FBI agents have more power than almost any other authority out there including the police but what happens when undercover FBI agents get arrested by cops who have no idea yes down now you guys are making a big mistakes here are four examples of this happening starting with the case of agent Hernandez in the early hours of December 6 2016 shots were heard ringing out in a Grand Rapids parking lot towards a police officer a team of armed units rushed to take down the threat but they found something they never could have expected you're gonna you
want us on them okay empty he's got a badge sir Federal Bureau of his FBI agent the man who was allegedly shooting at a police officer turned out to be an FBI agent the man was identified as agent Reuben Hernandez a Las Vegas agent in Michigan on undisclosed business obviously there are too many questions to count so to help shed a little light on the situation the cops decide to call up his partner John Salazar who arrived at around 5am we're gonna try to find out maybe we can shed some light out or lead up
to all this right and and what I'm trying to just verify is to make sure who you have basically who do you have or do you have a photo or yeah yeah we got a photo coming or just uh we think it's true can I see him or give a photo yeah just get you a photo here okay all right hey are you looking at Drake I am not oh tell me who that is no oh my gosh okay that is uh Ruben Hernandez John receives confirmation that the man they apprehended is in fact his
partner Reuben definitely not the news he was expecting at five in the morning man what is he okay like what happened hey you look scuffed up but you know that wasn't done here by us that was before so we'll make sure he gets checked and everything I do uh do we want to get involved yeah well we'll find out he wanted to see a picture before he talked to us okay well everybody waits for a lieutenant to arrive two of the cops decide to move over and have a secret conversation [Applause] he's getting unfortunately for
the cops covering a camera doesn't stop it from picking up audio in essence One Cop mentioned how he could smell alcohol on Jon and that he'd noticed him eating multiple sticks of gum to presumably hide the scent on his breath from this moment on the cops start getting more and more suspicious of him until they finally decide to question him so did you get a call from him tonight what's that did you get a call from him tonight um someone called us we weren't we're still trying to figure out who called us to want to
say he was in trouble or something that wasn't you oh listen I'm not gonna answer anything right now I have no idea how come you're not gonna answer anything well I mean I I gotta wait for you know I'm talking to my superiors and everything else to see oh shoot toilet Lieutenant you're coming down here to kind of shed some light on what happened right no no I'm here and then there's also going to be a special agent from the ra here in Brandon I don't know if you know uh sa Burns or not because
it's gonna come down here and so let's go from there okay John you got some salads on yeah no I'm Sean Burns I'm the SSR okay all right what I want you to do is these guys okay just let them do it together okay you got your creds right yeah I'm looking at all that I'll just take this it's at this point the cops decide to detain Jon on suspicion of DUI so they take his firearm and bring him into a room with a breathalyzer need you to seal your lips and lower till and tell
the beeps all right you ready yep see your lips and blow ing there you go your BAC right now is 0.116 at 5 22 in the morning we'll probably be uh holding onto your firearm the legal limit for driving in Michigan is .08 so John is just over and it's likely the number was higher an hour earlier when he was actually driving looking at the big picture though this is actually a very unfortunate situation for John that night he'd been drinking with a friend at a club while they were off duty it was only when
he was back at his hotel when the local PD called in to come and verify it was his partner they arrested obviously Jon shouldn't have driven his car to get there but nevertheless you can see how he would make that mistake in such a stressful situation but other than the body cam cover-up the cops handled this perfectly however the same cannot be said for the cops in the next case who showed exactly what not to do when dealing with an undercover FBI agent your body cam I I am now because I don't know how legit
you are at the moment a special agent FBI okay got that on body cam I do but I don't understand what the problem is with you meet me at the office I'll talk to the U.S attorney's office about it you can cut off the reporting device now okay I will when I leave the area sir this agent was actually investigating police corruption in the Franklin County Police Department but he had no idea just how corrupt this officer would turn out to be the agent had called this officer to meet at a random location and refused
to meet him at their offices if it's not already obvious everything this agent does and says from now on is a test to try and see how well this cop follows conduct and if his co-workers funnel suits this is why he asked him to turn off his body Cam and luckily for the cop he passed this first test with flying colors however it doesn't seem as though it's going to last for very long I'd be entertained you're the one who called me here sir how did you get my phone number you are detained at this
time sir hey I don't think this guy's legit man I need to take my weapon off okay do I have permission to take it off just hang tight right now I'm not cuffing you things are understandably not adding up for the officer so he decides to detain the agent and waits for backup to arrive we're just trying to check validity you called a deputy sheriff's personal cell phone you can't tell me how you got the number that's right your tax not coming back to the FBI correct okay I haven't seen a badge I've seen an
ID card I haven't seen a badge no sir I haven't seen a badge I've seen an ID card it take it out of my hand do you not see a bag I see a badge now that's the first time I saw the badge sir you don't need to be a deputy when backup arrives the officer explains the full situation to them saying the suspect is armed uncooperative and above all incredibly suspicious receiving a call on your personal phone number from an FBI agent would definitely ring alarm Bells as a cop but it's important that they
continue to be professional and follow the rules the officers proceed to handcuff the agent and place them in the back of their patrol car where he starts to complain that the heat is way too high in the vehicle and that he desperately needs air but all of a sudden they receive a call from HQ that should put the entire event to rest [Applause] legit so they just said all right that's what I'm doing right now they just called back he is legit even after this though the officer still decides to keep the agent inside the
