Guys, on the fasting aerobic, it is preached, a low exercise intensity, done without prior feeding. But I think we can go much further away, take a lot more questions, talk about high, low, moderate intensity, we can is, expand this horizon much more, of discussion. So everything about aerobics in fasting in this video.
I would like to call you to like it and subscribe here on the channel, because that's what really helps. The purpose of fasting aerobics would be to theory, you do a low activity intensity, and with that, start to recruit fat more efficient. So in terms of predominance, you are always picking up everything, but in terms of predominance, you fasting aerobic would start before, get fat, about 10, 15 minutes, against about 30, 35 minutes, of a powered aerobic.
This, speaking exclusively by a metabolic pathway, is, analyzed at that moment, it is true. But we have to remember other things, that is, if I deplete a lot of glycogen, that automatically in a night shift, you can create a scenario, for fat loss when I have a deficit caloric. So, this efficiency of aerobic fasting of low intensity, to lose only fat, it's not necessarily true when you covers more analysis time, for example example, 24 hours spent and caloric intake.
"What do you mean, Leandro? " I mean, what the fast aerobic, it does serve to lose body fat but what will it do more than an aerobic with intensity fed, it's not true. We have differences, we have advantages in aerobic fasting and disadvantages, as well how, in the aerobic powered, automatically, you will will have advantages and disadvantages too.
That's why it's important, you know that, because the from that, you can determine the that is better for your routine, not something you're following, because someone said: "No, is it interesting for me? Oh, there are this, this, this, cool, I'll put it in the routine. No it’s not cool, I won’t put it on.
”When is fast aerobic good? He will be very cool, when we just look, lose body fat, that is, a aesthetic result, we don't have a poor insulin sensitivity. "How is it do I know, my insulin sensitivity?
" Only you take a HOMA-IR exam is including, I already said, about sensitivity insulin. Whenever you have a question, Leandro Twin + Tema, that you will find a video, here on the channel. That because?
Because it is a high activity intensity, it will also generate a fat loss, but it has the power, to improve your sensitivity to insulin more efficiently against fasting aerobic, which is low intensity, the high intensity will do that better. AND for those who are also looking for an improvement in aerobic performance. So I don't know: "I want run more, yeah, I'm doing squats, and I'm feeling that my heart, and mine breathing, you're getting tired before muscles so i need to improve my cardio ".
So in this case, powered cardio, going to be superior to fasting cardio. However, it is exhausting, so if I take it, a bodybuilder, eating a thousand calories a day and having to do, two hours of aerobic another hour of training, the aerobic fasting, it will be much better. Because he will have more energy, to be able to train weight training, that is, what he needs most.
So, as you may have noticed, if you're talking about a protocol, a straight line final, is, of something you don't want to wear out so much, for example: "I have a routine, already a lot, yeah, it's difficult. So I wake up early, sleep little. " So, I'm going to do aerobic fasting, because I will spend there, my 200, 300 calories, only that I'm going to save myself, in terms of energy, in terms of disposition.
Here, I'll spend this, in half an hour, but I'm really going wear myself out, so I’m going to get tired, etc. So, as you can see, fasting aerobics for body aesthetics is excellent, you can do it, it going to be as good as the other, assuming that each one will have an energy expenditure, as long as they are equivalent, for our Comparation. In the other case, I will have an economy of time, but I'm going to have more wear and tear, and it can hurt the rest of my day, make me sick, etc.
So, it all depends on the where you want to apply. Now of course, what doesn't we can forget is: "I want to improve the aerobic performance ". The aerobic powered with intensity, it will be much more efficient, so who's looking to do a TAF, you may not want do, the fasting aerobic, and think that this will improve your brands aerobic performance.
It can even improve a lot at the beginning, then not, then he will train with intensity. A football player will do justly, an aerobic fed. "Leandro Twin, but you talked about improving sensitivity to insulin, isn't that good, in cutting, and bulking?
