praise the Lord raise your hands wherever you are raise your hands wherever you are the Eternal Rock of Ages you that sit in the circumference of yourself we decree and declare that today this testimony Sunday something big is happening everywhere that mantos are being dropped and people are picking them in the name of Jesus I decree and declare to everyone that is here that your testimon is now you are no longer next in line for a testimony you are first in line for that testimony raise your hands and begin to decree it over your life
begin to decree it over your life you can do better than this begin to decree it over your life raise your voice for [Music] for [Music] glory be to God I speak under the influence of my voice which is the voice of God somebody under the influence of my voice now Destinies are being altered changes are taking place testimonies are being written testimonies are being written satanic warehouses are being destroyed we break into satanic warehouses remove all that you lost in the name of Jesus somebody under the influence of my voice is sing a new
day in Jesus might name we pray glory be to God [Music] hallelujah the book of Ephesians chapter number six make sure you heard me saying read the Bible I never said sit down honor is a very important thing you can kneel down before your pastor but you can't sit down when the word is being read there's a problem that means you worshiping your pastor verse number 10 I want to start from verse number 10 are you ready are you ready it says finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his
mighty finally in other words I'm I'm putting a conclusion be strong in the Lord and in the power of his mighty mhm put on the whole arm of God that you may be able now notice put on the whole arm of God that you may be able to stand against the Wes of the enemy are you getting this if you look closely you realize that the armor of God only covers the front never the back the trick there is in the word put on and that word put on is the word endure it means to
wear to drown in it that means the armor you drown inside it you are heavily protected heavily guarded heavily defended God protected put on the whole arm of God that's not what where we are going are you getting this where you may be able to stand against the wires of the devil MH for we wrestle not this is it I said this is it for we wrestle not against his flesh and blood every entity you are fighting there is something powering it turn to your neighbor say if you don't feel the force to pray someone
is forcing you not to pray if you don't feel the force to pray that means there is a force that is forcing you not to pray for we wrestle not against his flesh and blood you can sit down now par it's good to see you you you look wonderful I want you to understand that there are things that are happening in life today that are due to different entities that the church is not used to I wish I wish I was in London or something notice what the scriptures are saying it's saying for we wrestle
not against his flesh and blood that means any entity that looks like flesh and blood even though they are putting a fierce battle against you they are not responsible it might be your uncle it might be your sister it might be an auntie all of them are being forced by a certain entity to fight you they might not know it but there is something forcing them you might be looking at me like that and it looks gloomy this message but at the end of this one there is a Deliverance for somebody I came here for
just a few minutes but after those few minutes your deliverance will be sure your Miracle will be definite signed sealed and delivered it shall be yours one of the most hated services on Earth is Spirit Ember Sunday service because demons know they are not they are not safe somebody here is killing a demon sit down in a few minutes ah I feel this thing for we wrestle not against flesh and blood so anything that is flesh might be your husband might even be your wife might be a girlfriend might be a boyfriend might be a
boss might be a manager sitting on your contract oh it might be a PRM manager human resources manager somebody who should recruit you and is sitting on your kurriculum V they are not responsible there is something something let me explain before you are denied a visa to America there is a spiritual immigration officer who has denied you now you see see you're missing [Music] it all the crying you have oh I needed to go to China I didn't get a Visa I needed to go to Britain I didn't get a Visa say ma'am you think
it's the British government no there is another copy of the British government which is spiritual which is denied you before the interview by the end of this service and it's going to be very short by the end of this short service somebody here will be walking on water somebody here will be changing water into water somebody here will sit down see down I'm I'm about to show you something I'm about to show you something and I wish you could listen because it is very very powerful important is a important message hear this hear this but
again is principalities M again is Powers those ones are not even dangerous the most dangerous one is the againest rulers all these demons have high ranks over rulers but rulers control a territory or control a situation let me explain to you rulers have a throne no no you're missing it what what it means is if you notice John was crying looking for somebody who could open the book and and the Bible says as he was crying something came an elder came from the throne and said why are you crying I have the information because rulers
Co rule with God but there are also rulers in the spiritual real who co- rule with the with Satan so these on sit on Thrones when you meet a ruler you are meeting a COR Satan you are meeting an assistant Satan this ones are not like demons they are demonic in nature but they possess a certain power that they can make rules on their own create their own Constitution apart from the ones demons are working on these ones are not the ones you say out in the name of Jesus and they go so most pastors
meet rulers in their churches and they do 3 hours to cast out a ruler because rulers have Thrones they are seated in a certain location I want to show you something I wish you could understand [Applause] this so when you meet a ruler you are in trouble how do I notice the presence of a ruler in my life consistency and Persistence of a case over your life is a sign of a ruler you don't know why in your every time you find a job they will fire you you don't know why you don't know why
in your family every time somebody gets married they divorce then your sister gets divorced your mother gets divorced then your father encourages your sister come back home you don't know why because you're thinking it's a demon so you are busy casting out a demon when it's a ruler your sister is not married you are not married your uncle is not married your parents divorced you think it's just some pattern listen the consistence and Persistence of a pattern determine the presence of a ruler in your life you are not hearing me so come here [Applause] a
no one in your family has ever gotten money yet no one and sometimes I call them almost Miracles have you ever had an almost Miracle the man was bringing 20,000 then then then just somebody just Disturbed it they were about to sign a contract and then then then this happened I was about to get married then my father died I was about to get the job but but then then then my sister then it's always an almost Miracle that's a persistence and consistence of a pattern every time you see a pattern in your life you're
not dealing with a demon anymore demons are quick to notice the name of Jesus out in the name of Jesus the sons of scav were sons of priests they said out in the name of Jesus whom in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches the demon said we not Paul we know Jesus who are you because it wasn't just a demonic entity it was a demon that control the territory it possesses secrets of your family this is not a generational caser no this is a demon that studies your family and sees that families prosper in
this way and they break that every time every time there is a breakthrough they cut it every time there's a breakthrough they cut it I wish I'm talking to somebody who is experiencing something like that ah this type of spirits don't need a pastor sir they don't need an evangelist no they don't need a teacher no they don't even need an apostle this has nothing to do with church management this needs somebody with an eye that can look into the future gaze into the future somebody who can travel into the future and get there before
you get there and it doesn't even require a prophet it needs more than a prophet the Bible says it this way Moses and the prophets huh Moses was a prophet but when God described him he said Moses and the prophets that means this is a prophet but beyond a prophet one these are territorial commanders people that get into the territory destroy whatever is there remove it before you even do whatas sit down consistence and persistence will prove that there is something powering now if your case is powered from a throne you are in danger because
rulers sit on a throne demons are free roaming they have no territory they just nudge and go on a c and crunch on a case they know this is the case you are experiencing they are demons for this they are demons for this they are demons for that addiction they can go there but the moment it becomes a ruler it sits on a throne let me tell you something why do you think that the Bible is written years back even in Canada America Jamaica Africa South Africa in Africa all this Asia if somebody reads it
can get born again today whether they are in the toilet or in a good hotel why because there is a throne room powering that message so nothing can stop that thing from happening so you can stand there and be born again in this church you can be walking down the street and be born again why there is a throne power in that message this one it doesn't matter you get money today in whatever country demons don't know access they don't know you have gone to another country you can be in Britain you can be in
America no marriage will come you can take yourself from this same Africa travel to a country where they say they love women there hey you can wear any type of minis sket a SK that ends where it starts it doesn't matter they will look at you and go like this you wonder but I've also put on makeup lipstick is there nicely why are they not looking at me there is an asset there is an economy powering your first not to be seen let me tell you something a spirit that hides names look in the Bible
the Bible says it this way and there was a certain woman what what about the name where is the name and there was a certain man the situation of the man he had taken over his name so nobody would know have you ever been at work and you solve a problem huh you solve a problem and everyone is going wow wow joh JN is so marvelous then a meeting for rewards comes and the manager said we had a problem last week Peter solved the issue you look around the boss is serious it's Peter but it
was John on you are just sitting there going like no no manager tell him tell him please there is a spirit that hides names your name will never surface your face will never surface no matter what you do it doesn't surface in the mighty name of Jesus there is a reverse taking place right now all around the world as you watch me there is a revers s i see sit down sit down tell me Jews don't even believe in Jesus Christ Jews to this day they don't most of them don't 90% over 90% don't believe
in Jesus yet there was one rule they are a chosen people a throne spoke that the Jews are chosen so their unbelief is not affecting their prosperity because an economy is powering their life have you not seen people that you you know this one does not pray like me even in this service right now I can be ministering right now and I say prophetic prophetic time I'll look at you like this and move to another person like this h [Applause] you wonder why why I'm also dressed like them even if you bring that blue nice
nice uniform of yours I got past you even smile even high five you like this and go to another in prophesy someone is crying they said not today not [Applause] today what's really taking place do you think you can compete with the Queen of England she's dead now there is a secret that she even refused to take some of the medications that she had she was tired of sleeping tired you know when you get tired like I need to go to get lazy to breathe you you'll be 20 dying what causes God to look at
people and save them and ignore others why is it that Steven is being stoned and God stands up from the throne to inspect the damage yet countries are burning Villages are dying and nobody stands up to inspect the V the the damage yet you you you are suffering every day no it seems as if God is not there the the more you pray the more distant he becomes I'm going this side this is not working this side this side is complaining too much complaining sit down listen to me that King James Bible you read every
day that was the Queen's family that gave it to you that became their Throne you cannot do nothing to that family ah people were angry we had Charles the moment Charles was put in place everyone King Charles King Charles you wonder why there are things that he himself can't control it will be a crusade here and will be my monitoring somebody's mother who did something for a preacher somewhere someday will be in their family doing something one service he was even smoking before he came to church and you see the preacher just going straight to
him he has all this nonsense the clothes are shabby he even smells alcohol alcohol and the preacher says God is going to take you to Hype HH this one he's my friend now I know he's he's crazy there is a throne powering it your situation will bow I said your situation will will bow your situation will bow even you men in your whole family the most useless one seems to be loved by the family you you you are like but I'm the one who is doing all these things have you noticed that you can go
home and they say you are the one with money they say oh let's wait for brother so and so he he the one who controls the family h what money has he added to the family even during funerals they will choose that one different Thrones are powering people but we are sitting down thinking there is something greater there are things that are powering people now this is why it's so dangerous to fight men you don't know which Throne is powering them you might fight the wrong one at the wrong time I speak to everyone here
