They Are Doing EXACTLY What End Time Prophecy (Revelation 6) Tells Us

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they are doing exactly what Endtime prophecy tells us rumors of War disasters so let's look at Matthew CH 24 where the disciples asked him what will be the signs or signals of your return what would we do if we don't know when it's going to happen to their inquiry Jesus gave a direct and unambiguous answer we can thank God that he responded in such a straightforward manner in the Book of Revelation he gives a much more detailed and comprehensive response but here he gives a rundown of the signs that will precede his arrival the disciples
approached Jesus secretly as he was Seated on the Mount of Olives Matthew 24: 3-36 New American Standard Bible and as he was sitting on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things happen and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age and Jesus answered and said to them see to it that no one misleads you for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and they will mislead many people and you will be hearing of wars and
rumors of wars see that you are not alarmed for those things must take place and that is not yet the end for nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places but all these things are merely the beginning of birth pains then they will hand you over to tribulation and kill you and you will be hated by All Nations because of my name and at that time many will fall away and they will betray one another and hate one another and many false prophets will rise
up and mislead many people and because lawlessness is increased most people's love will become cold but the one who endures to the end is the one who will be saved this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations and then the end will come therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the Prophet standing in the Holy place let the reader understand then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains whoever is on the housetop must not go
down to get things out of his house and whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak but woe to those women who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days moreover pray that when you flee it will not be in the winter or on a Sabbath for then there will be a Great Tribulation such has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now nor ever will again and if those days had not been cut short no life would have been saved but for the sake
of the elect those days will be cut short short then if anyone says to you behold here is the Christ or he is over here do not believe him for false christs and false prophets will arise and will provide great signs and wonders so as to mislead if possible even the elect behold I have told you in advance so if they say to you behold he is in the wilderness do not go out or behold he is in the inner rooms do not believe them for just as the lightning comes from the East and flashes
as far as the West so will the coming of the son of man be wherever the corpse is there the vultures will gather but immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the Stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken and then the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of the
sky with power and great glory and he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet blast and they will gather together his elect from the Four Winds from one end of the sky to the other now learn the parable of the Fig Tree as soon as its branch has become tender and Sprouts its leaves you know that summer is near so you too when you see all these things recognize that he is near right at the door truly I say to you this generation will not pass away until all these things take place Heaven
and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away but about that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of Heaven nor the Sun but the father alone now in that passage he gave four distinct signs of his coming one of the four signs is already there while the other three are not that is why I say we are in the beginning of the end time so what exactly are these four signs he gave us the first is clearly disasters in the world and he mentions for example Wars famines and
earthquakes these are certainly happening but they have been happening for over 2,000 years they are getting more intense in the first sign there are Wars rumors of wars earthquakes and famine Jesus warns us not to be deceived by false saviors and false Messiahs especially as natural disasters create turmoil some individuals have exploited these situations claiming to be saviors only to lead others into tragedy as problems increase so do false deliverers Jesus advises us not to be alarmed or worried when we hear about new conflicts tragedies or famines he said something astonishing these are painful events
but they are not pangs of death they are birth pains so when you read of disasters in the med media these are the pains that means something new is about to be born this should completely change our attitude we know what the world is coming to we should not be alarmed or dismayed by the world's troubles disasters are like the pain of birth in a new world we may feel sympathy for those suffering and we should help them but in our hearts we should remain hopeful we are anticipating the birth of a new world so
we should not be discouraged by the world's problems simply put we shouldn't Panic or be disturbed but rather rejoice and see these as signs of something new happening the second sign the second sign of his coming is not in the world but in the church disasters in the world are the first sign the church not the world is the second sign of his coming the first warning is disasters around the world the second is changes in the church just as he divided the first sign into three parts Wars earthquakes and famines he divides the second
sign into three parts all of which occur within the church the first part is persecution that we will be hated in every nation the second aspect of this sign would be a significant reduction in the church's size most people's love will grow cold when the whole church is under strain many nominal Christians if not all true Christians would leave under the burdens of universal persecution their love would grow cold so a very depressing sign the big surprise in the third part of the sign is that the gospel will be preached to every group The Gospel
will be proclaimed implying a smaller purified Church would have a greater impact on the planet as Jesus suggested beware of false prophets who deceive others they preach peace when there is none offering only comfort instead of challenge they make false predictions claiming that everything is fine and the future is fantastic which may lead some people to leave the church Jesus advises us to keep going and not give in to false prophets he tells us that those who persevere Until the End will be saved when the time comes that all aspects of the church are despised
