Unveiling The Roots of Anti-Semitism | Holy Disruption with Heather Schott Feat. @LFTV

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Mercy Culture
In this episode of Holy Disruption, Heather Schott is joined by Dr. Michael Brown @LFTV , a promi...
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Satan wants to wipe the Jewish people out cuz God has chosen the people we stand with God against the devil who wants to destroy the Jewish people against the devil who wants to disperse the Jewish people against the devil who wants to keep Jewish people away from Jesus Jesus shed the same blood for Palestinian and Israeli and is equally Grievous when an Israeli child dies and a Palestinian child dies this worldwide tide of anti-Semitism and the protest they're fundamentally satanically inspired and therefore I stand with Israel against these things but people think it's just political
no no this is spiritual this is biblical I got friends and and their colleagues have been beheaded for the gospel right and you're concerned about getting unfriended make your stand speak up denounce the anti-Semitism call it out and say I believe we serve a God who keeps his word and if he can't be trusted to keep his promises to Israel he can't be trusted to keep his promises to the church Hello everybody welcome to another episode of holy disruption I am your host Heather shot and I have a special man of God that's here with
me today I love this man his voice so very much uh because you bring Dr Brown biblical Clarity in such simple and profound ways for people to take complex ideas and to Simply state it for the body of Christ to understand I honor you thank you for being here me today a little bit for our listeners to know you hold a PhD in NE Eastern languages and literatures from New York University you've contributed to numerous articles to scholarly Publications including the Oxford dictionary of Jewish religion the theological dictionary of the Old Testament you have authored
50 books you just released your 50th book which is absolutely incredible everybody go get any and every book of Dr Brown I've read multiple of them um you are also a national and international speaker on themes of spiritual renewal cultural Reformation you debate Jewish rabbis agnostic professors gay activists on your radio show TV and college campuses you are bold I love the ministry that you do in in debating activists you're also widely considered to be one of the world's foremost Messianic Jewish Jewish apologists and uh the radio show that you do I've gotten to Beyond
before it's called the line of fire I I strongly encourage you to go take a listen is it line of fire.org yeah the line of fire.org uh go and check out all of the videos his podcasts and everything that he's doing um I love love love your teaching and it's so important for so many things happening in our world today to go take a listen because he brings again great biblical Clarity uh speaking of all the things that are happening in the world right now uh we saw on October 7th these attacks began in Israel
and then we saw on April 17th I believe it was the 13th um something that's never happened before Iran attacks Israel send hundreds of missiles um into Israel and this began to break out riots in American I know that they've taken place before but there has been this anti- uh semitism rise uh in America right now we see it on college campuses Across America of uh I've seen reports of uh Stu Jewish students not being able to get through hallways or into doors as they are being blocked with people for pro Palestine with with their
um signs uh horrific some of the signs and and chance that they're declaring that Jews should die and the destruction of Jews we're seeing m destruction of property everywhere but we are surely seeing you know something else that's really interesting Dr Brown we can hit all these things but we're seeing the lgbtq pro Palestine not realizing that they wouldn't make it with these leaders in fact I think we just saw on a headline um a gay Palestinian uh young man that was just beheaded for his choice of Lifestyle yet we see these riots taking taking
place in America right now Dr Brown what is going on yeah so on the one hand this is the same old story yet again but it's intensified yeah it is I say the same old story because Jew hatred is is the oldest hatred on the planet the the hatred of the people of Israel because they are the people of Israel you know you could say it goes all the way back to Exodus and Pharaoh wanting to kill the the the the Israelite boys let's say certainly the Book of Esther so 2 200 years ago where
the Jews are singled out for annihilation because they're different and then you have Greco Roman anti-Semitism so before the time of the New Testament the Jews were hated for being different and then through an abuse of of gospel truths and through misunderstanding of scripture then you have Christian anti-Semitism and that's been there through the centuries then you have Islamic anti-Semitism it's the the world's oldest hatred it's the world's most widespread hatred so you have it from atheism to Christianity to Islam you have white supremacists anti-semites you have black supremacists anti-semites and Israel is is always
the evil one or the Jewish people are always the bad guys so it's it's the world's longest hatred it's the world's most widespread hatred and in many ways the most irrational that Jews have been blaming for every imaginable thing through history so on the one hand it's the same old story mhm now the whole focus is Israel as a nation that Zionism is evil that Christian zionists are Heretics that the modern state of Israel has no right to exist remember when these protesters chant from The River To The Sea Palestine will be free number one
