the text message from my mother read darling please come over at 7 we have something special planned I stared at those words my stomach knotting with familiar dread in my 29 years of life I'd learned that something special from Nina usually meant trouble wrapped in a pretty bow my name is Valerie and I'm the family fixer the one who bailed out my brother's failed business ventures covered my father's gambling debts and refinanced my mother's maxed out credit cards all while maintaining a successful career in finance that they love to brag about but secretly resent I pulled up to their Suburban home at 7:05 p. m. fashionably late enough to irritate my mother but not enough to trigger one of her episodes through the living room window I caught glimpses of movement and hushed voices a surprise party how predictable taking a deep breath I rang the doorbell the door flipped open and there stood Nina perfectly quaffed as always wearing her favorite I'm up to something smile surprise the chorus of voices hit me as I stepped inside family members emerged from various hiding spots all wearing Expressions that reminded me of sharks circling their prey oh my goodness I gasped practicing the surprised face I'd perfected over years of their schemes you shouldn't have nothing's too good for my baby baby girl Nina CED pulling me into a lavender scented hug that lasted a beat too long 30 is such a special birthday I'm 29 mom details details she waved her hand dismissively Edmund bring Valery a drink my father appeared with suspicious speed holding a glass of what looked like very expensive Scorch here you go princess your favorite I'd never like Scotch he knew that my brother Jasper stood awkwardly by the fireplace avoiding eye contact that's when I noticed it a legal looking document placed conspicuously on the coffee table its Corner peeking out from under a magazine come sit Nina steered me toward the couch everyone's here to celebrate you I scanned the room Aunt Margaret Uncle Pete cousins I hadn't seen in years all wearing identical artificial Smiles the only genuine face belonged to my best friend Reagan who' apparently been roped into this sherard she caught my eye and raised an eyebrow slightly before we Cut the Cake nah announced we thought we'd start with presents the biggest one first Edmond chimed in moving the magazine to reveal the document underneath my heart rate quickened but I maintained my smile what's this oh just some boring paperwork about Grandma Sophia's inheritance nah said too casually nothing to worry about out tonight we'll deal with it later but I'd already caught the title inheritance agreement actually I said picking up the document maybe we should look at this now since everyone's here nahk smile faltered for a micr no no darling let's have fun first Edmund poor everyone champagne mom you know I prefer to handle business before pleasure I started to open the folder watching her face carefully Val she snapped then quickly softened her tone it's your party don't you want to enjoy it Jasper suddenly spoke up maybe we should just not now Nina cut him off sharply I stood up document in hand what exactly am I looking at here the room grew quiet too quiet Nina and Edmund exchanged glances and I could practically see the wheels turning in their heads recalculating their approach it's just a formality really Edmund said smoothly something the lawyers need for Grandma's estate nothing urgent then why is it here at my surprise party Nina laughed a high nervous sound why are you being so suspicious darling can't we just celebrate I looked around the room at all the faces watching this exchange like a tennis match my family the people who should have been my strongest supporters but instead saw me as their personal ATM and there in the corner Reagan was subtly shaking her head of course we can celebrate I said finally setting the document down but keeping my hand on it but first I think we should discuss why you really gathered everyone here tonight the silence that followed was deafening Nina's Perfect Smile cracked just enough to show the desperation beneath and I knew right then that whatever was in this folder would change everything Valerie darling she began reaching for the document let's not make a scene I pulled it closer to me heart pounding but voice steady oh Mom I think it's a little late for that a toast Edmond's voice boomed across the room desperately trying to diffuse the tension to my beautiful daughter who's always been so practical about these things I watched him raise his glass noting how his hand trembled slightly the document sat heavy in my lap as everyone mechanically lifted their drinks to Valerie they echoed their voices a hollow chorus Nina swooped in with practiced Grace placing a plate of my supposed favorite cake in front of me chocolate with buttercream frosting I'm allergic to Dairy sweetheart she purred why don't we all enjoy ourselves first the paperwork can wait actually I said opening the folder I'm quite interested in reading this Now Jasper suddenly appeared at my side sis maybe Mom's right let's just read it out loud Reagan interrupted from across the room since it's just a formality