by the world this is Jesus's advice to all Christians why should that be the case the answer is that wheat and tears grow together and the closer they get to full maturity the more tension there will be between them therefore it's natural for Christians to be under a lot of pressure in the end Christians are social Misfits so there will be hatred this world does not belong to us our citizenship is in the Heavenly Realms we are unique and it is because of our uniqueness that hate can arise since Jesus was so different from everyone
else he drew hate against himself John 1519 if you were of the world it would love you as its own instead the world hates you because you are not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world it's not fun to be despised third sign the third sign of the end times is Jerusalem's distress which will be geographically limited Jesus quotes Daniel's prophecies In this passage referencing a character called the abomination of desolation mentioned three times by Daniel this refers to a man who establishes himself in the city of God claims to
be God and refuses to accept anyone else's will above his own this tyrant's arrival will have Global ramifications centered in Jerusalem the holy Place Jesus said that the fourth sign of his coming will come immediately after the third sign so we will know when he is coming and be ready when that sign comes there will be no danger of false prophets or false Messiahs and there will be no deception because it will happen too quickly all natural light will be switched off the sun will go dark and the Stars will fall many predictions of this
can be found all the way through the Bible for instance Isaiah predicts it the heavens will be rolled up like a carpet all the stars of heaven will be disolved the skies will be rolled up like a scroll and all their Stars will fall like withered leaves from the vine like foliage from the Fig Tree the natural light will be gone leaving only artificial light to illuminate the Earth what is happening what is going on people may ask this is it Christians will exclaim the sun stars and moon stops shining right before that happens God
turns off the lights of Heaven to prepare for the blaze of light from the lightning that will mark his return then he comes on the clouds back to planet Earth and we meet him we are not meeting in an Earthly Stadium because there isn't one large enough to accommodate such a large crowd we'll reach him in the air and that'll suffice isn't that a fantastic Prospect when you see all these things you know he is at the gates just about to walk through he says number three underground bunkers does the Bible mention current events such
as billionaires building bunkers if so does it indicate the Fulfillment of Endtime prophecies as mentioned in the Bible Revelation 6: 15 and 16 then the kings of the earth and the Great Men and the military commanders and the wealthy and the strong and everyone whether slave or free hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains and they called to the mountains and the Rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the righteous wrath and indignation of the Lamb these judgments occur
in the Book of Revelation The Book of Revelation is spine chilling not due to its horror story but because it portrays the ultimate battle between good and evil marking the end of the human Journey it is a prophetic account of the end of the world as we know it with vivid imagery that produces a sense of awe and wonder in Revelation 6 the bunkers are mentioned and Revelation 6-6 cover Satan on Earth this part of the book is crucial and can be challenging to understand unfortunately we have now reached the most unpleasant part of the
book The worst judgments the situation will deteriorate significantly before any approvement can be seen the scenario depicted in the upcoming chapters is grim but it's important to note that it represents the worst it can be the reader can take comfort in the fact that things will only get better from here on out nevertheless the upcoming chapters are distressing enough to make one feel uneasy the bunkers are mentioned as part of a prophecy yet to be fulfilled as they are part of the Seven Seals which are part of God's end of the world judgments explained in
Revelation 6: 1-17 even though we see the result of the bunkers in Revelation 6 the action begins in chapter 5 of Revelation in John's Vision there are seven seals in heaven as each seal is broken a new judgment is Unleashed on the world the opening of The Scroll brings judgment on the world the search for someone worthy to open the celestial scroll in Revelation 5 is the Prelude to the opening of The Seven Seals in John's Vision the search for someone worthy to open the scroll is significant because it emphasizes the importance of finding someone
who is righteous and worthy to bring about God's judgment in Revelation 5 John weeps because no one is found who is worthy to open the scroll but then he is told that the lion of Judah Jesus Christ is worthy Jesus is then depicted as a slain lamb which emphasizes the sacrificial nature of his death and his willingness to take on the sins of the world John writes I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with Seven Seals this scroll includes God's judgments
only Jesus is judged worthy of breaching the seals and unlocking the scroll as the scroll is opened evil will finally be judged and evil would not continue to plague the Earth Revelation 5: 7-9 and he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne and when he had taken the book The Four beasts and four and 20 Elders fell down before the lamb having every one of them Harps and golden vials of full of odors which are the prayers of saints and they sung a new song saying
Thou Art Worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof for thou was slain and Hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every Kindred and tongue and people and Nation the lamb begins to open the seals amidst the worship due to him with each seal opened the scroll can be unrolled a little further gradually revealing the judgments God has in store for the tribulation time the aftermath of the bunkers is revealed in The Sixth Seal according to the Book of Revelation the first four of the seven seal are open unleashing
the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse these judgments are depicted As A Horse and Rider representing death war famine and pestilence respectively each Horsemen symbolizes a destructive force that brings widespread Devastation and despair to the Earth the fifth seal the fifth seal of the scroll indicates those who will be martyred for their trust in Christ during the tribulation then we finally arrive at the Sixth Seal when The Sixth Seal was open John saw awesome Cosmic disturbances there was a great earthquake the sun turned black the moon became blood red stars fell to the Earth the sky