patrol vehicle despite being explicitly told that he is actually an FBI agent instead of letting him out as instructed the officers continue to talk about the situation while he begs to be let go but after an extra three minutes of completely unnecessary conversation the agent is finally let out of the vehicle but it seems as though he's not feeling too good [Applause] after a further 10 minutes Medics arrive and the agent has taken away in an ambulance thankfully despite what can only be described as disrespect and neglect from the officers the agent suffered no serious
injuries but things ended differently for ATF agent Burke who was treated so badly by police that he had to file a lawsuit against them agent Burke was dispatched to a house to confiscate a firearm that had been illegally acquired by the residents however instead of being granted access to the home the door was instead shut in his face and the residents called the police the cops were given agent Ferg's badge number but still treated the incident as a break-in and Burke as a criminal hey turn light let me see your hands turn around let me
see your hands okay let me see your hands I need to see some ID get on the ground get on the ground now get on the ground get on the ground now I'm a federal agent 9173. I'm a federal agent get on the ground agent Burke refuses immediate orders to get on the ground likely so police can check if he's armed or not and continues the investigation safely Burke believes that because he's a federal agent he's not subject to the orders of Municipal Police but if that was the case any criminal could falsely claim they
were a federal agent to bypass police orders while he may not think he looks like a threat himself it remains that he should have politely followed the orders so the cops could figure out the situation easily but instead things continue to escalate what facts matter with you who do you think you are let's get on the ground keep your hands up once a Second Officer arrives Burke finally follows the orders and lays down on the ground do not resist I'm not resisting you're acting like wait a second wait a second don't do this wait a
second I got a medical condition get my license out of my pocket we're getting these secured first please please [Music] sir I'm not stop resistant would you please get my ID out of my left pocket stop I'm begging you my my wife's prayer please it's right here please get it wait sir help me up just hold me up sure I can't do this wait sir stop resisting now please help me sir please get Mike my federal credit no don't do that please sir don't make me taste like your back okay on the ground put your
right arm behind your back let me breathe let me breathe I'm gonna oh oh don't do that okay here my God it is cough please stop please stop sir wait a second sir please help me up in the distressing footage Bert continues to tell the officers that he's an ATF agent out on a call and to Simply take his ID from his back pocket after finally looking at his ID officers keep him under arrest and take him to their patrol vehicle [Music] talk later sure the cops then Force Burke into the vehicle talking over his
pleas and explanations regarding his medical condition [Music] if he is an actual police officer he got to be ashamed of himself you're not you're right you're not yeah no you screwed up you bet police continued to detain Burke in their patrol vehicle for over an hour longer before eventually releasing him without charges despite not necessarily showing perfect conduct himself Burke decided to sue the Columbus Police Department citing excessive force and unlawful arrest the original complaint says that after the incident which caused him both physical and mental harm he was taken from active duty and confined
solely to administrative and support roles with adjustments having to be made to the department to accommodate him as if this video's upload the case is still ongoing realistically both parties involved in this case were in the wrong to some extent but in the case of Mac Proctor things are totally different Mac is supposedly an undercover agent with a very strong knowledge of the law and he's about to show exactly how corrupt police officers can be completely unprovoked Mac was parked in a private parking lot waiting for a takeout order while on his shift as a
delivery driver while his vehicle wasn't in a designated parking spot but it wasn't blocking the flow of traffic and he'd only left it there unattended while picking up his food Upon returning to his vehicle Mack was approached by a police officer stating he was violating parking rules all right Miss Proctor yeah that is the last time everything okay do I need to answer any of your questions I have to answer anything okay lucky you stand here all day I get paid either way can you go ahead and finish your job so I can carry on
what's it with the anger dude I'm not angry you're not angry you always talk to everybody like that I'm I'm not angry I just want you to go ahead and wrap things up please okay of course Mac has every right to stay silent in the face of the officer's questions especially ones that don't at all pertain to criminal proceedings at no point did he raise his tone or say anything out of line yet the officer asks why he's being so angry many people think that some police officers are used to consistently being in command and
control on these interactions and it's possible the same is true with this officer when Mac exercised his rights and just asked for things to be moved along this cop was surprised and took it as a combative statement all right like to leave may I leave now please well do understand am I being detained yes you are okay all right so do you understand why I stopped you do I need to answer any more of your questions you don't have to okay the officer informs Mac that he is being detained for parking here to issue a
citation for parking violation you must be breaking either local state or federal law something like parking in a handicap spot without proper documentation hey Mr Proctor can I just give you your stuff so you can leave can you I can but you're the one I wouldn't let you go a long time ago what do I need to do for you to hand me my documents so I can leave you right now I just want to know that you know that you're okay because usually I don't get people what do I need to do for you
to hand me my documents so I can be on my way I don't need to answer any of your questions you have no reason to be concerned about me so it's okay then you're okay then you can hand me my documents and I can be on my way or we can okay you're not gonna okay here I'll tell you what I'm gonna take a chance on you right here Mr Proctor um your value everything's cool all right we're blocking traffic here to your stuff Mack was allowed to leave without further incident but this interaction raises
questions about why he was met with further difficulties after doing nothing other than exercising his Fifth Amendment right in fact it's strange that the entire interaction even happened in the first place if the officer had observed Max vehicle obstructing traffic the incident could have been avoided by simply asking him to move his vehicle out of the way and let him go about his day from there instead the officer detained Mac preventing him from moving his vehicle and keeping it in the very place that's allegedly impeding traffic flow the cop later found out that Mack wasn't
even a federal agent or officer himself and simply managed to prove just how valuable it is to know the law