Grand Theft Auto 6 EXPOSED! SILENCES White Male Developers Rockstar INFESTED with Woke DEI Agenda

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I have a TON of exclusive info on Grand Theft Auto VI & Rockstar, let's talk #gta6 #rockstar #grand...
Video Transcript:
hey everyone it's IND demion and today I have a scoop for you so obviously we all know what Grand Theft Auto 6 is we know it's coming in 2025 and there's an insane amount of hype behind it for good reason I have now been given so much information about Rockstar that it is borderline ridiculous here I do want to say that who I worked with when making this as well so my partner and crime here is a man who has an insane knack for information gathering his name is Fran sobeck his Twitter handle is some
guy on phone which you can see on screen here yeah his profile picture's a little goofy but he's a good guy so please give him a follow since he was instrumental to this video coming together and if anyone has any information on GTA Rockstar or any other game Franchesco can relay with you and get that information sorted in a very good manner I trust him and so should you so shout out to him thanks again and let's now get into this info that he's helped me gather so the big reason is because a lot of
people are wondering what is going on with GTA 6 and specifically has Rockstar gone woke to be real with you guys the short answer is yes the long answer is it's a lot worse than you think let me explain firstly we need to explain how things are going down at Rockstar currently and before three of the Rockstar greats left the company ranging between 2020 to 2021 these guys' names are Dan Hower llo Jones and Michael unsworth these guys were all instrumental in making literally everything that Rockstar has pretty much made up until now danher left
Rockstar which was weird cuz he founded the company with his brother and then he went off and made another game studio and then llo and Michael then left Rockstar and joined him too but why would they all leave well friends I have your answers and you're not going to like it tell me do you know what di stands for Dei of course is well known but we have now another term that we have to add to the list dib or diversity inclusion and belonging is something that has ravaged through Rockstar like a tornado in the
past few years so we're going to start with Stacy Gordon who according to LinkedIn by the way don't harass anyone in this video just let me show you things and then we can discuss it but Stacy Gordon is a self-proclaimed Unapologetic evangelist for inclusion that's her words not mine Stacy is also a voice in gender Equity a keynote speaker and pushes programs that for lack of a better word are these mind virus courses that are designed to rewrite the critical thinking Pathways of game developers Minds into understanding that they are actually racist and must atone
for their sins as Stacy States here privilege is hard to talk about yet it's as pervasive and important as oxygen it's like bias everyone has some type of privilege just as everyone carries some some type of bias so why is it so hard to talk about why do people particularly white people get defensive about privilege and how can we use the Privileges we have to advocate for people who don't have the same access she then shills her podcast called inclusion nomics yes that's a real name about how everyone who is white is racist no matter
what but let's keep going cuz it gets worse Stacy Gordon also hosts sessions talking about microaggressions and how black people specifically are disenfranchized IED and must be lifted up to become more powerful specifically in the gaming industry this then brings me to the big root of the cancer that is killing Rockstar right now which is something called unconscious bias we understand that this is a term that means you are biased without knowing it but it turns out this Dei strangle hold has actually gripped Rockstar for years now and is choking the entire Studio to death
this unconscious bias by the way is not just some random thing but what Franchesco was able to discover was that it was actually a mandatory course that was pushed onto employees of Rockstar which ones you may be asking you can probably guess it but it was exclusively pretty much only white employees who work at Rockstar right now that were put through this course as seen here on LinkedIn connecting Rockstar's LinkedIn account to the Stacy Gordon's unconscious bias tag here it immediately pings 60 members of Rockstar Games Franchesco was able to go through these and based
on what he found of the 60 employees forced to take this unconscious biased course in order to gain a certificate around 58 of them were white people the other two of these 60 people were of Asian descent but this course was being pushed onto Rockstar employees coincidentally around the same time that Dan Hower llo Jones and Michael unworth left Rockstar back in 2020 to 2021 which coincides with when a lot of the dii woke ESG money was entering the game industry at an alarming rate effectively meaning that right now as it stands Rockstar is completely
infected with woke pandering Dei initiatives that have ran through a whole swath of white employees almost exclusively into admitting submitting then receiving a certificate to confirm their own unconscious racist bias according to these will grifters who are infesting Rockstar right now at insane rates one of these white employees is Michael P an associate art director of Rockstar Games he's been with the company for well over 20 years at this point as you can see on screen right here and to prove that he's been thrown through this Dei initiative we can also see here that Michael
P had the unconscious biased training certification given to him after completing the course and we also have a time frame which says July 20122 again just over a year or less before all the former heads of Rockstar evacuated the company omits this di takeover another employee here named Heather who is also a senior employee at Rockstar and of course is a white person also has the unconscious bias certification listed under LinkedIn as well what's crazy is we are actually able to find an access the unconscious bias learning program and then look into it discovering that
