Is There Anything I Can Do For You? | Pastor Chad Veach | Elevation Church

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Elevation Church
When you know God has been faithful to you, you can’t help but want to offer everything you have bac...
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anybody happy to be in church [Music] today when I was growing up my parents used to always quote that scripture I was glad when they said unto me let us go to the what to the house of the Lord and I'm just so thankful to be at elevation do you love your church [Applause] [Music] today do you love your pastors today I'm going to preach in just a moment but um and again I want to just say uh I reiterate Pastor JJ did such a great job thanking everybody for giving but just in the aftermath
of the hurricane can we just honor everyone that's being generous and giving let's pray let's come on let's really stir our faith to help those that are in need right now the devastation is overwhelming and what an opportunity I see it as an opportunity uh for the Church to step up and be what we're called to be amen and so I love your church and I love your pastors and uh I got to be with him I live in Los Angeles and the tour Elevation Worship nights came through Los Angeles California I got to tell
you la wasn't ready for Pastor Steven they weren't ready for him and I have never been to a concert where every single song that they sang when they started it I was like oh this is my favorite one this is my favorite one this is my favorite then they sing another one I'm like oh but this one right here here cuzz I got memories with these songs I've been through some things with these songs I cried in my card of these songs come on clap and give honor where honor is due if you're grateful for
the sacrifice of Elevation Church and Pastor stepen the Hol and we're we're um we're called We're called to give honor where honor is due you know how sometimes the rent is due today I I feel like the honor is due Pastor Steven is a gift not just to Charlotte and to Elevation but to the to the world to the body of Christ and uh I say right now just as he's resting today I say we pray for him right now just as a church you know just a a hedge of protection over his family that
the blessing of God would be all over his home and his life and Pastor Harley the same come on Church let's just pray for Pastor Stephen right now father we declare in the name of Jesus your goodness and your mercy will follow them all the days of their life we thank you that as they've refreshed Boise and Salt Lake City and Los Angeles God you said that those that refresh others will they themselves be refreshed so God fill up his cup we thank you God for the pastor that he is the leader that he is
and we just thank you for a blessing today in Jesus name and everybody said together come on clap one more time anybody love the Bible today we're going to jump right in in just a moment but before before you do turn and say hi to somebody as you take a seat turn and say hi to somebody go in your Bible to Romans CH 12 Romans CH 12 it is good to be in church today any married people in church today yeah yeah my wife and I just celebrated 16 years of marriage she is blessed come
on we we have four children we're about to be in the odds I'm about to have 13 11 9 and seven we like a rock band we put them out every two years but I stopped that years ago I said uhuh no more we I told my wife we would have been good with two we would have dominated two kids but we had two too many they're dominating us now but um God has been so good to us my wife and I we planted a church in Los Angeles we just celebrated 9 years of our
church in LA and in 9 years in 9 years we've seen 13,000 people say yes to Jesus in La come on clap if you believe God is good but it's it's an honor to be here and and and I I want to jump right in because Romans chapter 12 we're going to go to verse four what I love about Jesus is that he has offered us the invitation of a lifetime and the invitation of a lifetime time to me is not just believing in Jesus but I think it gets fun when you start following Jesus
but just to believe is not that fun but the adventure of a lifetime to me is when you say yes to following Jesus you never know where he's going to take your life you never know what God's going to do in you and you never know what God's going to do through you and so I want to talk today as you discover as you walk with God you discover what what is he gifting you to do on this Earth what has he placed in your life the more I follow Jesus the more I discover my
gifting my my talents my unique makeup to go make a difference in the world look here Romans 12:4 I love these scriptures as Paul he's writing for the by for by the grace given to me I say to every one of you do not think of yourself more highly than you ought to that's a word for Cowboy fans come on somebody Hallelujah I felt the Holy Ghost when I said it too I felt the Holy Ghost when I said it I was like who is it for bam Cowboy fans Cowboy fans are so cute y'all
are cute y'all are cute cuz every year I'm I let me preach the word okay but rather rather think of yourself with sober judgment in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you for just as each of us has one body with many members as these members do not all have the same function so in Christ we though many form one body and each member belongs to all the others you know what you know what I love about seeing that video about what we're doing to help is that we need Samaritans purse
