chances are you are doing most things like everyone else which okay is cool but I know you want more out of life my name is Charlie it's really nice to meet you and yeah I have a ton of unconventional advice stuff I did in my 20s to help me get to where I am today I run a few different companies I have over 60 people on my team I live a pretty fantastic life and everything I do has been to be a little bit different I know you want to do things a little bit differently
too you're probably fed a ton of very generic traditional advice I'm here to tell you that you don't need to and you shouldn't follow traditional rules if you want to live an amazing life so I'm going to take through 15 pieces of very unconventional advice things that you don't hear from most people and I guarantee you it's going to help you tremendously all right let's get started number one is spend 2 hours per day learning random things whether it be how to train for a triathlon how to create a website how to do marketing how
to write effective copy economics content creation recipes for healthy meals really the list goes on now I did this all throughout my 20s I still do it now in my 30s and a lot of people would ask me why are you wasting so much of your time looking back knowing how the world works and being able to have a bunch of skills really opens doors for so many new opportunities what you should do is go read books participate on forums watch YouTube videos all to enrich your brain with new things a lot of people tell
you that this is just wasting your time but I think being curious and actually learning how the world Works will have a massive impact on your overall success plus ignorance is not Bliss ignorance sucks and the more you know about the world the better prepared you are for it all right next is you want to find your partner before you get rich the key word here is before when you do this you're more likely to find someone that shares your values your work ethic and other important traits like that it's much easier to find someone
like this while you still on the grind because trust me once you're rich finding a really compatible partner gets a lot more difficult I've been with my partner ever since we were both completely broke so I know she's not in it for the money she's also rich now too so she knows that I'm not in for the money as well yeah I'm very happy that our relationship was not clouded by money yeah I will say that if you are rich it is easier to find someone that is more traditionally attractive but there are so many
new variables that come with wealth and you want to be sure that your partner is with you for the right reason reasons looks fade but values and intellect those are what stick all right next is you want to invest when no one else is investing basically if you buy a stock or crypto when everyone is talking about it and there's a lot of hype around it then it's too late a lot of the gains are already built into the current price what you want to do instead is buy things when it's boring to buy them
meaning if you told your friend that you just bought a ton of Bitcoin when it was flat at around $19,000 in 2022 they'd be uninterested and they'd also be a little bit confused on why you did it but looking back that would have been a fantastic time to buy so yeah not only should you invest early but you should invest in things that are boring at the time I know that personally I would have made a ton more money if I had done this so yeah now I buy things when it's boring and I also
buy very boring Securities such as index funds mutual funds things that track the whole S&P 500 it's not sexy per se but historically if you look at the data it's the right move the next piece of uncommon advice I have for you is to join a really expensive gym I know a lot of people are going to absolutely flame me for saying this but you should absolutely Ely splurge on your gym because the types of people that you're going to meet will have a huge impact on your personal growth as well as your business connections
so personally I pay about $360 per month for my Equinox gym membership I know that seems absolutely insane and trust me I do think it is insane but the people friends and connections that I've made while at equinox have far surpassed my gym membership dues and since I'm spending a considerable amount of time at the gym about $10 a day I think is actually pretty reasonable I've been at all types of gyms LA Fitness 24 hours Fitness I've tried lifetime Equinox and trust me the environment that you put yourself in has such a big impact
and that's why I think everyone if you can try to splurge on this I know it's something that's not necessary there are tons of gems for 30 bucks that give you the exact same weights as a $300 gym I guarantee you the people that you meet are going to be on a different level again don't flame me for this I used to think that an expensive gym was dumb but once I actually personally experienced it and personally experienced the benefits it's now just a complete no-brainer okay next is you need to be a little bit
selfish I know today especially with you know the world culture and all that stuff it's generally frowned upon to act in your own interests but I'm telling you guys you do need to be a little bit selfish because you and only you are responsible for you by you I mean your relationships your friendships your wins your losses everything if everything that you do is just for other people then you're doing yourself a huge disservice so for example in my life my parents wanted me to become a doctor and knew that becoming a doctor is great
you're helping people and you know on a scale of different jobs being a doctor you're actually seeing the people that you help and you can actually really impact lives right for me I knew that I never really wanted to become a doctor I can't even look at blood without wanting to faint and so after I didn't get into med school I was a little bit selfish I was like what do I actually want to do with my life and does it involve medicine for me it wasn't so that's when I started doing a bunch of