" Always, but what happens is that in cutting, you are, you already have an improvement in sensitivity insulin, due to the low supply of carbohydrates, low glycemic load, amount of macros, carbo of your low diet, increases sensitivity to insulin. So an aerobic in bulking, would much more meaningful, be of intensity high, not low. No cutting more or less speaking, whatever, maybe at the beginning of a cutting, where, you can further improve your sensitivity to insulin, that you came from bulking, with a lot of carbohydrates, beauty, yes, in the beginning final, it is more the energy expenditure, that will be considered in your daily equation, to change your body.
AND other health markers like cholesterol, heart, things like that? Of course, the aerobic intensity, will be higher too. Another point, very cool that the we have to quote here, is that when you get an individual who is overweight, and / or with joint problems, if he is going to do an aerobic powered, and with intensity, it can generate injuries, so in this specific case, the obese individual, he will get along very well, with the aerobic In fasting.
Because exactly, it's heavy, so if it running, he has more impact, he has the musculature weak, because he is a beginner individual, or too heavy for his motor condition, or he has joint problem, he is thin, but has a problem articulate. So, what am I going to do? I'll do an aerobic on a fast, because I need to spend this calorie in some way, but I don't I can offer it to risks, so in that case, it is also very cool.
"Leandro Twin, and this sick thing, things like that? "See only people, when you are trained, you have autoregulatory mechanisms namely: cortisol, glucagon, GH, and etc. Everything working much more efficient, and these hormones are hyperglycemic agents, they increase the glycemia of our body, at that moment they are being secreted.
So you, when you are trained, the fasting aerobic, is very peaceful, you will hardly feel any dizziness, nausea, loss of performance, etc. , you will very well. When you are not trained, when you are a total sedentary, it may be that fasting, you feel a little unwell, dizzy, unwell, having a case of hypoglycaemia, because these mechanisms don't work very much right.
It is not a certainty, but it is a greater probability, so in this case, it pays to do justly fed. So, as you can see, the aerobic fasting, he is there, to generate an expense energetic, in the most comfortable way to the body as possible, and that, is extremely welcome, depending on a context. "I can train on a high intensity, on my fasting aerobic?
So, I'm going to do my fasting aerobic Leandrão, but I'm going to do with high intensity yet, can I do this? " It falls on the continuation of the explanation, when the individual is trained, he can handle supercompensate, glucagon, GH, is, cortisol, and etc. , catecholamines, epinephrine, norepinefin, everything it works better.
So, the more trained he is, the more he will be able to train in fasting, and with more intensity. So for one beginner is contraindicated, for an advanced, he can train. Just like I already did here, a video about fasting, weight training.
Whenever you have a question: Leandro Twin + Tema. For example, I am an individual who trains in fast, about 20 hours, but I have been training for a long time, so my body is totally adapted. "Ah, but what about catabolism, things like that?
"No guys, catabolism is a signal, it is, for our body. So all training will be catabolic, even if you eat before, you going to have to catabolism, that's good, because will signal later, for anabolism. "Leandrão, but what if I send a BCAA first, a dose Whey protein, is it, any amino acid compound?
" If you send any of these things, leave fasting, because it just changes your hormonal condition. Doesn't have a process digestive system, in the case of bcaa, for example, you will change your hormonal condition, and then stop be fasting, you will have amino acids, it can happen of the amino acids to be converted into glucose, and then you go back to the fed state. So, aerobic fasting, fasting activity, you don't send anything, just things you don't have calories.
For example, water, coffee, which there's a little bit, that doesn't take you out of fasting state yet, things like that gender will not get in the way. Yohimbine, thermogenic, coffee I already mentioned, teas, everything this you can consume before your aerobic fasting, more or less there, between 15 to 30 minutes, because it hits more fast. So you send your compost thermogenic, waits 15 to 30 minutes, and going to do your physical activity, which potentiates.
Including iombina, there is only one complete efficiency when it is used during, some activity in full fast. BCAAs, amino acids, etc. , is no longer an aerobic on a fast.
Glutamine that many people send, the enterocytes, the cells there, in the intestine, go absorb it, will feed on it, so it doesn't reaches the bloodstream a lot, so it doesn't it makes sense for you to send it because it won't change anything without fasting, it's an ok time, it is only indifferent from the point of view, performance of physical activity. "How many fasting hours, I need to be on a fasting aerobic? " 7 to 8 hours.
