Detailed tour of a 30 MILLION dollar bunker

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Atlas Survival Shelters
Ron takes a detailed tour of the Survival Condo in Kansas. Ron goes deep into the bunker and shows p...
Video Transcript:
guys welcome to the world's most Hightech luxury bomb shelter located right here in good old Kansas USA let's go take a look inside this $30 million [Music] [Applause] [Music] bunker destination is on your [Music] [Music] right how you doing good welcome to the survival condo wow I have seen this so many times on YouTube and Tik Tok and I'm here for myself you've got an armed guard right there and a nice little private driveway so this is a Titan 2 correct no what was it it was an atlas F oh it was an atlas F
okay I thought for some reason it's a Titan 2 no these were nuclear hardened uh designed to withstand a 20 kiloton nuclear war had it detonated within a half mile and they would still be fully functional wow well let's take a look at it tell me everything about it your doors your generator um Air Supply I know most people don't get into all that but that's what I'm really into these are impressive doors are these the original doors no no this is all new this is all new wow I built all this but each each
one of these halves is uh 16,000 lb or 8 tons and what bar rating are these 20 20 bars well they'd have to be if you're going to take a nuke yeah these are pretty uh pretty high before we U put the hydraulics on my son was like 8 years old these with one hand really wow I love that noise you see on the wall there yeah was the original Silo C and when this place was operational as a missile base you could you would walk up and you could walk right on to that missile
level with the ground so we excavated this down quite a bit actually and everything above and outside of that white line is new construction so that wall where it's white is 9 thick going in and going down it's 9 ft thick wow so the cap and the walls for the upper 35 ft or 9 ft thick what size um Warhead did the missile carry that was going to be launched from this unit um it varied on these cuz they had these uh early Generations but they were basically uh Hiroshima size 15 kiloton right they were
wow they had a couple different Technologies and they you they were playing with that stuff still so what do you have here this each uh unit has uh an outdoor parking space and an indoor parking space and so like during uh certain type of threat scenarios where um your clients come it could be like dangerous outside it could be people taking pot shots a lot of our most of our uh clients have armored vehicles we could open the doors they could drive in here and then you know they could unload in safety and not worry
about getting shot at and stuff so now what is this it takes uh like yellow down they predict it would put Ash over the entire planet everywhere would get something but here in Kansas we could expect four to 6 fet of volcanic ash well that would overwhelm our nuclear biological and chemical air filters so we have this Donaldson toret unit which uh acts as like like a cyclonic filter it takes the heavy particulate out it's like a pre filter yeah so it wouldn't overwhelm our system this is impressive already they did all of our blast
vals also so these outside walls are 16 in thick and outside of that there's 45 ft of concrete chunks of rock that are designed to shift and absorb shock wave that are piled up against that wall yeah they're formed in a wedge so that it it forms an air flil so an Air Blast would turn into an air flil this is like a wing the wind would go up and over it so there's nothing to push against so what do you got here we got a day tank that comes out we've got a a 25,000g
uh underground uh diesel tank and so this is got anyone that knows me about diesel we we get have a smart filter so it circulates everything in the pump and takes up water and algae and it keeps it like new all the time and we have two Caterpillar diesel generators each one of these is 100 KW and each one can run the whole Facility by itself so these are two power sources right here our normal load on this building is it average is year round probably about 65 KW and then in the peak summer when
we have a lot of the air conditioners running or a lot of heat in the winter time so 100kw will run this whole bunker with air conditioning how many square feet of Bunker are there 4,000 54,000 wow and that one generator will do that yeah that is amazing when they measured the Energy Efficiency of this building it was the most efficient building they'd ever measured today cuz it's underground got this big thermal mass and it's just incredibly tight so it's it's all all measured our our air handlers exchanged 2 cubt a minute wow this whole
wall is all bul thing this is all these are all ballistic rated doors see that or not but uh this is an entrapment area so in a lockdown situation that door wouldn't be open until that one is closed then this is a decontamination room so we got the oh wow radiation scrubs and biohazard scrubs all this you know hippoc clads and you know all this marcial great stuff but we've got tiger counters to uh measure radiation us have to scrub and rinse with water and get clean to you uh don't detect the radiation anymore so
you got two of these no just one for this okay just one and this is a this is a air handler this is a are pre filter this takes the air down to heig you know air filtration so this conditions like the air in the like in the winter time it could be 20 glowes here up here and it Heats it up to like 65 70° in the summer it could be 110 out here and it cools it down to 7 so are you are you cooling the air down then running it through the filter
