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WHO ARE THE 4 WOMEN OF REVELATION The last book in the New Testament, Revelation, contains some of t...
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foreign did you know there are four women featured in The Book of Revelation as we explore each one it's likely that at least one will resonate with us personally each woman represents something different and symbolizes an idea so take a moment to ask yourself which of these females described from the Bible corresponds to where I am right now could have a huge impact on your future let's find out more Jezebel is our first lady in Revelation chapter 2 verse 20 jesus takes aim at this woman when he says nevertheless I have this against you you tolerate that woman Jezebel who calls herself a Prophet by her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols it looks like she could be religious or maybe even Christians and she calls herself a prophetess but her actions mean something else it seems like sexual immorality has become an issue for her that means there are some clear red flags here about what kind of person this lady really is possible that you are watching this video right now and you're a Christian who is engaging in sexual immorality maybe it's the case that you think sleeping around with multiple women proves something about your manliness perhaps if married there has been an affair or maybe when single or married visiting websites which can get one into trouble or could it be as a woman using sex to have men do whatever she wants at any rate this Jezebel type person might not just be someone generally religious but potentially involved heavily at church too what brings us here today why watch this particular video are we part of those people mentioned above seeking help for our own behavior pattern and how do such things fit into being both religious and immoral simultaneously anyway she may be religious and he may also be but each of them is still strongly impacted by the sexual culture while saying they are God's servants [Music] going to Revelation chapter 12. we find that there's another female mentioned as the woman clothed with the Sun in verses 1 and 2 she appears like this a great sign appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars on her head she was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth it makes you wonder who could this lady symbolize who exactly is the female in Revelation chapter 12. to answer that question it's important to look back at Joseph's dream remember how he dreamed his parents would bow down before him well hundreds of years later we can read about this same woman and her son in Revelation 12.
one two then a great sign appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars on her head she was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth so who is this mysterious lady mentioned all those centuries ago by Joseph we now know from Revelations that she represents Mary Mother of Jesus Christ what an amazing connection between two different books written so far apart it shows us God's plan for salvation has been unfolding since long before these two stories were ever recorded just who is this mysterious figure described back during Genesis Times by Joseph then reappearing again hundreds of years later through John's Vision as outlined within Revelations chapter 12. if you recall it began many moons prior when one man had what seemed like just another Daydream his name being Joseph he envisioned his mommy and daddy bowing down right there at his very feet someday I'm suggesting here for you to take yourself over towards Genesis 37 9 up until 11 where scripture States and yet he went ahead and expressed even more dreams who might be the lady included inside of Revelation 12 1 2. it's really critical to step backwards Plus have a glance at that exact dream which Joseph had shared previously hundreds upon one hundreds of years later we get to check out this precise woman plus her child described throughout these corresponding verses and next a huge signal shown within Heaven a female clothed inside sunlight using Moon underneath her aft alongside an Imperial Crown flaunting to leave distinctive stars above her mind obviously expecting pretty shortly before birthing as such we see directly here how our Almighty Lord shares with us in advance his solemn plan for Redemption spanning through generations way prior to both stories becoming written down look he said I had another dream and this time the sun moon and 11 stars were bowing down to me when Jacob told his dad as well as his brothers about it they didn't take him seriously his father even rebuked him saying what kind of a dream was that do you really expect your mother and I along with all our brothers will bow before you even though his siblings got envious at what he shared but still their father kept thinking on it the interpretation of this particular vision is quite clear Sun signifies Jacob himself who later went by name Israel the moon and the stars represent Joseph's family Joseph has a special connection with his family one that is represented by something in nature the moon symbolizes his mother Rachel while the 11 stars represent each of her sons plus Joseph himself they make up the 12 tribes of Israel This Woman's identity is made even clearer when we look at Verses 4 to 6 from chapter 12.
