#1 Trick To Go VIRAL on TikTok in 2025

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Deniz Sancar
Stuck in 200-300 view jail every video and can never seem to go viral on TikTok, well in this video ...
Video Transcript:
be genuinely honest with me here do you actually know how to go viral on Tik Tok because I'm pretty sure 90% of people just frow content out there hoping something sticks and gets millions of views and when it doesn't get millions of views they blame the algorithm well in this video I'm going to teach you exactly how to analyze Tik Tok videos so you know what can make you go viral on the algorithm this is going to be a three-part video number one how to analyze your own videos that you post number two how to
analyze other people's videos and ones you come across on the for you page and then finally rounding all that knowledge together to explain how you can use that to go viral on Tik Tok I've got a chess piece on screen with me or a few chess pieces I've done this to Showcase how important analysis is when it comes to chess right the best chess players the grand Masters they analyze their own games and they analyze other people's games when they don't analyze they don't get better this is the same for Tik Tok and for all
social medias and for all businesses you can't just keep posting content hoping it's going to get better yes consistency matters but consistency when you analyze what went wrong and adapt towards what went right that is going to make you be far better when it comes to posting content on Tik Tok and getting better results the problem is you're not taught how to analyze post you're just taught how to post a lot of YouTubers out there a lot of Tik tokers they say post content post this post that what if I could teach you how you
know what you need to post so that you know what makes you go viral this is the trick to this video so how to analyze your own videos part one first things first post minimum bare minimum of 15 videos I see so many people comment saying I'm not going viral why am I not going viral I can only get 200 to 300 videos every single post I checked their account they posted seven or eight videos seven or eight videos is not enough of a time scale to see what is going to make you go viral
and what isn't you need to analyze your post and to analyze your post you need a massive sample size if Apple went to seven people and asked them their opinion of the iPhone 16 they're not going to get a big enough sample size to determine if that opinion is the correct consensus for the whole population right so why how are you able to determine if your post are doing well or not over just seven videos it doesn't make sense a bare minimum is 15 I would personally recommend 30 A month's worth of content but I
understand people want to be as quick as possible as efficient as possible so bare minimum 15 posts experimenting trying different things then we can start analyzing let's assume you've posted 15 times now what should we do so when it comes to spotting your post what you're what you're talking about what you're showing whether it's faceless personal branding Etc it's a three-step process number one what are the outliers both positively and negatively in terms of view count number two let's analyze these outliers what made them an outlier in terms of performance and number three let's compare
these to other outliers and to normal performing videos it's kind of like back in school when we would do science experiments right you have a science experiment in your class your teacher would say what is the hypothesis you then do the method you do the method for it you then analyze it you get the test results and see okay did it align with the hypothesis or did it not this is kind of what we are doing here you've got the the hypothesis of is it going to go viral or not you test it did it
go viral if it didn't you you try and find out why it didn't go viral from an outline standpoint and if it did go viral let's analyze the outliers and determine why it did so on screen with me here I've got an old Reddit account I used to run back in the day and most of videos got around 1,000 to 2,000 views as you can see on screen I'm not in 200 View jail but I'm getting around 1,000 to 2,000 views every single video now there's two videos in particular that were outliers there's one video
that got over 10,000 views a positive outlier and another video that only got 300 views a negative outlier what was the difference between these two videos so if I open up the post performance you can see that the video that only got 300 views you can tell why it only had five likes not good enough whatsoever no comments no shares no bookmarks less than 1% of people actually watched the full video and on average only 8 seconds of the video was watched that is not a good performing video so if you are sitting there and
you're getting 200 to 300 vid uh views every single post and you're clicking your post analytics and you're getting similar statistics to this that is why your video is not going well I see a lot of people complaining that getting shadowbanned on Tik Tok listen to me very clearly if you are getting a minimum of 100 to 150 views on your post you are not shadowbanned your videos are hitting the 4 youu page if you're getting two or three views then you are shadowbanned because then your videos are not clearly not hitting the 4u page
but if your videos have hit the 4u page then it's not getting pushed out any further I hate to break it to you but you are not Shadow band it's just your content is not good enough to get views that's not me slandering you whatsoever as you can see even myself I've posted videos that have stunk got around 300 views because that video itself was not good enough but on the flip side when we look at the other video it got nearly 13,000 views above 13,000 views in fact when you look at the statistics nearly
