this is Belgrade like you've never seen it before and we're showing you luxury living in the capital of Serbia we're taking you to my favorite throwback fine dining restaurant where Mobsters used to eat trying the best local and Regional wines and brandies meeting successful entrpreneurs who will tell you how the rich spend their money and visiting some of the trendiest most unique boutiques in Serbia to show you how to live like a king but first Lafia has been being called one of the sexiest cabaret shows in all of Europe This is where people come to
see and be seen in [Music] Belgrade I feel Serbia was one of the more open places in the world was it not yeah and smoking in the club this club to me they're saying it's one of the sexiest places in Europe you will see it tonight this is a th I mean just the the red velvet and it's such a throwback to Cabaret of a previous era yeah yeah and that's so Belgrade to me it's classic it's Glam everybody is involved in the shows you are a bander a waiter everybody needs to look very nice
there's a sex appeal here yeah it's a dress code I want to make that like in 30s when you go to a club in Chicago you need to be the Al Capone era that's exactly what this feels like I thought Mad Men but maybe even going back to the 30s yeah yeah and some of the most beautiful people in the world live here in Belgrade that is true I had that opportunity to try travel all around and the girls and guys as well there are so many beautiful people around here many years ago I met
a Serbian girl she said it's your last night let's go out she said I'll meet you at 1:00 I said can we go a little earlier she said that is a little earlier yeah yeah that is I heard that the Belgrade is called the Sin City because of it J thank you Milan yeah thank you so much [Music] I don't normally do clubs that was pretty wild and pretty fun that's the best party in town and I still what you can't hear you've lived here almost your entire life what's the vibe in Belgrade well it's
a mixture of Kuba and China Cuba means China well somewhere in between why what is that all about well from the one side you have the the wildest uh you know rhythms in the music and and dance and everything and on the other side you have a kind of discipline that you rarely find in western civilization today this is a culture I feel that very much is at the border of Europe but never entirely wanted to be European just from the style and the way people live that is why I think we we are creating
you know our own system our own part you know we we are taking what's good from Europe and we are making up what is Good from from here this is a a great book yeah so this is so it's Momo Kor Guide to the sery mentality anyone who wants to live even part-time in Belgrade yeah should read this should understand it is it may be next door to Europe but there's some differences do you think it's pretty safe here in Belgrade absolutely yeah you know nobody coming out of lafay at at 4 in the morning
would feel unsafe even if they had too many drinks no never we're going to talk to some of the the women we're meeting later but if you look at the statistics one of the safer cities in Europe women that's also my personal feeling really and I live here for whole my life the cent of Belgrade is Tom Ford of benf the smoke the Woody Amber the spices I first visited Belgrade 10 years ago and it stood as a place that just felt right compared to the other cities in this region I'm a big believer in
how does a place feel and there was something about it there's an X Factor in this city we've gone on to have people from Serbia be on our team got friends who have dozens of people working here and it's been a beautiful thing wine is a big part of Serbian culture we're going to check out a brand new really sexy wine shop in the heart of Belgrade and see all of the great wines that this region has to offer thanks for L we is this this is brand new yeah yeah we opened just 20 days
before 20 days ago I was here 6 months ago and I I'd never seen you I love the neighborhood wine shops but this is something else so if I come here and I want champagne from Champagne we have just Jose F what are the price points of wines we got upstairs the 8,000 wine 8,000 year bottles of wine here sure we'll get to that in a minute sure so Serbian wines Regional wines some of the best I think right show us what are your favorites tet Winery for sure you like tet and that's pretty affordable
it is yeah 1,500 din to doina that is about1 150 she knows her stuff you want to just show us the 8ou show us the 8,000 wine people want to this is the luxury living that's upstairs all right we'll follow you upstairs so here's the one the Petrus Boll pet yeah I believe you know about the petus Pomo those who know no where are you from in Serbia I'm from a border with Romania do you have any Romanian family members oh no no nobody in the family nobody no you should you could get your Romanian
