How Britain Became a Poor Country

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Tom Nicholas
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just through these Gates here is 10 Downing Street the official residence of the British prime minister on Wednesday the 22nd of May 2024 then prime minister rishy sunak walked out that front door and announced that he was calling a general election on paper it perhaps wasn't the worst political speech ever it recalled some of the support that sunak had provided to workers and small businesses during the covid pandemic and through a bit of shade at kiss starma his opponent in the upcoming vote in practice though sunak cut a pretty atic figure propped up by electon as the rain poed him from above someone kept knocking the camera meaning the official broadcast of this historic moment just looked kind of amateurish worse still a protester in the adjoining Street had set up a PA system and started blasting things can only get better a song by one hit wonders Dam which had previously been used as an election Anthem by the labor party watching sunak try to win the affections of the British people was being both metaphorically drowned out by an Anthem of his political opponents and literally drowned out by some good old-fashioned British precipitation felt rather fitting for a prime minister whose tenure had been honestly kind of forgettable it was even more apt for a political party the conservative party whose 14-year rule over the UK has left the country in tatters poorer nastier with crumbling schools bankrupt cities polluted water waterways and the highest housing to income ratio since the Victorian era on aggregate the UK remains one of the richest countries in the world but it rarely feels that way anymore ask anyone that lives here and they'll attest to the fact that everything is just hideously expensive now our politics is pretty openly corrupt and chaotic and the country has been gripped by a general sense of malaise an understanding that everything is just kind kind of bad but how did we get here how did a country which used to be a Pioneer in science technology art and education come to have human Pooh floating down its rivers and how do we come back from this this is the story of how the British conservative party subjected its own country to three separate yet interconnected experiments Each of which would tear away a different part of the country's political social and economic fabric this is the story of how Britain became a poor country this is David Cameron on the 11th of May 2010 David Cameron enters 10 Downing Street for the first time as the newly elected prime minister of the United Kingdom his election win hasn't been a particularly convincing one the party Cameron leads the conservatives have only managed to win 306 seats in the House of Commons that's 20 seats short of an outright majority claiming the top spot has thus required him to go cap in hands to this guy Nick CLE the leader of the UK's notionally Centrist liberal Democrat Party after 5 days of negotiations Cameron and CLE have agreed to form a coalition government in which Cameron will serve as prime minister and cl as his Deputy Coalition governments in which multiple parties come together to govern collaboratively are exceptionally rare in the UK the last time this happened was during the 1930s and 1940s when all the major parties in Parliament came together to present a united front during the second world war as David Cameron crosses the threshold of number 10 however he perhaps feels like this collaborative Arrangement might serve him well see David Cameron is at this point at least a genre of center right politician which would soon go wildly out of fashion he's certainly a great supporter of typical conservative causes such as tax cut privatizations and reductions in welfare spending but he's also desperate to at least present himself as youthful environmentally conscious and broadly socially liberal some of this social liberalism is perhaps sincere as prime minister he'll soon push for the UK to adopt equal marriage despite solid opposition from other conservatives he'll also lead a revolution in offshore wind and had already managed to promote greater gender equality among political candidates within his party although this being the 2000s the British press had soon christened them M Cameron's Cuties which yeah perhaps more suspect is the idea which sits at the center of Cameron's vision for Britain the big Society the big Society is intended in part as a corrective to that Eternal conservative bogey man of big government Cameron's pitch is that he's going to empower individuals Charities and Community groups to take a more active role in Civic life in its opposition to big government however the big Society doesn't stop that cutting red tape and government oversight all that charity work is intended to make up for a brutal program of cuts to Public Services it's fair to say that the UK's finances aren't exactly in the best of shape at this point this is just 2 years after the global financial crisis of 2008 and the country is still very much dealing with the aftermath in order to prevent the complete collapse of the country's Banking and housing sectors the previous government has paid to effectively nationalize two Banks and shouted out to buy significant ownership stakes