My Daughter Betrayed Me & Told My Hubby I Cheated On Him. He Divorced Me. Cheating Wife Audio Story

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#redditstories #redditrelationship #aita My Daughter Betrayed Me & Told My Hubby I Cheated On Him. ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] my life was on a steady predictable course that I had carefully built growing up in a small town with Big Dreams I knew what I wanted to settle down raise a family and work with my hands becoming a mechanic felt natural fueled by my weekends spent in my dad's garage fixing up old cars those moments shaped my future though the road wasn't always easy Heather had been Central to that dream she was the girl I admired from afar in high school someone who seemed untouchable when we finally got together I was determined to make
it work we made big plans buying a house starting a family but life had other ideas and cracks began to show now sitting in my flatbed truck I stared at the old trailer up ahead I'd been sitting here for almost 20 minutes lost in thought the mailbox still had Prentice on it but the driveway was empty where my car used to be if Heather still lived here she'd be at work a part of me wondered what car might pull in later it wouldn't be Drakes he thought too highly of himself for this sight of town
anger bubbled up and I almost left I asked myself again why I took this delivery coming back after swearing I'd never return but just as I was about to go I spotted a swing set and sandbox filled with toys that hit me hard and I blinked back tears paully would be almost four now my daughter I hadn't seen in years I remembered the last time I was here 2 years ago on July 3rd that day changed everything Heather and I argued over a party I refused to go to that fight marked the end of my
life as I knew it I hadn't been back since we'd been saving for a house in Cayman Estates dreaming of a perfect future but we were young and in love swept up in the fantasy Heather worked as a receptionist for a construction company and I was a Master Mechanic at the Ford dealership at 24 I was the youngest but fully trained with a good salary together we saved money every paycheck Heather had always been popular cheerleader majorette always dating the star athletes she was beautiful and well-known always surrounded by attention I finally met her by
chance when she came to buy a car with her dad Walter MacArthur a wealthy man in town Heather was turning 18 and picking out her birthday car she was stunning and when she checked out a Mustang convertible I decided not to miss my chance to say hello when she looked up I smiled and asked need any help she mistook me for a Salesman and pointed to her dad he wants me to get a sedan but I really like this one how much more is it it's about the same since his choice has all the options
this one's stripped down to lower the price but it has more power and looks way better just tell him the price is the same and see what he says what's missing she asked no power seats no satellite radio no leather and no extra features but it has what you need air power steering windows and locks she thought for a moment then walked back to her dad after talking to him him she returned the focus is more practical and I like the extras the convertible's cute but not for me I agreed we chatted and I introduced
myself as a mechanic she smiled and said her name was Heather after some more conversation I asked her out and to my surprise she said yes that started the best summer of my life we dated throughout the summer and fall Heather chose to attend a tech school for nursing instead of college despite her parents objections she got her license checked out hospital jobs but ended up working few hours for better pay at a construction company after 6 months she moved into an apartment with a friend wanting Independence her dad told me they were disappointed but
Heather insisted they spend money on themselves now we kept dating though not exclusively Heather wasn't ready for a serious commitment and wanted to stay a maid until she found the one I hoped that would be me but I didn't push it over time she started seeing other guys less and I was ready to propose I made an offer on a double wide trailer in a nice park just out outside of town once it was mine I moved in planning to surprise Heather with a proposal that evening I went to her apartment only to see her
getting out of a car with Drake Cunningham a cooworker from the construction site I watched from my car as they walked to her door she had never let me come up after dates saying her roommate wouldn't like it at the door she and Drake exchanged words and then he pulled her close I almost jumped out of the car but waited when she kissed him back and let his hand roam I felt sick I approached them and and when she saw me she pushed Drake away I didn't let her speak I grabbed Drake punched him in
the mouth and watched him stumble back bleeding Heather screamed and rushed to comfort him cradling his head in her lap I stood there Furious watching her Comfort Drake as he bled I couldn't take it anymore I pulled the ring box from my pocket and threw it at her I didn't care about giving it to her anymore I just needed something to throw as it bounced off her shoulder I spat I almost made the biggest mistake of my life I hope you get what you want but it's not me on the verge of tears I ran
back to my car slammed on the gas and sped away back at my trailer I sat in the dark overwhelmed by anger and hurt trying to figure out how I'd been so wrong about her I thought she loved me like I loved her but what I saw said otherwise I finally went to bed around Dawn exhausted and slept until noon it was Sunday and with Heather gone I had nothing to do after a shower I felt some relief but while standing under the hot water I suddenly felt her presence behind me she had slipped into