25 seconds on average watched by each person that's a long time to sit there and watch a video for 25 seconds nearly 30% of people watch the full video you're looking at over 600 likes you're looking at 13 comments shares 70 70 bookmarks as well this is engagement in the post and this is retention in the post as well the magic formula for going viral on Tik Tok right can you nail the retention can you nail the engagement if you make sure you nail both those sides then you're more likely to have a viral video
topic and a viral video that's going to do well in the algorithm so analyze each of your posts look at the the of of content you've got on your page identify what videos have done well what the statistics there now we need to reverse engineer because having good watch time and having good watchful percentage and engagement doesn't just come out of thin air it comes because of something else and this is what we're going to get into now because if we look at the two videos here the one on the left that got 300 views
the one on the right that got 13,000 views they're both Reddit stories they're both super similar pieces of content how do you differentiate them well for me it comes down to three particular things number one the video topic it goes about saying that if a particular video topping and this and this can be sub niches within niches is more popular is going to get more views let's talk about stuff that's trending right if I post about content like Luigi Manon the guy that was obviously with the United Health Care CEO person that's trending right now
you look at the chill guy meme that's trending the PD stuff was trending all this sort of stuff is trending content those are video topics that are more likely to get more views because more people want to consume that content if I start posting about an Al ice bucket challenge in 2024 not getting views at all because it's not trending so video topic is super important are you talking about a topic that genuinely gets views not that something not not that it's something you want to watch but something that genuinely has an interest and has
an audience that wants to consume that content secondly how important is that hook super super important are those first 3 seconds getting you views are people not swiping off that video after 3 seconds because chances are if someone clicks on your video and swipes off straight away that is a red flag for Tik Tok to not push out your content any further so make sure you nail those first 3 seconds and then the third one is comment points are you giving people a reason to comment on your post to engage in your post to do
something out of the ordinary there's so many niches out there like text stories like Reddit stories Twitter friends Etc that people say are super saturated and they are super saturated but you still need to find a way to stand out what can you do to make people think oh your account's different to the hundreds of others out there is there way you you can do something that causes people to comment on the post and say okay what does that mean what's this are you creating engagement in the comment section that is super important so let's
go for each of them as I said video topic self-explanatory is it a topic people are interested in does it use current trending Affairs something along those lines now the hook is the super important part as well because this Tech story Niche right this post there has got 1.2 million views and if you look on the right hand side of me I've got circled in red 3 seconds into the video and there's been 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven text messages show up seven in 3 seconds that is less than 0.5 seconds per actual
text message showing up that is rapid that is not a second for you to actually contemplate what's going on you're just digesting content quickly and that is the key to the hook the hook in 3 seconds should be fast should set the tone for the story and make sure people do not swipe off that video too many people's hooks within 3 seconds I have no idea what's going on nothing's visually stimulated me at all and people are going to swipe off that video it's Tik Tok attention spans is super short in 3 seconds everything needs
to be told right there and then imagine you got 3 seconds to just tell a whole story that's what it needs to be like and as you can see this person on the right I'm not surprised they got 1.2 million views in 3 seconds we already have the story set up for us and most people are going to carry on watching that video and go okay it's interesting what's happening next now let's move on to the the comment side right look at this video on left hand side it ends after 1 minute and 19 seconds
and it ends with a question and then the responses follow for part two and the video completely cuts off this is a trick that Hollywood Netflix has been using for years when it comes to TV shows and series they always end with a hook to for Force someone to watch the next video yet when it comes to Tik toks after 1 minute people just want to have a full complete video it has a starting a middle and an end that's what we've been taught I want you to invert that there doesn't need to be an
end if anything there needs to be a start a middle and another start to force people to watch the next video what do you think the comments were filled by where's part two I need to see part two I'm following for part two I want to watch part two that is the whole point of what you're doing and then Tik Tok see that in your post you've got a bunch of comments in there bunch of Engagement they're thinking oh this is a good video it's a green flag for us a lot of people were commenting