right nah shot her a look that could freeze hell I cleared my throat and began reading I Valerie hereby voluntarily relinquish All rights to the inheritance left by Sophia Olen my voice trailed off as I scanned the rest of the page you want me to sign away my entire inheritance it's not like that Edmund jumped in with just redistributing it for tax purposes tax purposes I laughed but there was no humor in it by giving everything to you and Mom Aunt Margaret suddenly became very interested in her wine glass Uncle Pete checked his phone the cousin shifted uncomfortably we're family nah said her voice taking on that guilt and juicing tone she'd perfected over the years everything we have is shared you know that like when you shared the money I lent you for Jasper's startup or when you shared the truth about Dad's gambling debts the room grew painfully quiet that's different nah snapped her mask slipping we're your parents we've given you everything no I corrected her you've taken everything and now you want Grandma's inheritance too Jasper stepped forward looking miserable Val please just sign it they won't stop until you do is that why you're here Jasper to convince me he couldn't meet my eyes they said it would be better coming from me of course they did I stood up still clutching the document how long have you all been planning this waiting for the perfect moment to Ambush me nobody's ambushing anyone Edmund protested weakly we're celebrating your birthday my birthday is next month nahk composure cracked further just sign the damn paper Valerie stop being so difficult difficult I laughed again and this time it came out slightly hysterical is that what you call refusing to be manipulated you ungrateful little Nina caught herself Plastering on another smile darling you're making everyone uncomfortable good I turned to address the room did all of you know about this were you all in on it the silence was answer enough Reagan stood up I didn't know and this is disgusting stay out of this nah his this is family business family I scoffed is that what you call this group of enablers and conspirators Edmund stepped forward attempting his fatherly Authority voice princess your mother and I have discussed this thoroughly it's for the best the best for whom dad youou bookie his face rened that's enough no it's not nearly enough I walked to the fireplace holding up the document you want to know what I think about this agreement nahk eyes widened don't you dare I held the corner to the flame watching as it caught fire I think it can burn in hell you stupid girl nah shrieked lunging forward do you have any idea what you've done I let the burning paper fall into the fireplace I know exactly what I've done I'm done being your personal bank account there are copies Edmund threatened weakly good I replied Gathering my purse keep them as souvenirs of the day your plan failed Reagan was already by my side keys in hand letun go as we headed for the door Jasper called out Val wait save it I cut him off you can tell them about Grandma's video message the one they don't know about yet the look of shock on Nina's face was almost worth the entire evening almost what video she demanded what is she talking about I paused at the door savoring the moment I guess you'll find out soon enough happy early birthday to me you should have seen Nina's face when you mentioned the video Reagan laughed sliding a mug of coffee across her kitchen counter I thought she was going to explode it was nearly midnight and the adrenaline from earlier was finally wearing off I wrapped my hands around the warm mug trying to stop the them from shaking I can't believe they actually tried to pull this off I said actually no I can totally believe it so what's on this video that had your mom looking like she'd seen a ghost I pulled out my phone and opened a file Grandma Sophia sent this to me through her lawyer two days before she passed away Reagan leaned in closer as I pressed play my grandmother's face filled the screen her silver hair perfectly styled even from her hospital bed my dearest Valerie her familiar Voice crackled through the speaker if you're watching this I'm already gone and if I know your mother which I unfortunately do she's already trying to get her hands on what I've left you holy Reagan whispered there's more I said turning up the volume I've watched how they've used you over the years Grandma Sophia continued how they've drained you financially and emotionally Nina was the same with me always taking never giving that's why I've made certain Arrangements the video continued as my grandmother detailed her plans Reagan's eyes grew wider with each Revelation your grandmother was a genius she said when the video ended an absolute genius she knew them better than they knew themselves I took a sip of coffee but now I need to figure out my next move my phone buzzed another text from Nina we need to talk about what you said call me immediately medely don't Reagan warned seeing me stare at the message you know it's just another trap oh I'm not calling her I started typing a response all communication goes through Linda from now on Linda the family lawyer Grandma's