as a prophet not just as a man as a prophet I speak to you this is dangerous you have to receive this one I eradicate every Throne every Throne every altar every Power every Dominion every stronghold hear me well are you hearing sit down sit down some of the things that makes you a victim of somebody's evil Throne powering them is Association who is your friend who are you moving with every day listen do you know Jonah in the Bible Jonah was sent to another country and went to another country he was supposed to go
to nin and went to tashes maybe some people think these are spiritual places no it's simply Iraq and Spain he's supposed to go to Iraq he went to Spain that's it so when you have n vashish seem like some spiritual location see I hear people going like you know when God took the soil in heaven no it was in Israel the soil that was formed by God to create Adam yeah I know what you're thinking you're seeing him in heaven sitting on his throne where will he get the soil the heaven soil to listen to
this Jonah is in that location is's on the boat nobody in the boat knew him they did not know his parents he even paid the fair to get to dashes but the but began to rock everyone in the B is being rocked with Jonah but we understand what Jonah is going through and Jonah knows the issue they were troubled until they asked something is wrong in this place and Jonah was fair enough to say I think it's me but notice before he left before they threw him they lost Goods there is money you lost not
because you were supposed to lose it but because of an association with somebody who is an alter in the throne fighting them ah imagine one day you get involved in an accident just because the dri has a throne I said there a throne fighting them you don't know the Dynamics of God to the point where you think you just safe wherever you are going yourself who is driving you do you know the pilot the plane you are on do you know the pilot even if they announc the pilot yes our captain today is this but
are you able enough to cancel the altar in the Throne of the pilot are you strong enough they can make the road clean today the whole road is clean nicely like the roads in this country have been fixed now they can make the road okay you get involved in exent you won't understand why you are not even the one driving because somebody else has a throne fighting them you just want to go to China to buy Goods to put in your shop but somebody is fighting the pilot sit down listen there is a dark World
out here if you need a personal shooter you need a personal doctor why don't you need a personal Prophet oh I know did I say that out [Applause] loud you are too busy you know if if I move you from this location to another housing estate do you know what you do you want to look for the best school for your kids is there are we near a hospital mhm are we near a supermarket but do you even sit down and say are we near the prophet spiritually are we close to the prophet are we
close to somebody who can see and hear and know ah sit down I told you the truth I have a book on this it's called greater than magic it's coming very soon let me tell you something the Christianity that you are practicing now in fact 99.999999% of all Christians have not seen the real Christianity the Christianity we are practicing is an imitation of a very bad copy I dare to say it is a lie it is simply a conglomeration affects points from motivational speakers sprinkled with a little bit of scripture and lies and lies over
Lies Over other lies of non-existent experiences that the preacher never had have you noticed every General who stands there arrest five people from the dead has videos that predate the death he's saying he raised people but we don't have videos for him raising the Dead do you realize they say they did all these things there was somebody who had no leg I laid my hands on that the leg grew and the leg came out here has all the videos of everything else except that one because we know one thing about scripture it says many are
those who will believe without seeing oh so the throne spoke that if you want people to believe don't prove to them just tell them a story they will believe now that's the other effect of that one and there is of course the meaning of this verse but there is the opposite meaning of this that means people like being told have you ever been with your friend and somebody tells you you know yesterday I was in in Zambia and we did this and we did this and and you're all goinging wow wow then you leave with
your friend and your friend says Ah what what what Apostle did in Zambia last week powerful people with no fingers they came back did you see it yes we were there with him yet they were told they they will skip the part that they were told men like stories women more women are affected by stories by news just go to one and say I love you like a pop in a Gua tree they will be laughing laughing laughing the next minute ah just words simple stupid words they they are in do you know why because
their only PO is on their mouth physically men were created stronger of course we have some weak ones those ones fell the conveyor belt when God was creating real men but you understand we have we have the general thing even biologically men are stronger so you are strong on your body you are strong on your frame so that you protect the woman but the woman now everything else is not as strong as a man so the only thing that they can use is this so when you accuse them for gossip they're just using what comes
naturally to them oh I knew I knew this would not like me so I go here I'm trying to praise you women but uh it's getting very difficult now so the biggest and the very best evangelist you can find is a woman that's why when Jesus died and resurrected it is is only a woman that saw it first oh you're not hearing what I'm talking about why cuz there is a power Jonah does this and it kills the prosperity of the people that were carrying their own Goods maybe that was their business they were meance
carrying things from one location to the other from Israel to Spain but there is a problem the people that are on the same boat with them have something fighting them imagine the time of Mary how the Bible spoke that a virgin shall give birth to the Messiah and everyone in Israel wants to give birth to the Messiah but some women are not crossing their legs so that means you made yourself exempt from the prophetic word because there is a throne powering your family to sleep with every man that now the moment you lose your virginity
you're no longer a candidate to give birth to Jesus do you notice the prophets of Mary never carried the name Mary that means it was possible for the wife to the woman to be called Teresa Susan it wasn't meant to be Mary that's why the Bible says highly favored if she was highly favored she highly did not deserve but when she heard the prophetic word she knew I have to get my source to power me some people are being powered negatively that even if there is a prophecy you abought your own prophecy by your actions
and the prophecy said okay for those that remain virgins maybe let's say 1,000 remained virgins there was still another prophecy Jesus is from the root of David so he's from Judah so the father should be from Judah so when you see that now you can't have a boyfriend from Simeon you can't have a boyfriend from the house of Benjamin you can't so the first time a man stops you stop there you go like which family do you the moment they say Benjamin you say no no no no no I'm not doing that I don't get
from that family I'm sorry there is a prophetic way you need to cancel out Thrones you're not getting what I'm trying to say 1 Chronicles First Chronicles I want to give you first Chronicles marandos 1 Chronicles chapter number four 1 Chronicles chapter number four verse number one are you getting this are you getting this one 23 let's read the sons of Judah farz hez Kami shabal let's go Andrea let's go Raise Your Voice son of jaah beget J uhhuh jahad beget aumai and lahad these are the families of the zorah heits just imagine your girlfriend
called zorah height how are you zorah height you are going to see them here and these were the father of what atam jezel ishma idash and the name of their sister was hon now if you if he was from these days go back to three if she was from this she would be called helzel it's only the family who know you Asel let's go and P the father of ghetto and he said the father of Usha these are the sons of a the firstborn of ephata and the father of Bethlehem and Asha the father of
teoa and two wives Hela and Nar you notice there is nothing written about them there is a throne fighting their existence imagine your life do you know if you die today we will cry today by by afternoon will be telling jokes eating even with the toothpick going like this oh he was funny play around with death people will forget you the next minute they pain pain is something pain can go like this then they wait for two more months and then they think of you they remember I remember my father I remember what he told
me about my grandfather maybe three or four stories that's it if you ask me about my grandfather I know three or four stories that's the end of it I don't know nothing else what about what his father know nothing zero but what causes Kenneth to look like he's still alive Whata causes TB Joshua to look like you can even go to Nigeria and meet him is it a video you are playing around there are Thrones powering these people that they will still be alive even if they are dead you will not be forgotten in a
few minutes I'll be finished listen sit down you need to be in a location where your throne is powering you that every time they talk about you they say if it wasn't for that man our family would be broke to this day ah I speak to someone here I see you now I said I speak to someone here something under the influence of my voice is changing amen let's go raise your hands and begin to decree begin to decree begin to decree it Jesus might name we pray BOS I told you hear this sit down
sit down let's proceed andara are you there andar be him aam and he and T and hry they were the sons of Nara and the sons of hel zerth and jeah and are you getting this imagine just your history carries you with the name that's it that's it done nothing You' have done who remembers right now we are being taught by the Bible the history of these people and we don't know what they did do you know who je who jez is is the son of hel do you know ethnan what did he achieve do
you do you see this do you think it's fair that all your sweat all your labor the children you give their children's children don't even know you you don't know your great grandfather's name you right now the name forget about what he did the name you don't do you know why he was useless I refuse to be useless I refuse I refuse to be useless ah I said I refuse Ean Ethan is dead if you go to Israel not even his bones are known nowhere but go to Israel right now David's grave is there they
go to view it they pay money to see the grave Samuel's grave is still there they will tell you this is the location where Moses stopped the Moon Over the Valley of aalon and you've been the valley of aalon they say this is aalon Sir so wow this is aalon yes aalon what about you you die like Ean you'll be like zerth you don't understand altars how do I not become this because you are ignoring that they are Thrones powering your enemity with God there are Thrones powering you to prosper in a negative Direction you
are prospering in managing demons everything about your life fails no matter what what you try some of us we have Thrones fighting US ah it will look like we are down for two weeks for one week when we come with the promotion boom ahh you see you see you think I I look around when I see when I see people say oh Angel is no longer an ambassador and they just put it there do do you think when when when people who are concerned like men of God and other politicians call me say what is
this do you think I'm concerned I know he a it's a throne I fought way back I'm still here I'm still an ambassador the issue with you is which Ambassador the African one or the Zimbabwean one both of them nobody fired me from [Applause] anywhere sit down and as if if that is not there I'm an ambassador of Heaven bigger than anything that one I never get fired I will never be removed sit down and let me just explain to you some because I know you let me just explain to you here as my children
so you understand there is nobody who gets fired from being an ambassador an ambassador is a lifetime she said people don't know don't know politics even when you resign you're still an ambassador even when you die they said that's the grave of the Ambassador you you you just weak you don't know [Applause] politics you can be removed from functioning in a location like you an ambassador of America they remove you from America but you're already it's a lifetime title nobody gets from there same thing as the prophetic you can be voted out out as a
politician no one can vot me out of Prophecy I'm the leader of it I control this space I run this [Applause] joint do you know why I never looked for anyone who is better than me in Prophecy do you know why because there's [Applause] nobody sck is [Applause] mine all these who are prophesying are [Applause] children they are young men I challenge [Applause] any sit down they are mistaken they don't know who I am in the prophetic no say no I'm a throne there I'm very sharp prophetically more than any human alive now here they
sit down you have a video you have a video of Rodin Howard Brown saying I've never seen anyone like this and I've seen revivals number one Prophet cobas said since the times is on video since the times of William Branham no man has ever existed like you better enjoing the prophetic that's sit down let's go to Pastor Chris what did he say the most remarkable Prophet to Christianity in this generation let's go to you bet angel I'm simply number one sit [Applause] [Music] down sit down the prophetic is not about calling somebody's name I'm number
one there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] too sit [Applause] down the prophetic is not about that it's about being a keeper of the secrets of God it's about keeping Generations alive how big you are in the prophetic is about how many people congregate trying to get your distribution and dispensation your distributions of the prophetic to Generations is more than calling a name real prophetic leadership is understanding the times and seasons of what God is doing in the time Seasons prophets are are Elders in the the spirit they are witnesses it's not about your name is John your
friend you ate beans last night we do that it's about being crossover leaders have you noticed how men of God and I still call them men of God because I respect them how men of God are commenting on something that they don't know how do who gives you the power to comment on politics when you have never held a political office stick to stealing people's money behind the [Applause] pullit how do you know what an ambassador does how do you know who told you what we do in our country who told you why are you
