Luiz hermínio | A ORAÇÃO é a EXPRESSÃO do nosso CORAÇÃO | #luizherminio Ap, Luiz Hermínio

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Luiz hermínio | A ORAÇÃO é a EXPRESSÃO do nosso CORAÇÃO | #luizherminio Ap, Luiz Hermínio 🙋🏻‍♂️Ola...
Video Transcript:
Matthew 6 Verse 5 says so and when you pray you will not be like the hypocrites because they like to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the squares to be seen by men, truly I say to you, they have already received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and close your door and you will pray to your father who is in secret and your father in secret will reward you and when praying do not use vain repetitions like the Gentiles because they assume that because of their much speaking they will be heard do not resemble them therefore because God is your father knows what you need before LH asks before LH asks therefore you will pray like this our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name come your kingdom your will be done on earth as it is in heaven the bread give us this day our daily allowance and forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors and have not led us into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever, Amen if you forgive men their trespasses your Heavenly Father will also forgive you if however you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive you now these words this word offense here it comes from the word fall next to the next next to something Slide detour of Truth and justice sin this offense here is not the guy offending you it is offending me it is not you forgiving his sin [Music] I is you learning to separate the sin from the sinner continue to abhor the sin but love it love the sinner Just like we were loved, I see people creating criteria for others that even they were not saved by them, so it is a care that we need to take so as not to fall into evil, thank you Jesus for your word, so brothers, prayer, this word when the disciples asked Jesus to in this this sermon on the mount Jesus is giving me the constituent of the Gospel he takes from Chapter 5, chapter 6 and Chapter 7 of Matthew he minimizes the scriptures and for me I think that every believer should start reading Oh I I want to read the Bible where do I start Matthew 5 6 and 7 because it is the constituent of the Gospel it is like he minimized all the scriptures and put them in three chapters and Jesus is there giving a sermon on the mount and he talks about prayer he talks about fasting he talks about das Molas and in another text I think it's Luke 11 or Matthew 11, no, I think it's Luke, it's in the Bible, the disciples ask Jesus to teach us how to pray and Jesus then also recites the Lord's Prayer, interesting that the prayer of the Our Father it is collective it is not individual he says so you will pray like this to the Our Father then when you talk about bread you talk about our bread when you talk about sin you say our sin so it is all of us brother God is collective your actions When God exalts one it is because of the whole if God blesses a man it is to converge to the collective the idea of ​​God has always been collective heaven is the community of three Father Son and Holy Spirit heaven when it creates it does not say I will do it it says let us do it so you and I need to understand this collective in belief to be able to live collectively because there is nothing more than relationship and prayer and especially prayer for others prayer is not just to expel principalities and powers prayer is not just to inform God of something that he doesn't know It's as if I were giving advice to God for me prayer is the expression that we have in our hearts whether of good or bad things because sometimes there are bad days for us so I won't pray On that day you won't and tell God how you are God I'm not cool today I'm on earth today Lord have mercy on me because I'm feeling bad today my eyes sinned my ears sinned my mouth sinned and my hand almost sinned too so the problem is that when we are well we pray, go to church, give offerings, sing and even hug everyone world, how precious it is, brother, but the day we feel bad we don't want to see God, we don't want to see a believer, we don't want to see anyone , the magic word that everyone thinks they've already said in their life, oh, I wanted to die, I'd rather die, but prayer, I I have been learning, dear, especially the prayer that Jesus taught, he was saying the following, when you forgive someone, your Father will forgive you. He was saying, what's the point of spending time with me if you don't spend time with people, what's the point of saying you're a man?
