the ancient Greek philosopher epicurus said that this too is one of the evils of foolishness it is always beginning to live this too is one of the evils of foolishness it is always beginning to live what he's calling us out here for is our Perpetual attempt to finally make a change to finally start to become the person that we know we need to be and how do we go about this we say next week next month next year in this new year I'm going to start out being exactly the person that I know I need
to be that I've always want it to be and I'm just going to continue that way I'm going to have my perfect life my perfect streak this day is done this year is done the next year and tomorrow I will achieve it I will make another attempt and don't you realize don't we realize what happens every time we make this promise in which we say okay today is dead and gone I've failed and I've been failing but tomorrow is a new day okay and when I wake up I'm just going to start to be the
person in this new year whatever it may be that I've always needed to be and what happens is we slip up something or we don't do something to the degree that we have promised ourselves to do and we give out we say oh well failed again but try again later and we talked about this before on this channel every challenge is an opportunity but what we see challenges as are are battles that we need to win and if we fail we have failed and we're failers where is reality we can recognize a challenge for what
it really is an opportunity for advancement I've said it before in every challenge either the challenge is overcome and we have advanced or we failed the challenge but we can advance towards advancement what I mean by that is we must finally stop to begin only to stop again but instead we should just continue let's not call this a new beginning let's just call it a continuation because everything we've been through so far even though we have not achieved that what we really truly wanted to achieve and still want to achieve but every single challenge has
brought us closer to that yes we didn't over the things that we want to overcome we haven't stopped being the person that we want to stop being but every single challenge that we in our eyes failed was a step closer to that and this is exactly how every single challenge that we fail to overcome gets us to fail it succeeds when it succeeds to make us think that today is lost and that we may get to try again tomorrow take a simple thing as your diet if you want to lose weight what you do is
you today you have the Temptation and you give into the temptation as as we've always done that's why we're in need of the diet right and as soon as we've given into the Temptation we count today as lost is that not what we do we say well well I've already eaten this I've already been over my goal of my caloric intake so I might as well just eat even more today because today is lost I will try again tomorrow but today is lost so I might as well indulge but again as our Roman Emperor stoic
philosopher friend Marcus aelius says it's about making the best move possible yes you have eaten yes you have made a mistake yes you have given into something that you no longer want to give in give into but this there's still the best move you can make from now on for the rest of the day and that way yes maybe you've failed your challenge but you have advanced towards advancement so the one mentality that keeps us from achieving our goals is this giving up on today and hoping to be able to start again to live finally
tomorrow but another one is the past and the future when the challenge arises and notice how the challenge always arises within the present moment nothing is ever asked of you in the past because that would be impossible the past is gone and the future is yet to come so the challenge the achievement of all all of your goals the path that leads to becoming the person that you want to become the challenge for that the test for that and the and the point at which you make yourself that person is always the present never the
past and never the future but what weighs on us in the present is is always the past or the future what weighs on us in the present is never the present it's the past or the future again Marcus aurelus says tell me what in this present moment is so unbearable and you will be ashamed of your answer and it's true whenever the challenge arises whenever the Temptation comes whenever that happens what always happens and what finally needs to stop happening ask yourself what in this present moment is so unbearable what's wrong and you will realize
it's not the present moment that weighs on you it's the past or the future it's your past what you regard as traumas the things that happened beforeand that you think has made your identity has shaped your identity and all the regrets and the shame and the and the resentment that you have from the past is what is making you act in the way that you don't want to be acting in the present or like we said it's the future that makes us do these things in the present future worries future anxieties things that you anticipate
will happen but that have obviously not have happened yet is what makes you now in the present shape that future everything you ever wanted to achieve ever could possibly want to achieve ever could possibly dream for anyone else to achieve is always achieved in the present moment the only time we live is now life is lived by one present moment after another we cannot live in the past we cannot live in the future we all know this but when it comes to in the exact moment we're always weighed down by the past or the future
have to realize that the present is literally all that anyone ever has we all have 24 hours that consists of many many little moments in the present in the now and all we can all we ever have at our disposal to do anything whatsoever with our lives is the material of the present moment that's all that we have that's all that anyone has ever had to do anything is the present moment this one and this one and this one and the next one so we must get rid of all the things that prevent us from
using the present moment isn't that clear enough if all that we have is the present moment and clearly something is in the way of us being able to use this one and only material of life then we must get rid of whatever that is and we just had a hint of what that might be when we talked about the past Weighing on us or the future Weighing on us either with past regrets or what future worries but we also have to make sure that our goals for which we only have the present moment to achieve
