Build YOUR Bussiness in 60 Minutes (BEGINNERS)

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Iman Gadzhi
Best $100k Online Business To Start As A BEGINNER:
Video Transcript:
so welcome to another episode of whale season right before we get into today's episode let's just go ahead and do a quick recap of what we talked about in episode one now this episode is called the big opportunity very ominous and scary sounding you see at my education company gradiency i have taught my members to be apex predators over the last few years we have been sleek stealthy and streamlined most of our protocols went against common convention but now the market has caught up to us now you might be wondering okay when i pick my
service and i pick my niche how do i actually deliver those services and here's a little secret you don't have to building an agency in 2021 that is truly your golden ticket [Music] well wasn't that a blast from the past even though that was just yesterday so if you haven't watched that video make sure you go ahead and watch it as well as join the telegram group because that's where i'll be announcing the giveaway winners for the gadgey blue light blockers the three pairs per day that i'm giving away as well as the free mentorship
call anyways now that all of that is sorted today we are going to get into a very tactical very tangible video now i don't want to you know i really didn't want to bore you with a two three hour training because i've done those before trust me and you know your attention can kind of start to slip here and there so i really wanted to keep this engaging interesting a little bit shorter i think this will probably be like you know 30 or 40 minutes um and give you a lot of really heavy punchy stuff
in plug and play so at the end of today's episode i'm actually going to be giving you guys an agency black box and that's gonna have three plug-and-plays step-by-step how to become an agency owner in 60 minutes i'm going to show you how to actually get your first ads up i'm actually going to show you guys how to find a media buyer step-by-step guide as well as how to actually sign your first clan and that's going to be all in the agency black box that you get at the end of this episode now if you
haven't watched episode 1 quick little debrief as to who i am my name is iman gaiji and i started my agency at the ripe age of 16 working with actually my old football team and i ended up charging them 380 pounds a month in fact i didn't charge monthly because i thought that sounded like quite a lot of money so i just charged them 95 pounds per week because i didn't want to 100 pounds anyways fast forward two years and within the space of literally two years i was clocking in eighty thousand dollars a month
profit with my agency i was working with some really cool clients clients such as wearable tech company oring if that sounds familiar well it's kind of a bit of a cultish thing in the online entrepreneurship space but now it's starting to go more mass-market in fact here's kim kardashian's story from just a few weeks ago now of course from you know helping brands like auring put a ring a wearable ring on one of the biggest influencers on earth having my social media marketing agency has helped me immensely you know i really don't care too much
to go into my backstory or this or that like if you want to know more you can listen to you know one of the podcasts or interviews i've done with people um but it's suffice to say that i didn't really have the the best upbringing just me and my mom single mom yada yada like it's a very common story and you know this is really the driving reason that i started working at such a young age and i started looking for these opportunities and as i said once i found social media marketing you know kind
of the rest is history and you know for me at first it was just kind of a necessity thing like i just didn't want government handouts anymore you know me and my mom between 2014 2016 when things got really bad we were on government benefits which is kind of the british version of welfare in america so i really didn't have massive massive wild dreams and aspirations i just wanted to make sure that me and my mom were secure and we were safe and not in my wildest dreams could i imagine that fast forward five years
that i'd be sitting in dubai in a quarter million dollar a year apartment uh my mom flying in a beautiful first class suite uh in a couple days i actually just moved here from london and i got my mom a place in the same buildings so she's actually gonna be living i think 10 or 15 floors above me and i got her a beautiful place out here for six months i've been able to shower her with every sort of gift you can imagine from a patek philippe nautilus to a rolex daytona all the way to
20 30 000 outfit between her bag shoes clothes this that and most importantly retiring her and all of this was possible because of my digital marketing agency everything that i have in my life i owe it to having an agency now i know that for some of you guys your ears didn't prick up until you heard that you know i'm by rolex's right left and center i you know very commonly have a 150 000 watch on my wrist i have a couple richard mills i live a very fancy and upscale life i know that for
some of you guys you're like okay you know sit up in my chair now i'm interested and that's okay because let me let you in on a little secret my agency i work maybe two three hours a week and it pulls in at the moment anywhere from 100 to 150 000 now bear in mind that's not the goal of this whale season this whale season is to get you to 10 000 a month because for me that was the most transformative period of my life when i got to 10 000 a month everything in my
life changed okay but the reason i say that is because this is you know if you want to make a decent living i've never seen anything out there like this that can get you to that destination and you don't necessarily need to be in love or passionate with it okay you just put a couple systems in place okay really all a business is is you put some you put some cogs in place and then you let the machine do its thing i'm going to show you how to do all of that over the space of
