Thursday's lesson and let's get there quickly. Matthew chapter 25, from verse 16, says: He who had received five talents immediately went out to negotiate with them, and gained five more, in the same way he who had received two, gained two more, but he who had received one, went out and opened a pit and hid his master's money. Think with me here, the comrade gained five talents, an enormous value in his hand.
But he got to work, worked, worked, worked. He went from one side, went from the other, he got informed and then he managed to transform five talents, now into ten, he gained five. He doubled.
That person who gained two talents also began to work, work, work, work within his ability. And then he got two and managed to double. It went to four.
Who received one? It was his ability. He could have worked too and one could have become two.
No, no, no. Do you know what I'm going to do? I'll bury it.
And he went there and buried it. Tell me something. Who do you honestly think had the most work?
The one who took five and turned it into five more, the one who had two turned it into two more or the guy who went and buried the talent and returned home, stayed in a hammock and waited there for you to come back? I am sure that the one who worked to turn five into plus five, the one who worked to turn two into plus two. This one worked much harder than the one who simply buried it.
And that is exactly what God expects from you. Because when we look at Matthew chapter 24, the question is: Lord, when will these things happen? And then Jesus, a little further on, says: That day and that hour I will not tell you.
And here come the parables. And then there is the parable of the virgins, which is for you to be alert. Okay, but just a warning?
This parable makes it very clear to you and me that we must be working while we wait. And not simply in a spiritual network, because we receive gifts and the Lord expects us to work so that we can multiply. So, in detail, how should we work?
In Acts there is a verse that I really like. Acts chapter 13 verse 52, which says: But the disciples were overflowing with joy and the Holy Spirit. Did they work?
Very. Were they at risk of death? For sure.
Was their life complicated? That's exactly what happened in their lives. But they had joy.
Some time ago, my wife was pregnant and we needed to clean up the room of what would be our daughter, Julinha. And then we start in that room, paint, put up wallpaper, carry the crib, set up the crib, do this and do that. That work.
What do you think? Did I complain because I was working? I did everything with a lot of love and affection in my heart.
It's not about work, it's about the motivation for what I'm doing. So I want to invite you so that you can have joy and pleasure in the things of God and that you can work more and more developing who you are, your gifts, being faithful in everything that God gives into your hands, so that you can receive more blessings, so that you can also be more blessings in other people's lives.