How To Talk In English || Graded Reader || Improve Your English Skills || Learn English || Level 1

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How To Talk In English || Graded Reader || Improve Your English Skills || Learn English || Level 1 W...
Video Transcript:
hello everyone my name is liba and today I want to talk to you about something very close to my heart how to talk in English English changed my life it opened doors made me new friends and helped me dream bigger dreams when I first started learning I was scared I didn't know many words and my accent was different but I never gave up step by step I learned just like a baby learning to walk I fell many times but I got up again I know some of you feel the same maybe you are shy to
speak afraid to make mistakes or worried that people will laugh but remember making mistakes is part of learning if we don't try we can never improve talking in English is like learning to swim at first the water seems deep and you may be scared to jump in but once you take that first step you start to feel better the more you practice the more comfortable you become one of the best ways to learn English is by listening when you listen to English your ears get used to the sound you hear how words are pronounced and
you learn new phrases without even realizing it it's like listening to music the more you listen the more you understand another way to get better at speaking is by practicing with friends or even by yourself sometimes I talk to myself in English it may feel silly but it helps you can pretend you're having a conversation ask yourself questions and answer them the more you talk the better you get and don't worry if you don't know many words you don't need to know big words to speak well simple words are enough just focus on saying what
you want to say even if it's not perfect people will understand and over time you will learn more words when I was learning I used to think what if people laugh at me but then I realized if I don't speak I will never improve so I spoke anyway and guess what most people were kind they didn't laugh they helped me so if you are nervous that's okay it's normal to feel that way but don't let that stop you take a deep breath smile and start talking the more you do it the easier it will become
another thing that helped me was reading out loud when you read your brain gets used to seeing and saying the words it's like exercising your muscles the more you do it the stronger you get also don't be afraid to ask for help if you don't know how to say something it's okay to ask someone we all need help sometimes and asking questions is how we learn one last thing I want to say is this believe in yourself if you think I can't do this then it will be hard but if you tell yourself I can
learn this you will see progress English is not hard if you take it one step at a time imagine you are climbing a mountain you don't reach the top in one big jump you take one small step then another and another before you know it you've reached the top it's the same with learning to talk in English so I encourage you all to start today speak English as much as you can can don't worry about making mistakes don't worry if it's not perfect just speak in the end learning English is like planting a tree you
water it every day and it grows slowly but one day you will see that it has grown tall and strong you will feel proud of yourself for not giving up remember the most important thing is not how fast you learn but that you never stop trying so keep going keep talking and one day you will be able to say I did it I remember the first time I tried to have a full conversation in English my heart was racing my Palms were sweaty and I could feel my voice shaking I was so scared of saying
the wrong thing but I did it anyway I spoke and even though I made mistakes I felt proud because I tried you see speaking English is not about being perfect it's about being brave every time you speak you are one step closer to becoming better it's like a muscle if you don't use it it stays weak but the more you speak the stronger your English becomes when I started learning I watched movies and TV shows in English at first I didn't understand much but I kept watching I paid attention to how people talked how they
used their hands their faces and their voices it taught me that speaking English is not just about words but also about feelings if you want to connect with people don't be afraid to show your feelings when you talk smile when you're happy frown when you're confused and use your hands to express yourself language is more than words it's the way you communicate your heart sometimes when you're learning you might feel stuck you may think I've been studying for so long but I'm not improving this is normal learning a language is like climbing a hill sometimes
you move quickly and sometimes it feels slow but even when it feels slow remember that you are still moving forward don't give up even when it feels hard one thing that helped me was setting small goals I didn't aim to be perfect in one day instead I set small daily goals one day I would focus on learning new words the next day I would focus on pronunciation bit by bit I improved and don't forget to celebrate your progress when you learn a new word or have a conversation in English take a moment to feel proud
every little step is an achievement learning English is a journey and every step you take brings you closer to where you want to be I also found that keeping a journal in English helped me a lot every night before bed I would write about my day in simple English it helped me practice thinking in English and over time I notice my sentences getting better you don't need to write a lot even one or two sentences a day can help when you're practicing speaking try to think in English too at first you might translate from your
language to English in your head but try to move past that think in English as much as you can it's like learning to dance at first you need to think about each step but with practice it becomes natural another thing that helped me me was finding friends who wanted to practice English with me we would meet maybe for coffee and only speak English at first it was awkward because none of us were very good but soon it became fun we learned together and laughed at our mistakes you can do the same find a friend or
a group and practice speaking together you might also feel nervous about speaking to native English speakers I know I did but most people are kind and patient they don't expect you to be perfect they understand that you are learning so don't be afraid to talk to them if you make a mistake they might correct you and that's a good thing every correction is a chance to learn something new there will be days when you feel frustrated there will be times when you feel like giving up but I want you to remember something very important you