today's training as well it's gonna be very very uh sort of action-packed and tactical as well as the rest of this whale season because not only do you have access to me you have access to my team next week in the exclusive q a calls that we're doing as i said i wanted to make this whale season an event not just something you sit and watch a couple videos like the whole entire industry has come together it's an event it's community it's like-minded people just like you and it's access to not just myself but my
team at my own agency ig media to make sure that you have all the tools necessary to win in this game so whether your dreams and aspiration is within two years to be you know driving a uh a rolls royce cullinan or whether you know similar to me you started this business just because you have a loved one that you need to take care of whatever it is all i can say is please be present to this because while i create and you know in fact the whole reason i created this wheel season is because
i wanted an event a free event that my 16 year old self could have had where as i said it's not just one video and i'm like oh that was cool you know i have a little bit of motivation it's like no it's for two weeks you're immersed in this thing and you have every single resource and tools thrown on you so that way you can win i made this event for my 16 year old self so to the 16 year old eman all i can say is listen up dude because these next two weeks
are gonna be very very powerful now let's get started with the meat of this presentation how to start a social media marketing agency in 60 minutes or less now by the end of this presentation i want you to be able to confidently say i own a digital marketing agency or at the very least know that you could now we'll be covering a few different things here going to the very basics of an agency how to set up your business your website and what to do next but first let's ask the very basic question what is
an agency now let's go back to the beginning of my story when i told you that i signed my first client it was a football club now i was tasked with managing their social media accounts and shortly afterwards i started trading as ig media the name that i still use in my business today now of course this didn't make me an agency or a business either technically or in a legal sense instead i was basically a freelancer contractor a one-man band you could say what do i mean by this well let's look at the difference
of what a freelancer is and what an agency is that kind of looks like this a freelancer or contractor is the one that creates or actually does the work now when a business hires a freelancer they take on the responsibility for their work they hire them for a specific task and are responsible for communicating with them managing them and making sure they complete a task an agency on the other hand though they are the ones that curate the work or more specifically they hire people to do it for them now when a business hires an
agency they do it to guarantee a certain standard of work they do it to streamline the entire operation now i'll use an example here and hopefully this kind of makes sense it's kind of like going to hospital for an operation on your leg now you could technically go ahead and find and hire a surgeon you could rent an operating room hire an anesthetist a nurse rent equipment buy a gauze knives and antibiotics and then a separate team to look after you whilst you recover you could technically compile you know all those different pieces or you
could go to a hospital and they do all of that for you and just present you with a bill at the end so although i called myself an agency when i first started the truth is i didn't become one until i hired my first contractor now that you know the difference between being a contractor and being an agency and i'll get into how to actually go from being a contractor tin agency in just a short while now let's actually get into becoming an agency owner and the best place to start with this is naming conventions
what are you actually gonna call your agency luckily this is an incredibly easy process unlike things like uber paypal tesla most agencies have a very sort of uh bog standard and just straight to the point name if i were to tell you that one of the largest agencies on earth is called wpp group not only would you probably not believe me you most certainly have never heard of them before then there's other giants like jwt uh akqa densu kind of list goes on but you get my point here names tend to be boring let's use
my agency name for example ig media it's very boring straight to the point in fact it doesn't actually really even make sense anymore because for the first year year and a half i was a creative agency right that's what i did for a lot of my early clients these days we only do advertising so iog media you know it's my initials doesn't even technically make sense and the you know the great thing is it doesn't need to make sense because your name is very very irrelevant when it comes to having an agency now inside of
my education company great agency we have names such as aries jfp walker digital solutions you know these names really don't have to be revolutionary but there's two inside of gui that i'm actually quite fond of one is called lead jolt and as you would guess it it offers lead generation and the next is called take over my social no real prizes for this as you can assume they manage your social media but my preference will always be for simple anonymous names and if you're really struggling you can always just use your initials and tack on
advertising or and you know in my case media or digital whatever you want now it's time for something a little bit more serious and let's talk about your legal entity now before i say anything i want to stress that while i know a decent amount about businesses in the country i grew up in i'm not an expert everywhere else so always consult your local government website for more information but here's a pretty good overview of the system that most countries operate there are two options if you want to start a business the first is to