most of them don't know what river and what sea this first thing what are you talking about bre show me on a map right then when you show them on a map you're you're talking about the the Jordan River in the Mediterranean Sea well what is in between the Jordan and the Mediterranean the nation of Israel right so you're saying no more Israel right so it is an existential attack on the people of Israel the demonizing of of Israel as a nation the delegitimizing of its right to exist holding Israel to double standards as opposed
to other nations this is the three-fold definition of anti-semitism that Natan shansky came up with saying this is when anti-zionism becomes anti-Semitism so when you demonize delegitimize use double standards the fact is is it's intensifying now and it doesn't mean that Jesus is coming tomorrow but it's it's yet another birth Pang it's yet getting closer to the the the final upheaval and that's why you see all this madness all this Uprising and we have to recognize more broadly on the college campuses this is not sudden deep sympathy for suffering Palestinians right if it was deep
sympathy for suffering people you would have had massive marches against Kamas after October 7th Co Israel you would have had to this day day and night protest for Kamas to free all the hostages it is not genuine compassion for suffering people here and there it is but the vast majority of the protests many cases you have half of the protesters aren't even students you have in many cases the same agitators from antifa or BLM marches same on here just like when you had BLM around the world these protest March around the world it wasn't that
suddenly the whole world cared about the plight of African-Americans or who even knew who George Floyd was it's the latest raging Against the Machine standing up against the man anti-authority just another manifestation of Marxism and on the college campuses Marxist Educators ideologues Generations ago in the 60s said that we have to have a Long March through the institutions and the way to see the Marxist Revolution succeed in a country like America which is capitalistic and doesn't have the same class struggle that that we would have in other parts of the world we have to kind
of create something and and then change the thinking of the institutions so and many kids even in their schools learned this with quote intersectionality and things like that that you you end up with classes of people or sections so you have the the oppressor and the oppressed that's all Society the colonizer and the colonizer so in America who is the ultimate oppressor the white male right and everyone else is oppressed and of course the whites are the colonizers now the fact is Israel is is multiethnic and that there are maybe half of the people living
in Israel today that would be on sub level considered people of color but the ones that came in no no those are the white European Jews they are the ultimate colonizers the ultimate oppressors the Palestinians are the ultimate oppressed class so if you want the ultimate oppressor of all oppressors the ultimate colonizer of all colonizers that is a white Zionist Jew wow so the protests are part of this pushing back against the system wow and just a larger marus Marxist expression but we can never get away from the fact that anti-Semitism being the longest hatred
most widespread most irrational is demonic it is Dem it is at its root Satan's response to God's Cho choosing of the Jewish people that's what it is at its Essence yeah and and I want to get I want to get in into that and I'm so glad that you've said it because you brought up you brought up George Floyd the the racial riots that broke out in 20120 can you imagine if we were talking about what's taking place towards Jewish people right now in America if it was taking place with African-Americans be civil war now
prob on our but it is this accepted acable hatred [Music] yes in today's cultural climate where the nations are moving against Israel God Is On The Move raising up a generation of bold men and bold women to advance the gospel to the Jewish people and restore them to Jesus in Israel there is a deep need for a Spirit-filled Bible school that will equip the next generation of Israeli Believers with the word of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit God has called the Jerusalem Bible Institute to be on the front lines of this
Mission at jbi we train both Jewish and Arab Believers to serve effectively in their congregations and to impact Israeli Society will you join us to equip the Next Generation to rise up take their place and see Rev Ral and faith in Yeshua spread throughout the holy land for more information please visit JB Institute org because the Jews deserve it or in this case the Israelis deserve it the zionists deserve it because they're evil because they're practicing genocide because they're an apartheid state so they actually deserve it so for sure could you imagine campuses where where
black students felt uncomfortable coming on campus or they were told stay home for your own safety unev or a black professor when he goes to use his his security card to get in it stopped for his own safety and their encampments chanting things against them look let's let's look at this more broadly October 7th the the most horrific day of Jewish Bloodshed since the Holocaust I was scheduled to speak at Mercy culture on the a totally different message and I had to change the whole message and and through many tears brought a message on on
God's pain for Israel also saying pray for the Palestinians who will be suffering much in the days ahead so October 7th this horrific Massacre unimaginable things happen I I saw the actual footage that the IDF has put together that they've shown in private with 47 minutes where you see actually the deaths about 1300 so about 1/10th of the people you see the burned bodies you see the children their pamas and they're soaked in blood laying on the bed just mindboggling and we and we know all the testimonies of sexual abuse and rape even the UN