lawyer I corrected and apparently my new best ally we're meeting tomorrow morning Reagan sat back studying meou different tonight stronger I'm tired I said tired of being their safety net tired of the manipulation did you know last month dad asked me to co-sign a loan for his business venture please tell me you didn't I almost did but then I found out it was for a poker tournament in Vegas my phone buzzed again this time it was Jasper they're losing it here mom's talking about contesting the will what video were you talking about your brother's reaching out Reagan peered at my phone that that's new he's probably just doing their dirty work again I type back tell Mom to save her energy she might need it cryptic Reagan approved I like it another message popped up this time from an unknown number this is Linda can we move our meeting to 8:00 a.
m. things are escalating faster than expected see I showed Reagan the message even Linda knows they're going to try something what do you think they'll do knowing Nina everything and anything I replied to Linda confirming the earlier meeting time she once faked a heart attack to get me to pay for her spa retreat no way way called me from the emergency room and everything turned out she was at the Beverly Hills Hotel Reagan shook her head in disbelief and you're sure about this plan once you start there's no going back I played the video one more time listening to my grandmother's final words remember darling sometimes the kindest thing you can do for someone is to stop enabling them you're stronger than you know make them see that I'm sure I said closing the video for once in my life I'm absolutely sure my phone lit up with another barrage of messages Nina Edmund even Aunt Margaret trying to play mediator I silenced them all you can stay here tonight Reagan offered you should be alone thanks but I need to go home and prepare for tomorrow I stood up Gathering my things I have years of financial records to sort through before I meet Linda want me to come with you to the meeting I hugged her tight no this is something I need to do alone but keep your phone on something tells me tomorrow is going to be interesting as I drove home my grandmother's words echoed in my head for years I'd been been their safety net their Bank their emotional punching bag but now thanks to Sophia's foresight I had the power to change everything my phone buzzed one final time another text from Jasper whatever you're planning just be careful okay you know how they get I did know and for the first time that knowledge didn't fill me with Drad instead I felt something new anticipation Linda's office felt like a Fortress of mahogany and lore degrees at exactly 8:00 a. m.
she closed the door behind me checking twice to ensure it was locked your mother called me 17 times last night she said settling behind her desk your father tried to visit my house that sounds about right I placed my folder of financial records on her desk did they threaten you nah attempted to fire me Linda's lips curved into a small smile she seemed seems to have forgotten that I was your grandmother's lawyer not hers classic Nina I leaned forward so what's our next move Linda pulled out a thick file your grandmother was meticulous in her planning she knew exactly what your parents would try to do the video message was just the beginning wasn't it Sophia recorded that video as insurance but the real protection is in the terms of The Inheritance Linda opened the file have you watched the entire video not yet I only played the first few minutes watch it now all of it I pulled out my phone and played the video from where I'd stopped Grandma Sophia's face appeared looking more serious than before valer my dear here's what I've done the inheritance is structured in a way that makes it impossible for Nina or Edmund to access it even through you every penny is locked in a trust with specific conditions Linda paused the video this is where it gets interesting the conditions I said what are they your grandmother stipulated that the money can only be used for three things your personal living expenses charitable donations to verified organizations or investment in businesses that have no connection to your family members I sat back stunned she thought of everything there's more Linda pressed play again if anyone in the family attempts to contest these conditions Grandma Sophia continued or if they try to pressure you into Sharing The Inheritance a clause activates that automatically donates 50% of the total amount to charity oh my God I whispered your grandmother was quite thorough Linda said stopping the video she also left me Specific Instructions about handling your family's inevitable reaction which will be nuclear when they find out precisely that's why we need to plan this care carefully Linda pulled out another document I've prepared a formal letter outlining the terms we'll send it to them today they'll try to fight it they can try Linda's expression hardened but the more they fight the more money goes to charity it's legally Ironclad my phone buzzed Nina again I showed it to Linda perfect timing she said letun give them a preview I answered on speaker