How a Refugee became a Prince

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The End of Abd Al-Rahman's story... PART 1: Like what we do? Support u...
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this video is sponsored by my you know what I'm sick of this sponsorship stuff why don't we sponsor ourselves that's right we updated our patreon if you like our work and want your dudle to be seen in a video or maybe a cute artwork and St consider supporting us so we can make videos even faster all right let's do a quick recap year 750 umat califit very big umats not nice to non-arab Muslims non-arab Muslims come together as abits and fight umats umats get defeated opposites take over the calipat and the umiat family gets genocided
many people die and we are left with Prince abdar Rahman and his loyal free slaven better oh and they are sad because literally everyone who was with them died I'll caught up very nice let's continue to show historically fact part seven and a half and chapter 3 [Music] The Prince and better goal was clear get to alalo to get a support and to Rally up an army but how will they get there basically they had three choices first they could sneak to the Eastern Roman Empire and through Europe to get to Spain that way but
that would mean they had to face first of all the Romans who held to burning hate to anything Arab and then pass through the Christian European world we were anything but friendly to the Muslims because because you know they are actively invading it from Spain this route being roughly 5,000 km long would take around 300 days if we take into account the need to scavenge for food and avoiding detection the second option was to cross through the sea why butter risking getting caught by evil Romans and abits if they can just hop on a boat
well for starters they had to find a boat and not just any they needed one that is super sturdy and made for longdistance deep sea for voyaging good luck finding that in a time where basically everyone sticks to the coast and ships are generally not sturdy enough to get into Open Seas but maybe they find the genie stuck in a lamp and instead of wishing to teleport to Spain they asked for a beautiful long-distance ship stupid next up they would need a crew and for a journey and ship like this they would need around 10
to 20 people to operate it good luck funding them not to mention finding those who won't step abdalah Rahman in the back because he's an um Prince then they had to sail out that's a problem then they needed to sell the ports to get food that's a problem and then there were pirates that is a problem but if they were to go for this route it would take Max 20 days which is a lot faster than 300 days the final option was option C walk along Africa though it's definitely the longest route with approximately 350
days of travel it is the safest kind of depends if you are a sweet talk ER or not why well before the Arabs conquered Northern Africa it was home to the berbers who are the berbers well factually they are everyone who was here before the Arabs arrived but to give you a better idea of who they are and what they look like obviously because it's Africa there were black people but the majority of them were lighter skinned European lucal likes due to the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire having control of this region before the
Arabs arrived allowing plenty of white people to arrive and settle either way the bber were all part of smaller communities or tribes and because of that they were pretty easy to defeat and Conquer by the umat Invaders but conquering something isn't often as easy as governing it Q in the unfair Texas in part one of this two-party series I also mentioned this unfair tax system towards non-arab Muslims you know the one that caused the abis Revolution and basically ignited the entire fou of the umats well some people kept commenting that actually it was fair oh
is it conveniently blurred name of the commenter let's talk about that on the right side is a Muslim Arab on the left side a non-muslim Berberian Burber they are both farmers and both own their own piece of land and after working hard all year they each made a total of $100 sweet but before they can enjoy that money they have to pay their taxes yeah that's right even 1500 years ago the evil system existed the taxes for non-muslims were different from those who were affiliated with Islam let's start with the Muslims first of all they
had to pay the zakat which is a religious tax of 2.5% of all your wealth that then gets spent on improving the lives of less fortunate Muslims quote Muslims not berbers then if they made big money from farming the Muslims also had to give up 10% of the farmy profits also known as Usher totaling to $125 a year moving over to the other side we have the non-muslim instead of paying zakat and Usher they had to pay the jisha and kaj the jisha was ATT bers had to pay for not having to go to the
military well why don't they just go to the military then to avoid paying this tax hm let's see the requirment male check masculine check Muslim oh the non-muslims couldn't go to the Army even if they wanted to so they had to pay the tax whether they liked it or not 10% secondly there is the haraj if you own a Land There is say 20% tax for that and sometimes it goes up to 50% but for the benefit of the doubt let's keep it at a low 20% that's a final $30 on the left and $125
on the right does it still sound fair even if the bber converted to Islam they often still had to pay the old taxes including the new ones even if they were told they didn't have to so Mr blurry name how fair was it really huh if I asked this Berber he would say it's definitely unfair and it was so unfair in fact that before the episod started their Revolution the bers were already at it you usually these bber tribes were very defied which made them quite weak opponents but now that they had a common enemy
