😱Domine o poder da automação com ChatGPT e Google Planilhas | Google Sheets

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Video Transcript:
Is everything ok with you? Today we're going to have an extremely interesting class about something surreal that you can do in Google Sheets using Chat GPT. We will link Chat GPT with Google Sheets to automate some processes.
First, I will teach you how to make this link between GPT Chat and Google Sheets. Then, I'm going to show you something really cool: we're going to get some values ​​filled in through a form that will return the data in a spreadsheet. From this spreadsheet, we will use this link with GPT Chat to make various articles, checks and obtain information.
Let's use the form as a test here, okay? So subscribe to the channel here! Stay until the end to learn about this extension.
Some things may seem complex, but they are not. Just pay close attention and stay until the end to master everything I'm going to teach you here. It's really something impressive that you can do with Chat GPT in Google Sheets.
The first thing you need to do is register with OpenAI, which is precisely on GPT Chat. I'll leave the link in the description. And you can now open a new tab.
It's super easy to create an account there. And you can now open a new tab, it's super easy for you to create an account there. I already have the link here and you can use your Gmail.
It's much simpler to use Gmail, because you're already using Google Sheets, right? So, you will already have the same Gmail for GPT Chat as you do for Google Sheets. This makes it easier to link.
If you don't have an account, just click here. If you already have it, just log in. I'll access my account here with my Gmail and that's it!
This here is the GPT Chat interface and here you can ask your question or request the information you need for Artificial Intelligence. It will bring, without repeating any value, always something new. It will generate a response here that you need.
But why are we going to make this link with Google Sheets? Because in Google Sheets, you can ask different questions, write different articles or carry out different checks that you want with the data you have in your column. This is much faster and more practical, because in GPT Chat, you can only ask one question at a time.
So, first I'll show you how to link and we'll use this functionality a little. Firstly, to link Chat GPT with Google Sheets, you need to install an extension. We've already taught you here in the extensions video, but I'm going to do it from scratch here for you, so you'll come to "extensions", "add-ons", "install add-ons".
Opening this screen, just type GPT and you will get this option which is GPT for Sheets and Docs. You're not supposed to take this one with slides, okay? I don't know if this extension is still under development, but it doesn't work properly.
We will use GPT For Sheets and Docs. When you click, this first option here is from the supplier "Talarian". So, just click here on this image and it will come to “install”, okay?
The company will ask for permission here, you will click "continue" and access with your Gmail, complete the installation here. You can now close this extensions tab. And then you will come here again in extensions and you will have GPT For Sheets and Docs.
The first thing you need to do is click on "set API Key" here, because you need to link your GPT with Google Sheets there. So you will click here, it will start executing and the first time an error may appear here and it will ask you to create a new spreadsheet. You don't need to create a new one.
Just click on this link and they will guide you here, clicking on "New Spreadsheet". It will now generate a new spreadsheet for you. I already generated it here, go back to extensions, select my extension, and come here to "Set API Key".
And it will ask you to enter a code here. In this case, just click on this link above. It will open the configuration there on the Open AI platform and you will have to log in again.
I never create an API Key here, so you can create it in this box, copy this information, go back to your Google Sheets, paste it and press "check". And then it will start to validate your OpenAI, in this case it is valid. Remember, try to use the same Gmail that you use in Google Sheets on ChatGPT.
We've already done some tests here using another Gmail or an account without the need for a Gmail and ended up with an error in the functions. So, this way, you avoid any type of problem, because we want things to work as cleanly and quickly as possible. Saved here, received confirmation of the API Key, that's it, great, you've already saved it.
You will already have some new functions here, you don't need to run your GPT chat now. Just press the same button and put GPT. Note that there will be a lot of information here on how you can make this link with GPT.
We will see here two functions that basically people use most, not only for simple cases, but for more complex cases as well, which is GPT where you prompt for it. The prompt is basically the question or information you want from GPT, it's what you ask for. And also GPT Sheets, where it returns you a list.