folded up like a scroll mountains and Islands moved this day is called the great day of his wrath Revelation 16: 12-1 17 and I beheld when he had opened the Sixth Seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood and the stars of Heaven fell onto the Earth even as a fig tree casteth her on timely figs when she is shaken out of A Mighty Wind and the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and Island
were moved out of their places and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the Mighty Men And every bondman and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sth on the throne and from the Wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand we have here The Sixth Seal open
John described how people reacted to these terrifying Cosmic distresses by hiding in caves and trying to seclude them elves from God and Christ on that fateful and Dreadful day a sense of Terror and fear gripped people from all walks of life the apprehension and anxiety were palpable as they faced the unknown and uncertain future ahead the sheer magnitude of the impending doom was overwhelming No Authority Grandeur riches Valor or strength would be able to support people at that time even the very poor slaves who one would think had nothing to fear because they had nothing
to lose were all in amazement on that day at the time being referred to no amount of authority Grandeur riches Valor or strength would be able to provide support to the people no bunker or fancy steel cages would feel safe enough even those who were considered to have nothing to fear would be filled with a sense of Amazement on that day the situation would be so overwhelming that I would wish for it all to crash take a moment to observe the scene in front of you and notice the fear and amazement on the faces of
those present their reactions are undoubtedly intense and palpable showing the seriousness of the situation during times of extreme hardship people's emotions can become so intense that they may feel like they are being pushed to their limits the weight of their troubles can become so unbearable that they may feel like they have no choice but to give up when the situation becomes so so dire that people are driven to desperation they may even wish for the mountains to fall upon them and the hills to cover them they would prefer to Disappear Completely and cease to exist
also observe the cause of their Terror namely the angry countenance of him that sits on the throne and the Wrath of the Lamb all individuals are equally humbled by the wrath of God this judgment is especially profound since it is the Wrath of the Lamb it is the fierce anger of love the anger of selfless love that has done everything that is possible for our Salvation this anger tells us with absolute certainty that evil will eventually be destroyed by God they say in their bunkers hide us from the face of him who sits on the
throne people don't just hide from the fear of punishment but also from the very sight of the almighty who Reigns in heaven the thing that terrifies Sinners the most is not just the thought of dying but the intimidating overwhelming presence of God himself the statement emphasizes the Inseparable Unity between Christ and God it suggests that anything that causes displeasure to Christ also causes displeasure to God as they are one and the same this implies that the will and intention of Christ and God are identical and they share a single Divine Purpose although God is invisible
he can make the inhabitants of this world aware of his severe displeasure although Christ is often depicted as a gentle lamb it is important to remember that he is capable of anger even to the point of Wrath the Wrath of the Lamb is extremely terrifying if the very one who saves us from God's Wrath becomes our enemy then who will plead for us those who fall victim to the Wrath of the Redeemer will be without hope their fate will be sealed with no chance of redemption this is the very bottom of hopelessness and despair throughout
history individual uals have been presented with opportunities and periods of Grace to make amends for their sins similarly God also has his own day of righteous wrath a day where all Sinners will have to face the consequences of their wrongdoings this day will be so Dreadful that even the bravest Sinners will not be able to stand before God the people of Judea and Jerusalem experience the terror of this day during their destruction and it will befall all unrepentant sinners on the day of the final judgment the anguish fear and despair that will be experienced by
Sinners on that day will be beyond measure the Wrath of the Lamb during times of trouble humans seek shelter and safety wherever they can find it it is during such moments that the fleeting and temporary nature of human existence becomes evident the upheaval in the sky is not just an ordinary occurrence but a warning of a greater Terror to come it is the expression of God's Wrath a terrifying and all inspiring force that is beyond human comprehension the Wrath of the Lamb is a phrase used by terrified individuals to describe the calamities they experience it's
worth noting that they do not view the Lamb of God who gave his life for human sin or God who sent his son to die as the cause of these calamities John 3: 16 and 17 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever so believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved the people of the world still view God as a vengeful being the wrath of
God of course is a basic theme of The Bible Revelation tells us much about it Revelation 19:1 15 from his mouth comes a sharp sword his word with which he may strike down the Nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron and he will tread The Wine Press of the fierce wrath of God the almighty in Judgment of the rebellious World another term for the day of the Lord is a day of judgment as described by the prophets Joel and Zephaniah Joel described it as Dreadful while Zephaniah characterized it as a day
of distress and anguish a day of trouble and ruin a day of darkness and Gloom a day of clouds and Blackness the wrath of God is not a manifestation of vengeful hate or personal vindictiveness instead it is God's holy response to unrepented sin which is the root cause of the misery and suffering that humans bring upon themselves during this time of judgment even Kings and people on Earth may ask a legitimate question who can stand this question is actually a a quote from Malachi 3:2 who can endure the day of his coming who can stand