yes Stacy Gordon is the person behind this program but it gets worse as I scroll down you can see how this course is designed to shame you into compliance the most most alarming and worst part was finding out that as of the making of this video that 445,000 without awareness leads to inauthentic and performative behavior that repeats the cycle of systemic inequality in order to be aware of when we are acting from an unconscious bias we need to be able to identify when they're happening instead of this causing you distress or feeling hopeless I invite
you to embrace the complexity of Being Human my name is Stacy Gordon I'm an executive adviser to senior leaders in the field of diversity Equity inclusion and belonging I spent years working in Fortune 500 companies and nonprofit organizations specializing in diversity and inclusion and today I hope to bring awareness to the topic of unconscious bias in this course we're going to talk about unconscious bias and the impact it has on business you'll be introduced to some common types of biases that have a large impact in our workplace processes and environments so you'll now begin to
notice the effects of bias in your workplace in your schools and in your communities this awareness is what is needed to begin to make the necessary changes in our behavior and throughout this course I'm going to ask you several questions I recommend you write down your thoughts as we go so grab a notebook or a writing tablet and let's get started how does it feel to have lived long enough to see all of your favorite franchises go down in flames feels great but if you were to just take Rockstar as a size and quantify how
many people have been brainwashed at taking this course to renounce their skin color gender or whatever else in the name of woke Absolution this course equates to around 222 full Rockstar teams worth of people that have opened their minds to this program these are the sorts of things that are ruining video games friends but there's more as you can see here we also have the dib course of diversity inclusion and belonging and lo and behold over 1,1 125,340 people as to the making of this video video have been forced through this test which is a
staggering amount of professionals being filtered through Dei programs by their companies to renounce either their whiteness their advantages or biases in the name of the agenda I mean just listen to the official description of the unconscious bias agenda and I quote we're all biased our experiences shape who we are and our race ethnicity gender height weight sexual orientation place of birth and other factors impact the lens with which we view the world in this course diverse Unity expert Stacy Gordon helps you recognize and acknowledge your own biases so that you can identify them when making
decisions and prevent yourself from making calls based on a bias Viewpoint Stacy Gordon explains some of the most common forms that a bias takes Affinity bias Halo bias perception bias and confirmation bias she helps you recognize the negative effects of bias within your organization as well as the benefits to be realized by uncovering bias in decision-making processes finally she outlined strategies for overcoming personal and organizational bias end quote we're going to circle back to this whole unconscious bias thing in a second but we also got to delve into some other things as well another thing
Franchesca was able to decipher was that Rockstar has had a staggering amount of employees joined them in the last 2 years but the weird part about a lot of this is that a vast majority of these new hires are coming from a very specific studio in question that being Behavior interactive in case you don't know Behavior interactive is a studio that was responsible for games like Dead by daylight the casting of Frank Stone meet your maker and even worked on other projects such as Mortal Kombat 1 Immortals of avium Gears 5 Rainbow Six extraction Borderlands
the Pre-Sequel Call of Duty Vanguard and many more in case you don't know also Behavior interactive is home to di agenda pushes like the wheel of privilege 2 they are also originally located in Montreal and Canada the same exact City that swed baby Inc operates out of just letting you know but when it comes to the wheel of privilege thing we have this fandom pulse article here where a woman named Sylvia Duckworth which I covered in a video recently made this wheel that details people's privileges based on who or what they are and fellow YouTub
smash JT found recently too that this Sylvia Duckworth has published books praising black people specifically and has even made books pushing trans stuff onto children through picture books all of this is funded and created by Behavior Interactive which like their name suggest things are made to force behaviors into games themselves and more and many of the games that I showed that they are a part of have characters where women are favored like Gears of War 5 or games that desexualize characters like Mortal Kombat 1 specifically the females so now that you know who and what
Behavior stands for let's Circle back to Rockstar like I said many people from that studio are now working at Rockstar coincidentally around the same time Dan Hower and the rest left the company in the past few years one of these people is Wendy Enriquez Donna who is a director of talent acquisition at Rockstar Games currently Wendy confirms on LinkedIn here where it says Wendy Enriquez donin is the director of human resources and talent acquisition at Bethesda game studios Wendy has over 15 years of experience in human resources and talent acquisition Wendy started their career as
a recruiter at Behavior interactive in 2005 and now as we know she has now moved on to Rockstar becoming the head of hiring for that company as you can see here she's been at Rockstar for almost 2 years now again coincidentally around the same time Dan Hower and such leave she then becomes head of talent acquisition isn't that weird to anyone else that all of these people these initiatives these programs certificates all of it immediately enters Rockstar as soon as the original people leave well maybe this Wendy person is en TI to De even though