And the coolest thing is that this GPT Sheets acts like a matrix function. I'm going to tell you here now. Firstly, we will use GPT Sheets here, because we want to request a list.
So you can suddenly ask for anything. And it's important that you order from a list. So, if you want something from Jet GPT using the GPT Sheets function, ask for it in a list, because it will dump that function there with the list of what you requested.
We can talk about anything random here. Let's go, I don't know, parasitology, for example. We can list the four main themes here.
So I'm going to put it here, I'm going to ask him for some topics about parasitology. I like to put some information in the GPT chat, just so it can give me some more specific information. So, I'll put it here: "I only want the titles, because I don't want it to include other information that, suddenly, has nothing to do with it.
At this point, I just want a list there with the themes, the theme titles and that's it. So, just the theme titles". I close quotation marks.
As we are using a prompt and in this case we are talking about text, this is what we always talk about here about Excel, Google Sheets or LibreOffice, you need to put it in quotation marks. Ok, I'm just going to put the prompt, I'm not going to work with value or brackets, but we're going to use this argument too. I'm going to hit enter and it's loading here for us.
He will return what the main themes in parasitology are. It took a while, but it has already returned to us: classification and characteristics of parasites, epidemiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis and treatment of parasites. These are the main themes.
Notice that he created a matrix function here for us, because he poured it into other cells and already put things more organized here for you. I'm just going to add a line above and I'm going to leave a title here. I made a header here just so we can have more or less an idea of ​​the information we are putting in.
This is still nothing you can do with Chat GPT within Google Sheets. Now that we have the main themes, let's add a command to further optimize this GPT Chat service. What we're going to do now is ask him to write an article.
So, let's ask him to write an article based on the topic we asked him to do. So, we were able to summarize parasitology, creating an article specifically for each topic, and asked for the main ones, so it has several topics, but only highlighted the main ones for us. I'll ask him to write an article.
So I'm going to put "Write an article on the topic" and as I don't want anything too long, I'm going to ask him to do it with at least 8 lines. It will take into account the lines in the GPT Chat of that size it has there on the platform. That we see an interface here for us.
In Google Sheets, it's just so it doesn't get too big and we end up not extending it as much. Ok, so I'm going to ask him to write an article on the topic with about 8 lines. So it doesn't come in here.
We already have it, so the command is there. This here is the command we will ask for and this one will be the theme and we will write it right here on the "article" side. So I would like this column to return an article based on the command we requested.
I'm going to drag our command here just to make it simpler when applying the function. And now we're going to use another form of Chat GPT here within Google Sheets to make it link the command with the theme we want. And how do we do this?
Place the equals sign to call a function. And I'm going to put "GPT" here. "GPT" only.
It is precisely the first function that appears when you put "GPT" equal. And then we will now use two arguments. Notice that it has the same arguments as the list, but it will only return the value to us.
So what's the prompt? Okay, that's the command. And we already have the command here, asking him to write an article on the topic with about eight lines.
Semicolon or the value that will appear there. The value will basically be the theme, so it will obey that command taking into account the theme, right? What information are you giving and in this case we put it here about parasitology, where we asked him to make that list.
And then you just press enter and wait for GPT to do the magic for you. It will return to us an article for each topic that we specified. We are using a completely random subject here, but you can already think of the infinite possibilities that GPT Chat linked with Google Sheets can bring to you.
So, notice that he already brought the article here for us. And then, as we're talking about automation here, you just drag it and it will automatically do the same thing for all the themes below. I'm going to start configuring here so we can get an idea of ​​how these articles will look.
It's going to be a little bigger, but I'm going to leave everything centered and ready. ChatGPT has already created an article for each topic and if you click on them, you will see that all the information is extremely accurate and was done quickly. Just imagine if you needed to search topic by topic or ask for other information for ChatGPT to create an article for each one.