we've run it through heog grade filters here yeah and get it to the gr so it takes all the particulate and stuff out it's like 99.2% pure air you know and then it goes into the units and we only turn on the NBC filtration if there's a a threat what year was this built well the original construction was March 7 1960 through June 16th 61 wow before I was even born yeah yeah I was born in 57 67 but here is that white line is up here yeah so from there to here is about 38
ft and then it tapers down to 3 ft thick at this level it's 9 ft what size rebar is that um like a 16 no I got size I'll give a piece I cut out of the door of this it's size 22 this is one of three entrances so this is our e door kind of use it for getting some fresh air without people knowing where you are so right here we're just looking at cornfield we do some gring out here but know great guys we've got us screened in telecommunications Tower we're tied into the
state police the uh Federal and the uh local sheriff counties we got L license for all those so here's a question everyone probably thinks do cell phones work down here do you have some kind of repeater oh yeah do you really yeah we got an expensive repeater system in here the store weighs 2800 lb we've got uh everything from different winter and summer and uh fall camouflage scks what do you call this room this is one of our storage rooms this is a storage room we' got drones we've got gas masks we've got all kinds
of you stuff in here chemical suits um rechargeable battery sets a lot of stuff now here's something not many bunkers have on indoor shooting range oh wow so we can shoot up to 308 C in here wow this is nice so here's a question how often do the clients who own space in this bunker visit it I would say some come about every three months so the busiest ones come here about four or five times a year and the least amount they come is once a year so they come from once a year to four
or five times a year and you actually have a unit for sale in here don't you I actually have three units for sale right now three units I do I have one full 4 unit and two half 4 units and I dropped the price down for quite a bit to get a moved and that's that's yeah I'm I'm actually this is you tell me on your partner you out here because i' I've got a couple clients coming out to look at them and you my biggest draw is I have to people with cash because you're
not going to go get a a mortgage on one of these yeah we don't have a centralized water system it's not it's failures this was actually built during the Kennedy administration from 60 to 61 you like this our power room power room and to give you an idea just the electrical subsystems in this facility were just over $3 million Okay so we've got 384 Advanced Glass mat batteries these are like submarine batteries they're only two volts but look how deep they are they're like 2 ft deep they go back to this wall and they're connected
in series so there each one is only 2 volts but alog together there's 768 volt but each battery has 590 amps so You' got 768 volts at 590 amps you don't want to put your tongue on that termal we've been working with uh talking to Tesla and a couple other companies so you're going to swap these batteries out pretty soon yeah we're actually uh engineering a system we actually have some prototypes that we're really opening to get into but uh we're we're looking at the uh vadian Redux flow batteries that's what we're most likely going
to go to different power sources we're grid tied that's this first telephone line picture then we got generator one generator 2 our wind turbine and then this battery Bank behind me this is the facility yeah this is this has uh amazing technology this is all three things 800 amp service so wow those massive capacitors down there but this all liquid cool this is a liquid cooling system up here this thing get so hot hey you mentioned to me that you've put like $25 million into this bunker yeah building what we call the pet Park so
we've got these got trees we got 24 ceilings in here we got rubber floors so when the kids were here in the family's row here this air hockey table was going were the wall they were playing ping pong there were little dogs and stuff running all over the place so made you feel good huh so full of life there no fighting at all they all just like oh you're here here they STI box and then they hang out in the pet Park they you know they go to the bathroom they flush down the thing this
whole thing is like shower goes through the drain she just rins it off her so there's drainage through those vents yeah this is all just to keep your feet off thing that's a water go off the wall right there that's a a vinyl waterproof it's all one pce yeah so it's really but but again the psychologist said you've got treeses you can throw the ball you got room you don't feel closed in it's it's just it's just a difference it's just up and down these roads we got the auto bles and the little harnesses for
the kids but a lot of fun there's a each one of these filters is $25,000 so the change there's three of them in place and there's three but you're looking it change out a set of filters is 75 G so these are your backup filters yeah there's another one up there there's three see so this is the heart and Sol of the bunker that hatch in your roof right there you see right up that goes to my sniper oh really [Music] so what size duck work is this 18 24 that's large so you've got three
filters now I see yeah three hooked up you got a spare here then you got the other two down there we've got Starlet here for uh high speed internet and uh yeah this is the elevator controls over here and she won an award for our elevator design here when did you turn over the keys the first time to the first tenant December of 2012 really okay clo that came out here then we did things like uh upgrades the Dome they wanted to uh take things out we added a um instead of a a portable guard