engaging with the content let's push it out further they don't know that people are just commenting where's part two they just think a lot of comments means green flag for them let's get more people watching this content cuz clearly it's causing people to interact with the app and interact with the video on screen with them so little things like this are just little tricks you can use to get people to comment and engage with your content why do you need to end it this person could have made the video 3 minutes long and that be
it but they decided very smartly to have the video be just over 1 minute long so it's eligible to earn money in the Creator Rewards program but rather than end the video let's end it with another question to lead into part two and then part two lead end that with another question to lead into part three so it's like your start middle starting again rather than start middle ending little tricks you can use to make sure you get engagement in your content to force people to comment follow you and overall interact with your content now
I mentioned a Tik Tok Creator Rewards program is one of the primary ways you can get paid for posting on Tik Tok the problem is you need 10,000 followers and to be from an elgible Nation but that's okay if you don't have that because tick accounts link down below will get you a monetized Tik Tok page that I've used myself you can check it out with discount code Dennis to get 5% off for monetized Tik Tok Pages monetized Tik Tok shop pages and monetized YouTube accounts YouTube accounts down below as well you can check it
out so the second part of the video how to analyze other people's post you're scrolling through the for you page you want to know what's going viral well as I say commonly all the answers are on the app people keep thinking that there's some magic pill to go viral or not all the answers are on your smartphone are on Tik Tok it's all there for you you just need to understand what is going viral and you need to execute it very quickly so this is what I would do so first of all I'd use a
new account cuz it's got a completely fresh algorithm if you use the account you scroll on Tik Tok before with the algorithm will already be catered to content that you enjoy so it won't necessarily show you fresh content that's going viral in the algorithm for just any old person right so for example if you like football content when you scroll through Tik Tok it's going to show you football content that's great and all if you like football but if you're trying to spot what's trending in terms of General niches not a great idea because Tik
Tok are prioritizing content that you personally enjoy rather than content that's just going viral generally so start a fresh account then I want you to scroll for 10 10 to 20 minutes with a notepad out I want you to take notes what I want you to take notes of is pay attention to the video topic what trends have being shown to you now what you want to do especially is pay attention to niches and videos that you could replicate and you'd want to replicate for example if you a faceless Creator and you're seeing videos of
people dancing don't be writing that down because let's be honest you're not going to be dancing on your Tik toks you want to create faceless content not dancing content so don't bubble with that but if there's any content that you think you know what I'd actually wouldn't mind making a niche around this jot it down note how many views it's got as well what's its engagement like don't drop down a video that's getting 100 views for example but if it's getting millions of views hundreds of thousands of views drot it down it's a Nishi could
potentially replicate so after 10 20 minutes you you should have a list of videos you've seen the niche around it and think you know what I actually don't mind creating content in this Niche then what I then what would I do I'd search the niche on Tik Tok so if you you scrolling through and you see you know what Twitter Freds is looking good let me search Twitter Freds once you search the you should have a good idea of the top accounts and the top videos posting in that particular Niche take note of those as
well and scroll through their accounts what you want to see is analyzing their posts and in particular you want to analyze the post date when was this content published if it's all going viral back in 2023 forget about it it's clearly not going viral anymore or it's not monetizable so that's not something to replicate if it's going viral recently they posted 2 days ago or 20 hours ago or 4 hours ago and it's doing well hm that's probably a good idea for Content that you should be rep replicating also beyond that what is the engagement
like in the post are they actually getting a lot of Engagement are people commenting is it not Bots but is it actually actual real humans commenting on the post giving their thoughts and feelings that's a green because a lot of people actually bought their views and followers so you can't tell if it's it's genuinely a good account and good Niche or they're just botting it to show that they look like they know what they're doing if that makes sense so you actually want to look through the comments and see are the comments actually people giving
genuine thoughts and feelings on the post and are they actually interacting rather than just Bots posting comments of of emojis or something along those lines what you're what you're planning to do is basically you've you've got a whole chunk of data that you scrolled through on Tik Tok you're analyzing posts and niches that you don't mind replicating and building a whole Niche around building an account around now you're identifying your top competitors in that particular Niche to see what they are posting and understand whether it's something you would want to replicate and dip your toes
