Learn Tarot - Class 2: The Suit of Wands (Full Beginner Course)

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Joe Monteleone
This is part 2 of my Learn Tarot Course for beginners. In this free, beginner friendly online tarot ...
Video Transcript:
welcome to part two of my free beginners Tower course where you'll be learning everything you need to know to start reading for yourself for others and using Taro as a tool to help navigate the ins outs ups and downs of life which is so delicious my name is Joe Monteleone I am a modern Mystic total Misfit and founder of the tarot mysticism Academy an international online advanced tarot school for mysticism Tower divination professional practice and more and I'm so excited to be working with you today so just like in part one I'd like you to
get cozy get your tarot Journal get your cards and let's continue where we left off in part one we discussed the elements their mundane meetings and their mystical implications we discussed how fire was awareness and water was the object of awareness like the object of your devotion or your love or your attention or your focus and how air was the identity and the ego in the self that arises between the two and then how Earth and the suit of Pentacles was the material manifestation or experience of the world that results from that identification remember if
you understand that it will completely transform your understanding of tarot because tarot is a symbolic expression of the creative act and that creative act is you the universe and everything happening now all at once so uh we also looked at the elements as they can be interpreted in a mundane context in a normal day-to-day life stuff so fire and the suit of Wands being a suit of career ambition creativity and desire and purpose and how cups can and the suit of water can represent family love relationships emotions how swords and air can represent the Mind
logic intellect thoughts ego Society I would even tack on technology and communication there as well but that's just me personally and then the suit of Pentacles Earth which represents the physical world matter and money which is an abstract measurement of the material world to a degree also our work efforts physical body our Wellness all that I introduced to you last week the technique of using what you now know about the elements in conjunction with the suit symbols and the scenery of the tarot cards we're going to continue that technique this week with the suit of
one so just to review the Two Steps step one locate the suit symbol and recall the element that it represents and what that means step two notice the relationship between the suit symbol and the surrounding image that relationship will show you what this card is concerning in terms of the element just to flex real quick it is a gel original technique I haven't seen it in books it probably exists in books and teaching somewhere but this is just something I've come up with to help people like you start reading Tara more easily without having to
memorize a bunch of symbols and esoteric systems if you want symbolism in esoteric system I have a huge tarot curriculum a Tarot mysticism Academy that teaches everything from neoplatonic philosophy to Kabbalah hermeticism all the way up to reading professionally ethically and lucratively I teach it all but for now we're just taking it slow and enjoying the ride so so yeah okay let's use that exercise for the 10 numbers and what I recommend you doing is pausing the video thinking about it and writing down your discoveries and your thoughts in your tarot journal the tarot Journal
is um integral in your understanding of the cards so let's start with the Ace of Wands First Step notice the suit symbol what is the suit symbol it's a wand a wand represents what element fire fire represents what ambition career desire um intention life purpose so with the student with the Ace of Wands we're noticing that a hand is emanating or reaching out from this Cloud onto a scene with a one so the aces can be interpreted as gifts or opportunities now this hand is a symbol of Consciousness it's actually your hand it is your
hand that is literally holding the tarot cards and the hand is always a symbol of creativity because what did Humanity start creating with now I'm no Anthropologist but from my memory and my Anthropologist friends I remember hearing that at some point in our evolutionary history we inherited these bad boys these thumbs and because we inherited these thumbs we it allowed us to start creating tools and when we started creating tools things got faster Agriculture and then all of a sudden civilization it really accelerated our progress and I'm very thankful for that so the aces represent
the creative process the ability to invent to carve out to implement and to put things together and make stuff and what are we making in this card or making something connected to our career our higher purpose our desire our creativity so the Ace of Wands is an opportunity or a gift or the ability to create concerning our career our life purpose our job our our desires this could be a job opportunity it could be the start of a creative process it could be a creative idea it could be starting a new hobby that concern that
that may become your passion it can be the beginning of a new passion it can even be the beginning of a passionate connection with someone let's move on to the Two of Wands in the Two of Wands that passion symbolized by the wands are now being held on to it's not so much that a hand is abstractly offering it to the scene but rather somebody is firmly holding on to the wand now notice the other wand the other wand is bolted to the castle so the two relationships the bolts and the grasping of the wand
show us a sort of force or a sort of grasping or keeping or maintaining or putting something somewhere both of the wands are held firmly in place so we could say that this card is representing somebody's career held firmly in place or somebody's creative process and passion held firmly in place now we can go in even further and notice how this duke or this ruler or whoever this person is he's looking at a globe so he's holding on to the wand he's holding on to his passion his career his life purpose his will and by