which is historically so anti-israel they have acknowledged the evidence reluctantly they've acknowledged it you have this barbarous event this barbaric mind-bogglingly evil event three days later October 10th so before Israel has launched a major offensive Muslims gathered at the Sydney Opera House in Sydney Australia were're chanting gas the Jews gas the Jews in in our universities these are not just Pro Palestinian protest they are pro Hamas protest Hamas leaders they have said we will do October 7th over and over again until there is no more Israel and yet a major survey down of of of
gen Z young people found that 51% stood with Hamas and said that Israel should be ended and given over to Hamas so the degree to which Israel has been demonized the degree to which the Jewish people are always the perennial scapegoat this is now being manifest now here's the deal I've been aware of this for decades because I've documented it my book our hands are stained with blood which came out in 1992 documented anti-Semitism in church history but right up through today and then I put up uh I I put out a revised updated Edition
2019 and Heather it was jarring doing the updates to see the very things I warned about 30 years ago happening exactly now with greater force and greater intensity and we've known the atmosphere on campus and and the the cultivating of Jew hatred or extreme anti Zionism on campuses we've known that's been growing for years and years years but American Jews have had the misnomer that they have to be aware of of the right the religious right the political right because they fear some kind of theocracy where conservative Christians are going to set up Christianity is
the state religion and then they're going to persecute Jews Etc so they have this this fear and then because the vast majority of American Jews are not religious so they're more humanistic so in their mind being prophetic that's standing with the minority the same-sex marriage standing for a woman's right to abortion so they get on the wrong side of issues thinking it's a right prophetic thing but they've thought the left was their place of safety and now they've seen that anti-em ISM on the left is probably more pervasive today than anti-Semitism on the right and
even more dangerous so what I've known and others have known has been on college campuses for years American Jews are now discovering to their absolute shock is America in the state that Germany was just prior to Hitler's Reign we see in the 1936 to 1939 riots that broke out in Germany that was anti-jew hatred towards the Jews and Hitler and the Holocaust right after that is America in that current state we're not but we're potentially heading there it's true that you could look say 1938 and here are uh Nazis or student protesters whoever barring Jews
from campuses so we have Jews being bored from campuses you do have those parallels I posted a meme to that effect I first checked to make sure it was accurate you know the pictures were accurate and the setting was accurate and and then posted it um so you do have frightening parallels here's why it's different it's different because the church in America is much more vibrant now than much of the church in Germany that much of it was dead religious Lutheranism so you you do have tens of millions of born- again Believers even though there's
tremendous amount of compromise and carnality in the American Church the church overall I would say has has is more vibrant more vibrant and with a strong pro-israel history and with with the the strength of the Jewish community in America much more of a solidarity uh but are you not concerned with how the church has not risen up just to protect our children deep concerned our own children we're not fighting for we're too afraid to speak up for so why would we speak up and fight for Israel or exactly what if it gets costly so here's
here's we're not there yet but I said we're heading in that direction for example the Biden Administration in the midst of of of the war said at a certain point we're going to withhold weapons from Israel if Israel launches an offensive in Rafa to take out Kamas that that we're not happy with right well that's kind of an unprecedented thing to say that how far to the left Will President Biden go because he doesn't want to alienate his the Muslim voters and he's alienated them a certain amount by standing with Israel how far will he
go here's the big question right now we've seen this horrific rise of Jew hatred and I'm seeing it within the church I I'm seeing which is just crazy it it's been like this over history yeah what what you grew up and what I grew up with in the Lord is not the norm through church history church history has not been philosemitic and loving and embracing of the Jewish people it's it's been the the exception but as the holy spirit's been poured out and people coming to Faith around the world reading the Bible for themselves so
I've been around the world I've been outside the US over 200 trips and I constantly run into Christians who love Israel pray for the Jewish people because they just read the Bible and when I tell them about anti-Semitism in church history they're shocked they didn't know such a thing existed they're they're terrified by this how could that possibly be mortified that's the that is the reality is what's been through history and it is rising up once again on our watch now think of this we saw what happened with Co and how all of America changed
you know with with fear-based things and whether people trying to do right or control we saw that the whole society changed right what if we had a real epidemic I I mean something of horrifically vast proportions or a terrible famine or something and the Jews were blam for it that America would turn on a dime the The Remnant that would stand would be a small Remnant when it becomes costly then you see who your real friends are and that is my great concern and I've been shouting it out on my broadcast and I've been calling
