what if everything he thought about reality was about to change Lana Rogers a renowned spiritual researcher has unveiled an astonishing Revelation March 21 2025 marks a cosmic shift unlike anything Humanity has experienced before this is not just another date on the calendar it is a Crossroads between two timelines a moment where every human being must choose their path according to messages from the pleadians the Earth is entering a Great Divide one that will determine whether we Ascend into higher Consciousness or remain in cycles of limitation what does this mean for you what is happening behind
the veil stay with me because what you are about to hear will change the way you see the world forever the pleadians and the Mayan calendar throughout history ancient civil izations have spoken of cosmic Cycles moments in time where reality resets Consciousness evolves and humanity is given a choice the Mayan calendar famously misunderstood as predicting the end of the world in 2012 was actually pointing to the beginning of a transformation that would culminate in 2025 the pleadians a highly Advanced extraterrestrial race have long guided Humanity through these Cycles ensuring that that we are aware of
the energy shifts that shape our reality the Mayans were masters of timekeeping tracking Celestial alignments and energy waves that influence human evolution they saw March 21 2025 as a pivotal moment a time when the Earth would either Ascend into a higher dimensional state or remain trapped in outdated systems their knowledge came from Celestial sources and now the pleadians confirm that this cycle is reaching its climax the signs are everywhere rapid technological advances increased Consciousness and a global Awakening this is not about fear it's about understanding the opportunity before us the Mayan calendar did not predict
destruction it predicted a rebirth a chance for Humanity to reclaim its divine nature but this transition requires awareness will Humanity awaken in time to embrace the higher frequencies or will it fall back into Old cycles that is the choice we all must make the great split as we approach this Monumental shift Earth is experiencing a Great Divide two paths forming at once One path leads to a higher vibrational existence where Humanity Embraces Unity spiritual awareness and divine consciousness the other path remains rooted in fear control and materialism keeping individuals trapped in Old paradigms this is
not a metaphor it is a real energetic separation imagine two versions of Earth existing simultaneously those who align with higher Consciousness will experience a reality of expanded awareness heightened intuition and deep connection with the universe meanwhile those who resist this shift clinging to fear negativity and outdated beliefs will find themselves in a reality that feels increasingly chaotic and dense this is why some people are Awakening at an accelerated Pace While others seem more trapped in confusion than ever before the choice is deeply personal yet it affects the entire Collective every thought emotion and action sends
out a frequency that aligns with one of these two paths the pleadians emphasize that this is not about punishment but about resonance like a tracks like the question is where do you choose to focus your energy because that is the reality you will step into the end of C Yuga for thousands of years Earth has been in Cali Yuga the age of Darkness struggle and spiritual Amnesia in this cycle materialism ruled and Humanity became disconnected from its divine origins however kaliua is not Eternal ancient texts foretold that it would end in Fire and light ushering
in a new era of spiritual enlightenment and Cosmic connection March 21 2025 is seen as the breaking point the final moment where Humanity transitions out of this Dark Age this isn't an instant event but rather a gradual Awakening where those who are ready will shed old limitations and step into their true nature expect to see major shifts governments losing control Financial systems collapsing and artificial Systems Failing the old world cannot sustain itself in the rising energy however the end of calua does not mean the end of challenges rather it signifies the beginning of an age
where Consciousness determined reality the ones who resist this change will experience increasing turmoil while those who embrace it will find new Pathways opening effortless manifestations and a deep sense of alignment with the cosmos the pleadians message the pleadians have been watching over Humanity for thousands of years assisting in our spiritual Evolution their message for 2025 is clear this is the time of decision Every Soul on Earth is being asked to choose will you align with the light of expansion or will you remain in limitation they emphasize that the power is within us we are not
waiting for some external savior the shift happens through our thoughts emotions and energetic alignment those who cultivate love intuition and unity will rise into a higher state of being those who cling to fear Division and conflict will find themselves in a world that reflects those exact energies this is why the pleadians Stress Awareness and inner work the new frequencies are here but it is up to us to tune into them the ones who do will begin to experience a completely different reality one of synchronicities profound insights and Limitless potential the ones who ignore this call
Will Find life becoming increasingly difficult and disconnected the time to decide is now are there Cosmic Wars while much of humanity remains focused on Earthly events there is a greater battle unfolding beyond what our eyes can see this battle is not fought with weapons but with energy Consciousness and perception many ancient texts as well as pleadian Transmissions suggest that Earth has long been a focal point in a a larger struggle between forces of light and those that seek control over human consciousness for centuries certain energies have worked to keep Humanity asleep using fear Division and