in two more a fall in real terms earnings along with people being more cautious with how they spend their money means tax receipts have also taken a hit the State of Affairs is perhaps best captured by a handwritten note left by Labor's outgoing Chief Secretary of the Treasury to his successor which reads simply dear Chief secretary I'm afraid there is no money best regards and good luck over the next 5 years Cameron references this note often he sometimes waves it about at campaign events not only does the memo help to portray Cameron's political rivals in the labor party as having a Carefree attitude when it comes to taxpayer cash the notion that the country is flat broke provides a rationale for taking a pretty uncompromising approach to cutting government spending as things stand the UK government is running a budget deficit of 150 billion Cameron and his government unveil a plan to cut that number as quickly as possible it doesn't matter that interest rates are at their lowest since 1694 and that the cost of the government's borrowing is effectively zero Cameron and Osborne want to slash the size of the state and there is perhaps never been a better excuse to do so the package of spending cuts implemented over the next few years includes reforms to the welfare system which make it harder for disabled people and sick people to access support it involves a 133% cut in funding for schools and colleges as well as a 40% cut to funding for universities made up for by Shifting the burden of tuition costs onto students through a tripling of fees anyone working in the public sector has their pay Frozen for 2 years and subsequent annual pay Rises capped at 1% police funding fense spending and public transport spending all receive swinging Cuts whilst the Royal Mail the UK's postal service is sold off to investors at a Bargain Basement price it's hard to get across in just a short section of one video quite how wide ranging Cameron CLE and Osborne's attack on public spending is there's not a single part of British public life that goes untouched and judged on its own terms it's pretty Successful by 2015 the deficit has dropped by more than a third nevertheless the effect on the economy and Country more broadly are mixed throughout the 5 years of the coalition government George Osborne repeatedly tells Brits that quote We're All in This Together when it comes to this attempt to fix public finances nevertheless the pain of austerity is felt strongest by the poorest in society in fact at the same time as work for ordinary people is becoming more precarious and less wellp paid corporation tax the tax paid by companies on their profits is gradually brought down from 28% to just 20% by 2015 the Grim reality of Cameron's big Society is evident in the rise of food banks 5 years ago food banks had been essentially non-existent in the UK the country's most prominent Food Bank charity had handed out just 40,000 packages that entire year but but by 2015 that figure has risen to more than 1 million the result of Cameron's policies then is not some utopian empowerment of local communities but one in which people who previously could have found support and guidance in the welfare system becoming reliant on charity to feed themselves and their families perhaps unsurprisingly as the impact of Cameron and C's Cuts begin to be felt there's a sense that these policies might not be super popular amongst the General Public the Coalition years are beset with protests and Strikes and demonstrations by various groups affected by the austerity regime and if it's easy to disregard such activists as a vocal minority the notion that UK voters might be experiencing a touch of buyers remorse quickly becomes evident in the polls too by the end of 2010 the labor party has overtaken Cameron's conservatives in the polls a lead they maintain consistently for the next four years the right-wing press mercilessly lampooned the labor party leader Ed mband for his slightly Meek awkward Aura including through publishing this unflattering photo of him eating a bacon sandwich nevertheless while Labor's polling lead drops they still retain a slight lead on the day of the 2015 general election it looks very much like Cameron might be a one-term wonder the results are certainly set to be close but there's a chance that EDM aband and the labor party might be able to piece together an alternative Coalition of smaller parties to oust Cameron and the conservatives from Power then that evening all those predictions turn out to be false when the results are counted the conservatives turn out not to have lost support but gained it their 306 MPS have become 331 enough to end their pact with the liberal Democrats and govern solo everyone involved in the entire polling industry spends the next year or so hanging their heads in shame among several proposed reasons for why they got it so wrong is the so-called shy Tory effect this is the idea that some voters when asked will be hesitant to admit that they're going to vote conservative presumably something about not wanting to appear pro- food bank and declining life expectancy or something in some ways then Cameron exits the 2015 general election more confident than ever he has an outright majority in Parliament and a reassuring sense that there might be greater support for his austerity agenda than there sometimes appears