out I'm seeing now charismatic Leaders with grossly anti-semitic views and believing standard conspiracy theories that we have been refuting for decades now entering there I I I'm seeing Catholic anti-semites I'm seeing white supremacist Christian Nationalist anti-semites and they're chanting Christ is King this to them is the Triumph of the Gospel to get the Jews out of America and out of power and so on it is a really dangerous moment so we're not there where Nazi Germany was however we are moving in a very dangerous Direction and if we don't speak out now when it really
doesn't cost us anything you know exactly people like Dr Brown I got unfriended on social media it's like look I got friends overseas and and their colleagues have been beheaded for the gospel and you're concerned about getting unfriended right or if I you know and but there's been so much cowardice in the church on all these other issues yes there has you know and and we always have this this self-righteousness Jesus Jesus addressed it in Matthew 23 when the the religious leaders say if we had lived in the days of our forefathers we would have
never killed the prophets he said so you're admitting you're the children of the ones who killed the prophets and then they turn turn around and kill him give him over to death the prophet of all Propet do this if I lived in the days of slavery or if I okay you live in these days what do you you got abortion what are you doing about that if I lived in the days of Nazi Germany I would have been like Dietrich Von hoofer I doubt it because you're going to risk your life yeah I I honestly
don't know if I've been a gentile Christian Living in Holland and the days of the Nazi takeover would I have done with Cory tenb and her family did I don't know it's like why why should I risk my children getting killed for if God can't take care of the Jewish people why does he need my help and let me just pray what what do you believe is feeding into the cowardness of the church what is the reasoning for not standing out and standing firm faulty foundations we got saved in a convenience Christianity mhm we did
not understand out of the gate that following Jesus can cost you your life right uh when I'm in India and my colleague yanam baptizes people when I'm there every year uh he asks them at water baptism are you will after their confession of Faith are you willing to follow Jesus to your last breath to your last drop of blood this is a water baptism I love it I have colleagues who work in the Muslim world and when a Muslim comes to Faith before they baptize and they ask him are you willing to suffer for Jesus
are you willing to die for Jesus so when something the Christian Church doesn't know much about yeah this is just normal it's it's costly to follow Jesus you you you may lose your life you may lose your reputation you may lose your job one brother was saying you know in America when you preach the gospel you say Hey you having problems on your job come to Jesus he'll Prosper you having problems on your marriage come to Jesus F your marriage having problems in your family come to Jesus and'll fix your family now in fact he
does bless us and many marriages have been put together and many families have been made whole but he said in my country we tell people if you're following Jesus and you have a job you're probably going to get fired yeah if you're married your spouse is going to leave you if you have a family they're going to disown you so we have not counted the cost upfront look at it like this the the the person in the stands at the football game is not paying the price that the athlete of the field is they haven't
had the discipline of the training and the exercise and how they have to live and taking the hits right so good we have the audience mentality we have produced consumers not disciples come on and than preaching a gospel of consecration we preach a Gospel of self-empowerment Jesus died to make me into a bigger and better me so if it's not about me if it doesn't enhance me if it's not good for me right why should I do it why do I want that so we haven't been trained in the environment of you die to self
and you live to do the will of God we haven't been raised and and nurtured in that ground of discipleship like for me I'm I'm no hero but but when when I understand God wants me to do something people say that that took a lot of Courage Dr Brown I can't believe in that setting you brought that message like courage didn't actually occur to me because God spoke to me to bring that message it's like yes what do you do Obed Amos 3 the lion is Roar who can but fear the lord God has spoken
who can but prophesy now I'll be moved with compassion I'll realize wow this is a difficult setting I really need to pray here but it doesn't take courage it's just obedience MH if we know his will that should just be ingrained in us but in many cases that's not the way we think and act and it's like well if I do this a pastor I'll lose my tithing members or and and you know if I I I'll lose if I hit on this controversial subject I'm going to lose my my TV support or my my
social media influence going to drop it's like well you're a slave then you sold out that's right what's what's the big difference between and Judas that's right you just sold out for you did for 30 pieces of silver that's right so you're calling out Idols right now which I which I absolutely love this is Holy disruption podcast disrupting things that need to be disrupted for the point of Holiness and calling the church back to the place of Holiness you're exposing this Idol of self which might be one of the greatest Idols of our hour it's
