why don't you just disappear my step-daughter snapped during a fight her mother joined in we'd be better off without you I didn't say a word just packed my bags this morning my phone blew up with 13 Miss calls something felt off the moment I walked into our living room this Sunday morning the house was unusually quiet but that wasn't it my eyes swept across the room trying to place what was wrong then it hit me all our family photos looked different I stepped closer to the large frame above the fireplace the one from our trip
to Yellowstone Last Summer the photo was there but I wasn't every picture of me had been carefully removed leaving awkward gaps in family moments spanning the last three years I stood there coffee cup growing cold in my hand when I heard Stella's door upstairs close softly my stepdaughter's footsteps paused at the top of the stairs she'd obviously noticed I was up after a moment's hesitation she continued down phone in hand deliberately not making eye contact as she headed for the kitchen morning I said keeping my voice neutral the silence that followed was Heavy with intent
3 years that's how long I'd been in Stella's life three years of carefully building Trust of movie nights and math homework help of trying to be there without pushing too hard now at 16 she'd started pulling away I'd been expecting typical teenage rebellion but this felt different it started last week when I offered to help with her chemistry project she'd been struggling with the subject and I thought well it doesn't matter what I thought her response was like a slap stop pretending you care about my grades you're not my real dad I'd heard variation of
that before but something in her tone was new sharp deliberate Delilah my wife was in the kitchen and must have heard but she said nothing that silence felt like choosing sides the tension built over the week Small Things dishes left in the sink with pointed looks doors closing just a bit too hard conversations that stopped when I entered rooms Delila grew distant too deflecting when I tried to discuss what was happening she's just being a teenager Thomas don't make it about you but last night everything exploded Stella was texting at dinner against our usual rules
when I gently reminded her she threw her phone down God why are you always policing everything I do why can't you just leave me alone Stella I started I'm just trying to to what play dad I already have one she stood up chair scraping against the floor why don't you just disappear nobody asked you to try so hard it's pathetic I looked at Delilah expecting I don't know what I expected support mediation instead she sat down her fork and said quietly maybe we'd all be better off if you did the words hung in the air
like smoke 3 years of memories flashed through my mind the day Stella first laughed at one of my dad jokes the night she called me in tears when her first boyfriend broke up with her the proud smile Delilah gave me when Stella asked me not her mom to help pick out her prom dress I stood up slowly my dinner half eaten okay I said simply okay what Stella challenged but there was a flicker of something in her eyes uncertainty maybe if that's how you both feel okay I walked upstairs to our bedroom and pulled out
my old duffel bag I could hear them Whispering downstairs but nobody came up as I packed enough clothes for a few days I noticed my hands weren't shaking I felt oddly calm when I came down Stella was gone probably to her room Delila stood in the kitchen doorway arms crossed so you're just leaving that's your solution you said you'd be better off I replied checking for my keys and wallet I'm respecting that that's not I didn't mean she stopped Pride or anger or something else holding back whatever she was going to say I picked up
my bag I'll be at Ryan's I'll figure out something more permanent soon I paused at the door you know when Stella said those things before it hurt but hearing you agree that broke something Dell I drove to Ryan's place in silence he took one look at me and set up his guest room without questions that's the kind of friend he is I turned off my phone and took a sleeping pill from the emergency stash in my travel kit this morning I woke up to sunlight streaming through unfamiliar curtains when I finally turned on my phone
it exploded with notifications 13 missed calls eight from Delila three from Stella two from Quinn my sister 27 text messages four voicemails I haven't listened to them yet I'm sitting here in Ryan's guest room watching the morning traffic below thinking about those empty spaces in our family photos maybe they were always there and I just didn't want to see them my phone buzzes again it's Stella after everything that happened I find myself staring at her name on the screen wondering what could be so urgent now but I'm not ready not yet sometimes the hardest thing
isn't walking away it's knowing whether you should walk back update one first thank you all for the supportive comments on my last post I didn't expect such an overwhelming response to address the most common questions yes I've read the messages no I haven't replied to any of them yet and yes I'm still at Ryan's this morning started like the others me pretending to focus on work while actually staring at my phone wondering if I should break the silence then Ryan Dropped a Bomb over breakfast miles is back in town he said sliding his phone across
the table there on Facebook was a photo of Stella's biological father tagged at a local restaurant 2 weeks ago the same miles who hasn't paid child support in 3 years the same miles who missed Stella's last four birthdays suddenly the timing of everything made sense I scrolled through my texts again Delilah's messages had evolved from Angry real mature Thomas running away instead of talking to concerned please just let us know you're okay to something more complex her latest read there's something you need to know it's Stella please call Quinn showed up around lunch armed with
coffee and that non-nonsense look she gets when she's about to meddle in my life you look like hell she announced dropping into Ryan's couch thanks always good to see you too sis she didn't smile I ran into Stella at the mall yesterday that got my attention how is she meeting miles for coffee she didn't see me Quinn watched my reaction carefully she looked hopeful you know that look she gets like when she's trying not to get too excited about something I knew exactly what she meant it's the same look Stella had when she got accepted
to that summer program last year like she was afraid to believe something good was really happening did you know heun's been messaging her for months Quinn continued promising to make things right this time my stomach Twisted I checked Stella's Instagram something I rarely do her latest post was a photo of her in Miles captioned real family time the comments were filled with hard emojis from her friends none of whom knew the history there Ryan who'd been quietly listening spoke up remember what happened last time he showed up when Stella was 13 I remembered miles had