that confidence is about to be undercut however by a new threat the rise of the brexit is to understand this next part of the story we need to take another look at this graph there's a lot that pollsters got wrong when calculating voting patterns prior to the 2015 G election but one thing they did spot correctly was a steady rise in support for the UK independence party or ukip for short ukip are a right-wing party who in 2015 led by this guy Nigel farage and while they maintain a broad Manifesto of policies their primary mission is to get the UK to leave the European Union which isn't an entirely fringed desire support for the EU has fluctuated constantly since the UK joined the block back in the 1970s particularly as a result of its impact on immigration see under EU rules citizens of any member state have the right to move to and work in any other member State and since the early 2000s net migration to the UK from within the EU has been trending further and further upwards all of the available research suggests that this has a positive impact on the UK economy but in an era of economic downturn immigrants have become an easy scapegoat David Cameron has often joined in on this scapegoating making high-profile promises to bring net migration down into the tens of thousands nevertheless support for ukip continues to rise and in 2014 one of Cameron's own MPS even defects to the party in protest at his perceived in action on the issue the result is that Cameron decides that he has to do something in order to avoid losing more support his solution to pinch you Kip's own key policy of holding a referendum on EU membership a nationwide vote presenting Brits with a binary choice in or out Cameron's reason for calling the vote is because he feels pretty certain that the remain campaign is going to win he wants to prove that whatever concerns might exist around immigration that wanting to leave the EU is little more than a fringe Obsession of a vocal minority this of course is not what happens the first blow to Cameron's plan comes just a day after he announces the referendum that afternoon he receives a text message from this guy Boris Johnson having been to both school and University with Cameron Johnson had previously been something of an ally but in his message that morning Johnson declares whatever troops there might have been between them to be over and says that he'll be throwing his full weight behind the leave campaign Johnson soon emerges as the leave teams de facto lead and agitating to leave the EU turns out to be a whole lot easier than campaigning to stay in it might be that all the available evidence suggests that staying a member of the European Union is the more prosperous economic choice for the UK but explaining why is kind of boring and technocratic whatever the evidence suggests it's just kind of difficult to inspire some kind of deep adoration for a somewhat bureaucratic trading block the leave camp campaign by contrast is free to weave a highly emotive narrative which stitches together a whole range of distinct issues under the banner Take Back Control this notion of taking back control is partly about immigration but it also Taps into a whole range of anxieties about the country's declining influence on the world stage and even cuts to Public Services which reframed as no longer being a political Choice made by the conservative party but the result of a need to send great sums of cash to Europe in fact the success of the takeback control narrative is that voters can kind of project whatever they want onto it it allows Brits to take whatever their frustrations might be with contemporary Britain no matter whether they are real or relevant and redirects that anger at the EU and it works at 4:40 a. m. on the 24th of June 2024 the BBC announces that Britain has voted to leave the European Union by in so being sets the stage for plenty of other Prime ministerial resignations to come The Logical assumption following Cameron's resignation might have been that Boris Johnson would take over as pm he had after all effectively led the leave campaign and this would be the perfect opportunity to see his vision for a post EU Britain through after days of speculation however he bottles it at the last minute and the leadership contest is won instead by this woman Theresa May one of May's stock slogans during her campaign to become Prime Minister is brexit means brexit the challenge is that no one's entirely sure what brexit means brexit means The Narrative of taking back control had been intentionally vague but actually leaving the EU would require concrete specific policy given the desperately thin margin on which the referendum was won the logical thing to do is perhaps to find some kind of compromise maybe the UK ceases to be a full member of the EU and introduces some additional controls on demigration but retains a close trading relationship with the block the problem is that the referendum debate has only really hardened opinion on all sides for many brexit supporting members of the conservative party the only acceptable Way Forward is to make a complete break from Europe and to see closer ties with the US instead opposing these are a smattering of pro- Europe activists and MPS across the major parties who are dead set on frustrating the process entirely May's one point of Solace is that public support for the