commenting you are in Nigeria you're commenting about Zimbabwe youve no no idea what we do here so you you are you a majistrate you a magistrate if a country's laws say you are not guilty what does it mean it means you're not guilty so how can you be guilty by a Nigerian by a Nigerian standard yet Zimbabwean say you're not you're not guilty hey it's nonsense it's called I call it spiritual diarrhea they have no brain inside you cut it you'll find poop inside I told you I'm a prophet 100% I fight fire by [Applause]
fire how if you wake up and you know what what the prophetic is all about have you noticed the people that are correcting the prophetic don't prophesy they say yes we can prophesy do it me I have a lot of money if I want to buy a house I can buy buy sit down it's so easy to shout can I prophesy it is the prophets that is difficult and when you now know the details of a person you say can I prophesy the next question is can you pay busy commenting on something they have no
idea they know everything the Islamic move is against the prophetic and they will do anything to discredited and it is the Christians that's why we die because of lack of knowledge we don't know the move of Thrones how Thrones are fueling Islam to take over that is a consistent thing it's a move do you understand what a God stands for is a demonic entity it is even connected to other religions you know the god the real animal called God the satanic symbol is a God so when they decided we need everybody to speak about our
God they created greatest of all time so every Christian is saying I'm the God I'm the god even me I'm the God so the god becomes so powerful and yet if you look at the symbols of Satanism the God is the animal they use so now you're post posting it on your profile as a god very smart what they are doing so when Islam's main reality is there is no other Prophet but Muhammad what will they do they formulate an organization to follow what is called the prophet to the generation to the prophet of the
dispensation so that they can discredit him but they advertised him within four weeks we had gained almost what 1,000 members 1,000 Prophet four weeks four weeks which is one I'm not talking about other branches I'm talking about Harari [Applause] only that's in 30 days over 1,000 joined during their Onslaught what happened churches were full to capacity increasing in number we grew by over 40% the whole Ministry I [Applause] don e e e not M [Applause] mus what do you think how come in your family you have never created not even a dollar you see Christianity
is losing mileage on one thing we are not taking over political rules and political roles and political Thrones we're not we are sited there just speaking in tongues do you understand for Jesus to be removed from the throne it needed a senator sit down down they had to go and ask a senator who believed in Jesus give us the right to remove Jesus from there politics was important for your own Lord and Savior to be removed from the throne without that politician rising from the grave was going to be impossible the prophets would have said
rising from the cross a potic Ian they asked the politician and then the politician provided the grave you play around with politics it is important I speak now not only to this house but to every Christian out there take over listen to me now take over political Ru roles in your nation I'm speaking to politic to to people right now right now raise your hands I speak now by the authority of the spirit every Christian there don't be lazy don't Listen to Crazy Apostles whose main duty is to steal money from people by lies and
lies and lies lying about experiences they never had listen to me now take political roles take over be an MP be a governor be the president of your [Applause] country in the name name of Jesus I decree and declare if you are not into this spiritual cannibalism and political cannibalism fights and fights and fights and you're only here for Jesus take over roles in your country be a governor be a deacon who is a governor a mayor an MP join the legislation be part of the legislation Draft rules for your country that will not affect
Christianity in the mighty name of Jesus you are given the power to do so now in the name of Jesus be a crossover leader in Jesus [Applause] name sit down and some of you have a problem you think only after during elections I can get a position no there are many political position positions that don't need an election well is we want you to be accountants but why don't you control that location in a political arm what did I say in a what in a political Arm Control that location control that environment control it take
over don't listen to foolishness the church is full of foolishness nowadays you see why it's easy because you know if I if I don't speak about yber angel my life is not interesting as a pastor but yber Angel is more interesting and it's got thousands and millions of followers if I speak against him people will run and say what is he saying what is he say it's always nice always nice to speak about the person who is above you it's always nice why would you talk about somebody lower than you or equal to you it
doesn't make sense you promote them but the moment you speak to somebody about somebody who is bigger than you ah everyone wants to know what are you saying what are you saying when I do like this people say angel are so angry I'm passionate sir I don't get anchored by [Music] Fus I'm passionate for Christians to be called the president of that country is this the president of that country is a Christian the president of that country is a Christian and I'm in a real Christian not by name cuz it is not by power of
by Mighty but by the spirit this is why people who are Christians when they get into Power you wonder where they Christians the rules that they implement the things that because it is by the spirit so you need the Holy Ghost filled person to F the position of governor of Mayor of counselor now since those ones are electable ones you have to be elected to be there there are also others that are any departments that are being advertised even the council is advertising in your country the government is advertising for location that don't need any
election just need your CV oh if it needs my CV sir who is going to help me there is an altar there is a throne and it has been created right this minute and it's powering you now sit down I want to show you something I was with pastoras and I'm I called him went to a certain location I said pray here he prayed in that location when I said when you are about when you finish you will see what will happen there as he was living just my house here under a tree I said
go and pray there I pray there myself go and pray there you know what happened half of the tree fell in the middle P fell it's true Baba the following day the people he was competing with came to him and said sir which witch did you use true they said they went to to to mamb and paid money what witcraft did you said I use a prophet said no there is no Prophet who can be able to re that what we did it's true you you you think you think this is some some joke we
are doing there is a throne m there's a th Throne that God has placed Us in it is speaking for you now no one will kill you in the name of Jesus no one will kill you hey not one will kill you you will fulfill your calling now some of you have never seen even 10,000 in your bank account never seen 5,000 never seen 2,000 never seen 3,000 never seen 1,000 never your whole life never seen it you have never seen it even if you save you know is never going to come you have never
seen money you to listen you'll be working with somebody who is lower than you you live in the same neighborhood your house rate is lower but they seem to be having a car now you don't your salary is the same what has happened that's why the Bible says I will rebuke the Devourer for your sake meaning to say there is an entity called a devorer that steals money amen you you're not getting me there is a devour that takes money from you all right I want to ask a question have you ever gone into town
and you've got like $100 and you just buy something for $60 when you go home you go count the money you'll be thinking wait a minute I know I can account for $30 but what did the other $30 what did I buy it can be $5 you will not know what you bought it you you look everywhere you know you were in the car you never left everything you bought it was by the window you got the goods you have the money you can count it $65 where is the 35 H where is the $5
what happened there is a throne powered to take your money it knows every angle to steal money look at how beautiful you are your friend is married that crazy one I don't want to say much only prostitutes are being married and you're not you already know this is a prostitute this one and the lady is not even joking about it she knows she's a prostitute she advertises a assets on Instagram three months of your prayer line prayer time the moment you pray for three months fasting the following day of finishing your fast that prostitute is
now getting married and this is not something like the men didn't know this one is a prostitute no the men knew this is a prostitute how come proes are getting married see you're here you're looking like this the way you prayed if even your husband is with is now divorcing you for a very ugly woman you look in the mirror you wonder what did he see check your father it's the same check your mother it's the same your unle is the same your brother is the same your sister is the same there is a throne
being powered you can't sleep ma' you can't someone called me and said why can't you sleep I wake up 2:00 a.m. I find you 4:00 a.m. I find you I say some of our battles are many so we don't we don't we don't we don't like sleeping we have developed the pattern of no sleep not because we are troubled but we are awake some of you don't even like prayer you hate it you don't like prayer at all but prayer is an opportunity to fire bullets to fire missiles and I told you before imagine you
wake up one day you are in the Army the Zimbabwean Army the British army the American Army and you are in uh Congo or you are in a location where you're doing peacekeeping or you are in Kenya fighting the AL shabab or you are in Iraq fighting whatever let's say aleda and you wake up you you hear firing bullets are flying over your head you go like ah today I'm tired I will not hold a gun today what do you think will happen you are smart you are smart so prayer is like that every morning
even if no one is firing just wake up RAB [Applause] [Music] and don't start with this l d love d t go machine gun to start with put the heavy [Applause] guns [Applause] let the devil go I've not even shot nothing react why are you reacting like this the devil should just wake up being shorted for no reason you know the devil is not afraid he even tempted Jesus and after Jesus resisted him look at what the Bible says the devil left him for a little while huh The God Who created him said no I'll
come back I'm not finished what about you from you from CH here in so you think the devil is going to be like yeah yeah I've been shuted I'm not I'm not coming back again no just shoot him for no reason when I was sit on when I was in doing my all level we had a teacher called Mr mtori had a school called s Anton and a guy would walk like this so we could see his face bouncing through the you know by the windows as he's coming like this I was with him stand
up I was in the same class with him yes sir and you'll be just doing like this then when he gets in the classroom you just go for no reason then he ask you a question what is oral tradition yes sir we have not even answered the way you answer that one you'll be sitting there say he's coming this direction my God I'm going to answer no matter what you could even beat the whole class for no reason now we had one Cod remember Mas yes sir the guy would just go say say what did
you get you say 10 out of 10 then he says you you say two out of 10 you why did he not teach him yes sir you are in trouble whether you are good or you are bad that's exactly what we need to do with the Devil he's in trouble whether he's good today or he's bad he's in trouble because we know his goodness has an intention that is BN shout be the devil whether he's good or bad because every time the devil is good he has bad intentions I preached a message one time called
when when a liar tells the truth when a liar you know this one is a liar but you know he's telling the truth today something is wrong in that truth don't be like wow wow he's telling the truth started telling the truth now no wait for two weeks you will see why he told you the truth sit down have you seen people that that will report the the husband to the wife and go like ma'am you know I'm not saying anything but your husband as a girlfriend you see it's just to help you ah what
do you think is going to happen to this woman she's going to be like oh my God Pastor Nasha was helping me no way she will think you are helping but the whole marriage is rigged how are you today momam I saw your husband by the corner there around 1:00 a.m. hey I'm just helping you you think it's help you think it's help turn to your neighbor say when a liar tells the truth be careful so whether the devil is good or bad that day we should beat him up why you are the devil that's
why we are beating you what is happen I don't know but I'm going to beat you that's what you should do with your prayer life every morning every afternoon when you think about it you might just be walking like this you say HHH I've been praying for money I need to fire the devila [Applause] even the devil knows I've been mashed up say down what Throne are you using did you realize you have a throne did you notice you have a throne but you're not using it cuz your idea is thinking as long as I
go to church on Sunday I'm fixed no when you leave the devil will be waiting for you outside to inspect whether there is a change in the church you know the demons that that that are outside the get now the ones you left before you the ones you left in the car they were afraid to enter here they are simply waiting we just wait for you to come back when you go there they say m one will be waiting there one will be informing the others like ah 50% chance we can get in he's still
there cuz while is we are preaching like this you're on your Whata yes I'm just I'm just I'm about to come now don't worry I know when he does like this is is about to round out so it's very very soon and the person is watching say but but he's he has not even taken the offering yet so the time for service is not over you go like no relax I'm now now and you're busy and you miss your Revelation because every allotment of time there is an assortment of possibilities a conglomeration of opportunities based