become a sole trader and the good news for this is that it's incredibly simple to become one you just say you are okay you can even trade under a different name now for the first years i owned my agency i actually operated as a sole trader ig media wasn't incorporated legally but i still signed contractors hired contractors and got paid now eventually though when it made sense i incorporated my business now i did this to benefit from various tax arrangements and to separate out my finances now registering as a business is easy and you can
always do it online however you do have responsibilities as a business owner like submitting accounts and paying taxes but the point of this slide isn't that you should register as a business it's that if you want to start calling yourself by a business name and start trading and signing clients there is literally nothing stopping you okay you just decide today okay i'm a business i'm operating under this name and you just make sure that you keep your receipts and you keep any invoices that you send clients and you can always go back later and retroactively
you know uh re-file things like people get so scared when it comes to tax and accounting and this and that ladies and gentlemen when you are proactively trying to give the government money as long as you have good intentions and and you know you keep your receipts and you keep your invoices that you send clients you know you can even go back two years and be like oh there's a little mistake here i actually need to pay this much more i actually you know paid too much like there's always things that you can do so
just understand as a sole trader i got to a point where my highest month with my agency was 35 000 as a sole trader so you know really don't stress about these things now let's talk about your service now in my five years of running an agency i have offered everything from social media management to content creation and then eventually advertising we have thousands of students making anywhere from 10 to 100k a month offering services like web design graphic design uh paid traffic uh funnel creation um ip protection uh email marketing seo uh i mean
you name it and we have people in the education company making a killing off it now at this point i know what you're thinking but e-man i don't know how to do any of this stuff and we'll get into that in just a second now there may also be some of you guys who are like oh you know i've put up a facebook ad before or you know i've done a bit of social media uh growth on instagram so i kind of know how to do this stuff that also gives you a little bit of
an edge in terms of just understanding the service and that's where what i said earlier comes into play because when i first started offering facebook ads to my clients i had no idea how to do it okay i actually ended up hiring a contractor and that contractor three years later still works for me and is actually the cmo at my agency and and the beauty of it was that he was able to get incredible results the our arrangement was was a very simple one he would charge me 600 per month per client i would give
him three or four clients now i would charge those same clients twenty five hundred dollars a month thirty five hundred dollars a month you know even six thousand dollars a month in fact the last client that we had before he ended up coming on full-time i was charging over 10 000 a month to and he was charging me 600 per month per client and as i said that's the beauty of it you can either have you know you can either live your laptop lifestyle and have a contractor who you know and by the way don't
expect to be signing 10 000 a month clients you know from the get-go but but just understand if you even have a contractor who's charging you 600 per month per client and you're charging the client 1500 a month you know all you need is four of those clients and you're personally pocketing after expenses and everything like that you're personally putting in 3 600 a month in your pocket okay and now you can go do whatever you want you can you know you can live your laptops lifestyle this that or if you want to take it
to the levels that i've taken it and some of the people at gradiency have taken it where where you first start off with contractors then you get a point where you're making 20 30 000 a month and you bring them on full time and then they grow with the company exactly like my cmo did and then you end up building a machine that's making you you know one and a half million dollars per year you can do that as well like you have the options so as i said this is the beauty of the model
and i'm really going to demonstrate how simple this is now this is an email i got from a client recently they were asking me if our agency wanted to design their new website interestingly we actually turned this one down because it's not our area of expertise and we have a partnership with another agency who specializes in this but you know let's say hypothetically we wanted to do this job here's exactly how i would have done it so as you can see on screen right now you can find web design contractors on fiverr or upwork who
are willing to do this for 500 in fact you can find people for 150 200 but let's say for 500 you can find someone very very good so you are getting paid 3 000 for this project and you are outsourcing it for 500 but in the same way i could technically go find a chauffeur in fact you know so many times i've been given numbers and cards of different chauffeurs and this and that but why do i keep coming back to uber the reason i keep coming back to uber is because of the experience and
that is really what you need to focus on as an agency and really what people come to you as an agency for it's because you and especially all of the training that you're getting in whale season in this incredible two-week event i mean you've got four episodes in the first week then you've got two bonus episodes in the second one as well as all these q a's what this is doing for you is this is putting you the status of an agency rather than a contractor this is why businesses would rather come to you because
