welcome to plot twist place for quick summaries of movies with jaw-dropping twists let's dive in our film begins with Craven riding a van heading to prison they are being transferred to a prison in Russia upon arrival he is placed in a cell with a man who dislikes having cellmates the man tells him that the longest anyone has lasted with him in the cell was one month before he ended them but Craven tells him he won't last more than 3 days the man laughs because everyone in this prison is on death row but Craven doesn't care
and goes to sleep the next morning Craven trains in the prison yard using equipment belonging to the leader of the largest gang in the prison his men confront him and tell him to stop but when he ignores them they attack him Craven fights them off with ease knocking their heads together and walking away the police take him to the gang leader he is completely in control of the prison the gang leader interrogates Craven asking how he dares to confront his men during this Craven notices a tiger's claw embedded in the ground realizing the leader is
someone significant when asked who he is Craven replies that he is a hunter but not of animals rather of criminals like the gang leader Craven then attacks and kills the gang leader men with ease before killing the leader himself when the guards enter Craven fights them and escapes the prison his Escape is Swift resembling the abilities of various animals he runs incredibly fast evading the security forces his cellmate laughs realizing Craven kept his word about escaping within 3 days Craven successfully escapes the prison entering a snowstorm where he encounters a wolf the wolf initially attacks
but then calms down leaving Craven unharmed Craven runs toward a waiting plane revealing that his imprisonment was part of a plan to eliminate the gang leader Simeon on the plane Craven recalls his past 16 years ago as a child he lived with his brother Dimitri and their father Nick one day Nick informs them that their mother has committed suicide Craven accuses his father of mistreating her but Nick dismisses this claiming she was mentally ill and weak instead of holding a funeral Nick takes his sons on a hunting trip to Tanzania to teach them to hunt
and toughen them up in Tanzania we meet a girl named Calypso who lives with her grandmother a powerful sorceress during a tarot reading her grandmother predicts a painful event in Calypso's future that will grant her great power she gives Calypso a magical potion capable of saving someone from Death instructing her to use it during the foretold event meanwhile Nick and his sons hunt for Zar the most dangerous line in Africa Nick encourages Craven to eat raw meat and become a skilled Hunter while ignoring Dimitri whom he considers cowardly the next day a man named Alex
joins their group seeking partnership with Nick in criminal activities however Nick mocks Alex and refuses leaving him humiliated later Craven and Dimitri encounter Zar Craven aims his gun at the lion but hesitates feeling a strange connection with the animal Nick arrives and shoots Zar angering the lion which attacks Craven Nick fires again but Zar grabs Craven and drags him away meanwhile Calypso hears Zars Roar and feels drawn to it she sneaks away from her family and finds Zar holding Craven the lion looks at her as if asking for help then drops a single drop of
its blood onto Craven before leaving recognizing this as the event her grandmother predicted Calypso gives Craven the magical potion as Craven is taken away by a rescue team Calypso leaves him the potion and a tarot card depicting a lion at the hospital doctors lose hope for Craven survival but he miraculously recovers when Zar appears in his vision Craven awakens with eyes resembling Zars the next morning Craven finds the tarot card in his pocket but doesn't understand its meaning the doctor explains that his recovery is unprecedented his father and brother take him home where Craven finds
a letter from his late mother she urges him to be a good man and not follow in his father's criminal footsteps Nick criticizes Craven for hesitating to kill Zar blaming him for endangering Demetri calling Craven weak for not killing Zar and to cure his fear Nick presents him with Zar severed head enraged Craven decides to leave he feels a connection with a falcon outside his window and resolves to live in the wilderness he packs his belongings including the clothes he wore during Zar attack and finds the potion bottle realizing the potion saved him he waits
until Nightfall to escape he climbs over the wall but Falls discovering is unharmed he senses Newfound strength and Boards a ship to leave the country without his father's knowledge on his way he encounters a herd of buffalo paralyzed with fear he stands still but one Buffalo protects him until the herd passes confused by his connection with animals Craven continues to his mother's campsite and decides to live there in the wilderness he discovers enhanced senses incredible speed and exceptional accuracy while chasing a deer he realizes his speed is extraordinary he can jump from very high places