citizenship if you sure I have to get the C I'm going to get the Cuban one you got to get the Cuban [Music] one there's no embargo [Music] here so capitalism is taking hold what are the areas where people are making more money here it online businesses yeah New Media have a good stuff from communism and mixed with salaries in capitalism what are the good things do you think like education is free I went to the best college of didn't parad di uh Healthcare is free I got a son now we didn't pay anything for
the delivery for the checkups for anything like it was all paid for by the country and that's nice talk about English this must be one of the best cities in the world of non-native English speakers who speak English almost everywhere in the city yeah because we don't have a synchronized television shows like in Germany on other countries on Balon just subtitles and we learn English from cartoons from movies do you see more serbians who have maybe moved to France or Germany over the years coming back because they think it's better here I have quite a
few friends who lived in the States and Canada and then decided after know 10 years or 20 years of the career there they can probably keep the same job remotely and then just just move back without V culture without yeah and then actually when you said that a lot of them actually got kids that were supposed to school and they didn't want their kids to go to school in the states or in the Canada so they moved back if you're a freelancer or if you run a business there are some good tax regimes Freelancers I
think if you make up to 50,000 depending on what it is you can pay like 2300 a month in tax flat flat right and then you get to make up to 50,000 so for someone who just has a small business that works I understand there's like a book where it's like okay uhhuh you live in chaik okay uh-huh okay photography p uhhuh uhhuh € 293 a month that's what you owe and then you just make up to that you keep your invoices we all have our companies and then we are all small entrepreneurs on the
side small entrepreneurs if I came with my foreign company that's actually what's also easier is I can run that foreign company and there's less involvement from Serbia even if I live here all year long than again if I live in Germany and they suck everything into their system how do wealthy people live well in Serbia these days I don't know he's very modest yeah it's great uh Belgrade especially is great if you have enough money if you have international clients and receiving dollars and spending dinners in Serbia this is the the heaven especially Belgrade is
a hub for night life it's interesting because we'll go to FR tonight and you can get a table at frange at 7:00 at night and you'll stay till 1 in the morning in Germany in the UK you have your 1 hour and 45 minutes and off you go it's different you start with the dinner and then there's some live music and then you start drinking and it kind of slowly turns into a party but you need to pay for whole table not just for you that is the difference here right so people are more traditional
men pay uh and men fight for the bill uh so there's no bill splitting that's it's very uncommon occurrence uh usually one person pays and then the next time the other person pay and so on yeah let's have lunch and I'm paying [Music] it was interesting that our lunch guest said he was offered a US green card and he didn't want it didn't want the tax liability I think you see a lot more people in countries like Serbia saying I don't need the US I don't need Europe we have a lot going on here plenty
of ways to make money we're just a few stops away from one of the most unique and Politically Incorrect fine dining experiences you'll ever see anywhere in the world but now we're going to go and check out Serbian fashion and we have something every Serbian loves plasma biscuits there's not a lot of flavor to these things I I have to be honest everyone eats these from 3 years old this is the brand everybody [Music] loves this is a fashion Mecca I think people understand fashion but it's a little wild it's a little unique how do
you describe Serbian fashion in general I think it has uh a lot of varieties it's a small Market but like a market of totally different sens of abilities you know but the ones that are at the top are usually the most commercial ones more commercial yeah but it's not as buttoned up here as say somewhere in northern Europe it's it's not as streamlined as even Moscow I feel like there maybe there's two looks you have the guys who are super athletic and it's just kind of like workout stuff and then the the guys who are
very polished we just met two guys for lunch these guys I mean it's the jackets fit perfectly yeah yeah yeah they they tend to be a bit of Italian kind of it's like over here this is I feel like especially For Men's Wear you know men here are pretty athletic mean you've got these kind of I mean yeah it's a mix you know as you can see this is a classic bees but you know with this um draw string kind of casual yeah it it brings a kind of a casual wi This Is My Jam
for Porto Montenegro sitting coffee on the beach absolutely this is the look talk about swimwear culture here M what are the swimwear looks for example Raina Olga she's very very recognizable in the world it's an Italian brand but she brought back the scrunchy material from the this is really a throwback I love this yeah from the 80s in the last couple of Seasons the cuts and the sexiness of the of the swimwear is very becoming you know very very edgy yeah yeah it's their own thing yeah yeah it's nice to hear [Music] that I'm seeing
