3 CLEAR Signs The Holy Spirit is Speaking To You (Christian Motivation)

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Journey To God
Can you tell when the Holy Spirit is trying to communicate with you? Is there any time in your life ...
Video Transcript:
can you tell when the Holy Spirit is trying to communicate with you is there any time in your life when the Holy Spirit was leading you but you weren't too sure have you ever been made to doubt God's voice because of uncertainty and you begin to wonder how you can recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit today in this video we will discuss three signs that show the holy spirit is speaking to you so ensure you watch to the end before we continue please subscribe to this channel the Holy Spirit wants to guide you teach
you and align you with the word of God he doesn't want you to be misled or go astray you cannot know God truly when you do not know the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit In You gives you an understanding of who God is you need to know who the holy spirit is the holy spirit is God the third person of the Trinity who eternally proceeds from the Father the holy spirit is co-equal with the father and the son the Holy Spirit dwells inside every true Christian the holy spirit is described as a counselor or helper
guiding you in the way of the truth the holy spirit is also believed to give gifts to Christians as is found in the Life of Christ and his disciples Healing The Sick raising the dead and more the holy spirit is often described as the AC of presence of God in the world and in the lives of Believers the holy spirit is seen as a source of comfort and assistance to Believers in times of trouble or need the holy spirit is believed to come alongside Believers to provide guidance strength and support above it all the Holy
Spirit speaks the mind of God yes the Holy Spirit has a voice God has plans for you but too many Believers fall short of God's plan this occurs when you do not know the voice of the Holy Spirit many voices Cloud your mind making the voice of the Holy Spirit too difficult for you to discern it could be the voice of your circumstances mind flesh spouse friends parents or even the devil however being able to discern the voice of the holy spirit will give you an upper hand over all these other voices first of all
you need to know that the voice of the Holy spirit is beyond a still Small Voice he speaks in different ways there is no one way to express his word and God cannot be boxed Psalm 2945 says the voice of the Lord is powerful the voice of the Lord is full of majesty the voice of the Lord breaks the Cedars of Lebanon also in 1 Kings 191 12113 the Bible says and after the earthquake of Fire but God was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice and it was so when
Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entering in of the cave God speaks in various ways now that you know that what are the signs you see to know that the holy spirit is speaking to you number one there's an uneasiness in your spirit a conviction in your spirit expressed by your conscience is like a stop sign being put up by the Holy Spirit it is his way of telling you to stop right where you are or stop a particular action and not proceed further
the Bible says in Acts 16 67 now when they had gone throughout frer and the region of galatia and we're forbidden of the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia Paul and his companions tried to preach the gospel in every city they visited but the Holy Spirit prevented them from preaching in Asia why would the Holy Spirit do that is asiia not a place worthy to receive the words of God the Holy Spirit kept them away from this place and disallowed them from entering beinia this might be because there was a danger in those
places that Paul and his colleagues might not be aware of or it might be due to other reasons best known to God what they experienced was a check in their Spirits only God knows what would have happened to them if they had disobeyed the holy Holy Spirit you may be watching this video now and feel an uneasiness in your spirit about not going out today you might be wondering what this could be but this may be the Holy Spirit trying to call for your attention it may also be a strong conviction about something you suddenly
feel convinced that something is not right all these are promptings from the Holy Spirit perhaps to save your life from danger how many people have died in car accidents and plane crashes all because they choose to ignore the uneasiness in their Spirits not to get in that car or travel that day possibly they ignored it thinking that it was their emotions and fear and that it was not coming from the Holy Spirit if there is one major sign God employs to get our attention it is the lack of peace as a child of God the
Holy Spirit dwells inside of you a proof of his presence is the peace he gives you peace is a state of calmness in your spirit the presence of Peace often confirms the presence of God in a situation but the moment this peace is absent it signals trouble and the right thing to do is to run to God for clarity God always works with your peace if it is a step that God does not want you to take he will Seize Your Peace when your peace is not present you will feel discomfort about taking that step
