let's discuss how we got here what should be different and how it should be discussed okay Bill O'Reilly joins me now and I'm going to hold him over the break so we can really cover a lot of these concerns uh that he shares as well um thank you for joining me big man I appreciate it so what is your take I was there eight days ago uh driving right through uh the area I was in driving through Calabasas and Pacific Palisades and it was tranquil and everybody was happy and um it's just stunning in the
space of a week that your whole life if you lived out there can disappear it's biblical almost uh and it's a message so I'm going to address a general picture if you don't mind quomo tonight because I think investigations have to be done about uh water pumping and all that and uh but the general picture is this uh Progressive governance does not work and California is a mismanaged state from almost top to bottom and the fault lies with the voters who elect people like Karen bass uh and Gavin Newsome but Nome not so much because
Nome uh genuinely I think wants to do a good job but he's trapped by his Progressive of ideology and his support system now let me back that up in New York where I am right now we have Progressive leadership and they passed a a bail reform law that put hardened criminals back on the streets and it has killed thousands of people thousands of people are dead because of the baale reform law when you put violent people back on the street and don't punish them for criminal activity you're going to have more crime everybody knows that
yet the voters of New York put these people in office and the same thing in California so everybody in California knows that the ecosystem there is dangerous and fragile everybody knows there are going to be fires there are going to be uh mudslides Pacific Coast Highway is closed now South the Big Sir everybody knows that the ocean is ferocious and this is a state that is going to be besieged all the time nothing has been done by the progressive leadership to prevent any of it in 2014 Sacramento passed a law that provided money bonds to
build seven water plants okay water storage plants across the state but there was a rider attempt hold on one second bill bill bill I bill I want to hear about the writer hold on Dusty monitor mayor bass let me know if she's saying anything that changes our understanding or if she says anything that doesn't make any sense about our understanding and I'll I'll come I'll I'll dip in there and you'll you'll tell me what it was but Bill continue until then okay so the rider attached to that seven water storage plants that says they can
only be built if they benefit the quote ecosystem so they weren't built because the environmentalist challenged every single thing every construction site everything and um Nome allowed it didn't challenge it didn't publicize it the mayor of Los Angeles as you accurately reported cut 17 million from the firefighter budget even though her own handpicked fire chief said don't do that it's to too risky the mayor did it anyway and had plenty of money to not cut because $1.3 billion dollar a year Los Angeles gives to the homeless to enable people to remain drug addicted and live
in the street why would they kick it why would they try to get work or a home if the state's going to support their lifestyle of getting high one .3 billion a year and they're cutting firefighters this is the kind of governance you want Progressive leadership leads to destruction and death that is the truth and that is what we are seeing played out here right now bill will you do me a favor uh let me get in a quick break can we come back and continue the conversation I want to talk to you also uh
I want to come back at you on uh on some of that but also I want to talk to you about the insurance issue and how you've seen it move over time we good on that yep all right thank you Bill welcome to news Nation I'm Chris quore continuing coverage of what's happening in California I'm with Bill O'Reilly uh we've been discussing um you know of course we all got to be together on helping the people on the ground get through right now but we have these questions of why are they dealing with this uh
could it have been avoided what has to change bill as making the point that he believes the politicians involved uh specifically Progressive ones have created policies that preference the wrong people and have created vulnerabilities that are now destroying communities um with Karen Bass the mayor I smell what you're cooking uh there Bill uh she was out of position when this happened yeah it's not fair she went to Africa how could she know there was going to be fires the National Weather Service had warned of extreme conditions before she left she made a call it was
the wrong call she came back uh she does not sound assertive and in control the way people expect in these situations she did cut the budget there's a discrepancy about you know 2% cut where did it really go what difference would it make let's put her to the side Nome I think is more of the examination than you're giving them uh there's been a consistency of policies uh that favor whether it's power line companies or infrastructure over the removal of fuel uh for these communities that something he's going to have to speak to but those
infrastructure projects you bring up here's my problem with that part of the blame game it's bad that they didn't do the infrastructure projects when they were approved by the people 10 years ago I'm with you I don't think any of them had anything to do with the LA water system or the forest management that would have made a difference in these fires so why blame that now because with high-tech you can irrigate places that are very dry and provide a layer of protection for the people who live there irrigation has made California the world's most