more improve movements here in belri in recent years you've got new restaurants New bars new Social Clubs and the quality the aesthetic is increasing this is the best gelato in the city get a cone take home a tub you won't regret it y e [Music] Cocos welcome my name is Georgia and the coowner of this nice place Planet V this is this has been my favorite neighborhood wine shop for years George is going to tell us the different wine regions in Serbia I want to just to start from this part of Serbia the center of
Serbia we have really nice wine from shadia I think the best Cabernet coming from the east of Serbia from part of negotin so this was austr Hungarian Empire yeah this was Ottoman Empire yeah otoman Empire and so up here this the northern part of Serbia is wealthier you've got smaller C is my understanding 15 20 years ago we start to renew that small wineries Boutique wineries like we we like to say the part of not bka we calling bachka also this part of we calling banat haska this is this is and b b the three
regions of Northern Serb yeah North part of Serbia yeah and then the Sharia is sort of like the Ohio or the Midlands of yeah we can we can compare like that which country in the Balkans has the best wine that's a loaded question huh oh that is very that's is very intim question you know uh I like all old balconies wine yeah but my opinion I can tell just one country you know but not Macedonia I think it's Macedonia yeah it's always Macedonia to us right as well yeah it was we don't care we don't
care what the Greeks have to say yeah we know Greeks now but to Macedonia not Macedon Macedonia I'm get I'm going to get this one okay always get the comment yeah and by the way later we've got the fine dining experience with a special guest from liberland right here along the danu where some of these wines are made so stick around this is Belgrade scaria neighborhood it's authentic Serbian Cuisine served on czecher tle Claus you've got folk music you've got flowers we're going to go meet some of my colleagues and talk about whether it's safe
to live in Serbia and what's happening at Nomad capitalist looking for Maria and Natasha but first let me tell you how Nomad capitalist helps clients from all around the world to legally reduce their taxes have a plan B with second citizenship and protect their assets by having money all around the world we've got a team of almost a hundred people who help clients put those puzzle pieces together not by just recommending one country or having a favorite but by having access to dozens upon dozens of options we know about more countries we know about more
programs and most importantly we know how they work together so that what you do in one country doesn't negatively impact you somewhere else we have the experience of giving you a complete action plan and then helping you implement that to keep more of your money guarantee more of your own freedom and have a plan for your family to survive and thrive not just today but for Generations in the future go to apppp and learn how we can help you [Music] this is his plumber here this is very very typical and this is his Queens
thank you I have to be honest I'm going to stick more of the lemonade I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to sip so that they're happy with me I'm going to sip so they're happy with me okay we say j j this is like some kind of like Soprano's back room meeting kind of stuff so the question that a lot of women ask is is this country safe for women to live yeah I think very good question overall and a lot of our clients that are coming to Serbia have the same I think
Serbia is very safe when you're with the right people in the right crowd in the right places like this in the city center I think survey is very safe the statistics show it's actually a lot safer especially for violent crime and crime against women than a lot of places in northern and western Europe is that your feeling that's my feeling absolutely and that's the same impression that I got from the clients coming to Serbia as well I remember during Co a lot of people were interested here because they came from Australia they came from the
UK they came from places that had more oppressive conditions and they said this is a place that just feels more open even if the stated policy is a bit more strict in reality it's relaxed that's correct like when we don't like something here we kind of like to raise the word and say that we're not happy so for sure I think that here many things are not enforced and you can definitely relax you can have fun and you can have the life that you want civil disobedience is in Vogue is some the guys the the
Liberals the guys at lunch said yeah we we don't we don't take a lot of crap what is the trend now of what people are looking for I think overall people want more options they're they want to be Diversified they don't want to set up just in one country and I think this place is great for someone who wants something around Eastern Europe and this region so plan B yes has made way for Plan B C D exactly and this is not a place that you have to live in full-time it's not a place you