of God if you are not a man to serve anyone that's why he says when you forgive when someone has offended you you must forgive like this because then your father will forgive you too what he is saying with this he is saying the following you you can't be a spiritual man without serving people you can't be a spiritual man without going through situations with people because it would be very easy brother that's why a lot of people leave the church there are people who say oh I don't congregate anymore because I'm What do you call it ? the church, I'm not just talking about this church, I'm talking about the church in general, so I'm disappointed with that brother. Every time you give the place to someone that you should have given to Jesus, you're disappointed because that place isn't for people, it's for Jesus the first place is his then all other things and all other people will be added to you when you take the first place I love my wife but I don't love her more than I love Jesus I love her through Christ I love my children but I I love them through Christ when Jesus says he who does not leave his father and mother he is not saying to abandon him he is saying to put my love for you first I love Christ and because I love Christ I can love people so if you don't give first place to Christ Forget what you You can have love Eros love eh filel you don't filel but Agape You don't have it because love ag apo is only God who can through God is that I can love true love because God doesn't have love God is Love so there's nothing you can do to make God love you more because God doesn't have the amount of love Is there anything you can do to make God love you more I'm going to give you more money I'm going to give you more money more in worship I 'm going to pray but do you think this will increase God's love for you no God doesn't have love he is love God loves you once and for all and if there is nothing you can do to increase the his love for you there is also nothing you could have done that could have diminished his love for you Hallelujah because God has no amount of love his nature is love Glory Now I'm just going to discover this in prayer brothers because prayer is has the power to transform Impact and impulse How many times have I gone to prayer for a reason and left there with 10 better reasons than the one I had How many times have you gone to prayer to complain about something and left there with an idea Prayer is a lifestyle brothers and he says it in Thessalonians First Thessalonians Chapter 5 Verse 17 he says pray without ceasing, right?
How is he going to ask for something that you can't do? Do you think God I would ask you for something that you cannot give if he is saying that you can pray without ceasing you can because prayer does not start outside of you it starts here oh here oh it starts thinking about things that are from above starting your words starting your actions Amen brothers Amen And then every time you hear something bad from the outside it can affect your prayer life if you give more emphasis to what you are receiving from the outside to what you carry from within out there won't be as much emphasis so prayer is a lifestyle Satan he knows your routine but he doesn't know your purpose hallelujah how is it no He doesn't know your purpose why Because he is not omniscient he is not unipotent and he is not omnipresent so he knows your routine so he will try to get into your routine to get you out of the routine he will always be offering better things and look you know one thing the devil doesn't want you to do his will he wants that you do your will so he will make you look at the tree and you will say it yourself and you yourself will think the tree is good for giving understanding it is good for eating and it is you will take action the devil will not get the tree get it the fruit in his hand said, eat it, it's sweet, no, he won't do like Snow White's witch, he'll say what do you think of the tree, he'll persuade you and then you'd rather believe in what you 're seeing than in that that God said and God said don't eat or you will die But you prefer to believe in what you see And then you see that the tree is really good for eating and it is good for giving understanding Then you stay and God said that I will dying but it's not like that and I stick with what Pastor Beto said here today I can't express opinions on what God says period I can't put a comma where God put a period I can't put a period where God only put a comma Amen brothers so we need to understand this keep this prayer transforms Impact and impulse or be the devil Conceive your routine does not know your purpose you read Acts Chapter 16 Verse 16 you will see Paul and Silas going every day on the way to prayer every day Paul and Silas were going to pray and every day a woman came behind saying what a blessed man what a wonderful man my God what an anointing my God is strong I have goosebumps all over but that happened so many times that it bothered Paul praise when it is It really bothers me , my brother, it bothers me and one day Paulo stopped and reprimanded that young woman and said get out of her, unclean spirit, these men of God, they are funny. Whoever criticized him said, oh, God bless, and whoever praised him, he said, get behind me, Satan, Peter, who wanted to die in the place of Jesus Jesus said get behind me satan Juda who handed him over to die said friend do what you have to do I don't understand these things brother Hey difficult gospel extraordinary And then Paul and Silas are going there on the path of prayer every day they They were going to pray but that day Paulo stopped and changed the routine say it with me he changed the routine Mud but the purpose didn't change they went to jail they are there in prison they were whipped they are both prisoners there I believe Paul looked at Silas and said Silas sorry [Music] there or wherever we were going where we went every day to pray but now we are not in church but in jail the environment has changed but the purpose has not changed the routine has changed but it has not changed O purpose So when you are well you look for God when you are broke you don't want to see a believer you don't want to see anyone then you don't understand what a purpose is you don't understand that you have to go through these places to create spiritual muscles you don't understand, it is necessary, so someone who only says God will give you God will make you exempt from having to go through the bad day, exempt you from having to go through the difficult day and does not prepare you for the battle, we need to be prepared, brothers, for the bad day, on the bad day, what what?
