ODS #1: Erradicação da pobreza • IBGE Explica

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Dando sequência à série especial do IBGE Explica sobre os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (...
Video Transcript:
Hello! Welcome to the IBGE Explains Special Series about the Sustainable Development Goals! Now we're going to talk about goal number 1!
The first of the 17 goals is to “End Poverty”, i. e. , “End poverty in all its forms everywhere”.
Did you know that more than half of the world population lives with less than U$2. 50 a day? There are more than 3 billion people in this situation!
More than 1. 3 billion of them live on less than U$1. 25 - a range considered of extreme poverty.
Could you live on that? The consequences are disastrous. According to UNICEF, 22 thousand children die every day due to poverty.
805 million people don't have enough food to survive. And if you believe that today everybody has a smart phone with internet, think again! Nearly 15% of the world doesn’t even have electricity!
That corresponds to more than 1 billion people or almost ‘5 Brazils’. Contrasts are huge. On the one side, there is waste and obese people; on the other, there is scarcity and people dying of malnutrition.
While some line up to buy the most modern cell phone model, others line up to get a glass of water. While some countries spend millions in weapons, many families work hard just to survive. With the millennium goals (MDGs) set in the year 2000, we succeeded in reducing Poverty.
The target now is to go further and end it once and for all! That is possible through strategies as the implementation of adequate measures and systems of social protection, more access to basic services for the poorest, right to property, incentive to the local consumer market, among other aspects. It is a great challenge, but it must be faced.
That's just the beginning! Please, don't forget to watch the other 16 Goals here in our channel! See you!
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