hello m don't you hello momy nahk voice filled the room where are you we need to talk about your behavior last night I'm with Linda right now a pause put her on the phone you're on speaker Linda said calmly Linda what nonsense have you been telling my daughter I demand to see Sophia's full will immediately of course Linda replied I'm sending it to you today along with a detailed explanation of the trust conditions trust conditions nahk voice Rose an octave what trust conditions the ones Grandma Sophia put in place I said the ones that make it impossible for you or Dad to ever touch this money that's ridiculous I'm her mother I have rights actually Linda interjected you don't and any attempt to contest these conditions will result in an automatic charitable donation of 50% of The Inheritance the silence on the other end was deafening mom I prompted this is your grandmother's Revenge isn't it nahk voice turned cold she always was a spiteful old woman no Mom this is her protection for me protection she laughed bitterly from what your own family from exactly this reaction I said check your email in an hour everything will be explained in the letter Valerie don't you dare I ended the call well said that went about as expected what happens now now we wait for them to receive the letter then she handed me a USB drive this contains everything else your grandmother wanted you to have Financial records personal messages evidence of past loans and manipulations evidence Sophia kept detailed records of every time they took advantage of you every loan every Guilt Trip every scheme Linda's eyes met mine she wanted you to have proof in case you ever doubted yourself I clutched the USB drive feeling its weight in my palm she really did think of everything she did Linda stood up are you ready for what comes next because once they get that letter I'm ready I said standing too for the first time in my life I'm actually ready 3 days after Linda sent the letter Nina showed up at my office I watched Through the Glass Walls as she Charmed her way past reception wearing her most expensive suit and carrying what looked like lunch from my favorite restaurant darling she breathed in before I could stop her I brought your favorite that mushroom Rosato you love I'm allergic to mushrooms mom always have been she waved dismissively setting the bag down oh is that right well no matter we need to talk everything that needs to be said was in Linda's letter about that nah perched herself on the edge of my desk your father and I have been thinking perhaps we all overreacted I kept typing on my keyboard not looking up did you now we understand you're upset we could have handled things better at the party she reached out to touch my hand but I pulled away but surely we can find a compromise there is no compromise the terms are clear terms can be changed ing laws can be interpreted finally I looked at her any attempt to challenge the terms results in half The Inheritance going to charity is that clear enough for you don't be difficult Valerie her voice took on that familiar Edge we your parents everything we've done has been for you my phone buzzed a text from Jasper mom's there isn't she dad sent her really I held up my phone showing her years of Bank transfers was it for me when you took out credit cards in my name or when you guilted me into paying for Jasper's failed restaurants family helps family she said stiffly is that what you call it I pulled up more records like when you told me dad needed surgery money but it actually went to his bookie her face hardened you've been keeping tabs on us no grandma Sophia did she kept every receipt every bank statement every death desperate voicemail you left me asking for money that interfering old she caught herself your grandmother didn't understand our family Dynamic our family Dynamic I laughed you mean where I'm the ATM and you're the Perpetual withdrawer Nina stood up smoothing her skirt I can see you're not in a reasonable mood today but think about this carefully darling do you really want to destroy our family over money you already did that Mom years ago don't be dramatic she pulled out an envelope from her purse your father had our lawyer draw up a new agreement something that benefits everyone I didn't touch the envelope did you not understand the letter any attempt to circumvent Grandma's wishes triggers the charity Clause unless you voluntarily agree to share she smiled triumphantly we found a loophole there are no loopholes I pressed the Intercom Security please escort someone out you you ungrateful little she caught herself as two security guards appeared Valerie think about what you're doing I have for years I turned back to my computer goodbye mom this isn't over she called as the guards led her out your father will be in touch my phone buzzed again Jasper how bad was it I typed back she brought mushroom Roto ouch you're allergic to mushrooms exactly another text came through this time from Edmund princess let's discuss this over dinner tonight your choice of restaurant I showed the text to Reagan who'd been quietly watching from the corner of my office they're not giving up are they she asked no but