shack we have a a tornado proof guard Che all bulletproof everything out there that had SPS and go about 6 ft into the ground so tall upgrade with the uh making the Dome bigger to include the indoor parking was part of that and this uh then they wanted to add four hotel rooms to the Dome up here and the pool got bigger and stuff so it was it was a lot of money we got here oh game room game room so in movie theater no just the game room this is Xbox setup Xbox the two
sides cuz I've got two clients that had have family heirloom pinball machines that they want to bring up here so there's a couple that's nothing wrong with that so since you finished this in 2012 to 2024 today technology has changed a lot there's a thing called the iPhone now yeah yeah we've got an internal uh cell phone repeater system we also have a a state-of thee air mesh Wii system you got Pac-Man that's all that's needed that's from uh we had this in the 80s well that's a that's a u 12 different games on that
one this this one has 129 G this looks like an old style machine but it's really got modern stuff in it so this got 129 different games this has Missile Command and uh asteroids it's got everything on it fball well you got all the games here yeah it's uh you need to keep the kids busy yeah so but this is a picture of our rocket this is our rock wall we like to show some but that's the missile that was in this place well you didn't buy it with the missile in it did you no
more expensive the clean up but anyway we got all these we're down to SpaceX and what is this room right here this is the uh common room we call it and it's got a billiard's table it's got two different TV setting group the one in front of the white one and then it's got the red one over here with the fireplace so that's a ventless it burns a gel but it's a real flame but get a real like you don't to have this I like this room so we have a conference meeting over here we
can do Zoom calls and all kinds of stuff nice kitchen yeah fully uh functioning kitchen got uh Subzero and wolf appliances in here and dishwasher Granite y it's very very nice and the parents can get together and sit the girls got together and talked and you know they got to know each other and they were making ideas about hey if we ever had to spend years in here this what do we think we should do they had all kinds of fun so how many different families own apartments in here or condos whatever you call it
well there's 14 units in here and there's there's 14 floors of condos there's no there's 14 units some are full floor some are half floor some are hotel room suites like this okay here's where you're staying here's your room for tonight so oh I'm not underground are you I'm going to stay in the refrigerator yeah you got is this where you put the media okay yeah I generally don't you got TV got a couple people i' let stay here but it's a um it's just a different this isce welcome to the beach this is where
we get a lot of drop jobs because people for whatever reason when they see the pictures online they go oh these used at fishy lands or it's a trick photography or something holy cow wow so big yeah the pool is 75 ft long is it heated yeah it's all geothermally heat so I could go swimming in there yeah really yeah it's the water is kept at plus or minus 2° of the air temperature which is kept to 80 so generally the water is between 80 and 82 really so that is amazing so what does the
chlorine do to the building on the inside this is a saltwater coil oh okay store large amounts of chlorine so that's the key is salt water salt water and it keeps it uh this is a Hightech pool it it keeps the pH perfect this is amazing I can't tell you which one we had Miss americ in here have you really well you now you've had me no big deal so here's a question how blast rated is this part compared to the rest of the bunker it it's it's it's equ equival for a blast radi it's
for a surface blast because of that wedge shape I told you about shock wave would go right over it and it's sufficiently strong for that what we got here now this is connected right next to the slide ins cover that's what this water here I my uh got take this off before you got here and people that are coming this weekend usually you have this over the water the the he but this is the pit for the pump for the circulation the coronator uh automatic acid Reservoir that keeps the pH right it's got an autofill
thing over here and that's the pump for the waterfall so here's a good question are there full-time Engineers here to run the shelter when the time comes there's full-time people here they're not Engineers I'm an engineer um I've got two masters uh one in engineering now that goes to the garage yeah okay so that's it's inside that big door so this whole area has its own set of glass valves in different humidity settings and different temperature settings for the pool so it's a separate self-contained airspace so it's uh but this is a protected area yes
very just if you didn't put those humidity and uh thermal like um temperature limits higher than once in there you'd be freezing every time you get out of the pool so this keeps it well I might do some skinny dipping down here later since it's connected to my room oh that's right you got cameras don't you uhoh this is our barn Lounge in here so uh uh yeah the uh psychologist said you know one of the I actually lost a sale over putting this bar in here because there was a Mormon that didn't want it
