and so if someone says you're not like everyone else then you can just reframe that as like I'm exceptional and that's not a bad thing there's a teacher and he's got two classes that he teaches and one class he says the only assignment for this whole semester is that you come with a come back with a perfect uh clay pot that's it that's the assignment the other class he says your objective is to make the most total quantity of clay pots and you'll be measured by how many pots you make and at the end of
the quarter the pots that came from the team that had to just make sheer volume not only did they make more pots but the quality of all of their pots was better compared to the teams that only had to make one and it just underlines the the biggest lesson that I've learned in my life which is that volume negates luck is that you can try to be lucky and pick the one perfect thing and try and make it but if you don't want to try and be lucky you can just do so much work that
you will you will brute force your way to figuring it out like if you do a th000 podcasts you'll be pretty good at podcasts right but if you try to say okay you're you're you're brand new and all you have to do is make one perfect podcast the problem is that you don't have the perspective in which to make a judgment to say what is good I'd say one of the strongest mental frames that has gotten me through my hardest times is thinking this will be the story that I will one day tell and that
means the harder it is the bigger the dragon the more epic the story and by Consequence the more epic the hero and if you think about the difference between winners and losers winners Define themselves by what they made happen and losers Define themselves by what happened to them and the difficult part of the Lonely chapter is that the rocky cut scene lasts 90 seconds in the movie and lasts 5 years in reality so I came with this idea a couple of weeks ago called The Lonely chapter love it so there is a period in everybody's
Journey where they are so different because they've started to do new things that they no longer fit in with their old set of friends but they're not sufficiently developed that they've gained their new set of friends and they're unsure should I go back should I lean back into getting a bad game with the boys on a weekend is that the highest you know way that I can live my life passion forward CU that's what everybody else does and all of my friends are taking the piss oh not drinking again too good for us are we
not going out again this week oh okay well like enjoy staying in home and reading nerd so you're going to feel the pain of being ostracized from the group of friends that you used to have but you're stuck in this messy Middle where you haven't yet worked out who you are on the other side of this and that lonely chapter that's in the middle is something that I I would say almost nobody that I've ever met who has gone from a place where they are to a place where they want to be hasn't gone through
every hardship that you encounter if you reframe it as the story that you will someday tell to yourself of the person that you have become based on the dragons you've slain and the obstacles you've overcome then I think that makes those obstacles a unique opportunity for self-improvement because we can be grateful for these things I think um I think Joo has a has a whole bit on this where whenever something bad happens he says good and I think it's a great trained response because if something bad happens my trained response isn't good it's I will
tell the story someday and so I think if you have that frame then everything serves you cuz if something good happens cool if something bad happens it'll be a story that I will something tell because it assumes that you will live through it and it assumes that you will eventually figure it out and so then you can't lose as long as you don't quit the one companion that's always going to be with you is yourself and I think the first thing you have to do I think the first thing we have to do is we
have to get ourselves to the point where we don't necessarily need a companion it's not ideal it's not ideal but it's doable and sometimes it beats the alternative and but sometimes we choose less than ideal companions because to us that beats the alternative of not having any companion and the reason why we cannot face the concept of not having any companion is because we're not comfortable with ourself as a companion sometimes in life when everything's going great for you and you don't know good from bad you need to experience a little rain sometimes so you
can enjoy the sunshine again often times if it doesn't go our way we don't see it as a blessing right if something happens an experience if it doesn't go the way we want it to go often times we don't consider that to be a blessing but some of the greatest blessing in our lives are things that didn't turn out or work out the way that we wanted it to and so all of a sudden you're sitting there and you're thinking man I thought my life was together Alton shambles at my feet no it's not no
it's not it's not it's all right it's all right you're not supposed to have it together all right those who go to college get out of college get a job and stay in that job until they retire then retire and buy property down in Florida that's an anomaly that's not normal it happens but it's an anomaly uh and uh and most those people you know they might be really good people but they ain't got cool stories to tell and you don't get wisdom you don't get wisdom past a certain point by living that life the