they know that they are going to get a professional experience and that is really their number one focus and goal now look that was a very specific example and if i'm being honest i'm not super fond of web design because you know it's a one-off service and there's no recurring revenue monthly instead i prefer services like paid traffic social media management seo email marketing because they produce monthly cash flow for you as i said when i first started all i did was you know manage instagram and facebook accounts and really grow those platforms and create
content for brands then i transition to advertising so what we do at my agency is we run facebook ads google ads a couple other platforms for primarily uh e-commerce brands now this is a little bit more of a difficult service to offer because it's a results driven one but then again it doesn't matter because you're gonna hire an incredible contractor who by the way you will never refer to as a contractor and we've already kind of talked about this in the last episode they are just simply a member of your team and as i said
the beauty of that is that it's results driven because at the end of each month you're going to be able to show very clearly to your clients through tracking either through the amount of leads and the amount of estimated revenue that that would have brought in and you know i'll show you guys how to run through all of that pricing in fact um the next episode is actually how to price your services and i'm going to show you uh using just science data and and because i can show them this amount that i brought them
in at the end of the month this means i can charge higher rates you know i have people you know kind of scratching their head going you know how does your agency pull in you know 150 200 000 a month and you know for you personally pockets 150. um well think about it you know between all of our clients per month we're probably bringing in um i said it depends you know obviously some clients come some clients go you know obviously some clients will stay for nine months and then go and you know maybe we
might have been spending more money with them but on any given month anywhere between three to five million dollars uh is what we'll be bringing for our clients so you know if you're making your clients three to five million dollars it kind of makes sense that you know you take a little sliver of that but let's use something you know even more realistic let's say you're bringing in your clients you know fifty thousand dollars a month in revenue for for a business you know does it sound realistic that you take two thousand or two thousand
five hundred a month well okay now you get four of those clients you're making six figures a year the thing that you guys really need to get through your head is you in your mind you're thinking a civilian money you know you're thinking 2 500 or 1500 or 3 500 you know there's a lot of civilian money but you need to understand as a business you know even for me like 10 000 to me personally you know i think about i'm like okay do i really want to make this purchase is a smart purchase 10
000 in the business i don't even need to think twice because to me it's a business expense you know uh it's pre-tax i even get tax you know my actual tax bill goes down because of it so you need to understand the way that these business owners think you know the service you offer is truly down to you but i personally recommend paid traffic because there's so many skilled contractors out there that's number one and number two because it's a results driven service now as i said at the end of this video there is actually
going to be a download link and what that's going to actually allow you to do is download three massive plug-and-plays you know i think there are something like 20 pages 25 pages of step-by-step you know click here click there step by step training in those plug-in plays and i said i bundle that all up into a free agency black box that i'm giving you so if you're confused you know how do i actually find a media buyer that's that you know i could spend an hour you know talking about it in this video but as
i said this whale season i don't want you to be bored like i want you i don't want you to even bother flicking on your netflix because i want to be providing you with so much entertainment uh through this content that you don't really even see a purpose so anyways i said that uh plug and play will be inside of the agency black box so now you have a name and you know the service you're going to offer it's time to create your brand now on the right side is a screenshot of my agency website
now at this point i'll admit that if you'd actually typed ig media into your address bar even you know 18 months ago you would have found a clunky old website without much information at all now i kind of took like a weird pride in how bad our our website was because it showed how unnecessary it is to sign clients but still i ended up paying for a new one to be designed but listen don't think that you have to do this instead you need to focus on getting a website up a domain and an email
too so let's get started with those two first now on the left you can see an example of a name for your agency specifically one which helps pet companies now this exact domain is available on google domains for just 10 pounds a year now when you go to checkout you can pay an extra 4 pound 60 a month to get an email address and a google drive with that domain now that means that today you could pay less than 15 pounds and have an official domain and email address associated to your agency now let's sort