the shower wrapping her arms around me I pushed her away turned off the water and yelled what are you doing I saw you with Drake he had his hands all over you and you didn't stop him she stood defiant smiling slightly you didn't see everything I told him it wasn't going to happen between us and he was angry I was just trying to get inside to end it when you showed up that's a lie I said I saw you kiss him and hold on to him if you wanted him you could have just told me
I would have backed off even though it would hurt you're wrong Jesse she insisted you're the only one I want if I can't convince you with words then take me now make me yours I hesitated torn between desire and the memories of her saying she wanted to save herself for marriage could I trust her after what I saw had my intervention stopped something worse or was she telling the truth I looked at her pleading face and made a decision I told her I believed her but I couldn't take her offer knowing what it meant to
her she smiled and left that evening I still planned to propose though doubts lingered about where she'd spent the night I silenced them when I arrived at her place she said yes and I forgot everything else we married she moved into the trailer and we started saving for a house Heather got pregnant a year later and paully was born 9 months after that Heather returned to work 6 months later and we continued saving I worked overtime whenever I could and we were finally close to having enough for a down payment paully now too needed her
own room and I was excited about our future we were just waiting for the right house to become available I was exhausted and didn't have the energy for going out but I thought Heather understood we had a few arguments but she usually backed down knowing we were saving for our dream home she occasionally went out with her friends and while I didn't love it I couldn't complain since she always came home early that changed the day before July 4th after working extra hours all I wanted was a hot shower a cold beer and to relax
with my family for the weekend when I got home around 4 Heather's car was already there I grabbed a beer and headed to the deck ready to unwind as I relaxed Heather came out dressed to go out which surprised me I also realized Polly wasn't around where's Polly and why are you dressed up I asked not fully processing what was happening Heather crossed her arms Paul's at Mom's for the night we're going to a party at the park the company's hosting it for the fireworks there are seats for employees and their families we need to
hurry I told you I wanted to stay home and rest I replied I'm exhausted from working overtime and I can't stand your work crowd especially Drake I never get to go out anymore you work all the time and we barely see you we haven't even been physical engaged in weeks I want to go out tonight and I'm going with or without you fine but I'm not going to that party we can go to dinner or watch fireworks from the river like we used to no I want to be with my friends tonight whether you come
or not she shot back I'm going don't wait up with that Heather left and I stayed behind angry and frustrated I wasn't going to chase her and I wasn't about to spend time with Drake and his crowd I went inside had something to eat but the emptiness I felt wasn't hunger it was the absence of my wife and daughter the evening I'd hoped would be relaxing turned into a lonely one I eventually lay down on the couch and fell asleep I woke up around 8 30 to fireworks and realized I was still alone after taking
the shower I had wanted earlier I decided to head to towner's Bar and Grill where I knew Heather would be the thought of her with Drake Made Me uneasy so I felt I had to go I arrived close to 10:00 and ran into Janie and Jake Cummings outside when I asked if they'd seen Heather they exchanged nervous glances Jake warned me that Drake was making a move on her and she wasn't pushing him away like usual his guys were keeping her friends at a distance inside I spotted Heather and Drake sitting close together his hand
under the table Heather looked drunk I walked up and yelled Heather what are you doing with this guy let's go home before I could react two men grabbed me and Drake punched me in the face I saw Stars nearly collapsing as they held me up Heather just watched smiling faintly fueled by anger I kicked Drake in the face but another guy took his place and kept slapping me until I passed out when I woke up I was in my car covered in blood with bruised ribs and an aching body a man nearby told me to
leave saying Heather belonged to Drake for the night and threatening me if I returned realizing I had no chance I drove home showered again and stared at my battered reflection in the mirror sitting in my living room I reflected on the night Heather had always agreed to avoid these company parties because of Drake and she knew I needed rest after all my overtime but tonight she went out anyway and sided with Drake when I came to bring her home she stood by as I was knocking my anger grew I considered getting a weapon or sneaking
into Drake's place later but both options would land me in jail neither was worth it I had no choice but to wait for Heather to come home before deciding my next move divorce seemed like the best option but it had serious downsides first I'd be labeled a betrayed and everyone in town would know second with her family's money I'd risk losing everything including custody of Polly I couldn't stay and face that humiliation divorce was out at least for now as the sun came up it became clear Heather had spent the night with Drake no calls
no explanation there was no doubt what had happened worse no one in town had helped me proving that Drake had control and I meant nothing to anyone including my wife with that realization I made my decision I wouldn't divorce her because that would free her to be with Drake and risk him getting custody of paully no they'd have to live in sin and paully would remain my daughter even if I couldn't see her I left Heather the money we'd saved for the house and I planned to send half of my salary monthly to support Polly