other things trying to build my businesses and that for me you guys was a huge turning point in my life I am forever grateful that I chose to do that and it really come down to you know being a little bit selfish not doing something that other people wanted me to do or that was looked upon super favorably in society rather I chose to do what I wanted and I hope that you can do something like that as well okay next is stop being a cheap for the longest time I was probably the most frugal
person that any of my friends knew in fact it was super bad I had a lot of money anxiety I never wanted to spend any money and while that did have some benefits I think the overall effect that I had on my 20s was limiting growth what I mean by this is yes if you save money it is good but there definitely needs to be a balce and I would say that I was on an extreme end where I was thinking about saving money constantly and I was spending more mental energy on saving money than
I was on actually figuring out how to make money for example I'd spend 15 minutes rounding to a different gas station to save a few dollars on gas stressed me out and I could have basically spent that energy figuring out a lot more important things it also resulted in me you know investing less into myself taking less risks with my money and just overall being a little bit more unpleasant to be around just due to how cheap I was so I'd say that if you are in your 20s or 30s or whatever and you're extremely
cheap know that there are some good parts about that but you need to tone it down money that's saved is money that's not being used to make money and yeah I know a lot of people they'll just be like save your money put it in your bank accounts don't do anything with it invest it whatever but I'm here to say that you should not be a cheap go out there actually use your money for things be smart with it and I guarantee you that's going to result in a lot of positive financial gain for you
okay next is stop working hard because working hard alone is not going to make you rich it's just going to ensure that you work a lot I know this because I have a lot of friends I know there's a lot of jobs out there where you can work extremely hard but the financial gain is not there for me I work to make money right I want to work as little as possible I want to work smart and I want that work in exchange to pay for my life and allow me to do things that I
actually want to do the Traditional School System teaches us to work really hard and that any input of hard work results in a good amount of financial gain and that's just not true it sort of is true up until a certain point but if you want to really live an untraditional unconventional life that is extraordinary you cannot trade your time for money always if your goal is to get rich you need to figure out a way to disconnect your time from how much money you make you cannot know what your hourly rate is because that
means you're trading your time for money and yes you can get rich you know being a high-paying doctor lawyer whatever it is but in my opinion you'll never be truly wealthy or Rich because you're always having to trade your time for more money there's only a certain amount of Leverage you can have when you do a job like that so I think your priority should be to figure out how you can work really smartly how you can find the highest paying skills turn that into a business and disconnect your time from how much money you
bring in my next piece of advice is to stop listening to theorists basically these are people with a ton of advice knowledge or a title but no actual results so for example this could be like a business professor that's at a college teaching how to start a business even though they have never done that themselves yes this happens a lot an out of shape fitness instructor a life coach that hasn't gotten it figured out yeah there's just too many people in this world that you can choose to hire or listen to where yes it does
make sense to be selective and you should absolutely be selective for example if the type of life that I live is not something that you want and trust me I think a lot of people don't want my life then you should absolutely not listen to me but if you look at my life and you think okay I think that's pretty cool I want something just like that or whatever then yes I do think that there are some benefits in listening to what I have to say because everything I talk about I've done myself or I've
actually put into practice I'm not saying you can't learn anything from someone that hasn't actually done the things they're teaching but I think there is Nuance to it I think there's less weight on information you learn from someone that you know isn't actually doing it and these days information is literally everywhere right I think most people will take information more seriously if it's coming from someone that's done it rather than someone that's just learned it next piece of advice I want to say is stop using the VW by the V word I mean Victim Because
I think being a victim is the last thing anyone should do when you play the victim essentially what you are saying to the world is boohoo it wasn't my fault and I'm not taking accountability for this this is the easiest thing that anyone can do to make themselves feel better about anything and I get why a lot of people do it I've even done this in the past but today I actively think Charlie you not ever be the victim because once you think you're the victim you've already lost that's why it said that everything about
you is on you you have the ability to control everything in your life how you perceive things how you do things whatever it is yeah basically just remove this word from your vocabulary and stay away from people that are like that okay the next one I want to say is try therapy this is something that a lot of people absolutely hate especially those more Alpha like entrepreneurs that think you should just take all your emotions and stuff them in a jar and never talk about emotions or communicate and things like that when I tell people