and maybe even leaning on it a bit he's looking at the globe so this could be somebody looking to expand their career their job their business uh their purpose and expand it geographically or metaphorically now notice the difference between the Two of Wands and the Three of Wands in the Two of Wands we had wands that were being held or bolted to a specific location and the Three of Wands the wands are standing up freely and it looks like the person is almost leaning on one of them so note that relationship and take that in
the context of the meaning of the element of Fire this is somebody who is leaning on their career or relaxed with their career or trusting in their Ambitions there is a relief in this card that contradicts but also complements the force and the desire of the Two of Wands and this this card normally signifies a development uh slowly but surely of some sort of Enterprise in the four of Wands the suit symbol contributes to the environment and the event taking place so we're noticing a party they might be under a Chupa the four of Wands
here are showing that career ambition desire creativity have now created a culture or a celebration so because of these wands the wands the energy of fire is contributing to this enjoyment a lot of times people look at this as celebration sometimes marriage I see it as the completion of a major process in work or career or personal Ambitions and higher purpose now in the five of Wands we notice that the wands are used against each other we have a group of youths in battle or in play but either way there is some sort of opposition
so in this case the wands which represent career energy desire higher purpose there is an opposition concerning those matters this could be competition at the workplace this could be creative differences this could be obstacles in your professional development now remember these are my interpretations but the goal of this course is for you to write down your interpretations your interpretations of this exercise will be much more valuable to you than mine and will be more effective in your Tower divination so let's continue in the six of Wands we're noticing that one wand is above all of
the other ones we have somebody on Horseback with a wand with a wreath on it and it looks like people around this person are supporting them or going in the same direction as them so we can take that and and apply it to the context of the element of fire there's a sort of synergy in this card there's a following there is a leadership different wands different career paths different maybe professional positions or creative efforts of others are following this main focus this is often a card of success and victory symbolized by the wreath here
this is a card of professional success could be promotion could be leadership positions could be Authority now we arrive at the seven of Wands notice how this person looks like he's defending himself against the six other ones again another contradiction another contra trust but possibly a complement of these two energies this happens a lot in Tarot because as we know the creative process is oftentimes bouncing between extremes adjusting itself to reach its goal and so the tarot is going to illustrate that as well in the seven of Wands we have six wands going against a
seventh wand so this could be similar to the five of Wands creative differences uh competition at the workplace however instead of an even playing field or equal opposition there is uh somebody being singled out so this is somebody who has to defend their higher purpose or defend their creative work or defend their will or defend their career and what they were what they believe in in some way in the eight of Wands very interesting unlike the seven of wand which has a person and has emotion and has a sort of Will and intensity and urgency
the eight of Wands has no one there's no people in the card it's one of the few cards of the right away Smith deck that has no people and one way we can interpret this is the natural impersonal flow of what creative ideas passion inspiration all things to do with fire in the eight of Wands creative ideas are just coming and going and they don't care who they come to or what it means just like how the creative process is the eight of Wands flying through the air may also suggest a quality of speed direction
swiftness and specificity notice how all the wands are perfectly parallel to each other suggesting that there is a direction and that there is a goal or destination that all of this creative fervor is leading to now in the nine of Wands we have a person again now this person may be defending but not as desperately as the seven of Wands in this one we have a person that has a whole wall of Wands behind him some people interpret this as a fence I interpret it as this person's trophies but however you want to interpret it
this person has something behind them and they've been through something we can surmise that because of the bandage on his or her head this is when you have work put in so much effort in your creative Pursuits in your career in your passion in your higher purpose that you're beginning to get exhausted but whatever you have worked for you have the receipts to show it now if this goes on for too long we arrive at the Ten of Wands in the Ten of Wands the passion that we have been so ardently working for now becomes
a burden notice how the ten wands are literally pulling the person down with their weight and blocking his View From the Path ahead this is when our passions and our careers and our work get ahead of us and we lose sight of where we are going so if you haven't yet pause the video go back to the beginning and go through these 10 cards and write down your discoveries again these discoveries are very important and will be integral in your journey with tarot make sure you subscribe so you get notified with part three where we
look at the suit of Cups and if you want to dive into more advanced material like Kabbalah hermeticism Advanced tarot divination or even professional practice you can find all of that at tarotomysticismacademy.com much love and I'll see you in the next video
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