this way Heather could never claim I abandoned them or didn't provide for my child if she filed for divorce I'd fight for custody but in the meantime I'd do my duty as a father until Polly was grown an hour later I left town my heart was broken and I was hurting but I couldn't stay and face further humiliation Heather had made her choice and now I was making mine leaving her to explain to our daughter why I wasn't there anymore after driving all day I stopped at a motel for the night then continued the next
morning my body achd and my head pounded but by the third day I was a thousand miles away in a new town I found a free clinic and got checked out I had a mild concussion cracked ribs and bruises but I'd live I asked the doctor if he knew where a Master Mechanic could find work and he referred me to Josh Fields a custom car dealer I was lucky to land the job Josh sold luxury cars and needed someone with my skills to restore and resell them we hit it off and he paid me well
for my expertise at the end of that first month I cashed my check kept a third and mailed the rest to Heather ensuring it couldn't be traced back to me I repeated this every two weeks for the next 2 years each time sending more money from different locations making sure I couldn't be found after the first envelope which included a note explaining my reasons for leaving and that the money was for Polly I never added anything else just cash I made it clear that the money was for my daughter's care ensuring I wasn't abandoning my
responsibilities I found a small affordable place near work and gradually furnished it with secondhand items it became a cozy bachelor pad and I started my new life determined to change things I remembered my failure to defend myself that night so I joined a martial arts class training hard to ensure I could protect myself next time I also took the car related courses Josh recommended learning that foreign cars were most hype and I often saved Josh money by using equivalent Parts Josh and I became good friends and he trusted me with deliveries knowing I could talk
to buyers and explain their cars features customers liked me and it helped both Josh and me over time I made new friends and started going out more one bar I frequented had a group of women who came regularly after a while I introduced myself to Shawn a beautiful redhe head we had a lot in common both dealing with difficult marriages her husband had left her and she was waiting for the legal time to divorce at first I told Shawn I was separated but eventually I opened up about Heather and paully Shawn understood and she introduced
me to her 2-year-old son Bill we started dating and things got serious I was happy with her and her son enjoying their company and letting the relationship grow naturally we shared many conversations and soon became physical engaged our time together was sweet and I realized I had never felt this way before not even with Heather we spent more time together and when Billy stayed with friends Shawn would stay over those nights were some of the best I'd ever had filled with love conversation and companionship one day after a night with Shawn I realized just how
deeply I cared for her that's when I realized it was truly over with Heather a few weeks later Josh had a Mercedes sedan from Germany that needed delivering I worked on it added an air conditioner tuned the engine and made sure it was in top condition Josh asked if I wanted to handle the delivery a 3-day trip and I agreed breed since Shawn was visiting her mother for a week I missed her and Billy so this seemed like a good distraction plus there was a bonus I didn't pay much attention to the destination at first
but when I saw it was my old town the place I fled from it hit me did I really want to go back my life was good now with Shawn and my job and I had nearly forgotten the pain Heather caused but I decided it was time to face it and see my daughter it was also time to finalize my divorce I left the next day uncertain about my emotions when I arrived I delivered the car to Carl Cunningham the owner of the construction company and Drake's father he didn't know who I was I pushed
down my anger knowing Carl was probably unaware of what kind of person his son was Carl's estate was huge and after I arrived I backed the car off the flatbed he inspected it we took a test drive and I gave him the paperwork during the process he mentioned the car was a gift for Drake who was trying to impress a woman he casually mentioned she was married but her husband had left and Drake was spending all his time with her I kept quiet realizing it was Heather he was talking about Carl seemed like a decent
man unaware of what his son was up to he thought Drake was doing right by this woman not knowing the full story I nodded along keeping my thoughts to myself and we completed the deal he gave me a cashier check and I left on impulse I drove to my old neighborhood and parked near my old trailer I sat there unsure of what to do next with a lot on my mind now it seemed that with me gone Drake had finally got in his way with Heather maybe he didn't need to get her drunk after all
and maybe that night wasn't the first time what I thought was too much drinking could have been her doing what she wanted all along two years later I sat there facing my past trying not to let it overwhelm me seeing the swing set and toys brought back painful memories I had a panic attack sweating flushed and struggling to breathe I calmed myself with deep breaths and focused on technical thoughts to regain control just as I relaxed her van drove by and pulled into the driveway it was the same old Toyota with the same license plate