our culture that we live in to be the best us and even social media platforms it's about creating followers of us and not of followers of Jesus and how how do I it's so much easier nowadays to build my own Empire which takes our eyes on us yeah what we want to do what we want to accomplish when there's wars and rumors of wars that are breaking out um in the world today you know you you touched on the church with this anti-semitic attitude spir Spirit that's rising in the church I think a lot of
listeners haven't even like what you said thought the church you know we see it in colleges do you believe that replacement theology has helped lead us to that place and if so can you also break down what is replacement theology right so replacement theology is the idea that the church in some level has replaced Israel in terms of God's Plan of Salvation or it's called supersessionism because the church has superseded Israel in prac iCal terms the promises that God gave to Israel are now applicable to to the largely Gentile Christian church and no longer belong
to Israel and that they are now spiritually interpreted so that whereas God gave a promised land to a physical people thou is now a spiritual inheritance to a spiritual people so that in brass tax when you're reading the Old Testament this is a promise to the physical nation of Israel to the descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob no long applies to them because they're outside of Christ it applies to those in Christ in a spiritual sense very few people today embrace the term replacement theology they look at it as derogatory and negative and they know
what happened through church history so number one through church history without question replacement theology supersessionism open the door to anti-Semitism there's no question about it now look at it like this there are people who hold to replacement theology today who are not anti-semite who love Jesus who don't demonize Israel they're fine Christians and there's not an anti-semitic bone in their body however everyone that is anti-Semitic or anti-semitic Tendencies within the church holds to replacement theology on one level or another you can say it like this not everyone who dies of a heart attack uh from
uh from obese oh look at it like this not everyone who eats poorly will die of a heart attack through obesity but every single person who dies of a heart attack through obesity ate poorly if they were eating healthily they wouldn't have gotten there okay so the same way if you look today at the Christian voices who are most loudly attacking Israel you're guilty of genocide you're in a part tied state or or or Israel today in Prophecy has no connection to Israel in the Bible you know Israel today the modern state of Israel no
connection Israel in the Bible the loudest voices 100% of them hold to some form of replacement theology or another 100% conversely those who recognize God's ongoing purposes for Israel they they will not take those extreme stands even though as friends of Israel they can be critical so why is this if I recognize that God's choosing of the Jewish people for service not for salvation Salvation is individual through the Messiah but his choosing of the Jewish people for a purpose in the earth that that is something Satan hates so number one Satan wants to wipe the
Jewish people out cuz God has chosen the people God has said for example Jeremiah 31: 35-37 no matter what Israel does he'll preserve us as a nation well Satan wants to wipe Israel out because they're Chosen and because God promised he'd keep them God made an eternal lasting Covenant by oath right Psalm 105 reiterates it that the land belongs to Israel right and is him God in his sovereignty he can expel he can bring us back right yes and when he gave the promises to Abraham Jacob they unconditional promises this is before the Sonic Covenant
and Paul says in Galatians 3:17 that the the law which comes after the promise can't anull the promise so if you're the devil you want to wipe the Jewish people out you want to keep them out of the land of Israel because this is the ultimate battlegr and Jesus is coming back to a Jewish Jerusalem so you want to keep Jews out of Jerusalem and you want to keep Jews away from Jesus so this is this is the ultimate battle this is the final battle the gospel going to all the world this is part of
the what we live for day and night the church coming into maturity and Oneness that's what we live for day and night and salvation coming to Israel that's what we live for day and night it it's the ultimate battle yes and without question a 100 times out of a 100 when you see a Christian who engages in anti-jewish rhetoric and begins to demonize Jewish people or caric caricatures Jewish people or or delegitimizes Israel as a nation and they do it as a Christian 100% of them hold to some form of replacement theology another whether they
call it fulfillment theology or expansion theology whatever they call it the end results are the same it is dangerous it is unbiblical it must be exposed what do you see is coming next what do you see is coming next from this war what do you see is coming next for America and for the church so Israel is going to continue to be God's threshing instrument Israel is going to bring real feelings in emotions to the surface Israel is going to continue to divide the Nations and the world and America so number one we may have
a period of calm after this all depends on who's elected next uh and where things go we know that one of the reasons one of the strategies for for the Iranian sponsorship of the October 7th Massacre was knowing that now Israel will retaliate I don't think anyone expected it to be so successful and therefore Israel is going to retaliate so intensely but this now messes up Israel working with Saudi Arabia because the the enemy of my enemy is my friend so Saudi Arabia and Iran they are Arch enemies Shiite Nation versus a Sunni Nation they