we need Convoy of hope we need Elevation Church come on anybody thankful we're just playing our part in a really big thing verse six we have different gifts according to the grace given to each of us if your gift is prophesying then prophesy in accordance with your faith if it is serving then serve if it is teaching then teach if it is to encourage then give encouragement if it is giving then give generously if it is to lead do it diligently if it is to show Mercy do it cheerfully love must be sincere hate what
is evil cling to what is good be devoted to one another in love honor one another above yourselves never be lacking in Zeal but keep your spiritual fervor serving the lord oh come on clap today that's just good reading right there that's just that's not even preaching that's reading I want to preach a message today right down the title is there anything I can do for you is there anything that I can do for you see I know how much God has done for me I know what God has done in my life God pulled
me out of a pit set my feet upon a rock put a new song in my mouth I don't know about you but I was dead but now I'm alive I was blind but now I see come on anybody thankful today for what Jesus has done has God been good to anybody here today come on give him a better praise than that if you believe God is good God I like to say this way God has been better than I deserve and he has been greater than I could imagine he has been better than I
could ever deserve but I tell you he has been better than I have ever imagined God has been so good to me God gave me his Spirit God gave me salvation God gave me my health today God gave me a beautiful family God hooked me up so much he gave me two extra kids but when I think about all that God has done for me come on how could I not in return say Lord is there anything that I could do for you cuz I know your faithfulness I know your healing power I know what
you've done for me but I just want to just pause for a second and say Lord is there anything that this is there anything that I could potentially possibly do for you when we when we moved to La we left Seattle Washington to move to Los Angeles we got we got out of Egypt y'all and so it rained too much up there so when we moved down we had two kids in those days just two of them and we were driving down we didn't we didn't have a staff we didn't have an office we didn't
have we didn't have a house we found our house we were on I5 in Sacramento and my wife was looking on craz list for a place to live and so we found it but we were in Sacramento so we we still had a long drive so we sent a friend to check out the house the neighborhood she couldn't get in but she could check out the house she said the neighborhood's fine so we said yes to the house we got the home on Craigslist we rented a house to go plant this church while we were
there while we were driving my wife mentioned to me that she has a family friend from New Zealand that was also moving to La for a job and she said this home that we just rented has an extra H extra room and she's looking for a place to live what do you think about renting out a room to this to my my childhood friend from New Zealand I was like we're Church planners we need the money Hallelujah yes and what I remember about this girl from New Zealand when we planned a church and and she
helped us there was 11 people that started in our living room started this church Zoe Church in LA and what I remember about this girl the most is that she would go to everybody in the church and she'd always ask if she could help like mate yeah could I help you mate is there anything I could do mate yeah shock mock Bluey yeah m good on you but I remember that's what I remember the is is there anything that I could do to help this is like me in my house with my wife my wife
runs our home she runs our house she is the boss at our house I don't have a clue what's going on so I just every day breakfast lunch and dinner I'm like can I do can I help is there any do you need can I do anything to help she she said the other day I finally figured out what your gift is your gift in this home what you do is you could you're good at dropping off the kids I was like yeah I'm really good at dropping I can get rid of them kids yes
I know how to do that that's about all I know how to do but I I wonder today if we could get to the place where we could come to God and say Lord I don't know what I'm exactly gifted in but whatever I have is there anything that I could do for you I'm I'm see you got to get a life with a view in view of your mercy in view of the cross in view of your faithfulness I can survey and see what you've done for me and so God in response of gratitude
I just want to ask is there anything that I can do for you see the problem is is that a lot of us we we we we find out our gift or our talent and we fall in love with our gift more than our God we we are mesmerized with our talents and our capabilities and I want to just give give you four things to write down today write down number one don't fall in love with your gift fall in love with the Gift Giver don't fall in love with your talent don't fall in love
with how gifted you are and how amazing you are if you got the gift to teach don't fall in love with your teaching gift if you got the gift to sing don't fall in love with your singing gift if you got the whatever your gift is don't fall in love with your gift we live in a culture that is obsessed with their gift they are they are mesmerized by their talent they are mesmerized by their ability vanity of vanities look at how awesome I am look at how great I am look at the business I
