let's talk about the seven foods that you must never ever eat again these foods are promoted as healthy foods but in reality behind the scenes they are not healthy at all in fact they're going to make you sick so we're going to go through all seven and number seven is very interesting because I tested this food in my basement on rats so you definitely want to stay till the end to hear about what happened let's start with number one granola bars right Nature Valley sounds wonderful is it really healthy they promote using whole grain with
just a touch of honey so let's take a look at the actual ingredients now I always like to ignore the nutritional facts because it doesn't really tell you much about what the ingredients are so let's look just at the ingredients it says whole grain oats okay so this doesn't tell us if it's organic or conventional but if we scroll all the way down it says contains bioengineered food ingredients now what does that mean it means that they have GMO ingredients which they're going to have levels of glyphosate that's an herbicide and General Mills who owns
this company drop the 100% natural because they got sued the problem is it contain a chemical col glyphosate like I just mentioned a weed killer which is linked to cancer now you have to realize that glyphosate is the main ingredient in Roundup Ready this is a popular herbicide which by the way they were ordered to pay $300 million to a man with terminal cancer after being exposed to that herbicide so the first thing to know is the whole grain oats are not organic second thing is sugar they don't tell you what kind of sugar cane
sugar or beet sugar most likely it's beet sugar which also is GMO and then we get into canola and or sunflower oil this is a seed oil which is from my viewpoint not very healthy because it's going to create a lot of problems on the inside of your body it's high Omega 6 then we get into the rice flour okay that's a starch highly refined when you're dealing with the starch you're really dealing with sugar right that's what a starch is it's a group of sugar molecules connected together then we get honey like a like
they said only probably just a tiny bit of Honey Salt brown sugar syrup when they make sugar into syrup they have to refine it more and it's actually going to create a really nice Spike when you consume it with with your blood sugars one serving size equals just under Seven teaspoons of sugar all right let's dive into number two agave syrup now this is a type of sweetener that a lot of people consider to be diabetic friendly ketofriendly because it's low on the glycemic index it sounds very natural but anytime they make a product into
a syrup especially a gab you're going to create more fructose okay now the thing you need to know about fructose is only the liver can deal with fructose so whereas can suar has about 50/50 glucose and fructose agave syrup is literally 85% fructose out of all the foods and sweeteners out there Agave has the most fructose it has even more fructose than high fructose corn syrup okay this means it's going to create a major problem for the liver your liver treats fructose like it does alcohol like a toxin and so yes it's low on the
glycemic index but it's going to create an indirect effect with insulin that's going to create the risk for diabetes insulin resistance obesity you know think about sugar or fructose you're taking this sugar out of the normal food and you consume this in a concentrated amount in large amounts this is not healthy this is not good at all it's going to create a lot of damage to the liver number three flavored yogurt right now flavored and of course they always add sugar to it you have this appearance that it's a healthy thing because it's a probiotic
and it has calcium it has protein it's very convenient people give this stuff to their kids all day long but you have to realize that most of these flavored yogurts have more sugar than a candy bar tons of sugar 30 gr per serving size okay this is like way too much sugar and then when you're adding the sugar to the protein in it and all the other stuff you're just going to feed your pathogens not the good bacteria and the amount of probiotics or beneficial microbes in this product is not very significant most if not
all these microbes don't even survive the stomach acid personally I do not believe there's any benefits whatso ever of these probiotics going into the actual intestine and increasing your microbes anytime you consume a yogurt you want to consume it as the whole food the whole fat you don't want any yogurts being with skin milk or low fat at all I mean if you're going to do yogurt do Bulgarian yogurt do Greek yogurt without the added sugars I mean Yogurt by itself has you know six gram of sugar per serving size why would you want to
add more sugar what's even better than yogurt is kefir I do it plain you can even add berries to it it's delicious but the difference between kefir and yogurt is that kefir has way more friendly bacteria so you're going to get more Diversified microbes if you have kefir than actual yogurt but in these flavored yogurts they put thickeners as modified corn starch they have MSG in there monosodium glutamate as a flavor enhancer so if you're consuming these flavored yogurts thinking that they're doing you some good healthwise they're not all right next one on the list
non-dairy creamers that are considered a healthier alternative to milk and creams because they're lower in fat right but what's interesting is sometimes you don't even need to put them in the refrigerator what is in these things well there's a lot of crap in these things they have high fructose corn syrup they'll have glucose syrup they'll have maltodextrin and the type of fat that they use is trans fats but a lot of times it's hidden because if you actually put trans fats which are seed oils if it's below a half of a gram per serving size
which is very easy to do in a non-dairy creamer then they round it out to zero and they can even say trans fat free when in fact it has trans fats in there so you really want to look at the ingredients and make sure it has no seed oils soy corn canola cotton seed just use regular cream organic cream organic half and half then we get to my favorite soy milk I mean it's bizarre to me to think that they can even call it a milk with the soy milk you're getting a lot of estrogenic
effects personally when I was in practice I had a gentleman come in that started to develop breast tissue and he was consuming I'm not kidding gallons and gallons of soy milk every single week so there's a lot of debate whether soy is healthy or not well here's the thing the way that they process soy soy oils soy isolate proteins soy milk I still to this day do not understand how soy milk can be considered or perceived to be something healthy or cleaner than actual organic real milk or milk products then we get to number six
which is the fast food lettuce or Salad okay now no one's going to consume that salad without dressing so it comes with dressing and if youve ever read the ingredients in these dressings for the salad massive seed oils hidden trans fats hidden starches high fructose corn syrup I mean it's just another chemical cocktail that you put on your salad to try to think that you're eating something healthier there's a chemical called sodium bisulfide this is something that they put into the lettuce to preserve it so it doesn't turn brown it's a chemical so you don't
really know how long that salad's been sitting there but I think the biggest thing is they use a chlorine wash to make sure all the eoli salmonella is killed off well realize when they're killing off this bad pathogen they're also killing off the good stuff as well and I don't want eat a salad that has this chlorinated bleached chemical on it the next time you want a salad don't get it from a fast food restaurant and the last food that I would highly recommend that you avoid puffed cereal puffed rice cakes there was this chemist
and he worked for Quaker Oats okay they fired him because he noticed when they did the study on rats with puffed cereal they would die so I set up this experiment in my basement I had four separate cages okay and the first group of mice I fed them mice food the second group of mice or rats I fed whole wheat bread okay third group I fed white bread and the fourth group I fed puffed seral in one of the cages of rats I noticed that the eyes started turning bright red and started bulging out and
these mice were actually dying prematurely and this is after a week and a half to two weeks okay now take a while to guess what group you think this was most of you are thinking it's the white bread right no something in the puff Cal created the eyes to turn bright red and it was literally bulging out and it was killing the mice so Paul st's experiments were actually true from my viewpoint he wrote a book called beating the food Giants you can probably get it on Amazon he goes through the whole story that was
enough of an experiment to get me to stop consuming puff Cals but here's the wild thing that happened I went on vacation for a week I to do this seminar and my I told my wife to take care of the mice somehow the mice that surv got out of the cage I don't know if you know my wife Karen right she comes downstairs and she sees that the cage is open and all these mice are getting out she freaked out right so this is why I have never duplicated that experiment I'm not allowed to have
any type of Geral hamsters mice ever ever again we had to have some people come out to catch these mice when I finally got home I went out in the woods and I let them go free so anyway now you know the seven foods to completely stay away from if want to retain your health and if you haven't seen this video on the healthiest food that you should be eating I put that up right here check it out