are Arch enemies and Saudi Arabia and other Sunni nations are very concerned about Iran so they've been more and more willing to work with Israel and we may actually see some level of of Peace after this I don't expect it to last uh I I expect it's it's just temporary and then another birth Pang more pressure more intensity more difficulty you know are we 100 years out from the coming of the Lord 50 years 210 God knows but the closer we get will intensify and I I believe this is going to bring a sifting in
the church we are definitely going to see a dangerous ugly frightening rise in front of our eyes of different anti-semitic attitudes even among Born Again Evangelical Believers I don't mean a Jew hatred that would say yeah go ahead and kill them like the Nazis did no Christian can possibly hold to that but you are going to watch and see I've been documenting it I'm saying here's how it's going to happen this is the process you you you hold to an unbiblical Theology and you see no connection between modern Israel and the Bible and the moment
you do that you don't recognize the spiritual element you don't see the the satanic Warfare you don't realize why Satan is so dead set on destroying Israel out of the land that that's the first element you you you get untethered from a right biblical theology then the second thing is you begin to listen to All of the worst reporting about Israel it would be like so Donald Trump is a controversial figure enough on his own but if the only thing I knew about Donald Trump was what I heard on CNN and MSNBC I would think
he's even worse I would think he is Hitler incarnate right so the same way look let's look at something like your own lives Mercy culture how many hitpiece articles have been written about Mercy culture I think it's over 70 now I think yeah that's where we're at so if that's all I know about Mercy culture you guys are really bad evil people with planning to take over America and impose some kind of Christian theoc so you now begin to look at the worst news sources about Israel read the worst reports about Israel this is Step
number two so you get an unbiblical theology now you start to believe the worst of the reports then and and they're pervasive they're everywhere right then number three maybe you got a personal issue maybe in school the Jewish kids lived in a nicer neighborhood or were smarter or you had some personal jealousy issue the the personal things begin to look when I see Black Hebrew Israelites and their hatred for you know they're the real Israelites and people like me were not really Jews I think some of us got to go back to bad history you
know and and and and there have been instance for example early early yeah Jews from East Africa who said we have Jewish Heritage when they wanted to be accepted by by Jewish immigrants in New York they they were now you're not really Jews so I mean they've got this history so when the personal history begins to influence the Theology and then you go back and you start rereading the Bible through anti-semitic eyes the Jews are the children of the devil the Jews are a synagogue of Satan the Jews through all generations are responsible through the
for the death of Jesus so begin to read the scriptures in the wrong way now you've got a full-blown Christian anti-semite right there wow and we are going to see it happen increasingly in front of our eyes not just radical white supremacist Catholic like Nick Fuentes who says we're going to kill them they're not going to kill us and we to get the Jews out of control in America and as he's saying it the crowd's chanting the audience Christ is King Christ is King not just elements like that that are so obviously not Christian and
not really knowing the Lord but among evangelicals among Believers especially younger people because they're think of this they haven't been as biblically biblically literate as the older generation which I don't blame on them I blame on the environment in which they've been raised with social media and not really learning reading right and then think of this everything they've been exposed to in the news is anti-israel right and evil Israel and what they're doing they the Holocaust who knows that who remembers that the fact that two out of every three European Jews were slaughtered the fact
that 3 million out of 3.3 million polish Jews nine out of 10 were slaughtered horrific a million and a half babies and children slaughtered that's just in memory that's that's not like this Tik Tok video I just saw wow you know with some Palestinian child screaming right because he you know he being bombed so they're ignorant of that they're ignorant of the miracle of Israel being birthed out of the ashes of the Holocaust they're ignorant of the miracle that no people has been displaced from their land for hundreds and hundreds of years let alone two
Millennia and then being regathered as a people still with their identity preserved none have preserved their identity they've only to married and dispersed without a Homeland be brought back to the land out of the ases of the Holocaust that's Miracle they're not aware of that I grew up born in 55 6 day war right in 1967 I was 12 years old remember we were on the edge of our sea what's going to happen it's like a miracle it was a miracle I remember one of my my friends uh his his parents were Israelis and and
they when I was playing basketball in his backyard they were glued to the radio listening am mirica kids don't know that today no what they know is Mark zukerberg is Jewish and I don't like Facebook right right right and and and this you know the media is controlling the narrative right right and and Jews control the world and Jew you know so bad Jews and look at what all the Terrible Things Israel is doing that's what they grew up with and what's J Z really good at empathy right right I I side with the oppressed