But you can go beyond that and I'll give you a super cool example here of ChatGPT using Google Sheets. Notice that I created a spreadsheet and a diet form here. Every time the form is filled out, the information will be recorded in the spreadsheet.
So, if you need to make a meal plan for a group of people, you can ask ChatGPT to make a diet for each of them. Of course, it is important to remember that nutritional recommendations must be made by a nutritionist, but we are using an example to test ChatGPT within Google Sheets. I filled out the form a few times and we already have information about the person's size, weight, the person's best eating window (the time they wake up and the time they sleep) and some meal options.
We also include a training schedule in case the person has an average for this, ok? What I'm going to do is copy this information here, I'm going to control c, I'm going to play it in my spreadsheet, I'm going to even generate a new one here and press ctrl+v. I already have information about these people here, so what are we going to do?
Let me just put a header and we'll repeat that process. So I'm going to go here, a header for command. We're going to leave a prompt right here, right, that information that we're going to give to the GPT chat inside our Google spreadsheets.
And in this command, we will ask him to create the diet and we will combine it with these data that we collected. Pay close attention, we are going to put here a diet model for someone who has it. And then I'm just going to press enter, I'm not going to put any more information, because everything else after a person who has it will be this data here, but this data, it's separated by columns and I don't want it to be separated by columns, okay?
I want everything to be in one cell, precisely to facilitate the collection of this information. And how are we going to put it in GPT? And for that there is something that I have already taught here on the channel, which is a function called join, where it will join those cells, the texts from those cells, and will place a delimiter which, in our case, will be a comma.
So, I'm going to put here the same as join, the delimiter between quotation marks will be a comma. Semicolon, value or matrices, and then I will only put the information from my first line here. I hit enter here and notice that it already returned everything with a comma.
And then, I'm going to come down here and everyone is already in a cell. So, notice that he already has the text for each one here. Now that we've put it together here, I just made a few changes.
I added the diet column here, just so it can provide us with options. And I made a slight change here in the command. I asked with a few lines and briefly, because the GPT chat currently, as it hasn't been updated, has a certain line limit.
So, you need to go to the GPT chat and say "continue where you left off". But we can't give this command here within Google Spreadsheets, because it will return an error to us when you exceed the number of lines. So, I put it here just so he could create the food model.
I'll even correct it here just with the food options. And then we will let the entire command run according to what we placed here in our Join function. So we're going to call GPT here, press Tab, that's it, that's going to be our command.
So I'm going to select here what our semicolon command is, the information that we made here in the Join function, where we joined the texts. And then, I'm going to press enter and we're going to wait for GPT Chat to bring this information here for us. OK?
So, that's it, guys, he's already come back to us about what the best diet option is for this person. Now we can even make just a few adjustments here, I'll leave it adjusted and I'll drag this function to other people as well. Notice that we are using four examples here, okay?
Four form fills. Can you imagine, as I said, without 150 people and even for other examples, okay? So, suddenly, you can link email, you can ask for various other information and get this information in Google Sheets, without having to throw them one by one in GPT Chat.
So, here you have a much faster return on this information and it brings it to you instantly, everything automatically. So, you can use this not only for dieting, you can use it to write articles, you can use it for some work at your college, you can even use it for digital marketing. If you have any information, you can put a link.
If you have a sales page on Hotmart and want to insert the link into ChatGPT, it will be able to understand it. This way, you will be able to provide information and commands to write an article. You can request, for example, the creation of a persuasive email for each topic.
There are several options available in GPT Chat linked to your Google Sheets. If you want us to present more content about Google Sheets linked to GPT Chat and other options, leave your comments and also a like so we can understand your message. Also, don't forget to also check out other automations that we present on our channel.
I'm going to leave a video above my head that demonstrates how to link Autocrat to Canva, Google Slides and Google Sheets to create documents automatically . Take advantage of this era that is automating everything and watch the video! That's it for now and have a good week to you!
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