to take the island you have got to burn the boats I've decided I'm going all in the other thing that's so interesting about being alive is that you're all in going all in has an extremely powerful psychological effect no matter what you do you're all in this is going to kill you in poker when you go all in you bet all your money on your current hand so I think you might as well play the most magnificent game you can while you're waiting you only have one single shot one chance to succeed if you're going
to try go all the way either you win everything from this risk or you lose it all if you are going to try go all the way to get into this position in the first place you either need to be extremely confident in your cards or simply so desperate that you have to go all in otherwise don't even start either way the outcomes remain the same the fail to be at the Pinnacle of any game whatever you do you've got to be almost insane to your craft not a lot of people can understand that that's
why I don't know about nothing else it's time we come back for every drop of potential we've left on the table when are you going to stop holding back when are you going to get tired of being mediocre there comes a day where push comes a shelf we being mediocre being like average and just [ __ ] Burns it sucks so much I'm sick of holding myself back feeling like I should be so much further with my goals because I've been leaving so much potential on the table you can't deal with it one more day
and you get off your ass and you create something it's always been there it's always been inside of you trying to come out a couple of years ago I promised myself I'd have made it on YouTube by now but I've helped myself back through excuses and procrast the nation for years I told myself I'd do the work later but it never got started but I can forget about that because now it's time for us to change because we are all in going all in leaves you with two outcomes either you win everything or you lose
everything this will cause fear but you can either be paralyzed by this fear or you can use it as your biggest motivation to succeed in fact it will actually give you the energy needed to keep pushing on conquer your fear and it will turn into your greatest Ally cuz those fears are doorways to your success but what do I actually mean when I say I'm going all in behind every fear guys is the person you want to be by going all in I'm going to be using these next few months to be tunnel visioned on
my goals and it's right there it's right there all you got do is open the door no more distractions no more procrastinating no more doubting myself no cheap dopamine no more inconsistency just sheer commitment to the goals I've set for myself by going all in it means we have no choice but to find a solution to succeed if you keep on attacking something nothing wants to stand in front of anything that is Relentless I want to make it on YouTube and I can't do that if I keep holding back I haven't been posting near enough
videos as I should and that's simply from holding myself back yeah I've made progress up to now but I've left far more behind when I got the most views I've ever gotten on a video I panicked and didn't upload for a month I was scared that I wouldn't be fit to maintain such high standards but so what if I can't maintain that high standard because now I realize it's about fully committing myself to my goal and I want to work as hard as I can to become the best version of myself of course it's a
big risk to place all of my focus on a dream of mine that's not even guaranteed to succeed but I want it so bad that I have to go all in either I win big or I feel but I have to do it because I don't want to look back and have to wonder what if yeah it's crazy that sometimes think like I'm going to see what happens when I decide that I am qualified I don't want to have to look back and have a disgusting feeling that I've let myself down because even if I
fail I know future me would be proud for even attempting it that way I never have to wonder what if what happens when I decide for myself that I'm going to do something different the all-in concept originated in 1519 when hernand Cortez arrived in what was termed the new world hernand had 600 men with him and he ordered them to burn all of their boots this meant there was no turning back if you were the man burning the ships it was due or day turning back was no longer an option and if you were the
enemy looking at the fire in front of you you were presented with a spine tingling fear knowing the guys in front of you had disregarded any means for escape don't have that now it's time we burn our boots stake all your cards and becoming the best version of yourself I me think about it if you're going to do something if you give it your all and you don't have win lose draw get what you want don't get what you want whatever the outcome is because what's the alternative if you don't have asset at least you're
not going to have to wonder would the outcome have been different what if I did give it my own sit around procrastinate and wonder how great we could have been no [ __ ] Dad it's time to make the younger version of you proud what do you think the younger version of you would say if he seen you gave up so easy and didn't even attempt to be your best version that's right he would be disappointed as Fu that's why we have no other option but to go all all in stop holding on to all
these excuses you're making up in your head I became obsessed I became obsessed with being the badest mother that God ever created am I that I don't care I believe it for too long I didn't create the videos I wanted to because I was scared of putting my voice on YouTube in case people who knew me found my channel and laughed at it but now I don't give a [ __ ] my goals are more important than some fickle excuse my mind made up not to be cliche but the quote we suffer far more in
our mind than we ever do in reality is so so true by going all in we have intense focus on our goals with zero distractions and no matter what you have to push forward because you have no other option to not move forward means to lose because we're all in if you go all in and fail it's like Kobe said Kobe told me uh he was like uh people always tell you don't put all your eggs in one basket but what if you could just make some more eggs and people was laughing and he was
like I'm he like dog I just gave y the key to life put all them eggs in one basket and then go get some more eggs I think to succeed you need this intensity or well at least I do anyway I feel like anyone who's ever made it has went through a period of intense focus on goals I've tried the balance way and it just hasn't worked and I was trying to tell them once you become obsessed with something obsessed it's okay to be unbalanced for a while it's okay don't be all this stuff people
say you got to be balanced to be the best in the world at what you do you have to be unbalanced to find every every bit of energy and strength that you have to pull it off it allowed me to make up way too many excuses under pressure from going all in makes it so you have no excuse but to put as much effort in as possible because there's no other option because yeah nothing changes and nothing changes man you know we'll sit around forever wondering well what if I who would I you know would
I be able to do it would I you don't know Jordan Peterson talks about this when discussing a study about starving rats in a tube the rats are placed into a tube with a spring attached to their tail which can measure the force they pull at and this measures their desire then they W the smell of cheese in at the front of the tube and the Rats obviously pull hard because they're starving but then they do a different version of the study they wa the smell of cheese in from the front but also the smell
of a cat in from behind and the Rats pull even harder what's the lesson Chris Williamson says not only do you need to run towards something you want but you also need to run away from something you fear I've lost my minding this game yeah like vinc go he dedicated his life to his AR and lost his mind in the process when people don't understand you anymore you're in that spot of obsession and drive until you say yeah I'm going to you know what I'm going to take action nothing changes if nothing changes man so
I'm going after success and I don't know man but for some reason I'm so excited about going all in because even if I fail I know I'll feel so much better for train peace