how y'all doing welcome let's go [Music] your life was the only gift [Music] like this forever [Music] [Music] put your hands together i don't wanna love nobody love nobody and i really mean at this time all i wanna do all is [Music] [Music] [Music] break it down [Music] i don't wanna love nobody on i don't wanna love nobody but you i don't wanna love nobody love nobody man happy new year happy good year happy to a better year my name is kirk franklin and i'm so humble and honored to be here i'm tying the desk
with you and i'm so grateful that you joined me and these incredible singers and musicians please help me show some love this incredible team tia melody dion mike ebony dede terry matt grammy award winner sean martin we're so glad to be here with you celebrating our people all people all god's people man i'm just so grateful that i'm standing on some great shoulders all the incredible people from thomas dorsey to james cleveland andre crouch to walter hawkins even quincy jones everybody that has contributed to gospel music and the message of hope and light and i
just want to keep the party going can i keep the party going i know you're at the crib i know you're at home right now sitting in your drawers listening to some jesus music it's okay jesus loves you in your drawers those are your drawers he blessed you with them drawers then he bless them with them those are your trolls those are your trolls yo [Music] send this with us y'all old school come [Music] on [Music] no riches no [Music] think you remember this remember this [Music] three part three come on y'all [Music] yeah yeah
yeah [Music] come it up on [Music] [Music] [Music] if you still haven't put on any clothes yet we're gonna groove a little bit more right now in one sock i see you with just one sock on with a flip-flop or a house shoe i see you you look crazy but jesus loves you still let's go [Music] [Music] just rock to the left to the right like this like this come on [Music] like that everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody everybody come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's all you're getting now that's all you're gonna
get now but after the pandemic i'm coming to your house and i'm bringing everybody and we're gonna do this in your living room your living room your living room your living room your living room everybody get a concert be encouraged man i know that 2020 was difficult i believe that there's still hope for you in 2021 because the same god that loves us loves you he's not forgotten about you and there's a greater plan for your life and all you got to do no matter what you face even if you don't have all your teeth
even if you have one tooth just one good tooth right mike that's right all you need is one good one sean right that's right just one good two all you got to do is smile and i said [Music] and don't forget the team [Music] babies here's the truth y'all [Music] everybody you do come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] didn't that sound good didn't that feel good to you i want you to smile you cried too long it's small time second first [Music] do show cute thing y'all [Music] i need you to get up on your feet
come on [Music] [Music] everybody rock with morocco mistakes come on are y'all ready are you ready [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] take it up come on come on [Music] oh i hope you enjoyed yourself i hope you enjoyed yourself we appreciate you all for letting us be in your house come on everybody one two three support for npr comes from state farm