40 Brutal Truths I Wish I Knew in My 20s

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Dan Martell
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at the time of this recording I'm 44 years old and if I could go back and talk to my 20-year-old self and give some advice on how to get rich a lot faster here's what I would say number one don't make the mistake of becoming good at something you hate when I started off I thought I had to get great at everything and it turns out that if you don't like something if you hate doing numbers or doing sales calls or even doing customer support when you get good at something you like doing you can
pay somebody else to take the things that you hate doing number two go to bed and wake up at the exact same time every day if you take anything away from this video having the time that you wake up every day to create to be productive and go to bed on time most problems would actually be solved if you went to bed on time the longer you do this for it will compound into greatness number three your body is the only one you have take care of it when people are healthy they have a thousand
goals and dreams they want to go after when they're sick they have one get healthy most people treat their body like a beat up car not like the million thoroughbred horse it actually is if you've got the energy you've got the focus and you can push forward you're going to run laps around everybody number four stay close to people that want more for you not from you when I was growing up all I had was people around me that were energy vampires they keept sucking my energy and asking for things and never ever giving anything
in return and when I decided to do a friend ventory and clean up those people and start adding folks that wanted more for me that pushed me that expected me to do bigger things with my life life and they were my biggest cheerleaders everything changed number five normalize leaving people in whatever reality they have chosen I used to argue with people I used to get frustrated when people would try to sell me on their philosophy of living a life that's not too stressed out and why do you need to have more can't you be happy
with what you have I realized that energy is better spent being better that energy is better invested surrounding myself with people that were also on that shared Journey the cool part is I don't get upset anymore I just don't acknowledge it I just allow them to stay in that reality that they've chosen and every once in a while you'll Inspire them to come ask you how you've been doing it number six being humble isn't about thinking less of yourself it's about thinking of yourself less people sometimes misunderstand my confidence in what I'm doing or the
way I communicate is is not humble I am the truth is is I'm all about service you thinking small or being timid in your actions is actually not going to inspire or help anybody else so put other people first but don't think less of yourself number seven you get tested the most when it's your time to level up this one I've seen over and over and over again when I was recording the audio for my book I got the flute when I was about to hit a new PR at the gym I injured myself when
I was about to have a record month somebody quit and it's interesting how right when you're about to break through something in your life happens and I always remind myself in those moments I get to prove to myself that I'm as good as I think I am when things are going great anytime I'm being tested I just remind myself God is asking me do you really really want this number eight improving yourself daily is the only addiction you need I am addicted to the expansion of my being I love waking up every day a little
bit better a little bit more refined a little bit more focus a little stronger a little more confidence a little bit more full of joy a little bit more full of grace if you wake up with the attitude of just 1% better every day and if you have a step back that's okay give yourself a break but just keep focusing on being better make that obsession the thing you go find every day that will change your whole life number nine is you teach people how to treat you I see this all the time where someone
is responding to a text message and then they're upset that the person didn't email them or a customer cancels a meeting and you say nothing and then they continuously cancel meetings on you and you're just like why do they always do that you teach people how to treat you if you don't set your standard you don't communicate your preference if you don't hold that standard then people around you are going to continue to do things that frustrate you because you haven't said anything whereas the first time they do it and you tell them that becomes
the new Norm they will treat you differently just like somebody it's always late if you allow them to be late you never leave without them then they'll never learn the lesson and you've taught them that that's okay number 10 it's better to admit you walk through the wrong door than to spend a lot of time in the wrong room see often times we're born into a city that we didn't choose a school that we didn't choose a friend group honestly we didn't really choose they just sat next to us in high school and instead of
acknowledging that maybe that scenario that place isn't the best for us and moving on we stay in it way too long and I will tell you the faster you can acknowledge and move the better your life's going to be number 11 you waiting for a sign is a sign back when I was a teenager I made a series of bad decisions that landed me in jail and in that moment I turned to God and I said show me a sign the fact that I was asking was the sign the fact that I needed him was
proof the fact that I was at Rock Bottom sometimes is God showing you that he is the rock at the bottom so you don't need another sign if you want one this is it number 12 nothing you've gone through has made you weaker anytime somebody's struggling or having an issue in their business or their personal life I always remind them that you've gone through worse you've made it through it and the reason why you are who you are today is because of those conflicts those challenges those setbacks we don't get better without having to go