you might not be able to decipher what's going on but you will just suddenly become uneasy God Can Make You Restless when he needs you to intercede and alert you to a forthcoming danger he will let you know through the restlessness you feel in your spirit so if everything is set but your peace is not it could be a signal from God do you know that peace is also a channel to heighten your sensitivity it is like a traffic light that tells exactly when you need to stop prepare to get on the move or begin
the journey he works through your peace to help you discern what he thinks about the issues of life one way to recognize that God is guiding you is by observing how you feel after following his instructions you will no longer experience uneasiness but a sense of restored peace when you find you suddenly become uneasy about a certain business deal a travel plan or meeting up with a certain person he might be saying do not go or I am preparing you another thing that is God trying to see something you can't see if this type of
sign is coming to you don't take it for granted it is the holy spirit trying to communicate to you the number two is through dreams dreams are so common that many Christians have grown up not respecting them as a valid method of God's leading surprisingly God teaches us that the coming of the holy spirit will inspire new dreams in our lives in Acts 217 the Bible ible says and it shall come to pass in the last days declares God I will pour out of my spirit upon All Flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophecy
and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams this scripture shows that dreams come from the presence of the Holy Spirit from today on do not take dreams lightly this however does not discount the fact that dreams can come from sources besides the whole Holy Spirit some might be due to your emotions or what has happened in the day some might even come from the Devil Himself evil forces can even manipulate your dreams which mustn't be taken lightly however know today that many dreams result from the presence of the Holy
Spirit if you look at jesus' Birth and early years you will discover how dreams played an important role in the lives of Joseph and Mary a dream LED Joseph to to stick to Mary even though she was found to be pregnant before they got married a dream also directed Joseph to flee into Egypt for the safety of baby Jesus because Joseph obeyed Jesus escaped the slaughter of babies ordered by Herod this means the Holy Spirit can speak to you in a dream several men in the scriptures have woken up out of dreams and Visions into
enviable Destinies an example of such a man was Solomon Solomon went to bed said and by the advantage of dreams and Visions God came to him and a destiny altering transaction happened do you know that the Revelation about the Captivity of the nation of Israel alongside their Exodus came to Abraham when he fell asleep dearly beloved dreams and Visions could be a prophetic tool for the Holy Spirit to manifest himself in your life if you miss out on it you will miss out a lot in Destiny the last sign is the repetitive word from God
God is not limited when it comes to finding ways to communicate his ideas to you he always devises a means to send his message his word is a major Channel through which he gets you to see what he wants it could be a certain topic or idea that keeps coming to mind he could even direct you to scripture that explains what he has been bringing to your thoughts within that season you will also find that he uses everything to speak to you unplanned you might stumble upon a TV show podcast or song discussing the theme
if this is happening to you God is trying to get your attention the Holy Spirit can communicate to you by giving a direct verse from the scripture you will notice that the meaning of that verse becomes clear to you it might even be the answer to the particular issue or dilemma you may be dealing with when you discover God is giving you any of the signs discussed do not ignore them if you choose not to pay attention especially when it comes repeatedly you might miss out on something important that God is about to bring to
manifest in that season of your life God is always speaking to children but the question is are you paying enough attention to hear him speak are you listening to him you want God to speak to you you are desperate for an answer you have prayed fasted and then done everything you know to do to hear him but it seems he's not hearing truly that can be a very frustrating experience but is it that he is not answering or that you are not hearing this often happens because you expect God to speak in a certain way
but he chooses to answer you differently which is why you miss out on what he's saying to you beloved God cannot be boxed or predicted to truly hear God you need to open up your heart and pay attention this means that you need to understand that God has diverse ways of doing things and the Bible says his ways are not our ways and his methods are definitely not the same as yours besides he cannot be predicted Elijah was waiting to hear from God he looked into the fire knowing that God was a consuming fire so
he assumed God's voice would be in the fire but it wasn't the wind came and he thought oh God God must be in the wind but yet again God was not in the wind finally there was a still small and quiet voice which was God's voice you may have the wrong notion about how God speaks which explains why you aren't listening God's voice is not just an audible voice that's terrifying and unmistakable it's not just visions and dreams it can be that quiet voice in your heart always speaking to you the leading of your heart