swept in with grand promises lasted 2 weeks then disappeared again Stella didn't get out of bed for days after Delilah and I spent months rebuilding her trust convincing her she was enough that she deserved better as if on Q my phone lit up with a text from Delilah HEK asking her to move in with him shek actually considering it please Thomas I know you're angry with me but she needs you I started typing several responses deleted them all what could I say sorry you told me to disappear but now you need me to reappear the
whole situation felt like a cruel joke then came another notification Stella's new Instagram story a picture of college brochures spread across her bed with the caption big change is coming sometimes you have to choose your real path those were miles's exact words from three years ago right before he moved across the country for his real path and stopped answering Stella's calls Quinn must have seen something in my face what are you thinking I'm thinking about the day I married Delilah I said slowly remember what Stella said in her speech how sometimes family finds you when
you're not looking for it and now now she's posting about her real family and her real path while miles plays father of the year he's got her convinced I stopped as my phone started ringing unknown number Thomas this is Miss Anderson from Riverside High I'm Stella's guidance counselor I know this is unusual but I need to speak with you about some concerning changes in Stella's academic plans and recent Behavior would you be able to come in tomorrow morning I agreed to the meeting my mind racing Stella had been maintaining straight A since freshman year determined
to get into a good college what could have changed after I hung up Quinn and Ryan were both watching me expectantly so Quinn prompted so I think it's time to stop being silent I picked up my phone and finally opened the voicemail from Stella her voice was small unlike her usual confidence I know you probably hate me now and I get it I just I need to tell you something about why I said those things about miles just please call me back there was something in her voice that reminded me of the 13-year-old girl who
used to check the mailbox every day hoping for a letter that never came I'm meeting with the guidance counselor tomorrow at 9:00 after that I think it's time for some honest conversations because the thing about disappearing is sometimes it lets you see things more clearly from a distance the school's number is still on my screen next to it is a text notification from miles to our family group chat which I'm still part of great news big announcement at dinner tomorrow night I have a feeling I know exactly what that announcement will be and and I'm
not going to let history repeat itself update two I've spent the last hour trying to figure out how to write this update the meeting with Miss Anderson revealed things I never expected and the events that followed well let me start from the beginning I arrived at Riverside High early watching students rush to first period a few of Stella's classmates recognized me their quick glances and Whispers telling me rumors were already circulating about my absence Miss Anderson didn't waste time once I sat down Stella submitted paperwork to withdraw from her advanced placement classes yesterday she said
sliding a form across her desk she's also dropping French Club and student council when I asked why she said she's transferring schools next semester my chest tightened these were the programs Stella had fought to get into the extracurriculars she'd been banking on for college application there's more Miss Anderson continued last week she asked me to send her transcripts to three different schools all in California she paused watching me carefully the same city where Miles recently bought property that's when the pieces started falling into place I pulled out my phone showing her miles's big announcement text
let me guess heun's opening a new business out there she nodded Stella mentioned something about a startup said her father needs family investors to get it off the ground The Familiar sick feeling returned the same one I got 3 years ago when miles convinced Delila to loan him money for a sure thing business venture money we never saw again I left the school and drove straight to our house Delilah's car was in the driveway and through the window I could see her pacing in the kitchen phone to her ear she spotted me and rushed to
open the door before I could even knock he asked her for money she said immediately her college fund he's been filling her head with promises about this Tech startup saying if she invests now she'll make enough to pay for any college she wants where is she coffee with Miles again Delilah's voice cracked I tried telling her it's a scam but she accused me of being jealous that he's finally stepping up she said at least he believes in her dreams I sat down at our kitchen counter the same spot where everything fell apart a week ago
why didn't you tell me he was back I tried to handle it myself thought if I kept them apart she shook her head then you and Stella had that fight and she said those things and I just I panicked sided with her because I was afraid if I didn't she'd choose him completely before I could respond the front door opened Stella walked in freezing when she saw me she looked different makeup done carefully wearing the expensive jacket miles must have bought her but her eyes were red what are you doing here she asked but the
usual Edge was missing from her voice dropping your AP glasses really I kept my tone gentle what happened to Stanford plans change she mumbled not meeting my eyes dad says miles says I corrected quietly something flickered across her face he has connections out there the startup is guaranteed to like the classic car dealership was guaranteed or the food truck franchise I pulled out my laptop opening the documents I'd spent the morning Gathering I did some digging want to see miles's current business registration status or his credit report or maybe the three pending lawsuits from his
last guaranteed investment opportunity Stella's hands trembled as she took the laptop with each click each document the careful facade cracked a little more when she reached the lawsuit from his previous step-daughter's grandmother seeking to recover college funds he'd borrowed the first tier fell he said she swallowed hard he said he's changed that he wants to make up for lost time that we could be a real family if she stopped looking up at me suddenly the photo album he said I had to prove I was choosing him that you were the reason he stayed way because