I you deal with a bar at your uh home in Utah and you haven't left the state but you don't want to live in here cuz we have a bar What's the total count of security cameras throughout right around 54 I think that's not that bad I I just put 25 in my factory now what's this do right here that's a part of the Creston home autom I can control those TVs you can watch what the kids are watching in there you can bring up Sports it's a Direct TV satellite system in here too that's
what that impressive what you do but the the elevator hit is on the bottom for so you get a walk so you have fire escape stairs throughout the whole thing all the way up oh yeah I can see up there it's interesting I get asked by some people what kind of building toades do you have I go you know what that's a really really good question the answer is this facility was engineered to a building code that's called the international building code for inhabited underground structures and it's one of the strictest building codes in the
world so do they have like a like on the stairs do they have a 7in Max Riser and 11in run risers the width the railing height well these are all new stairs I used to build these yeah here's all your food some of it some of it we got spread all over the place so were any of the uh food brands fighting for your business or no everyday food storage is that other one in Utah now these have dates on them yeah I'm sure they do Thrive so um anyway oh Walkin freezer when people yeah
this is uh about 30 below Z 20 Bel and what's the inside there right now a lot of stuff really oh that's a big Walkin look yeah each unit that has its own individual stuff so that you can put your own stuff in it like that's for unit 7 North wow it is cold in here wow i' freeze the death really quick in here I don't even want to mess with you you might joke around with me so there's a wireless monit we have a building management say there's two sensors one here one at the
that Corner that if if the temperature got up close to zero it would uh send an email out over the internet and it would page me over the cell system and uh send me a text message wow as well as three other people that's smart what's that called uh part of our building management system we have a dual compressor system here so that we exercise these we have a schedule here and we run them for about a month on one side then we shut that one off and run it for a month on the other
side but if there's ever a break down down we don't have to worry about we can fix it and while it's running on the other one and so we've got you know 100% redundency And you know for our uh you know that that's got $100,000 of food in it and that that 100kw Caterpillar diesel generator just one of them will run this whole bunker including that yeah wow yeah and the pool and the pool that's amazing yeah going back for an elevator ride now where are we going to now 13 13 we're going to go
all the way yeah we'll skip a few of the cuz they're they're repetitive right well in their private well I want to see the ones that are for sale yeah that's what show you from the 10th and 11th FL exercise and Spa level United States Olympic team okay oh gymnasium rubber flors I can smell that rubber free waves it's a nice gy yeah here this is the men's locker room and you got an all what almost 10t ceilings oh yeah you got saunas got a sauna and a steam room wow then there's a shower around
the corner so you either come down here get a workout take a sun take a shower in here if you don't want to take a shower you go up to your unit and take a shower in your own unit so here's a question are you going to do another Silo like this in your lifetime or the tescot one has all the floors built and I've had a couple people want to buy the whole thing but if I if I get this one sold out and um which I'm expecting to happen in the next 30 days
actually is the arobic side that's some biles yeah bike elliptical treadmill and then the aerobic spacing mirrors for the uh aerobics and stuff Dance Yoga then the women's room has the same exact size steam room with the other side has amazing and this gets used a lot too people really like exercising here I can see why yeah it's uh it's been pretty popular what floor is this this is 13 the library and classroom wow there's Albert Albert Einstein yeah so we got all these books we've got boxes and boxes of books that different owners have
contributed we Haven even unboxed yet I like this smell everything smells new yeah it's it's have you ever have you ever had a problem with any condensation no not being this far down so cool Heating and Cooling in the 2,000 cubic feet a minute that goes through the whole facility it keeps it where you want it and another bathroom yeah and then in here we've got so was this did this have to be permitted to build this oh yeah did it I didn't know being an old side oh these are classrooms yeah this is our
continued education classroom we've got a state of theart electronic uh keyboard there that's hooked into our media database system the Collide Escape system so you can watch movies but it's also hooked up to the Internet so the idea is that the other classrooms let's say I build out the one it's test got to be another facility like this and it's got a contining the kids in the classrooms could see each other they can talk to them because they we uh connect them through a a VPN via the starlink stuff so so here's a good question
what would you change on the next one that you learned on this one well the the lessons when this was serial number one she always have Lessons Learned which we did and it's bigger the one over there this one is 54,000 sare ft that one's going to be 150,000 Square fet how many silos is it it's one Silo why is it so big the center Parts different but the Dome that's on top is the same size but instead of being one story like this one is it's going to be two stories then it's got another