When you are considering the aerobic fasting in your routine, you consider how many calories you spend, so if you're going to spend 300 calories there, consider that number, don't consider, yeah, an hour, half an hour, no, consider a energy expenditure. "What is the maximum an aerobic on a fast? "Guys, there is no consensus, no there is something like that, the maximum is it, but knowing that there, more or less an adapted person, will take it easy, 60 minutes, but a very trained person, can take it even for three hours, you think, it's woke up, and needs to walk three hours fasting, "I'm going die?
"No, you who are trained, go there walk very quietly. So, there is no exactly, a consensus on the number of hours, that you can be without any kind of risk. "What is the ideal pace for an aerobic in low-intensity fasting?
"When we speak, of a low to medium intensity activity, we are talking about something there, 125, 130 beats per minute. "Of which Leandro, walking, cycling, punch a bag? "Anyone, (a punching bag course) any type of physical activity, can be done on an empty stomach.
"Catabolize? " Catabolic process, decreased larger to smaller molecule, and this difference, it is used as energy, so when you lose fat, it's a process catabolic, so yes, he is catabolic. Now, he is sarcopenic, he makes you lose muscle mass?
Not necessarily, just for that, losing muscle mass is a context, isolated attitudes, hardly you will be able to say, "it makes you lose muscle mass ". " I can do it with cold, to be able to lose more calories? " In fact, it is the other way around, if you do this way, you will lose less calories even if you are cold, rest assured, can use, why?
Because when you talks about the coat, actually what it it's doing, it's retaining the heat, it doesn't it's generating heat, which will be from calories, then, by retaining the heat, precisely your body, sees less reason to generate heat, because it’s already hot, and then you spends less calories. That's why in the cold, you have more appetite, because you spend more energy, so the coat in that case, the only thing that will do, is to raise your temperature from outside to inside. THE that will automatically make you perspire more, that's all.
"An ectomorph can do the fast aerobic? "No problem. " Can I send a vitamin C and the multivitamin?
" the 100% ideal, because vitamin C, also moves, a little bit with cortisol, it's an antioxidant, so in theory, although it has no calories, it is not ideal to send her before. "Natural, you can do fasting, or is it used exclusive for hormones? "Without any kind of problem, any kind of person, between hormonal states can do.
"How do I do aerobic fasting? " You will wake up, you will send, yeah, some thermogenic compound of your choice, yohimbine, caffeine, ephedrine, clenbuterol, thermogenic, is, teas, is, or just nothing. You can do without any kind of thermogenic, if you order, wait half an hour, and can train if you do not send, send some hydration, then ah, 300, 400 ml of water, wait half an hour, and go to your activity.
Will do activity, more or less there 60 minutes, more or less to 125, 130 beats per minute, finished, is there was a rule in the past that, "ah, wait half an hour to eat, because you are still there ". You can respect that, or not, but that the result is not different, in terms of practical, so in case you want to wait half I'll take a shower, prepare my first meal, quiet. In this first meal, you can have carbohydrates, protein, fat, any glycemic index, here it is very quiet.
What was Floquinhos, did I miss something? Watch the dogs on the street. "I need to do use of supplementation, fasting aerobic powders?
"No. "Leandro Twin, I do intermittent fasting, so look how cool, I wake up 8 hours in the morning, and I will eat only at 6 am late, when do I do aerobic fasting? " You can do it anytime, perfect, and when finished, you can make a very light post-workout meal.
So why example, 15 grams of Whey protein, 30 grams of Whey protein, only 50 to 100 calories of protein, and then you continue on your "fasting" state, almost, properly said. You can also do, your last fasting time, no problem, so I'm going to eat 6 hours, I'm going to start my preparations, 4:30 I send my thermogenic, 5 hours I do mine, mine fasting activity, and then 6 in the afternoon, I break my fast, and I will be very happy eating a lot. Now of course, "Leandro, you talked about fasting with high intensity, how about you speak a little more about it, I was curious, I would like to try to train in fasting, who can, who cannot ".
Everything here, in this video, 100% fasting training. Is this valid or not? Stay with this video.