I slumped down in the truck so she wouldn't notice me Heather got out and walked inside without looking around seeming in good spirits I wondered if she was working though I doubted she needed to given the money I sent her a few minutes later her mother's Mercedes pulled up and I watched as Grace helped Polly out of the car my heart achd as I saw my daughter Rush inside I stayed parked for another 20 minutes watching Polly come out to play on the swing with another little girl it hit me hard how much I missed
her she had grown so much in the two years I'd been gone driving away from her again seemed impossible tears filled my eyes as I drove to a Motel 6 and checked in with cash avoiding credit cards that could be traced I wasn't ready for Drake or anyone to know I was back in town but maybe that would change the pain of losing my daughter and my place in her life weighed heavily on me in the motel room my humiliation rep played in my mind fueling my anger by 10: that night I couldn't hold back
anymore and gave in to the fire burning inside me I drove to towner's Bar and Grill knowing Drake and his crew would likely be there spotting them at a table in the back I felt a surge of anticipation easing the pain that had been gnawing at me the bar was quiet which worked in my favor I ordered a beer and watched Drake's table through the mirror behind the bar waiting soon someone pointed me out to Drake and I saw him glance my way I smiled knowing things were about to unfold my martial arts training had
taught me two key lessons patience and how to use anger as a controlled tool I had been nursing that anger ever since Carl mentioned Drake and Heather now it burned white hot in my chest fueling my resolve Drake sent one of his guys over first the man placed a hand on my shoulder and sneered aren't you the chicken who ran off leaving your wife and kid Jesse chicken Apprentice right without putting down my beer I turned and smiled smiled that's me what can I do for you he laughed and returned to Drake who stood up
and headed my way I set my beer down and Reed myself feet firmly planted position and anticipation were everything in a confrontation and I was ready looking over my shoulder at the bartender I said make sure you remember who starts this JY I'm not looking for trouble but I want a witness Jim nodded I hear you Jesse just be careful count on it I replied closing my eyes and focusing on my training my sensei's words echoed in my head don't think just let your body act it was time to do just that there were four
of them just like that night when my life changed my training with my Sensei had focused on reactive defense using the opponent's anger and actions against them my Sensei said I was good at it and now I had to prove it in the real world as Drake and his crew approached I sat quietly at the bar arms relaxed my back against the counter my mind was clear but my anger burned hot ready for the moment Drake stopped just Out Of Reach and sneered taunting me about Heather well well if it isn't the coward who ran
off and let me have his wife she's been mine Jesse you weren't here to stop me I said nothing watching him waiting his words fanned my inner fire but I stayed in control focused one of his men was the only real threat the others were just background noise Drake continued why don't you run back to your hole Heather's with me now and there's nothing you can do his words stung but I realized he might be telling the truth this was his territory but I wouldn't let him win I damped down my anger knowing it was
time to push his buttons you're delusional Drake Heather always had better taste she pied you nothing more you're just a loser who needs backup to get a woman do you need your boys to help in bed too his face Twisted in Anger just as I'd hoped he grabbed my collar and I let him pull me forward using the momentum to push him backward he lost his balance and slamed the floor hard dazed his buddies hesitated unsure of what to do two of them pulled Drake up his face red with Fury I knew then that the
fight was over I had him Drake charged at me arms out trying to grab me I sidestepped grabbed his arm and yanked him toward the bar his face slammed into the edge with a sickening crunch he crumpled to the floor in a pool of blood his nose broken teeth scattered and his shoulder likely dislocated I didn't focus on Drake I kept my eyes on the others the man I had been watching cursed and stepped forward pulling back his arm to throw a punch he was the one who had threatened me before the one who laughed
about Heather being with Drake I wasn't just going to stop him I was going to make sure he paid he threw a punch but I dodged letting him hit nothing he quickly swung again and this time I grabbed his arm and twisted letting my weight pull down his arm hit the stool and I heard a loud snap followed by his scream his arm had broken below the elbow as he staggered back I struck him hard in the chest and followed with a kick to the groin knocking him out cold just to make sure I kicked
him in the head and stomped on his groin a few times goodbye to your family jewels I thought my Sensei would have been proud though I resisted the urge to eliminate him two down two left the others were more cautious now trying to flank me they were scared but had no choice but to face me I closed my eyes sensing their next move as they came at me I grabbed both by the heads and slammed them together they dropped to the floor unconscious with all four down I walked over to Drake and kicked him between
the legs just for good measure he didn't react but it felt satisfying I returned to the bar took a sip of my beer and savored the moment I hadn't even broken a sweat Jim the bartender stared at me in shock Jesse I've never seen anything like that how did you do that they didn't stand a chance his words reignited my anger not toward Drake but toward the town that stood by and did nothing when I needed help I turned to Jim who had watched it all unfold 2 years ago just like that night right Jim