and discovers his superpowers more more and more while living in the jungle suddenly he hears the sound of gunfire so he climbs a tree to understand what's happening using his sharp vision and hearing he discovers a gang killing buffaloes to take their horns and sell them he descends from the Heights and attacks them when he arrives he becomes enraged upon finding all the buffalo's dead in such a manner suddenly two Hunters appear and attack him they mock him as a young boy and tell him to go home but his pride won't allow it he picks
up a knife from the ground and finishes one of them off then the other he begins to feel that this will be his role in life to eliminate all the corrupt people he decides he will become a skilled Hunter just as his father wanted but not a hunter of animals a hunter of corrupt humans he snaps back to the present realizing he's on the airplane he notices he still has the lion pendant given to him by the girl who once saved his life afterward he disembarks from the airplane and returns to the Jungle after completing
his mission in prison when he checks his phone he finds a message from his brother assuring him and inviting him to celebrate his birthday he returns to his mother's house in The Jungle which is now his permanent home a few days later we see a gang attack stealing Buffalo's horns as they flee the scene they are surprised to find Craven standing before them he asks why they are doing this but they mock him saying they are stronger and suggest he stay out of their way they attempt to drive away but Craven skillfully gets under the
car takes down two of them and eliminates them with ease he confronts the driver and His companion taking them down as well one of them fires a gun at him but he Dodges it and escapes with the car Craven memorizes the car's license plate and tracks down the gate gang leader he confronts him and finds him standing over his boss's body whom Craven had already eliminated he ask for his name and upon learning it Craven eliminates him as well Crossing his name off his list he walks away finishing off two more and removes the necklace
he wears symbolizing his growth later he meets a close friend who is proud of her journalistic Integrity she once exposed Simon the leader of the crof gang Craven overhears her and offers his condolences reminding her of himself by showing her a card she is shocked to realize he is the boy she once saved he tells her he has eliminated Simon the Croft gang leader when she investigates she finds news of his death and realizes many others have met the same fate at the hands of different individuals some believe Craven is just a myth While others
think it's a story fabricated by a powerful group trying to dominate the market the next day he meets her again and confesses everything he tells her about his mission to eliminate corrupt individuals and how he gained extraordinary powers the day she saved him he shares a list of corrupt names and asks for her help as a lawyer to take down the most dangerous amount them she promises to think about it and get back to him meanwhile Alex who once worked with Craven and Simon during their hunting days has become the leader of a major gang
his assistant informs him that Simon was killed in his cell and that the hunter is responsible Alex however dismisses the news and orders his assistant to bring him Simon's three most dangerous men to take over the business when they meet Alex explains his intention to make one of them the leader they mock him unwilling to kill one another to prove their Worth to demonstrate his power Alex activates a device connected to to his body transforming his appearance one of them panics and shoots him but Alex removes the bullets from his body and reverts to normal
as they prepare to shoot him again one of Alex's men eliminates the shooter leaving two Alex tells them he needs one leader prompting one of them to kill the other without hesitation to save himself he declares himself the new leader in place of Simon the scene shifts to Nick and his son Dimitri who are singing at a bar the new gang leader approaches Nick offering protection and distribution in exchange for a share Nick agrees but he Suspects a trap and manages to eliminate them with the help of his men at the bar however Nick sustains
a gunshot wound to his shoulder and becomes angry at his son for being a coward and hiding instead of defending him meanwhile Alex's assistant informs him of the mission's failure and reveals a flash drive left at Nick's doorstep when Alex plays it he sees surveillance footage of the prison Craven escaped from and learns that Craven is Nick's son and the hunter Alex hires an assassin known as The Foreigner to eliminate Craven The Foreigner begins his mission searching the prison for L he encounters a prison guard but uses his extraordinary powers to magnetically strip the guard
