10 Crazy Signs Your Dog Thinks They’re the Boss

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Doggy Drifts
Does your dog think they're the boss? In this video, we reveal 10 crazy signs that your dog might be...
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our beloved K9 companions can sometimes display behaviors that suggest they believe they're in charge of the household while these actions can be adorable sometimes it's too much and you might find yourself getting a bit tired of your dog's Antics in this video we're going to uncover 10 crazy signs that your dog thinks they're the boss number 10 demanding bark your dog barks incessantly until their demands are met whether they want food attention or to go outside this persistent barking is a clear sign that they think they are in charge and can control your actions through
their vocal commands this behavior is their way of asserting dominance and ensuring they get exactly what they want when they want it to manage this Behavior it's important not to give in their demands immediately instead wait for a moment of silence before rewarding them with what they want for example if your dog is barking for food wait until they are quiet before feeding them this helps them understand that barking does not equal instant gratification number nine interrupting your activities your dog nudges your hand jumps on you or places their toys on your lap when you're
busy demanding immediate attention this Behavior indicates they think they should be the center of your attention at all times regardless of what you're doing it's their way of saying stop everything and focus on me whether you're busy typing an important email engrossed in a good book or focused on a project your dog sees these moments as the perfect time to demand your attention to address this it's important to set set specific times for play and interaction with your dog by establishing a routine your dog will learn when to expect your undivided attention schedule regular intervals
throughout the day when you can dedicate your full attention to playing with your dog interactive toys tug-of war ropes and fetch games can keep them engaged and satisfy their need for attention number eight guarding their owner from other dogs or people dogs exhibiting dominant Behavior May display protective Tendencies towards their parent guarding them against perceived threats this can manifest as growling barking or lunging at other dogs or people who approach their parent on one hand it might seem endearing that your dog is so devoted to protecting you however this behavior is actually problematic such overprotectiveness
can lead to aggressive encounters and make social interactions stressful it's important to address this Behavior to ensure your dog feels secure without needing to guard you excessively start by socializing your dog with with other people and pets in controlled environments reward calm and friendly Behavior with treats and praise number seven stealing food your dog takes food from counters tables or even from your hand without permission this Behavior indicates they believe they have the right to any food within reach acting as if all food in the house belongs to them to curb this Behavior it's crucial
to set clear boundaries start by keeping food Out Of Reach and not leaving food unattended when you're eating make sure your dog is not hovering nearby begging or trying to snatch food teach them to stay in a designated spot during meal times number six controlling walks does your dog pull on the leash decide the direction or refuse to walk unless they get what they want this Behavior indicates they believe they should lead the way during walks essentially taking control of the outing to fix this start by using a sturdy leash and a well-fitted harness or
collar practice walking with your dog in a controlled environment ment where you can reinforce good behavior when your dog starts to pull or decide the direction just stop walking immediately wait until they return to your side or the leash slackens before continuing this way they learn that pulling won't get them anywhere number five guarding resources resource guarding in dogs also known as possessive aggression can be quite alarming and scary for a dog owner to experience imagine going to grab a chew that your dog has whittel down to a tiny piece to prevent them from swallowing
it only to be confronted with teeth bearing growling or even lunging and biting or perhaps you try to sit next to your dog on the couch and are met with a hard stare and a low growl this behavior isn't limited to interactions with humans resource guarding can happen between pets as well a dog may show food aggression if another dog walks by or might even guard you from another dog especially if there are food items or toys involved if you've recently brought home a new puppy or adopted dog your other dog might start showing new
aggressive behaviors around their toys and food while this is most often seen around food items a dog can develop resource guarding with any item they deem valuable this might be something we don't consider very important like a sock but to your dog that sock could be their most beloved possession think of it as the ring to their Golem to manage this Behavior it's essential to teach your dog that sharing is a positive thing practice trading games where you offer a high value treat in exchange for the item they're guarding over time they'll learn that giving
up their prized possessions can lead to even better rewards always praise and reward them for calm Behavior around their resources number four ignoring commands does your dog act like they can't hear you when you call them ignoring commands is a classic sign that they think they're the boss it's like they're saying I'll come when I'm good and ready not when you tell me to to fix this start by making sure your dog knows that listening to you is rewarding use their favorite treats toys or lots of Praise when they follow your commands if your dog
ignores you don't get frustrated make training sessions short and fun to keep their attention number three constant licking does your dog constantly lick you demanding your attention or affection while licking can be a sign of love when it's constant it often means they think they're in control it's like they're saying I want your attention now excessive licking especially directed towards their parent or other dogs can be a sign of dominance and a way for your dog to assert control it might seem cute at first but it can become overwhelming and even problematic to manage this
Behavior it's essential to redirect their attention when your dog starts licking you excessively gently interrupt them with a firm no and offer them a toy or chew instead this helps them understand there are better ways to interact number two demanding play some dogs with dominant Tendencies will demand play by playing King toys in your lap or dropping them at your feet over and over this behavior is all about controlling the interaction and getting you to engage on their terms to handle this set specific play times and stick to them when your dog demands play outside
of these times gently but firmly ignore them wait until they settle down before initiating play this way they learn that playtime happens when you decide number one putting their paws on you dogs are smart and quickly learn that putting their paw on you often results in getting what they want whether it's petting playtime or treats for example if you're busy working at your desk and your dog places their paw on your keyboard they're trying to interrupt you and grab your attention it might be cute but it's also assign they think they can control your focus
and actions similarly if you're sitting at the dining table and your dog places their paw on your lap they're trying to tell you to share your food this persistent pouring can also happen when you're on the phone or engaged in a conver conversation indicating they believe they should always be the center of your attention to handle this you need to make sure interactions happen on your terms when your dog puts their paws on you or your stuff don't respond right away gently remove their paw and wait for them to be calm before giving them attention
this way they learn that being calm is what gets your attention so these were the crazy signs that your dog thinks they're the boss while these behaviors can be amusing and even cute it's important to address them to maintain a balanced and happy relationship with your furry friend if you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
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