This Man Took The Mark Of The Beast And Everything Changed

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Lion of Judah
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have you ever stopped to think about the very first person who will take the mark of the beast Picture This Moment it's not just a hypothetical or an event that will pass quietly into history this First Act of receiving the mark represents a seismic event in the world's history but what will that person be thinking will they understand the weight of their decision or will they like so many others be blinded by the deceptions of the Antichrist be swept up in the tides of fear desperation or even blind allegiance to a corrupt system this decision
will be pivotal in ways that are difficult to fully grasp imagine this person for a moment an ordinary individual living in extraordinary times the Mark will not be presented as a symbol of evil but as a necessity for economic survival a simple solution to the pressing issues of daily life it's possible that the person taking the mark may not even realize its spiritual implications at the time they may see it merely as a practical choice but what will this person think after they have taken whether on their right hand or forehead as Revelation describes will
they feel a fleeting sense of relief as if they've just secured A Way Forward amidst the confusion and collapse of society or will there be a gnawing unease in their Spirit a Whisper Of the Soul that they have aligned themselves with something far darker than they can comprehend now consider whether this first individual will understand the true ramifications of their actions will they realize that they are pledging Allegiance not just to a worldly leader or system but to the embodiment of evil that opposes the very essence of God Revelation 14 14:9 to10 warns of the
Eternal consequences if anyone worships the Beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand they too will drink the wine of God's Fury which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath the text is clear this act has irreversible spiritual consequences the individual who first takes the mark of the beast is setting a precedent not only for themselves but for countless others who will follow in their footsteps the tragedy is that many will likely be unaware of the full scope of what they are doing perhaps they
are not overtly malicious but rather misguided misinformed or driven by fear and survival Instinct this is where the enemy's deception becomes most potent masking an eternally significant decision behind the veil of Earthly concerns the person who takes the mark may think they are just solving a temporary problem ensuring their ability to buy food Access Medical Care or keep their job but in reality they are making a choice with eternal repercussions now let's shift our Focus to the immense challenge of refusing the mark of the beast we often underestimate just how difficult this will be it's
easy to say I would never take the mark when we're sitting comfortably in our homes with food on the table and a sense of security in our daily lives but what happens when that security is Stripped Away what happens when Society is flipped upside down and the pressure to conform becomes overwhelming not everyone will be able to resist taking the mark even if they know the ramifications of taking the mark imagine a world where if you don't take the mark you can't buy or sell for most of us the act of buying and selling is
fundamental to our existence we go to the grocery store to buy food we purchase gas to drive our cars we pay for utility to keep the lights on and the water running all of these basic necessities of life are tied to the ability to buy and sell now imagine being cut off from that system completely no food for your children no means to pay your rent or mortgage no access to health care no ability to trade or engage in Commerce of any kind the Bible makes it clear in Revelation 13 verse 17 that no one
could buy or sell unless he had the mark in this context refusing the Mark isn't just a matter of personal conviction it becomes an act of survival the individual who refuses the Mark will be marginalized persecuted and cast out of society how many people will be able to withstand that pressure when their children are crying for food when their spouse is sick and in need of medicine when the societal infrastructure they've always relied upon is suddenly inaccessible will they still have the fortitude to say no to the mark the temptation to give in will be
immense think about the countless people who will take the mark not out of allegiance to the beast but out of desperation they will rationalize their decision convincing themselves that it's the only way to protect their families to survive in a world that has gone mad they might tell themselves that God will understand their predicament that he will surely forgive them for making such a choice under duress but the Bible is unequivocal in its warnings taking the Mark is not just a pragmatic decision it's a spiritual one with eternal consequences that far out way the temporary
relief it may bring the real tragedy lies in the fact that many will take the mark because their focus is entirely on this world they will be thinking only about their immediate needs the physical survival of themselves and their loved ones they will be blind to the spiritual reality that taking the Mark is a betrayal of their Eternal Soul this is where the deception of the Beast becomes so powerful by focusing people's attention solely on the material world on what they can see touch and experience in the here and now the Beast obscures the far
more significant consequences that lie Beyond the Veil of this life in Matthew 16: 26 Jesus says for what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul this is the essence of the choice that people will face when the mark of the beast is introduced the decision to take the mark may seem like it gains them the world access to food shelter security and economic stability but at what cost the cost is the their soul their Eternal standing with God can you take the mark of the beast accidentally I