I side with the alist that's why they so identify as lgbtq I'm going to side with the not seeing their empathy is for the enemy right right yeah so it's the hijacking of of real compassion and name of empathy and it's an unhealthy one you know I remember about 15 years ago when Landon and I led our first Israel tour and uh and I I know the the media has been controlling the narrative about Israel for a while but during that time there was I remember news of bombs and all this stuff and they're making
it look like it's happening all over and Israel we start getting messages oh it's too unsafe it's too unsafe to go to Israel right now and people were trembling in fear and wanting to back out of the trip and so we're calling our friends and people in Israel is this true and this is what we're seeing on the television right now like no it's peaceful it's beautiful and you guys it's safe to come come we I remember having to call all of these individual people we were calling them to encourage them we get there we
experience exactly what the what our friends on the phone had shared with us and you know we're we're standing outside the Western Wall and Landon Just prayed and asked the Lord we're together and he said why do I feel so much peace here Lord we're seeing War chaos all of the stuff you know on the news but we're standing in Jerusalem we feel the peace of God and the Lord says because the Nations have been praying for the Peace of Jerusalem have been praying for the Peace of Israel you are standing in the prayers of
the Saints for peace for this place and it was one of the most peaceful places we had ever stood and felt the presence of the Lord in the form of Peace ever um and so what you're saying is so important obviously for Israel but for really everything everything that is being put before our eyes right now is to sway us into an anti-god culture it is to pack fear in us so that we would begin to serve what our culture the narrative the culture is putting before us exactly this is full circle what we are
talking about the courage and the cowardness of the church and I think that people are greater Disciples of the news and what our culture is saying all over social media and putting in front of us than the word of God than finding a Spirit-filled bold Church to preach the truth and we're we're being truly and you said gen Z in the Next Generation they're being discipled Yeah by what our our world is saying is truth right now how should Christians be preparing themselves how should they be preparing their children's and what should their stance on
Israel be so we need to really be grounded it's absolutely essential in Matthew 7 Jesus speaks of of the foolish one and the wise one right the the wise person hears the words of Jesus puts them into practice right they hear and they do that's like building your house on a rock the other hears and doesn't do that's like building a house on sand in both cases they've heard the words and in both cases there's going to be wind and waves that come one stands the other doesn't stand so we have to be grounded we
have to know what the word says in our hearts and minds and be established and then we have to be doers of the word yeah that that is building our house on a rock yes and when it comes to Israel what we must understand and I I was asked a question by a student in in the leadership school this very question what can parents do for their children and I said look one thing you can do is whenever you're reading the Bible the appropriate time help them to understand that those people that's Israel today was
make that constant connection that those people those Jewish people still Jewish people today that that there's that link from what's happening in the Bible and to what's happening in the world around us you know when you go to Israel everyone says the Bible came to life yeah and it's it's a it's a non-political trip it's it's a trip to to be in the land of the Bible and it it happened it happened here it's it's all real it's has a profound amazing effect let it be that there's always that sense of connection because a Jewish
person they're aware of it you know they go back to their father their father their father all the way back to Israel uh and and every every Passover Sader every Passover meal they're rehearsing and recalling The Exodus from Egypt and then saying next year in Jerusalem so there's this Consciousness so this part we we pray regularly for Israel as a household this would you know what you would do your children understand the connection from the people in the Bible to to Israel today and then this is this should be our stance we know that the
God who scattered the Jewish people has brought them back the only way Israel exists today is by the will of God by which I mean when God blesses no one can curse when he curses no one can bless when he opens the door no one can shut it when he shuts the door no one can open when he smites no one can heal when he heals no one can Smite when he scatters no one can reather when he weathers no one can scatter he scattered my Jewish people he scattered Us in his anger in his
wrath how did we reather un can't do it Satan can't do it flesh can't do it Jewish people can't reather themselves if he scattered us only he can reather that's right so you're we must understand God brought the Jewish people back to the land god has a purpose for the Jewish people yes a Jewish Jerusalem must welcome the Messiah back therefore there is a pitched satanic battle to wipe out the Jewish people to delegitimize the state of Israel and to keep Jewish people away from Jesus so therefore we stand with God against the devil yes