productive um grower of food you can irrigate dry places if you have the stored water and you can do desalinization taking salt out of the ocean water and using it to protect citizens of California none of this is done because Nome and everybody else in the legislature in Sacramento too busy virtue signaling about global warming about smelts about snail darters about Eco this and Eco that it's insane and this is what Progressive leadership brings that they're not problem solvers look I know a lot of people who live in Malibu Pacific Palisades all of that they
can clear brush on their private property they can do that they take two steps off their private property say they have a forest adjacent to it they can't touch it they can't clear it that's what Trump was yelling about uh years ago when he said you have to manage your forests there in California and you don't there's no Forest management so if there is a lightning strike or a fire it's going to be a Tinder Box that's true and Nome doesn't do anything about it that's the definition of a bad leader now Insurance very important
very important all the major insurance companies are raising prices everywhere in the United States on cars and homes to pay off the catastrophes in Florida North Carolina California on and on on everybody's getting hosed okay but in California they have a very robust insurance commission it's headed by a guy named Ricardo Lara he is the commissioner he has done nothing quomo nothing all right to negotiate with State Farm All State all the big agencies and say you know we'll give you a tax break if you stay here instead of pulling out which they are and
help the folks that has not happened and the reason is that all the big corporations are bad for the progressives the insurance companies are horrible negotiate with them you can do that the California insurance commission is powerful and Nome knows that why aren't you negotiating to bring uh insurance premiums affordable ones to your 50 million residents because they don't care about it I don't know that they don't care they don't care I I think they don't care if they did they solve the problem I take your opinion but here's why I don't take your assessment
of the motivation if it were that simple that the progressives don't care and the conservatives do then DeSantis wouldn't be facing the same problem in Florida well but I'm saying look I didn't say it's a progressive problem but I'm I'm just saying I don't think it's a progressive problem I think it's an insurance um leverage problem because Florida is getting crushed by the industry unfairly as well of course but it's all about leadership and negotiating but if you look at the states that are run by progressives California is a one-party state it only has one
party a liberal Democratic party what problems do they solve none all right San Francisco LA fires everywhere crime everywhere they don't do anything but virtue signal and I'm not saying that Florida is a Magic Kingdom all right no I'm saying they have the same problem with insurance ways yeah but I'm saying there's not even or right the insurers are winning but I'm saying I think that look I I'll take your point about the politics it doesn't really matter to me and here's why bill I think that there's a problem with the corporate allowances when it
comes to the insurers right now that has to be addressed probably I know states have the control over insurance but there's got to be some kind of federal Avenue here because look you know you and I both have friends in Florida we both travel there on a regular basis they're getting priced out because of their insurance for their mortgages they're getting killed and they're getting killed on their condo fees and all these things because the insurers I'm not blaming Dan santis I'm saying he hasn't been able to do anything about it either I think these
companies are way out of control I agree and it's up to DeSantis to negotiate deals that help the citizens of Florida just like it's up to Nome to do the same federal government cannot control the insurance or true um in indry it can't right there's 50 states each state are different it's the governors okay but what I'm submitting to you tonight Cuomo is they in California I haven't researched Florida in California they don't even try all they do is virtue signal when you have a police chief in the second largest city in the country telling
the mayor look you cannot cut the budget 12 million we need more firefighters we need more equipment and the mayor goes blank you I'm cutting it you got a problem okay that's just the truth I hear you Bill I appreciate your assessment of it uh the insurance thing we're going to be able to talk about it more because we're going to see it play out here well I see it in every story now every time there's a problem uh the insurance companies are like no longer in the business of losing money it's like they only
want to insur insure places where they're not going have to pay anybody um all right thank you very much for coming on app one more Point yes sir please all right one more point before Dusty decapitates us the states canine insurance companies a lot of money okay so they have power the states but again it's like well it's too complicated I really don't want to get involved with that no all right thanks for having me on Happy New Year and let's hope next week is better oh God willing God willing Bill O'Reilly thank you four
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