she comes from behavior and is working at Rockstar well we were able to also find out that Wendy's sister here ingred Enriquez donin has published books about representation and inclusivity as well ingred like I said who is the sister of Rockstar's Talent Acquisitions director even calls herself a grand strategist and ethnographer which I looked into it in case you don't know what an ethnographer is as Google puts it an ethnographer is a person who studies and Records the culture and ways of life of a particular group or Society they use a combination of emic Insider
and Ed IC Outsider approaches to describe the cultures they study ethnographers use a research method called ethnography which involves observing and interacting with people in their natural settings they immerse themselves in the social group they are studying for months or even years observing their behavior there's that word again listening to their conversations and participating in those conversations but surely there's no connection right I mean the Rockstar Talent acquisition lady sister wrote a book so what well there's more here's ingred and Enrique's Donna Saint where she would write things for tamtam which is like some other
thing that to do with Dei stuff but anyway which would focus on exclusively representation and stereotypes these sisters who were attached to Rockstar are all about diversity equity and inclusion it also doesn't help with this exert written by ingred which reads be aware of blind spots or be humble enough to discover those you didn't know were there build alliances with experts and consumers with soft spots different from yours ethnography to enrich your lens but also to give you substance to craft relatable stories to other people and not just the same old two white folks so
the person in charge of who gets hired at Rockstar that worked at Behavior has a sister who is an ethnographer that writes books and thesises about how we must deconstruct whiteness in the world but it gets worse so let's keep going remember how I said a lot of people from Behavior suddenly joined Rockstar here's a software engineer named Kelly who now works at Rockstar look at where they're from it's behavior of course and they have also retweeted stuff like donations for racial Injustice and equality oh boy isn't that just wonderful sometimes the talent acquisition people
below Wendy they don't even hide their agenda like a Pera Sharma here who works in Talent acquisition at Rockstar and literally has Dei Advocate on her public LinkedIn profile approv as LinkedIn States in her own words I am a talent acquisition professional specializing and Technical game development roles at Rockstar Games I believe in delivering a positive and transparent interview experience that celebrates candidates diversity and fosters an inclusive environment I am passionate about connecting talented individuals to their dream roles that fulfill Challenge and value them and they're open about de and advocating for inclusive environments which
is technical speak for we don't want white people here only diverse people going forward then of course we have Alicia Powers Lee a senior Talent acquisition specialist at Rockstar who has said publicly that she wants all Trump supporters to drop dead as you can see right here very inclusive of you Alicia to want the majority of America to just be wiped off the face of the Earth cuz you don't agree with them politically another Talent acquisition person is Shannon here it's weird that they're all women in this department too are you noticing that as well
also who has worked at Epic Games before and has openly admitted that she also pushes for Dei in gaming as seen here because of course she does Diana here who also works at Rockstar also openly admits in her LinkedIn that she advocates for Dei and even cites Dei implementation to be one of her core skills that is a part of her skill set then we have Tim who works at Rockstar and what do you think he specializes in of course it's Dei as well Tim says in his own words where he used to work I
organized key employee events and drove diversity and inclusion efforts as a Dei leader so this guy's entire job and skill set at Rockstar is to ensure places are more diverse and inclusive and all of these people are in charge of Rockstar's culture and hiring by the way then of course you have Max here who also works at Rockstar who's only been there for about two months as of the making of this video Max has also made it clear on her position with gamergate to where she reposted another person which says It's upsetting that many of
my closest friends on this platform have stopped posting as women because of the harassment stemming from gamergate 2.0 they've shared experiences of being called diversity hires being told they're only hired for their appearance and his eye candy and even having doctored media created with their faces on offensive and inappropriate content content I mean it's not wrong to call people diversity hires especially at Rockstar this video alone has shown that there is an overwhelming amount of agenda that is pushing and happening at Rockstar right now as for being called eye candy I mean I guess beauty
is in the eye of the beholder but it's very obvious people are being hired based on race and gender at Rockstar that cannot be denied then of course there's one of the more senior people in this video named Viv Langdon who has also publicly stated that they hate people who don't agree with trans Identity or anything like that this vivv has also worked at Rockstar for almost 10 years so far as a senior tools programmer vivv has also made it apparent that Twitter back in 2019 apparently doesn't care about trans people which I don't know