the greedy umats they had a reason to combine and start the revolution the Revolt starting in current day Morocco gained widespread popularity among the other bber tribes and spread to the bottom of alalo all the way to modern day Tunisia the umats obviously didn't like what happened and sent a massive Army to teach those Rebels a lesson but somewhat ironically they lost decisively against those who they didn't want to recruit into their army result in the umats massively losing the influence on most of the northern part of Africa and even some key cities and fortresses
in Spain this was embarrassing for the umats to say the least but to tie this back in with ABD Rahman story and with option C which is where this war segment started with because the Berber Revolt happened semi- recently at the time ABD Rahman had to flee Africa and alalo were in a struggle for power after the berbers defeated the umats they all realized that now that there's no common enemy anymore they have no reason to be United I mean it would be rational to use this new alliance to create the great Berber Empire that
would stand for centuries but who cares about long-term pleasure if you can result in short-term pleasure AKA kill each other so Africa right now is basically all about infighting while the abates tried to keep their control of it and tandalo was all about umats being sad that they lost their Homeland with Christians taking Revenge upon them in the north bbus being bararan in the South and the rebellious Governor trying to take the peninsula for himself would would be a shame if someone with a righteous claim to power would show up and take it for himself
but yeah getting to alalo to Africa wasn't going to be easy but that wasn't specifically a bad thing because it also meant that the abits couldn't go that easily either anyway enough beating her at the bush and state of thee World updates y Habibi go take revenge to make a name out of yourself the journey to alalo ended up taking way longer than just 350 days as a matter of fact it took a whooping 5 years before ABD Rahman better arrived at the peninsula what he exactly did in all that time isn't too clear but
there was a notable event because let's talk about Abdullah Rahman no no not our Abdullah Rahman but this Abdullah Rahman he was the governor of ifia which is roughly modern day Tunisia and he wanted to establish his own rules just like that Governor did people weren't really original at the time okay he tried to be miss a nice guy to the abits in an attempt to somehow convince them that they should definitely give him his own country for completely free which they politely declined so then out of spite he formally invited every person the evit
despised including ABD Rahman to stay in his region so abdal Rahman during his journey went there to take a briefer and to improve his relations with the berbers what you think he's just going to find an army laying around just like that nuh-uh connections are everything and luckily for our main protagonist his mom just happened to be a Berber herself meaning abdar Rahman was partly a Berber too the fact he was kind of one of them that as an umiat he had a claim for the throne that they both hated the episodes with a passion
that abdal Rahman was a charismatic talker and the fact he promised prestigious positions in his new Empire that he was going to conquer meant that it kind of made sense to Rally behind his cause you know who wasn't behind abdal Rahman anymore Abdullah Rahman the governor hearing how more and more people started to Rally behind the prince plus the fact he was from a way more prestigious family than the governor himself was made Abdullah Rahman wor that abdar Rahman was going to do something sinister and this time it doesn't matter which ABD Rahman you have
in mind they both thought that pts the incoming because that night while the prince stayed in the camp of berbers the governor suddenly decided that he can't allow the prince to stay and ordered his henchmen to get rid of him this time better wasn't around to save the prince but the chieftain's wife was according to sources ABD Rahman and better only managed to hide from the governor Hunters because the chieftain's wife hit them under her quote personal belonging see it's moments like this where as a historian you're allowed to make edicated guesses to fill in
the blanks so we can decide that they hit under a conveniently placed Victorian style dress and it was pink with ponies and glitter ah the power of gaps in history when the doo realized they were no longer welcome they hastily packed their BS and continueed their journey westwards to Morocco after five long years of travel abdalah Rahman had finally arrived in Morocco he was welcomed with love and offered protection against the few Berber tribes who weren't that happy that he was here the first thing abdal Rahman did was to say goodbye to better though not
for too long though the two have been together since the start of their Journey it was time to split ways abdah Rahman ordered better to cross the and to start looking for support in alandus while the prince himself would stay in Morocco to look for support there and with determination in the hearts and probably a slight tear in their eyes the iconic Duo split their ways to assure their future I guess now will be a good time to introduce the governor meet Yu abdal Rahman yes seriously again alfery however we will just call him YF
alfery he was from the same family that the governor abdal Rahman was and he was well aware of the upcoming arrival of the umat prince now as opposed to his idiotic cousin Yu had already planned what to do with abdal Rahman he knew his Peninsula was a mess and that the people urged the leader who would bring order to the existing chaos the chaos that most andalusians attributed to the governor himself letting the popular and more prestigious abdal Rahman freely walk around the peninsula would mean certain defeat for the governor so he had two options