on deliberations of Spirits so it means every time you are given there are demons allocated to that time for you to fall and they are meeting right now discussing that this this three hours from service to finish this ones what is happening we need five demons to confuse him when it comes out that's it that's all the demons are waiting for just for you to suffer and you don't know it you don't know their discussions do you know job if you read the book of job you will see it first Chronicles that part this what
there that one that we dealt with quickly because of time it is 1 Chronicles chapter number four are we still there let's go to seven eight and Co anob Z and the families of a the son of Harum and jabes was more honorable than his Brethren ahh all this was [Music] jabz was better than all of them you bet Angel my [Applause] God a as for you Angel he took over the world that preacher from other countries would fight him to gain relevance that's me they can't finish the whole service without talking about me and
they talk about me by name now what can they do now Pastor Chris the Apostle to a generation do you think Pastor Chris is just accepting everything I do yes good it's good pastor Chris shouted me shouts P Chris shouts at me if I do something off no you think it's just like oh my son thank you good good you are doing well no I didn't look for him for for prominence list say ma'am I fill up stadiums I went there when I was now filling up stadiums I didn't go there for a platform say
I have platforms I went there to Pastor Chris for my life my personal salvation me as a preacher I realized I needed something somebody to control this I had enough power to mess up my own life not only power power with authority you know submission is power under control the mistakes I'm making now are simply mean being trouble Troublesome but the reality is I looked for a father for me I knew he was my father way back and I tried to look for him I couldn't get a hold of him because I was too immature
I thought I needed him physically to hold his hand like this whereas I needed his message whatever he was preaching was for me have you noticed that the same people that fight youber angel will fight Pastor Chris and some of them will even support him and fight the son they want to be like him they can't be like him one recently started attacking healing School said no they the the ones who are sick simply need the word of God who do you think we are doing at the healing School you think we're we're teaching them
to to fall we are teaching them the word of God concerning healing same thing you are saying is the same thing we are doing there but because you're seeking relevance my team showed me today a man that I respected with everything in me trying to tear down healing School healing school this healing school this I said do you do you know do you know the impact of that man called chrisom do you know the impact do you know at one time they distributed 22 billion r abs of realities do you understand 22 billion do you
know to print our own uh good news daily is 150 now just say 150 by 22 billion now you understand there are this is only one Department moving billions of dollars to give people the message for free and you hbed on a video recorder sitting in your chair say yes heing school is not biblical grow up yeah we just need the word of God that word of God is what we are preaching I've attended many healing schools there is nothing there that you can say oh it's off no just the word of God you see
when I'm preaching here I'm preaching about Thrones por ing even marriage even whatever do you think me preaching this would heal a person very rarely would did because the directed message that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God so if I preach the message on Prosperity faith on Prosperity is developed if I preach the message on healing faith on healing is developed so if I put people in one place and what you need right now sir what is your testimony that you need what you want God for to do for you
quickly because of time I don't have a mic I need fin break what do you want to do what do you want be specific one miracle I need a business few business business okay so if I preach about healing to this man that's off what he's here for so when you may God deliver it I receive I reive so if I I receive so if I put a people here that are seeking Prosperity I teach on principles of prosperity faith on that Prosperity why did I preach on Thrones today because God told me to but
Thrones cover almost everything because there are some sicknesses in your family that never leave your family you know your uncle died of heart attack your sister heart attack you also went to the hospital and they said there's a heart problem your grandmother died of heart attack you think it's just a genetic thing no there is a throne that is powering that sickness and if you don't deal with it it will deal with you today by your association with [Applause] me every Throne contrary to you is cancelled now every entity sitting on the throne against your
Prosperity is cancelled now something is taking place right this minute raise your hands begin to decree it begin to decree it over your life that it is done it is done it is done it is done it is done it is done it is it is done it is for might name sit down we're finishing in a few minutes now imagine imagine are you here imagine you're moving like this and let's say just today you find that your bank account is now carrying a certain amount you never thought it would [Applause] carry I was talking
to my daughter one time just a few days ago and I said what is your salary and she said some amount and I said that's the that's the price of my perfume so every time I walk past you and you go you are smelling your [Applause] [Music] salary refuse to be that broke I said refuse to be that broke refuse to be that broke from today onwards your account is caring a certain amount huh if the bank says we need a balance that stays here which is 200 go times 200% I want that one every
time it will be there Revelation 2 verse number 12 as you're standing or sitting down whatever you want I want you to see something very quickly I didn't want to read this and the angel of the church in pegamos right these things say the which at the sh up sword with two edges I Know Thy works are you getting this where thou dwellest even where Satan's seat is this is in Tey sit down between tur and Greece this is this thing it says even Satan put his physical Throne there one day when we mature in
the teaching field uh in the teaching rather lessons where you learn from a teacher of my caliber I will go down I'll go deeper right now I'm not going to do this otherwise I would gone deeper with this even tell you where the throne is who is the Pres in that country where is the throne where the devil is now on Earth sitting down now but I take my time because I'm trying to change the har Branch into a branch where you just receive teachings London is fixed they know teachings har Branch not yet so
I'm trying to get into my end which is teaching field but you have no time for this for now it's getting there bit by bit I'm very strategic in the things I'm mixing preaching and teaching at the same time so that at least you get to a point where I know oh now they want to know the effects then I give it to you very few people are teachers in Africa very few I don't think there are even five teachers in this country I don't know any real teacher I'm not talking about preacher here I'm
talking about a teacher I don't know any here in this country you see there's a big difference in me speaking my message slowly and giving you examples and because of how you grew up you think that's a teacher no it's dactic it's deep rarely a teacher rarely goes to the Old Testament you see remember I said I don't know any in this country I did not say they are not there me just me but I speak like Paul he said I me not the Lord but I'm a man to trust so what we have called
teachers are not teachers there are people who know how to just say some things give you examples and and and move up and down the stage and in your head they are teachers until one day you grow up and realize oh they're not teachers do you understand that when God visited me and took me to heaven he told me one statement he said we have seven prophets on Earth yes yeah in zimb alone you have more than 200 now he said we are only seven and now I know five I don't know the other two
seven I was given the names of the two I've not met them now imagine imagine how many people call themselves prophets says he made some that word some has a lot of connotation it means there is a selection it also means a few number he made some to be now because teachers are being Dr on us like a conveyor belt from the semetary sorry Seminary we think there are so many pastors no very few pastors some are simply doing the work of pastors some are doing the work of Apostles but they are not Apostles you
know you can do a little bit of accountant but doesn't mean to say you are an accountant I don't know whether you still have temporary teachers in Zimbabwe yes sir that means they are not teachers teachers they were just taken from all level just go there and do whatever so all of you what is my calling sir what is my calling let me tell you something some of the altars you are fighting is because you went into a calling that is not yours so you're trying to be a prophet when you're a teacher and you're
trying to be a teacher when you're an evangelist so consistently you feel like am I saying nobody teaches in Zimbabwe no they do but are they teachers no I agree with you they are temporary teachers they just came from all and then they were pushed into his class awaiting acceptance at the teachers college for them to go and learn how to teach are you flowing are you flowing trust me on this I was only told seven prophets and I have a lot of sons that prophesy a lot but I also know and I tell them
some of you are simply doing the work of a prophet you are not prophets oh yes they can call themselves prophets and stuff just like a temporary teacher calls himself a teacher are you flowing if you take an earth worm and you put him in the same place with snakes if you give it more life it will start thinking it's a snake looks the same white in color there are also snakes that are white don't be fooled there is a lot that is happening and when you allow a man to lay hands on you the
Bible says don't be a partaker of someone's sin so don't be quick to lay hands on something why because a throne has already laid hands on you but who is powering that hand that laid hands on you when you listen to these people saying I'm an apostle I'm an evangelist I do this the one uh God has given me this and they're very good at talking when you listen to that such things you are listening to a throne that powers a man and most fake people look [Applause] genuine trust me on it most fake people
look genuine a counter fate looks like the genuine not so it's a whole lot of talk there was a time where Pastor Chris was opposed every week on a daily basis for two years straight years people were on a broadcast opposing him attacking him saying all the kind of things that they were saying but the Vision that appeared to me that time I was doing with uh the bishop Kai and as we're dealing with it a vision that God showed me and he said this man here I have skipped a generation that was the death
of one General American General moris auru that's when God told me said I have skipped a generation to choose for me an apostle to a last dispensation and it is Pastor Chris who leads Christianity as an apostle to the last dispensation why do you think I had to rush and go like no matter what I know he's my father I said it over and over again on video everywhere now why you think our church is called Christ Embers yours is called Spirit Embers remember what I said I'm a member of Christ Embers you are a
member of spirit Embers why do you think it's so because I knew the time of the end is now and what are we looking for we are looking to put the church in order in the direction where it should go let me say this again Christianity in its form now is a lie it is a very bad imitation of the true thing this is what why Muslims are not convinced by you because they say they have a holy book called the Quran you say you have a holy book called The Bible then you argue on
points but in the Days of Elijah you say here is an altar the god that ANS by fire is the real God it wasn't about arguments C cereal exercise no it was power the kingdom of God is not what in word but in the demonstration of power these Apostles what they are bringing is an argument a division in the church fight this one fight Angel fight this one TI Joshua is not a man of God angel is a liar this one is fake sit down what nonsense you think I'm here to support passion Java let
me tell you something you get an apostle from somewhere a man from from from Zimbabwe somewhere just working up and say God told me Apostle Prophet passion Jabba is dying are you are you you are you crazy what has passion D done to you most of you are very stupid you think passion jav is crazy let me tell you one thing there is a plan to that [Applause] Madness sit down you think he's stupid you are the one with no house he is a house hous is to be infected you are the one with no
car he is a car cast to be now now you yes God has spoken to me God from Heaven sat down went to blow sit down with you and said sir you are going tell ja is going to [Applause] die then next minute you say passion Jaa is nothing if he is nothing so this God is spending all his time on a nothing telling you about a person who with nothing you don't know what passion was doing he has already caused you now to talk about him now your people now respect him now what happens
next week you'll be alive and what do you do and these people are very smart they say p ja is going to die unless we pray for him so if he doesn't die they say they prayed for him if he dies you say you see how sharp I was we cancel every death every plan of the enemy sit down okay let's agree let's say passion Java is a demon you are the Christian why don't you stop him and say sir stand here I want to remove the demon from you you might be shocked you are
the one with the demon it's nonsense the Christianity is a joke we face now is so Prophet about this one is dying this one is dying now next week this one is dying this celebrity is dying this one is dying how many times how many celebrities are in so many so if you say and a celebrity is dying what do you think will happen you think God is going to be like yeah I'm going to prove to you wrong I will stop all celebrities from dying one will die be specific tell us the day just
come out and say passion ja is dying on this day we say okay just wait we sit down if he does not die on that day the Bible says if a prophet does not come say something and doesn't come to pass hey a we will meet you I am not arguing that the person prophesied please fashion us with the debt do you know how difficult how easy it is to be popular as a prophet in this country just prophesy anything that the opposition part likes you'll be popular on Twitter not in reality just Twitter and
