The FASTER Way To Make Digital Product Sales WITHOUT AN AUDIENCE!

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If you're starting a digital product business with NO AUDIENCE, you might be wondering how to get yo...
Video Transcript:
so in this video I am going to be diving into how to create and sell digital products when you have no audience and to do it a much faster way definitely stay tuned all the way through this video because all of these steps have to be put in place in order for this to work I have used this to make wonderful amounts of income selling digital products that you can utilize as well and I'm going to share the platforms that I use the methods that I useally just kind of give you instead of just an
overall idea to actually give you an exact strategy so with that in mind let's start off at the very [Music] beginning one of the biggest hurdles that so many people face when they want to start creating and selling digital products in order to actually start generating that income and making those sales is to even begin with what products to create I do have other video tutorials on my YouTube channel where I walk you through creating your digital products from scratch creating your principl your courses your mini courses but what I'm really talking and showing you
through here is how I would make that process so much easier when I'm creating my products so sometimes just to clarify I will create my products completely from scratch if they are ones that like you know I just feel like I'm not going to find anything else that is going to help me create that product then I will create it completely from scratch but but a lot of the time if it is a product that I'm like do you know what I need just the bare bones of that product and then I can layer on
my own resources or my own Aesthetics and my own design to it then what I really like to do is kind of combine two platforms that I really like to use first of all Cana and second of all is a platform that I'm a member of which I really love and this is secret weapon PL now I'm personally a member of this I use it I love it and I basically use it as a a plr tool where I can go in and I can grab a whole range of different products that I can then
download onto my canva and then I can edit and create my own version of obviously with all my information with all my resources with all my Aesthetics and branding but it makes the process so much easier so I'm not starting on canva with like a blank um kind of A4 document if you have ever tried creating digital products can be the high part of creating your products and when you just have nothing to begin with and it just makes it so much easier now obviously there are other plr platforms out there I just wanted to
recommend the one that I personally use and um it's like been an absolute game changer for example if I wanted to create like a printable planner or a workbook it would take me days if not weeks sometimes to bring that idea together and to make sure everything looks aesthetic and to create each individual page now I'm able to use secret weapon but of course you can use Alternatives if you want able to go in find what I personally like to do is find a great overview product so for example if I wanted to find a
journal then I would go in there I would find a journal that I thought really kind of worked in the way that it laid the product out and then I would go in I would edit completely change to exactly what I want I love using them as base products that I can then overlay my own elements everything that I want to include for my own product so just a couple of examples of that is for example this is a product that is effectively kind of like a hybrid of a plr product that I have this
is my customer Avatar workbook and I use this inside of my membership that I've created and I also use this as a standalone product that I literally just set up and sell in here is kind of a combination of I found a really great plr product in secret weapon that I then was able to just grab and put onto canva and then I went in and I rejigged everything and of course I added my own information because obviously I'm teaching someone something different than what this original plr product was teaching so of course I go
in I change the wording I change the text but it just gave me the most brilliant starting point um some design elements in there that would just take me days if not weeks to create myself and it meant that a workbook that I just wanted to get out there ready to be able to share and support my audience instead of it taking me weeks to create that product it took me like a couple of hours to create it so it was absolutely brilliant another alternative one here this is another product that I created very quickly
and was able to sell because I knew what I wanted to teach I knew the information I wanted to share but I was trying I was really struggling with trying to get the layout of how I wanted to share it so I went in and I utilized um the base of a plr product and then I went in MA the changes I made sure that it was exactly what I want to teach my audience but it just made the setup process so much quicker so if you're someone that you are like you know what I
love the idea of creating digital products selling printables mini courses um even art printables workbooks whatever it is that you want to sell but the time to sit down and create those just feels like I could just never get round to it or when you sit down at canva and I know so many of us do it you sit down at canva and you start with a blank piece of paper and you just think I this just feels so far away for me to create this product or feel someone sometimes where you don't have the
confidence to think is a product going to aesthetically look good enough then I always think that plr could be a great option if you just want that help and support what can take you weeks or months can then just take you a couple of hours to have those ready and you know that they're really good quality as well as long as you're picking a plr company um or brand that is really cons of what they're creating and their quality level is really up there they link perfectly to canva you can start creating your designs and