the bible tells me to do Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 says what remember your Creator before the evil day comes You with someone who is by your side say the day barely comes one day it comes but if you remember your Creator all day every time every moment the day will barely pass you by and you won't even realize that it was bad understand this before the difficult days arrive the years have arrived when you will say I have no more pleasure no brothers Hallelujah remember your Creator if you remember something every day if you remember someone every day every time every moment what is going to happen you will he will start his actions Paulo and they were going to jail it changed I was going to the place of prayer the route changed the environment but When they got there, they began to worship with such force that they broke through the prison doors, all the prisoners were released and that day God didn't want them to go and pray, God wanted them to be arrested because there was a man there who didn't go to church, so the church go to them Ah, you don't go to church, no jailer, so I'm going to you, that's why I need to know God's eternal purpose because otherwise I 'll only glorify when everything is fine And I won't and what's worse, I won't understand the present reality and the worst thing worse than not understanding the present reality is not understanding God present in reality and he was there present and they started to sing and the doors opened the doors fell to the ground the chains opened the scene everyone saw the doors open he he thought everyone ran away they are going to kill me he took the sword to kill himself Paulo shouted and said Hey you need to kill no no one ran away we are already free no one needs to pretend anything don't understand So let prayer do that to you it transforms Impact and impulse, what seemed to be bad, drove them to do extraordinary things, another thing that prayer does to me, it bases my priorities , brothers, eternal things don't cost money, they cost tears, that's why you can't buy them, that's why the Lord invites you, I saw to buy and without money and without price because the currency of the Kingdom is life, the presence of God, you buy with life, it is with your life, you have to give your life in exchange for his life, so there is no point in coming to church for me to bless you I can't bless a life that God wants you to lose So my job here is to tell you to lose this life because God has a new life for you a life ready for you a life that will give you glory that will give you victory in this place You are already more than a winner in this place you don't need to do the victorious campaign because you are already a victor so I'm just here to remind you who you are and don't expect anything from outside of you it's already in you what are you going to do being will have and will do already lives in you so why do we come to church we don't gather because of the meeting We gather because of the mission word of God become keys within me and I too be one more become one who cares about people cares about the earth cares about the earth brothers care about lives We come together It's not because of the meeting but because of the other mission thing that prayer does to me it strengthens my inner man that's what I need to read with you open with me Ephesians Chapter 3 put it here Ephesians 3:1 to 16 Ephesians Chapter 3 Verse 14 to 16 says so because of this I get on my knees before the father of Our Lord Jesus Christ from whom the whole family in heaven and on earth takes its name so that according to the riches of his glory he grants you to be strengthened with power by his spirit in the inner man prayer strengthens his inner man in fear in holiness in inner peace security wisdom Why do you think God wants you to Pray for your enemies glory to [Music] God because you fall in love with everything you pray amen amen you begin to love as God loves Alé What if your enemy has If you are hungry you have to give him something to eat and if he is thirsty you have to give him something to drink because by doing so you will gather a live coal on your head, you know what a live coal on your head is, it is revelation men of Revelation are men open to love That's why I want to declare that God is raising a type of people on earth capable of dealing with all types of people on earth Alé God will raise a type of people who don't fight over useless things who don't argue over useless things [Music] Earth is okay very confusing, brother, people fighting over nothing on the internet and those who fight most on the internet are believers are theological fights to know which is the best theology which is the biggest theology endless discussion theology of the Valleys so much to do with people arguing about whether the supper is wine or grape juice if a child can have supper or not how long do I leave