so AI agents there's so much information out there it can be overwhelming trying to learn about them so I wanted to come in here and break it down simply just the way that I wish someone would have explained it to me when I first started learning about them I'm pretty new to this space too and I've definitely felt confused when trying to learn about some of this stuff so hopefully you guys find this informative and by the end you have a good idea of what these agents are capable of and how you can start building
them to make your life easier and ultimately make a ton of money off them I also plan to make videos about this topic specifically tailored towards people new to the space so if it sounds like you and you want to dive into the AI agent space or AI automations in general definitely check out some videos in the future but yeah let's just hop right into this one so I wanted to start off by touching on the golden opportunity that I see and that a lot of people are starting to see in um the AI agent
space so I was definitely a little skeptical um about the hype and you're completely saying to be skeptical but check this out so this is search interest in AI agents over the past year as you can see it's skyrocketed um right now is definitely the best time to get in while sort of like ride the wave you know as they say while everything's new because inevitably everyone will be in the space and everyone will be making money off of this so now is a golden opportunity to learn and just sort of dive in that's what
I'm trying to do at least all right so first things first what exactly are AI agents simply put um an AI agent is like having an employee who has Perfect Memory follows exact instructions doesn't sleep and costs a fraction of hiring an actual human being they're powered by Advanced AI models so they basically have a brain and their brain has Perfect Memory because it's going to pull the information that you're giving it whether that's you know information about your company information about um their client profile whatever it may be they'll be able to recall it
perfectly which is so much better than the way you or I can recall information that we read in the past they're always going to follow your EXA exact instructions so whatever you prompt them to do is exactly what they're going to do um a lot of humans can sort of stray away from that kind of stuff so that's huge too they're never going to sleep so they're going to be working 24/7 even if it's something as simple as customer support um and your clients won't have to wait you know leave you a voicemail wait for
you'd respond to their emails that kind of stuff they're going to get um feedback right away or they're going to get the answers they need right away which is just huge for you know boosting relationship and getting all the value out of the customer that you're trying to get um and then also like all of that those are all just positive things those are all pluses and it's just going to cost a fraction of hiring an actual human so um yeah it sounds too good to be true almost um I've also seen agents that are
able to call up clients potential clients um try to upsell them try to book calls whatever it may be and the client almost has no idea it's an agent because it just it sounds so real and they're able to have like an actual conversation and um I've seen Tik Tok and Instagram accounts that are 100% ran by an agent um you know they create the content they um push it out onto the social media whatever it may be and they they can do all this kind of stuff just based on um the tools that you
give it and the way that you prompt your agent to act so here's kind of what we did in the past right we let's say it was we wanted an agent to send an email for us or we wanted to send an email we would read the email we would put that into chat and have it read it for us and generate a response copy and paste it over into Gmail and then we' send it off ourselves so it's definitely nice like a nice use of AI and chat gbt but um with agents like all
of that's removed pretty much it'll do that all of that automatically for you so how exactly do AI agents work so AI agents are powered by a large language model that's sort of their brain um and that's just something like chat gbt or claw and because they have a brain they can make decisions they can handle Dynamic tasks and they can adapt to new information in real time and what makes them even more powerful is that they're not just limited to one action or task you can give them multiple tools um access to your calendar
CRM whatever it may be and they'll be able to combine those with different logic in order to do the job that you want it to do so here's just a quick visualization um on the left we have an entity this is a human um human as a brain they can reason they can use logic to make decisions and then you give the human access to tools like Excel LinkedIn Google word slack Google Drive whatever it may be so just think about it as simple as that right The Entity is just an AI agent with the
ability to reason use logic to make decisions and access the tools that you give them in order to do exactly what it is that you're prompting them to do so no need to over complicate it like I said this is all it really is um okay so I wanted to touch on sort of the difference between traditional automations and AI automations so here's just sort of like a flowchart logic you may call it of a process so it starts you go through a couple things um and eventually you get to a point right here where
you need to make a decision and so this is where um you know I work in automation so when you're when you're trying to automate processes there's a lot of things where it's going to be like a yes or no or it's going to be is a number higher than 10 or lower than 10 um a lot of stuff is going to be a clear you know black and white answer and that's where automations break if it needs to be dynamic or if there's any sort of reasoning that needs to go into it any sort