a dragon was positioned in front of the expecting mother prepared to snatch away her child as soon he or she was born it paints a vivid picture you can almost see it happening right before your eyes what would have been going through their minds how did things ultimately turn out for them she gave birth to a son a male child who would rule all the nations with an iron scepter then her baby was taken up by God and brought to his throne to flee for safety from what's coming next this woman went into the Wilderness where God had set aside a place of Refuge just for her she would stay there 1260 days most Bible scholars conclude that this woman symbolizes none other than Israel because it says here in these lines that she was pregnant and about to give birth any minute now to a royal Boy Child who'd have power over every nation through his iron rod and then he'd be lifted unto God on high at his Heavenly throne this could only mean one person Lord Jesus Christ himself so logically it follows that indeed this female figure must represent Israel itself you may be asking yourself I'm not from Israel so how can this woman represent me let's take it a step further what do we know about Jews they are religious folks praying multiple times throughout the day and attending synagogue regularly even though they have strong Devotion to their faith Unfortunately they reject Jesus as the only way for salvation if you're watching this video right now and consider yourself spiritual or deeply devoted to your beliefs but don't accept Jesus yet I just want you to know that he is waiting with open arms for you maybe you feel like you've got a connection with God maybe there are those around who believe in the almighty but do not accept Jesus as real or perhaps it's that what is written about our Lord and savior just does not make sense to you you might pray fast or follow certain religious doctrines yet still refuse to see Jesus Christ as the one and only way back home heaven Heaven as John 14 6 puts it so clearly I am the road I am the truth and I am your life no human can get near father God unless they come through me if you can relate to that second woman then I want to encourage you from the bottom of my heart right now put your faith in Jesus Christ he's the only path towards God now let's talk about this third lady who is causing quite a stir it's none other than the great prostitute described in Revelation 17 and 18. most theologians believe she stands for some kind of erroneous worldwide religious system which will be around during the tribulation period lasting seven years there may come a time when the whole world has been tricked by the Antichrist and false prophet and forced together into some kind of bogus spiritual system people would naturally ask themselves where did this idea originate how can we know it's accurate we get our answers from Revelation chapter 17 here is where they refer to Babylon yes that City mentioned in Genesis with its Tower of Babel from then on many wrong worship systems have sprouted up through history across Babylon hence theologians reckon that this woman symbolizes all idolatrous faiths verse 5 reads on her forehead was written a name mystery hidden within Babylon the great City mother of all prostitutes and horrible Abominations [Music] this gives us the Insight that whatever this phony religion is it's the big one it's the ultimate illustration of wrong Faith versus reality so how is this incorrect spiritual system depicted let's keep going a bit further and I'll demonstrate to you how you can correspond with this third female in the Book of Revelation to start off with revisiting an earlier suggestion we once more witnessed the notion of sexual misconduct some scholars believe it alludes to physical carnal sinfulness some people think it is a sign of spiritual infidelity let's take a look at what verse 2 and chapter 17 has to say with her the kings of the earth committed adultery and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries so everybody who follows this false religion could be under its influence somehow which makes you wonder are there any such groups that have been gaining momentum lately it looks like they'd allow and even promote sexual misconduct are there any religious bodies today that portray themselves as true followers of Christianity yet still allow sexual immorality among their members well let's move on to the next one the second thing we can observe about this false religion is it's verse 15 tells us the waters you saw where the prostitute was sitting are peoples crowds Nations and languages this speaks volumes it is a kind of global presence for this system such an intensity that would be difficult to match by most associations claiming to be genuinely Christian while also practicing sinful activities like adultery or promiscuity within their ranks it could even refer to certain churches which have created structures and embraced doctrines diametrically opposed those originally established by Jesus Christ himself these so-called Christians seem oblivious and unwilling when it comes to Discerning what God truly wants from them namely absolute Purity both inside out outside his Temple walls have you ever asked yourself what could go wrong in the world over seven years we've got some answers about a global false religion that's set to rise during this period known as tribulation and it appears everyone will be affected