even have to live in much at all but you can put a country like this in your back pocket one of the top priority for our clients is to reduce their taxes but they would also like to move to another country where they value more uh personal freedom and lifestyle so it's not just about zero tax now exactly it's about paying a reasonable amount of tax and you're seeing basically more people saying I'll pay something but I don't want to be over taxed and I want to get a good lifestyle and be left alone basically
exactly all right ladies been a pleasure keep up the good work we're after dinner with liberland [Music] belr has so many fine dining options including the Michelin listed Salon 1905 where we've hosted client dinner parties for nomad cist I hosted my birthday party during Co they have a great prefixed menu and it is one of the top places to go but now we're going to go to dinner at frange this is a bgrd institution it's been here for Years everybody knows it and as a real throwback you can spend the entire night here eating and
drinking and joking with the [Music] waiters yes sir for the beginning some white wine like always or something else yeah what's the um is the Tik FES yes yes Macedonian Tik FES and let's take a menu you here a little bit of oh Chinese is not good Japanese Japanese Swedish there a Swedish yes wow actually Arabic no Russian yes of course you may we start with English Al also English is going to be good thank you only to know you also European por oh sorry ladies pors we call them that in Serbia it's half the
food for 65% the price we was just doing a um ancestry tour in Wales I like but I like the flag pin uh I had the flag pin for whales cuz we we're going to to make a video tracking down my grandmother's ancestry wow well look at this [Music] J G maros G maros that's right so how are things in liberland going well over the past year I would say that we did a great progress it's been one year now since we officially opened the borders with CA ctia joined shenen and uh also we had
a very viral like video for I think 10 millions of people of one guy trying to get to the liberan territory so I mean we actually started uh building on the territory and I would say a lot of new citizens who joined us over the past year they still take it as sort of like investment into the future is there official recognition of Liber Land by some Sovereign countries yeah we got some five recognitions but I think the last one was Liberia so we were helping to move their elections to the blockchain a I come
from CIA personally it's in Central Europe I grew up over there about four years ago I moved to Georgia I really like Serbia is been my second time here however despite balans Serbia feels a way Freer than the western part of Europe it's not a place where I would like to spend more time in yeah EUR this is Europe without the part of Europe that sucks I would think that CS are becoming kind of more of that European Union mindset as time goes on and new people grow up in the EU is that fair yeah
yeah I agree the more rebellious part is maybe being Blended out what do you think of um Nomad capitalist live last year oh my gosh that was incredible to me that was a thing that was the event that was on my bucket list for long so do you feel proud now what do you think about the people you know I believe that when you start thinking different and seeing the word differently what is very important to you as like supportive Community you travel to KL and then there are hundreds of people who are like among
them you are normal you feel good it's interconnecting the dots of what you cannot see like you cannot Google that you did so much for many countries but especially Serbia is it like common that people appreciate what you do here and recognize you maybe on the street and stuff it does happen like on the High Street people will will stop you and what I like about a country like this is we actually got called four or five years ago by the prime minister's office like hey we see you're promoting it like we were a lot
smaller back then and they're like hey do you want to be part of some entrepreneurship Council or something and so over the years you know every once in a while you check in with them and what can we do for you that kind of thing so like that impact gets seen and gets respected and you get I think a greater voice than you would like where I'm from in the US nobody cares right I think that it also shows the dedication to be more competitive as a country at a country is actually really good you
have to be yeah it's like if you're a monopoly you just figure the business is going to roll in but when you operate in the framework of not being a monopoly and we have to compete somehow it's like how do we get an edge it's amazing how many interesting people you can meet living The Nomad cish lifestyle all around the world we're going to keep showing you great places right now we're going to eat our dinner go to Nomad King make sure you see all of our Liv like a king episodes and subscribe to
never miss a new new one [Music]