the prompting of your spirit counsel from godly people and even a signpost or a random write up can all be God's way of speaking to you so if you are just waiting to hear an audible voice before you obey then you are waiting in ignorance you might wait for eternity and never hear God could distractions also be hindering you from hearing God speak distraction is a major weapon the devil uses to keep you from paying attention to what God is saying he uses activities to occupy your day leaving no time for you to pause to
hear God he also uses distracting thoughts to keep your mind busy even when you're in church you're busy thinking about what you'll do after you leave church mentally planning your week and so on this makes you unable to hear what God is saying and it's a huge sign that you aren't listening when you notice that you hardly spend time waiting and listening ing In God's Presence to hear his voice it's a sign that you have not been listening to him which is why you can't hear him that's why you keep falling for every deceiver who
comes your way that's why the Sea of confusion in your life feels so endless you don't know what to do where to go or who to confide in and you're feeling frustrated due to the dark clouds around your life do you desire to begin to hear the holy spirit in you then develop an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit today and you will experience more of his presence hearing God is not hard Discerning his voice from the many voices competing speaking to you is not hard either as a parent you don't have to turn when
your children speak to you to know who is speaking you know them so well that even when they aren't saying anything be silence speaks volumes to you you were able to achieve that through intimacy you've spent enough time with them to know their voices ways and character the question is have you spent enough time with God do you even know God you might find it hard to hear or even listen to God because you don't have a relationship with him you say your religious prayers in the morning without realizing that you're speaking to someone then
once you are done you brisk off forgetting that prayer is a two-way communication it's not a monologue or a speech delivery session the closer you are to a person the more Audible and clear their voices if you're struggling to hear God it might be a sign that you're following him from a distance let us pray Almighty and everlasting God you are the creator of the heavens and the Earth Lord you are the sustainer of life and The Giver of all good gifts I come before you with praises and Thanksgiving for your Everlasting Love and your
mercies which are new Every Morning Lord I Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit father forgive me for the ways I have strayed from your path and for moments I've ignored the whisperings of your Holy Spirit I confess my sins and shortcomings and I ask for your forgiveness even as I also forgive others who have trespassed against me in the name of Jesus I declare that I am free from all bitterness and resentment I rebuke confusion the chaos of this world and anything that tries to distract me from your guidance Holy Spirit teach
me to recognize your promptings and nudges which will Draw Me Closer to God's will Lord I ask for an increase of your wisdom and discernment in my life Holy Spirit fill me so that I may make decisions aligned with the kingdom of God open my eyes eyes to see the door you are opening and give me the courage to walk through them Father God I ask for your blessings in all aspects of my life I'm ready to hear you as I told Samuel to say when you called him I say the same today Speak Lord
thy servant hears I rest in your presence I stay still before you to hear your voice I'll wait for your direction before making decision make me sensitive to your voice I'll not mistake it for the many other voices around me my intimacy with you will make your voice distinct Beyond any doubt in my ears father take the distractions that have kept me from spending time with you away help me to declutter my mind to have a clear mind that will receive your word when it comes give me Grace to meditate on your word so that
I will know your will I obtain R to stay in your presence until I know what I'm about to do is your perfect will for me I command every spirit of fear anxiety and doubt that hinders my total surrender to the Holy Spirit to be gone I pray for complete healing in my life physical emotional and spiritual cover me Lord with your Divine protection as I journey through this life I thirst for more of your presence Let Your Presence always abide with me Empower me to do exploits for you Lord I pray for sound wisdom
from you you are the prince of peace and I receive your peace in my life for those who are yet to recognize your voice father stir a hunger for your word and a thirst for righteousness in their hearts surround them with Divine encounters that will lead them closer to you Lord I am grateful for your Divine Healing and steadfast protection over my life thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen if this video has blessed your life please click the like button don't forget to subscribe
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