conservatives has been steadily Rising since the referendum as voters who had been drifting towards ukip have come rushing back to the conservatives she therefore decides that what the country needs is another election her hope is to increase her majority in Parliament and thus make it slightly easier to pass the various bills necessary to facilitate an orderly brexit much like Cameron's gamble with the referendum however this is not what happens the following election campaign is a car crash for May who turns out to be almost impressively uncharismatic at one point she tells a reporter from ITV that the most rebellious thing she's ever done is run through a field of wheat when questioned on policy she has a habit of Simply competing stock slogans about the need for quote strong and stable government the result is that come election day May doesn't secure the increased majority she expected but loses seats instead Clinging On to power thus requires her to form a pact with the right-wing Democratic unionist party worse still the parliament she's overseeing is now more fractured than ever there's both relatively High representations from smaller parties and a set of increas increasingly Stark factional divisions within each of the main parties all of whom want something quite different out of brexit this means that gathering enough votes to pass a brexit deal through Parliament becomes even more complicated than it was before in November 2018 May announces that she's negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the EU which will outline the future relationship between the UK and Europe nevertheless the deal contains special Protections in order to avoid the UK having to build a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and while these protections are intended to avoid any disruptions or complications to the northern Irish peace process for the most committed brexiteers they represent an unforgivable failure to completely detach from the EU after three failed attempts to get her agreement through Parliament May decides that she's had enough once again the nation Tunes in to watch a conservative prime minister stand in front of 10 Downing Street and announce that they're going to walk away from their responsibilities the fog of failure and defeat becomes harder to ignore with the UK's top job vacant once again Boris Johnson decides that his time has come and his fellow conservatives clearly agree he sweeps the subsequent leadership contest and officially takes over as prime minister on the 24th of July 2019 Johnson's approach differs from May's in two key ways firstly Johnson is far less worried about the prospect of a so-called no deal brexit in which the country simply crashes out of the EU without having negotiated a future trading relationship with it secondly he's much more ruthless in his attempts to outmaneuver his opponents in August 2019 Johnson takes the extreme decision to drive to Buckingham Palace and to persuade the queen to effectively suspend Parliament for a month his goal is parly to silence his critics within Parliament but also to essentially run down the clock on brexit negotiations to the point either that the EU is forced to accept greater concessions on any deal or that a No Deal brexit happens by default this move has the effect of irritating basically everyone the Supreme Court rules his suspension of parliament to have been illegal and Johnson is forced to return to a House of Commons that is somehow now even more divided than before he thus decid Ides that what the UK needs is another election and this time well it actually does go to plan Johnson campaigns using another three-word slogan get brexit done and to a nation exhausted by three and a half years of trade talks and treaties the notion of Simply getting over with clearly appeals Johnson secures a landslide Victory with 365 seats to labors 203 when Johnson manages to renegotiate Theresa May's failed deal and get it passed through Parliament it appears that Britain is firmly exiting its brexit era the consequences will certainly be felt for years to come but the political wranglings at least begin to die down and they do so just in time for a new challenge to appear in the form of covid-19 first come several weeks of watching the infection spread through China and Europe then on the 30th of January 2020 the first two cases of covid-19 are documented in Britain Public Health measures are introduced slowly at first reminders to wash hands bans on large Gatherings mandated quarantine for people arriving in the UK from certain high-risk countries then on the 23rd of March Boris Johnson appears on national TV to announce a nationwide lockdown Johnson had initially being pretty skeptical about invoking such a measure ever the conservative he was worried about the impact that shutting everyone in their houses might have on business he briefly considered actively allowing the disease to spread across the country to build so-called herd immunity through infection nevertheless with deaths Rising exponentially doing nothing eventually becomes untenable with everyone stuck inside glued to the TV it's perhaps only right that politics becomes AIT bit of a soap Opa over the next few months first Johnson himself contracts covid and swiftly goes from being entirely unconcerned by the disease to lying in an intensive care unit