of thinking that needs to go into it that's when they get tough to automate because you you think oh I need a human to be able to think through this and make that decision but with AI agents they're going to be able to do that because they have the brain of a large language model so we all know that chat's really good at um writing a discussion post for you maybe if um you taking a college class or um reading an article and then giving you a nice summary because they have the ability to think
and use background information and adapt to sort of like what is being thrown at them so just super super cool stuff here all right so moving on to why you should care about agents and why you should care about this opportunity so the first thing is efficiency and cost savings obviously agents are going to save you a ton of time and money they're going to give you the same leverage as hiring employees but without the cost of salaries benefits or training all that tedious stuff next we've got scalability they can scale super easily if you
need more agents um just make them just build them if your business is growing you don't need to hire more employees that can if the work can be done by agents so they can handle the increasing workload without breaking a sweat um they're not rigid traditional automations so they're not going to break when things change um the next point it's a great segue into adaptability um they're able to like I said it's very dynamic they can adjust their behavior based on new data changing environments unexpected scenarios um it all kind of relates back to the
way you prompt an agent I won't get too much into the prompting of an agent right now but the more examples you give it it's sees like what is coming in and how to react um it'll be smarter and smarter and as you sort of interact with it more it'll it'll get smarter and smarter next we've got the ability to make decisions we talked about this with traditional automation but they can analyze data they can reason they can choose the best course of action um which is perfect for complex tasks that you couldn't achieve with
traditional Automation in the past fifth we've got the ability to build them so easily a lot of people probably think that you need to have majored in computer science and know how to code in Python Java all that kind of stuff but you really don't um nowadays there's so many low code no code tools out there to be able to build agents there's so many good tutorials on YouTube on how to build agents whether it's um relevance AI super intuitive make zappier um something like n8n is something that I've been using recently to build agents
um super super easy to learn and this is a great time to learn because like I said earlier evitably everyone will be learning so get ahead of the curve to the point where you can be able to teach people how to do it and then sixth last but not least we've got the future it's just a super super exciting time to be in this space these agents are constantly improving um in the future businesses May no longer rely on large teams for everyday tasks and I'm not saying that humans will completely be removed out of
the process like I don't really think that's super realistic but just like freeing up that time for humans to do higher impact work is um definitely definitely super important and yeah pretty much all of these reasons is like do I even need a seventh that's that makes me want to build agents I don't know about you guys but so where can you use agents um I'm not really going to get too deep into this in this video because that could be like a 30- minute topic there there's so many places where I see these agents
being able to be implemented but we'll just cover sort of four main points right now um four big areas of a business where agents can be utilized is um we've got marketing we've got onboarding customer success and project management that's just like the four that I'll briefly hit on today so first one we said was marketing stuff like cold Outreach um this has been able to be automated in the past but not as personalized as these can be because these agents can get background information on whoever it is that the email is going to and
they can really personalize it to the to the point where the prospect has no idea it was written by basically a robot um scraping leads qualifying leads same thing with follow-ups they can be personalized really well and content creation um like I said about those Tik Tok accounts that are completely run by AI it's um it's insane next we've got onboarding there are a lot of you know things in place when you bring on a new client that you have to do a lot of documents you got to collect a lot of information um you
want to make them feel like part of a business and a lot of this stuff can be automated with AI agents you got customer success um this is just stuff like getting feedback from your your clients um making sure they're happy making sure that they're not always leaving you voicemails um an agent can sort of handle that kind of stuff really well because it has all the knowledge that um you're giving it as far as information about your company so then next we got project management we've got stuff like agents can schedule meetings they can
upload documents um Track Performance this kind of stuff um even if it's just a very small part of a larger workflow just being able to save 5 minutes a day here and there definitely add up especially with um you know small businesses so yeah that is pretty much all I've got um hopefully that gave you guys all some high level insight as to what agents are what they can do um I also hope that this piqu your interest in and made you sort of want to play around with building some and implementing them into your
business or your life in some way um like I said I really think this is the way that all businesses whether they're big or small are going to start to move um to conduct some of their operations in the future so this is absolutely the perfect time to start learning from or learning about this kind of stuff but yeah like I said I plan to continue making videos on this topic tailored towards beginners in this space um tutorials more insights into how they can be used how they work so if you're interested in that kind
of stuff definitely check out some videos in the future but that's all I've got for today so thank thanks guys