hello, welcome there's another video lesson here in the engineering stuff today we're going to continue the water supply system, ok and we're going to start talking about the water consumption part and so let's go very well in the our schedule there yesterday I released the video about conception, production and conception of the water supply system and today we are going to start talking about water consumption a first introduction ok this subject is quite big so come on, first let's think about where the population is consumes water anyway the first idea that comes to our minds is all the consumptions that we have inside our house at our residence so that's characterized as being a domestic consumption, in addition, it's those who work in commerce then you'll be able to know as the water is graphic, it is consumed within their stores, right? Besides, we have water consumption in the industry in the buildings, right, public service buildings, right, like city halls, hospitals and p health costs, day care centers, schools, etc. And unfortunately, we have to consider a consumption due to the loss due to leakage and theft of water, there is a serious problem, it is a very interesting professional area too and I recommend it to anyone who wants to work with it's ok what we have as consumption, ok, we can take a look here, it's harmful, you'll find this type of table here, so we have the use is consumption within the household, it's not given in liters per person per day for example, for people to drink the water and use it in the kitchen, around 10 to 20 liters are consumed per person in the color resident in that room per day, if you wash clothes, we will use around 10 to 20 liters there.
per person per day for bathing 25-55 l eh including washing hands right there is today perhaps the consumer is a little higher right because my then our toilets 15-25 other uses so dia So we have a lot, it's a lot of data, right here in books and scientific articles, ok so it 's a cool exercise here that we can do before we continue, so we're talking about consumption, an exercise in curiosity for you how much are you willing to pay to quench your thirst nowadays we did pay very dearly I guarantee you so let's take a look at this exercise here o calculate the price per cubic meter of the following items or liquids taxi let's start the following first before we're on the list here but first how much it costs per cubic meter that you spend what you pay right the cost of a cubic meter you pay then the sanitation company of his city leaves there in the comments where I'm curious right is so surreal and put it like this put the sanitation company and the city where you live and it will be cool is you know those 20 liter water canisters so how much does its cubic meter cost, so is the bill. Here's the next one here, here's the bill, let's go there, people can do it quickly, so I have a canister of 20 liters of glass per thousand, I have it there, it has 0. 02 cubic meters to 0.
02 cubic meters here I pay 15 reais and a canister so r$15 I divide by 0. 020 that then costs r$750 a cubic meter of the water canister 750 that let's put the 750. 00 reais per cubic meter here, look, let's do an even cooler exercise oh, let's calculate beer, it retains heineken there, if you go to exercise, I'll do it with good beer, right, I had researched somewhere here, 3:59 a long neck of 250 ml and if I've already calculated it for us, yeah, yeah, that's right.
If you don't have it, it will cost you if I don't make a mistake 14,000 r$360 a cubic meter and the Heineken beer you believe that we say that I stopped that's hi love later you can continue this exercise with other interesting things I also added milk you will be surprised for the price of the cubic meter of milk, it will vary, right if you have sparkling water in the beer brand, milk brand, right juice, see it easy this exercise then leave it in the comments for me it's very interesting let's continue our video lesson here Well, continuing here, we also have commercial use so let's just have an idea of commercial offices, we have a consumption of around 50 liters per person per day for people who attend offices, so you can imagine this wave today of coworking and such at 50 liters per person per day I think that thor commercial in restaurant and people spend little time on the shelf see 25 of them per meal per person in this case also in hotels, right we spend around 120 liters per and per day in laundries hospitals garages are serviced and certain industry and you are given so it's kind of complicated to obtain right but that's ok industry use of toilets 70 liters per worker per employee per day in slaughterhouses o Look, it's only 300 liters per head slaughtered 300 liters it 's for small animals we have 150 liters per animal slaughtered in dairy products, right, look at the dairy, it takes 1 to 5 liters for each kilo and the product is produced in tanneries this grace one hundred and fifty 60 liters per kilo of leather ok, it's obvious that this varies but look at paper guys paper factory it takes from 100 to 400 liters per kilo of paper to produce a lot, right, it 's obvious that technologies are changing today and these values here should also be changed from where these values come from, by the way, from the researches of the researches of the doctoral students of scientific initiation so I thank these guys who are kind of difficult to do and boring research for [ __ ] imagine and here we have others types of data on consumption, this one I took from Milton's book, bra, ok, so we need this table here, look here, we have this table here, we have a profile of domestic water consumption so for example, yes toilet bowl we spend 25 or 24 liters per house or the consumption of this individual, right, 5 liters per day for each person who lives in that house there for you toilet shower 230/60 liters per day per person is a washing machine 12 liters per person per day new washbasin they sink tank so on we have another spreadsheet with another table here and we have a little more notion, ok, it's in apartments, right per person, not in this one spends 200 liters a day received by us person per day and one residence, imagine it is land 150 liters per person per day and school is boarding school 150 milk per people boarding schools here must also be included full-time schools that are very common today one of the children study in full -time schools boarding school 150 50 leaders common school in my interior I think, right, popular house 120 liters per person per day without people, right water consumption in commercial establishments in other types of table here, ok In an office 50 liters per person per day in a restaurant, a hotel laundry , etc. ok let's move on so we have the uses there is public where the water used, for example, and this is book material, it's irrigation of gardens, washing the streets and walks on sidewalks like this, look, I've never seen anywhere washing the garden or the bills are being turned off by the economy and public restrooms food so 700 I've participated in infrastructure projects, right, for revitalization where I suggest and put public restrooms near from a fair that was being revitalized here in Campo Grande I almost got beaten up at the meeting the guys don't do public restrooms but nowadays when I was a kid my grandfather worked as a gardener here in a city in the countryside of the south of the city. at the time there was water in the fountain in a new can I took care of the gardening there I saw a garden that makes the list nowadays of the same fountain, right, don't even wash the gent and street in public restrooms right guys educated education of the population has multiplied the online guys who were all then they are not doing when I suggested the guy since I almost took the meeting losses and loss water leaks characterized as system responsibility increasing the average price of the users ' bill the obvious that remained in the sanitation company loses water it is not a loss it distributes because it is within its course so it has a cost, it puts its profit margin and holds the price for everyone, it is obvious that this price is limited by the regulatory agencies, right so it 's not like that, let it leak out that everyone will pay it's not quite right, but the small losses and ends up being diluted by the users being paid in a diluted way by the users, okay so that makes the price more expensive account average users while waste is different lost this happens inside users' homes before consumer responsibility if you leave your faucet open inside your house and the room has passed by your bus there turned hydraulic buddy you 'll pay your bill so this is characterized as waste it doesn't matter you left the faucet open you took a 5 hour shower or it broke it's a face mato thick cube and then at your house you're traveling you're going to pay the bill ok and you're losing your leg control water supply system is a very interesting subject for professionals who were working with the water supply system ok why why not the moment that a professional technician in my opinion has techniques to reduce the loss of water, this makes this professional highly sought after for sanitation components and this guy's salary will be easily paid for the savings he will bring the system can't imagine, the greater the system looks at the loss of water, so the greater potential in this professional is to identify reducing losses is to touch, you have to study a lot of hydraulic technique, right, it's ingestion to go automation also to work in this area, but it's a very interesting area to work, okay and it constitutes the main operational activity since its control is directly related to the company every drop of water that doesn't is is lost is profit without percent for the company for the sanitation company so this is characteristic an operational activity of the main ok it is coated technology partner training people is how many to save on loss better for the company better for you is better for everyone ok ah so it is directly related to the revenue and expenditure of the sanitation company's company in public supply systems from an operational point of view water losses are considered to correspond to the unbilled volumes billed volume around the globe is everything man doesn't know the difference between a leak in the network and it's a cat robbery right, theft of water that the user makes in the supply network t Everything comes in as an unbilled volume, so within this whole panorama, why should we understand the uses of water so that we can design a daily water supply system?
We have to understand how people are using this, because the structures right hydraulic pipes right mechanical hydraulic equipment are sized according to the amount of water supplied in a given period of time that we do not flow the name're en me to scale thing people an outlet d'photo of this water needs're there flow we need to know the diameters of the pipes we are going to use, we need to give flow, we need to mention pumping stations pumps are discharge lines, we need to know the reason and for us to design a water treatment plant without having any more there's how you can do it, it's impossible, I need to know this flow is to be able to scale all of this that I just told you, so in turn the flow depends on who we know about people, people of consumers, where do we want to send water with people, so we have to understand how effective it is with people's consumption, so look, we need to know how many people that we will have to meet in our project area, right, boat, it's not the city we are considering we have to know that for the future, the future is ok and we also need to know how much water each person consumes in the average, in addition to knowing the average water consumption of people, we have to know how this average is, as this course varies up or down, because at certain times of the day and at certain times of the year, consumption can be higher. or it's shorter, are you keeping this information, look at this part here that we won't see right now, this is going to be a subject for two or three video lessons ahead, okay but I've already left it here so you keep it in your memory And you guys, okay, so the population is obviously a variable of our problem is that it has to be solved so, first thing, we have to fix the time until when the system will work, so I see I 'm doing a project today and this project has to to work for 10 15 20 30 years, I don't know, so the first thing we need to determine from what year to what year this system will work to be able to do the project, it's okay because there are hours that it will work and he is an employee without overloading the facilities. in the distribution also, this time from here to here, we give the name of project horizons today, project period, ok and it is the time interval in which the system is heating water, will it operate or is it the longest period of time in the future why is it possible we establish this reliable VAT because if I want to know, for example, how many people I will have in 5 hours in Campo Grande where I live in my margin of error, it will be very good now if and u want to know how many people will be living in Campo Grande in a hundred years from now, most likely I'll make a mistake, so we have to estimate that your relationship is trustworthy, ok so the project horizon has to be related.