in St Thomas Hospital then this guy Johnson's Chief adviser Dominic Cummings gets caught out for having broken lockdown Rules by visiting his wife 5 hours away whilst displaying covid symptoms amid these controversies Johnson's allies in the conservative party find numerous ways to use the pandemic to funnel money into the wallets of their friends it quickly becomes apparent that the country's National Health Service is going to need a whole load of additional masks aprons and other protective gear Johnson and Co thus leverage this urgency to suspend anti-corruption laws around government Outsourcing billions of pounds worth of public money is handed over to the friends and acquaintances of government ministers in some cases in return for equipment which is entirely unusable whether through legitimate means or not protecting the interests of business remains at the top of the government's agenda throughout the pandemic efforts to keep things ticking over financially are led by this guy rishy sunak remember him from the beginning when the first national lockdown ends in summer 2020 all sense of caution is thrown out of the window in favor of getting things back to normal as soon as possible in August sunak launches a scheme called eat out to help out this sees the government subsidizing meals bought in restaurants to encourage people to get out of their houses and support the hospitality sector and people go for it gobbling up 160 million State subsidized meals between them this might be good for nandos and pizzza express but it's less good for anyone who wants the pandemic to be over sunx scheme contributes to a near doubling of cases during that month and very quickly all the progress made throughout the first lockdown appears to be in vain as cases begin to rise exponentially once more Boris Johnson spends the rest of the year trying and failing to avoid implementing further lockdowns at one point he tells colleagues that he would rather let the bodies pile high than confine people to their homes again nevertheless the rise in cases eventually becomes too significant to ignore and the UK is subjected to two more National lockdowns during 2020 and 2021 the conservative party's lead in the polls which had peaked at 22% whilst Johnson was in hospital takes a bit of a tumble during these chaotic months of last minute lockdowns but by the spring a successful covid vaccine roll out puts Johnson on the up again in May the conservatives win a historic by-election victory in Harley pool and things look stronger still sure there might be a lack of Lorry drivers and a shortage of Basic Foods in the supermarket as a result of Johnson's brexit deal but the politician known to many simply as Boris continues to have a broad base of support behind the scenes he reportedly talks of wanting to remain in power for a decade then it all comes crashing down in November 2022 The Daily Mirror publishes an article revealing that Boris Johnson and his staff had hosted several staff parties in 10 Downing Street the previous Christmas this flew directly in the face of rules Banning Social Gatherings rules which had been drawn up in that very same building the prime minister's office initially denies these reports but footage and photos soon begin to emerge all in all 17 parties are found to have taken place among staff and both Johnson and rishy sunak are eventually fined for breaking the law Johnson's political career had rarely been without Scandal but the clear hypocrisy of the PM setting rules whilst ignoring them himself helps this one to stick even the usually DieHard conservative press begins to turn on him then a few weeks later Johnson attempts to promote an MP who's been credibly accused of multiple accounts of sexual assault and his fellow MPS begin resigning from Johnson's government on mass on the 8th of July 2022 the man who just recently had been eyeing up a decade in power is forced to make that now iconic shameful walk out the front door of 10 Downing Street to announce his resignation he leaves the country with one more three-word phrase for good measure Dems the breaks it had once seemed almost certain that whenever Boris Johnson did retire he'd be succeeded by rishy sunak regardless of the disaster of he out to help out sunak had gone to Great Lengths to use Co to further his personal brand but remember all those MPS that Boris Johnson had expelled from the conservative party during the brexit debates well those expulsions along with the broader polarization of the brexit process had led many of the party's more socially liberal members to jump ship the result being that the party is now comprised almost solely of Hardline right-wingers and Libertarians sunak does throw his hat in the ring then but the contest is eventually won by this woman Liz truss now as we've already seen the conservative party has always been a party of low taxes and cuts to government spending but Liz truss is something else a one-time contributor to a book called britania Unchained TR is an unabashed unreformed libertarian who doesn't so much believe in a small state as no State unless of course it's serving the needs of the super rich in fact truss turns out to be so extreme in her low tax fundamentalism that she almost bankrupts the entire country in just a matter of weeks on the 23rd of September 2022 truss unveils a package of economic