This Mental Trick FORCES You To Wake Up Early

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Kenny Bender
How I finally stopped sleeping in. Free Guided Meditations - M...
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every morning was the same I go to bed and I set my alarm for 6:30 the morning comes I even put the phone away from me so I have to get up and walk to hit snooze and I go and I hit snooze and I go back to sleep until like 9:00 a. m. and then for the rest of the day I have this immense weight of Shame over me I feel like I've wasted the entire day I have this crazy amount of anxiety I can't really focus on anything and this typically ends up in me doing other harmful activities cuz I'm like well I already wasted the day the day might as well watch right but look we already know that mornings are invaluable and I know all the night owls like to cope and say I get the most work done at 1:00 a.
m. yes that's because you completely lack discipline and that's when everyone's asleep and there's much less opportunities to distract yourself the morning is when you have your highest levels of potential and focus of the day because your brain is in its least foggy State you haven't been over stimulated with a bunch of [ __ ] a bunch of drama your work your partner your friends social media and because you literally just slept and recharged your cognitive energy which is limited by the way you are at your Peak output in this window of the morning furthermore because you're probably either a student or you work a 9 to-5 you're aware that an extra one to two hours in the morning could be the difference between you actually achieving freedom and doing the things you know the career path the side Hustle the self-development that can take you off the basic Normie path of working a job you don't really care about distracting yourself into Oblivion and repeating the cycle until you die and maybe you can retire CU you have like a million dollars at 70 so here's how to actually wake up early the little bits of science you actually need to know but most importantly the true harsh reality as to why you're not currently waking up early it's the same reason why I wasn't the best part is there's only three things you have to know although number three might piss you off but number one is Know Thy State imagine you're about to get brain surgery you get to choose between two different doctors the first doctor seems awake alert you know maybe he had a cup of coffee but the second doctor seems sedated as if he just took a sedative or smoked some of the devil's lettuce and you can tell just by looking at his face that he's just not fully there so logically you would pick the first doctor because he's not like that yet every single morning you are trusting that sedated half their doctor to do the work because the version of yourself that you were entrusting to wake up take a cold shower don't hit snooze don't scroll social media go meditate go exercise is the sedated version of yourself because there's not just awake and asleep being awake is on a spectrum and you are on the lowest point Your Eyes Are Open you're kind of consciously there but you're not awake therefore one you shouldn't fully trust that version of yourself to make all the right decisions without any preemptive planning but two when you wake up and think oh I still feel woozy I still feel sedate I still feel tired I should hit snooze 30 more minutes 90 more minutes 2 more hours it's not because you actually needed more sleep it's because you didn't even give yourself a chance to wake up therefore to actually understand how to fully wake up and create a morning routine that's best for you you need to know thy rhythms instead of spending hours trying to learn all the different science around sleep you really just need to understand that your body is acting on three crucial rhythms that if you know how to leverage them in the proper way one you can have great quality sleep but two you know how to actually wake up in the morning and the first one is cortisol now when people hear cortisol they think of stress they think oh it's bad you shouldn't be stressed stress is a killer y ya Y no cortisol is amazing for you and you should want High cortisol in the mornings luckily your cortisol ties a lot into the next two rhythms that I'm going to talk about so I don't really have to harp on all these different tactics to raise it but essentially get up and do stuff but of course there is one thing that is pretty much guaranteed to spike the [ __ ] out of your cortisol and that is taking a cold shower it just makes perfect sense because one it will guarantee Spike or cortisol but two it plays into the second Rhythm which is temperature that's because contrary to what people think when you make yourself cold your core body temperature rises and your body is on a natural clock of temperature it lowers as you sleep and you reach your Peak lowest body temperature while you're sleeping and then it ramps up to wake you up and then in the morning you're typically the hottest so of course things like a cold shower exercise and walking outside is going to raise your core body temperature and thus make you more awake and it plays into the next one if you're stepping outside and and that is light literally the easiest thing you could do to reinforce your body's natural sleep clock is to just wake up and see something bright bonus points if it is the sun if you can't go outside look at it through a window if you can't look at it through a window look at a bright light in your house or your phone maybe you're shown a flashlight in your face or something like that and then of course later in the day you want to lower your temperature you want to dim the lights and have natural lights such as a candle flame or very yellow or red type lights that are low on the Kelvin scale here's the thing you can know all that I knew all that I had this perfect morning routine and I still wasn't waking up early cuz I didn't know the third step which is know thyself so I was in a call with one of my mental Mastery students we'll call him Adam and he told me that he cannot wake up early so he asked me if I knew any sleep hacks sleep tactics so that he could sleep better and wake up early in the morning and I started to humor him and I was going to list off all this cool sciency stuff that he could do the supplements he could take but I paused because something was telling me that none of that actually mattered and I said Adam why do you want to wake up early and he was quick he said well to be more productive of course and I said why do you want to be productive and Adam just paused blank expression on his face he genuinely could not conjure up an answer many want to wake up early and their only reason is because they feel like they should you know they watch those black and white Sigma male grinds set motivational videos about waking up at 4:00 a. m.
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