no one helped me not you not my so-called friends not even my wife well I'll never let that happen again tell everyone to stay away from me unless I allow it or they'll regret it now I'm leaving tell the cops what happened and tell the truth or I'll be back and you won't like it Jim muttered where are you going Jesse what should I tell them I'll be at the Motel 6 I'm leaving tomorrow at dawn so if they want to talk tell them to hurry with that I left the bar and returned to the
motel I expected to feel Victorious after confronting Drake and his gang but instead I felt empty his taunts about Heather still stung reopening the wounds I thought had healed my revenge felt Hollow and the pain of Heather's betrayal and losing my daughter flooded back I sat in the motel room replaying that night from 2 years ago why did I run I had my reasons but deep down I always knew the truth my marriage was over the moment Heather chose Drake Still still it didn't ease the pain of losing my daughter as I sat there lost
in thought a knock came at the door expecting the police I opened it but it was Jake Cummings he had been the one who warned me that night I nodded and let him in grateful that at least he had tried to do something hello Jake long time no see how have you and Janie been we're okay I figured it didn't hurt to be polite since I was leaving the next morning Jesse I heard what you did at Towners Jim called and told me everything have you been home or seen Heather she's been losing her mind
not knowing where you went she even hired a pi but no one could find any trace of you I just stared at him why would I have wanted anyone to know where I was I made sure no one could find me for a reason so why tell you now I shook my head and tried to explain what did you think Jake that I'd stay after what she did with Drake after he and his guys knocked me up while everyone watched including Heather I saw the smile on her face when it happened I knew then it
was over she in this town can have each other I came back to do a job and now I'm leaving back to where I'm respected Jake listened and shook his head I didn't care but I appreciated that he had tried to warn me that night Jake you at least tried to help and I thank you for that but now I need you to leave me alone Jake didn't move I was getting frustrated ready to point him to the door when he sat down and said no you're going to hear me out first fine I sighed
say what you need to and then go that night Janie and I tried to get heather away from Drake we had the car ready but she wouldn't come she said she'd find you and make Drake let you go that was the last we saw of her the next day we found your trailer empty we tried to reach Heather all day and when we finally found her she was a mess when she couldn't find you she became hysterical we had to take her to the hospital for exhaustion I was surprised but still firm in my belief
that Heather caused this she was the one who chose Drake that night Jake continued after the hospital Heather quit her job at the construction company and filed a complaint against Drake he paid her to drop the charges and stay quiet she took a job at the hospital and never stopped trying to find you we all felt guilty for not doing more that night Jake paused before adding Heather knows you're back I told her after Jim called me she wants to see you but is scared she knows she messed up and that she's responsible for you
leaving and for the knocking you took she had no intention of staying with Drake most of it was bravado when the fight started things got out of control and you were gone before she could do anything Jake looked uncomfortable as he finished she never explained Where She Went that night and she never admitted to anything but we chose to believe her Jesse we think you should too he stood up and headed to the door I don't know what to tell you Jesse Heather loves you and pully misses you it's up to you now I wish
you the best I walked him to the door I hear you Jake and I appreciate it but she made her choice that night she knew how I felt about Drake and still went out with him she defied me and did something no married woman should do she went to a bar with another man and drank too much don't try to make me the bad guy here Jake looked at me sadly whatever you decide I'm with you you know her better than anyone just be careful and make the right choice for yourself he left the door
closing with a heavy click in the silence I sat on the bed hands in my head knowing Jake was right but my anger still burned I wasn't sure I could ever forgive her especially not in this town where Drake and his family ruled returning here would only bring more trouble maybe even for me it was nearly midnight and I felt Restless after the fight I decided to drive by Cayman Estates where Heather and I had once dreamed of buying a house as I drove through the gates I thought of the plans we had made decorating
a yard for poly and more kids all those dreams gone because Heather chose Drake tears came as I drove and I had to pull over until I regained control the memories of what could have been were painful this trip hadn't brought closure just more hurt I needed to head back to where my real life was now with Shawn and her son where I had people who cared about me but I couldn't ignore my love for paully I still needed to resolve that though maybe not tonight I decided to pack up leave the motel and head
home maybe it was time to file for divorce and let Heather move on with Drake that thought angered me more I slammed my fist on the steering wheel wheel no this ends now I muttered I turned the truck toward Heather's trailer it was time to confront her and make some decisions pulling up down the street I saw her van parked there I turned off the engine ready to end things once and for all as I stood there all my old anger and uncertainty came rushing back I took a few minutes to regain control berating myself