you are a big Prophet now I'm so tired of these people leave ja alone concentrate on your church your church has 50 members then God from Heaven is coming to tell you about Jaa what about your 50 member Church why can't you make it 200 why can't you win 400 people why can't it be 00 why are you concentrating on ja and we have a lot of prophecies that didn't come to pass before elections you say it the Pres was going to lose you said it the video is [Music] there two weeks before he won
you saw angel said the president said yeah I want to say what God was saying the president if zimb will not [Applause] change [Applause] [Music] mental sickness do you know how I know about these things because some prophets who are big out there they will call me and say what is God saying about this is Jaa dying this week I said No I say what about that guy he said I said I don't know about that guy the royal family of swand called me said the man said there's a young man who said we are
going to be out of power by by next year I said okay I don't know that guy whoever told you I don't want to know the name but me as you Angel I'll be visiting you 2 years from now in your country sit down with you and no nothing would have changed was I not there you can just talk wake up talk this is not prophecy it's analysis it's called political analysis some of you are very are very very I wanted to say something I'm trying to find the right name I know the name in
Zulu why why are you like this people can just lie to you that's right do you know fake prophecies that are coming about where someone goes like I'm seeing in the realm of the spirit that at 10 12 tomorrow you were going to meet a lady called Sarah and this lady called come from number five Tom Road in Chua unit three oh people are like he he said you were going to meet and people already clipping then the man says this men he will be wearing white shirts it will be from savy raw and the
trousers will be size 35 people like who then the me says now the moment you meet him and he raps against you you die after two weeks please help him man of God help him man of God I reverse it uhuh so we we won't see the person at 12 11: that white shirt is now useless and you fools have already CLT very sharp so the sharpness is cancelled you're welcome son the sharpness you don't see that the sharpness has already been canceled and most of them are fear tactics you're going to die within 2
weeks yes now the way you raise a seed now even the money you've never brought in your life you will bring it death you bring all of it here it is Sir God just told me to give everything I have then the man of go say I reverse is there's nothing is reversing there was nothing going to happen to you see I can see fake prophets going like no no no no no no please don't go there don't be fooled you being fooled by people telling us stories that they never happen every time you hear
an apostle speak nowadays it's all about um on the 15th I had a vision you you want you w verify that there's no way we would know that but one thing I know for sure is you can know and look at a person's face and look at a person's demeanor when they move up and down the the stage if they saw what they say they saw the biggest marker if you want to see if a man of God is lying look at the wife when he's telling you about Visions women don't lie women get shocked
fast I was in my house and then and then and then Enoch knocked on the door and Enoch entered you see the wife going like this why are you writing notes if it happened my wife was sitting with me like this ah the wife is going [Applause] like I think we are finished on this [Applause] one don't be like to someone there God is about to bless you you were born around the middle of the Year middle of the year like June July August there they sit down this is fake do you see when I'm
doing like this all these 2,000 people think I'm putting at them then I say July or August you think someone is going to come out don't listen to foolishness why don't you just go to you why you you yes yes yes you right now like I'm doing like this who thinks I'm pointing at them now who thinks I'm pointing at them you see the there there there everyone born February so like is me you are being lied to every day sit down sit down if I pointed this someone was fired someone fired from work ah
it's me the husband left is me everywhere these problems are common go to one person literally say you you have this issue you have this issue you have this issue that's why it's important to mature and not the word for yourself [Applause] hey someone here just here not not too far from here the way you will move from that location you are [Music] staying we we have a lot of Tes is here trust me on it where is Pastor Felix I'm here sir what's happening now testimonies are taking place testimonies are taking place relax we
have testimonies Prophet MH and your God is doing [Applause] [Music] wonders your God is doing wonders Prophet yes my brother here came all the way away from Ethiopia Prophet Ethiopia yes I come from Ethiopia yes prophet he came for the Exodus night uhhuh and you gave him this reent Prophet that I'm holding yes Prophet two weeks before the power week he was in the house with his young baby then he tried to feed the baby Prophet unfortunately the baby God choked the prophet and died wow he started to cry moving to and fro in the
house then later on he remembered that but I've got a r band from the prophet of Christianity Prophet Yuber Angel W he took the rben prophet just put it on the hand of the baby Prophet 10 minutes later the P was back the body wased the war prophet and the baby just coughed the prophet the thing that was shocking came out came out Prophet yes the baby cough the prophet seven times and came back to life prophet [Applause] in this thing have got results Prophet for sure this action as results Resurrection results be in your
life Resurrection to every situation in the name of Jesus resurrection to your finances Resurrection to your job Resurrection to your business Resurrection to your spiritual life your prayer life Resurrection but listen Pastor just imagine brother you are from Ethiopia yes I come from EOP do you have a church or you have are you you you go to another church yes yes you go to another church or your own church no I I'm just going to plant oh you're going to plant but right now where are you going to church uh with the prophet Miracle Church
oh so you go to another church wow just imagine this is not like our member so the body began to warm up the body began to work warm Propet and the thing came up and the baby just coughed the prophet everything came out prophet and the baby came back to life territorial commanders prophets are territorial commanders territorial Spirits you have nothing to fear about them highly defended highly protected yes more testimonies Prophet mhm I've got my brother here who came from Meine Prophet my brother here in his own words prophet he was actually doubting you
and he was not believing you join the queue sit down Prophet oh sit down stand up do whatever when he saw the poster for the global night of Deliverance yes things were f for him no money nothing was moving although he was not believing prophets prophet he just said I am going to go and attend this service if he is really a man of God he's going to pray for me and my things are going to shift and he came to this location with no dollar profit also doubting the prophet and he was in the
building you located him Prophet wow and prayed for him prophet and commanded everything to move after that Prophet right now he bought a m dispense Prophet there is a cow on the screen look at him Prophet a man who came with nothing Prophet you located him you don't understand when you are down to zero and Jehovah the God who doesn't need a Runway he doesn't reverse he just goes up and he's saying even now Prophet uh money is just coming to him Prophet the money is coming the money is coming not only that Prophet he's
saying now now I believe Prophet yber Angel is a man of God for me he is now my personal Prophet just for just for him he is my father from I don't believe him to my father you will see greater things B Jesus yes more testimonies Prophet yes I've got my brother here uhhuh aist Prophet my brother here is a musician Prophet yes and this brother Prophet came when you were in mosm there was a Sunday when you instructed Me Prophet to say I prayed for this Rand Al so he came here when I was
in mosek yes prophet and we were giving rbans for free these rents for free Prophet Prophet when he was testifying prophet he said why L you were giving me the wrist band I actually saw Prophet not you so to him it's not me who ended over the Rest bed it was actually you Prophet we have an open portal here everywhere we go there is an open portal you can go up down the stay case of Heaven it is open and is heaven on Earth yes and his main prayer request Prophet was for his music career
to be taken to another level he had no money his music was not moving not nothing was moving Prophet but after getting The Wristband prophet he was called Prophet to be on 3K TV for the first time after getting The Wristband that's the photo of him he actually the photo prophet having interview on 3K TV Prophet not only that prophet he now has a manager and a sponsor for his own music Prophet hey hey this Jesus is good Jesus is good you are next in line no you are first in line first in line for
a miracle more testimonies Prophet yes you came to my brother here Prophet yes 3 weeks ago and he was standing there Prophet you went to him and say how are you say he said I'm not fine you said why why are you saying you're not fine he said I want money Prophet you said now it is okay Monday after that service Prophet people who were quiet for six months with his money they just called prophet and say come and get your money not only that we are giving you more jobs Prophet right now Prophet there
are phone calls upon phone calls for him to get more jobs and more money coming to him Prophet each each we are proof producing Christians proof producing you know you can fight you can fight you can fight the equation but don't fight the answer in 2012 I used to say you can fight one plus one but they equal to two they will say you're stupid if you start arguing the answer is still two I said the answer is two the answer is two these are the results we are talking about yes I'm with goo here
Prophet uhhuh goo came last week Prophet for the service and she was in serious pain on the chest area serious pain also the hand Prophet was in serious pain prophet and because of that Prophet that that is why she was actually here in Harari because of that sickness so she came to the service and said if this man of God if this Prophet pray for me I'll go back to my rural area and do my farming there so last Sunday was the last war Prophet she came she said there Prophet you just came to her
Prophet laid your hands on here Prophet right now Prophet the pain is gone the chest pain gone the hand pain gone give Jesus a shout of Praise give Jesus a shout of Praise somebody yes she's now saying now I can now go to to Bora to my rural area so that I do my farming she's excited she's excited celebrate Jesus [Applause] somebody more testimonies Prophet are you seeing the testimonies are you part of that testimony be part of it now more testimonies Prophet I've got my brother here prophet he trained to be pilot in South
Africa prophet he trained to be a pilot in South Africa but for him to get a job here in Zimbabwe he was supposed to go through a procedure of rating prophet and certification prophet and that needed money Prophet you didn't have money last Sunday Prophet you declared as we were closing that money is coming and things are shifting Prophet on Thursday prophet he just called someone prophet and said I want a job that is my job in your company what did I say all you do is what what what what are you hearing I hear
a sound of promotion where it's coming from you but I don't know how you're doing it yes and the man who answered Prophet was actually the owner of that Aviation company in Zimbabwe Prophet wow and the man said what do you want he said I want my job then this man said I am a pilot I want my job the guy said your job is here but do do you have Zimbabwe in ratings this man said I don't have the money so I have nothing the man said I am paying your money so that you
get the ratings Prophet Prophet yes last Friday Prophet the owner of that company paid 4,500 USD for him to get the certification and the ratings Propet right now is employed as a pilot favor is locating you favor is answering in the name of Jesus favor is answering more more is happening yes yes amen just I'm telling you I'm telling you Spirit Embassy one thing that God told me when I was coming here way back years back he said go make my my people rich I even asked the Lord Rich spiritually or physically he said money
physically the spiritual is already there but this is it riches riches you testify of millions you testify of hundreds of thousands you will testify I know this you will testify Prophet yes we have testimonies Prophet I'm seeing a lot of uh International visors you know if you are clever you will stay here yes my brother came Prophet last Sunday and he had only $1 Prophet M no money a to Prophet then you declared money Prophet somehow his sister who was quiet for the past 25 years who is in the UK on Monday Prophet which is
24 hours after your declaration the sister sent a message and said send me all your details I want to send you money on this last wi is the prophet they will remember you I said they will remember you they will remember you everywhere you go favor will speak for you this week favor will speak for you this week everywhere you go favor will speak for you and last Wednesday he received money from the UK Prophet from someone who was quiet for 25 years so he didn't just give the do you not do you hear that
he didn't just give the details money came money came money is coming money is coming ah more testimonies Prophet yes more testimonies Prophet uhhuh I've got my sister mother here from Birmingham prophet from Britain from Britain Prophet mhm she came here prophet and she has been hearing all the testimony from the good new city okay and she thought these are just stories prophet and last CH she went to the good news City Prophet with a team which went there for a tour prophet and she was saying if these things are not just stories I want