you took his place oh sweetie Delila moved toward her but Stella stepped back I knew she whispered deep down I think I knew but I wanted so badly to believe her phone buzzed another text from Miles She stared at it for a long moment before turning it off completely I have to go she said abruptly heading for the stairs I just I need to think we let her go sometimes space is the kindest thing you can offer hours passed Delilah and I talked really talked for the first time in weeks about fears and mistakes about
Stella and Miles about us around midnight I was getting ready to head back to Ryan's when my phone lit up with a text from Stella I messed up everything's messed up can we talk I mean really talk not about miles or money or anything just remember when we used to get ice cream after my dance classes and you'd let me ran about School drama could we maybe do that I know I don't deserve it but I'm typing this from the car parked outside our local ice cream place it's technically closed but the owner knows us
we've been coming here for 3 3 years he's staying open late just for us Stella just pulled up in her mom's car she's sitting there probably working up the courage to come in just like I am sometimes the hardest conversations start with the smallest steps or in this case with mint chocolate chip ice cream at midnight finally update that night at the ice cream shop changed everything Stella talked for hours about miles's manipulation her fears her guilt but it was what she mentioned in passing that caught my attention miles had been asking her to convince
her friend's parents to invest in his startup too something clicked I remembered the lawsuits I'd found the pattern of targeting families through their children the rage I'd been suppressing finally had a purpose you know I said carefully what he's doing isn't just morally wrong it's illegal Stella looked up from her melting ice cream what do you mean I explained about securi fraud about running unauthorized investment schemes her eyes widened as she pulled out her phone showing me the group chats where Miles had been directly soliciting investments from minors that night after dropping Stella home I
made some calls Quinn has a friend at the SEC Ryan knows someone in the DA's office by morning I had a plan miles didn't see it coming he was too focused on his big announcement dinner where he planned to convince Stella to sign over her college fund he'd even invited some of her friends parents more potential targets the dinner was at an expensive restaurant miles was in his element talking about Silicon Valley connections and guaranteed returns I waited until the appetizers arrived before standing up before we continue I said there are some people who'd like
to join us on Q two federal agents and a state investigator walked in miles's face went from confident to confused to terrified in seconds turns out miles wasn't just running one scam the investigators found seven different fraudulent schemes across three states every time he'd reconnect with Stella over the years he'd been setting up new victims the classic car dealership that cost Delilah her savings part of a larger fraud scheme the food truck franchise same pattern but here's the beautiful part he'd gotten sloppy this time documented everything in texts and emails to Stella thinking she'd never
turn on him when she forwarded those messages to the investigators his fate was sealed the parents at the dinner they were wearing wires every promise Every Lie every illegal investment pitch was recorded miles tried to run actually knocked over a waiter and sprinted for the door he made it three steps before security stopped him as they led him away he looked at Stella with that manipulative puppy dog expression she'd fallen for so many times sweetie this is all a misunderstanding tell them I'm your father Stella stood up shoulders straight my father's right here she said
taking my hand and he just watched you get exactly what you deserve the aftermath was intense news coverage victim statements more families coming forward the investigators found over 2.3 million dollar in stolen funds miles is looking at 15 20 years his startup was non-existent just a website and some stolen photos of a real Tech company's office but the real Victory wasn't watching miles get arrested it was the small moments that followed Stella put all her photos with miles in a box and donated it to the prosecution evidence she called it with a hint of her
old smile she reapplied for her AP classes the school was understanding given the circumstances her friends parents instead of being angry formed a support group for families affected by similar scams something good from something awful last night Stella asked me to help her with her college essays I have a pretty unique story now she said how many people can write about taking down their biological father's fraud Empire Delilah and I are in counseling there's trust to rebuild wounds to heal but watching her stick those photos of me back in the family albums carefully straightening each
one that said more than words could this morning Stella came down for Breakfast early she had an envelope with her I found this in my room she said sliding it across the table miles asked me to mail it last week it's investment paperwork for his startup I thought maybe you'd want to add it to the evidence file I looked at the envelope then at her want to deliver it to the investigators together she grinned that real unguarded smile I'd missed can we get ice cream after some people might say the Revenge was too harsh that
family is family no matter what but real family doesn't try to steal your future real family protects you even if that means protecting you from other family miles is sentencing is next month Stella's planning to read a victim impact statement she's been working on it for weeks revising each word carefully yesterday she asked me to look it over it needs a good ending she said something that shows I'm not just his is victim anymore I think she's already found that ending it's in the way she holds her head up now and how she's helping other
kids spot similar scams in the college brochures back on her desk her real path not the one miles tried to sell her sometimes moving forward means making sure the P can't hurt anyone else and sometimes the best revenge isn't just watching someone face consequences it's thriving despite them we're having a family dinner tonight just the three of us Stella's making her famous pasta sauce the one she learned from watching cooking videos with me during lock down normal boring wonderful family stuff the kind of stuff miles will have plenty of time to think about from his