can build look at the songs I can write no I want to encourage you today don't fall in love with your gift fall in love with your God this is Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter 1 says they started to worship creation rather than worshiping the Creator we got to be careful in this culture to not discover our gift and fall in love with it to monetize it to just make it about us and our kingdom no as we follow God he shows us what he's put inside of us when you were born God God didn't
kind of come up with a plan like wow what are we going to do with this one no when you were in your mother's womb the Bible says you were fearfully and wonderfully made God was was stuff in your life with potential and capability and calling and anointing and future Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 1 before I was born you appointed me a prophet to the Nations God has a plan for your life God knows what he wants to do with your life God has something for you to do on this Earth You got to discover
your gift so you can make a difference in the world don't fall in love with your gift fall in love with your God where are all the loud people at let me just hear you if you're [Applause] loud hey they were waiting weren't they loud people can't wait to be loud they just excited like they just wake up loud I'm half Mexican any Latin in the house I'm hey God does not make quiet Latins that is just impossible we come out the womb loud laa la Mama we just about to look us forever holes that's
the way God made you where are the quiet people at quiet people don't even like to raise their hand that's the way God made you and we need you to be you walk confident in your calling walk confident in your grace but don't fall in love with your grace don't fall in love with your gift fall in love with your maker fall in love with your creator fall in love with your savior fall in love with his presence oh come on clap today if you want to love God more than you love yourself there's a
story in Daniel chapter 4 of King Nebuchadnezzar King Nebuchadnezzar one day he walks out on his roof and he's out on the on the on the rooftop and he's walking around he's like dang look at me am I not amazing look at look at what I've look at what I've created you ever be around somebody that's so impressed with themsel you ever be around somebody that's just like wow you're still talking about you that's crazy wow hold on let me just you Dro that name let me give it back to you just real sorry you
just there another one k Nebuchadnezzar is walking on the palace he's like wow look at me look at what I've done watch this Daniel chapter 4 well you can't make this up this is in the Bible Daniel 4:29 12 months later he was taken a walk on the flat roof of the Royal Palace in Babylon as he looked out across the city he said look at this great city of Babylon by my own Mighty power I have built this beautiful city as my Royal residence to display my Majestic splendor so you got to be careful
cuz if you don't give glory to God you're going to give glory to you I was tell you like look at what I've built look at what I've accomplished look at how much money I've made look at how great I am he's walking in in fact God humbles King Nebuchadnezzar so much that he drives him out to the Wilderness and makes him grow feathers and nails and all and and and finally he gets so humble that he acknowledges who God is is and God restored his sanity in other words if you become a me monster
you're going to go crazy but the way to stay in your right place is to give glory and honor and worship and praise to An Almighty God come on clap if you're thankful today I don't need the glory all the come on not to us not to us be the glory but to your name see this is the problem this what happened with the adversary of your life the Satan he he once was a worship leader he once was the leader o of the worship in heaven but he got so enamored with his gift he
got so intoxicated with his own ability that he stopped leading praise to God and he wanted praise to him this is if it could happen to him it could happened to us and and watch what it says in Ezekiel about about the enemy it says in Ezekiel it says you were the model of perfection you were full of wisdom and exquisite in Beauty you were in the Eden in the garden of God your clothing was adorned with every precious stone you were beautiful what happened see don't fall in love with your gift fall in love
with your God and if you today are falling in love with your gift what I love about God that if you're prideful today God loves you enough like he did with Nebuchadnezzar he will humble you and God says if you exalt yourself he will humble you but if you humble yourself he will exalt you the reason why elevation is used around the world is because this church and our pastors walk humbly before the Lord not wanting the praise to us or to a church come on clap if you believe it today come on this is
our prayer see what God can do through you and and and the thing about pride is the moment you stop thinking that you have pride is when you're really going to mess up a couple years ago I was in Atlanta Georgia and I was preaching at Passion City Church for pastor Louie Giglio and I love Pastor Louie he is like he is the Steve Jobs of Christianity and so we had this great night at church and we went out to dinner afterwards and and we were at the valet waiting for the cars to pull up