regardless of their nationality Faith or language you might have heard already there are lots of groups out there who promote an inclusive attitude when it comes to beliefs and backgrounds they claim people can find multiple paths towards god without having any specific Creed or culture attached to them sort of like going down one long road with many branches leading off from it at intervals so if we keep that idea in mind regarding this coming tribulation period then perhaps we should not dismiss such Notions entirely three characteristics of a global false religion that will be present during the tribulation period the third characteristic we recognize concerning this Global false religion that will show during the tribulation period is its conflict with Christians and Christianity verse 6 States I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God's holy people Those Who Bore testimony to Jesus no matter what type of system it could be it will try to suppress followers of Christ even leading them into martyrdom what might this signify and how can anyone associate themselves with this image to have one single unified World Faith requires accepting there are many paths roads or Ways available in seeking out God besides through Jesus Christ it's very probable that somebody willing to dilute their Christian beliefs from Fear they may contradict someone else by taking an unequivocal stand defines here described religious sect friend mine I'm not sure about anything however all evidence points towards Progressive Christianity as being part structure for emerging false religious organization worldwide right now what does these mean for us today it indicates if you do not strongly hold your biblical values then you would never experience true peace within yourself nor find shelter when calamities arise upon earthy realm because such only comes from trusting completely on Lord Almighty no matter whatever goes around externally including our own emotions feeling internally too thus living consecrated life under watchful eyes divine Savior while motivating others develop embracing relationship Yahweh seems most wise thing ever possible person consider doing since who alone has words eternal life which compared any worldly teachings appear so mundane transient almost worthless really but still valuable spiritual terms yet again Progressive Christianity is a recent development in protestantism that emphasizes social justice Environmental Protection and oftentimes includes a non-conventional perception of scripture since this movement encompasses various beliefs and opinions on diverse subjects it's hard to determine if it strictly follows the Bible or goes against its teachings every statement made by Progressive Christians should be tested for truth using God's word anything not matching up with what is written there ought to be discarded the Bible is full of advice for us to pay attention to orphans and widows in their struggles James 1 27 and take care of the planet God gave us Genesis 1 28. so Progressive Christianity which looks at these verses as important aligns with scripture but unfortunately certain aspects of progressive Christianity aren't in line with what's written in the Bible generally speaking members don't accept that every single word from the Bible comes directly from God they are not convinced it's 100 True Progressive Christianity has a different take on salvation than what's found in the Bible instead of individual Redemption from an eternity apart from God they tend to emphasize Collective salvation the scriptures make it crystal clear that folks only get saved when they accept Jesus as their Savior and put their faith in him so Progressive Christians have views about this topic which go against biblical teachings however be very cautious when assessing any particular assertion or belief in terms of scripture the range of Concepts identified by the term Progressive Christianity is too wide reaching to definitively conclude whether they can be deemed unbiblical across the board as with any issue that's uncertain it would behoove a Christian to compare every claim made by Progressive Christianity members against scripture and seek God for wisdom so as to recognize truth from error he has guaranteed knowledge for all those who search after it James 1 5.
no matter what this counterfeit religion happens to be I suggest you take Extreme Caution regarding its end result in Revelation chapter 18 verse 21 there reads that a powerful Angel took up an enormous Stone like a millstone and casted it into sea saying with such violence will Babylon great City fall down never again my buddy please don't let yourself become part of this now we get to the fourth lady that I really hope everyone can relate with talked about in Revelation as we explore the Book of Revelation it's clear that this great prostitute is known for her contamination by sin lies and impurity but when compared to this character the bride of Christ couldn't be more different because she has been purified she wears white robes which have been washed clean due to Jesus the groom having cleansed and purified her is there something you're carrying around with you right now physically or mentally speaking preventing your being fully who God made you after the devastation of the great prostitute John beholds this he announces in Revelation 19 verse 7.
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