then of course when you're done with that you just go ahead click the share button click the download button and personally for example if you want it to be a digital product that someone can print out we always want to make sure we hit that PDF for print so that it is going to be high enough quality for someone to print it out but of course if we are creating for example a different type of product that we just want to keep digital and someone's never going to print out they're always going to keep it
on their computer you have so many other options well you have jpeg you have PNG um and just of course standard uh PDF and then once it's downloaded you have your product ready to [Music] go once you've created your product where do you sell it and this is something that I have spent years trialing and testing if you followed my YouTube channel you'll probably know that I have spent so many um years like looking at different platforms I sell a range of different digital products cuz I'm very multifaceted I just love creating um different resources
and tools and I've also created decorative products like art principle coloring pages invitations planner games all of those fun sorry printable games all of those fun things so I definitely have played around with a lot of different platforms one of the biggest things is that a lot of people think that the only platform to sell your principles on is Etsy the problem with that is I think Etsy can be a really great platform I talk about Etsy a lot on my YouTube channel because it's a first of all it's the one that I think people
know the most and are the most confident to use but also because it is a really great platform just being able to take for example your your digital download you've just created upload it onto Etsy and it's ready to start selling but I think one of the biggest issues that so many people have is they think that then just uploading their product onto the Etsy platform means that they're going to start making sales and we have moved very far out of the era now like I remember only a couple of years ago it was quite
different but we've moved really out of the era now of just being able to grab a digital product fling it on Etsy and it just starts selling through Etsy SEO and nowadays there are a lot better strategies and because people are are you know clocking on how amazing selling principles is there's more competition which then requires you to take your principal business and your digital download business it is so important now that you take advantage of the new strategies and the new ways to sell your digital products so what I wanted to show you guys
was one method that I use and because it's really I find one of the better methods now this is not the only one I do use other platforms as well but this is one that that I have tried I've tested I've made really good income on and I wanted to recommend to you guys teachable are a platform that basically are an allinone sales platform when it comes to digital products now it's really interesting because only a couple of years ago teachable were almost exclusive to online courses and they were the only products that you could
create and you could sell on there but they have absolutely exploded with their ability I think they were just practicing practicing trying to make sure that their their strategy was really right with how they % products on their platform and then they kind of now opened it up so that people who sell online courses memberships digital downloads just files music files so many options can now use the teachable method that they use to sell their products for your own business and personally I do not as I always say I don't recommend products that I don't
use and I don't love so this is some income that I've made from teachable I absolutely love teachable it is a great great platform I again don't bother recommending platforms I don't personally use um of course here like you can kind of see I've made so far un teachable 122,000 in sales total um earnings 110,000 and then refunds which I'm I'm always transparent so I will share because sometimes obviously people purchase your products and they decide they're not right for them or they accidentally double purchase your product and so you have to refund and naturally
un teachable just make it so easy to be able to control your entire business on their platform so I absolutely love teachable I have sold digital downloads on teachable and I've also sold courses on teachable I haven't done a membership yet on teachable because I used a different platform for my membership but that is just because at the time that I created my membership teachable didn't have a membership platform so I probably would have gone down the road of teachable if that had been available but I just really wanted to share it because they make
setting up your digital downloads so easy you go in and it's lit step bystep with teach book and again you can use whatever platform you want I just want to share one that I specifically use I've specifically made income from we selling digital products and um online courses and resources and and just to kind of give you the option if you want to to use it yourself it's so easy you can go in you just sign up to it and you click that you want to sell a digital download you can just pick for example
the product name ultimate productivity planner I'm just going say I've just Creed an ultimate productivity planner I can add a description I can add a category these are all the different types of categories that I can sell on ebooks audio books dig digitally editable templates worksheets and workbooks information guides articles how toos there's so many different options I'm just going to call this an information guide so we can kind of move on and then I basically go in I create a thumbnail which again I can use canva for I upload that and then it takes