of his weapon and eliminate him the scene shifts to Craven in the city where he visits a tall building to surprise his brother on his birthday he tells his brother he will spend the entire day with him and later they celebrate at a bar their father shows up but Craven struggles to forgive him and barely acknowledges him their father tries to convince Craven to return to the family and let go of the past but Craven refuses after the celebration Craven takes his brother home but struggles to sleep du due to the noise and Technology being
accustomed to the jungle's Tranquility he goes downstairs to sleep in peace in the morning he goes to say goodbye to his brother but finds the place in disarray in Blood on the bed realizing his brother has been kidnapped by a gang he becomes enraged and leaps from the building running toward the car at full speed and there was no difficulty in anesthetizing his brother for our sake and Craven uses his strength and skills jumping from buildings and indeed he catches up with them in the end he tries to break the car's glass but it turns
out to be bulletproof so he clings to the end and continues trying to break the glass but it remains bulletproof and he stays clinging to it he succeeds in opening part of the car but they shoot him and he realizes it's him but he falls from the car they continue their way and reach a location with a helicopter and they are surprised when they see him running toward them he grabs a net and attaches it to the helicopter trying to stop it with all his strength he ties it to the ground but someone shoots at
him so he grabs a pole attaches it to the helicopter and tries to stop it with all his might he ties it to the ground but again someone shoots at him so he grabs a pole jumps and hits them with it the helicopter increases its speed managing to untangle the net from the ground but Craven jumps and clings to it staying attached until he reaches a rescue point this ensures they disappear and Craven goes to Calypso informing her about the gang that kidnapped his brother he also tells her about the marks he noticed on him
and when they disappear she starts making calls to find out we move to Nick's father who sends for Craven to inform him that the Gang has kidnapped his son they demand a ransom of 20 million and Craven advised vises him to pay to get him back but Nick refuses to pay not because of the money but because it would make him appear weak they argue and Craven leaves him and walks away on the other hand Calypso finds someone who tells her that the kidnapper is named Omar living in Turkey he gives her all the information
about him but later it's revealed he works with the Foreigner and was lying to her after achieving his goal he eliminates him and contacts Alex informing him that the hunter is heading to Turkey Alex then contacts Omar warning him that the hunter is coming and advising him to prepare to eliminate him indeed as soon as Calypso tells Craven that the one who kidnapped his brother is Omar living in Turkey he sets off for turkey he climbs the gang's headquarters building eliminating them one by one stealthily when they sense his presence he still manages to take
them down with his Superior strength reaching their leader Omar he interrogates him about his brother but during the interrogation he notices people aiming a rocket at him he quickly Dodges it and before Omar dies Craven questions him learning that the one who kidnapped his brother is Alex Alex is men believe Craven died from the rocket so they take a photo to confirm his death however they are shocked to find him alive and he eliminates them effortlessly he contacts Calypso informing her that the person who gave her the information was working with Alex to set a
trap for him he warns her that they will likely come for her now telling her where to wait while they talk she notices men approaching her so she quickly gathers her belongings from the office and escapes we moveed to The Foreigner examining the weapon Craven uses and the police also see it at the crime scene where he eliminates them easily we transition to Alex who was with Dimitri telling him that people used to call him weak like him but he meets a doctor who made him a device that commands respect and fear however he dislikes
transforming into this creature unless necessary as the transformation causes him immense pain throughout his body he proposes a partnership to Dimitri to take over his father's business after eliminating him but Dimitri refuses to betray his family angering Alex then his assistant interrupts informing him that Craven is still alive and has taken out Omar and all his men at this Moment The Foreigner tells Alex he knows Craven's location because of the rare plant-based toxin in his weapon which only grows in a specific forest in Russia he knows where the forest is we then see Craven meeting