Vivie because in 2019 you would get banned instantly on Twitter or really anywhere else if you said anything about anyone who is trans even more so if it was 2020 or 2021 so I don't really agree with you on that one all things considered but vivv is obviously someone who is pro censorship of course to because here's Viv advocating for people to report another user on Twitter for not validating their gender identity great totally rational Behavior there another Rockstar employee whose name is Emily said via Twitter that they're glad Rockstar removed any negative depictions of
trans people from GTA 5 when they released the enhanced Edition of the game in case you didn't know Rockstar went back and removed any and all traces of what was considered transphobic from GTA for PS5 series X and such as you can see here in this the gamer article this this was all patched out from jokes character models and interactions with what was considered not socially acceptable by the standards of today notice also that this was released and patched in 2022 specifically around the exact same time all of these Talent acquisition employees get hired from
places like Behavior interactive and within the same time frame that many white developers were being strong armed to taking unconscious biased courses to renounce their whiteness or privileges in the name of wokeness so GTA 5 went from being a game that's a part of a series that seizes and makes fun of everyone to suddenly not being allowed anymore to make jokes about certain individuals the moment that Dan Hower and his top talent leave Rockstar and then the entire Studio gets gripped from the top to bottom by Dei initiatives funny how that works yet they'll still
tell you that I'm just crazy for noticing these things by the way this was pushed to Rockstar by an lgbtq plus gaming industry advocacy group called out making games that demanded that Rockstar remove any mention of transphobia from the game in 2022 right around the time when danhuser left as well and by the way that Emily Evans lady who worked at Rockstar and celebrated when the company removed the so-called trans content oh would you look at that under her licenses and certifications she has the unconscious bias course in her LinkedIn because of course she does
I mean she's a white person after all here's another developer named Flavio who also works at Rockstar and there it is again unconscious bias core certification because he's a white game developer I wish I was kidding but this is really happening if you're not willing to play by their rules they will just simply Crush you with demands until you submit there's also Austin Ruda a senior production coordinator of Rockstar who also big surprise like many others used to work at Behavior interactive this Dev via Blue Sky says that he hates gamergate people too not seeing
garbage sponsored post from grifters Rage baiters and right-wing stoes every other post is so nice man WTF pure Bliss so there's a lot of liberal Pro Dei Pro censorship people at Rockstar right now yep sorry to break it to you all guys here's Austin retweeting things too with all the usual stuff you think these people do as well then the final person here is named Craig and he's a weird one that I don't quite understand 100% to be honest but he's been very vocal for children to be exposed to trans stuff he also works at
Rockstar too he's a Scottish Dev who really hates the SNP or Scottish national party he Advocates as you see here that children should understand how to feel pleasure during um intercourse yeah I just feel weird reading this out loud guys I'm not going to lie to you and here's Craig yelling at the Scottish national party saying children don't need mothers and fathers again super weird that this guy has such a fixation on children and stuff he also calls the government homophobic here and then just starts posting a bunch of Trends and rainbow Flags whenever parties
within Scotland want to push for traditional family values and such and then the Scottish party shares a video to show how families make babies I guess and Craig doesn't like this because I guess they're pushing heterosexual relations I suppose it's super weird dude I don't know what to make of this guy specifically to be real with you but as you can see from all the info presented here that Rockstar is definitely more than kneep in De initiatives right now across the entire company they are full of activists who are pushing Dei wokeness weird kid family
stuff and hiring people in Dr from compan compies that also push the same sort of ideologies the unconscious bias thing was a big part of the scoop because whenever people claim that white Dev specifically are not being targeted or forced to comply to the beliefs or whims of others I mean it's just simply not true white developers are absolutely getting strangled by this industry to comply to these insane demands as I'm told by some sources too since I might as well as added here while I'm making this GTA 6's story should mostly be kept intact
from when danher and such Ro it like they did every other GTA game in Red Dead story but this doesn't mean things couldn't be changed of course and I would mostly worry about the post launch future of GTA 6 than anything else side content will likely be sanitized as well too expect no trans jokes or anything but plenty of jokes about white people instead because that's totally fine to do of course if GTA 6 somehow doesn't hit the landing and it just ends up pissing off the fans we could be looking at one expensive disaster
on our hands I do think it will still sell well I mean it is GTA but I'm just letting you guys know okay but there is one truth here that I want you to take away from all of this GTA 6 is absolutely 100% infected and hijacked by dozens of activists and we'll only see just how far this goes once more about the game comes out but what do you think about all of this will you still be buying GTA 6 is any of this concerning to you what about the unconscious bias thing for white
devs is that a good thing or not let me me know in the comments thank you for watching subscribe thanks again to Franchesco make sure to follow him and have a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next one
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