huge underground parking garage mechanical and uh a Hydroponics area that's all going to be new Underground Construction now you drew out the dome right or you drew out the bunker right here yeah we got lots of so when the people are buying these condos in this you're giving them an education on how to how to operate it I'm sure well when they come in here we tell them as much as they want to know they the stuff in the individual units is just like being in a modern you know home it's got you know all
the same appliances and everything but you know they want to learn about everyone wants to learn the Hydroponics because they they they' love the you know see live plants and we we can actually plant flowers in there too so people would have live flowers in their units and stuff and uh I'll show you some of that stuff let's go see my full floor unit that's for sale originally this was3 million I've got it mark down to 2.4 million but you do have to pick the biggest mistake I Learned was don't try to pick Food for
People what a waste of time and money that was I've got vegans I've got pescatarians I've got uh glutenfree I've got uh keto diets but so this most activated lights so this is a natural full unit yeah this is a it's about 1,840 ft and it's a three-bedroom two bath 9t ceilings but check these out this is the actual one that's for sale yeah this is the actual one for sale wow that's nice as any house so you got cameras looking outside so and those are live yeah those are live you can see the you
know what time to day it is so your circadian rhythm stays in sync you know what the weather's doing you can see people coming and going it's just uh you can put fake seats in you can put a a a New York Central Park you can put you know I like the real thing everybody said they know what it's do yeah they want to see the real thing now how many bedrooms does this have three three bedrooms and two bath so it was this built to be one single floor unit because I know you have
half floor units right it was a full floor floor it was built for a full floor and then there's ones that are half floor so nice floor this is the master bathrooms you come in here it's got dual vanities it's got a walk-in shower with niches we've got a uh air jacuzzi tub we've got the Toto uh the day toilet seats in here you got those those made Japan yep wow those are nice yep so got these then this is the I this is the master but here's the master closet you walk in there even
yeah it's big yeah very nice you got round crown molding yeah yeah so here now what are the floors uh this is a luxury vinyl tile just because you know the durability with uh kids and being underground so in here got the second bathroom get the kids got the toilet and same shower and everything just doesn't have the this is nicer than most five star hotels yeah so and again another window bedroom number two then the closet for is that the actual angle right there yeah s position in the here's another another bathroom no closet
closet each bedroom has its own walk-in closet wow so you get plenty of and 10t 9 and 1/2t 10t ceilings very nice very tallish yeah so then uh got these niches here then here's the third bedroom again the walkin closets behind this door but they got built in desks and uh these are clean siiz beds we got the laundry and the water heater over here behind the door in the Seer closet but it's a circular for so this is the foer when you Comm in so it's a circular flow wow amazing and this originally was
3 million now it's 2.4 because the owner passed away passed away and their family took all the food was 90% the food they left some stuff yeah but but they're not coming back people are going to have to put their food stocks in here and I I'm providing a one-year warranty yeah uh on everything except the furniture okay so if you have a problem with any appliances the electronics that's all covered you know the expensive and this goes to the uh Escape stairs the stairwell right there okay so you could just run up 14 flights
of stairs yep very nice people do it so so anyway is this a full it's really it's really nice it's you see it's pretty modern and it's like it's uh people are kind of like Jaw drop and these are gas stoves yeah these are uh they're dual fuel so you don't have that's that's propane there's an infrared here for a broiler and then this is electric I like this sink the same Granite going up to show you the 10th floor I got which is uh two half flors that are both for sale okay and they're
on the same floor yes so they're two bedroom 10 North and 10 South two bedroom one bath units one is slightly larger than the other one so it's a little bit more one the larger one is 1.3 million it was regularly 1.5 million and the other one is 1.2 million residential level 10 so the foyer comes out and there's two separate units here so you turn this way this is the north unit which is the smell so good in here I love the smell yeah it's yeah it's it's really cool I love the windows the
whole uh feel the place but it's pretty it's pretty nice I mean you can see you get the microwave down here but I mean it's it's a 940 ft unit so this is the room that the other side doesn't have cuz it's behind the elevator where the stairwell is on the other side so we got extra storage what is in there that's the electronic system for the uh C the controls for the windows and everything so water heater yep water heater and the water heater is gas or electric it's gas as well electric the gas