are stronger than you think you have already taken the first step by wanting to learn that takes courage and here's the beautiful part no matter where you are from no matter what your background is English can connect you to the world it's like a bridge that brings people together when you speak English you can travel meet new people and learn about different cultures it's a key that opens many doors so when you feel like giving up remember why you started think about the opportunities that learning English will bring into your life imagine yourself in the
future speaking English confidently making new friends and achieving your dreams hold on to that Vision let it push you forward and always remember to be kind to yourself learning a language is not easy and you are doing an amazing job if you make a mistake don't be hard on yourself instead say I'm learning and I'm getting better every day there will be moments when you surprise yourself you might suddenly understand a conversation or say something without thinking too hard about it these are the moments when you realize how far you've come and those moments will
keep coming as long as you keep trying as I stand here today speaking to you in English I want you to know that I was once in your shoes I was scared I made mistakes and I wanted to give up but I didn't and if I can learn to speak English so can you the journey might be long but it's worth every step because with every word you learn with every sentence you say you are building a brighter future for yourself I remember the day when I realized that learning English was not just about understanding
words but about connecting with people I was sitting in a park and a tourist came up to me asking for directions in English for the first time I didn't hesitate I spoke with confidence even though my English wasn't perfect the smile on their face when they understood me felt like magic that's when I knew that English is a powerful tool a way to bring people together learning English has taught me more than just a language it's taught me patience resilience and the importance of not giving up each word each sentence is a small victory and
each time you speak no matter how small the conversation you are winning one of the things that really helped me was using English in my daily life I didn't wait for a classroom or a special occasion to practice I used English everywhere I would describe what I saw while walking down the street or I would think in English while doing Simple tasks like cooking or cleaning these little moments of practice add up over time I also loved talking to myself in English I would pretend to have conversations with people sometimes I would even act out
a scene from a movie or TV show just to practice speaking out loud it might sound funny but it helped me feel more comfortable with the language the more I talked to myself the more natural English felt and here's something I learned that might surprise you it's okay not to know everything you don't need to know every word in the dictionary to speak English sometimes simple words are enough what's important is that you can express your thoughts and feelings even if you don't know the perfect word there's always a way to communicate English like any
language is about sharing your heart and mind with others another thing I want to share is how important it is to celebrate every little success I remember the first time I ordered food in English at a restaurant it was a small thing but I felt so so proud celebrate moments like this did you have a conversation in English today that's amazing did you learn a new word that's progress every step you take is a step closer to your goal and when you make a mistake don't be discouraged in fact I want you to celebrate your
mistakes why because mistakes are proof that you are trying each mistake is a lesson a chance to learn something new when I made mistakes I used to feel embarrassed but now I see them as opportunities to grow You are not alone in this journey there are millions of people around the world learning English just like you and many of them feel the same way nervous unsure and afraid to make mistakes but remember we are all Learners and learning is a lifelong process even native English speakers learn new things about their language every day if you
ever feel stuck or if you feel like you're not improving fast enough I want you to take a deep breath and remind yourself that learning is a journey not a race some days you'll make big leaps and other days you'll take small steps both are important both bring you closer to your goal another important thing I want to talk about is confidence confidence doesn't come from being perfect it comes from believing in yourself and being willing to try when you speak English speak with confidence even if you're unsure of your words people will feel your
energy and that's what matters confidence is something you build over time and the more you practice the stronger it becomes don't be afraid to practice with native speakers even if you think your English isn't good enough most people are kind and happy to help in fact many native speakers admire people who are learning a new language because they know how challenging it can be when I spoke to native speakers I was nervous at first but I quickly learned that they appreciated my effort and many even helped me improve also try to surround yourself with English
as much as possible listen to English music watch English movies and read English books or articles the more you expose yourself to the language the more natural it will feel and don't worry if you don't understand everything at first over time your brain will start to pick up patterns and things will make more sense learning English can also be fun you can play games in English sing along to songs or even join online groups where people from all over the world practice English together there are so many ways to make learning enjoyable the key is
to find what works best for you and to stay consistent and one more thing be kind to yourself learning a new language is one of the bravest things you can do it's not easy and it takes time but every day you spend learning is a step forward you might not see progress right away but it's happening you are getting better every single day at the end of the day remember why you're learning English whether it's for your career to travel to meet new people or to Simply challenge yourself hold on to that reason let it
guide you and keep you motivated when the journey J feels long remind yourself of the doors that will open once you've mastered the language and as you continue on this journey I want to leave you with one final thought English is more than just words it's a bridge to new experiences new friendships and New Opportunities when you speak English you are not just learning a language you are stepping into a bigger world a world full of possibilities so keep speaking keep learning and never give up on yourself one day you will look back at this
moment and realize how far you've come and that day you will smile and say I did it thank you for listening
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