me through and I'm not going to walk all the way through this because this could be a separate video in itself if you guys want me to go through it the end of it it will literally walk me step super easily by step to bring together my product bring together and I'll create a little sales page on the teachable platform and then I can move on to my next step which is then I just have to drive traffic to my digital product teachable I think the way that they structure their sales page and I like
I said I use a lot of different platforms some of them are personally think way better than other platforms at this and I think because their focus is just different so for example Etsy I think works really well for people who know Etsy and want to purchase because it's Etsy the way that you sorry list out your listing of your product is very suited to that but it isn't always the best for actually converting someone to come in and want to purchase your product because it's your product in other platforms that I use like teachable
like I have my own WordPress website I have complete control over what my sales page looks like and I can really then emphasize the amazing points and the benefits of my product people excited about purchasing my product so it has a way better conversion rate for example if I was just to take someone and drive them to my teachable sales page or my own website sales page rather than trying to just send them directly to Etsy has a way better conversion rate because my whole sales page my whole landing page is designed around coners converting
and I can tweak it and improve it until it does so I would say that I do think that the teachable sales page is actually a really good one I do really like to teachable one um and there is another platform as well that I do really like but I'll save that for another video I just kind of wanted to give you one so I'm not overwhelming you and then once I have my sales page set up again because you're using allinone platform like teachable if you want to use it then that just they just
walk you all the way through that and make it really simple for you to do and to make it looks really good then your next focus is to just start driving traffic to that product this is the bit where people I think are like well I'm starting from scratch I have no audience here what am I meant to do to even get people to start coming to check out my product or you know whatever it is I'm trying to offer I have quite a few videos on here that talk about different strategies and like the
overview of how to get people in but this one I wanted to just share with you two methods that I've personally use and that I really like and I will just talk about them in an overview and I'll share them kind of behind the scenes but I will show you a product at the end of this video so definitely stay tuned that will just go through everything with you a lot more in depth my last video I did is like a huge video I don't want to overwhelm by doing another huge video so the two
methods that I like to use to drive traffic to my product so let's say for example if I've created a workbook I've set it up on a platform like teacher I have my sales page and now my goal is just to get the right eyes the right people to that sales page so the sales page can do its work and it can convert them into [Music] customers there are two separate strategies that I like to use for this one of them is organic traffic which is basically what people like to call like free traffic but
really what it's focusing on is that I'm not going out there and paying for advertising to get eyes on whatever it is I'm trying to drive people to I'm actually going out there and I'm building a platform a following and I'm trying to get people engaged with the idea of checking out my product or and again I don't want to overwhelm you with this so again I will happily create more videos and of course got the resource at the end but all I will get them onto my email list where I will then have the
opportunity to talk to them more about my product share my product with them I can do that all on autopilot it so that they can make sure it's the perfect product for them and then go ahead and purchase it and it just means I've captured their attention and I can go on to sale but I can also just drive people directly from my organic traffic to my product that now I have available so two methods that I really like to do with this but I do use others but I thought these were just really great
cuz they're kind of two different sides of the spectrum I work with quite a lot of students when they first come in to trying to create and sell digital products one of their big biggest worries is putting themselves out there on social media and not feeling comfortable like they're just like I don't I don't want to have my face over everything I don't want to be doing ticktock dances like I'm just that's not for me and it worries them so much that they're not going to be able to build their business if they don't put
their face on their product you can build a faceless business if you want it's just about the platforms that you use to drive your audience so one option is Pinterest Pinterest is a really great platform that when you're ready for example if you have your sales page ready or even before that but again that's a whole different strategy so we're just going with the strategy of now you've created your printable you have put that onto a platform like teachable that has everything ready to go a payable set up then you don't have to run around
doing Tik Tok videos if you don't want to to start driving your audience Pinterest is one of my favorite tools that I use and I basically set up a Pinterest account I really focus when I can on pins that are and I I want to kind of hopefully explain this right pins that are not just about hey combine my product because they just aren't very attractive at all focus on either inspirational pins or helpful pins that is I really think one of the most important things when you're using a search engine platform is people are