and as we're about to leave each other he Pastor louby got really close to me like like up in my face and and and he and he says to me hey I want you to and he's like right here and I like I want you you to and he starts telling me about going low I want you to go low I want you to be a man of humility a man of character let's for us me and you and he was so close to me he could have been like he could have said let's go
rob a bank it didn't matter I would have been like like he's looking into my soul so he's in my face and he's like let's go low let's let's be humble and I'm like you know Christians when they put on their Christian face I'm just thinking like buy you better back up so he's up in my face he's like go low so he gave you know he 5 10 minutes and then you know and we part our ways and about two three months later I was in Atlanta and I text Pastor Louie hey let's get
breakfast tomorrow so we met up and we had two three hour long breakfast we had the best time and we leaving and we're waiting for our Ubers outside and he gets up in my real and he goes hey I want to say something to you and he goes I want us and I almost said let me guess go low but I didn't I'm respectful you guys get it and so and he getes me he gets in my face again he gives me the same speech like word for word verbatim and I thought at first maybe
he's older and he's forgetting he's forgetting conversations these days isn't he so he's like I want us to go low I want us to be humble men I wanted and he get and and I was like yeah thank you 100% And when I left I got on the airplane to fly home and the Lord the Lord spoke to me and said I sent him to you a second time cuz you didn't hear it the first now the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time and I said Lord I don't deal with pride
he said I you you you you needed this and the Lord began to deal with ego the Lord began to deal with agenda motives Pride living on Talent a that will mess up Samson Samson just lit just like oh man long hair don't care you know I'm good come on man Delilah's like Sammy Sam they're here again he's like a sugar you know how I roll and I'll take care of it again he didn't know it cost him his life this time see my problem is we fall so much in love with Talent so much
in love with gift we're going to live off gifting live off talent and we're going to stop being dependent upon the grace and the provision and come on I don't know about you but I'm not too proud to to beg for the mercy and the goodness and the grace of my God God I need him I need his daily bread today I need his provision today I need his power today I need his Joy today I need his peace today come on anybody thankful today I'm not falling in love and living on my gift I'm
living for the glory of the Living God the one that died for me the one that Rose for me the one that called my name give him a praise today if you want to live for God and not yourself you be careful with that prideful Spirit you be careful with that worldly spirit in a narcissistic Society narcissism wins but not in Kingdom culture Jesus said the first are going to be last and the last are going to be first he said the greatest of all of them is the servant of all of them you want
to know who I use I don't use rock stars I don't use people that puff themselves up I use people that go low I use people that humble thems and said I ain't nothing without your grace unless you bless me unless you touch me unless you raise me give him a praise today if you're thankful for the love of Jesus in your life you be careful you be careful about Pride watch this put it on the screen watch what Pride does pride is a sinful arrogant hotty self-reliant attitude or spirit that causes a person to
have an inflated or puffed up view view of themselves those who are proud think of themselves as better than others and look down on others with contempt see the problem with pride is pride is the only disease that makes everybody else sick besides the person that has it pride can be recognized in others and cannot be seen in yourself I got on that PL say who you talking to going low who you talking to going and low lord said I'm talking to you homie it's a sinful arrogant conceited puffed up am I not awesome am
I not amazing I don't know how to tell you this yeah man we we saw you but we're not impressed with gifting we're impressed with the one that told the son to get up this morning I I I'm impressed with the one that owns a cattle on a thousand hills I'm impressed with the one that the Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof don't you fall in love with gift look at the contrast watch humility humility is so beautiful humility is seeing ourselves as we truly are fallen in sin and helpless without God humility
is often characterized as genuine gratitude a lack of arrogance and a modest view of oneself I like to think of it as an accurate view of self humility is not thinking less of myself it's thinking less about myself humility has the see pride pride walks into a room and goes here I am humility walks in the room and goes there you are humility walks into a room it says I got something to give I've got something to bless I've got love I've got encouragement I'm not looking to take I don't I'm not using you as