policies which revolve around 45 billion worth of tax cuts to the country's richest and remember this is a country which has already suffered more than a decade of austerity in which every public service from the NHS to the police is a crisis point so she decides to fund these tax cuts through increased government borrowing Global Financial markets usually quite like tax cuts but trust's approach is viewed as so bold as to be Reckless investors quickly come to view holding investments in the UK as far too risky and start selling off government bonds and currency the value of the pound plummets and more importantly for the conservative party interest rates on mortgages begin to rise the result is that any support for trust among MPS party members and voters falls through the floor the daily St posts a live stream of a lettuce on YouTube wagering that truss's failure is so bad that she'll resign before the lettuce wills and a few days later the lce claims Victory just 49 days after she first entered truss walks back out of 10 Downing Street and you guessed it resigns in doing so she becomes the shortest serving prime minister in UK history perhaps unsurprisingly truss's chaotic leadership sees the conservatives polling numbers drop to new lows labor had first taken the lead during party game but the Gap has now widened to the point that the conservatives are a full 30 points behind for once then the party decides that the country doesn't need another election MPS line up to support Rishi sunak in taking over the top job and on the 25th of October 2022 he becomes prime minister of the UK sunak tries time and again to rekindle the UK's love affair with the conservatives at the beginning of 2023 he makes five promises to the British people mostly based on getting the economy moving again nevertheless progress on these is Patchy the only target which actually gets met is his promise to bring down inflation but that's more to do with falling Energy prices than anything he's done himself after some initial movement in the right direction then support for sunak and the conservatives continue to slide and the more that sunak attempts to win back voters from the labor party are met with failure the more he decides simply to double down on trying to hold on to these small rump of Voters that his party has retained this involves leaning into to the very worst right-wing obsessions sunak and his allies begin devising increasingly cruel punishments for Asylum Seekers and blocking access to health care for Trans people sunak tries to hold on for as long as he can hoping for some kind of Miracle but at this point it's just too late after 14 years in power more than 100 billion pounds in cuts to Public Services one brexit referendum countless corrupt covid PPE deals and a self-inflicted economic crisis the consequences of conservative governance are plain for all to see a country which has been asset Stripped by austerity cut off from its closest trading partners and in which spiking inflation and interest interest rates have sent rents mortgages bills and pretty much everything else through the roof at the same time as real terms wages have fallen on the 22nd of May 2024 then sunak finally gives up he steps outside 10 Downing Street walks up to his Podium and stares down the lens of that press bow camera this is not a resignation but it certainly feels like one it's hard to stress how impressive the complete and total implosion of the conservative party is the UK sometimes gets described as having a two-party political system given to how the conservative and labor parties dominate election results but in practice it basically has a one party system of the past 100 years the conservative party has been in power for more than 70 of them at time of recording it looks pretty certain that same party is going to lose the next election Big Time perhaps that's already happened by the time you're watching this video but whether the party eventually bounces back from that defeat or not the experiments they've inflicted on the country have left damage which will last a long long time perhaps most worrying is the extent to which some of the basic precepts of those experiments have come to be accepted by sunak rivals in the labor party on the 4th of July it looks very likely that it will be labor leader kiss starma walking into 10 Downing Street as the new prime minister St has repeatedly criticized Liz truss's disastrous reforms and Boris Johnson's lies nevertheless he's completely walked back on his earlier support for a referendum on rejoining the EU and he remains committed to an economic approach grounded in austerity in the same way that David Cameron once waved that note stating that there was no money left K stama has repeatedly used Liz truss's trashing of the economy as a reason to scale back his promises his Manifesto retains most of the conservatives cuts to welfare has a much less ambitious approach to tackling climate change than he once promised and suggests the party will promote further privatization of the NHS in fact where you would think an election campaign would mostly revolve around the two main parties criticizing each other over their specific plans for government the current contest has largely consisted of each party criticizing the other for daring to want to spend any money which is a problem because after 14 years