when he appears in the book of Isaiah there's a reference to the heavens being rolled up like a scroll in connection with the day of the Lord this illustration symbolizes a cosmic judgment where God punishes the wicked Nations the passage also mentions the host of Heaven withering like a leaf on a fig tree additionally the passage indicates that ultimate loyal y to Jesus Christ rather than social status determines one's fate in ancient times people were often categorized by their differences such as slave and free but death negates such distinctions job 3: 19 Amplified Bible the
small and the great are there and the servant is free from his master John emphasizes in verse 15 that no one from the highest to the lowest will be exempt from judgment prior verses indicate that in the face of natural disasters humanity is often spurred to admit something typically suppressed and admission that God is God and that what is happening is his judgment the impending events were significant and a series of occurrences made that time period exceptionally Dreadful one there was a major earthquake two the sun turned black like sackcloth made of hair which could
have been due to a total eclipse or the political fall of the ruling authorities three the moon appeared as red as blood four the stars of Heaven fell to the Earth five the sky receded like a scroll being rolled up six Every Mountain and Island was moved from its place we read a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became like blood and the stars of Heaven fell to the Earth throughout the Bible there are numerous references to Celestial disturb disturbances beli to signify the arrival of the Messiah
these occurrences have been mentioned in the prophetic books of Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Joel and Zephaniah as well as by Jesus himself they are described in great detail and are believed to hold significant symbolic meaning concerning the arrival of the Messiah we see this in Zephaniah chapter 1: 14-6 we also see something equally disastrous in Joel 2: 10 and 11 the earth quakes before them the heavens tremble the Sun and the Moon grow dark and the Stars lose their brightness the Lord utters his voice before his army for his Camp is very great because strong and
powerful is he who obediently carries out his word for the day of the Lord is indeed great and very terrible causing dread who can endure it in the Old Testament earthquakes were often been seen as a sign of divine intervention for example when God descended on Mount Si the entire Mountain shook violently the prophet Isaiah also predicted that the Lord would one day shake the Earth as a form of punishment in the book of hagay the Lord himself declares that he will soon shake the heavens and the Earth the Sea and the dry land to
demonstrate his power and authority this undoubtedly shows the power of God in this case we read the sun became black as a sackcloth of hair and the moon became like blood and the stars of Heaven fell to the Earth it is best to regard these pictures as real but poetic John did not use technically precise scientific language but he simply described what he saw the similarities between these judgments and what Jesus said in Matthew 24:29 are obvious Matthew 24:29 Amplified Bible immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon
will not provide its light and the Stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken the day of the Lord this language too is reflected in the Old Testament Isaiah had written Isaiah 2:19 people will go into caves of the rocks and into holes in the ground away from the terror of the Lord and the Splendor of his majesty when he arises to terrify the Earth the phrase day of the Lord is used more than 25 times in the Bible the phrase however is not used to refer to a
specific day but rather to a period of time described as God's time this period of time is characterized by God's divine intervention in human Affairs which results in the ultimate Triumph of God over evil the idea behind the day of the Lord is that the present time belongs to humanity but it will not last forever the day of the Lord is a time of Reckoning when God will judge the world and bring an end to the era of human power the Bible describes the day of the Lord as a time of great upheaval when the
world will be shaken to its core the Messiah who is Jesus will come to Earth and will put an end to the human era he will bring forth the day of the Lord a time when God's glory will be revealed and his kingdom will be established on Earth in summary the phrase day of the Lord refers to a period of time when God's divine intervention will put an end to the era of human dominance and establish his kingdom on Earth it is a time of Reckoning judgment hope and Redemption when the Messiah will come and
the world will be transformed the day of the Lord of hosts shall come on that day people will be terrified on that day people will be humbled and the prideful looks of man will be diminished the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day and there will be no more idolatry the day day of the Lord is the day when God will be glorified and everyone will witness the terror of the Lord and the glory of his majesty the tall tower the strong fortified wall the impressive ships of tares and the Beautiful sloops all of
these demonstrate the height of man's pride and arrogance however on the day of the Lord all of man's proud and huy accomplishments will be brought to nothing the only one who will be exalted on that day is the Lord alone God intervenes in history to fulfill a specific aspect of his plan in the New Testament this is referred to as a day of Wrath visitation and the great day of God Almighty the final outcome of this day will be The Humbling of human arrogance and pride and the exaltation of the Lord alone Isaiah 2:17 the
prophecies regarding the day of the Lord will ultimately be fulfilled at the end of History where God will punish evil and fulfill all his promises with his wondrous power what is the biblical understanding of the wrath of God Wrath refers to the emotional reaction to perceived the Injustice or wrongdoing it can be described as anger vexation indignation or irritation both humans and God can exhibit wrath but there is a significant difference between the two the wrath of God is distinct from the wrath of man the wrath of God is always holy and Justified but the
wrath of man man is rarely Justified and never holy the Old Testament portrays the wrath of God as a Divine reaction to human sin and Disobedience most frequently idolatry triggers this Divine wrath for instance Psalm 7856 to 66 recounts Israel's idolatry the Divine wrath is consistently aimed at those who fail to follow God's will the wrath of God against sin and disobedience is completely Justified because God's plan for Humanity is Holy and perfect just like God himself God has made a way to receive his Divine favor which is through repentance by repenting a sinner can