my agenda for my ego no I came as the servant of the most high God to help somebody find freedom and help somebody find Salvation and I just want to tell you God cuz you have done so much for me is there anything I can do for you don't fall in love with your gift I'd rather fall in love with God the one that gave me these gifts write down number two I love this your gift and God's mission go hand in hand your gift whatever God has gifted you to do whatever whatever it is
whatever God has gifted you to do and by the way I'm not concerned whether you have one two or five because all of us are trying to turn our two into four and our five into 10 or are one and a two it doesn't matter what how many gifts you got are your talents none are better than each other I'm just telling you though when you take your gift and you put it into God's Mission they go it's like peanut butter and jelly it goes hand in hand when you put your your gifting Your Grace
you partner it with God's mission and God's work one of my favorite scriptures Ephesians chapter 2:10 put it on the screen for we are Christ's workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which he prepared beforehand God has something for you to do on this Earth I think this is right why Pastor Rick Warren's book The purpose-- Driven Life did so well because all of us want to wake up with meaning we want to wake up with purpose we want to discover God why do I exist on this Earth You were created in Christ Jesus
for good works God prepared something for you to do to help the body of Christ to help the Church of the Living God you weren't created to sit on the sideline God has called you to get into the game you got to fight the good fight you got to finish the race you got to become who God has called you to become and when you put your gift back in God's hands it's an old cheesy uh saying I found this one cuz I heard it when I was a kid this this this one is called
it depends on Whose hands it's in I love this one it depends on Whose hands it's in a basketball in my hands is worth about $25 when I read that I thought you don't shop at Dick Sporting Good and you don't know inflation let's go $45 but a basketball in LeBron James hands is worth about $75 million it depends on Whose hands it's in a baseball in my hand hands is worth about $8 again let's go back to Dick Sporting Good inflation $25 a baseball in Shi ot's hands is worth about $200 million if his
bookie doesn't touch it it depends on Whose hands it's in a tennis racket in my hands is worth about $75 but a tennis racket in Serena Williams hands is worth about $50 million it depends on Whose hands it's in a rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal but a rod in Moses hands will part A Mighty Red Sea it depends on Whose hands it's in a slingshot in my hands is a kids toy but a slingshot in David's hands is a mighty weapon it depends on Whose hands it's in two fish and
five loaves of bread in my hands is a couple of fish sandwiches but two fish and five loaves of bread in Jesus's hands will feed 5,000 people it depends on Whose hands it's in come on clap elevation I'm put in my life back into his hands whoever wants to save his life must lose his life to gain the the your soul you got to lose the world come on give your gift give your calling give your anointing give your talent and put it back into his hands so many of us are frustrated because it's in
our hands it's in our hands my Bible says it's not by power and it's not by might but it's by my spirit says the Lord I'm not living off my my talent or my gifting or my own intellect I'm telling you in your own strength you can build a business but you put your talent in God's hand you could build the kingdom of God in your own hands you might be able to build a family but you put your life into God's hands and you could build a legacy for a thousand Generations in your own
strength you might be able to make some money but in God's strength you depend on him he'll be able to bless people in North Carolina he'll be able to place people all over America and all over the world it depends on who hands it's in some of us are like uh well you know I don't I don't know I I uh I I don't know if I have that much and I just you know I I'm not like Pastor Stephen man Pastor Steven was in LA at the int Arena and he was preaching and teaching
and I'm telling you his forearms were so big on that screen help me God I said man that that's wild I'm I'm considering working out after seeing that people make fun of me like you ski leg day I'm like fam I ski leg life okay you just you chill out you chill out you chill [Laughter] out but but I'm I'm just just encouraged today cuz I know that in my own power I can only be and do so much but when I Surrender and I live for something bigger than myself stop living for your name
and start living for his name so many of us are secretly in our heart we're praying my kingdom come and my will be done but when you partner with God and you say yes to his mission you say your kingdom come and your will be done on this Earth even as it is in heaven you understand the difference that it it's pivoting and and instead of asking what God can do for me today I start to ask Lord is there anything I can do for you today fact write that down number three instead ask not
what God can do for you ask what you can do for God anybody today come on be honest anybody today you need a miracle today let me just see your hand you need a miracle I got both my hands up but you know the Bible says that before you ever say a prayer God already knows what you need and if he could take care of grass and he can take care of birds how much more can he take care of you so one thing about God we know he's going to be faithful he's going to