to encounter God at a personal level she entered into the good news City Prophet went to the pillar of fire Prophet she tried to touch the pill of fire prophet and electric currents started to come out of the pill of fire filling up a whole body prophet and she was shaking and falling Prophet she tried to move from the pillar of fire going to the anointed pit Prophet it was not raining but she started to hear thunder Prophet booming Thunder in the sky prophet he said behold God of prophet youber Angel is in this city
no you are not hearing that H see these things are happening in that location they happen here they happen everywhere but there is a location we go to but just imagine that many people there was a team that went there and H me minister to them and everyone was hearing my voice no radio anywhere just imagine just imagine this God the God of this commission Jesus Christ of Nazareth is alive and there are things you're going to experience some of you walk in that location and Enoch will greet you some of you will go there
and the whole night it will be luminaries in the spirit Ezekiel Isaiah sitting down with you you will be writing notes we will ask you the next day who taught you you say Isaiah was here I'm not talking things that just happen people have done have met them but it's going to increase now it's not like I was sleeping and I dreamt of no these people will be standing there yes testimonies Prophet yes I'm sitting with my brother here Mr Moo Prophet when he came to church Prophet for the prayer request Sunday his prayer was
I only want Prophet to touch me or touch my prayer request and his prayer request Prophet was for a headache which had lasted for a year Prophet so I had a chronic headache chronic headache not ending try the doctors it didn't work tablets it didn't work do all men of scan's prophet it didn't work he came for the prayer request and he was holding the prayer request like this and you just came Prophet said to him Prophet Ted the prayer request and that chronic headache which had lasted for a year Prophet just disappeared Prophet oh
hey hey prophets not only that prophet and somebody says what's the use of healing school not only that Prophet that that is my tutor the person who taught me and still teaching me and I'm producing results by their fruit you shall know them now Christianity has been reduced to arguments just just just whatever you can talk about you know you just talk and then when we put you here and say can you heal as much as Pastor Chris is healing no it's wrong what he's doing can you show us what is right just please just
show us what is right you can't produce results fighting the ones who producing results Christianity it is available that kind of nonsense is available aable because you available to watch that nonsense when you see something like that stop it block it let it not even appear on your timeline that person should never preach again to you just ban even if they preach nice stuff stop it immediately yes not only that Prophet mhm besides The Chronic headache Prophet this man had no money and he was not able Prophet to pay even the fees for his kids
Prophet but after your prayer Prophet two weeks ago a stranger just came and paid for all the Aras Prophet cleared Prophet give Jesus a shout of Praise somebody May a stranger come to you may a stranger come to you may a stranger come to you not only that Prophet this person offered to pay fees for the all of next year and even buying the uniforms uhuh uhuh are you still here may it happen to may it happen to you may it happen to you I don't know about you don't you just want to stranger to
give you money you did not [Applause] ask a stranger to just come to you and say he is 20 million he has 10 million he has 1 million you say what is your name it doesn't matter yes yes Prophet my brother here is holding this man to Prophet yes and their stories Prophet to this man Prophet you gave this brother this mantle and the last man the prophet he had serious headache prophet he couldn't see because of that headache mhm and then he remembered that but ah I've got a mantle from my man of God
he took the mantle placed it on top of his head prophet and the headache disappeared immediately Prophet Prophet not only that after seeing results Prophet on Thursday he was walking in town pasted one of the clinics in town prophet and he saw someone who was having seizures and he said can I pray for this person I can't I'm not Prophet you bet Angel but he remembered that but I've got the mantle which prophet prayed for he just took the mantle went to a total stranger and say let's try this one through the mantle on top
of that body Prophet the seizure just sto the [Applause] Prophet this is why we are here to teach you to do what we do when the prophetic is left only with the men of God and the healing is only with the men of God then we are very weak Army in spirit Embers the Asher will heal the sick the protocol will deliver people the choir team can deliver all service every one of you you are careers of Miracles you are celebrities in the realm of the spirit yes Miracles Prophet MH and testimonies upon testimonies my
brother here came last Sunday for the service he had chronic disease Prophet having acids and stomach pains prophet and he was seated at that corner there Prophet mhm then you prayed for one person who had the same situation and the person came this side to testify whilst this person was testifying he started to feel heat on that other side prophet he went back home prophet and went to the doctors to check if the asses are still there if the housers are still there Prophet everything is totally gone Prophet you can now eat normal Prophet noral
pains Prophet healing to do you hear that you shall be noral every pain disappears now in the name of Jesus every pain disappears now in in the name of Jesus by the authority of the spirit it's happening yes Prophet mama is crying here Prophet oh yes it's a testimony and his prophetic Prophet very prophetic during the power week Prophet she was even hosting other relatives or came to attend the power week mhm and on Friday prophet she was saying I didn't have anything Prophet to give these people no food no money Saturday she came for
the service with the nothing Prophet even going home where there was nothing after the service she just went outside and stand by the palm tree there standing like this you finished the service Prophet you went to your office from the office Prophet you you were supposed to go home as you were driving Prophet you just turned your car and came back through that other gate went straight to the palm tree where this lady was standing I remember now you took hundreds of us doar profit handed over to this [Applause] lady thank you Lord Jesus for
the prophetic thank you I remember now you know was I was waiting to hear this testimony so as it was going on I kept thinking oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but just imagine we were going I said let's go around there is someone we need to give money to but I just want to say something very serious I'm not going to the palm tree today I'm telling you cuz I can hear someone like I'm not I'm going to the palm tree now but just imagine what made you to stop there and then God
Whispers go around go there and do this imagine imagine the power of the spirit imagine what what God can do when you surrender everything and say I'm here imagine you are the one that is coming back with a testimony this coming week you have a testimony uh-huh Prophet yes the money that you gave a prophet was enough to feed everyone and she is saying I even bought a television set so that I watch my Prophet from that manone Prophet hey do you see some people what they [Applause] do they like I need this message imagine
you have not told anybody you have a problem you have not told a pastor you have not sent a message and God turns me around go and give this person money I give you enough for your rent I give you enough for your television and I didn't even dictate you use this for this she just thought you know what let me use this money for TV and some of you are here you want to use it for something else someone is thinking the word gave me this I need more of it there is a testimony
here yes a double testimony here Prophet uh-huh I've read this family from the Caribbean Prophet they watching where is that from the Caribbean prophet Caribbean B bise bise bise bise wow yes Prophet they were watching the prayer request suay prophet and their prayer request was for the sister Prophet who was pregnant and the doctors were saying there is 5050 chances for the baby inside of your womb to survive because they were seeing bleeding and abnormality on the baby prophet she raised the forign prophet watching online not physically as you prayed Prophet the baby was born
Prophet with no abnormality Prophet a healthy baby Prophet God delivered through your prayer online Prophet no physical attendance Prophet that was testimony number one and these couple of prophets as you are seeing them like this these ones are a testimony 2022 Prophet during the prophetic Retreat Prophet they came Prophet to attend the prophetic retreat but as they came Prophet they wanted to divorce wow Prophet they say the moment they set in your presence to just hear you you didn't even pray for them you didn't touch them but as they were hearing you Prophet they started
to see each other different friendly the love was a restored Prophet without you touching them without the message on on marriage no message on marriage Prophet there is an environment if you get into a location preaching is important and if you preach healing it raises healing Faith but also a throne that is controlling a situation whatever economy is supplying your addiction it is the economy that will deliver you or imprison you they came into the economy of the prophetic and that economy produced results that they needed they are crying Prophet a marriage restored Prophet just
by being in your presence give Jesus a shout of Praise [Applause] somebody and if yes with have this testimon Prophet The Amazing Prophet we about to finish we're about to finish you declared Prophet five days of Miracles prophet my sister here had an uncle who was working in a m prophet in chut Prophet something unfortunate happened Prophet The Mind collapsed and the uncle was also inside of the Mind in the tunels prophet with others Prophet my sister here remembered Prophet declared five days of Miracles number one and I also have this wrist band which prophet
gave me she took this wrist band put it on top of the photo of the uncle who was underground in a collapsed mind Prophet W this was 900 a.m. in the morning 12 noon nothing is happening excavators are there they trying to take the people out but they didn't manage 12 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 nothing happened Prophet 6 7 8 9 10 11 pm. prophet in the night that's when the uncle came out Prophet alive with no scratches but everyone else died Prophet except the sound there is a sound only the uncle
survived has died [Applause] Prophet you see when things like this take place right people say why are you excited some people died we're not excited about death is the same thing when you talk about Israel we are not excited about oh Israel some people were served by the power of God we are not saying the Palestinians lives are not important no no we are always happy about what God is doing to intervene that doesn't mean say the other ones who pass on are sinners they're not the right ones we just saying let's thank God for
what is taking place if we thank God for your life it doesn't mean say we are we are happy that someone who died today died we are well aware there are people who are dying right now and we are breathing but we are thankful that we are breathing but when a man has a representative and God chooses to honor that faith it is important to celebrate God and as I've told you before if God delivers us he's our deliverer if he doesn't Deliver us he's our deliverer if he doesn't heal us he's our healer if
he doesn't save us he's still Our Savior Revelation makes him who he is not what he does are you getting this who wants to be the next one who wants to be the next one I want you to pray just a few minutes and we go into some joy in a few minutes joy around the world for for for fore for [Music] for [Music] for for in Jesus might name wherever you are Raise Your Hands In This Moment at this time I want you to be marked for Success marked for something bigger bigger than yourself
where you say to yourself you know after this service I walk differently people will perceive you differently they will see you in a different light I'm telling you now I speak by the authority of the spirit that your shape in the spirit becomes different that when Spirits see you they see you is a different person this minute as I speak to you now your face is being shifted let me tell you something a lady came to me in Britain from Nigeria and he said something very important she said I'm I'm rich but the company I
have is not receiving anyone they are not paying back the money they come for business but they' have not paid for over two years I said the problem you have is your face is different and your building presents a different face she said I don't understand I said you have got a spirit that is hiding your face she was so concerned went back to Nigeria after prayer when she got to a business the first customer that order a thousands arrived look she was in the business of making bricks and she she dared to ask the
the person sir the money you are bringing now what happened two years all the two years you didn't bring my money and you not answering my phone you know what she said you know what the man said he said all the time I came here there was a car mechanic car garage listen this is a brick laying company but every time people arve there to pay their bills they found it as a car garage imagine that means somebody hid the face of that business became something else it wasn't what it was imagine what you look
like to the person who should give you money you look like an enemy when you should look like a friend I decree and declare now a change in your life you will look like what they need you will walk like what they want in the name of Jesus begin to pray change your face before your enemies don't CH don't CH this is not time to play the enemy is not jocking with you the enemy is not the enemy is not playing with you for for for for for in Jesus mighty name we pray who is
the mother this one you are the you are the mother what's wrong with the baby she have running stomach and vomiting so is this weak yes how old this m Eternal Rock of Ages father in the name of Jesus heal mighty name of Jesus mighty name of Jesus from the crown of her head to the SS of your feet be made whole in the name of Jesus in the name of [Applause] Jesus is the father in hospital where is the father at home he didn't get hit huh it's here the pain yes when was the