turn God's Wrath away from themselves however if someone rejects this perfect plan they reject God's love Mercy grace and favor and will incur his righteous wrath the New Testament supports the concept of a wrathful God who judges sin the story of the rich man and Lazarus illust rates the Judgment of God and the severe consequences for unrepentant Sinners John 3:36 says whoever believes in the son has eternal life but whoever rejects the son will not see life for God's Wrath remains on him the one who believes in the son will not suffer God's Wrath for
his sin because the son took God's wrath upon himself when he died in our place on the cross those who do not believe in the son who do not receive him as a savior will will be judged on the day of Wrath the Bible cautions against human anger in several passages such as Romans 12:19 Ephesians 4:26 and Colossians 38-10 the reason being that only God is capable of exacting righteous Vengeance because his judgment is Flawless and pure whereas human rage is sinful and often leads to demonic influence as Christians we must strive to suppress our
anger and wrath as it conflicts with our new nature which is in line with the nature of Christ himself the wrath of God is a fearsome and terrifying thing only those who have been covered by the blood of Christ shed for us on the cross can be assured that God's Wrath will never fall on them technology the development of technology that makes Endtime prophecies possible such as chips has led many to wonder how modern technology connects to Bible prophecies about the end times the Bible describes a time when a Living Image will be created that
can speak and cause people to be killed if they do not worship it and he is given power to give breath to the image of the Beast so that the image of the Beast will even appear to speak and cause those who do not Bow Down and Worship the image of the Beast to be put to death Revelation 13:1 15 the prophecy can be explained in the context of modern technology the concept of a Living Image controlling people's lives is plausible with advancements in Ai and holographic technology these developments could be used to fulfill the
prophecy enforcing compliance and Allegiance as described in the Bible the mark of the beast another well-known prophecy is the mark of the beast also he compels all the small and the Great and the rich and the poor and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead signifying a allegiance to the Beast and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark either the name of the Beast or the number of his name Revelation 13: 16 and 17
this passage can be linked to Modern Technologies such as microchips or digital identification systems there are discussions and experiments involving implantable microchips for storing personal information and conducting Financial transactions digital IDs are becoming essential in some parts of the world and the concept of a mandatory Mark or digital identifier for participating in Commerce is becoming increasingly feasible these Technologies align with the biblical warning about the mark of the beast emphasizing the need for vigilance and discernment among Believers pay Attention America the sign of the Antichrist is already underway 100% Endtime prophecy a recent World economic
Forum update discussed the topic called the race for advanced AI chips in this post they shared a link that said right now the need for advanced chips to power AI is growing fast because of this many top tech companies are showing off new AI chip models Intel meta and Google introduced their latest AI chips Nvidia also revealed its new AI chip which promises super fast speeds Nvidia is a leading maker of GPU chips which are essential for large language models chips are the building blocks of a new kind of economy says an AI expert the
post also mentioned many countries such as the US EU Nations and India are investing heavily in new semiconductor factories to produce the Wafers needed for advanced chips however it will take several years for these factories to become operational the rapidly evolving AI Market presents new opportunities but also potential challenges leading some to speculate about the Fulfillment of prophecies in the Book of Revelation particularly regarding the mark of the beast the mark of the beast appears in Revelation an intriguing possibility gaining traction lately is that of an RFID chip the RFID chip RFID uses electromagnetic fields
to automatically identify and track tag bags attached to objects it's used to track medicines library books Vehicles jewelry wildlife and pets RFID is also used for car keys and contactless payment methods recently some companies have offered RFID chip implants to their employees allowing them to wave their hand to open doors pay for food and use the copy machine supporters of RFID implants believe they can eliminate the need for wallets and passports and help find lost individuals there are concerns about medical technological and ethical issues surrounding RFID technology in humans some people view RFID chips suspiciously
as they resemble the mark of the beast described in the Bible Revelation is full of symbolic language by using these symbols we can better understand things that might be hard to grasp it's important to remember that these symbols are meant to help us understand not confuse us in Revelation symbols can be grouped into four categories one some symbols have clear meanings for example the dragon represents the devil the Lake of Fire represents hell and the Great White Throne represents the Lord's judgment seat two some symbols are explained within the context for instance the stars represent
Angels the lampstands represent churches and the seals trumpets and bowls represent disas diss three the Seven Seals and seven trumpets have been opened and the final series of disasters is about to occur which will be the worst for the world evil Powers will gain a tighter grip on society than ever before though their whole is about to be broken three individuals form an Unholy Alliance to rule the world an Angelic being known as Satan and two human figures referred to as the Antichrist and the false prophet together they mimic the Holy Trinity in a Twisted
imitation of God Christ and the Holy Spirit Revelation 13 1-3 New American Standard Bible and the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea having 10 horns and seven heads and on his horns were 10 crowns and on his heads were Blasphemous names and the Beast that I saw was like a leopard and his feet were like those of a air and his mouth like the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great Authority I saw one