we stand with God against the devil who wants to destroy the Jewish people against the devil who wants to disperse the Jewish people against the devil who wants to keep Jewish people away from Jesus now it doesn't mean that everything the Israeli government does is good let's recognize that about 15% of the Israeli population is ultra Ultra Orthodox so large families 10 12 kids is not uncommon you know everyday hours of study prayer tremendous devotion but Extreme hostility to the gospel people like me not be welcome by government run you know by by folks with
that persuasion uh maybe 30% of the nation overall would be fairly religious and 15 super religious but 70% of the nation roughly is not religious and and that means you know gay activism thriving Tel Aviv years ago was voted the most gay friendly city in the world you have gay pride marches in Jerusalem uh women in serving in in the Israeli Army can get free abortions so very liberal and other positions and and worldly in that regard you know needing needing the Lord uh and the current government under Nyah who brought in some really bad
apples uh in his Zeal to continue in power you know with all the good that he's done you there's a lot of controversy as well and he brought in some really bad apples some people you'd even say are racist and so they represent things I don't like but as a friend of Israel I can say that look I've spent years dealing with issues in particular within charismatic church because that's what I'm part of I've written whole books raising issues and critiques for the charismatic church because that's my family right so I'm free to criticize Israel
I stand with Justice I care about the Palestinians right Jesus shed the same blood for Palestinian and Israeli and and and it's it's equally Grievous when an Israeli child dies and a Palestinian child dies so I'm in for that let's let's wherever Israel could do better step higher amen but fundamentally mhm I realize Hamas is on the side of the devil MH and God is standing with Israel I realize fundamentally this worldwide tide of anti-Semitism and the protest they are fundamentally satanically inspired and therefore I stand with Israel against against these things and that is
a spiritual thing for people think it's just political no no this is spiritual this is biblical why is Jesus coming back to Jerusalem if God's finished with Israel if there are no purpose that remain for the Jewish people why mess everything up by confuse it all by coming back to Jerusalem and and why is it that the only places were commanded to pray for on the planet there only one yes Jerusalem not just Psalm 122 that you mentioned but Isaiah 62 Isaiah 62 which said a little emphasis there right yeah come on power Isaiah Isaiah
62 W which says to give ourselves no rest and to give God no rest until he establishes Jerusalem as the praise of the whole earth and that's when Jerusalem welcomes back Jesus Yeshua as the Messiah so if you care about the second coming of Jesus if you care about what Paul writes about in Romans 11: 11-15 that if Israel's rejection brought riches to the Gentiles brought salvation to the world what will their acceptance be if Israel getting things wrong has led to the Salvation of hundreds of millions of people worldwide what happens when Israel gets
things right it's the resurrection of the Dead It's the Return of the Messiah so these are spiritual issues yes and this is theil we're fighting not people Muslims we pray for Muslims not our enemy not our enemy these These are people that are lost that need the Messiah that need Jesus the governments of the world that are anti-israel they need the Lord this is a spiritual battle and we must stand and speak and I've been raising these issues and we can talk about Nazi Germany we can talk about the past but here's where we are
now this is where we live to every Pastor to every leader how dare you be silent at a time like this how dare you not Raise Your Voice on behalf of Israel and God's purposes for Israel in the midst of saying that I differ with this and that you make your stand speak up denounce the anti-Semitism call it out and say I believe we serve a God who keeps his word and if he can't be trusted to keep his promises to Israel he can't be trusted to keep his promises to the church look we are
talking people about the most Afflicted the most attacked Nation and people group there has ever been you look at the timeline of the wars over this land and over these people it has almost been continuous yet they stand this proves God's love that that that these people are his chosen people and if my God loves them like this then it is our responsibility to also love them like he loves them I want to encourage you to Begin to Fall in Love with Israel fall in love with God's chosen people you do this by bringing them
into your encounter Time by praying for them by praying for God's justice for Heavenly Justice you do this by praying for Revival and Reformation in the land of Israel uh I would also encourage you in times that uh it's approved to be able to travel to go to this land to to sew into it with your finances to sew into it with your prayers I can't wait until I get to bring my children into the beautiful land of Israel and so uh personally my husband and I absolutely we adore Dr Brown but we adore the
Jewish people in Israel and I encourage you fall in love with these people rise up rise up in Courage like Dr Brown just encouraged you to do so I pray that today's podcast blessed you so very much and sparked a flame or fan that flame into a wildfire uh inside of you uh join us on the next holy disruption podcast thank you for joining me on this episode of holy disruption where we are Awakening the bride of Christ and calling the church back to Holiness if you'd like to continue with me on this journey follow
me on social at Heather shot and make sure to subscribe at Mercy culture on YouTube and all podcast platforms [Music]
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