hello my friends it's danny and today i'm showing you how to make homemade dog food our dog charlie he's four years old we recently decided to switch him from store-bought foods to homemade food and really i figured if everybody else in our house was eating clean and delicious why not charlie plus i've really discovered that making homemade dog food is a really easy to do you have so many options so many different varieties so today what i'm going to show you is a really great well-balanced starter recipe that's both easy to make and super versatile
so the one thing i would suggest if you plan to start making homemade food for your dog food is to do a little research just so you know the foods that dogs are not supposed to eat right so there's foods like onions garlic kale grapes raisins what i would recommend is doing a quick google search to find an all-inclusive list of the foods they can't eat and or to buy a few doggy cookbooks and do a little bit of research i will be sure to leave the books that i purchased when i was researching this
myself down in the description box below if you want to check them out i also called the vet just to make sure that i had the green light and that i wasn't missing anything so do anything that you feel you need to do to take the necessary precautions but also keep in mind there's really not that much to worry about and it's probably a lot easier than you think so to get started i'm going to heat a nice large saute pan over a medium heat you could also use a pot actually if you're doubling or
tripling the recipe i recommend using a pot for sure and i'm gonna melt one tablespoon of coconut oil once the coconut oil has melted down i'm adding in one pound of ground turkey this could also be ground beef and i'm just going to start breaking it up you just want to break it up until you have crumbles and let this cook for about 10 minutes or until it is cooked through and lightly browned next up i'm going to add the veggies and we're using about three cups total starting with one cup of shredded zucchini which
is about one large zucchini then one cup of shredded carrots which i washed and peeled and then a big old handful of baby spinach which i just gave it really rough chop and cut it up nice and fine now it is not recommended that you add salt to your dog's food but there are lots of spices and herbs that can be really beneficial to the dog so i'm also going to add in a half a teaspoon of turmeric because that's an anti-inflammatory and it's great for their digestion along with the tiniest pinch of black pepper
to help activate that turmeric then we're just going to stir this all together get all the meat mixed up with the vegetables and let it cook for another eight minutes or so really what we're looking for is for those veggies to become nice and tender and because they're cut so small it doesn't take much time at all then i'm just going to turn off the heat and i'm going to crack one egg right into the pan and the residual heat from the meat and the veggies is going to cook this egg so i'm just going
to stir it in get it really well incorporated not only is this going to add extra flavor but it's gonna add a little more protein some healthy fats and some great vitamins and minerals as well and then the final ingredient is three cups of cooked brown rice this could also be white rice i'm just gonna stir this in you can make the rice however you prefer i like to take a shortcut method i usually buy frozen brown rice and just cook it up in the microwave and then i let it cool a bit and add
it right into this mixture and you're going to see that once everything comes together it looks beautiful you might even want to take a bite of it yourself which would be totally fine because there's nothing in there that you can't eat but what you want to let it do is cool down completely before you serve it and then what i do is i transfer it into an airtight container and this will last in the fridge up to five days and if you wanted it to go the long haul you could pop it in the freezer
for up to three months now this makes about six cups of food which for charlie who's about 40 45 pounds is three days worth of food so i do recommend if you plan to start cooking for your dog on a regular basis scale up the recipes so you don't have to be in the kitchen every three or four days right make enough to get you through a week or two or even three if you're leaning on your freezer and i also want to share that if you're not ready to do the deep dive and start
cooking for your dog on a day-to-day basis but you are intrigued by this just keep in mind that just adding some fresh whole foods to the dog's food can be extremely beneficial for the dog i mean before we dove all the way in oftentimes my husband would add a scrambled egg to charlie's food or he might add some shredded carrots or apples maybe a little dollop of greek yogurt right so you can kind of ease your way into the process or even if you never plan on going all in just adding those little bits of
fresh real whole foods can really be not only a treat for the dog but super good for their health as well charlie has really been enjoying his homemade food as you can see which really gives me a lot of inspiration to keep playing around in the kitchen and finding more delicious meals that he can enjoy i also plan to experiment with some doggy treats as well so if you want to see more of this on the channel let me know come on down to the comments and i am of course happy to share and as
always thank you so much for watching if you found this helpful please share with a friend take a moment to subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you never miss a new recipe thanks so much for watching i'm danny spees and i'll see you back here next time with some more clean and deliciousness cheers you