that if they can put it up they can put it up if not then inshallah you can obviously find it you know when you look at the people of this is this is it your actually so this is the grave of Abdullah in Jordan after the battle of mutta and this man who was beloved to the prophet salallahu accept his shahada may Allah accept his martyrdom
and his poetry and his service to The Messengers of his legacy subhanallah are of his legacy is that as we said of The Poets of the Prophet saws he has the most virtues that are narrated about him and he's the first poet of the Prophet saws there's also no incident as we said of him upsetting the prophet sawsummer transgressing so he never slips in a way that the prophet saw his son becomes displeased with him he's also the source of the Islam of so that's why it's powerful when you connect it to the person before
because everything we said about his legacy of the Quran becoming one of the most knowledgeable Companions of the Prophet saws to appoint that the companions some of them believed he was the most knowledgeable alive all of that is the Sada kajaria is the charity of Abdullah who invited him to Islam and insisted on bringing him to Islam until embraced Islam and one of the most powerful narrations that I have ever read some of you may remember it from for those Left Behind when we talked about being connected to the Dead is reacted to the death
of and how he used to remember it he used to say it all the Allah o Allah I seek refuge in you from doing a deed that would cause me to be humiliated in front of Abdullah what does he mean by that because the news of the living is transferred to the deceased someone passes away and the righteous Souls gather and they ask one another what happened to those we left behind what happened to those that we left behind what happened to those that we left behind only knew life with Abdullah and so after about
used to seek refuge in Allah basically he's asking Allah for firmness that I don't I don't slip after the death of the one who brought me to Islam you know he was the source of me coming to Islam and he used to worship Allah together and they used to push each other together to be in the service of the messenger side suddenly say Allah Allah seek refuge in you from doing an action that would cause me to be humiliated in front of my beloved friend not a day goes by that I don't think about him
he would remember him every single day his righteousness is striving and he would credit him with giving him that gift of Islam and of course who would live for decades after his beloved friend you always find these interesting stories subhanallah last week we had the love story of foreign his wife remarried after him and who narrates that the man who married the Widow of Abdullah he told her that the main thing I want to know from you is like this man that you used to be married to your previous husband's a legend I want to
know what he used to do tell me about his life it's interesting right so he's the second husband he's like I want to know everything he used to do so what was he like at home what did he used to do at home what was his worship like what was zaibada like so subhanallah her answer was very interesting she said the only thing that I remember about him that was just so different in terms of his worship foreign it's really interesting she said Something Beautiful about him is that he never entered the house except that
he went and prayed to rakaz and he never left the house except that he prayed to rakas and she said he never changed that habit you know somehow you think about these amazing human beings these amazing companions I remember when the prophet saws like I heard your Footsteps in Jannah what are you doing what was the last answer that's it that's this special deed that I'm thinking of and so maybe you're hearing this like I can never become a poet or maybe some of you decided to become poets after this or go into the Arts
so you can defend the prophet saws which isn't a bad thing right to defend Islam and to channel your your talents and Shout lot into media and things that are inshallah wholesome and and in accordance with the sin of the Prophet saws bring about some goodness for Islam maybe that's the passion that you find over the next three weeks but like this this Widow is sitting with her new husband he's like what did he used to do what did he used to do what did he used to do when he'd come home the first thing
he did was he'd go to the corner he'd pray to the doctor's and when he wanted to leave the house he would pray to that Christ so the increase of the increase of voluntary prayers is one of the most beautiful ways that we found the means by which these people would come closer to Allah and become praised by the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam we ask Allah to be pleased with him we have with from him a Hadith through so sometimes companions that died that early you don't find any narrations from them because they obviously died
before they could narrate to others but because his nephew was we have narrations and from as well next week we'll continue again with this portion of the three Poets of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam I haven't decided next week you guys have a preference foreign
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