through things this is just another opportunity for you to grow number 13 everything wants you when you want nothing the person that has the most power the most confidence the most status in a room is a person that needs nothing from anybody else when you come off as somebody that's needy it feels that way that energy is kind of like icky when you can get to a place where you don't need anything and you focus on you and what you can control that's actually when abundance is going to show up into your life number 14
you have to be willing to be misunderstood for long periods of time to be successful if you have a vision for your life that is bigger than anything anybody around you today is trying to do then they won't understand why you do what you do and that's normal it means they're going to misunderstand you they're not going to understand why you're doing certain things why you're sacrificing while you're showing up a certain way and that's okay because all those people that misunderstood you will brag about being your friend once you win number 15 when things
get easy go hard every time I get to another level and things start getting easy I remind myself how I used to act when I was starting off most people start to climb that mountain have some success and then chill out my whole thing is why am I not acting the same way I was when I had nothing because I had a vision for my life it was way bigger and if anything you should go hard when things start getting easy to remind yourself that you're still fighting for the bigger dreams number 16 only ask
for advice from people who have been where you want to go if the person giving you advice has never achieved the thing you want to do then their strategy is going to be flawed it doesn't matter how many books they've read it doesn't matter how many things they think other people have done it doesn't matter how many stories that they share about things they heard from somebody else if they themselves have not done it then their feedback is going to be tainted it's going to be flawed and honestly they're going to give you the wrong
blueprint to achieve so always find the people that have been to the place you want to be and ask them for their advice number 17 the word no is a complete sentence you're allowed to just say no I know that you're worried about hurting people's feelings but what about your your feelings have you ever said yes to somebody and you went to a thing and then you're there and you're like why am I here or you get on a call with somebody that you don't know that somebody introduced to you 3 months ago and you're
like why am I on this call you're allowed to just say no and a no today is a yes to your future number 18 don't dim your light to make other people feel comfortable if you shine in your light and being who you are and be authentically yourself blinds other people because that is too much for them then I'd rather you be too much and they can go find less number 19 have a primary aim for your life people ask me all the time why are you so motivated my response is why are you not
more motivated I know why I'm here I know what my life is going to stand for I know what my purpose is when we have that primary aim it becomes the fuel to pull us forward to achieve some incredible things in our lives number 20 stop reading books start studying them see there's a difference if I'm reading a book just to say I read it I'm not going to retain it if I'm reading a book cuz I'm studying it to not only apply to my life to then teach other people that consumption that level of
comprehension is going to change and shift my beliefs my actions and the way I show up for other people that's what it means to study a book number 21 always assume positive intent you're driving somebody cuts you off you can use that moment to get road rage and get pissed off and start flipping them the bird and screaming at them and then take the whole morning processing how that person did you wrong or you can assume positive intent that maybe they're in a rush cuz somebody they love is in the hospital either one is as
likely to be true the second one enables you to not emotionally over respond keeping you focus on your dreams number 22 put your own mask on first before helping others when the plane's going down they tell you put the mask on so that you have the capacity to help people around you most of you guys get distracted by other people's dramas other issues and it takes you off of your pursuit to becoming better the truth is is you can't help those other people until you get the resources so if you keep getting distracted Ed and
you don't get those Resources by the time they really need your help you're not going to be ready for it number 23 look for problems don't avoid them I can tell you that the quality of your life the size of your life is correlated to the size of problems you have in your life so instead of being worried about having big problems actually go find bigger problems to solve number 24 your new life will cost you your old one if you want to move forward it's going to require you to change the way you've been
which will mean that how you've been living will not work for the future cuz if it did you'd already have the things you want so if you're not willing to reassess let go cut things out of your life then you'll always be held back from your past from creating a brighter future number 25 confidence comes from keeping the commitments you make to yourself in private most of you want more confidence but the truth is is you rode that confidence every time you make a commitment that nobody else knows about and you don't follow through you
don't get up at 5:00 a.m. when you said you would you don't go to the gym when you said you would you don't eat clean when you said you would and every time you do that you chip away at your confidence to the point where you start having self-doubt anxiety imposter syndrome number 26 dedicate a decade not a day some people go to the gym once and they can't shut up about it they're like oh my God I got an arm pump that was so great I'm not impressed with anybody that does something for a
