Growing MUSCLES Over 50 Years of Age

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Dr. Eric Berg DC
Did you know that weight loss can sometimes shorten your lifespan? But how can that be? In this vide...
Video Transcript:
I want to share some very important information about preserving your muscle for longevity did you realize that when certain people lose weight it actually shortens their lifespan now how can that be I mean we all know that losing weight helps you live longer right as you get older it's very important that you maintain a good amount of lean muscle mass as a side note I do want to mention something that's very popular right now people going on o zic that manipulate certain hormones to help you establish better blood sugar and decrease hunger and slow down
digestion what you should also know is it comes with a package in certain trials they showed that these drugs can actually significantly cause muscle loss the weight that the person's losing is not all fat and in one study they compared it to a decade or more of Aging it would be terrible for someone to go on that drug lose all this weight and find out that it actually also lost a lot of muscle and then put them at risk for not living as long as I read the study it became very apparent what you're losing
really really is important and when we're talking about preserving lean muscle mass out of all the things that you can do for longevity that is at the top of the list muscle loss actually starts for most people in their 30s that's right we have this peak muscle mass let's say you know 18 19 20 years old and then in your 30s it starts to kind of slightly go downward I want to mention sarcopenia for a second because this is age related muscle loss when and one of the ways they Define it is that when you
lose 20% or more of your muscle that would be considered sarcopenia muscle helps regulate blood sugar muscle supports your metabolism and how you metabolize energy when people start developing the sarcopenia their risk for diabetes goes up the risk for immune problems goes up their overall mortality the risk of dying goes up as well on average an 80-year-old will lose about 50% of their muscle however I am going to explain how you can avoid that of course one of the most important things you can do for your muscle is called exercise right did you realize that
inactivity can decrease your muscle mass how many people are sitting in their couch just like watching a lot of TV after they retire and they pretty much don't exercise anymore the worst thing you can do for your muscles is not move and the other point about that is of course you want to have the raw material to build proteins so that would be grass-fed red meat is at the top of the list but what do they tell you to avoid as you get older right avoid red meat because it's going to cause cancer that's a
total lie I think it's very very important to spread out your protein throughout the day you should probably do maybe two meals a day or even three meals a day depending on how much muscle loss that you have and then you should actually take that protein and even it out through the entire day to keep aable protein there for your muscles to take in through the day and this is one of the the problems I have with a person being a vegan especially as they get older getting the quality amount of protein into their muscles
another thing that's really fascinating about this topic is that insomnia is very deadly to your muscles poor sleep will drain muscle mass more than a poor diet when you're sleeping this is where all the recovery occurs with your muscles all of the benefit of exercise occurs at night not during the day or not during a stress event and the type of exercise that you do is very very important too you want to do something that creates resistance on your muscles we need to be able to create enough stimulus to cause the muscles to react and
adapt to that stress and resistance training is the most important secret to reversing age related muscle loss this should be a priority for you as you get older it's very very important regular resistance training regular strength training your fat is a reserve for energy your muscle also has a reserve and this is why your body can fast for a period of time it could not eat for days or weeks where is it getting the protein from your muscle this Reserve in your muscle is also there to be able to heal from an injury to allow
your immune system to tap into these amino acids because your immune system is all protein the white blood cells the repair enzymes the enzymes to help help grow your body are all protein you also use amino acids to make glucose for certain tissues that are dependent on glucose called glucon neogenesis the formation of new sugar from noncarbohydrate sources this muscle Reserve matters it's super important our body requires more protein during infection during immune crisis and after exercise having enough muscle also can infl inuence your cognitive State all these neurotransmitters are made out of guess what
protein the muscles are important in your lymphatic system because it's dependent on your muscles and how well that you use your muscles when you exercise and you do some type of intense exercise you also release anti-aging molecules they're called myokines they help with pain they help with bone exercise is so important there's another type of muscle loss called ketsia This is muscle loss at any age is dependent on chronic illness whether it's cancer or some type of disease like in cancer the body is stealing all that protein for its fuel so in summary these are
the things that you should focus on as you age increase your lean body mass and at the top of the list consistent exercise high-intensity interval training doing strength training walking stretching number two your diet and I'm talking about having adequate amount of high quality amino acids from red meat now it is not true that red meat causes cancer okay grass-fed red meat I'm talking about beef lamb super important if you have any problems digesting red meat which a lot of people do as they age you should acidify the stomach instead of avoiding red meat how
do you do that you start taking ban hydrochloride like maybe four or five of them before you eat the red meat build up the stomach acid it's going to help you absorb not just the protein but also minerals as well remember we need this high quality protein for our immune system for enzymes for antioxidants for the ability to detox the ability to repair the ability to maintain your muscle also make a point of this collagen 30% of your muscles are collagen take a collagen supplement trace minerals and other nutrients are very important in the formation
of muscle I'm going to list the most important ones first okay number one magnesium glycinate super super important magnesium and the exercise will help you sleep which will also help your muscles number two vitamin D number three zinc very important and then we get other trace minerals like selenium and copper the B vitamins are very important coenzyme Q10 very important iron is important but I don't recommend taking that as a supplement get that from your red meat but there's one more little cool thing I'm going to bring up that I'm glad that you stayed this
far because this is like really important I recently went from 185 to 191 pounds and it was all muscle and I didn't change anything but one thing there's a certain type of cultured microbe that you can make and the microbe you would use is called L ruteri I did a whole video on this but this microb has some fascinating research with increasing oxytocin which is going to decrease stress it's going to help your sleep but also there's some amazing data that it can increase muscle stem cell and I think it's doing it for myself and
I'm going to keep doing this and if you haven't seen the video of me talking about it I'm going to put it up right here check it out
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