of his heads as if it had been fatally wounded and his fatal wound was healed and the whole earth was amazed and followed after the Beast his rise to power will be quiet no one will notice at first not even those who are close to what's happening he will come from ordinary people according to John the C in the Bible stands for all people or more specifically the Gentile Nations the text says that even though the tribulation will be terrible it will never be Beyond God's control because God holds Satan back Satan is mentioned in
these troubles for the first time and hasn't been talked about since the letters to the seven churches seals and trumpets have caused problems on Earth while Satan has been in heaven the two beasts show up in Chapter 13 the first is a political leader a world dictator with total power over all people he is the Antichrist the man of lawlessness following only his own rules claiming to be divine and demanding worship the Beast is a human who accepts the offer from Satan that Jesus refused but he is also anti-christian in another sense he has the
power to make war against the Saints and to overcome them he is like other Fierce Beast a leopard bear and lion is he human or Divine he seems to come from from a group of political rulers gaining the world's attention by recovering from a fatal wound likely from an attempted assassination his arrogant Blasphemous behavior is shown for 42 months his position is supported by the second beast a religious partner with Supernatural Powers who makes people worship the first Beast his miracles will trick the Nations as he calls fire down from the sky and makes images
of the dictator speak he will look like a lamb a young sheep with only two horns according to Revelation 16:2 and 1920 the mark of the beast is a symbol that shows those who worship the beast from the sea Revelation 16:2 so the first went and poured out his bowl upon the Earth and a foul and loathsome swar Came Upon the men who had the mark of the beast and those who worshiped His Image Revelation shows us the economic strategy of the first Beast and the second beast Revelation 13: 16 and 17 he causes all
both small and great rich and poor free slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the Mark or the name of the Beast or the number of his name he makes everyone get a mark this Mark will be given to all the people under the rule of the Beast and his friend you need this Mark to take part in the economy without it you can't buy or sell anything this shows we are not in that time period yet because
the verse says this Mark will be required three things need to happen for this to occur first there will need to be a rule to put these chips in people also we haven't seen the abomination of desolation yet for the chips to be used the Antichrist also needs to be in charge only those with a specific mark on their hand or forehead will be permitted to engage in train trade the Mark will be given only to those who participate in Imperial idolatry the number 666 is the coded name of the dictator until he arrives all
attempts to decode it are useless speculation one thing is clear he will fall short of perfection in every regard the word charagma in ancient Greek refers to a mark some interpret it as a symbolic Mark While others believe a physical Mark for buying or selling could be practical technology to enable buying and selling with a mark is available this Mark is viewed as a satanic imitation of God's Mark upon his people the number of his name this was a common Concept in the ancient world in Greek and Hebrew as well letters were assigned a numerical
value such as a equaling 1 B equaling 2 and so forth the Antichrist is described as a man whose appearance was greater than his brothers he will be extremely IR resistible to the masses due to his charismatic personality speaking abilities and outstanding good looks the Apostle John adds to Daniel's account of the Antichrist Blasphemous activities by stating that everyone alive will be required to worship Him finally the Antichrist is referred to as a beast in Revelation 13 1-8 which is an apt description throughout the final three and a half years of the tribulation the Antichrist
will personify Satan himself 2 Thessalonians 2:9 says the coming of the Lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power signs and lying wonders the Antichrist will progress from being a regional leader to a world leader a ruthless Global Tyrant and finally a God the number of the Beast Revelation 13: 18 here is wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the Beast the number is that of a man and his number is 666 the usage of numbers as symbols is very common The Book of Revelation has a large number
of sevens including Stars lampstands lamps seals trumpets and bowls it is the round number of the Bible the complete the perfect figure 12 is associated with the old people of God their tribes and the new their Apostles 24 brings them together the timing of the mark in Revelation 13 a sequence of events is described leading up to the mandated use of the mark of the beast these events unfold in the following order one the rise of the Antichrist verse one two the healing of the Antichrist from a deadly wound verse three three open worship of
the Dragon Satan and the Antichrist by people verse four Miracles performed by the false prophet on behalf of the Beast including calling fire from Heaven verse 13 five the construction of an image of the Beast by the false prophet causing it to speak verses 14 to 15 six the image of the Beast commanding the death of those who refuse to worship it verse 15 seven following the above events the false prophet instructs everyone to receive the mark of the beast we aren't there yet we are unsure about the exact nature of the mark of the
beast it is Poss possible that technology similar to RFID may be used by the Antichrist to Mark people during the tribulation alternatively an RFID chip could be the actual mark of the beast as the technology already exists however it is important to note that the mark of the beast is not currently in effect since the Antichrist is not openly present on the world stage there is no Mark to be taken yet it is conceivable that the mark of the beast will be an RFID chip implanted in the right hand or the forehead but this does
not make the technology itself evil it is the sinful use of a tool that is wrong not the tool itself regardless of what the mark of the beast will be an RFID chip or some other means of tracking and control Christians should redeem the time Ephesians 5:1 15 see then that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise we have much to praise God for much good to do do in the world and many people to reach with the gospel all the while we look for the Blessed hope Titus 2:3 looking for the Blessed
hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ people ask are we in the end times the Bible refers to the last days as a period that has lasted for 2,000 years since the prophecy was fulfilled at Pentecost Christians should always be prepared for the Lord's return the Bible contains 735 prophecies about the future in one quarter of its chapters making it a prophetic text from start to finish though some books focus more on predictions than others according to scripture 596 out of 735 prophecies have already come true which is equivalent to
81% it is highly likely that the remaining 19% will also come true as the Bible has proven to be correct for every prediction that could have been fulfilled by now the remaining prophecies primarily concern the return of Jesus and the events that will follow how many of these predictions need to come true before the return of Jesus the answer is approximately 20 we must observe these events happening before we can anticipate the Lord's return the prevalence of distractions today especially with the influx of technology and media can easily divert our attention from spiritual matters distractions
are are everywhere but we must strive to keep our eyes on Jesus this involves not only personal discipline but also making conscious choices about how we spend our time and what we allow to influence us therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses who by faith have testified to the truth of God's absolute faithfulness stripping off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us looking away from all that will distract us and
focusing our eyes on Jesus who is the author and perfector of Faith the first incentive for our belief and the one who brings our faith to maturity Hebrews 12: 1 and two by shedding the distractions and sins that hinder our spiritual progress we can run our race with endurance and keep our Focus firmly on Jesus who strengthens and perfects our faith persevering in faith persevering in our faith means staying strong even when times are tough in the face of trials and tribulations our steadfastness in faith is crucial this perseverance builds character and deepens our Reliance
on God we will face challenges and trials but we must remember that God is with us and will help us through our faith is tested not to weaken us but to prove its genuiness and strengthen our dependence on God blessed happy spiritually prosperous favored by God God is the man who is steadfast under trial and perseveres when tempted for when he has passed the test and been approved he will receive the Victor's Crown of Life which the Lord has promised to those who love him James 1:12 This Promise encourages us to remain faithful Under Pressure
knowing that enduring trials with a steadfast heart leads to spiritual blessings and eternal rewards the Fulfillment of the two witnesses the two witnesses a description of two individuals who will assist in carrying out the work ordained by God during the time of the tribulation can be found in Revelation 11 3-12 Revelation 11: 3-5 King James version and I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophecy 1,23 score days clothed in sackcloth these are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the god of the earth and if any man will
hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed in the early days of the church the prophet John was on the island of Patmos at the end of days there will be two witnesses who will prophesy in the city of Jerusalem there is a feeling of an approaching catastrophe with the arrival of these two Mighty figures between the sixth and seventh Trumpets the focus is on the human Messengers through through whom the Divine Revelations are transmitted the key word
in both chapters is prophecy Revelation 10 verse 11 then I was told you must prophesy again about many peoples Nations languages and Kings the verse reads my two witnesses this introduces two more interesting characters of Revelation the two witnesses the nature of their Ministry is prophetic as evidenced by the fact that they will prophesy they preach and display repentance as seen by their wearing of sackcloth and they have an effective ministry as we read I will give power the two witnesses indeed served with power such that they could witness for 1,260 days despite the world's
antagonism we also read and if anyone wants to harm them fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies God has given the two witnesses special protection similar to Elijah all of the nouns used to refer to the two witnesses In this passage are masculine in ancient Greek grammar the two witnesses are two men the two witnesses in the Book of Revelation will have miraculous powers to accompany their message and no one will be able to stop them in their work the two witnesses will have miraculous power but they will be killed when their testimony
is concluded the Wicked World Will Rejoice allowing the bodies of the Fallen prophets to lie in the streets however there is something strange said about the two witnesses that did not make sense till now Revelation 11: 7-10 King James version and when they shall have finished their testimony the Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them and their dead bod shall lie in the streets of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified and they of
the people and kindreds and tongues and Nation shall see their dead bodies three days and a half and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in Graves and they that dwelt upon the Earth shall rejoice over them and make Merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth it's possible that the way people all over the world can see and hear news and information through various media channels is similar to what is described In this passage with streaming services in global platforms like Netflix
and Twitter anyone in the world can tune in to Major news events the role of technology in prophecies as technology continues to advance it's important for us to consider how these developments May connect to biblical prophecies technological progress often aligns with the unfolding of prophetic events described in scripture we observe current events that could be part of the Fulfillment of prophecies written Long Ago by staying informed and Discerning we can re recognize the signs of the times and respond appropriately this understanding can help us remain Vigilant and prepared 1 Peter 4:7 but the end of
all things is at hand but ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer being aware of technological and societal changes in the context of biblical prophecy helps us maintain a balanced perspective and encourages a prayerful alert stance recognizing fulfillment of biblical prophecies by recognizing how current events and technological advancements align with Biblical prophecies we can be more aware of the times we are living in this recognition not only prepares us for what is to come but also strengthens our faith as we see God's word being fulfilled Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 24:33 so you too