for being weak once I felt calmer I stepped out of the truck and walked to the door reminding myself this wasn't my home anymore the porch needed repairs but that wasn't my responsibility now even though I'd worked hard to buy this place for Heather and Polly because of Heather's choices it was falling apart I knocked and when the door opened it wasn't Heather it was her mother Grace I was surprised as her car wasn't there Jesse is that really you she gasped come in Where Have You Been what happened before I could react Grace pulled
me inside I followed her into the small living room which I had once been proud of she motioned for me to sit and I complied still processing her Pres Grace never liked me always thinking Heather married beneath her yet here she was acting glad to see me where's Polly I asked is Heather out with Drake heard he had an accident I couldn't help but Snicker recalling Drake's run in with the bar Grace blushed but I didn't care all I wanted was to see my daughter and sort things out with Heather Grace explained Heather's out asked
me to watch Polly she'll be back around midnight I sarcastically replied I'm sure Drake's taking good care of her Heather chose him over me right so you must be pleased Grace's face tightened with anger but I didn't care I decided to finish up see Polly and leave Heather had moved on it was time to make things official I walked down the hall to Paulie's room she was asleep holding a blue bunny her hair spread on the pillow my heart achd seeing her and I felt tears well up I stood there lost in the moment until
Grace came up behind me placing a hand on my shoulder she's missed you Jesse almost as much as Heather you broke their Hearts when you left I turned to look at Grace who seemed determined to say more come back to the living room and hear me out she said if you leave after that's your choice but if you don't listen You'll just prove me right about you I gave Polly one last look and followed her down the hall I entered the room and sat in the chair I used to watch TV in ready to listen
to Grace I didn't care about her opinion never had I figured she wanted to blame me for everything so I leaned back and nodded go ahead Grace you could blame me all you want I never cared what you thought Grace frowned but started speaking I need to tell you what happened that night and after you left and you have no idea what Heather and Polly went through I'll tell you the truth I never thought you were right for Heather I believed she'd choose someone like Drake rich and from an important family but she always said
she'd rather die than be with someone like him I laughed Drake didn't want to marry her he just wanted to sleep with her grace snapped spped back typical language from you Jesse I didn't respect you I thought you were beneath her but after she married you and had Paulie I saw she was happy I started to think I was wrong about you she continued her voice softening then you left her and Paulie I was Furious Heather was devastated but she wouldn't let me blame you she even snapped at me whenever I talked badly about you
I didn't understand it I was getting impatient no surprise there Grace Heather didn't let you badmouth me and you didn't know why Grace cut me off with a wave of her hand her eyes flashing with anger Heather told me the truth she explained how you stood up to Drake and how his friends jumped you after you punch him in self-defense later I heard from one of Drake's buddies that they threatened to eliminate you if you tried to stop them from taking Heather I was surprised she knew that much I hadn't thought anyone knew what was
said in the parking lot but it didn't change what happened so you know Heather caused all this by her actions she chose to party instead of staying loyal to me when I left I believed she was with Drake and I couldn't stay here if that was true no one saw her that night and she didn't come home until the afternoon the next day where was she did she ever tell you Grace seemed shocked and shook her head clearly not knowing well now you know she went out without me drank too much and ended up at
the bar with Drake when I confronted her she laughed at me I could have handled the knocking but the humiliation of what was going to happen was too much I believe she spent the the night with him this reminded me of the time I proposed to Heather and I suddenly realized it was the same situation she probably spent the night with Drake back then too only to come back to me acting innocent Grace needed to know that part of the story as well as I sat down in the old chair I used to relax in
I prepared myself to hear Grace out I didn't care much about what she thought of me but I was ready to listen knowing she'd want to blame me go ahead Grace say what you need to I know you never thought I was good enough for Heather Grace frowned but began I need to tell you what happened that night and afterward you left and Heather and poly went through a lot you have no idea I never thought you were right for her I always believed she'd marry someone like Drake wealthy well connected but Heather always rejected
him she told me she'd rather die than marry him I laughed Drake didn't want to marry her he just wanted to sleep with her grace snapped you always disrespect her I never respected you either but after you two married and had pully I saw how happy Heather was I started to think maybe I was wrong her tone softened as she continued then you left and I was furious with you but Heather wouldn't let me speak badly of you she was heartbroken I didn't understand it I was getting impatient but Grace pressed on Heather told me
the truth later she explained how you stood up to Drake that night and only punch him in self-defense then his friends attacked you after after you were knocking they threatened you in the parking lot saying they'd eliminate you if you tried to stop them from taking Heather I was surprised she knew the details but didn't let it change my perspective so you know Heather brought all this on herself she went out without me drank too much and ended up with Drake when I saw her laughing at me that night it was clear she had made