my hair people arguing useless things and people going through fights around them endless arguments because brother most of these people don't pray Because if they prayed they would know what What to do if you spent time with God you would know what to do because prayer strengthens your inner man brings security wisdom Supernatural loyalty in the mind Who Prays is true in words yes yes is yes no no is no In other words, the no of the mouth is the no of the heart the yes of the mouth is the yes of the heart because there are people who are saying yes the mouth inside saying [Music] no and you said what hypocrites don't pray standing in synagogues to be seen by men because they pray beautiful they speak beautiful for me but they treat people badly that's what he was trying to say repeated prayers that don't transform anyone's life prayer strengthens the physical man it strengthens the emotional man but it also strengthens the inner man the spiritual man another thing that prayer does to me it keeps me safe in any environment a prayer keeps me safe in any environment there was a people in Egypt seeking God they were slaves and they waited for a promise there was a coffin of the dead in Egypt with bones bones of a man Joseph who once said I I will die but God will visit you in Genesis Chapter 50 he said this and 300 or so years ago that coffin there in the Desert the people of Egypt the people who were in Egypt the people of God who were in Egypt prayed they sought God had their principles they wanted to be free it was enough for them to be free brother and they went to the desert in the desert hell began to murmuring criticism Moses until Moses The Bible calls him the meekest man on Earth was angry because And why did this generation have to die in the desert because it was a generation that preferred the security of the place they were in rather than the revelation of the place they were supposed to enter and how many people God begins to open the doors for them brothers and they are afraid to take action because They prefer the security of the place they were in than the revelation of the new, don't be afraid of the new with you, with someone who is close to you you say don't be afraid say if the wine is new nothing is old if the wine is new nothing is old brothers don't be afraid to drink wine in Don't be afraid of a time of newness in life something else that prayer teaches me prayer teaches me to give to contribute to be generous with honor because if I choose someone to honor I still don't understand The Principle of Honor because honor I have to give to everyone to whom honor honor honor I don't only give to those above only to those at the bottom front honor I give to everyone the guy who serves me in the restaurant he is a waiter I must honor him Amen I must honor him the guy who parked my car I must honor him There are people who grow up a little and start to step on in everyone Be careful that God doesn't pull your rug out, do n't puncture your balloon and doesn't leave you poor . says want to be big be like a small bless the people brothers every hotel that I and go we stay every Hotel every Hotel when she doesn't go I 'm with Charles before with Reuel or with Cris Every hotel that I stay at when I'm leaving I get an offer and I leave a note for the person who will clean the room this is an offer for you for taking care of this room while I was here for changing our towels for cleaning our bathroom bless the person if God gave you the condition it is for you blessing is not to step on anyone, man, if God gave you the conditions, it is to serve people, do you think that God, you are daddy's favorite, that God will tolerate everything you do ? it was the devil that whoever slaughters the Proud is God is not the devil So stay Big it's okay to be big you want to be big you want to be big or you don't want to prosper or you don't want you want to have resources or you don't want to have to give many you don't want to borrow anything From no one glory to God but there is only one way to this Hallelu whoever wants to be the greatest be like the smallest you who are strong have patience with the weakest whoever is strong whoever is weak is the one who goes to the gym and the one who doesn't go no Strong is the one who already understood a little more and knows how to behave towards his brothers in the coming days if you already understood a little more treat everyone with honor Amen another thing that prayer pray is the situation that God created me for talk to me talk to him prayer was the situation that God created for me to be with him God creates situations for you to be with him Jesus already knew what people wanted that it makes any sense for you to stop in front of a blind man and ask what you Does it make any sense for you to stop in front of a person in need and ask what you want ?
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