material distractions to prevent people from realizing their true nature this is why Spiritual Awakening is often met with resistance because when people reclaim their power they break free from the systems designed to suppress them but now as Earth's frequency Rises these controlling forces are losing their grip they rely on keeping Humanity in low vibrational States anger fear and doubt because when people awaken they no longer feed into the illusion this is why March 2025 is such a crucial moment the veil is thinning and people are beginning to see beyond the programming the plans emphasize that
this is not about fighting external enemies it's about mastering our own energy emotions and perception when we operate from a space of love and inner knowing we automatically align with the higher frequencies and step beyond the reach of these lower energies the real war is not outside of us it is within our own minds and hearts the great energy shift in March 2025 Earth is not not just a planet it is a living conscious being and like Humanity it too is evolving the energy shift of March 2025 is not just about people waking up it
is about Earth itself stepping into a new vibrational State this means that everything we experience our thoughts emotions physical health and even time itself will feel different as Earth absorbs new frequencies from the cosmic waves pouring in many people will experience unusual symptoms intense dreams heightened intuition rapid emotional releases and even physical Sensations like tingling or energy surges this is because our bodies are adjusting to a higher frequency some may feel euphoric While others may feel exhausted or disoriented the key is to stay grounded and Trust the process this shift will also manifest in external
changes the old systems built on control and deception will struggle to hold their power many will collapse entirely while new heart-c centered ways of living will begin to take shape this is why 2025 is not just an internal transformation it is the beginning of an entirely new way of life on Earth the rise of the fifth dimensional human Humanity has been operating in a limited state of awareness believing that the physical world is all there is but as the energy shifts we are beginning to reclaim our multi-dimensional nature this is what many call the rise
of the fifth-dimensional human a being who operates Beyond fear Beyond limitation and Beyond the old rules of reality in the fifth dimensional State life is no longer a struggle manifestation happens instantly intuition is haen and people operate from a space of Love rather than fear this does not mean that challenges disappear it means that people approach challenges with a completely different level of understanding they no longer react with panic they respond with wisdom this transition is already happening have you noticed how time feels different how synchronicities are increasing how your in inition is guiding you
more clearly than ever before these are signs that your Consciousness is shifting into a higher frequency the more we Embrace these abilities the more effortlessly we will step into the reality we were always meant to experience the collapse of the 3D Matrix for thousands of years Humanity has been trapped in a 3D Matrix a system designed to keep people focused only on survival material success and external validation this system was built to disconnect people from their divine nature keeping them unaware of their true power but as 2025 approaches this illusion is beginning to crumble this
is why we are witnessing so much chaos in the world old structures governments Financial systems corporate Empires are struggling to maintain control because the frequencies supporting them are dissolving many people are waking up seeing the deception and refusing to participate in the old system this is not a coincidence it is the result of Earth's energy Rising forcing everything out into the open however the collapse of the old does not mean destruction it means transformation just as a caterpillar dissolves into nothing before becoming a butterfly our world is in the process of rebuilding itself at a
higher level of existence those who cling to the Past May struggle but those who embrace the change will find themselves thriving in ways they never imagined possible why Everything feels faster have you noticed that time feels different lately days seem to blur together months pass in an instant and manifestations occur more quickly than ever before this is not your imag IM ination it is a direct effect of the cosmic shift as Earth's frequency Rises time is no longer experienced in the rigid linear way we once knew in higher Dimensions time is fluid it speeds up
or slows down based on your Consciousness and focus this is why people who are aligned with their spiritual path often feel that miracles happen effortlessly while those who are stuck in Old paradigms feel trapped in chaos your perception of time is a reflection of your state of being this acceleration means that everything both positive and negative manifests faster than ever before this is why it is crucial to be aware of your thoughts emotions and intentions in the new energy what you focus on expands rapidly if you align with love abundance and joy you will experience
those things almost instantly if you remain in fear lack or doubt those realities will become even more intense the choice is [Music] yours the role of star seeds and light workers in this shift not everyone is experiencing this shift at the same Pace some people feel an inner calling an unshakable sense that they have a mission to fulfill these individuals often referred to as star SE s and light workers are here to guide Humanity through the transition into higher Consciousness their presence on Earth is not brandom they chose to be here at this time to