accident on Friday Friday yes times huh so then the Mini Bus three times yes by the authority of the spirit we cancel death now in the name of Jesus [Applause] Amen protection from every evil alar yeah it is done it's [Applause] well how are you what you want God to do for you I want [Music] my in the mighty name of Jesus whatever altar whatever Throne given to this family I break it as a prophet now in the name of Jesus no amount of whichcraft can be able to overtake them in the mighty name of
Jesus I break every pattern mighty name of Jesus every pattern is removed can now in the might name of Jesus might Papa than you papa and then it goes that chest pain what you want God to do for you for my marriage mighty name of Jesus [Music] come here thank you Jesus I'm free thank you Jesus thank you Jesus mighty name of Jesus by the power of the spirit you're well it is well thank you Prophet thank you Jesus thank you [Music] Prophet I see fire fire of the Holy Ghost this so blessing fire of
the Holy Ghost ghost Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost Fire catch the fire fire of the Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost Fire catch the fire fire of the Holy Ghost Holy Ghost fire Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost fire the fire catch the fire fire of the Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost Fire catch the fire fire the Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost fire the fire Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost fire the fire ghost Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost fire the
fire Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost Fire Catch the Fire the spirit of the Lord is moving here do you see the atmosphere is change it is the fire of the Holy [Music] Ghost [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] Prophet the Lord is wonderful demons cannot get into you and a preacher takes 3 hours to remove it's an injustice no matter how violent they are when they meet the power of God there is something I want you to watch their live from [Applause] now thank you testimonies are taking place Prophet Jesus
come here don't worry about it do you have your phone yes get on your phone get your phone out because of time I don't have time because of time because of time the Lord is going to do wonders for you because now it's a very simple thing even this one that has gone is also failing to find money very true H it's like there were promises when there now now this one needs to be fixed this paper this paper we just waiting for this to happen so the money to even bring to you so you
to do your thing is no longer there very true man of God huh very true by fire and by power because this is a very simple thing there are altars you are a product of an altar that was fighting someone stand [Music] up look at how your age you are your age now right now I'm seeing you you a young age like this this is a young age like this even when we talk about your father the enemy killed him huh my father is dead your father is dead professor then in the realm of the
spirit I see him as a young boy like this and I'm seeing him not here in har I saw mut and I saw inamura you visited like an aunt in angura as a young kid you got sick after eating okra stomach it was like angura very true of God I was young very young I remember I remember it you know okra with SH somebody is fighting his aunt he goes there to eat just eating the food was not poisoned now you tried everything to work here it has failed even people you know you are better
they are prospering you're not prospering now you gathered a few amounts rake the whole house yes to the extent that even now if you had clothes you would sell all of them TV nothing there zero zero you were going to the bed now I even s my television you sold your television so I can get so you can go to Britain they sold everything Prophet for the wife to go to Britain everything even the television set this Throne is speaking for you he's not hearing me I said this Throne is now speaking for you I
receive where do you think the elders sit on Thrones the level of the prophetic when it grows is to sit on Thrones that's why God will not do anything until he Reveals His secrets to what to his servant the prophets and then John is crying because there is nobody who knew the secret and an angel came out he had no secrets then one Elder who possessed the capacity of the prophetic say do not worry John do not cry I have the information on who is worthy what has happened an ER is a keeper of Secrets
a prophet is a keeper of secrets so prophets by reason of keeping secrets they are Elders maybe you do not understand the actual the actual atmology or rather the building blocks of the word Elder it carries the word er the strong one Jehovah it is the ones who sit they are the ones who sit in the Council of God Co rulers with God when you meet a prophet you meet a judge they can decree an end to something a beginning of something they can even put laws in place that's why the Bible says the church
is built upon the foundation of Apostles and Prophets that means we are the building blocks of Christianity never fight a prophet no matter what your Apostle tells you say okay my Apostle I love you but my mouth will stay shut for now because his boldness is madness it's not even biblical it's not even Godly but guess what you will suffer for somebody's madness don't be part of it relax now I want you to call your wife yes and say our lives has have been changed now yes because she's trying everything you have tried what you
could yes and now while she's there you are here sir I'm telling you now your life will move I receive I said your life will move I receive man of God as a prophet God I decree and declare yes I push you to higher degrees in the name of Jesus listen prophets should decree Life Death only to enemies God who loved us while we were yet sinners he so loved us do you know gifts and callings are without repentance meaning say if God gives you a gift he cannot shift it and change it some of
these young people the way they reason is if I fight Angel if I fight this other person if I fight uh this Prophet ah you know what my name will go up and you don't know it that there are Wars behind the scenes you just join in and say I love this man he's prophesying truth all his prophecies are coming to pass we have many that we know have not come to pass cuz we know the other ones are just analysis anyone can do it and I can produce one by one and show you let
no scare come sister I want to give you you with a paper with your certificates come here who is staying with this one let it come let them come come as well it's all right give me this you did very well you did very well thank you I want to decree and declare that your life from now onwards will take a different turn I receive yes there is a shift in the spirit amen the moment I traveled there God ministered to me something is say change the lives of the people that are in this location
that this testimony Sunday you will leave this church with a testimony the day that will not happen it is the day Rapture will happen they did not hear anything your Miracle will happen as you leave this location you'll be looking on your phone like this and you wonder what compan is this I never applied there but they are here with me come here so when were you at this University when were you at this University um from 2011 to4 from 2011 2014 2014 but I'm seeing it's like whatever you started for there seems to be
no job for you true Prophet it's like you've done everything but it seems like there is no job for you whatsoever true Prophet but I was taken by the spirit Prophet s man of God I'm standing in a location and the enemy is trying to kill you and seems as if the enemy has pressured you into a corner where aner is rising in you help me men of God do you not even anger anymore it's like I don't care help me man of God that's why I'm [Applause] here Anor is rising in you because I'm
looking at it this way do you know do you know your husband did not die from coid I Didn't Know many they recorded Co though yes they said Co it's true they recorded Co they said Co yes Prophet they said I'm looking at the hospital records They say Co but it is coid related because he died during coid but now what is happened is this when they took the body to bury you have not even gone to the Grave you have not gone there true men of God anger true I did not go I because
this man left you before he died he had left you true true man of God so you said I don't care I'm just having a son and that's the end of it I don't care about what happens there I'll just tell where I am to the extent that your son doesn't even know what's happening around you you true men of God I did not attend the funeral and um I have a son who is 7 years old and he was given his grandfather's name and you changed it I changed [Applause] it what is your son
called now he's called Nasha so you called yes I called him Nasha but he and you took from the King named him David the king prophesy you are too much Prophet now I want to reinstate him as a king man of God because even doctors told you you will not amount to anything there were some some problems with your child you born with a heart condition they said his heart is two walls and he's supposed to go to for a surgery in India sister am I your doctor no you are my Prophet was was he
there was I there when you were giving birth only the spirit of Prophecy was there amen but she answered very perfectly said you are my Prophet you are my Prophet I decree and declare I receive whatever alar of Throne that is fueling from his economy yes your downfall I cancel it by fire [Applause] [Music] amen I drop it by fire amen if you under the influence of my voice whatever alar is financing your downfall die by [Applause] fire as I'm standing here now I promise you lady yes sir God is going to finish your table
I receive finish your house with good I receive you will not suffer I receive and he has already forgiven you for even the smallest Revenge you wanted to put because I understand when you love somebody and then they plan their things and then they just leave sometimes when somebody leaves you want their life to actually prove that they left you when they left by husband that husband has to be Wich doct I speak now by the spirit you will be driving that Mercedes vents you drive to his house you now you you you you you
like I always tell you just go there and d v vro v v v v v [Music] v don't stop until he comes out when he comes out he say hey what's happening you say uh uh can I help you sir and you know what you say am I Diva you say no no no no no no no no it's [Applause] Teresa are you getting what I'm trying to say now I know I know L it you see you say it's l you get the point yes Prophet so you are ring like that you say
this is it this is it then then they say okay so where are you going say to to to a to a seminar don't say to a conference seminar seminar looks Posh it looks like for for intelligent people seminar do a church meeting uh-uh seminar [Applause] you will surprise them I said you will surprise them you will shine you are prophesying already her name is linet Prophet by the authority of the spirit you are moving to higher degrees As you move to higher decrees you are moving to higher decrees I receive by fire and by
power amen said you are going to fail is a lying I tell you you are prospering I receive the difference between Adonia and Solomon is simple one consulted a pastor another consulted a prophet and you are my Prophet by reason of that you will see it I receive in this land of the living you will see success I receive favor will speak for you everywhere you go I receive raise your hands and begin to pray begin to pray very soon very soon we'll be [Music] celebrating for [Music] [Music] for for for for father in the
name of Jesus we cast the spirit of Hena in the name of Jesus Hena be gone in Jesus might name thank you Prophet it's all right let them they will test wherever they need to test with doctors and stuff come here come here stand here raise your hands everybody I want to do a small segment testimonies Prophet what's happening Prophet you were moving Prophet by this aisle mhm prophet prophetically you just touched the chest of this lady and since 2019 Prophet she had serious chest problem even the heart problem but the moment you touched there
so it was a consistent thing it was a consistent thing like a chronic thing Prophet but he just touched the heart prophet and the pain disappeared there and there Prophet is surely testimony Sunday Prophet give Jesus a shout of praise ah let your shout be louder than your neighbor in Jesus mighty name more testimony Prophet Miracles are happening Prophet on your right side Prophet this baby Prophet you just prayed for this young girl prophet and she was in the hands of the mother prophet because it was difficult for her to even send Prophet because of
stomach problem even for her to eat Prophet she was vomiting Prophet but you prayed for her Prophet some minutes ago prophet and right now she's standing Prophet she was just eating right now she finished all this not vomiting she's standing Prophet instant Miracles Prophet this listen these are the results of healing School the one that said is useless she's even walking Prophet for the first time Prophet she was in the hands of the mother now look at this Prophet she's just walking give Jesus a shout of Praise [Applause] somebody listen our healing Institute is be
out of healing school I was actually attending healing school when the voice of God spoke to me I said now is the time to start healing Institute Institute you know I've told so many people don't oppose TB Joshua if you have not produced his results don't oppose Pastor Chris if you can't match even a tenth of results do you notice the people who talk too much are the ones with no results the ones with results are quiet have you heard have you ever heard Doug Howard M saying anything against as Pastor Chris no he's used
in healing so he understands even Pastor Chris if you ever heard him speak against anyone but if you speak against me I come after you that's it there's no playing there I will and me don't think you'll become popular because of me when you uhuh I will leave you very much undressed I have my times where I keep quiet but fighting a man of God I would defend every man of God and all these prophets prophesy something else Java is dying this one is dying are you are you is it the end are you done
with prophecies now what has Jabba done to you nothing just want to talk I'm listen I'm not deating him because I talk to him no I don't know the last time I I spoke to him but whenever in your life attack a man who is not even saying nothing to you zero God is so angry and he came to you in Gul to tell you about ja in Washington DC right there is so much people are struggling with so much focus on a man with his family doing whatever they are doing is their life what