be consistent he's going to be true and so instead of I don't need to ask God for anything today because I know he's going to take care of me my whole life you you ever sing that song I love the CC winess version you ever sing that uh sing that song um all my life you have been faithful don't you love that one I love you never see anybody sing that song Dead Pan all my life you have been faithful all my life you have been so so good you see you see people sing this
song oh they sing this song cuz you're like this if I could sing right now like Pastor Steven I will be hitting those notes right now but he didn't give me that Talent but you think about all my life you have been so so good to me your goodness is running after it's running after me and I know you're going to continue to be faithful so I don't even need to ask today what CU my whole life you've shocked me and surprised me with your blessing come on let's be honest you didn't even get this
far in your prayers did you that's right wow you didn't even get this far in your dreams cuz God had a better plan so I don't need to ask God what he could do for me today I'm asking God is there anything I could do for you is there anything I could do for you is there anything Lord I just I just want to say Lord is there it reminds me of this lady she sneaks up on Jesus at a dinner party and she so grateful for her sins to be forgiven that she sneaks up
and she starts to pour out her worship look here Luke 7 I love this scripture right here put on the screen verse 37 a woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisees house so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume as she stood behind him at his feet weeping she began to wet his feet with her tears then she wiped them with her hair and kissed them and poured perfume on them she's not asking Jesus for anything she's just Lord is there anything I could
do for you you've blessed me you forgave me my debt you healed my body you've been good to my family she's pouring out her worship I'd rather be in that place than the one that's saying I need you to hook me up today we should just turn the tables God has been so good why don't we just say Lord is there anything God Is there is there anything I can do for you one of my favorite stories about Jesus is he sends these two guys into the town right before he dies on the cross he
says go into the town and there's going to be a guy in town that has a donkey and just tell the man the Lord has need of it and he'll know and and and bring it back and so two of the disciples going to town could you imagine having the job of these two disciples they they go they just going in town they're just knocking on doors you know they finally see the guy and they're like hey um yeah we team Jesus and uh hey bro don't get mad at us we just you know we
just Messengers uh yeah the the the Lord needs your donkey bro don't be mad at us the Lord needs your donkey and and sure enough the guy has a donkey and he and he gladly offers it up whenever I read that story my imagination goes I wonder if that morning that man got up this morning and that morning and just said Lord is there anything in my stable is there anything in my home is there anything in my life that you could you could use see the Lord knew go to that guy maybe maybe other
people will say no maybe other people will turn you away may maybe other people are too selfish maybe other people are too self-centered but this guy I know he'll give it up let's just get some cultural context that was not a donkey in his day that was like asking for a cyber truck this was his best and they said the Lord has need of it the Lord hath needed need of your donkey and he said oh it's yours see I wonder today what God could tap into in your life because he needs it he there's
somebody in your neighborhood there's somebody in your family there's somebody in your life they need your gift they need your talent they need your anointing they need your grace they need your voice they need your testimony they need what you've gone through and it will the Lord has need of it the Lord has need of your time the Lord has need of your treasure the Lord has need of your talent and what can we do for the glory of the Living God have we just asked the Lord today Lord is there anything that I can
do for you amen last thing today worship team you can come join me number four write this down free yourself from comparison and jealousy Free Yourself get free today what do they say about comparison comparison is the thief of Joy by the way when you get to heaven you will not be held accountable for what other people do you'll be held accountable for you and when I stand before my maker God that's why I love proverbs 4 proverbs 4 says do not look to the right or to the left keep your eyelids straight before you
cuz when I get to heaven God's going to hold me accountable for the gifts and the talents and the anointing and the calling that he gave my life and when I show up in heaven I don't know about you I want to hear those words well done my good and my faithful servant with whom I am well pleased enter into into the joy and enter into the rest of your master you did fight the good fight and you did finish your race and you were faithful and you were humble and we're thankful for what we