out your website now my own website is hosted on something called clickfunnels and in the plug and play that you're going to get in that agency black box i'm actually going to leave a link that gets you a 14 day free trial with click funnels as well as one website template so you can literally take that you know you press one button it goes straight into your clickfunnels so there you go that's my little gift to you you don't even need to worry about creating an agency website because i'm actually just giving you with one
click as i said both the link to the 14 day free trial as well as a link to just literally steal that website template both of those are available in the plug and play alternatively you could use a website builder like wix now they have a whole host of free templates that you don't need to change at all just insert your logo some quick text about who you are and the services you do and you can get these websites live in a relatively short amount of time obviously it takes a little bit more work than
the templar i'm going to give you because that really is just plug and play and just go um you know with these you'll have to change a lot of things around et cetera et cetera but it's you know it's really just whichever one works best for you so now you know what an agency is you have your agency name you know what service you're gonna offer you know how to find a contractor and offer that service you have a website and an email address what's next well this right here is the workflow of every agency
after you've started next you need to find a client of course we'll be covering this in the next episode in whale season then it's time to get paid remember you always get paid before you do the work then you deliver the service to your clients and well you keep going you keep getting results for your clients they keep paying you and you keep finding more clients now if you stick to this business model there's no reason you can't sign five 10 or even 20 clients in a year and even if you only charge your client
one thousand dollars which that's like the lowest of the load that we ever charge in this industry this is a dramatic amount of money for you to be making as a new business owner in profit so in the next episode i believe i'm gonna be showing you how to actually find clients you know how to find source clients that you can charge five ten fifteen thousand dollars a month to you know the real whale clients not to say that you'll sign them you know because you're just in your early starting days but you know even
how to find and reach out to 1500 our 2500 a month class i'm gonna be showing you guys in the next episode and then in the episode after that i'm actually going to show you how to price your services and how do we actually present the price and how do we actually warrant the price to these clients but apart from that because i know that you are drooling over and you want to get more information as i've actually gone ahead and compiled a massive plug and play on how to actually sign your first client and
that'll be in the agency black box too so ladies and gentlemen the action step for today is download the whale season black box and i'm either going to leave that as a button like sort of below this video that will actually let you download it straight from there or i'll pop something up on screen like an exclusive link that just type that into your url so that way i know that you actually you know went through the training and it's it's worth it for you to get the black box um so as i said download
the whale season black box and the instructions will kind of be on screen right now and this includes how to find a media buyer plug and play how to sign your first client plug and play as well as how to start an agency in 60 minutes plug and play then and this is very very important i want you to comment below why you believe the agency business mall is the best model in 2021 and comment that down in the comments section and this is how you'll be drawn into the daily giveaway as i said ladies
and gentlemen every single day i'm giving away three pairs of these hundred and twenty dollar blue light blockers from my e-commerce brand gadget and the winners will be announcing the telegram group so make sure that you are in there and apart from that every single person that comments will also be entered in to win the free one-on-one mentorship call with me personally and i'll be announcing that at the end of whale season and lastly i'm sure you would have seen in the thank you page when you register for whale season we have another giveaway where
all you have to do is just post a photo of this episode of this whale season or you post a photo of a whale from uh you know that you just get from google and you basically just mentioned hey i'm in loving whale season you know basically just you know spread the word that there's this event going on et cetera et cetera we've got some insane prizes as i said you can post on your story every single day for 14 days and i'm gonna be reposting all this stuff you can you know you can tag
me as many times as you want and at the end of the event we're gonna be giving away the brand new iphone 13 pro to one person an ipad to another person and then three other winners will get airpods pro so that is a massive massive giveaway so ladies and gentlemen as i said every single episode you get a chance to not only win a pair of gadgey blue light blockers you also get a chance to win a one-on-one mentorship call with me at the end of the whale season and then apart from that you
also get a chance to win either an iphone 13 pro and ipad or three pairs of airpods pro and as i said you can tag me every single day on your story so that way i'm more likely to see it and you have an even greater chance of winning and i'm going to be reposting all the stuff anyways by the way there will be extra brownie points for the people who post sort of the most interesting stuff you know really just showing how incredible this whale season event actually is so on that note make sure
you follow those action steps it'll be down below as well hope you guys enjoy this episode and i'm very very excited to speak to you guys in two days and present the next one
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