Anchor the light and assist in The Awakening process star seeds are souls who have experienced lifetimes in higher dimensional civilizations such as the pleadians arcturians and syrians they have retained spiritual knowledge and advanced awareness that is now being activated many have felt disconnected from Earthly Society sensing that they don't truly belong in the materialistic world this feeling is because their true nature vibrates at a frequency beyond the limitations of the 3D World light workers on the other hand may or may not be star seeds but they carry a deep inner wisdom and a strong desire
to assist others they are drawn to Healing teaching and guiding Humanity toward love and expansion as the shift accelerates these individuals will step into their roles more fully acting as beacons of Hope and higher understanding if you feel this pull know that you are not alone you are Awakening to your purpose the return of Christ Consciousness for thousands of years spiritual teachings have spoken of a return of divine energy to Earth this is not about religious Doctrine but about the activation of Christ Consciousness the state of pure Divine love wisdom and unity it is the
blueprint of higher existence where Humanity steps Beyond Division and fear into an era of Enlightenment Christ Consciousness is not about worshiping an external figure it is about embodying the highest spiritual truth within yourself many ancient civilizations including the essin btic ages and Mystic from various Traditions foresaw a time when this Divine energy would become fully awakened within Humanity March 2025 is believed to be a significant moment for this Awakening as Earth's energy Fields align with higher dimensional frequencies this Consciousness is the key to transcending the great split those who embody it will naturally rise above
lower vibrations conflicts and Illusions they will become living expressions of compassion wisdom and creation this is why the shift is not just about Cosmic forces it is about Humanity reclaiming its Divine Heritage and stepping into its full power the shift from carbon to crystalline DNA While most of the focus is on Spiritual Awakening there is also a profound physical transformation happening scientists have long studied junk DNA the part parts of human genetics that appear to serve no function but what if these dormant strands are now being activated by the new cosmic energies many spiritual researchers
believe that humanity is transitioning from carbon-based DNA to a crystalline structure this shift allows for higher frequencies to be integrated into the body enhancing intuition healing abilities and even extending lifespan the pleadians have spoken of this transformation as a natural Evolution that occurs when civilizations enter higher Dimensions planetary energy grids throughout history sacred sites and ancient civilizations have been strategically placed along Earth's lay lines powerful energy Pathways that run through the planet these lay lines serve as conduits of high frequency energy connecting the Earth to Cosmic forces and multi-dimensional realities from the Great Pyramids of
Egypt to Stonehenge Machu picu and the temples of Anor watt these locations were intentionally built in alignment with Earth's energetic blueprint the plans reveal that these planetary energy grids are now being reactivated in preparation for the upcoming Cosmic shift amplifying their influence on human consciousness The Reawakening of these grids is not just a geological phenomenon it is a spiritual activation that will enhance Humanity's connection to higher Dimensions as we approach March 21 20125 more people will begin to sense shifts in energy when visiting these sacred sites feeling heightened intuition spontaneous Awakenings or unexplained emotional releases
the lay lines are becoming more active transmitting Cosmic light codes that interact with the energy fields of individuals who are receptive to them many people who feel called to travel to specific locations during this time may be responding to an inner soul mission to Anchor and stabilize these energies beyond their impact on human consciousness these grids influence weather patterns electromagnetic fields and even technology as Earth's vibration increases we may witness unusual environmental phenomena geophysical changes time distortions and an increase in spontan anous synchronicities this is because the planet itself is adjusting to a higher dimensional
frequency just as the human body undergos energetic upgrades soed as Earth shifting from a third-dimensional planet to a multi-dimensional living Consciousness the pleadians explain that by meditating grounding and connecting with these energy grids individuals can accelerate their own spiritual Evolution those who engage in spiritual practice practices such as energy healing visualization or working with sacred geometry may find that their abilities expand dramatically this is because these grids act as amplifiers enhancing one's natural spiritual gifts and aligning individuals with their higher purpose the more Humanity aligns with these planetary frequencies the smoother the transition into the
new Earth timeline will be the divine feminine and masculine balancing for centuries human civilization has been dominated by an imbalanced masculine energy an era of control competition and material Pursuit while structure logic and discipline are essential they have been prioritized at the expense of intuition emotion and spiritual wisdom this imbalance has manifested as patriarchal systems suppression of feminine wisdom and a disconnection from nature however as Earth ascends the divine feminine is Rising once again restoring balance and Awakening a new way of being the divine feminine is not simply about gender it is an energetic force