is it to you he is a father in America there do you think the father is quiet if he sees something he doesn't like he would tell his son no don't do this do you think he has no other prophets to tell him couldn't you find a phone call and a phone and make a phone call Sir this is what is happening couldn't you call two or three people why is YouTube your way of prophesying if I'm prophesying about Israel I don't know anyone I can call in Israel and the whole body of Christ needs
to hear about it if it's another man of God he says do not oppose an elder simp an elder simply means somebody respect in the church who is a leader the Bible says do not see see Paul himself opposed the high priest who was not a Christian and he was bitten when he was beat he said I'm sorry I did not know that this was a high priest not in church high priest who didn't believe in Jesus he said for the Bible says do not oppose the leader of your people that means Java is leading
his congregation all right if he's leading his congregation guess what what he's a leader of the people the most you could do is to call somebody close to him this is what I was shown in a vision there are ways to reach people but anyway it's a false [Applause] prophecy did you do you see Java in this church no do you see Pion Java coming here no so you think I'm defending him because he's some some part of our ministry no he was my son then all right I had the time to Mentor him at
that time he's mentored by somebody else and I have no problem with it but I'll tell you the truth you don't just utter nonsense whatever you want yeah this one is dying this one is dying then look at it the president is is going to to to not win he's not winning two weeks before elections he's winning uh-uh this prophecy what is called this God is talking to you is bipolar and he said consistently he's making prophecies that don't come to pass nothing but because he makes prophecies that oppose the government guess what happens they're
like yeah he's the real one let me tell you something about God God does not come from your uncle's [Applause] house you will be so shocked God will say I want Trump to rule and you'll be like what Trump I don't like him go say yeah he will beit Hillary and what do you do he knows the reasons why he wants him there mgab was in power power for how many did we not have prophets prophesying did they not talk to God did he live because God anoints the presidency before he anoints the president so
even if you if you were not chosen by God and you sit on the throne that is Anointed remember it was the altar that was Sanctified and then the gift is Sanctified because of the altar you'll be so shocked someone you don't like is on the throne like this you're like what happened the throne is Anointed now the thing that sees there is now anointed by reason of the Altar and you fight the person you are fighting the Altar and then you fight the anointed that Anointed The Altar you're no longer fighting the men sitting
in the on the throne you're now fighting the God who set the men on the throne that is anointing Lear spiritual rules you'll be wise that's why we see Angels because angels are legalistic creatures they operate on rules and regulations they know altars are in intersection between Divinity and Humanity so men of God before they build their houses they built an altar Abraham four times he gets to this mam he builds this one this one he's building altars and every time he builds an altar an angel arrived do he knew if I build an altar
I have placed a location by which angels can Leed he was sitting by the altar by his gate and God the Holy Ghost and Jesus arrived because when you create an altar you have created a location where angels can no and altars don't know time sces they don't know is 2023 Abraham built an altar what did Isaac do same location years later he's there what is he doing on this altar same one that was built by his father by his father's father what is he doing he knows Angels don't know time do you know the
place where Jacob laid is that was an altar that was way back abrahamic time it was an altar and he went there and slept there and then Angels were going up down why because they just know it's an altar they know it's like an airport it's a plane they know they land there for whatever reason they don't care when it was built I've created altars for Spiritual Sons and Daughters here that are speaking for you you don't know why you are not consumed you don't know what they have tried to do to you and you're
not dead you don't know what he speaking for you this is the reason why good news city is important I'm telling you raise your hands I want to do something very very quick very quickly very very quickly yes begin to pray that God will lift everything about you to higher degrees as we close the service in a very few minutes this thing will be closed in Jesus might name do we have S do we have t s t ma Victor guba Dion chumu sh Kos MRI Florence M taka kanasha Christ wish kanasha Justice maaa let's
quickly do that extend your hands toward them begin to pray for them for the grace of God to be upon their lives to increase mightly father I decree and declare over these that are here by the authority of the spirit that every economy that is available to you the unable Riches of Christ meet them at the point of their need that as they stand there the spirit will move them to higher degrees I speak by The Authority let increase be there increase increase increase increase increase increase let them be recorded as deaconesses and [Music] deacons
yeah [Applause] yes by the spirit of the Lord and on this side Dominic masamba hop masamba clayon guava and Daniel guava petronella Joel and Faith Chu on this side solo gumu mil ashot kamba ma kamba George seula hezel seula nasaa on this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] side raise your hands father I decree and declare for these that are in this place that increase in the mighty name of Jesus increase upon their lives father shelter them shelter them in the name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus as you rise up as assistant pastors [Applause] [Music]
May the spirit of the Lord raise a standard that there is protection in everything that they do that as amples of this ministry they are able to do Great and Mighty things in Jesus might name we pray thank [Applause] you we see whether we can have greater protocol in this house Ed Chito and Alice Chito go on this side Friday and Sandra per to this [Applause] [Music] sideo Ando Patricia [Applause] Pros farai matenda matenda Tamo Allin camuti I repeat Eddie Chito Alice Chito Friday and Sandra Peri prosper and rendo farance and all in father in
the name of Jesus let the power the mighty be upon you be upon you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus be empowered empowered for more empowered for more empowered for more as you rise up your Pastors in the name of [Applause] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] [Music] be [Music] I [Music] C [Music] [Applause] Jesus the spirit of the Lord like a mighty rushing wind is dropping mantles everywhere catch your own mantle now in Jesus mighty name we pray amen and [Music] amen raise your hands and I want to get everyone
around the world watching by way of zoom and our television channels around the world even YouTube father in the mighty name of Jesus by the authority of the holy spirit this minute this time of giving of our offer offerings and our tithing it is sacred moment I decree and declare that your people mature to this level of understanding what it is and the benefits of it father I do not pray that they understand the benefits and give because of the benefits but because of revelation of what you are and just a Thanksgiving mentality and spirit
in them father I pray for every offering every seed that is going to be swn to today that it is high up there lifted before you that when you saw what the Cornelius did the Roman soldier did Cornelius you pushed Angels towards his Direction may you push Angels toward their Direction toward every person who saw every person who give today every tither in Jesus mighty name raise your seat before the Lord in might be your card it might be whatever it is raise it up high and can can we have the the team here quickly
please those who are watching by way of TV television social media Zoom participate in your all your Mighty participate be part of it just act like you're here experience what we experience and it is important to note that there is nothing that a person can say I can't give I don't have anything to give you are a walking Warehouse of seeds anything on you is a seed your wave is a seed your smile is a seed your hug is a seed just your greeting is a seed you are a walking Warehouse of seeds why then
does God say money is the seed because God is after the thing you don't want to give him the most anything he considers a God he wants to Humble it by saying you can't control my people and the way to control money is to give it father I pray for this offering this seed as they raise it up high God shelter them under the shadow of your protection let L be away from them in Jesus mighty name we pray amen and amen amen come and give your offering come and give your offering you can the
whole place is yours up to here you can give and those online I'm speaking to you it's time for you to give the promptings are on your screen don't say I'm not there physically so I just give whatever I can develop a system by which you no longer give what you used to give if yours was 200 give more if yours was $1 get to a level where you say not me I'm going to higher degrees [Music] [Music] now am oh [Music] sh [Music] by [Music] in [Music] those who are tis come forward if you're
a [Music] tither [Music] and those around the world you are ti this is your [Music] time and be part and parcel of those who are partners with this ministry in March 20 2024 we are have good news Malaysia so get your visa ready let's [Music] go and Pastor yosiki has been asking me to come to I don't know where he is to Japan next year Japan good news Japan thank you and I was supposed to go to my son's Ministry in India but it was too busy for us to do that but I believe this
coming year without fail we are going to go there we are going to go there and I know he's hearing me so I told you this year we're going to have a lot of battles but we will win all of them and here we are have they stopped no the enemies will keep on doing it but Goliath's Ministry was only to fall and David's Ministry was to kill Goliath ours is like David's Ministry to kill Goliath but the nicest thing about it is this is not even a Goliath it's nothing father in the mighty name
of Jesus you instituted this call to tithe because you knew exactly what you were bringing to your people I speak by the authority of the spirit that whatever this is whatever amount it is you are a God who knows exactly what people have in their Spirits since it came from their Spirits increase them show them your mercy let Prosperity be their miracle in Jesus might name every business that was not working let it start working castom must be attracted to them and those who have a brain and a mind for money I pray for a
business acument to be sharpened that brilliant ideas for businesses begin to be rot among them in the name of Jesus wherever they are as they're giving right now around the world let that Miracle be found in the name of Jesus around the world as you're watching me now let that miracle be done right this minute in the name of Jesus I speak by the authority of the spirit let a miracle now be wrought in Jesus might name let that Miracle be found in the name of Jesus right now around the world speak now let my
hand be a point of conduct by the spirit of the mighty God we serve Jehovah G as you extend your hand toward mine around the world money is coming by reason of your tithing money is coming in Jesus mighty name drop it [Music] here [Music] m [Music] just a few [Music] [Music] minutes [Music] mighty name of Jesus might name of Jesus every Throne demolish now in the name of Jesus where are you coming from I'm in good news on your phone huh but you a strong man what's happening to you huh have you ever done
boxing before no sir [Applause] send there I see you in a different location thank you Prophet this this life will present better for you amen just believe it believe it I pray your life is changing now am amen there is no spiritual entity that you stand as an officer to praise vend your access to any place you want to go to thank you sir thank you sir thank you prophet of God receive it receive it just receive it as a matter of fact just celebrate now raise your hands we are finishing we are closing so
just stand up Grace Embassy I'm [Applause] coming [Music] ah time time I wish you I had [Applause] [Music] [Applause] time yeah I wish I had time I have no [Music] time say [Music] [Applause] [Music] hun Jesus is sweet you you will move in a direction your money will answer there is a call but your money will answer I tell you now your money will answer let's move it'll be well I said it'll be well how are you let your let it answer let there be an answer an answer a supply of resources a supply of
resources a supply of resources a supply his resources she said s this seed yeah I receive it let that Miracle happen amen ES cens Jesus is alive Jesus is alive when Jesus when Jesus came down we just want to dance because this coming week is Miracle Sunday Mir Sunday miracle when Jesus came down he came down from when he landed he landed in Isel when there was trouble he came down to our so we must praise God praise God our when Jesus came down he came down from heaven when he landed he landed when there
was trouble came down to so we must praise God praise goding [Music] everybody when Jesus came down he came down from heav then he send us you Angel when you see a prophet a change of SE so we must praise God praise God [Applause] [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] Jesus let's say brother FL [Music] be somebody make some noise for Jesus you [Applause] [Music] we oh it's another one your Bo [Applause] [Music] FL [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] spee [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for [Applause] [Music] [Music]
[Music] spee [Music] [Music] 1 2 [Music] 3 Some [Music] Noise come on [Applause] [Music] 1 2 3ig [Music] [Music] [Music] get [Music] somebody make some noise amazing let's let's appreciate brother [Applause] flame what a ministration from our men of God the prophet of Christianity Prophet youber Angel he said is a testimony Sunday and for sure we saw testimonies upon testimonies let's appreciate our men of God one more time one more time let's appreciate our men of God and next Sunday he said it's a what it's a miracle Sunday let's all be here and make sure
you invite someone you invite someone for our miracle miracle Sunday and for all those who are watching us online God bless you God bless you we are not out of good news we are just out of time for those who are watching us online God bless you God bless you God bless you