into and this is all about competitor analysis right and this is the big reason why I actually created alongside me and my partners for the past few months we've been building an AI algorithm that can scrape the Tik Tok database to see exactly what sort of content is going viral for you so you don't need to manually search through and see if it's going viral or if it's not going viral we're so happy to announce that vlo is officially now out you can scroll through and see what the best posting times what trends are being
forecasted and for popular niches you can search whether it's gaining in virality or actually losing virality then when you click on each of them it gives you some great ideas of what to post content on depending on on the niche itself we are still in beta but we've got massive plans for vlo to expand out Beyond we'd really appreciate you getting involved and leaving your feedback as well because we want to make this the absolute best AI tool out there for tracking Tik Tok and short form content so you know exactly what makes you go
viral on the algorithm I'll link it down below because at the end of the day right let's let AI do what AI does best and let us do what we do best which is of course personal content but AI can analyze it for us so you've got the understanding of what makes your post go viral you've got an understanding of when you're searching through other people what makes them go viral now how can we use this information to go viral ourselves on our account so what my Mantra is is repeat what works until it doesn't
it's always been my Mantra milk that cow as it shows on the screen right if something's doing well for you do it again and again and again until it doesn't do well anymore then try and switch to something else that is the key here so this is the action plan that I've been using whenever I grow any Tik Tok account my best ever page Why Inspire which reached 500,000 followers before it actually got banned for unoriginal Content I've got a video on screen with me here where I actually managed to to screen record myself refreshing
the page and getting to 500,000 followers because it was such a great day for me reaching 500,000 followers in just 6 months and this was the action plan I used every single week for creating content and it enabled me to grow massively over 100,000 new followers every single month this is action plan number one what's SL who is going viral that is based of currently what's going viral my own content and competitor's content because I'm in the motivation Niche let's say for example David Goggins is going super viral that is someone that I need to
prioritize that is high importance that is content that needs to be posted that week next we've got the core content stuff that I generally post on my account that is a priority of a medium so it doesn't go above actually who's trending and who's going viral but it's still core content so I need to post it out there and then finally experimental content things that I little bit out of the ordinary I still post about on my account it still relates to my Niche but it's not what I usually post on my account that is
a low priority now the funny thing is some days and some weeks there won't be a lot of viral content out there so that's when you can start experimenting more but if there's someone that's going viral if there's a particular topic a particular person Etc that is going viral that is your opportunity to cash in as soon as possible a lot of people they spot what's going viral they can see it the chill Guy memes going viral Luigi man as I said before p is going viral but they don't post on it they don't take
advantage they see it happening before their very eyes but they don't seem to actually take advantage or what is going viral for them you're literally missing out on the opportunity the door is there for you just open it and go straight through but not enough people are doing that so take advantage of what is going viral you spot it through your own content through other people's content that is the point that you need to understand and go hang on a minute that is going viral let's take advantage of that as soon as possible we can
go back to experimenting content later down a online when it's died off in terms of virality and consistency is King you won't nail it straight away when I reach 500,000 followers in 6 months my first month I reached 1,000 followers one month to reach 1,000 5 months later I'm at 500,000 it doesn't take an Einstein to realize that that's exponential growth and that's all that social media is as long as you keep posting content consistently and keep analyzing what you're posting to see what gets better analyzing both yourself and analyzing competitors as well I absolutely
100% promise you you will improve when it comes to social media it's impossible in any industry in life any sport any business any workplace anything if you keep doing something analyze yourself doing it and do it again and again you will improve 100% have your confidence in yourself that you will do what won't happen is if you post give it two months you realize I'm not doing very well and then post again you're not doing well that you won't improve then if you post analyze follow the steps I use in this video to then post
again you will go viral you will get views you will get followers and you will get paid on Tik Tok I promise you that consistency is King it is a matter of when not a matter of if if you follow all the steps I mentioned in this video I've done it myself I've spoken to plenty of people that have done it themselves as well this is the formula now what you need to do is you need to check out the video right beside me because that details exactly how you can go on vir viral on
Tik Tok in terms of the algorithm this video was talking all about outliers and analyzing your post next bes IDE me is all about the algorithm super important content you need to watch to see what goes vir in the algorithm how you can execute and make sure you get thousands if not millions of views on your videos check it out
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