put in you you had the gift to prophesy and you prophesied with faithfulness you had the gift to give and you gave with faithfulness you have the gift of serving and you serve with all humility I don't know about you but this world is not my home I'm a citizen of a greater place and when I die I'm going to die empty I'm going to die leaving it all out on the table I'm to die saying Lord I did not live for this world I did not live for the lust of the Flesh and the
pride of life and the lust of the eyes I live for the glory of the Living God oh come on give him a praise is there anything that I can do for you stay standing stay standing is there anything I can do for you God I know I'm not I know I'm not a Bible expert I know I'm not the smartest I know I'm not the most talented and they look more talented than me but I'll tell you God I came into this world with nothing and I'm leaving with nothing as for me in my
house we will serve the Lord blessed be the name of my God I got nothing without you Jesus You're All I've ever had come on clap today you're all I've ever had You're All I've Ever Needed You're All I've Ever Wanted as a deer ped for the water Brooks so my soul Longs for you God I'm just telling you I'm telling you you ain't living till you start giving you ain't living till you start dying come on I'm dead I'm dead to this world I'm the Bible says in Galatians 2 I have been crucified with
Christ I have been crucified with Christ it is no longer I that live but it's Christ that lives through me and the life that I come on somebody now live I live by faith in the Son of God who gave his life as a ransom for me and I can't believe I can't believe he called my name do you remember where you were when he called your name do you remember do you remember the metallic taste of sin in your mouth do you remember what he pulled you out of do you remember do you remember
what he when he set your feet on that rock and put a new song in your mouth he didn't give you all that Grace and all that Talent so you can make money so you could make a platform so you could live for the glory of you see what God could do through you ask not what God can do for you today why don't you just sayl is there anything I could do for you today because you've done so much has God done a lot for you are you thankful today come on anybody got the
attitude of gratitude [Music] [Applause] today all my life you have been faithful my whole life you've been so good and can you believe that he uses broke desperate not all the way put together people like us to tell people about the glory of the Living God I like to say it this way we're just nobodies trying to tell the world about a somebody come on clap if you believe that today I'm a nobody I'm a servant come on clap I'm a servant today I'm a servant I'm going die to myself I'm going to make much
of his name not my [Music] name we going to live for something bigger than ourselves you know everybody that God used in the Bible had problems everybody that God used in the scriptures had issues God used no perfect people cuz there are no perfect people so if you already coming up with the excuses oh Pastor Chad I can't be used you know I got to I got a pass I got I got I got pain I I got you know issues in my life you know I used to be by the way can we just
stop making more much of our past and make a lot more about our future we got so many Believers today that can tell me more about what you're coming from and can't hardly tell me what you're going for come on your future is greater than your past come on what's in front of you and what God's got in store for you is greater than what you came out of everybody that God used in the Bible was just like us not perfect people that had problems people that had stories people that were in process under construction
everybody that God used but he still used them amen and so God can use you it's an old cheesy list but put on the screen I love this just to just to kind of teach you today that God can use people like us look at this Noah was a drunk Abraham was too old Isaac was a Daydreamer Jacob was a liar Leah was ugly how ugly you got to be that the Bible call you ugly you forever ugly you EST in eternity ugly Joseph was abused Moses had a stuttering problem Gideon was afraid Samson had
long hair and was a womanizer Rahab was a prostitute Jeremiah and Timothy were too young David was an adulterer and a murderer Elijah was suicidal Isaiah preached naked May that never happen to this church in the name of Jesus that's a word for pastor him today Jonah ran from God Naomi was a widow job went bankrupt John the Baptist ate bugs and Peter denied Christ but they were all used for the glory of the Living God oh come on let's just ask him today Lord is there anything that I can do for you come on
elevation lift a hand to Heaven father we thank you today that you are good and greatly to be praised and so we just ask today Lord we humble oursel Lord we go low Lord here's my gifting here's my calling here's my talent here's my time if you can use anything Lord you can use me I live for your name and not my name in jesus' name and everybody said together come on let's clap and worship God today hey thank you for watching the Elevation Church YouTube I want you to subscribe that way you can know
when we go live and post new content make sure leave me a comment let me know what spoke to you today where you're watching from and what we can pray for you about and if you'd like to support the ministry financially you can click the give button now and help us continue reaching people around the world for Jesus Christ thanks again I'll see you next time
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