that I do therapy I've been doing it every single week for 2 3 years I get mixed responses some people are like okay you must be trying to fix something and some people are like oh that's really awesome yeah I think overall a lot of people are like why is Charlie doing therapy that seems like something that he wouldn't have to or want to do they're right in one of those right I don't really want to do therapy it does take time it takes me getting out of my comfort zone but I understand that if
I want to get good at something especially communication emotions things that I was raised not being good at I need to talk about it on a consistent regular basis and so yeah all my therapy it's not really trying to fix anything per se it's more proactive and I think a lot of people should take this approach when it comes to being okay doing therapy I guarantee you every single person that's watching this video has a lot of things to sort of unravel in their life these can be traumas these can be different emotions these can
be different situations there's a lot you can learn about yourself just by talking about with someone else and yes I know therapy can be pretty expensive I know I'm in a privileged space to be able to afford it but you can even talk to chat GPT now you can train chat GPT to be your therapist there's a lot of other lowcost options so I do recommend if this is something that you want to get better at you just need to do it on a regular basis try some type of therapy the next piece of unconventional
advice I have for you is to chase basically the more something sucks the better it is for you and you might have heard this quote before but the magic you're looking for is basically just the things you're avoiding the reason why we avoid things is because they're hard they suck and that's why we don't do them instead we try and figure out other things that you know are less painful less sucky do those things instead but that's just basically procrastination and you're doing that to avoid doing the sucky thing working 3 hours straight in deep
work sucks but it's something that you need to do running 3 miles sucks but it's great for you how I like to look at it is the more something is the less percentage of people are actually going to be able to do it and the less people that actually do something means that if you do that thing you're at a huge advantage and that's why for me I like to look for things that other people probably don't want to do and I know that if I do them it's going to allow me to live a
more you know untraditional life it's going to give me results that most people don't get simply because they don't have the you know willpower to have that input and yeah it does make you different because most people they just aren't going to do it so please do more things that suck trust me I never want to get into an ice bath and freeze my off for 3 minutes but I know it's good for me both physically and mentally and that's why I do it so please do more things that suck next this took a lot
of time for me to realize but you need to write down if you don't write something down you are going to forget I learn this the hard way because I used to read a ton of books I would never take notes and I find that yes it still does influence your mindset which is good but it's very very difficult to actively recall the facts and things that you learn and so now every time I learn something that I think is important I take out my phone I have the notes app and I literally write it
down once I do that every week or so I'm going to go through those notes reread those things and that's basically how I take information from the back of my brain really important things I've learned and put them at the front when they're at the front that's when you can actually act on them that's when you can actually recall them and that's when you can actually turn them into real action especially with the amount of information these days you're going to learn a lot of things every single day not everything you need to write down
because I don't think everything is that important but there are going to be things that really stick out that can actually have an impact on your life and that's when I I recommend writing those things down a lot of people will say that it's a waste of time to do this and that you don't actually need to do it to remember things but no I think they're completely wrong you need to write things down the next piece of advice I have for you is to stop chasing money and rather you should Chase skills when you're
in your 20s chasing money means you have the wrong motive for getting rich it's more of like a short-term thing and yes you can do things that can make you some money but usually those things are not very long lived they're selfish they don't really add too much value to the world and yeah they're just not SU aable so I think everyone should put great emphasis on chasing skills while they're young instead of just chasing the money what I've learned is that if you chase skills and build up a lot of great high value skills
your potential for making money is just going to go through the roof you don't need to be a millionaire at the age of 23 24 whatever and I think that the people that get extremely wealthy or live really interesting lives they spend their 20s learning a ton of different things getting really good at things and then taking that turning it into value creation doing that value creation at scale somehow with a business or company and that is how they get extremely extremely wealthy I actually spent the first half of my 20s not making that much