her choice I left because I believed she spent the night with him Grace looked startled and shook her head seemingly unsure of what had happened that night well now you know Heather chose to be with Drake humiliated me and I couldn't stay here I believe she stayed with him that night and this wasn't the first time I then recounted the night I proposed realizing Heather may have already been involved with Drake even then Grace calmer now said you're wrong Heather told me she never liked Drake he always chased her but she never wanted him she
even asked his dad to make him stop She Loves You Jesse she's unhappy now and the only thing she cares about is Paulie she goes out with her friends occasionally but she always comes home early she been saving every penny you send for Paulie's future and hasn't touched any of the money you two saved Grace stood grabbing her purse I'm leaving now Jesse you'll have to stay with Polly until Heather returns I'll take the van and she'll bring it back tomorrow the van's in bad shape without you to keep it running good night Jesse before
I could respond she left leaving me no choice but to wait for Heather as I sat there I thought about what Grace said it didn't add up I knew the van had been in perfect condition when I left and Heather didn't need to work what I sent her was more than enough to live on if she had money why hadn't she bought a new car it was hard to believe she wasn't going out and partying like before Grace didn't know everything and Heather had been good at fooling her mother in the past I tried to
figure out how I wanted to confront Heather needing a distraction I went to check on Polly again she was still peacefully asleep and I felt a wave of emotion seeing her I stayed by her side until the Clock Struck 1 Heather still hadn't come home which didn't surprise me I assumed she was with Drake probably at the hospital after the bar fight just as I was debating getting something to eat I heard a car pull up it was Grace's car followed by an older Mercedes the same one I had delivered earlier to Drake's father Heather
got out of Grace's car and a man from the Mercedes handed her something probably the keys he then walked back to the waiting car and Heather waved as it drove off as Heather came in I could see she had changed she was Slimmer her hair longer and shinier and she wore a much shorter tighter dress than she used to her face had the Starry Eyed look she always got after a night of drinking and dancing this wasn't the sad unhappy woman Grace had described hello Jesse it's been a long time how are you she said
softly a tone I didn't recognize I wasn't sure what to say this was a different Heather more like the one I knew before we got married I had to be careful hello Heather I'm fine it's been over 2 years since I was here last the night you went out partying without me I'm sure you remember she sat on the couch took off her coat and looked at me yes Jesse I remember that night I can't forget it I see you in my mind getting dragged outside that's all I remember before Jake and Janie pulled me
out the back door that was the first lie I knew now how she was going to play this so I decided to push her a little they knocked me pretty badly that night Heather a concussion broken ribs and bruises and after they knocked me out they told me your wife belongs to Drake tonight you'll get her back tomorrow they said if I tried to get you they'd drive me into the lake that's what happened Heather I watched her but she didn't react I wasn't going to die for you since youd chosen Drake so I went
home and waited you never came back never called not a word by morning I realized you'd been with him all night and I couldn't live with that shame so I left tears welled in her eyes as she listened but when she broke down crying I could see they weren't real her eyes still held contempt nothing happened Jesse I was with Jake and Janie the whole time I tried to call you but couldn't get through by the time they brought me back to the trailer you were gone I shook my head why would you expect me
to stay you went to that bar with Drake sat with him and let him touch you you smiled when you saw me it was a smile of satisfaction I waited all night for you Heather you never called and Jake told me you didn't leave with them they didn't see you again until the next day you're lying she looked away trembling but I continued as I waited in the trailer that night I remembered the time I was going to propose to you you were with Drake then too and I trusted you when you said nothing happened
but now I see I Was a Fool to believe you that's why I left oh God Jesse she whispered I was the fool that night at the apartment I was telling the truth the only mistake I made was teasing Drake by saying I loved you I wasn't going to let him into my apartment I let him touch me earlier to make him less suspicious but I was trying to keep him out when you showed up that's what you saw I swear I was telling the truth Heather took a deep breath and continued that night of
the party I messed up I was angry and wanted to hurt you but not by doing anything with Drake just by making you jealous I wasn't drunk just a little tipsy and I knew what I was doing when I smiled it was because I was happy you finally came for me but when Drake got up and rushed at you I realized everything was going wrong that wasn't what I planned I was so shocked I just sat there and before I knew it everything went to hell the next thing I remember I was at my parents