day a week a month even for a year when you're willing to dedicate a decade of your time energy focus and resources to achieving something trust me the world will cude in your favor to be great number 27 treat others the way you want to be treated if you want more love in your life then give more love if you want higher quality relationships then be a better friend the more you show up with respect with motivation with positivity with non-judgment the rest of the world will treat you the exact same way number 28 tell
people about them most powerful thing you have is the acknowledgement of somebody doing something great in your life you never know when that word that sentence that moment might be the thing that actually could have saved somebody's life and I know that sounds dramatic but I've seen it happen so many times you have no idea what people are going through around you and that one compliment at the right time for the right person might be the thing they needed to stop a downward spiral number 29 if you keep running into bad people you may be
the problem I was training with my buddy the other day and he's a bit of a complainer I was like hey man do you realize that you complain a lot he's like I've never really noticed that I was like yeah and I bet your friends complain a lot because misery loves company so if if a lot of drama is in your life you might be the person creating the drama it's nobody else's fault like go look in a mirror number 30 avoid drama and gossip at all costs if you want to be a high level
person don't spend time in Drama and gossip they're allergic to it as soon as they hear it they run away from it why because they're spending all their time in a place of opportunity and Creation in the future and in that space there's no place for that drama and that gossiping number 31 fear gives bad advice in those dark periods those moments where you want to give up where you just feel like you've had enough just know that that is when you are giving yourself the worst advice don't take it from you find somebody else
give them the scenario and ask maybe two or three people that's the best way to overcome those moments where you're full of fear number 32 it's never too late to change I don't care if you're 87 or 27 I'm telling you today in this moment you have an opportunity to decide to change your life and every body had to take that first step I had to take that first step I had to start at zero everybody goes through it and today could be the day for you number 33 get rid of all your vices and
I'm talking about all them talking about the gambling the porn the social media the news the sugar the friends the drama some of you guys are addicted to things that you don't realize are holding you back if you want more you have to let things go from the past so that you have space for the more number 34 if you're addicted to your phone your life just isn't interesting enough if the best thing you got is being distracted by Doom scrolling on social media go pick up some Hobbies go get around people that are living
life a little bit more exciting I'm telling you if you start doing things in the real world that freak you out that scare you a little bit that push you over your Edge that's way more interesting than you just sitting there getting these dopamine hits on social media number 35 take on as much responsibility as you can you've got capacity offer to help people especially people that are in a position to serve you and your dream going forward always say yes always say yes the person that's always available will figure out through that overwhelm how
to get more done and eventually you'll be the person that they default to to get involved in really cool projects number 36 don't blame anybody else but yourself I'm talking anybody I'm talking all circumstances the end of the day as soon as you blame somebody else for where you're at you lose control as soon as you acknowledge that nobody's coming to save you and that you are in control of your life your decisions your circumstances and no matter what anybody else is doing you will then unlock the ability to move forward if it's other people
that need to like me or do things to be successful I'll never win number 37 be blissfully dissatisfied with where you're at in life and I got this from my coach Ed mlet you want to understand that what you've got today you should be crazy grateful for as little or as big as it is but at the same time know and believe that you are here and created for something more and that's the dissatisfied part it sounds like a dichotomy but I'm telling you you can have gratitude and at the same time realize you were
created for more number 38 make time for what matters to you if you tell me your family's important your girlfriend's important your best friend's important show me in your calendar where you've dedicated time to it see a lot of people say things are important but they don't make them a priority any new request from strangers end up in their calendar way before the thing that they said is important if it matters to you you make time for it number 39 respect comes from admiration not fear I look up to people that are givers that have
done big things I'm not looking up to people are respecting folks just cuz I'm scared of what they might do to me or they won't accept me for example you might have a boss and you're worried they're going to fire you all the time that person isn't a good person I want to follow a leader that's going to hold me to a higher standard that's also going to show up and Coach me to become better that's somebody I admire when you can change your frame to find the people that you admire because of how they
show up in the world as a giver you'll change because you're not going to dim your light to help somebody that wasn't going to help you unless it helped them number 40 life is a mirror not a window see a lot of you guys are spending time looking out the windows comparing yourself to other people and the truth is is your life is a reflection of who you are the world isn't as it is the world is as you are and it is a mirror so if you want the rest of the thing to get
better you got to get better and it's based on what you see when you look in that mirror are you capable are you creating are you pushing forward that's the most powerful lesson out of all of them if you want to learn the eight Money Rules that I wish I knew in my 20s click the link and I'll see you on the other side
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