coming on there not to just find your product and you're shouting about hey buy it for 10% off and then they're going to come and purchase it people want value when when they go to search engine platforms so an example of this for example is if we say that we have created a productivity workbook that we want to share with people that has my specific strategy of how to stay productive say whilst you're working from home or something like that because I've looked and I've seen that you know that is a product that I think
people would really like then the Pinterest brand and the Pinterest Focus I would focus on is I would really analyze what are the pain points that my potential customer is going to have that I can start addressing on Pinterest so for example if it's working from home it might be how to be proactive when you're working from home it might be how to set up a home routine you know work from home routine that really works how to create a space in your home for working I'm asking myself what is it that my potential customer
could you know really be struggling with what's their pain point that would then eventually lead them to want a product like what I have available and what I'm going to do with that is I'm going to go onto my Pinterest I'm going to create pins and then behind those pins I'm going to link them and this is really important not always directly to my product I sometimes will like to link them to for example a blog post that I've created or it could be a private video that I've created if I didn't want to put
my face on it it could just be one for example where I have the planner and you can just see my hands and I personally love watching those videos where people are just showing you how they organize their life and their daytoday and I'm going in there and I'm answering these pain points and I'm driving my audience from Pinterest with a really engaging pin about their pain point that we're going to solve driving them onto for example a blog post that helps them solve it an article that helps them solve it that you've obviously created
um and or a video or a podcast or whatever way you want to basically have an better opportunity to share not only how helpful you are with that but also the benefits of the product that you're going to recommend we can l to the sales page of that product and if we get that message in right our conversions are just going to flow in one of the great things about that is Pinterest is a really great platform because those pins are evergreen so not only are you going to start being able to make sales you
know within reason fairly recently although search engines are a little slower sometimes to pick up traffic but one of the great things about them is that over time that traffic can build particularly if you hit those paying points right I have made so many sales through Pinterest and through and I actually think one of the best things about it um and this is just maybe the way that my mind is and is I really really love the fact that sometimes you just are aware you're doing your own thing and then you're seeing sales come in
and it's for Pins that you've created a good while ago articles or blog posts or videos that you've created in the past but they still generate that income and on the opposite end of the spectrum is for example YouTube so YouTube is a platform that again is a search engine platform on and I do personally think search engines are really great for digital products because your product is Evergreen your product is going to be just as popular now as it can be in a year's time 2 years Time 5 years time as long as you've
created it obviously with longevity in mind using a search engine people are always going to be searching around those topics and therefore you are still able to make sales on autop pilot for years and I personally have done this so I don't speak just from like maybe you could I speak from that is one of the absolute pluses and benefits of selling digital products and using search engines but YouTube is kind of the opposite example because quite often a lot of people like to put their face on YouTube it's again really really great because it's
a brilliant platform for being able to create content that focuses on your audience again just as you do with Pinterest focusing on their pain points things that they need help with or if for example if you're creating decorative principles and decorative products again it's you finding people who have that similar aesthetic as you have that similar style I do always always want to say people sometimes pigeon hold the strategies that people use for educational principles and S educational products and say that you can't use those for decorative products and it couldn't be further from the
truth everything that we've talked about here you can use this exact same strategy for Education based products like prpal workbook planners you know habit trackers all of those elements as you can for art principles you the beautiful invitations planner party games all of those things it's just thinking about who is your audience what is the pain point that they're experiencing and yes even for example someone who's going and looking for an art principle to decorate the walls in their beautiful office that they have or in their kitchen because they've got a big space that they
want to fill does have a pain point that they are trying to solve by finding your product or finding similar products to yours and again it's about using that same strategy to focus on who your audience are and driving them to your product if someone is really into minimalist art and you decide hey I'm going to create a beautiful minimalist art collection I'm going to use my platform to upload that on whichever one you want to use is totally up to you and then I'm going to then drive people to come in and purchase that
that beautiful art principle collection then when I'm going and finding my audience and if I'm doing that organically I really need to think about what are their pain points well it might be that they're struggling to decorate their space it might be that they're looking for you know the it color of the season and so I can create content I can create blog posts I can create videos I can create podcasts even where I'm talking and I'm sharing about interior design or I'm talking and sharing about illustration and drawing where I can get someone excited