is only used for cooking okay already yeah so this is the bathroom and it's got the it's got a single bathroom Y and it's got the shower and everything but there's no jacuzzi in this one but chance got the desk and queen siiz bed now a lot of the units have been putting bunk beds and put kids in here so put a you know a twin over a full or a full they can do triple bunk beds nowadays yeah those are really nice some of them put yeah the the max occupancy for a half four
unit is five people really you can't put it's how many people can you cram in here so you get 10 on the whole floor 10 for a full floor and five for half floor and why is that uh it's the engineering density that the uh equipment is sized for really so it has to do with the breathing apparatuses and the fire code and the everything it's it's it's a I like these desk you know it's a it's really got those are quartz countertops over there and uh but it's a good use of space it's a
curved wall and you can actually it was a good use of space who was the architect that laid all this out um my Structural Engineers company down in Florida oh they did an excellent job yeah I've been real happy with them so note that this this has the separate room for the laundry and here on the other side that's in the bathroom it's a stacked configuration I like these tall ceilings see all my shelters have 8ft ceilings but I also have a 10-ft ceiling and my fat boy because it's got a sunken living room so
you got 8ot you go down steps and you're in a sunken living in a pre-manufactured bomb shelter called the fat boy okay it's crazy yeah I I wanted to make it to prove that I could so this is unit number two yeah this is the 10 Sou and this is the other one this one is 1.2 million the first one was 1.3 million so this one over here is a little more yeah it's bigger oh it is bigger it's got that separate laundry room that we okay this one doesn't have that so same type of
thing in here but in the bathroom you'll see behind the door it's got a stacked washer and dryer cuz the stairwell takes up the space where that laundry room is on the other side Japanese toilet now this thing warms up um it's got the sprays everything on it it's like I'm not sure which units the which features the people op T showers it out bedroom number one and it's got the now these are Queens yeah these are Queens window again yeah wind turbine and these operate these little cameras here are these little pads what do
they do they're part of the Creston home automation system so you can act as an intercom or you can control the lighting any can you talk to other floors not other floors just any rooms in here I got you the intercon system isn't one that's used very much but if you want to turn on the lighting in the kitchen or turn the lights off from your room you can turn like say you came to bed you forgot to turn all the lights off you can bring this up and just hit all the lights off wow
so how many men were working on this when it was under construction my Peak number of people for workers was 85 at one time in here mhm Wow 85 workers well I hope you get to build another one cuz uh I'd be amazed to see uh how you outdid yourself on this one we are going to Hydroponics Hydroponics the General Store does it show up like that as hydroponics store level and hydroponics so this is the store you even got grocery carts over there eat fresh Buy Local aquaponics the grocery Market huh oh yeah you
see smells good in here lot of food in here oh wow look at that you got a little fish market [Music] ohk Baker so here's a question kit hits the fan everybody comes down here are there any employees that are going to be added to the on top of the people that don't own the condos there's a maintenance manager that is my head of maintenance he runs that yeah but um him and his wife are on staff to be here and then I'm an owner and an engineer to know this okay and then um I've
got another guy that's a project manager that helped me build this place it's done a lot of the uh ongoing maintenance and uh he knows it's set place inside and out so there'll be at least three of us and we'll be training people so everyone's going to V you don't have to work but the psychologist recommended that we offer people uh work days where they uh join the work pool and they would have a 4-Hour Work Day so but you work for 30 days in one job like you work in security for 4 hours a
day for one month then the next month you'd work in Hydroponics and the next month you'd work in the classroom next month you work in the maintenance next month you work in the pool next month you know so you rotate around uh the jobs got it all thought out then everybody doesn't feel like they they're getting this shitty job and you've got no single points of failure now you've got organic buildup of uh knowhow of the people that are owners they're not intimidated but now they know how to do everything so some of them have
already been doing that and they've gotten really excited about what they can do and stuff so it's kind of neat to see people not be intimidated by it and that's what you want to do is make people feel comfortable I love the mental aspect where people feel like well I'm going down to the store like if they were on a cruise ship you know well the idea though is to not let people take more than uh two two or three days worth of food and uh the idea is you want you don't want them to
become isolationists in their unit you want them to interact with other people so we're going to have a coffee machine set up down here we've got bread maker so you'll smell fresh bread you'll have fresh Proto sitting here from the hydroponic so you you know it makes such a difference in your food if you make a sandwich and you've got fresh tomatoes and fresh onions and fresh lettuce and all that stuff and that presentation is a lot different than just you know oatmeal you know it's it's just a big difference what is over here well