received an email asking this question can you take the mark of the beast accidentally to answer this question let us look at biblical prophecy the prophets of old through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit detailed to US events that will occur leading up to the second coming of Jesus the rising of false prophets Nation Waging War against one another the love of the Believers waxing cold and the deceiving of many Believers are all Endtime events that the prophets of old have prophesized about but today we are going to look at a prophecy that is yet
to be fulfilled Jesus said in the Book of Matthew 24:14 and this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the End come Mark 13:10 also confirms this truth Mark 13:1 and the gospel must first be published among all nations these two scriptures stated plainly that the Lord Jesus would not appear until the gospel is preached all over the nations of the earth therefore the gospel will be preached in all tongues Kindred tribes and countries of the world no exception everyone in every tribe
family and language will have the opportunity to accept Christ or reject him the iso quote country codes standards details that we have more than 240 countries in the world with their states and capitals a bulk of these countries have a population as big as over a 100 million in them this great mass of people is scattered all over the world World in their various locations irrespective of the enormity of the entire world population and numerous Geographic areas the prophecy of God's word concerning the end time still says that the gospel shall be preached all over
the nations of the world looking at this goal ordinarily the mission seems quite unrealistic and rather impossible because of the rigorous task involved in carrying out the preaching of the Gospel to All Nation yes technological advances have helped to spread the gospel however the internet is censored in some Nations and the gospel is not allowed in those countries furthermore there are places where people don't even have the internet and there are places which are remote and difficult to reach there are even countries where preaching the gospel is outlawed and in those countries the people of
that Nation do not even know who Jesus Christ is or what the Bible is therefore Jesus's statement that this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the End come appears rather far-fetched often God's word looks doubtful but the truth is that God will forever be true to his word if he has said it yes he will do it now one thing you need to remember about God is that God has resources that you and I know absolutely nothing about we tend to think
that only missionaries and Technology will be able to preach the gospel in those remote places God's ways are higher than our ways let us travel Into the Book of Revelation to a chapter that is full of Angels in all honesty The Book of Revelation shows us a tremendous amount of angelic activity such as the world has never seen before for instance the seven trumpets are sounded by seven angels and the events that follow are described in detail from Revelation 8 to1 Revelation 9 reveals to us the angel of the bottomless pit whose name in Hebrew
tongue is abidon but in the Greek tongue hath his name apolon Revelation 10 reveals to us the mighty angel with a little book in Revelation 12 we see the Archangel Michael the defender of Israel but we are not focusing on any of these angels we are focusing on the Three Angels in chapter 14 Revelation 14: 6 through 13 brings us the proclamations from Heaven made by three different Angels In this passage John receives a vision of Three Angels flying in the sky each carrying a different message here we have something that is unusual here we
have something that has never ever happened before never in the history of mankind has there been an event like this never in the history of mankind have Angels been seen flying Three Angels fly through the sky each of them calling out their messages one brings the gospel and a call to worship God the second brings an announcement of the fall of Babylon the third warns of the wrath of God upon all who worship the Beast and have his Mark upon them when the world is taking its final nose dive and the Antichrist and the false
prophet are at their most prominent God goes to unusual lengths God goes to lengths that he has never gone to before to warn the world he warns the final generation to fear God and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come and to worship Him who made Heaven and Earth the Sea and the Springs of water but interesting ly enough the third Angel warns Humanity not to take the mark of the beast this third Angel's announcement warns that a terrible fate awaits those who persist in worshiping the Antichrist this Angel highlights the
connection between worshiping the Beast and His Image and receiving his mark on your forehead or on your hand in pler words taking the mark of the beast will be a declaration of worship ship no one will accidentally take the mark of the beast the connection between worshiping the Beast and taking the Mark will be clear we see once again God in his great grace and mercy calls Sinners to repent in the final hour or they will face the terrible Judgment of the Antichrist those who drank the harlots wine of the passions of her immorality will
also drink the wine of the wrath of God to drink the wine of the wrath of God is to experience his wrath so who are these angels and what message do they bring on Earth these angels are not just ordinary Angels but they are three special angels sent by God to deliver a crucial message to the people on Earth the first Angel comes to proclaim the Everlasting gospel calling all people to fear and worship God revelation 14: 6-7 then I saw another Angel flying in the midst of Heaven having the Everlasting gospel to preach to