that exists within all beings regardless of biological sex it represents creativity compassion intuition and deep inner knowing as Humanity shifts into a higher state of conscious ious the suppression of these qualities is coming to an end more people are Awakening to their inner feminine Essence seeking to reconnect with emotional intelligence nurturing energy and spiritual Insight this rebalancing is leading to a more harmonious heart-c centered way of living this energetic shift is also influencing relationships and societal structures traditional power dynamics are collapsing Paving the way for equal Partnerships conscious communities and the dissolution of hierarchical control
systems as people Embrace both their masculine and feminine aspects relationships will no longer be built on control or dependency but on mutual respect understanding and shared spiritual growth this balance will also transform leadership as heart- centered wisdom replaces dominance and fear-based Authority the return of the divine feminine is closely linked to Earth's healing and restoration for too long Humanity has treated nature as something to be exploited rather than revered but as this shift unfolds more people are recognizing the sacredness of the planet honoring its rhythms embracing sustainable practices and working with natural energies rather than
against them this deeper connection to Earth will bring forth a golden era of Harmony between humanity and the natural world artificial intelligence versus Divine intelligence as human consciousness expands so does technology we are living in a time where artificial intelligence a is advancing faster than ever before raising profound questions about the future of humanity will we integrate AI as a tool to assist in our Evolution or will it become a force that disconnects us from our true nature the pleadians warn that this is a critical moment in deciding how technology will shape our reality I
has the potential to enhance human capabilities increase efficiency and provide revolutionary advancements in science and medicine however there is also a growing effort to merge human consciousness with artificial systems this raises concerns about the loss of spiritual awareness intuition and organic evolution when technology is used without Consciousness it becomes a tool for control rather than empowerment one of the biggest dangers is the possibility of replacing human intelligence with machine-driven decision-making if AI dictates human choices the connection to Divine wisdom inner guidance and Free Will could be compromised the more people rely on external systems to
think create and make decisions the less they access their own innate highering intelligence this is why the pleadians urge Humanity to remain conscious and Discerning in its relationship with technology however a does not have to be an enemy it can be a bridge to incredible discoveries when used in alignment with human values the key is to ensure that technology remains a servant to Consciousness not the other way around the more we awaken spiritually the more we will be able to harness AI in a way that supports human flourishing rather than diminishes it the Galactic Federation
Earth is not alone in this transformation the Galactic Federation a coalition of higher dimensional civilizations has long been monitoring Humanity's Evolution assisting in ways that align with free will while many people are unaware of their presence they have played a crucial role in guiding Humanity towards Spiritual Awakening and technological advancement the Federation consists of pleadians uans syrians and other benevolent Cosmic beings who have reached Advanced levels of consciousness they do not interfere directly but they transmit wisdom provide energetic assistance and prevent harmful external influences from disrupting Earth's transition their goal is to help Humanity reclaim
its sovereignty and join the greater Cosmic Family family many people experience contact with these beings through telepathic messages dream encounters and spiritual downloads as Earth's frequency Rises these interactions will become more common the more we align with higher Consciousness the more we open the door to direct contact the Galactic Federation reminds us that we are not alone we are part of a vast interconnected universe and our evolution is a reflection of a much greater Cosmic transformation 2025 and the new Earth timeline as March 21 2025 approaches Humanity stands at a Crossroads between two vastly different
realities the pleadians have long spoken of a new Earth timeline a path where those who align with higher Consciousness will experience an entirely different existence one where love unity and spiritual wisdom replace the chaos of the old world however this shift is not automatic it requires conscious participation from those who choose to step into this reality the great split represents the separation of these two paths where individuals will gravitate toward the frequency that matches their inner state of being this shift is already visible in the world today some people feel a sense of peace and
expansion as if their lives are flowing with more sing synchronicity ease and higher understanding others however are experiencing greater resistance fear and emotional turmoil as the density of the old Paradigm becomes increasingly uncomfortable this is not about one group being superior to the other it is simply a vibrational Choice the new Earth timeline will be built by those who choose to live from the heart Embrace spiritual wisdom and step into their power as conscious creators those who resist this shift will remain in a version of Earth that reflects their belief in limitation and struggle one
of the most exciting aspects of this transition is the emergence of new systems governance based on Integrity technology that supports Consciousness and communities that thrive on mutual respect and cooperation as more people awaken the shift will become undeniable leading to a reality where Humanity remembers its true nature the most important thing to understand is that this split is not about physical destruction it is about choosing the reality that aligns with your Soul's Evolution the future is being shaped now and every thought emotion and decision determines the timeline you step into