biggest thing you have to do is shut off technology you have to go dark what I mean by that is you have to be quiet in your mind get away from people we love being around people we love talking we love we love parties it's okay to be alone it's okay to be unhappy sometimes man so you got go to the truth first who are you get get really accountable and say okay who am I what's the truth about me get to that dark place in your mind figure out it may take months may take
years figure out your purpose figure out what you want to be in life and then from there okay I have my purpose it may take a long time no one knows their purpose cuz it's too loud I think it's just giving yourself permission to suck it's giving yourself permission to be unhappy it's giving yourself permission to not achieve while you do for a long period of time it's giving yourself permission to lose friends it's giving yourself permission to do things that's different than people in your Social Circle or your age group are doing it's giving
you permission giving yourself permission to be an exception so that you can become exceptional so now you know why there's so many people that have fail in this world you create your own self most people are missing something because there's so much trapped in there I want I want to say potential I think that's word used out too much too there's so much in you that God or wherever the hell you believe in or if you're atheist in you that you have not un unlocked that you walk around with this gorgeous wife or or great
husband all this money like God I feel like I missing something yeah because it's about 75% of you is stilling in there still chained up because you just didn't want to find your willpower didn't want to find your soul your will your heart your determination your guts your courage you're not supposed to have it all together you're not expected to have it all together anybody looks at you and says hey man what's wrong with you how come you don't have everything figured out they're a fool um knowledge and experience and wisdom take takes time wisdom
comes from experience and experience takes time the more experience you have the more you learn from that experience the wiser you can get if you haven't lived long enough to have a broad enough portfolio of experience then you can expect to have knowledge and wisdom if you had to create a human what would you put them through to make them tough it probably wouldn't be a really chill life what would you put them through to make them patient you probably wouldn't give them things immediately and so it's like we want these traits but each of
the traits has a price tag attached to it it's just like do you want to pay the price tag to get the thing and so I think if if people reframe the the period of life that they're going through as the price that they're paying out of their wallet but the wallet is their time it's the seconds of life that they're trading for it then I think more people will be willing to make the trade because at least when I look at myself like when I'm 80 something years old and I'm looking back on my
life I want to have these traits but in order to have those traits I know I have to go through these things and I think for me that's given me a lot of comfort in hard times when you come out of the storm you won't be the same person that walked into it that's what the storm is all about when you can't control what's happening to you control how you respond to it that's where your power is at some point everything's going to go south on you everything's going to go south and you're going to
say this is it this is how I end now you can either accept that or you can get to work that's all it is you just begin I Come From Hell and a lot of it I created we can be our worst enemy why is the truth so important it gives you a starting point you have to have the truth to have a starting point once you come face to face with who you are you have a starting point and your true self is found honestly in that very uncomfortable Zone we all look for toughness
we all want it but we look for it in a comfortable environment you will not find toughness in a comfortable environment those of you who are listening to this you will not find it I was trying to look for it everywhere the only way you find it is to drown yourself in a position where you're just out of sorts where you can't swim and you're drowning you're drowning you're drowning in life but you say you know what ma'am that no no you have to hit rock bottom that's the way up mhm yeah Rock Bottom is
beautiful the struggle of the struggle of coming back is beautiful that struggle doesn't feel like it's beautiful while you're going through it but it's just being just being tested and without test there's no testimony life tests you sometime life annihilates you but it's only up to you if you want to take some more it's going to dish it out but eventually if you don't quit it'll be uh merciful to you you can't drive your car looking in the rearview mirror you can't if you keep looking in the rearview mirror you going to keep crash in
your car there's a reason why the rearview mirror is this big and the windshield is this big that's a reason for cuz all the rearview mirror does is allows you to see what you've passed and to prevent what you passed from coming up on you again that's all the rearview mirrors for the windshield is your future it's where you going it's where you headed the superpower of learning to be alone and enjoying it well I think it's critical and I and I do think that this this these times where you just think about things just
be alone and think about things are so rare these days and I think during those rare times is when you really get to understand what you actually believe or don't believe to my life I wanted to be accepted growing up I lied I [ __ ] what I could be my friend be my buddy that weak ass I found out through this path of Life who is David gokin who am I so going through all I did it alone there was no trophy on the wall on the mantle that trophy is in my brain no