this is the tunnel this goes over to the hydrop feel like I'm going to a nightclub yeah well this is our Nursery table we've got seedings that we grow in here he's only got one tray cuz he just transplanted a bunch here watch your step right here there's about a 6 in drop right here it's all 100% organic there's no chemicals no nothing here it's all organic those flowers flowers down here too now have you had plants growing down here since 2012 no we've had plants for about four years down here we need we we
had everything ready to go and there's two floors there's another floor right above this one it's uh set up with tanks and stuff there's so eat one of these Tomatoes if you like tomatoes just pop one of these in these are all airlo seeds they're completely I mean they don't taste like what you buy the store these are way better this place is amazing now where do these stairs go to up to the second level okay there's two flights there's that's the third entrance it goes out to that trapezoid it's out back then goes through
another series of Last doors I like that I wish they could give an award I give it to you it's uh we've gotten a whole bunch of awards we had the award for our elevator design we got uh we got nominated for the Heisman Trophy award which was in building it's a project project of the year for Rebound these are carts yeah yeah huh amazing unbelievable now this is what people think of when they think of a bunker wow how many bunkers have you been in to have this kind of stuff none security and Sick
Bay Sick Bay so you have your own Hospital our own medical Street this is engineering over here bulletproof wall bulletproof window bulletproof door so now this control and Command Center so someone's supposed to sit down there the whole time oh wow there she is this is the smoke this is a computer it's a smoke and control system I was jaw dropped when I found out what this thing did basically it's like this the international building code for inhabited underground structures is like being in a submarine in 1,000 ft of water okay so what happen happens
if you're in 1,000 ft of water and a fire breaks out and a normal building is run out but you got to assume now conditions outside are more deadly than the conditions inside so let's say a fire broke out on 10B this half Flor what this computer does is it senses the smoke and it controls 97 different air dampers in here and it calculates the path to take the smoke out of the facility without shutting down the fresh air to the rest of the facility there's so many permeations and combinations that a human couldn't do
this but this thing could control I think it's like six or eight different smoke events on different floors uh and and keep that fresh air coming in normal buildings they shut the air handlers down and you know everybody gets out of the building well you can't get out of the building it's deadly outside and you need your fresh air you're going to you know you know suffocate so that's what this smoke control panel does what kind of engineer designed all this just a mechanical engineer uh NE there were five people Engineers that put this together
and then it took 10 days8 hours a day to test it and they went around and blew smoke and things and went outside and verified that the smoke was coming out while it wasn't going anywhere else it was pretty impressive yeah I was I was now these are all the cameras yeah these are there's a whole another set we so I see 48 I see 50 51 2 three out in the guard shack um there's another set see he's at a whole another set out there MH and and his there's my guard he's sitting right
there so if you have a bar you have to have a jail that's a jailhouse toilet and sink here's a you got to crawl through here I can stand up over there reverse osmosis water system makes 10,000 gallons a day we have 75,000 gallons of AR fresh water now do you have a thing called an escape tunnel here that's goes away from the bunker you just walk out the door we've got three doors we can go out okay so those are the so anyway this is one of our electronic work you know troubleshooting things and
this is a a real we have a hybrid uh system where uh the backbone going up and down is fiber optic in this facility and then there's fiber and and copper on the floors based on what it is so we've got both fiber end copper and wireless but down here this is our cell phone and uh satellite control system down here this is all satellite and control and uh Wi-Fi we've got 43 Direct TV receivers in here for uh different TVs we've got the uh nvrs uh planer Matrix controls and this is the hospital the
Sick Bay this is a licensed Pharmacy our little grabing GO bags okay this is our hippoc compliant server this is our Dental room oh wow you have a dental room this is ouram room that's the peut cup room do you have an x-ray machine nope no x-ray we do have crash carts deep fibs hospital bed hospital room well you got all the hospital stuff yeah I mean there's not many bunkers even have this is there a doctor that owns one of these there is is there well that's great and we have a couple of nurses
and a couple of EMTs level going up so this is my uh documentation so we've got every system every part from faucet parts refrigerator parts Air Handlers filter numbers are in a computer database on that computer they also are in hard copy in all these binders so we have everything in hard copy and soft copy and they index then we have a master point of contact list that um we can call for the you know support for systems who you know the people that built and put this together but right now we're set up to