when you see all these things taking place know for certain that he is near right at the door understanding the prophetic significance of contemporary events allows us to live with an expectation of Christ's imminent return encouraging us to stay spiritually prepared and active in our faith navigating the challenges of the end times in order to navigate the challenges of the end times it is important to maintain a kingdom mindset this mindset involves prioritizing God's kingdom and his right righteousness over the temporary concerns of the world it means focusing on God's kingdom and his purposes rather
than getting caught up in the worries and distractions of This World by keeping our eyes fixed on Heavenly goals we can avoid being overwhelmed by Earthly anxieties and pressures set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above the Heavenly things not on things that are on the earth which have only temporal value for you died to this world and your new real life is hidden with Christ in God Colossians chapter 3: 2 and 3 this scripture calls us to shift our Focus from Earthly distractions to Eternal realities grounding our lives in the truth
of our identity in Christ fulfilling our kingdom assignment each of us has a unique role to play in God's kingdom our individual gifts and callings contribute to the collect Ive mission of the church advancing God's purposes on Earth we need to be diligent in fulfilling our assignments and using our gifts to serve others this involves being faithful stewards of the talents and opportunities God has entrusted To Us by recognizing and utilizing our god-given gifts we can effectively serve others and further God's kingdom fulfilling our Divine Purpose with excellence and Grace as we prepare for the
end end times it is essential to remain focused on our faith understand the prophetic significance of technological advancements and stay committed to our kingdom assignments by doing so we can navigate these challenging times with confidence and hope grounded in the truth of God's word and empowered by his Spirit signs that the end times are near the Bible also talks about signs that will show when the end times are near some of these signs include a decline in moral values and an increase in selfishness and greed the double-edged sword of Technology remember the following text technology
has brought about many wonderful advancements especially in the field of medicine it has also given us powerful tools to spread the gospel with just the click of a button we can easily share biblical messages sermons and testimonies with people across the globe through the internet social media and various apps we are able to share the message of Jesus with people all over the world online platforms such as YouTube podcasts and Christian apps provide accessible resources for spiritual growth and evangelism this enables us to fulfill the Great Commission in ways that were never possible before allowing
us to engage with diverse cultures and languages breaking down barriers that previously hindered the spread of the gospel the good news of the Kingdom the gospel will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations and then the end of the age will come Matthew 24:14 the reach of Technology affirms the Fulfillment of this prophecy enabling the gospel to penetrate even the most remote and unreached areas the negative impacts of Technology however technology also has its downsides corrupting Minds a negative impact of technology is its potential to corrupt technology and warfare
technology has also led to the development of devastating weapons like nuclear bombs the creation and stockpiling of such weapons pose significant threats to Global Peace and security these weapons have the power to cause massive destruction and loss of life the potential for nuclear conflict is a sober ing reminder of the destructive capabilities of human Innovation the Bible speaks about the destructive power of war in Matthew 246 you will continually hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not frightened for those things must take place but that is not yet the End of
the Age this verse reassures us that while Wars and conflicts will occur they are not the ultimate end and we should not live in fear the church's role in these times avoiding distraction and idolatry technology can be a powerful tool for good but we must be cautious not to let it become a distraction or an idol the Allure of constant connectivity and entertainment can easily divert our Focus From God we should utilize technology to glorify God and not allow it to replace our relationship with him establishing healthy boundaries around our technology use can help maintain
a balanced life that prioritizes spiritual growth little children guard yourselves from Idols 1 John 5: 21 this admonition is especially relevant in a technological age where digital distractions can subtly become Idols it's important to set boundaries and prioritize our time with God Above All Else by doing so we ensure that our relationship with God remains our primary focus not overshadowed by technological Pursuits maintaining the truth of God's word in a world that is constantly changing the truth of God's word Remains the Same scripture provides a solid foundation that withstands the test of time offering unchanging
truth in a fluctuating world we must hold fast to the teachings of the Bible and not be swayed by the shifting opinions of society this requires a commitment to studying and applying God's word daily ensuring that it guides our decisions and actions all scripture is God breathed given by divine inspiration and is profitable for instruction for conviction of sin for correction of error and restoration to obedience for training in righteousness learning to live in Conformity to God's will both publicly and privately behaving honorably with personal integrity and moral courage so that the man of God
may be complete and proficient outfitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work 2 Timothy 3: 16 and 17 these verses highlight the comprehensive role of scripture in equipping Believers for every good work showing its Timeless relevance and Authority by maintaining a steadfast commitment to God's word we can navigate The Challenge es of the technological age with integrity and faithfulness the church has a significant role to play in a technological age by standing firm in faith leveraging technology for the gospel and focusing on Jesus we can influence the world with God's truth and navigate the complexities
of Modern Life while remaining true to our spiritual calling
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