they're getting desperate I forwarded Edmund's text to Linda which means they'll make mistakes what's your next move I pulled up my calendar dad wants dinner fine but it'll be on my terms you're actually going yes I said typing a response to Edmund because he needs to see I'm not that scared little girl anymore and because Linda and I have something planned what kind of something I smiled remembering the USB dries contents let's just say Grandma Sophia left me more than just money she left me the truth about everything they've done and tomorrow night dad's going to get a preview be careful Reagan warned cornered animals are the most dangerous I know I looked at the family photo on my desk taken years ago before I understood what they were but I'm done being careful it's time to be brave my phone lit up with Edmund's reply wonderful princess name the place I typed back the Capital Grill 7 p. m. come alone then I added and Dad don't bother bringing any documents this time I have plenty of my own to share the Capital Grill was Edmund's kind of place expensive enough to make him feel important but with private booths perfect for conducting business I arrived 15 minutes early setting up my laptop and arranging the documents Linda had prepared he walked in at exactly 700 p.
m. wearing his lucky deal making tie princess you look lovely hi Dad I didn't stand for his usual hug please sit his smile faltered slightly as he noticed my laptop I thought we could just have a nice dinner father and daughter we will right after we discuss a few things the waiter appeared and Edmund ordered his usual Scotch make it a double just water for me I said I need to stay clear-headed always so serious he chuckled nervously you know your mother was quite upset after your meeting today was she she upset about bringing me food I'm allergic to or about trying to circumvent Grandma's wishes he shifted uncomfortably about that we've been thinking let me stop you right there I opened my laptop before you continue there's something you need to see Valerie please can't we just remember last year when you said you needed $50,000 for emergency gallbladder surgery his face paled that's ancient history I turned the laptop toward him him showing a series of Bank transfers funny how these transfers match exactly with your bookie payment schedule how did you Grandma Sophia kept records of everything I pulled out more documents like this loan for Jasper's third restaurant that somehow ended up in your offshore account that's private information no dad that's fraud I laid out more papers just like the credit cards you and mom opened in my name when I was in college Edmund's hand shook as he reached for his Scotch we were protecting you building your credit by maxing them out and leaving me with the debt we paid those back after I threatened to go to the police I pulled up another file should we talk about the mortgage payments I made on your house the ones you said were temporary but somehow became permanent enough he slammed his hand on the table making the glasses rattle several heads turned our way you're right I said calmly it is enough that's why grandma put those conditions in place your grandmother was a manipulative old woman who who saw exactly what you and Mom were doing to me I turned the laptop back around and who left me everything I need to prove it Edmund's face went through a series of emotions anger fear calculation finally he settled on his negotiation smile Prince say surely we can work something out family helps family remember that's exactly what Mom said today because it's true everything we did we did for you I pulled up one final document like when you took out a life insurance policy on me without my knowledge the color drained from his face that's not I can explain save it I closed the laptop here's what's going to happen you and Mom are going to stop trying to get around Grandma's conditions no more more surprise visits no more legal loopholes no more guilt trips or what all these documents go to the FBI's Financial crimes Division I met his eyes Linda's already prepared the package he sat back deflated youd do that to your own father you did this to yourself dad you and Mom both the wa to return to take our order Edmund waved him away I've lost my appetite he muttered that's fine I have dinner plans with Reagan anyway I started packing up my things oh and one more thing I'm donating 20% of The Inheritance to gambling addiction programs consider it your contribution to society Nina will never accept this Nina doesn't have a choice I stood up neither do you as I turned to leave he called out we're still your parents I looked back at him seeing not the intimidating figure of my child childhood but a desperate man who'd lost his last play yes you are I said softly that's what makes this so sad walking out of the restaurant I texted Linda it's done dad knows her reply came quickly Nina's already called twice are you ready for tomorrow I thought about the Final Phase of our plan the family meeting where everything would come to a head ready as I'll ever be I typed back is the video set up prepared said everything's in place tomorrow at 2: p. m.