house the next morning I understood what I had done you were gone and I realized what you must have thought she wiped her eyes sniffling I knew I had driven you away and I couldn't find you paully cried herself to sleep for weeks and I had no way to comfort her I couldn't tell her I drove you away I never stopped loving you Jesse and I haven't been with anyone else since you left all the money you sent has been saved for paully I've lived here waiting for you to come back now that you're here
I've said everything it's up to you now all I want is your forgiveness and for you to come back to me and our daughter I sat in disbelief at the lie she told so easily Heather had spent the night with Drake at least twice that I knew of once when I almost proposed and the night of the party likely more she was always good at lying and tonight was no different she crafted her story to fit what she wanted me to believe Heather had made her choices going out without me sitting with Drake drinking too
much and expecting me to come rescue her without consequences when things spiraled out of control she spent the night with Drake She always had feelings for him but chose me because she knew Drake wasn't husband material when things got boring she found a way to have both she caused my knocking and my decision to leave but hadn't she paid a price I moved on found a new life good friends and even a potential new relationship with Shawn meanwhile Heather had the chance to tell me the truth tonight and instead lied her regrets felt Hollow there
was no chance I'd go back to her I made up my mind Heather that car you came home in it's Drake's old car he gave it to you the other car in the driveway is the one I delivered to Drake's father this morning his dad told me Drake is with a woman whose husband ran off after cheating her eyes widened as she started to speak but I silenced her you were with Drake the night I almost proposed and again at the party even your mother didn't know where you you were that night she believes your
lies just like everyone else you claim you tried to reach me but my phone never rang why lie Heather let's be real I made a mistake marrying you but I'm over it once a cheater always a cheater right Heather's tears were real this time as I confronted her with her lies I saw shock turn into fear and finally into genuine pain she knew it was truly over why are you crying Heather you ended things the night you cheated on me in front of everyone you had to know that before you HIIT it and I either
didn't notice or refuse to believe it but that night you made it public you knew I'd never accept you with Drake or any other man I'm sorry Jesse I was angry had too much to drink and made a stupid mistake Drake means nothing to me you're the only man I've ever loved please forgive me no Heather I don't owe you forgiveness it wasn't just a mistake and it wasn't the first time you were with him even before we were married now I don't even know if Paulie is mine your lies and deceit are too much
she sobbed harder no Jesse Paulie is yours I Don't Love Drake and I'm not with him he just gave me the car to help us I've never been with him you're wrong I shook my head I'm not wrong Heather you've lied to everyone including your mother Jake and Janie I believed you back then but that was my mistake you were always drawn to parties and Drake had money you spent the night with him when I was going to propose and came back pretending nothing happened I was blind because I loved you her tears flowed but
I felt no sympathy but I see through it now you've cheated on me and I'm done tomorrow I'll be gone and I'll file for divorce as soon as I get back I stared into her eyes and I'll get a DNA test to make sure Paulie is mine if it's not I'll sue you for fraud Heather's face paled as she whispered why Jesse why would you think that I've waited for you all this time raising our daughter saving everything you sent do you think I've been lying yes Heather I do you've always lied if you cared
you wouldn't have gone behind my back with Drake it's too late now I stood ready to leave you can keep everything the money the trailer I just want to forget it all but I'll Demand Time with Paulie if you fight that I'll take you and Drake down I'll agree to child support but not alimony I won't give you a dime for him you can call me when you're ready for me to take Paulie she'll just hold you back as I turned to leave I heard a small voice daddy is that you I looked down and
saw paully her wide eyes staring at me my heart sank Yes baby it's Daddy hi Daddy are you going to come home and live with us again I hesitated looking at her and Heather no pumpkin I'm leaving tomorrow but I'll visit you as often as I can okay tears filled her eyes why can't you stay Daddy I knelt down mommy and I aren't going to be together anymore but I'll still see you I promise Heather now composed added that's right right sweetie daddy will visit you often as I held back my emotions I felt a
tug of old affection I hugged Heather One Last Time her fragile frame clinging to me she whispered I'm so sorry Jesse can you ever forgive me I pulled back no Heather I'll never forgive you for destroying my relationship with Paulie I'll stay civil but when she's old enough I'll make sure she knows the truth about you her face reflected the horror of my words but I forced a smile take care of her I'll send everything soon once I loved you with everything I had but now it's too late Heather sobbed I don't know how I'll
survive without you I believed you'd come back I never stopped loving you I sighed I don't care anymore as for Paulie I love her but I need proof She's mine maybe you'll let her visit me she'll like Shawn and Billy they're waiting for me now I kissed Paulie's forehead gave Heather one last look and walked out in my car I stopped the recording on my phone and sent it to her mother and Jake so much for lies as I drove away I saw Heather watching from the doorway I waved goodbye my only thought Sean I'm
coming home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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