Calypso at the place he told her about taking her to where he lives on their way a tiger attacks him but Craven manages to control it revealing they were just playing as they are used to doing so when they enter Calypso discovers his home sees all his weapons and learns how to use them having trained with them since she was young during Safari trips she notices him conducting experiment ments on a specific plan and he explains that he has been trying for years to recreate the medicine he was given as a child but has yet
to succeed he asks if she has more of it but she denies it meanwhile Alex and the Foreigner prepare to head to Craven's location with a larger group of men The Foreigner carries a tranquilizer weapon that causes hallucinations and paralysis eventually leading to death they make Dimitri contact Craven's brother and Alex learns he is in the forest he offers Craven a partnership promising no harm if he agrees to work together but Craven hangs up declaring war between them at that moment Craven starts preparing with all his weapons and Alex also readies his men to eliminate
him suddenly we see a tiger pulling Craven attacking them and eliminating some of Alex's men Demitri takes advantage of the chaos and escapes but the Foreigner notices and pursues him Craven continues to eliminate Alex's men one by one using traps he set in the forest when Alex hears his men screams he realizes he is losing and calls for a helicopter which begins firing Rockets setting the entire Forest Ablaze Craven Dodges the flames and Calypso decides to intervene and help him while Craven escapes the fire in the forest The Foreigner shoots him with the tranquilizer causing
hallucinations and Nightmares including visions of spiders in his delusion he imagines fighting The Foreigner but in reality he is hitting a tree before the Foreigner can kill him Calypso arrives shooting an arrow at the Foreigner killing him she rushes to Craven finding him near death and gives him her grandmother's magical medicine again Reviving him Alex and his remaining men believe Craven is dead so they leave the forest taking Dimitri with them on their way they are ambushed by a herd of buffalo Alex removes his device to avoid being harmed in the Collision the Buffalo attack
their vehicles killing all of Alex's men Craven also arrives launching an attack on Alex however Alex fully transforms in the two Clash Alex proves much stronger and Craven struggles to defeat him but he can't because Alex is very strong he was about to kill him but Craven notices the location of the device so he hits him with a metal rod this actually affects him and weakens him Craven takes advantage of the situation and manages to tie him up with a large metal rope he throws him in the middle of a herd of buffalo and they
all attack him Craven goes to him before he dies and asks him who sent him the video of his escape from prison Alex tells him that it was his father who send it Craven is shocked when he finds out and at that moment Alex dies completely Craven has eliminated all of them and saved his brother later we see Craven confronting his father telling him that he was the one who sent the video to Alex his father tells him that he is his father and of course knew he was a hunter even if they didn't live
together he recognized it through his action his way of killing people and his combat style he admits that Craven was his biggest rival and that he couldn't eliminate him alone because Craven's gang was stronger than his his father says that if he had asked Craven to eliminate Alex he would have refused so he made Craven do it by sending him the video Craven stands up and before leaving he tells his father that he eliminated all the criminals and gangs except him because he is still his father but even now he doesn't know how to do
it he leaves him and walks away at that moment he hears the sound of a bear approaching he grabs his weapon but finds that the bullets are missing and the bear kills him we discover that it was his father who took the bullets from the weapon a year later we see Dimitri in a bar and Craven goes to congratulate him on his birthday Dimitri tells him that he has started seeing a doctor to treat his fears we find out that this doctor is the same one who treated Alex Craven notices that Demitri is connecting with
Russian gangs and has taken over all his father's business Craven leaves but when he follows Dimitri he discovers that Dimitri has acquired Supernatural powers allowing him to transform into anyone he wants we learn that Dimitri has gained these powers and that there are no longer any gangs in Russia he aims to become the first and largest gang in Russia but Craven tells him that he won't let him do that Dimitri challenges him saying if you can stop me then do it from their conversation we understand that this is the beginning of a war between them
which we will see in the second part so make sure to subscribe and activate the notification Bell so you don't miss the release of the second part