about my products and drive them onto purchase my products the alternative option which I'm not going to dive into too much here because it's a whole different subject which again I can go into more if you want to but an alternative option is something like paid advertising So Paid advertising is something that's fairly new in my business I'm still learning I'm still getting better at it as you guys know I'm completely transparent about you know I'm not perfect at this I am just one person who sits in front of my computer and learns how to
build and sell my business just like you guys are here for example this Facebook ad I created had brought in over 4,000 leads and this one it's just fairly new has brought in 275 leads so far but I do have a whole separate strategy that I use when I'm doing paid advertising because it's a different audience organic traffic tends to bring in people who by the time they reach your sales platform by the time they reach your product they usually going to be a lot more engaged with your business a lot more interested in what
you're doing because most likely they found you through a piece of content and a helpful resource or something that's really beautiful and fun it's already attracted them and now they want to basically learn more about you and then go on and purchase those products whereas when you're looking at PID advertising a lot of the time people are a lot cooler towards your business they don't know a lot about you they've just been incentivized for whatever reason to you know step into your business and so it takes a little bit more nurturing a little bit more
warming up but again I won't overwhelm you with that I just wanted to share that that is another option that you can use so I hope that you have found this really helpful I do want to say before you go if you think you know what I I want to do this strategy or I want to learn all about the strategies that I personally use and of course I'm a business myself and I create my products with the most attention the most love because I know that it be so tricky to find help that is
actually not just going to give you generic information it's going to walk you through stepbystep what you need to do and show you how to put things into place when it comes to creating digital products or digital downloads or printables so a product that I have created is my principles for beginners course and is exactly as it says on the tin it is the product that I've created that if you are new to creating and selling digital products this is the one that is going to help you it is literally it walks you through step
by step how to create your products how to then once you've created them get them tried and tested so you know that there a product that's actually going to sell it then goes on to show you step by step not only this strategy that I've walked you through but also some of my other really really key strategies so you can find which one works best for you and most importantly what this one really really shows you you how to do is how to capture your audience bring them in nurture them so that you can then
not only sell once to your amazing audience and obviously sell them products that are really really worth and the price de that you put on them but also that will keep your audience coming back again and again every time you have a sale or a new product that comes out and that just makes selling so much easier I know that they have beautiful products amazing resources for people and the thing that they struggled with for so long before they came in was just knowing how to share those With Their audience in a way that converts
and I I know for a long long time people were asking me whether I could create like a standalone course for those people who didn't want to actually go into a membership and have that constant community and engagement and I thought I would go ahead and create that course for you guys so if you are someone that you're like just let me roll up my sleeves let me just create this so I can start bringing in the income I can share my products that I love with people who are actually going appreciate them and enjoy
them too and this is the exact course for you I hope you found this video really helpful let me know in the comments below if you want me to go through any other areas if you want me to go more in depth than anything I'm always happy to to share with it and I'm kind of in a mood I think lately inside of my business just to share like I know I think it's yes it's really important to kind of keep the um core of the things that I'm creating and and my resources and my
strategies obviously inside of my products because otherwise I'm a business and people won't buy my products but I kind of also think you know what I'm going to put my best stuff out there as well like I want you guys that if nothing else if you walk away from nothing else you think do you know what she helped me with that and I'm able to take that next step forward in my business or I'm at least able to see where perhaps I've been going wrong um up until this point and it's not my fault it's
just I didn't realize that I needed to do that extra step or to do that certain thing so I hope you find this really helpful I'll definitely be creating more more of these videos so definitely subscribe to this channel if you want more of these videos to come out and please like this video If you do cuz it just lets me know that you want to see more videos like this and I've also forgot I will leave links to everything that I have mentioned in the description box below I am the worst YouTuber I literally
forget to even say that so yeah I will leave links to everything I've mentioned in the description box below and and I'm sorry if I just hit the microphone as well so hope that helps guys bye [Music]
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