of cuts and mismanagement the UK needs investment and lots of it last year one researcher at The Institute for Public Policy suggested that the UK had contracted a debilitating case of investment phobia in which the government refuses to invest in infrastructure which leads to businesses not wanting to invest either combine that with the country having been cut off from its closest training partners and a crisis of trust and politics and you end up with a country that feels so much poorer than it once did fixing that is going to be one hell of a task and the challenge for K starma is that if he can't make a very real difference to people's lives pretty quickly then he might find that his party's popularity is pretty shortlived as many of you will know the UK election isn't the only election taking place this year in November our American friends will also be Pokémon going to the polls to elect the next president of the United States and I'm going to be heading over to the US to cover it in fact if you're watching this video shortly after it comes out there's a good chance I'm currently either in Milwaukee chatting to Folks at the Republican National Convention or scooting around the US on my way to New York Washington Florida and a handful of other places to chat to some people there the filming that I'm going to be doing whilst I'm out there is all for my upcoming featurelength documentary Boomers Boomers is going to be the biggest thing that I've ever made it's being produced by nebula the Creator own streaming service that I've been part of for the past few years that means that it's got a much larger budget than we're usually able to work with which is how I'm able to spend the best part of 3 weeks tracking around the US it's also allowing me to work with some incredible creatives we've got a brilliant producer and cinematographer and editor and Motion Graphics guy um it's a real proper film as you might have guessed Boomers isn't just about the current US election it might Begin by talking about the somewhat Advanced stage of the current Main candidates one of whom is actually too old to be a baby boomer but it uses this as the jumping off point to ask much bigger questions about age and politics and wealth and inequality it explores how the Baby Boomers the largest generation of humans ever to be born in the global North were able to use the strength of numbers that they had to rebuild our politics and economy to work in their favor it asks what Legacy they're leaving to their children the new challenges that are going to emerge as the Boomers themselves get even older and what those of us in younger Generations might have to do to clean up after them as I mentioned Boomers is a nebula original production and some of you might already know a little bit about nebula it's a collaboration between myself and a whole bunch of other creators including Wendover Productions legal legal and H bom guy alongside allowing you to watch all of our usual videos at free we're currently unleashing our master plan to take on Netflix and Apple TV by by creating a catalog of Premium professionally produced original films and series Jesse gender short film identities released just the other day and people are already loving that we've got a short film by philosophy tubes Abby Thorn called Drcula's ex-girlfriend which just wrapped and the boys from Wendover Productions have an ingenious new game show called The Getaway which is about to come out which I can tell I'm going to be absolutely obsessed by Boomers is going to be releasing exclusively on nebula later this year here but if you want to get in early and be able to watch identities and the getaway and all of the Fantastic catalog of stuff which is already on there whilst also supporting the project and you can do so now by signing up to nebula using my personal link go.
nebula. com Nicholas that link gets you access to 40% off an annual plan so that you can watch all of that amazing stuff for just $2. 50 a month we also now offer life plans which have proven really popular these give you lifetime access to everything that's ever released on nebula for a onetime fee I'd really love for Boomers to be just the first of many of these kind of big Productions that I'm able to make and if people sign up to watch it nice and early then that proves that there's some kind of demand for it um so that link again is go.
nebula. com Nicholas thank thank you so much uh and yeah I can't wait to tell you more about that soon thank you so so much for watching this video I hope you found it enjoyable or interesting in some way uh all that's left for me to do now is to say a quick thank you to my top tier supporters over on patreon those wonderful people are agent Maxwell Al figart Alexander Blan Alan Gan Amit sing paraha Bill Mitchell Christopher Cowan dickon Spain Fiasco Linguini Gabriel Co Gary Glen sugon Glenn sugden sorry Jimmy Dunn Lisa Yan Neil zard Richard Richard rapoon Sergio Suarez sfia R yimon zc Reese Zoe alen jaraba and strange weekend if you'd like to join those wonderful people in getting uh access to scripts to these videos um some sneak peeks of whatever I'm working on next uh my weekly Blog the Friday update in which I say what we've been up to uh and a bunch of other stuff then you can find out how to do so at patreon.
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