from the books, the durability or useful life, right from everything you're putting in your system right, the part of works and equipment and also try related to the amortization period, okay because it's like an expensive car loan you want a big car you go there in bank you have your salary doing no credit and I'll give you the money you buy the car you pay in installments along with the interest you pay amortization which is a portion of what you and I to have the money flow which is the interest is the alignment conference does the same thing it has a project takes these banks out of infrastructure they release the long wait the borrowed money builds the network supply system water and then, as people pay the water bill, they take part of this money and pay off this debt, so sometimes I lost the project, that 's it, we'll talk a little later about this, it also has to do with the course of capital to be invested which has to do with this previous part as well and also has a lot to do with the rate of population growth where you are doing your project is obvious right, so how long should we use the period as the project horizon of project our projects and water supply systems in how long is this, then you will find around 20 years. Today we are working with 30 years, ok, because 30 years is usually the period of the contract. award sewage service and the municipalities are outsourcing there for companies so're the company gains the right to exploit the right to water and sewer service only does she have to invest right then q hen at night when the company to take over a city is usually for 30 years so all the projects the company is made for 30 years ok that's why i have seen it normally well said all of this then now we need to estimate how many people are living in our area of project it's at the end of our project horizon that we adopted ok so let's think a little bit ok let's think a little bit how can i predict the future how can i guess how many people will be living in my perimeter there in my area in my neighborhood in my city that I'm projecting how can I predict this future I simply can't not predict if the future has no way so what do we do what is the engineer's line of reasoning , well we look to the past we are looking to the past and we deliberately assume that what will happen in the future is what has happened in the past so I assume that the tendency that happened in the past to it will continue to happen with the future until today this is very interesting but hi lipe i dont work for mega sena it works if man i was here nice little jadinha there to relax good coming back anyway we used this line of reasoning i want to laugh i dont know because we still use this premise in our water supply systems projects why do we use it because we use it because it's very good I said no because it's easy to use it's easy to use and easy to understand the easy to explain, we'll see this a little further in the next ones in our next video classes, ok, but we have to take some precautions so let's explore this a little bit here with our examples first, let's look at the past and reaching the present we will get data here in brazil the most reliable best place to get data is life is then we will get data there at ibge ok so let's go an example here for example is this one is data from campo grande there 1991 we had a population of 500 and 26126 inhabitants in campo grande in 2004 we have 734,000 164 good with these two data, look with these two sides what that we can expect, for example, the year 2019 that just passed, you can do some math, you can't, but if I put it on the chart, then, put it on the chart, okay so here's what I did here, look Come on and I took 1991 and I put my data right there, there are 526 thousand inhabitants here I took my year there from 2004 and I protected here 734,000 inhabitants okay man I'm looking at this here I say so if I want to know and which one yeah and the population there in 2012 2012 it's here if i had there in 2004 right 2014 ten years ahead of you then i look at these two states it's more or less 2014 it's going to be here well, i would have around 900 thousand inhabitants this kind of reasoning that we follow, so let's do the eguinte counts like this man so this here i can join this stop here look these two points here with the straight line right man now i can predict the future right if it was mega sena I was rich right man so okay so let's assume that I want it for 2019 so I came here 2019 I have it up there the straight beat here I think my future forecast comes here on my side take a look here hey 950 1 million from here there are 50 thousand nine hundred and seventy-five thousand inhabitants, I know, in 2019, if I had here in 2004 and forecasting for 2019, I would say in Campo Grande it would not be 975,000 inhabitants in 2019 so much so that we go there and see that we can see that large countryside is actually in 2019 in 896,000 inhabitants more or less published stuck let's go again there good then let's do my straight again here dammit we business so 2019 I have 896,000 inhabitants will get something else here in the blue it's 887 896 890,000 it's here and there in 2019 will reach 20 19 here and I'm going down man it 's my straight it's wrong so I should it come here look and get ready here you hey there's an uzumaki khan good so let's go cloud it and then I have to do what good it to it's here, it's not here, let's go in another color here so I caught 896,000 inhabitants around here and I got there in the year 2019 it's 2019 it's here let's go down okay so this line in green here stuck man it came somehow it came here it calms down, well so I have this error here, what could have happened there, well, I had little data, right, only two dice, it 's bad, right, so let's go ahead so I get more data from the field, great beauty now I'm with all the data from 91 94 there, this guy here, well, let's do our math again ok let's take it here, let's draw a line here, more or less here, where I think it will better represent a represented here very good then let me go back a little here, I'll put the data from c big amp here ok now let's do our exercise I'll put the line here the best I think will touch all the data let's get there 2019 yeah, then 2019 would have to have given here a little more than 900 950 thousand inhabitants no no dude, there are eight right 896 thousand inhabitants it's 896,000 inhabitants it's a little dot here so 896,000 inhabitants 2019 here and then I see I have all this data here what happened ok may have happened I don't know something and so the population did something thing like that this was not a straight face so I can find another representation here in beauty, we will see this in the next video classes so let's continue with another care that we have to take the next one, for example I take a situation with this one where I have two points there, right and I'll do my engineering service there, right forecasting future forecasting engineering so make a straight line here okay I'm sure of everything that will happen weave in the future, right, so it works fine, but the following I put this example here because I see if I can expand to get the data, but forward a little I have this situation here different from the big field, right guy who gets more messed up a little, I could trace a line I put a line where here and I put a line and here and put a line here, it may not be a line, right?