one helped me get there nobody paid my bills no one did me no one ran those miles lost that weight went through I suffered on my own and developed this man who said it's who I am man a very competitive ultra competitive dude that take it what you want man you start putting yourself in situations that suck you'll find yourself idea of the Lonely chapter resonates so much with people because it it literally is like taking the red pill if you see this version of the world where you go I can impact my outcomes I
can learn a thing apply a thing and then I change as a byproduct of doing that as soon as you take those steps you realize almost all of the people around you who have parts of their life that they're not happy about are kind of making a choice for it to be that way and then you go oh that means that all of the things I don't like about me and I don't like about my life for my responsibility because I can change it the more time you spend alone with yourself the more time that
you will be able to understand who you are when I mean understand who you are I'm talking about without any outside interference without any friends without any uh peer pressure of wanting to be like someone else the more time you spend alone you're going to figure out okay what your purpose is and I say that because of this God will talk to you uh you start seeking in those moments of not having any outside distractions what happens is Things become clear clearity sets in and you're able to make decisions not based on what you saw
that day or what you heard that day or what that person may have said to you you're able to make decisions based on how you feel internally you know sometimes your mind plays tricks on you it can tell you you're no good that it's all hopeless but I've discovered this you are loved and important and you bring to this world things that no one else [Music] can so hold [Music] on you're not where you want to be you feel like you're supposed to be somewhere else you said it well say you could snap your fingers
and be wherever you wanted to be I bet you'd still feel this way not in the right place point is you can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget how to make the most of where you are what are you telling me take a break from worrying about what you can't control live a little live a little don't underestimate the whole your absence would leave you know each of us we're remarkable creatures and we have something to offer to the world to our people we love to the world World At
Large it's our responsibility to make that manifest and we move a little farther away from Paradise every time that doesn't happen really you be that warrior in that garden and you stand strong you be a strong man you be a good man and you just let the world rage around you like everyone else you want to learn the way to win but never to it accept the way to lose to accept defeat to learn to die is to be liberated from it so when tomorrow comes you must free your ambitious mind and learn the art
of dying there's this thing about people and they talk about manifesting MH MH it's real man manifesting is real when you figure out who you are and what you want to do and you devote your life to it like like like a maniac like you're all in on this thing and you manifest most of these people end up you know doing what they say they're going to do and being who they say they're going to become and there's no excuses there's no days off there's no uh you know not willing to grind and you know
everybody's against me and this didn't happen for me because of this and that and all this whining puss ass [ __ ] that a lot of people do these days it's these people who dive in and they're hardcore and they're focused and they know what they want they know who they are and they lay out these short-term goals and this road map on how to get there most of those people make it run it it's all in your mind whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life if you continue to
believe as you have always believed you will continue to act as you have always acted you will continue to get what you have always gotten if you want different results in your life or your work all you have to do is change your mind Helen Keller was once asked what on Earth would be worse than being born blind she said it would be so much worse to be born with sight but no vision why can't we have cures for every disease known to man why can't we have clean water food education for every person on
this planet why can't we have peace on this planet why do we have to die to go to heaven the Earth is already in space we can have heaven right here right now just a shift in this why not you don't have forever right so what is important to you cuz you only have 24 hours in a day so what's important to you find out what that is and do more of that and try to figure out like how to how to make enough money so that you're not starving that you're doing well but don't
just chase that chase what you're trying to do today I'm no longer being a loser today I'm going to change my path I'm going get on the path of success I don't care how long that road is I'm going to see it through no matter what because you know what I've been living enough years in this sh hole and I don't want to be here anymore one of the most important things never ever quit never quit but I've watched some of the people grow I've watched some of the most incredible brilliant students and they didn't
make it like other people made it because they didn't have that drive they didn't have that never give up uh ability