money instead I was building up a lot of skills yes I did jobs in side hustes to make money at the time but the best thing I got from those things was actually the skills that I was learning and that's essentially what allowed me to build my businesses today and actually you know reach some type of financial success okay so talking about skills the next piece of advice relates to one skill in particular I think everyone needs needs to learn I think it's the most important skill that you can have that skill you guys is
marketing this is the most important skill that most people don't want to learn or just don't learn in general but being in the entrepreneurship world for the last 10 plus years now I've learned that marketing is the most important skill that you need to absolutely learn in my mid-20s when I started my first you know real business it was a clothing company that I eventually lost a ton of money on I spent all of my time doing things that I wanted to do like the pictures the actual clothes going to the factories building my website
things like that and these things while they are important none of them compare remotely closely to marketing and that's the only thing that I did not do this business failed solely because I did not Market correctly I did not spend most of my time on the actual marketing I spent it on things that were more comfortable for me to do but didn't actually push the needle which you know in a clothing business is getting sales if you want to start a business at some point in your life or if you already have a business marketing
is the most important thing that you will do as a CEO anyone can have a good service but not anyone can actually get enough clients to where a business is sustainable and grows and so what I recommend doing is just read a ton of books about marketing understand social media because that is a huge component of marketing basically take a piece of paper write down marketing is very important post it somewhere that you see every single day and yeah I think a lot of people they'll say that marketing is important but they don't stress that
it's the most important thing that you need to do I'm never going to make that mistake ever again I know that every single business I do I am in charge of marketing and I'm going to spend most of my brain power actually figuring out how to get my service or product or whatever it is in front of other people the last piece of advice I have for you is to brainwash yourself into loving Fitness now if you're a guy and you're watching this video I think being in top physical condition is so important it's pretty
much the only thing you can get without having it handed to you or without just paying money for right so yeah with cars or nice things people can just buy it they don't need to actually literally trade Blood Sweat and here's for it if I see someone in top physical shape I know for a fact that this person has invested a ton of resources time and energy into their body you can't buy a six-pack you can't buy a 315lb squat these are things that you actually need to work hard for and there's a lot of
value in that I know that Fitness is hard and a lot of people they don't prioritize in their life yeah realistically not everyone is going to enjoy working out just naturally and so I always tell people do whatever you can to brainwash yourself because if you can brainwash yourself into actually loving Fitness you're going to live longer you're going to look better you're going to feel better you're going to be a higher performer in everything that you do and you are going to just respect yourself more how you brainwash yourself is going to be different
for every single person watching this video but I will say you need to exercise at least three to five times per week and it should be a balance of physical as well as cardio strength oh and you should also stretch as well because that's something that I started doing not too long ago and I really really wish I'd started doing it when I was in my early 20s so in summary everything that we talked about in this video is a little bit different than what most people say but if you do all these things the
end result should be a better you a very important thing in life that I've learned is to stop comparing yourself to other people instead just comparing yourself to you the day before if you do this you're going to prioritize your own self-growth rather than just comparing yourself to other people because yeah when it comes down to it the only one that you should be competing against is your old self and if you can beat your old self every single day you're going to be more fulfilled you'll be better and yeah you'll probably just be living
a better life in general everything that we talked about also helps you get more lucky because everyone that's extremely rich or has done well has gotten very very lucky but the concept of luck and actually getting lucky is actually super in your own hands you are in control of this and the general consensus that I've learned is that the more unconventional you are the more luck is placed into your life the reason why most people aren't lucky is because they don't do things that are unconventional they do things just like everyone else and when you
do things like everyone else how can you expect to get lucky anyways I hope this video was helpful I know we talked about a lot of different things so I encourage you to maybe grab a notebook write down these things take a look at them every single day and hopefully this can make you live a more unconventional life I know my experiences and advice it's not for everyone but I know some of you watching this video you're really going to click with the things I had to say and hopefully it can steer your life into
a more unconventional path and just give you more fulfillment and happiness in your life if you got any value from the video make sure to leave a comment like this video subscribe I do a ton of content about Entre entrepreneurship self-improvement finances things like that my whole goal is to help you live a financially successful and rewarding life thank you so much for your time and I'll see you in the next video peace [Music]