those who dwell on the earth to Every Nation tribe tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him who made Heaven and Earth the sea and springs of water the wonderful thing is that this angel will fly around the sky close enough to the Earth to be seen and heard by all Humanity I don't know how God has this worked out but the angel will be able to preach the Everlasting gospel and communicate with every tongue so language won't
be a barrier for this Angel it is possible that this angel will be able to speak the native language of whatever country he is flying over at the same time possibly if he's flying over France he will speak French if he's flying over Portugal he will speak Portuguese we don't know the specifics however what we do know for sure is that this angel will be able to communicate with everyone this Angel proclaims the gospel of God to everyone on Earth regardless of tribe race and Status the angel reminds the inhabitants of the earth of the
coming judgment and instructs them to worship and fear the lord he alone is to be glorified and worshiped he made it clear in Exodus 20:3 that we should not worship any other God of whatsoever form for whatsoever reason but him this message calls all people to recognize God as the creator of the universe and the one who deserves our worship and obedience the first Angel's message is not only a call to worship and to fear God but also an invitation to receive the Salvation that comes through faith in Jesus Christ a call to fear the
lord is a call to obey him to shun sin to walk in his will to walk in righteousness and to do everything that pleases him this Angel proclaims loudly for the hour of his judgment has come and this message of judgment will be heard by many across the world a great multitude will come to know Christ as Savior during this period because the Judgment of God is so evident on Earth during this time of the Great Tribulation it is no wonder why the crowd of those saved through the Great Tribulation can't be numbered the second
Angel announces the fall of Babylon which is a symbolic reference to the corrupt systems of the world Babylon is God's name for the world system of the Antichrist the entire economic and political organization by which he rules these systems are known to oppose the will of God Revelation 14:8 and another Angel followed saying Babylon is Fallen is Fallen that great City because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication the announcement of babylon's downfall and Revelation does not signify the end of the Great Tribulation but is rather an
announcement of the future destruction of Babylon in the 18th chapter of the Book of Revelation the various pronouncements of this chapter are not necessarily a record that an event has taken place but that the event is impending in other words the event of the fall of Babylon is impending and we will see its actual fall later in the Book of Revelation the term quote Babylon in scripture refers to the ungodly and sinful nature of the world as much as anything else the system of evil known as Babylon which is promoted by the Beast and false
prophet is destined for destruction finally the third angel pronounces the wrath of God upon those who have rejected him and worshiped the Beast Revelation 14: 9-11 then a third Angel followed them saying with a loud voice if anyone worships the Beast and His Image and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the
presence of the lamb and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worshiped the Beast and His Image and whoever receives the mark of his name the prophecy of the third Angel followed immediately after the first and the second Angel prophesied the prophecy of the third Angel is that of a warning against the worship of the Antichrist this message is a warning of the consequence quences of turning away from God and taking the mark of the beast God's Wrath is not something to be taken lightly
the mark of the beast is a symbol of allegiance to the Antichrist and the systems of the world that are opposed to God those who take the Mark will face the wrath of God they will drink of the wine of God's Wrath the warning from the third Angel clearly reminds us that there is a connection between worshiping the Beast and His Image and receiving his mark on your forehead or on your hand no one will casually or accidentally take the mark God will clearly warn the inhabitants of the earth of the Eternal consequences of receiving
the mark the connection between worshiping the Beast and taking the Mark will be clear enough for everyone to see and everyone to know the people of Earth will have the choice to receive the mark and it is important to note that during this period of time it will be the normal thing to do do within Society to receive the mark because remember in chapter 13 we are told that an individual will be unable to buy or sell without the mark Revelation 13: 16-17 and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and
bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the Mark or the name of the Beast or the number of his name receiving the Mark will appear to be the quote easy way but it will actually be the hard way for going along with the world and pledging allegiance to the Antichrist through his Mark will mean permanently turning your back on God for all of eternity those who take the Mark will experience the full wrath of God without limit it
is important to note that God will have repeatedly warned Sinners time and time again again regarding taking the mark and rejecting the gospel God will time and time again give Sinners the opportunity to repent whilst the world is at its worst and the Antichrist is at his height of power God will send his two witnesses he will send these three angels we have spoken about today and all of them will warn Sinners and call them to repentance if people persist in their sinful ways and even persist to reject the gospel message as they are literally
seeing the Book of Revelation unfolding before their own eyes then they will have no one to blame for all of eternity except themselves
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