do all of our own maintenance self- maintenance this is the Fire Control Room my maintenance guys the certified wer he's a farmer he's a retired Fire Chief from a fire station with 30 years of firefighting experience and he's an EMT so he knows how to run all this stuff but s several other people but this is a jockey pump it can fight fires on probably four floors this big one can fight fires on every floor in the whole facility at the same time and it can be powered from any of our uh power sources it
can be run off the battery Bank either one of the two diesel generators it could be run off the wind turbine if there's juice there it can be run off the gray that's when all the switching GE does over here for the uh International building code for inhab other gun structures have to have fire code so all the rooms are not only sprinkled but in the hallway opposite uh everyone of The Landings there's a fire hose that can reach any point on the floor I mean this is so far beyond what You' see in a
regular building it's amazing at what size bunker do you think you have to meet this code all the building codes fall under state and federal jurisdiction like in this case some of our underground storage tanks have to comply with not only state but Federal uh tank requirements but fire is a local ordinance and a lot of them are shared they're pretty similar these our main water system we got a geothermal uh heat pump here that goes out to our well field this our made water that comes in from the this a domestic water so you
have your own well here I'm sure we have 48 Wells well that's the geothermal they're working as well geothermal we have two water wells and a a couple of return Wells what's your what's your water capacity we've got 325,000 gallon uh poble water but it aches bottle water standards are they in the bunker or outside they're underground outside outside what about your fuel for the diesel underground outside as well okay okay parts and tools and everything from replacement defs to filters for the uh wolf ranges to towel Hooks and hardware store yeah first a kiss
all kinds of stuff then it continues over here our electric conduits that command are 17 ft underground now what floor are we at right now two two so we're not far underground 1 ft that's saw you're electrical yeah this is we've got um single phase three phase we got uh 270 uh 480 uh and 120 and 240 so basically this is built and design almost like a ship it's the same engineering yeah um it's like a miniature crew ship yes yeah we got water tanks and heaters and sare parts and special tools and all kinds
of stuff so this room's so big I love these tall ceilings yeah and that was Again part of the psychologist said you want to have areas with live plants and places where you can throw a ball and do exercise and are those live plants no but they're they look like it they okay your mind doesn't now gamer but yeah it's been a lot of uh fun building these and seen people's reaction to them because the people like from uh that write books and do uh bunkers if you look at this guy has Jill scalon been
here you see this bunker book yeah behind the end times this book it's done by Bradley Garrett he's out of uh Australia he came over here and he went through all the bunkers Vios everywhere he went through there's a section in here he talks about the survival condo and he said in all of his experience of going through all these bunkers I'm paraphrasing what he wrote in here here but he said the one bunker that I thought was going to far be overhyped was a survival condo and it was the only one that undersold what
it offered and that's I would agree we've been on we've been in so many magazines and TV and we on 60 Minutes twice and Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous and uh you know 2020 ABC Nightline Fox and Friends Fox News Fox Business uh we've been on everything and it's like you know I sleep really well at night you know you just hit the button and it'll go green means the next push of this button it'll open it and then it'll turn to Red after it's open and then the next push of the same button
will close it and that's how you know like for now go ahead to open oh open that one door yeah at least open enough for pedestrian see you H that oh wow it's still daylight outside bit we get some awesome sunsets here it's truly awesome wow this worked out perfect to come out at this time you know it it's a beautiful day it is a beautiful day and that's a beautiful bunker yeah it's uh it's standing the test of time you know here's an interesting tidbit for your uh viewers is our structural Engineers have calculated
the water and all the deteriorating um environmental effects on the structure of this bunker it estimated it'll last over a thousand years that's our uh sniper post you get into from the that Park area so uh you get there's no other way in but let you take the high ground and you can as you can tell you can see a long way from up here and can you access that from inside the bunker that's the only place you can get oh really I was going to say you won't put through those little SS and those
are shooting ports yeah and you got your own wind turbine yeah we do we're in the middle of a class 4 wind area there's 67 3 megawatt wind turbines here what an incredible view Larry thank you for letting us see your bunker buddy Ron thanks for coming hope you enjoyed it and uh I'm it's good to have a a good uh quality competitor come out and uh share some ideas thank you sir I enjoyed seeing your survival condo yep you're welcome have a good evening have a safe trip byebye well that was fun that's the
nicest bunker I've ever seen now I'm going to head back to Kansas City now wiah is actually a little bit closer Kansas City's 3 hours Witch is like 2 hours guess you want to drive out here and see this
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