see how we are bringing this back again very clever I know I know option A attack get the Army and Crush abdal Rahman before he can get too much support after that quietly pild The Rook over the W Refuge Prince story and blame the abits for killing abdal Rahman somewhere during his Escape it's a Flawless plan if it weren't for the Christians rebelling berbers and the northern andalucian rebelling right as the prince is about to arrive that leaves us with Plan B woman what is the number one thing that men like to do marrying someone's
daughter brilliant idea Yu tell the prince that if he stops claiming the throne to get revenge on the abits that he would get to marry a daughter let's see how that [Music] goes my friends the remaining umat people are here to join your cause and so are the berbers and other local Powers who dislike the governor as a matter of fact the southern regions peacefully and completely surrender themselves to you and call you the rightful air of the [Music] peninsula after politely declining The woman there was only one final way for YF to stop abdalah
Rahman from droning him go for option A anyway as abdalah rahman's influence grew in the region YF had no time to waste and marched straight to the princess Army that was well on its way to the provincial capital of alalo Cordoba Abdullah Rahman also known as the rebel leader among the ranks of the alferes had an army around the size of 3,000 men consisting of berbers umats and local andalucian this was nothing compared to the governor who came walking in with over 10,000 well equ equipped soldiers as the citizens of Cordoba mounted their walls to
witness the two armies in a standoff it was looking to be a one-sided Slaughter of the smaller Rebel Army where the umia dream would die off once and for all however as the sunset lowered and lowered both armies realized how tired they were after their exhausting Journey so in classic Ancient Warfare tactics both armies set up camp somewhat close to each other to catch some sleep and to delay the fight for when it wasn't pitch black outside but this time it's not abdalah Rahman getting jumped while trying to sleep this time the jumper is Abdullah
Rahman himself in the dead of night abdal Rahman and his forces attacked the poorly defendless Camp chaos followed as the half asleep fairies didn't even have time to get into armor before abdal Rahman stood in the entrance of their tent a tsunami of fire spread through the camps as the alfies desperately tried to regroup and defend themselves Abdullah Rahman and better knowing exactly how it is to be on the receiving end of a midnight raid skillfully targeted the supply and command post of the alfery setup destroying everything and all the the battle plans the governor
had prepared then before the alfies could properly defend themselves abdal Rahman and his forces retreated to their own camp and slept out the night the following day after assessing the damage done by the umat prince the governor was fueled with rage and decided he has been toyed with long enough he set off his army to take revenge for last night but here he found not only the well-rested army of abdal Rahman ready to settle the deal but also his own generals and soldiers standing in front of him and there it hit the governor the tents
and sleeping alfery soldiers were merely a secondary Target that night the real Target was the Army's moral and it was absolutely shattered before YF alfery could comprehend the state this Army was in it was already too late abdal Rahman leading the Army himself rushed into the sleep deprived soldiers and trampled each and everyone in their path it was an outcome the people of Cordoba never expected but oh so wished for the umiat Prince image was set and the people of the capital welcomed him with open arms the governor or well ex-governor ended up getting captured
that morning but instead of being beheaded which like you know was customary at the time abdalah Rahman offered youf peace in an attempt to show the rest of alalo how merciful the prince was even against his political opponents but the governor overplayed his hand he declined the offer and escaped to the north where he immediately started to Rally up an army to take back his throne but before he could mobilize and take revenge the supporters of abdalah Rahman already caught up with him and delivered his hat to the prince who was still in Cordoba as
he looked the deceased governor in his dead eyes abdalah Rahman knew now was the time and in the year 756 6 years after his calipat was taken from him he revived it and established the umat dynasty also known as the umat caliphate of Cordoba finally he could take revenge on the episodes and slowly but painfully take back all that was taken from him or so he wished turns out being a ruler of a massive country especially a newly established one takes a lot of effort and time and before abdalah Rahman knew it was time for
him to pass away he never got to take revenge on the absit though he did repel many of their attacks in the following years his emirat became a safe haven for political opponents of the Opposites and Cordoba specifically became one of the most prosperous cities during the medieval times but as years turned into centuries the umat pride and the story of our heroic Refugee Prince slowly and surely turned forgotten and the country in the 11th century split off into many smaller factions which oped a huge opportunity for the holy Templars to take back the peninsula
decisive blow after blow pushed the Muslims out of the peninsula and officially in the 15th century the ray conquista came to an end and all that remains of abdal rman is a statue in a coastal city the city where he entered the peninsula though it isn't clear what happened to better we like to think they stay together after all that happened living a long life with his Prince ruler and most importantly his friend oh um by the way this guy that tried to kill ABD Rahman is actually a patreon supporter if you want to get
your own dutly in a video as well check out the patreon and thanks for watching goodbye
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