them are the right ones because it's also possible that our own being is trying to tell us that it's not right for us that this goal we've we set for ourselves and that we keep trying to achieve keep failing and and spiraling to this that this might be not be right it was a simple and perfect way of finding that out and is to go inside to examine our own beliefs and to ask this simple question how many of my goals how much of me and how much of what I want to be is determined
by my identity how much of this and what of this am I trying to do because I'm trying to be a good husband a good wife a good brother a good sister a good friend a good worker because I'm trying to impress this or that person or how what of this is me trying to live up to the fantasies that I've built up as a child how much of this adult me is going around in the world trying to satisfy the fantasies of the 15-year-old me how much of my life am I trying to make
look like what I had imagined it would be as a child it's amazing with how many preconceived notions and goals and Ambitions we walk around that we have formed formed when we were a child essentially and how we as adults try to live up to the fantasies of a teenager of a child we need to drop all of that we we almost literally many times have rocks in our pockets and we're trying to swim those possessions that you try to get or rocks that weighing you down in every possible sense you regret not having them
you worry never having them and you spend every single present moment on somehow trying to attain them we only have this present moment to live what we spend this present moment on is little Lally everything our entire life is in the nil we think that the present is such a small sliver the present moment is such a small sliver of our life because there's there Decades of our past and decades in our future and it's just this one moment right now that seems so small but all of life is contained in that one moment we
do not have another space another time to live in all of life takes place in this exact present moment and everything that gets us to not be present in this present moment is everything that keeps us from living because if we're not living in this present moment now we're not living at all to spend the present moment on regrets in the past or worries in the future is to not spend it on life on living go through all your Ambitions all your goals and your entire identity what you think your achievements are what you think
your traumas are what you think in the external world has been holding you back all these years and will hold you back in the coming years and realize all of it is self imposed look around you the world requires nothing of you not a single thing that you do is required by the universe by God whatever you want to call it these are all self-imposed requirements your deadlines are self-imposed your worries are self-imposed most of your regrets are self-imposed they don't have to be there all the things that you need to do and all the
certain ways in which you have to do them and all the certain times in which you have to do them by are self-imposed requirements and obligations that come from our identity I just said recently in a video yes all those bad things that happened to you in the past did happen all the things that you feel like are holding you back yes they did happen but they don't have to Define you they don't have to be your identity when you think of yourself as that person when you think of yourself as that victim you think
of yourself as this disadvantaged person that's being held back by the entire world outside of them you do nothing other than give the present moment over to the past or to the Future and that's something that you do no one else does that again no one's denying that these things have happened that people treat people unfairly that people lie that people cheat that people aim to hurt others no one's done any of that but we must not add to it by making it our identity if someone came in here right now and insulted me it's
not like I would say that didn't happen yes this person came in and they said what they said but it is on me to go around offended by that resenting that hating it regretting it getting angry at it telling others about it having that anger in me and that resentment and that and that just Fury about how a person could act like this and how this how this is unjust and unfair and and improper I could go around the rest of my entire life doing that and at some point the vast majority of our regrets
of everything that we resent is our own regret and our own misery it's not the vent itself at that point we have regretted it resented it been Ang angry at it so much both in time and intensity then most of what we are angry about the most of what we resent is actually our own anger our own resentment we've added so much to it that the thing has become mostly what we added to it and so from this day on and this New Year stop always beginning new today is not lost tomorrow is no different
than today really it's the present moment any challenge anything that you ever need to face you will face with the same mindset with the same Tools in this present moment if you can't do it now if you feel like you can't do it now you won't be able to do it tomorrow either and the only way to be able to do it tomorrow is to do it in this present moment as well it's always going to be the same challenge it's always going to feel the same it is always going to be just as much
as difficult tomorrow as it feels like it is right this present moment the Challenger is here the challenge is now and it's only this present moment that you need to deal with there is no past there is no future it's this one little slice of time that is all that is ever asked of you to deal with it's only that slice of Temptation only that slice of challenge only that slice of difficulty that you need to deal with nothing else nothing else even exists let go of the past let go of the future the slice
that is in front of you now is all that you have to deal with and so stop beginning to live a new every single time the challenge presents itself and simply make the very best move you can in this present moment